Superbook - Joseph and Pharaoh's Dream - Season 2 Episode 2 - Full Episode (HD Version)

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[Music] father I love this new coat and I love you Joseph more than mere words could ever Express I must go show my brothers my new gift and you Benjamin let's not eat all those figs save some for when I get back [Music] Brothers look what father's giving me father's given him another gift Levi Judah what are you doing you're scaring me stop it [Applause] huh anyone wanna tries new coat [Music] don't Chris quantum go putting away your clean laundry point five seconds Chris his mom I don't speak cargo what is going on darkly ten seconds nice has the perfect plan to complete every one of his daily chores tasks and duties before we leave for the soccer match clean the room five seconds flat [Music] outdoor three minutes ahead of schedule if we don't execute my plan perfectly if my dad doesn't follow my exact route if all the traffic lights don't change in the exact sequence we won't get there in time and we won't score the best seats it's all right here the perfect plan thanks to me no stranded car up ahead I'm gonna help dad this isn't my plan we should help those in need Chris before we go to soccer matches man all the planning I do I can't believe this is happening I am taking you to meet a man who trusted in God's plan in spite of many difficulties [Applause] [Music] thank you okay prison this trip certainly can't get any worse and then it yeah what is that odor it smells like rotten eggs on a hot car seat [Music] top you are not bothering my new assistants are you no Joseph I am known I did not think so guard will you please release these three into my care they will assist me [Music] [Music] Joseph this is amazing you're a prisoner but you run the prison so how did you wind up here anyway that is an interesting story when I was young I would have the most vivid dreams one was a dream that my brothers were all stars in the sky and they were bowing down tonight in my youthful enthusiasm I shared these dreams with them and I angered them I did not realize at the time how jealous my brothers were of those dreams and of the favor my father showed me one day they finally had enough my own brother sold me as a slave I heard them planning how they would explain to my father that I had been killed by a wild animal that must have made my father very sad then while a slave I was arrested for something I did not do and Here I am that'll just sound so unfair all I want is a chance to face my brothers and find out what kind of men they are today I hope they have changed Joseph I got it what you need is an any number one plan a plan to get you out of here I mean how are your brothers ever gonna look up to you and honor you if you're stuck in here God has a plan for each of us Chris that I know and for whatever reason my path has brought me here I know it is only to serve God Joseph [Music] it has been a while my friend I feared you had forgotten me I apologize Joseph come there may be a way to get you out of prison I am here at the Pharaoh's request because you told me the meaning of my dreams two long years ago when I was in prison here with you and everything you said about my dreams came to pass exactly as you predicted I was given back all my duties just as you said but now the Pharaoh himself is haunted with the most terrible and confusing dreams Joseph no one in all the land has been able to explain their true meaning or bring him peace the spirit of the one true God can provide what the Pharaoh seeks yes but if you do not please the Pharaoh with your interpretation Wow jokes cleaned up really nice sorry I have heard it said of you that you can understand the dream to interpret it it is not in me no no [Music] God will give Pharaoh an answer of peace [Music] behold in my dream I stood on the bank of the river [Music] suddenly seven cows came up out of the river arnon looking in fact and they fed in the meadow then seven other cows came up after them or in very ugly and bird such uncleanness as I have never seen in all the land of Egypt and the gaunt and ugly cows ate up of the first seventy of the fat cows also I saw in my dream and suddenly seven heads came upon one stop full and good seven heads withered thin and blinded by the east wind sprang up after them and the thin heads devoured the seven good heads [Music] the dreams of Pharaoh are one the seven good cows are seven years and the seven good heads are seven years and the Seven thin and ugly cows which came up after them are seven years and the Seven empty heads blighted by the east wind are seven years of famine God has shown Pharaoh what he is about to do indeed seven years of great Plenty will come throughout all the land of Egypt but after them seven years of famine will arise and all the plenty will be forgotten Egypt will starve I am sorry Pharaoh but unless you plan ahead and save crops from the years of plenty Egypt will not survive Farah will not like that meeting can we find anyone else like this man so obviously filled with the Spirit of God as your God told these things to you Joseph I can think of no one wiser to appoint as manager you will oversee the harvests and set aside crops for the years of famine you will be my governor second and Egypt only to me Oh must obey you [Music] can't believe this yes from