Storybrand Website Reviews | Donald Miller | EntreLeadership Takeaways

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yes hello Facebook and welcome to a live look in an entree Leadership Master Series coming to you from Nashville Tennessee thrilled to have you with us those people that you see in here are some of the finest leaders in America almost 300 men and women that have been with us all week learning how to grow themselves their team and their profits I'm Ken Coleman thrilled again to have you with us this guy to my right is no stranger to the entree leadership audience but if you don't know who he is he is multi best-selling author Donald Miller and yesterday he launched his latest book a book that we're gonna dive deep into today to help you it is called building a story brand and Donald great to have you with us man I'm glad to be here it's gonna be a lot of fun and so let's just assume that we have some people out there who have not heard of the story brand business that you've been building you're helping corporations big and small all around the country this is gonna be a best-selling book Dave Ramsey loves it we've institutionalized it we can't go through the whole book but what are you doing with this book how is it helping businesses we're helping businesses clarify their message so if you're a frustrated business owner and you have a great product you have really good people working for you you know the process is to scale up your business but you're still not really peaking you know you have more potential than what you're doing your problem might be what we call the fourth P and that is positioning you're not positioned in the marketplace in such a way that people can understand you and this is really really important if people can't describe what you do on the street word-of-mouth virally if they can't describe it in just one short sentence you're probably losing business to somebody else even if they're an inferior company an inferior company who has clarified their message so that word can spread they tend to do better in the marketplace and can I tell you funny story about how I realized this I had a conference company before I ever started story brand and I was a writer for years I started this little conference company and I that I love teaching I discovered I'd love being the professor kind of guy and I wanted it to grow and we rented a theater that had 700 seats in it and 350 people showed up and when you're wired like me that seems like okay we got potential here send out the surveys after the conference and the surveys came back just awesome they everybody said they were gonna tell their friends about it so we did another one 350 people show up 350 empty seats is what I saw drove me nuts friend pulled inside said Donnie you sold millions and millions of books only 3 to 50 people to come to your conference something's wrong well I couldn't fail what was wrong I thought if you have a good product people are gonna come I'm getting on a plane one morning I lived in Portland Oregon I'm getting on a plane one morning to fly to Indianapolis Indiana gentleman sits on the plane next to me he's reading my latest book that had never happened to me before I've never seen one of my books in the wild I got really nervous I didn't wanted you know I was gonna is that my book you know I didn't know what to do I was gonna read it to him and do like the live audio book but anyway I didn't tell him who I was I just said do you like the book he said I love this book it's the fourth time I've read it I'm on my way to Indianapolis to hear this guy speak and I thought me too and for two hours well first of all he's gonna figured he'd figure it out write my covers my pictures on the cover of the book never figured it out so for two hours you know after 10 minutes I've dug a hole I can't I'm just so I just keep asking questions what do you like about him the more he describes my books the less I want to buy them and I realized and he was he loved him but he just described them in such vague olace was I've got to give my customers language that I can use so that they can succinctly explain why somebody should read my books and that's how I created the story brand process it's a filter that helps you radically clarify your message into sound bites so that when you say them people hear them understand why I need your product and can repeat them to other people and we think it's the secret weapon unfortunately I never told that guy who I was so I walked on stage that night he never came up to say how crazy that I sat next to you I think maybe he was mad if you see him tell him I'm sorry I've never seen him since but we have taken over 3,000 companies through that process we've seen companies double triple quadruple in revenue after they did one thing clarified their message just have to get it down into soundbites mostly that translates into really good websites websites that communicate in a very short period of time exactly why I would need your service when I go to your website and most of the spend money on websites and most of us are wasting money on websites and it's not because they're not beautiful a lot of them are beautiful they just don't say anything that would make me want to buy thing you're making me do too much math and too much calculation in my brain to figure out why I need your product and if you you make somebody think for longer than five seconds before realizing why they need your product you're going to lose that business so the book has a framework that you can work through in a very short period of time you getting your entire brand message onto one sheet of paper and you use those words on that sheet of paper to populate all of your