AquaBrick vs WaterBrick. Which is the best for portable, long-term water storage?

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[Applause] [Music] hey pouring out right there welcome to equip to endure i'm rusty today we're going to be talking about portable long-term water storage let's get started most agencies like the cdc recommend that you have one gallon of water per person in your household for long-term water storage and generally people recommend they have about two weeks worth of water on hand so if you have four people in your family or in your household and 14 days worth of water you're looking at about 56 gallons worth of water that you want to have on hand in case of emergencies so it's a really good idea to have a good durable portable long-term water storage handy in case you actually do need to go why is that so important well picture this imagine that you get the orders that you've got to take off and remember we always recommend it's better to stay at home where you've got all your resources you've got your gear handy but if you do need to take off you want to have water to go what happens if you have to hit the road and you don't have access to fresh water do you find yourself at a fema camp do you find yourself paying 10 for a bottle of water somewhere if you can even get access to it have water handy that you can travel with and that will work well for you if you're on a budget there's nothing wrong with filling up gallon water bottles just like this and storing them away they're not necessarily the most convenient they're not necessarily the most durable but they will work in a pinch however if you were to drop this outside full of water your water's gone it is not intended to be used like that also if you're storing cases of water like this that's great for short term and if you rotate through them that's totally fine but if you keep them long-term like i've had these cases for three to five years you'll see that the bottles are starting to deteriorate and get weak and crumble sometimes the water bottle spring leaks these are not intended to be long-term water storage and i assume that when i drink these i'm getting a fair bit of plastic in there as well now we got started i said we're looking for long-term portable water storage and the reason i say that is 55 gallon drums are great for long-term water storage but if you think you're going to throw one of these over your shoulder and run down the street or wherever you need to you got another thing coming when those things are full they weigh something like 450 pounds they're great for permanent we're gonna do another video on permanent long-term water storage but for portable that's what we're talking about right now so as i was considering this hole in our long-term food and water storage plan that's when i started doing the research to find out what fills that hole if we need long-term water storage to go what are the criteria i'm going to use to judge those products by so in the hunt to find a durable long-term and portable water storage product that's where i came across these two contenders now many of you are already familiar with the water brick these are kind of the name they're out there you may already know that these are water and food safe it's a bpa free plastic and you can use these for long-term storage it's fantastic and i thought they were really the only player on the market because it seemed like a kind of niche little need but after researching i found something called the aqua brick now that may sound like just a bad knock off you know aqua brick water brick i get it i thought the same thing but the more i dug into it the more i got interested and we're gonna tell you we're going to put these head to head today and we're going to put them through a nice torture test to see how durable they actually are how portable they are and how usable they are those are the criteria that we're using to judge and compare these two portable water storage products okay before we get to the torture test i want to talk a little bit about usability so let's take a look at these guys let's start with the water break so right off the bat you're going to notice that the handle is a bail handle and the wires go opposite way to help it stay on there a little bit more you kind of have to finagle it but i have seen it i think or heard of it when these things can pop off now i'm not necessarily a fan of having this separate component here particularly the wire i just think it could be a little clunky it can break off it can twist it's an extra part that can break that's why i'm not a big fan of it also let me make sure i get this threaded on here the right way i don't know how these guys didn't notice this when they designed it but you'll see that that cap is kind of hard to get to so if you put that on tight i mean it may not look like it on the video but this is kind of tricky to get into under that handle you have to loosen it up and then do that not a big deal but it's an annoyance when you get that lid off here's another thing imagine this is full of water and you're trying to pour it out do you notice these shoulders that are recessed compared to the lid when you tip this over you're going to have water and food getting caught in those shoulders and you're going to have to shake the crap out of this thing to get out of there in my mind that's not a great design feature there and also you'll see that these columns that go all the way through here they're great for support and for structure but that makes it almost impossible to clean now i can't get my hand i can't get my hand very deep in these at all but as soon as i get my hand in there i'm stopped by that first pillar so if you want to clean that if you need to scoop something out of there that's not happening unless you've got a very uh long-armed two-year-old that can get their arm inside there another uh element of the design that i'm not a big fan of from a usability standpoint is if you want