Stop Wondering Where Your Money Went and Tell It Where To Go!

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[Music] this is the ramsay show you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice doing this show now almost 30 years and getting to um meet some of my heroes along the way has been one of my great joys and then occasionally actually getting to become friends with them and even more than that getting to do some work with them from time to time today is no exception for that pastor louis giglio of passion church in atlanta uh good friend has stopped by with his new book and we're so honored to have you with us here my friend i couldn't be happier to be here with you congrats on the space it's absolutely stunning well thank you thank you you know what you know about spaces with passion and the passion movement and uh fabulous books over the years if you've never heard pastor louis giglio speak i don't know where you've been he's one of the top communicators in the world and uh you if you're in the atlanta area always or anywhere you can catch him passion city church i've had the privilege of speaking there and just wonderful people wonderful family of god good good folks and i always like getting to hang out with him especially when we get to talk about a new book that he's doing called don't give the enemy a seat at your table that's pretty straight on it's really to the point it's one of those books that you don't have to read the whole book i do recommend that people read the book but i like the ones that you get the message on the cover total money makeover total money makeover that's what i need to do oh you're going to tell me how to do that this is the message don't give the enemy a seat at your table if this enemy could come into paradise dave think about it paradise and lie his way in to the hearts of mankind and say good god isn't good and you can't trust him if he can do that in paradise he can definitely do it in my life he could do it in anybody's life he can do it in atlanta he can do it in nashville he can do he can do it in dallas and houston he can do it when things are unraveling and it's not paradise if he could do it in paradise so we got to watch what we think we gotta be careful what thought we allow to take a seat at our table you know this is apparently my week for spiritual warfare um books and information our pastor did our devotional yesterday was from kansas city spoke on the subject of that and has just written a book on it as well that i've read half of it this morning before i came to work and um but but uh you know he was just making the point that that and you know this more than i do but i also already knew it but it was good to be reminded that very seldom does the enemy uh come straight at you instead he brings you something that's 98 percent truth yeah i mean there's there's a very few occasions where the enemy shows up and says hey i'm the enemy uh i would like to rip your eyeballs out yeah you know i want to destroy your marriage i would like to destroy your confidence i want to take your business down no he comes in that side door where where i was actually when i got this message i'd been through about a four-month battle and some things have been said some things have been done about four months in i get a phone call and the phone call is i bet you've got one like this you're not going to believe what happened today it was that moment of vindication and i reached out to a friend and i and i said you are not going to believe what i just heard if you give things enough time what did i want dave i wanted commiseration i want somebody just to come alongside and say hey man you're good and you were right but my friend knew i didn't need commiseration my friend that i sent the text to knew that i needed a wake-up call because i was acting like an orphan when i'm the son of a king and he sent me nine words in reply don't give the enemy a seat at your table in other words his whole four months of consternation frustration all this internal processing you've been doing all that is because you let the enemy sit at your table and you need to take your thinking back starting today and that text became the cover of this book the title of this book and that text has literally changed my life over the last six eight years well when you get pounded and uh i have been this year you have been this year a lot of people have been this year by different things um uh but i mean i watched and sent you positive texts during that time as well and uh uh you know i we forget to do the basics like take every thought captive and instead we sit and it's almost like in the seventh grade at the lunch table you know when you walk away and you go you know now i know what i should have said now and you just play these tapes over and over and over and over and over again about how you're going to hit back or how you're not going to hit back or how you're going to do this all that and all of that is just you're playing right into this yeah that's what i'm saying you know it's we want to control everyone if they really are honest wants to control and we don't control a lot like this global craziness that we're living in no one's in control of that so what are we in control of we're in control of the truth that god has given us for our lives and i think that you know when when we get in a moment like that what we normally do is just say okay great fear you're at the table worry you're at the table anger you're at the table instead of going wait a minute where did you come from and that's what this book talks about asking the thought where did you come from and if that thought doesn't line up with the character the purposes the heart and the word of god then it didn't come from god right and if it didn't come from god it doesn't get a seat at the table and so you got to know the truth because you don't win this battle by fighting against a lie you win this battle by embracing the truth you know that's convicting and disgusting at the same time because i did i just i completely violated that and i'm not like an immature person i'm like an immature person spiritually or emotionally anything else and i completely violated that i can look back in the last nine months and go i did that there i did that there i did that and i know better well this is a good reminder yeah we all know better and i think the thing that what i would want to encourage people in and for me is that you don't win the battle of your mind one time you win the battle of your mind every day that's what god's