marketing collateral and you'll see a difference and folks I'm going to tell you something if you trust Dave Ramsey then you're gonna trust this book because those sheets come in this workbook that our team has gotten at your events and they're all over our office I can tell you that fantastic stuff and we have institutionalized story brand in everything we do at Ramsey solutions and here's what's cool we're gonna dive into some parts of the book that are really gonna help you but I want to tease you with this I'm gonna give you the information now I'll give it to you again this is a really cool offer really thrilled to partner with Don and his team to do this but we're gonna give away the first three chapters of the book this is cool that's right give it away here's how you get it just text story brand no spaces story brand like one long word there text that two three three four four four that's three three four four four if you do that again I'll remind you but you're gonna want to get those first three chapters it is fantastic and so let's go through a couple parts of the book that I think are so practical people were watching they go oh man this is gonna be great you can help my business right now and we're gonna start with something that you call the grunt test that's right so before we tell people walk them through it rather with some live attendees what do you mean by the grunt test well the grunt test is is if I could take a your website and open it up on a laptop and I were to put it into the lap of a caveman can you're the perfect example if I could just put it in kids lap and in five seconds a caveman and by that I mean a really primitive vicar with a with more of a beard and a turkey leg much more forehead yeah costumes but if in five seconds your caveman needs to answer three questions what do you offer how will it make my life better and what do I need to do to buy it so if you're watching on Facebook I want you to write it down what do you offer how will it make your customers life better and what do they need to do to buy it those are the three most important questions they need to be in the header that is the top portion the most important portion of your website those are the only three questions that need to be answered if somebody can answer those in five seconds you have your much much more likely to do business if it takes some 10 or 15 or 20 seconds you're probably losing a significant percentage of business and if they can't answer those questions you're losing a ton of business and you're getting business elsewhere word of mouth great customer service all that kind of stuff and also it's really important but why not add a website where we're branding ourselves really quickly and really easily so the grunt test is what we have to pass on our website and and let's be honest most people the book actually at the end tells you how to create an entire sales funnel but the most important thing we do these days just get your website right because people check you out they hear about you they go to your website it needs to affirm all of their feelings about your brand and needs to affirm those things so that they'll do business with you what do you offer how will it make your life better and what do I need to do to buy it the three most important questions to answer in your marketing okay so we're gonna put this to the test so folks on Facebook just be glad you're not in the audience that you didn't volunteer for this but there's actually going to be a lot of fun and it's gonna be very helpful so if you're in our audience and you volunteered your site get ready to come on up here and first we're gonna start off with Victoria Clausen and Don her website is Victoria Clausen dot-com you can see it there on the screen and gray is a florist so everybody give Victoria hand hi Victoria welcome okay well I've never seen any of these websites they asked me do you want to study them and I said no because I want you to be able to experience me looking at them from an outside perspective one of the reasons I do that is because we struggle with the curse of knowledge the curse of knowledge is a phrase created by Lee Lefever wrote a wonderful book called the art of explanation and Lee the fever says knowledge works on a scale of one to ten or if knowledge worked on a scale of one to ten you understand flowers and whatever you do which I'm about to find out at a level ten I mean you have a you know what you're doing you have a PhD in flower AG so and I don't write I just need some flowers so what we intuitively know we've got to simplify this message because people aren't as smart as we are in our field of expertise what we do is then we take level 10 and we scale it down to about level six because we've simplified our message because we want to reach more people that's a great effort the problem is people buy between levels one and two so from two through six is the curse of knowledge we're talking over their heads we're not speaking to their actual needs and what we're gonna see I haven't looked at any of these websites I guarantee you're gonna see the curse of knowledge happening but it's hard for you to see because you're so smart you have to you have to get a dumb guy to look at your website and so that's what I'm gonna do okay so this is the first time I've seen it okay there's a couple things I noticed right away one is the top right corner of your website is your dominant real-estate so right here we need a buy now or order flowers or whatever you do so we need that right there instead we have connect I don't know what Connect means right and I I didn't come here to connect I came here to buy flowers so when you say connect I say dating service now if it takes