Stored Water Gone Bad - How to Store Water That Never Needs to Be Rotated

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is your stored water safe to drink [Music] hi i'm kyleen and i'm jonathan and we are the prominent preppers if you put clean water into a clean vessel and store it appropriately that water should be good for a very very long time however recently we discovered that we had a problem with our water storage and typically what our mo is is that we have lots of things that are in jars and we reuse these jars all the time once the jar has been emptied it is thoroughly washed out and filled with clean water and then put in the downstairs storage room to be stored full of water until we need that jar again but something happened with this one typically if you fill your jars and they're clean and you have filled it with a clean water source like a municipal supply that has been chlorinated you shouldn't have any problem our problem was that sometimes we have a bunch of little people that are doing things and i think what happened is somebody was in a hurry didn't clean the jar really well and then originally our water source came from a protected underground stream and it wasn't chlorinated so we've got little black floaties in here and actually the water smells really bad another good reason why you always need to check your preps some of the issues that can happen when you're storing water are plastic leaching into the water or in the filling process sometimes there's some contamination that happens kids kids can do a really good job absolutely or you didn't clean your container all the way right or the lid wasn't cleaned thoroughly and so you've got contaminants from that lid leaching down into the water right right or the other one is that sometimes containers that have previously held food they are always at higher risk for contamination so we need to be careful and it boils down to making sure that you have a clean container that you worked really hard to make sure that it's clean and that you're putting clean water in it water from a municipal chlorinated supply does not need to be treated before storage however in this type of a situation the water hadn't been chlorinated so it either needed to be purified before we put it into the bottle or we could have just added two drops of regular chlorine bleach and then put it on the shelf you don't want to do more than you have to two drops is plenty to make sure that all the pathogens are killed in here well okay chlorine doesn't kill all the pathogens it's really good at killing viruses and bacteria there are some protozoas which you can't kill but that should not normally be in your water supply most of the time we just fill up our jars with water and we stick them downstairs in the storage room because i know that that is just about as much as i can handle and make sure that i get done if i were to water bath these every day i just have a pile of them in need of being water bath and it wouldn't get accomplished so my storage isn't perfect however it is a really good idea to take some of your water storage and put it in a water bath canner and sterilize it all you have to do is fill up your clean jar right with your clean lid stick it in the boiling water in a water bath canner and boil it for 20 minutes so you wait till it comes to a boiling boil and that's when you start counting that 20 minutes then you just take them out of the canner let them cool off once they're completely cool you can tighten that lid and you can put them away in storage and the really nice thing about this is that then you have some sterile water in your storage it is perfect now for long-term storage you never need to worry about rotating it because you have destroyed any pathogens that are in it so nothing can grow in this water so if you want perfect water storage that will last pretty much forever processing it in a water bath canner is truly the way to go now please don't let this discourage you from storing water because water storage is so important and even if it's a little bit contaminated you can fix that you can filter it you can treat it and at least you have water so it's important that you do store water just make sure that you check your preps and make sure that everything looks good and have the ability i always tell people to filter it on the back end just to make it taste better and to ensure that it's good quality and now for the question of the day what experiences do you have storing water and do you have any war stories to tell comment below and thanks for being part of the solution you
Channel: The Provident Prepper
Views: 31,509
Rating: 4.9456663 out of 5
Keywords: Emergency Water Storage, Spoiled Water, Bad Water, SHTF, TEOTWAWKI, Sterile Water, Canning Water, Sterilizing Water by Water Bath Canning, Bottling Water
Id: 8nYNQ4HEzuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 15sec (315 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 14 2021
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