Story of Tobit | 100 Bible Stories

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[Music] in the city of Tishrei the native place of Elijah there lived a man named tobot he lived with his wife Anna and his son Tobias Torben was a man of faith and he lived according to the laws of Moses but Israel was attacked by Assyria and they took the Israelites to the town of Nineveh their capital Javed and his family were among the Capitals these exiled essa lines had settled down outside the city seeing that the nanomites worshiped the idols some people among the Israelites - started worshipping their gods hey Tobit oh hello aren t worshiping the gods today no my friend I would never worship the idols it's against the law of God ha you and your gods God has already abandoned us look at our condition now we should worship the Assyrian gods now I'm sorry my friend but I would like to stand firm on my faith hey who is turbid here him he is table it yes I am table it why do you ask you must come to the palace immediately the king wants to see you the king why does he want to see me I have done nothing wrong I don't know about that you must come with me right now all right sir I will come with you you must have done something why would the king want to see him otherwise yes it's true he's going to get punished look what your fate has bought you Toby [Music] in fact the king did not want to see tobot for punishing him he actually was going to reward him are you tobot yes my lord I am tobot why did you want to see me I have done nothing wrong ha ha ha no I'm not going to punish you in fact people have told me that you are an honest and talented man I wanted to make you the supervisor in charge of foreigners who live in Nineveh I also want to trade goods with our neighboring states huh you should take charge from today itself I will provide you with a house inside the city oh thank you thank you my lord Chobot worked hard and he travelled far and wide for trading with different countries the King rewarded him abundantly and he became very rich one day while he was in rages a small town in media he went to visit gebel one of his old friend Joe bill my friend I want you to do me a small favor what is it my friend here this bag contains 10 talents of silver huh why are you giving this to me I want to keep this money safely for you I have more than enough money with me today I don't know what's going to happen in future could you please keep this money safe for me I will come and collect it when I need it of course my friend I will keep this safe for you you can trust me but by the time Tobit reached back Nineveh the Good King had died his son had taken charge and he was very very cruel to Israelites heard of it hello sir how are you not good tub it I'm here to warn you what happened Toby the King died a few weeks ago and his son is ruling the kingdom now Oh No the new king has removed all these relates from his council and he has replaced you too my friend but war you mustn't protest my friend I'm telling you this in good faith he is killing the people of Israel for no reason but but what wrong did they do is being an Israelite or wrong thing Shh be silent look over there that's what he did to the people who protested him oh my god why did he do this and when were they hanged that must be a few days ago a few days ago their body deserves a proper burial we can't let their bodies be eaten away by vultures we must bury them at any cost you're on your own my friend I can't help you with that if the King knows that I buried their bodies then the next body would be mine I'm sorry no I can't let their bodies hang like these and that guide Taba took the bodies and gave them a proper burial what where are the bodies I don't know my lord maybe someone would have taken the bodies to bury it what do you mean someone to get find out who did this and hang him yes my lord realizing his life was in danger tobot fled from the city when the King knew that it was stop it who had buried the bodies he confiscated all of his wealth Tov its family was reduced to poverty and they had to live without orbit for many years after many years the evil King died and he was succeeded by a new King Esarhaddon he was a kind man and he ruled the land just and fair when Javed realized it was safe he came back to his home it's so good to be back my husband you're back bye dear it's so good to see you where is Tobias my son there he is he was after working in the fuse father father Tobias father you're back how are you my son you you have grown up so much come dear let's go inside and have something to eat you look so weak Anna prepared a huge feast for tobot who came after long time from hiding oh it's so much food we are seeing you after a very long time dear please eat and fill your stomach but there is plenty yeah we must share the food with the poor Tobias go into the town and bring some of the backers the Lord has been merciful to us we must share this food with them we can call the poor tomorrow you must eat this first no food must be shared with the hungry Tobias please go and get them now yes Father you were all were doing it when will you start thinking about your own family first haven't you learned anything from what happened to us so far don't worry dear if we help the poor then God will take care of us father father what is it son what happened father there's a dead body lying in the market it looks like somebody killed another Israelite is there anyone there with the body no the body is just lying there alone all right let me go and see I can't let one of our own just lie there but please have your meal first I have to bury the body first I will come back and eat after that Hobbit took the body and gave it a burial with the help of his friends oh and that's done why haven't you still learned you just returned from hiding because of burying the Israelites if someone comes to know what we did we will lose our heads but how can we allow our brother's body to be eaten away by birds no I cannot let that happen we are leaving we'll get in trouble if someone sees us here aren't you going home Tobit No I touched a dead body and I'm unclean I will sleep under the street tonight and go home in the morning but that night bird dropping fell on his eyes and he lost his eyesight oh I can't see oh my god bird dropping in my eyes I can't see no hobbits life became more miserable once he lost his eyesight and I had to work as a maid to support the family oh there you are sitting around all day doing nothing you are home did you get any food I'm starving why should I be the one to get food why don't you ask your God you are always praying to him don't talk like that dear God will help us I have had enough of you and your God but my God have mercy on us look kindly upon our sufferings [Music] Hannah I just remembered that I had given some money to my friend Gabrielle we could get it back any time huh you are remembering this now you should get the money immediately we don't have to starve like this anymore Tobias I'm blind and I cannot travel that far can you go to rages and collect the money for my friend of course either father then you must go and find a trustworthy man to travel with we can pay him for his time I shall go right to their father Tobias left for rages along with his newfound friend and travel companion as arias they saw the blessings of tobot before they left for their journey as arias please take good care of my son I will sir my son may the God bless you Mays angels protect you all the time have a safe journey and return to us soon hey Luke it's a son ha he's back yes he is my son mother it's so good to see you Tobias told them what had happened and then device applied the first gallant of its eyes huh I can see now ha ha ha I can see everything race and glory to God for allowing me to see again father this is a miracle yes it is my son he must thank a serious for this it's he who told me to apply this on your eyes and all the good things that happen to me my wife our fortune it's all because of him son I don't know how to pay you we will pay you double no we will give you half of everything we have because of you we were blessed in so many ways be grateful to the Lord he has seen all the good deeds you had done he has seen your miss Reece and he has heard your prayers I'll miss Pedro my name is Rafael thank you lord thank you for showing mercy on us and that day God rewarded Torbett and his family for never losing hope in the midst of hardships Tolbert lived for a very long time and he went on to see his grandchildren [Music]
Channel: 100 Bible Stories
Views: 52,886
Rating: 4.7326851 out of 5
Keywords: Story of tobit, tobit bible story, tobit and raphael story, book of tobit, tobit and tobias, bible story of tobit, who was tobit, bible stories, 100 stories from bible, bible stories for kids, animated bible stories, bible for kids, kids bible, bible cartoon for kids, English bible for kids, Sunday school lessons, Christian stories, Christian kids, cartoon for Christian, Christian videos, holy tales, giggle mug bible, gigglemug bible, gigglemug bible stories
Id: 1ccfXIzWzPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2019
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