me calories my brain is going to fill in categories lightning-fast you can't stop it you cannot stop your customers brains from thinking they see connect they go dating service now you have to deconstruct the fact that you're not a dating service right in order to construct the fact that you're doing something else now probably most people would go dating service but I see connect I think dating service what I really want to see is buy flowers or order flowers or something like that okay now I see this the first thing you probably see is Victoria Clausen and no offense I'm sure your wonderful person but I don't know who Victoria Clausen is but there she is and then floral events so floral events are events that are put on for flowers so it's where flowers get together and have events together and talk about what sort of petals are you gonna wear to that wedding I was thinking about wearing red I notice you're wearing red it's March is it okay are we the wrong flowers for this month okay obviously I'm being very facetious because I would have met you I would imagine though that you bring flowers to weddings to Bank is that what you do we design events you design all of the events you would do more business if you said we design events honestly you would see an increase in business if you said we design beautiful events right that's it that's what you sell you sell a beautiful event now that's physically what you sell but I'm actually not looking for just a beautiful event I'm looking for a beautiful event that impresses my friends right we design beautiful events all of your friends won't believe it or your friends won't believe the beauty or whatever so flowers are part of it or not part of it they are part of the big part of it a big part of it so but it's floral events but it's not like for the Rose Parade or anything like that you can see why I'm confused okay so we have a mantra story brand if you confuse you'll lose so what you want to do is you say here's what we do we design beautiful events what's in it for me you know everybody will be impressed or or it'll be the event the event of the season well you're well you're offering me if you say the event for the season by the way is an identity and something that I want that's even more powerful than a beautiful event is I want to be a kind of person who is known for having a beautiful event I'm wanting my friends to see me to see me we call it selling in the book it's called selling an aspirational identity and it's really important for you oh these visits are expensive right so we worked with a wedding coordinator who starts at 1 million dollars that's her fee so she only does like 10 a poor thing scale-up is difficult and so what she's really selling is an identity that this thing is gonna be flawless beautiful there's not gonna be a problem but every one of your friends from Senator so-and-so - Kid Rock is gonna come to this thing I'm kidding about Kid Rock I don't know if he's ever been owned but but they're in account of this thing and they're gonna think this person is that does amazing events so we want to get that in here so probably when we scroll down after we say you know something about we we we host or we help you host a beautiful event then here's the other thing that immediately seems gonna say if you say we help you host a beautiful event or we help you to tour they're gonna say oh well you don't do you don't do you know food service whatever so you actually want to overcome that right away everything from food service to this so that means we need to send out some customer surveys and we need to find out what what is the resistance right do you do everything for the event no you don't do the food okay so we will help you make a beautiful event anything that will make your event beautiful from chairs tablecloths - napkins - flowers - whatever you want to list all of that stuff because I'm giving you split seconds to fill in categories of the problem that you helped me solve and within five seconds I need to know all I've got to do is call her and everything visual is gonna be taking it literally I'm gonna take a shot I'm gonna call the caterer I'm gonna call the entertainment and I just have to take a shower after that right yep okay so what did I just say you'd scroll down you'd say we will make your event beautiful we do with everything visual your event all you have to do is call the caterer and maybe some entertainment and take a shower we'll handle the rest you see now you just did the math for me on what my part is in this really easy thing and you've offered me a beautiful aspirational identity that everybody's gonna come and think Don Miller puts on beautiful event so we want to get that kind of copy in there here's the great news you've done so much right one it's a gorgeous website nothing visually I don't think needs to change it's fantastic you've made so few mistakes that people make there's not a ton of text on here nobody reads paragraphs on websites anymore they scan website they don't read them this is a scannable website you have who we are and who we are not that I didn't read that yet but that's actually confusing so I would actually say schedule a consultation or you know give us a call I would probably get rid of those things the other thing that I would add to this website and it may already have it you can tell me I would add a lead generator so I'm looking around there are six people that I'm trying to choose between to make my event beautiful but you've got a lead generator five things that go wrong in expensive events or five ways people waste their money you probably not know that you probably know more higher end than that but you see it I'm saying something that I'm gonna