to pour this thing you have to do it with two hands if you're holding this bale i mean you can't just tip it like that you have to use two hands in order to pour and get that emptied out so another nice feature of the water brick also on the aqua brick is it does have attachable faucets now this is where i think these types of units are great from a usability standpoint so picture this water's off and all you have is your big 55 gallon barrels or what do you have whatever you have full of water storage how are you going to get that to the places that you need so you know washing dishes taking baths or showers washing your hands how you're not going to carry that 55 gallon drum of water up from the basement to do those kind of things and that's why i really think these shine too yes they're great for portability if you run but they're also handy in the house so if you need to have a little makeshift faucet these are great so you can screw on the little faucet attachment again this is tricky because of that bale handle being in the way and it being recess that makes it kind of tough it's a little kind of a finicky thing to get it that way now i like the idea of having the faucet there it's a great feature but you'll notice as you look at this that that faucet because of the symmetrical nature of the design that faucet no matter what angle you're at is only going to drain half of the container because it is right in the middle of that symmetrical design so in order to make this keep running after you're halfway out you've got to tip it up or prop it up or rig it somehow i think that's not a great component of the design and also keep in mind those shoulders again if you're trying to pour it out you're going to have water be getting stuck in those shoulders so that's the water break now it's not all bad it is made in america it is that bpa free food grade safe plastic so it is great for long-term water storage but from a usability standpoint i'm just not that big of a fan of the design even i wanted to be because i'm a sucker for symmetry and i like i like how efficient they use the space this holds three and a half gallons whereas the aqua brick only holds three and the same overall dimensions so i like that symmetry i like it but from a usability standpoint it falls short moving on to the aqua brick you'll notice right off the bat that the handles are integrated in the actual brick that makes it so that you can use it with one hand you can pour there's no moving parts you don't have to worry about that handle rusting or coming off or popping off or anything like that and it's also got this other one on the top again if you want to carry it upright or if you want to pour two hands for a little more control i like the integrated handles now that is a great feature but there is a little bit of drawback from it cleaning you'll notice that because this lid is exposed it's a lot easier to get on and off now looking down into the container these dimples in the container are not integrated cylinders like on the water brick so you can completely pass through again i've got kind of my popeye forearms going on so i can't get all the way down into the bottom but my wife can't if she wanted to clean it or whatever or scoop things out the problem with these handles even though i do like them integrated into the design it's a little tricky to clean i think the best way to do it almost like a gun snake is you could take a cloth with a weight on or something and feed it down and pull it through that'd be a way to clean it if you need to do that now because the opening is offset it's not a symmetrical design you'll notice when you tip it on its side to pour that's going to drain most of the contents of the container you'll also notice that attaching the spigot is a lot easier to access once you line the threads up so then when you do use this as a makeshift faucet that's much closer to the bottom you can leave this flat without having to tip it up to drain it and it doesn't have those shoulders where the water catches all right so since we have it out here we want to try the spigot function and just make sure that it does what it's supposed to even though we're already pretty dang impressed with this all right here we go so there is a pressure release attached to this so that it it shouldn't clog and that requires that makes it so you don't need a an extra hole there for the water pressure all right let's close it up why not take this container to your large 55 gallon barrel drum or whatever you have and fill this up and walk it upstairs or walk it into the kitchen wherever you need it this makes it a lot easier to access and use your long-term water storage and if these already full from your long-term water storage you can take it in and put the faucet on and use it as normal and i like this from a carrying standpoint from a usage standpoint both the aqua brick and the water brick are designed to stack man that's annoying all right they are designed to be stacked which is fantastic for storage so you'll notice that these dimples are almost like legos so you just line up those dimples and you can stack these they think they recommend stacking them three or four high but that is solid stuff you can stack it up more than that if you needed to so this is what they stack like let me turn this little tower with you so this is a great way to make use of a tight space so i think these would be great pretty much for everybody but even if you only have an apartment and you only have some space at the bottom of your closet in the kitchen or something these are a great option because they'll be again usable portable and they fit well in a nice snug little space as opposed to our friend the old milk bottle these are great if this is all you can do if you want to make a little bit more of a long-term investment for your water storage i think these are fantastic but if this is what you have this is fine but if they're reused you're not going to have the strength of