prisoner to governor in one second flat guys Joseph helped us back there in prison I say we make a plan to help him if he succeeds his governor he can get back to Canaan where his brothers will look up to him and honor him just like in his dream [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you how long have we been here diz it has been quite a while since super brought us forward in time and of all the plans you've made to help Joseph get back to came in to face his brothers none of them have worked how about helping us Chris there are a lot of hungry people trying to buy grain statistically it appears your plan to get Joseph back with his brothers will not work unless they just happen to show up in Egypt on their own yeah and the day that happens I'll shave my head and dress like an Egyptian excuse me I am Judah my brothers and I have traveled here from Canaan I'll see if I can borrow Joseph's razor [Music] Joseph come look Chris what is the meaning of this any chance to know those guys at the door those are my brothers do you think they'll recognize you after all these years they must believe I am dead by now but God has brought them here for a reason okay then here's what we do just go reveal yourself and use your power to take over your family's farm from then on they have to do everything you say happy ending dream fulfilled when I am I good or what the thing I must know is have they changed I am governor here what's he doing oh just following my plan where do you come from from the land of Canaan to buy food you are spies you have come to find out where our country is weak watts sir we come from a family of 12 brothers the youngest Benjamin is still with our father in Canaan and one of our brothers is dead I am going to find out who you really are by the life of Farrell you shall not leave this place unless your youngest brother comes here guards take them away [Music] no you are never to go back father you must listen the governor through is in prison because he believed we were spies but we were able to make a deal with him only we had to leave Simeon behind the governor has promised if we bring Benjamin to him as proof we are not lying he will let Simeon go my son Joseph is dead and now my Simeon is a prisoner in Egypt and you want to take Benjamin but father it's the only way since that you know I will not allow it [Music] [Music] do you remember much about your brother Joseph I was little I remember I used to follow him everywhere he went I even said I wanted to grow up to be just like him I think you would like that I mean would as if you know I know it's been so many years yet still my father weeps over Joseph's death if I let you go you may all die if we don't go we will die [Music] Benjamin is with them when they arrive bring every one of my brothers to the pass are you here there you are I'm sorry to have kept you waiting here all day what's been going on did you punish your brothers no in fact I fed them gave them grain and sent them on their way you spend time with him they'll tell me what kind of men have they become they welcome to sin it's a very good care of us especially Benjamin did you talk with him at all I can't believe you just sent them away what about making them bow to you and your brothers have been caught stealing our guards are bringing them back here now what stealing not them come let us go and see what kind of men they really are [Music] so Benjamin is the thief why would you steal my special cup Benjamin would not have done that silence do not worry I will not punish you all just that he will stay here as my slave Joseph listen if you must punish someone take me as your slave let this boy return home you would take his place I would our Father has suffered enough with the loss of his other son I do not want him to go through that again the cup was not stolen it was a test I needed to know if my brothers had really changed your brothers look closely I am Joseph your brother that you lost so long ago I have changed and now I know you have as well [Music] forgive us brother for everything we've done to you [Music] Wow what big happy family this is a dream fulfilled all is forgiven you intended to harm me but God intended it all for good he brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people go to my father and tell him God made his son Lord of Egypt he and all his family are to move here where I will provide for you all none of my plans for Joseph what then it turned out even better than I could have hoped we're going back maybe we'll still make it to the soccer Chris do you know what this means you profess your quantum hurries you might still get to see the game your plan might still work Chris forget my plan joy I think I'm gonna start trusting a little more in God's plans trust in the Lord with all your heart and he will direct your path [Music] you [Music] Jesus who died upon the cross and rose again to save the Lost forgive me now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] change my life and make can you help me Lord to live for you [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Superbook
Views: 4,550,725
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Id: 1VENAMIch84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 52sec (1612 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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