give you my email address I give you my email address you you give me this four-page magazine article style document that's beautiful that says the five mistakes people make when they're hosting an event you've officially if I read that document you become my guide I've just spent an hour with you and I spent four seconds with your competitor bouncing off their website who's gonna get my business you are and then you're gonna send me over the next two weeks even more help through an email then what happens you're in my phone and I'm getting an email I'm not even reading it I'm swiping it and I'm deleting it but I'm not unsubscribing because that PDF was so valuable but what are you doing your might reminding me that you exist and now it comes time cuz Betsey's saying Don make the choice the event is coming and Who am I gonna call you because you've branded yourself in my mind Alfred to resolve my internal problem offered me an aspirational identity and done it with crystal clear language so I would get a legion writing PDF I would capture email addresses I would send them five or six emails you should see I would think business double just from that the great thing is this is the website itself is a 15-minute fix it's just text you just need to change some text I would remove connect I would say schedule our service or something like that I would make it a different color on the top right I would add a lead generating PDF and I would think you would do really well good yeah how about that all right up next let's hear from Andy Crum they are a building and home supplier the website Don is Womble oh this is Andy and Ainsley good to see you all give them a hand Oklahoma City beautiful town but Townsend amazing town that town is really up-and-coming I know yeah doing a lot okay we are what the Wawel company just one thing that doesn't solve my problem so I don't know what the Wawel company does right you know so at this point I'm having to fill in gaps in my brain not now my brain is moving ahead of you you didn't fill it in I'm gonna fill it in with wrong answers you gotta fill it in with the right answers I just want to know what a wobble is but yeah and then people are guessing yeah what's a wama okay nobody's read these paragraphs and I'm not gonna read them because we don't have time this is like war and peace these days okay Tulsa Oklahoma why should I call you I want a lamp okay you're a real estate company no you see I'm filling it in your window company yeah we're Pella windows and doors oh my gosh best windows anywhere just get rid of this best windows anywhere best windows anywhere wawel company pictures of some windows you'll see business go up right cuz now I know you're a window company what differentiates your windows from other windows well they're high quality and the we install paint service we do all the board the full turnkey great best windows anywhere we install paint service which saves me from what down the road from you know energy efficiency you know rotting windows we take care of it all for you yeah okay so you want you to agitate a paint there's gonna be a little bitty paragraph not this much maybe half of one of these things that says will never leave you out in the cold we won't sell you windows without servicing backing up will actually physically show up in your house and make sure they're working great you'll never worry about your windows again okay something like that you know differentiates because you're actually gonna come out do it from from installation to painting the whole deal I don't maybe that's other window companies but I wouldn't know that so soon as you said that I would think you're the only window company that does that right so you want to say a lot more let's say actually as Oklahoma's only turnkey Pella provider I don't know what a turnkey Pella provider is we've been supplying builders contractors architects and homeowners with the highest quality construction products available again construction products as timber beams in some foam insulation right it's windows so you're not you're not owning the window territory because you're not telling me you do the best windows you want to be known as I'm telling you you know if you're at a cocktail party says Andy what'd he do you say you know most people have serious problems with their windows they hate opening and closing them they they leak that cold air is coming through we sell the best windows in the industry we install them we paint them we service them we make sure nobody will ever worry about their windows again we are the window people right now who are you in their brain yeah when they think when a problem is a cue a cue that makes them think of something I have a problem I promise windows that's a cue and you have not put yourself in their brain as the solution to the problem because you are selling to contractors architects home bows the highest quality construction products available nobody ever got to the second sentence and there's nothing about this image that says you saw Windows there's nothing on here at all that tells me you saw my window problems now here that sounds negative enormous opportunity yeah I mean you have if you're doing good business and you can solve that problem it's literally like having a retail store and turning off the lights and putting a chain around the door and you're still in business let's turn on lights take the chain off the door and count the money that's version 2.0 so thanks get the point oh six weeks ago hey not a money problem a word problem super easy to fix sound great thank you sighs yeah that's good that's really good cuz you know you know what I'm thinking I'm thinking if they put it in and they paint it that's one