that seal there they may break they may leak if you put pressure on them and they're going to be more difficult to stack compared to your aqua bricks or something like a water brick hey landed up right and everything any leaks no leaks a little tip right here right on the corner oh yeah right there okay so this guy is definitely that was a leak from the back side oh yeah new brake right there it was on that seam it's pouring out right there see that crack see that no visible damage i don't even see any dents hey [Music] no we're holding up i even connected with the uh the dimple right there and right there i figured that'd be the weak spot wow look at that so we're here at the band saw and we're gonna run these bad boys through but this room this this shows just one more reason why i don't like the design here so when you tip this up see the water that's still stuck in these shoulders here how are you supposed to get that out oh and look the bale fell off too look at that so you got to kind of shake it shake the life out of it to get the water out of it which i'm not a fan of that and the bale coming off again so all right [Music] all right so we got the digital calipers and this is interesting this inside shot after we saw through these things you can see that these do not have and this is actually surprising because i thought those pillars those columns that went through like on the water brick i thought that was going to offer a whole lot more support like when we drove over with the car but these do not have those pillars and these absolutely we didn't even bother with this because it was already broken but man that is durable anyway let's go ahead and measure the walls about an eighth of an inch thick on this guy on average on this guy this varies a lot you can see that and this is bizarre too because this crease here created a weak point that's where it broke early on very thin walls on the side here but it gets thicker in these little pockets which is where it broke but we're coming in about half so in some spots this is almost two times as thick this has some thick spots too but i mean the the proof is on the pudding we beat the snot out of these things this did not even crack or spill anywhere except when the jar contorted a little bit and it created space in the seam with the lid anyway you can see how these things stack with the pillars there these just snap on the dimples so that is the torture test i'm pretty impressed with this myself guys the aqua brick head and shoulders from the torture test above the water brick so we said that our parameters for judging these two products at the beginning we were looking for durability we were looking for portability and we were looking for usability and that usability is basically the ergonomics how easy it is to use in the ergonomics this one pours better this one's easier to clean this one was better in everything we talked about from a usability standpoint not having the shoulders there so the usability arena or for that metric the aqua brick one for the portability standpoint i would still give the win to aqua brick right here the bale comes off of this and that's the only handle on the brick unless you can stick another stick through here you want to carry it that way i'm not impressed with this system so for a portability standpoint i would still give the nod to the aqua brick and then from the durability standpoint i think the footage speaks for itself the aqua bricks stood up to some major torch or more than you should ever put it through and i hope that you're not going to cut one of these because they're kind of expensive so in all three categories equip to endure puts the stamp of approval on the aqua brick we endorse this product we beat it up for you we followed the the equip to endure mantra of showing you actually how things work and how they hold up with with not holding any punches so we endorse the aqua brick now you can buy either one of these again if the aqua brick's a little too expensive for you let me let me break down prices for you you can order the water brick through amazon or through other retailers and they're gonna cost you about five dollars and twenty three cents per gallon to store in these and the aqua brick it's going to cost you about eight dollars and ninety five cents with the coupon code that we're going to give you so this is more expensive but if the durability if the usability and the portability matter to you which is why we're looking for them then the aqua brick is going to be worth it for you i think that for each one of your family members that you should have two to three aqua bricks so if you're a family of six then i would suggest having 12 or 18 of these and that's you know do the math there that's going to be a couple hundred bucks to get you your your containers but that's a lot better than having to go to a fema camp or to drink out of a river or something like that if you need to get going and also even if you have to stay put these are going to be a better a better value for you than that water bottle what you saw we dropped that once that gallon water bottle it's not going to hold up to any sort of abuse and it can break and split and degrade so all right so if you want to go ahead and pick up some aqua bricks for you and your family or you and your loved ones go ahead and go to we're going to go ahead and put the link in the description below and when you put anything from their store in your cart on checkout put e so the letter e 2 e for the coupon code e2e and you'll get 10 off your whole purchase as always it's been a pleasure having you with us at equip to endure we look forward to seeing you next time and remember in all things be prepared
Channel: Equip 2 Endure
Views: 13,539
Rating: 4.8281622 out of 5
Keywords: AquaBrick, WaterBrick, Emergency Preparation, Water Storage, Survival, Home Improvement
Id: vQxCk2IDq2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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