3 Questions Every Website Must Answer In Order to Drive Business

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and we just wrapped up our afternoon mid afternoon session with Donald Miller and Seth Godin and if you've been hanging around anything we've been doing an entree leadership for a while you know that we love Donnell Miller this is his new book there it is building a story brand and Donald you did a great talk for us and you don't have time to unpack all of it but one of the things you have done so generously I believe but I think it's absolutely a wonderful analogy as you explain to people how to build a story brand this idea of you as the company your brand is not the hero you're the guide and you have said that Dave Ramsey and Ramsey solutions has done that very very well how is that well first I want to say it's it's been intuitive that if you naturally think and narrative this little easier for you and if you look at how Ramsey solutions and I actually asked you to ask me this questions just in the oddest cuz I didn't want I don't want these guys behind the scenes right they're self-serving but there are several things that Dave is doing that invites a customer into a story one of the first things is he doesn't actually tell his story or present his story or play the hero in the story which is a no-no there's so many people out there who really want to help you tell your story I'm saying don't do it you want to invite people into a story rather than tell them a story because what people are trying to do is survive and live a great story and they're looking for somebody to invite them into a story to live so Dave invites people into a story invites people into story about having financial freedom and not being enslaved to credit card debt and all that kind of stuff so that's the first paradigm shift invite people into a story rather than tell your story telling your story is a great way to go bankrupt inviting people in story is a great way to grow your company you guys do it intuitively Dave does it intuitively second the what that story is about needs to be crystal clear so the story is about you getting into debt if the story is about you being fulfilled or something that feels a little bit of vague and so you're gonna lose percentages of the audience the more vague you are the more defined you are the more people are going to engage especially if they can imagine as a climactic scene so imagine a movie about somebody trying to pay off debt and there's this climactic scene where they pay off the debt and then they go on Ramsey's show and they do a debt free scream what he's doing is he's taking it an obligatory or climactic scene is what would it be called in screenplay terms he's taking it and he's duplicating on the air every day so if anybody hears that debt free scream and there they've got debt they're seeing the end of a story that they can actually live themselves so what does that mean for us business leaders it means when you have a client that experiences success put it on your Instagram every day every time you have a client that experiences success come up with some way to formalize that success and put it on your Instagram and every day what you're doing is you're inviting people to experience that themselves but the only way they can do it is to go through your process so it's cheap it's free it's a great way to do it Dave didn't know he was doing this he just wanted to celebrate and shine the spotlight on some people he was accidentally creating a climactic scene in their lives another thing is you got to point out what negative thing is gonna happen if you don't do this well it's pretty clear you're in credit card debt you're not gonna have freedom other companies going to own your time and your your life in some ways there's a consequence for not doing this and there's a reward for doing it so all of those are that's about three of the narrative aspects of a story that he is inviting customers to live and then displaying and it's it's worked fantastic and there's a reason it's work fantastic that's right Ramsey solutions does it Apple computers does it that's right Home Depot does it coca-cola does it there's just not I've never found one an extremely successful brand that doesn't do this there are a lot of successful brands who've stopped doing it United Airlines Comcast and you see them begin to decline and they figure it out and they start to clarify that and they go back up but everything every customer is looking to be invited into a story and the more we can make the elements of that story clear and our communication the more people will engage you know one of the things you discuss in the book and you share it again today as we begin to take on the mindset of the guide you're trying to help that customer solve a problem right meet their need the way you break this down in the book and all the workshops you do is an internal need and an external I need I just want you to set that up because I think that's a mind-blowing concept when people get it they go oh so how's Dave meeting that intern let's use Dave an example yeah the listener on the radio show the caller give us an example of that internal and external well what's happening is companies tend to sell solutions to external problems but human beings buy solutions to internal problems so in other words nobody's really interested in your product they're interested in what your product can get them that's right and so when you clearly communicate my product can get you a resolution to this external problem and let's add value let's add value a resolution to the frustration the external problem is causing and let's add value a fight and a piece of ammunition in a philosophical war where it's wrong for people to have to struggle with this well now we have three levels of problems we've only been excited about one of them that's one-third the value that you actually offer you're not talking about the other two and over 2,000 years storytellers have figured out external internal and philosophical in other words what Dave is actually offering is to get out of debt that plan to get out of debt but his his mantra the name of his product is Financial Peace University what's he offering in the name of the product a resolution to the internal problem and he's smart enough to know intuitively that the internal problem is what people are really trying to resolve and so just consider that a value add you're already resolving an external problem if you add language that says you know you don't have to deal with this problem and experience this pain and it's wrong for you to ever have to do that those that three levels of problem we call them stakes those three levels of stakes when you offer to resolve that with a Buy Now button you you you do two things you dramatically increase the size of the story loop in your customers brain and that makes them want to close it by buying your product and also when they do buy your can close those three levels of story oats they experience a greater satisfaction with the purchasing of your product attribute greater value to you as a kind of as a brand and are much more likely to tell their friends about that if they ever meeting somebody at a cocktail party at a coffee shop who has that problem they're gonna be able to go here's your frustrating cuz you have this problem I have a friend who got me out of it and it's all in the language that we use it needs to be crystal clear especially about those three levels of problems our customers are experiencing one of the most effective and fun things we've seen you do at our events and you didn't do it today but you've done it at our entree Leadership Master Series is we've had attendees come up on the stage and we put their website on the screen and one of the things you do in Story brand is walk people through how that website needs to to look so that it does what you're teaching in the book so before we let you go you haven't these folks tuning in on Facebook to know about the free website yeah it's a great you can't forget it write it down be ready to go and you got to go check it out tell them why they need to go what it's gonna do for them yeah but what they do with that if you had a five minute marketing makeover calm five-minute market makeover Tom calm spell it out or use the number-5 it doesn't matter a little the same place I go through what you need to have on your website and actually go through a website that we created that we consider perfect it's a perfect website if it were a real company it would be a billion dollar company but it's not which is great you've give it a whole month great giving you a model and answer all the questions there but let me just say if you don't have time to do that if you don't want to do that there's three things that your website needs to answer within five questions there's three five seconds three questions your website needs to answer within five seconds what do you offer how will it make my life better and what do I need to do to buy it what do you offer how do I make my life better and what do I need to do to buy it if you're not answering those three questions you're losing money what do you offer how will it make my life better and what do I need to do to buy it just answer those three questions and you're gonna be a long way down the road incredible stuff now you know why we love Donald Miller so much again it's brand-new book building a story brand if you don't have it run go get it wherever books are sold your main website hit it real quick story brand calm
Channel: EntreLeadership
Views: 20,596
Rating: 4.9247313 out of 5
Keywords: 3 Questions Every Website Must Answer In Order to Drive Business, donald miller, website, making sells, making a good website, create a website, make a website, making a good website design, making a good website name, making a good website header, tips for making a good website, rules for making a good website, keys to making a good website, dave ramsey entreleadership, entreleadership dave ramsey, dave ramsey, dave ramsey leadership, entreleadership podcast
Id: 6Y_Jd7yNJ2w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 42sec (522 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 04 2018
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