phone call instead of calling a painter after the guy puts the windows in yep I've got on the ATD guy I want one phone call also if I'm choosing windows Betsey now I building a house right now we're gonna have to choose windows pretty soon if there's a PDF in here that just says three things to look for in a quality window you know or five things people love about our windows or five things that people love about our windows and hate about other windows probably downloading that PDF and if you're selling to contractors you want a sales funnel that's separate to contractors and separate to architects on ramp them differently they're different kinds of customers all right huge opportunity for you guys yeah all right up next is Mark bond mark come on up Don he runs a recycling company hey Martha the website is Metro okay I can are you gonna be affected by this trade tariffs thing in China shipping scrapbook absolutely okay yes you don't know about that yeah I know about okay this is this is a building that's for sale you saw in that building and no you lease the space in the building we own the building okay you lease in any space though no okay because that's what you're selling yeah [Laughter] okay who's your customer what would what would if I have a what would I send you by the junkyard I'm pulling out scrap metal I'm send it to you and all because yeah we buy from them mostly its industrial customers that generate scrap metal and some aspect of their business great repeat customers repeat customers okay in sales reps going out and talking to them on time what differentiates you from your competitor mostly that we're local we're not corporate you're the local guys yeah which means they get more more time with you they get more hands-on service get more you can pivot quickly yep take care of these are you competitive in the marketplace yes okay so we want a bullet point all that stuff and brand it in their brains and why they don't they need to go with you and nobody else is it is can you take you know would be really careful but can you take business your competitor in your area is there there people who there's plenty of opportunity to grow there is I mean there's a certain size of the pie but we can steal from them okay so one thing that you want to do is you want to say how do we help your recycling services trans loading containers we'd have to spend a little bit of time figuring out your business but I do want above the header I want I want to know what you do we do industrial recycling and then I want to know the biggest problem that people have in recycling that they're tired of what is the problem that your customers are tired of they're just sick of it there are a lot of them are worried about getting ripped off so they're not sure because I would imagine if I'm sending you two thousand tons of steel or whatever I don't know the market well enough to know what's a good price and what's not a good price correct okay so if you can figure out a solution to that transparency in prices you know you want to do that too I don't say you want to offer the best prices or something like that because you might not be able to but something that takes away that fear and so we want to say Industrial recycling always transparent about prices getting you the best money you want to be the Carmack's of industrial recycles and here the big fear at Carmack's here's what Carmack sells everybody thinks they sell cars they don't sell cars they sell the fact that you don't have to deal with a used-car dealer and that's why they're an eight point seven five billion dollar company because they've taken the resistance out of the market when people walk onto a car lot they don't want to deal with the used-car dealer so when I'm dealing with recycling when it's really intimidating I feel out of control I don't know what these prices should be and you're gonna take that away you're gonna say you might even be really transparent about your Marko's you know we're getting in a little bit of business strategy but I would say enormous opportunity here and then what you really want to do is you want to send your sales rep out probably to talk to them right yes usually sales reps yeah about five okay so you want that sales rep in that office talking to that CEO probably or somebody in the c-suite and so there's nothing here that tells me I can hire a sales rep right there's I mean there's nothing here so contact us wouldn't be able that it would be scheduling a point with a sales rep have a sales rep meet you today then this is so we got the header we put what you do what differentiates you and what I want you to do is I want you to call one of my sales reps that's what I want you to do we're trying to get married here so let's let's lock it down we want to want to call you one of my call one of my sales reps and then and then this is begging for a lead generator ten ways people get ripped off in the recycling business you know yeah you need to PDF like what you'd recommend it over there what was the title oh you're gonna do that or no I'm just saying it just doing in PD just doing a PDF yep and you can have somebody basically you can have even one a copywriter from our organization if you go to clarify your message com you can hire one of our certified marketing coaches or copywriters we take nothing from them they're all independent but we train them all and they can sit down with you in about three hours and they can get you one of those PDFs I mean they can get the text and get it back to you then you give it away and you get that email address again you're in their phone you're in their phone you're in their phone it's branding it takes the brain eight times to encounter the same information