How To Build Mental Toughness - David Goggins

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you've already done so much David just to get to that first Hill we call you just to make it into the program right okay you've transformed your entire all-everything habits all right physical emotional I mean you really really make it some very progress and then you get there and they start to break you right I'm just curious if you can remember I remember okay take us back there that first hell week of everything you've accomplished when all the junk back in your life something you didn't even they wasn't even your fault but it just was put on you that negative voice how did it manifest itself in that first hell week it was amazing because in the first hell week I was still doubting myself sure because when you sign up these guys come from the the Academy the Naval Academy these guys come from a lot of them not all of them but they come from really good families right they're almost like they're their dads were seals their grandfathers were seals right they they come from a lot better I mean I had to teach myself I didn't earn my way just to get the Navy right let alone be a seal and I quit Air Force training and now I'm going for the best so my self-esteem even though I was building it up and I lost weight and stuff like that I'm now around the most uncommon of uncommon people yeah I'm like my god I'm here yeah do I belong here yes do I belong I belong here so your mind has a good way of taking the path of least resistance whenever friction happens friction causes growth whenever friction happens that's why I always don't have any growth because of friction happens we go the opposite direction so my mind when friction happened my mind said oh hey Matt let's get out of here you're a fraud yeah you're you're not real you've lived your whole life you come from this you come from this you can barely read write those things so whenever times got hard my mind said you're not good enough right let's go right so my mind wasn't my eyes my mind weren't connecting right so how do you combat that so how you can bat that is this I call it the cookie jar okay you have to remind yourself we all have a story we've all all of us have gone through very hard times but we're in a hard time our mind has a way of forgetting Woodall we've overcome I have a way of taking one second when I want to quit instead okay you endured this so I look at my life and how I came up as the ultimate training ground versus most people look at it as why what was me God why exactly why right I had to flip this upside down and saying hang on a second God was training me to be born the baddest men on the planet absolutely right that's how he this was this was my journey do you begin to realize and I saw but how mentally strong you are yes because those things beat me sure but they didn't kill me no and I was able to work around him and figure out ways to do it so when I was in the worst time my life in hell week I look at everybody instead I'm the most trained person here yeah well that's the truth I've gone through more mental torture than you even fathom yeah so I'm looking at the baddest people on the planet I'm looking like this you guys can't hold a stick so I started looking at verses like I don't belong here versus like I might be the best person ever come here Wow who could have pulled this off mm-hmm who could have been given a sewer to live in in their mind and say okay at birth I'm gonna put you in the worst place on the planet Earth and let me see if you can go to the top of the mountain right with nothing right but just hardwork grit and figure it out and not putting yourself back in the dungeon every time something got hard so that's what became my daily voice was you really are the baddest person all right planet yeah after a period of time you start to believe that right and so that's what happened to that you know the first Toby the second hell with the dirt hell week that became my new norm yeah so what most people fear I can never go through one I don't want to going through two even seals who tell you that that Navy so I did 18 months in Navy SEAL training it's only supposed to be six months long right it became my new norm right and that's the people don't do enough of you always looking for new gnorm and that's why my mind started saying getting beat getting tortured suffering broken legs kidneys no kidney issues this is my new norm and my mind started changing with the reality of who I want to be yeah and - let me ask you this because what I'm hearing and what I want our audience to to really grab on to David is that past pain if we go back and we own it and examine it get healthy to the extent that we can now turn it into hey this is prepared us for future pain that's right and so when you're in that training again all of us we have no idea we're just watching movies bad movies right but the physical pain is where it starts with the training right and then that becomes an emotional toil as well right it's coming at you from where sometimes it's it's physical and emotional because of how difficult it is to to put up with the pain and not quit right so how do we learn from you and the seals to handle our pain we're in the midst of pain what because it hurts and it hurts physically sometimes obviously and then some of us are dealing with emotional pain mm-hmm what are we doing those moments when we're feeling the most pain and we're going I cannot go one more second so this is the thing a few years ago the Navy SEALs designed a program called the buds buds prep program in my last two years in the military I did twenty-one years they sent me down to Great Lakes Chicago and we were training these guys to get ready to go to Butz steel training because a lot of guys weren't getting through we thought this program will help them get through so these guys would leave our program studs push-ups sit-ups swimming everything but the numbers were the exact same so I was scratching my hand like Holley work these guys go through two months of this before you get the budgets to quit yeah and we asked you a question in a second don't go for it I started going back through my mind and realizing one thing we were building bigger stronger faster quitters why is that if you don't work on the one thing the most powerful weapon in the world is your mind yeah so the answer your question is this whether it be physical pain or mental pain we all have to start from zero with pain and what that means is if you don't go back we all have something that bothers us everybody in this world is insecure about something that's right something life whether it be your family your mom your dad your brother your sister your wife your husband your kids something has messed you up and whenever you're in physical pain even though you might not be thinking about that mental stuff that happened to you your mind is thinking about it all these dungeons that we've created all these trap doors that our life has created most of time we quit is because we don't have any mental tools to get us through the other side so my whole thing for people is you have to examine why are you doing it in the first place what makes people quit so much in still training in all other special ops training is the mind it's always comfortable to sit there you watch the Navy SEALs show Discovery Channel you're in a 72 degree house so you know you have your lemonade you milkshake with everything yeah I can do that oh sure you're comfortable although I'll say this I never say that well some people do yeah a lot of folks think you know because it feels very comfortable in that comfortable volatile absolutely the second you get out there in that environment where it's 40 degrees like in my throat health we you know we had a guy die a pulmonary oedema died out there and my third hell week you have to really want but able you know whatever you're going for yeah if not all these questions that come up like it's a hot how you go one more step further you know your mind is going to ask you all these questions how can you go one more step further if you don't have the answers to that and I can't give them to you yeah you have to know why am I here for me when I was going through still training I was willing to die so all these negative questions that kept on coming up in my head I had I the answer for me it's those people that don't have the answer for those negative questions and and if you can't ask those questions you will quit right right you will quit
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 203,480
Rating: 4.9271898 out of 5
Keywords: How To Build Mental Toughness, mental toughness, how to build mental toughness in basketball, entreleadership, dave ramsey, how to build mental toughness for running, how to build mental toughness in sports, how to build mental toughness in athletes, motivation, motivational video, success, toughness, fitness, inspiration, The Reason You Need To Run Toward Fear, David Goggins, david goggins, david goggins motivation
Id: 6aw9h5QMNbE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 2sec (542 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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