before they finally metabolize it once on your website twice on your PDF and then you start the email sequence and when we get to eight that's where you start seeing the phone ring this is zero it doesn't even count as the first touch because you don't tell me what you do here you'll tell them what differentiates you and you don't tell them what you want to do that you want them to call again it's a text problem soup here's some things you're doing right very simple not a whole lot of text people don't read text but again you've confused me every time I'm burning calories figuring out that you're trying to sell a building and then I'm burning calories deconstructing that you're not selling a building and constructing my brain that you're recycling company we think they're looking at this and reading it they're not the words speak way images speak way louder than words so enormous opportunity for you to grow and increase in business and let's get those the phones of those sales reps let's get them busy 40 hours a week always meeting with people sounds great yep and then we can actually go into that meeting with the sales rep we could do the exact same thing I could say why are they saying that that's not how we open a conversation you know hey the reason I'm here is because I've heard you have a problem and it's this do you have any other problems in the recycle business what's your biggest frustration the first ten minutes are mining for the problems okay that problem I don't know if I can solve that for you but these three you should not be experiencing that that's not right and I think those people are taking you for granted we can fix that next and we're inviting them into a story sound good sounds great right great hey thanks a lot yeah more nice alright so you'll do one more real quick yeah you can do this in five minutes cuz it's like it's kind of like your thing so here we go let's go with Ken I hope I'm saying this right ken Koecher Kocher I'm sorry that I should be fifty I can come on up he runs a security company and the website is force security dot-com for security calm I think it's too plain yeah okay so force curious whooshes okay I'm not gonna read this so basically I don't have anything to read right and so we want to say home security or business security or what marshal government commercial and government security systems right no residential okay so but you come in and you install like an alarm system alarms video surveillance access control you get in people do you sell do you do you know okay okay so electronic security what you just said so they said government and commercial security systems alarms access control access control videos photos that's it it needs to be right here really big okay and then that's that's what you offer so here's what's beautiful you haven't told anybody what you offer that's like saying Kenneth I'd like to buy something from you what do you sell and you go guess cookies you go no no we're going to be a long conversation we're not going to get there so let's say that cuz this doesn't tell me anything I mean I I don't I mean this kind of looks like the panel in my house so maybe you do that but you're making me think right and you don't want me to think never make your customers think think for them that's what when we were all in this service let's we have to serve them by thinking for them also top right schedule an appointment I mean I would imagine you come out to my business and you assess what I need right we'd risk assessments here's something you're gonna the banner is gonna be their government and and commercial security systems video blah blah blah scale down the next thing I want instead of this video I want one we analyzed your place of work to we give you a custom report three we install a system that works flawlessly and and protects your assets one two three that way I don't go this sounds complicated you know I don't know how this works I'll do it tomorrow you know it's no reason not to do it tomorrow one two three do it right now and then where you gonna put schedule an appointment under the plan schedule an appointment under the explanatory paragraph to schedule an appointment and look at all these buttons laid all this all that should be in the junk drawer right there should be go to my website I have no more than two buttons in the top right we just put together one website we put it together in one and a half days I mean it was a little longer than that and I just put apply and it's the only button on the website did one point four million dollars in the first two months there's nothing else there's no contact us no frequently asked questions it's just a plot what I didn't give them any other options apply or don't apply give me money or don't give me money right I don't want to have a conversation right I'm here to make you money so that we want to do that right super super easy sounds good perfect thanks huge opportunity she ate it thank you
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 59,414
Rating: 4.921824 out of 5
Keywords: donald miller books, Website Review | Donald Miller | EntreLeadership Takeaways, donald miller storybrand, creating your life plan donald miller, storybrand entreleadership, story brand website reviews, donald miller story brand, storybrand, story brand donald miller, entreleadership miller, don miller storybrand, donald miller entreleadership, storybrand donald miller, entreleadership donald miller, story brand, donald miller quotes, donald miller marketing, donald miller
Id: og5X7elqHUY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 12sec (1932 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2017
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.