word says renew your mind every single day keep renewing your mind to the truth and it's not something that you do and then walk away from because our minds are an open field to whatever seeds want to get blown there by whatever wind is coming our way and we've got to think every single time i've got the authority to take control of my mind and then that what people really need to start with i can do this i can change the way i think yeah i'm i'm in charge of my thoughts no one else is it's one of the few things i actually can control do not don't give the enemy a seat at your table it's for sale anywhere great books are for sale pastor louis giglio of passion city church the original visionary of the entire passion movement is my guest this segment and this is a book we all need as a reminder because not only do you become who you hang around with you become what you think about and uh both of those are scriptural concepts and uh and if you hang around with and think about the enemy's processes thoughts and presence you're gonna get a lot out of him pastor love you love you too so good to see you appreciate you coming by and hanging out with us here in nashville again the book don't give the enemy a seat at your table this is the ramsey show [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switch to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just 30 a month get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over 70 dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] number one best-selling author ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today as we take your questions about your life and your money here on the ramsey show open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five triple eight eight two five five two two five well happy birthday ken well thank you dave i uh it's it's hard to believe they sneak up on me every year i don't know if yours do but mine do kind of like i didn't see it coming i got all the old man jokes right so it's like uh the closer it's like life's like toilet paper the closer you get to the end the faster it goes oh it's it's so good dave we got this fun tradition i got to let people in on this where dave sends out everybody gets an email if you're a ramsay solutions teammate you get an email on your birthday and there's always some fun uh gif or whatever they call it jiff or gif i never know what to say and today was a picture of albert einstein saying that uh studies show that uh birthdays are good things you know something something along those lines studies show that birthdays are good for statistics shows the birthdays are good for you the more of them you have the longer you live that's right so today is a day of gratitude another year in the books 47 dave really yeah well i wouldn't i thunk it really yeah i would have thought you're much older than that boy folks that's what's called being reeled in i just he had me with the hook and i thought i was gonna bless me with like 41 or something yeah so what is this this is your 30 or your 28th anniversary of your 29th birthday yeah not bad it's hard to believe not bad there we go uh good stuff the maturity doesn't match the age as we know we're still working on that i'm in heavyweight listen if you're mature you're no good in talk radio so let me just help you with that yeah phone number triple eight eight two five five two two five cali is gonna start us off in indianapolis hi callie how are you hi dave how are you better than i deserve what's up um so i'm getting married at the end of august i'm super excited to marry this man and we've talked about our deaths from premarital counseling i do have a medical debt for my son it was about 47 000. he was in the pq for a couple weeks and i didn't have insurance unfortunately at the time i do now so that's taken care of but i was curious where i put my medical debt that's actually now in collections because it started around covent time so i couldn't pay it where would i put that in the baby steps once we go through financial peace whenever we get signed up for that where would i end up putting my son's medical debt within our other debt so what do you make i make 57. what about him he makes 85. and when you're getting married august 29th congratulations thank you how's your baby doing uh he's doing so much better he is the light of my life and a light of my fiance's life he's a lot better now it's just a sleek incident he aspirated a peanut so you just uh um you just outlined a life that is going really really well and we get to work on and all we have to work on is some math stuff so really good yeah you're in a good place very nice and how much debt do you have not counting this i have so we have a car i have a car that's seven thousand that's our smallest debt and then i would say all together i think we have about 80 000. counting the 47 or not not counting the 47. what's the rest of the 80 student loans he has fewer loans yeah he's a gm after a hotel and then i have my car and then i also so during coven i didn't have insurance and that doesn't help so i ended up crashing my car and i'm paying them 12 000 for that okay so but the biggest number on this is student loans the biggest number is just being amount together okay all right now is the uh if uh are they attempting to collect are you paying any payments on the 47 i'm not paying any payments right now his son was supposed to help me that's our his father was supposed to help me that's actually in our mediation agreement that hasn't happened yet um but i was paying payments and then i stopped and so it's gone to collections i called about it and it's at a collection a collection agency okay right now but they're not calling on it no yeah um here's the thing you probably can settle this for say 50 cents on the dollar something like that if you had the lump sum and so i would take something like a number like a 20 000 number and plug that into your debt snowball wherever it really goes it sounds like it's before the student loans but after some of the car stuff and i'd build up twenty thousand dollars cash and i would call them is this is this a single bill or a total of 47 on medical it's a single bill it's at a children's hospital yeah i would also call the hospital administrator and see if you can get an in-person meeting with covet i doubt you can but anytime you can meet with someone in person you can plead your case better and just go you know i don't have any money obviously the reason i didn't have i didn't have i don't have a insurance reason i have an insurance i didn't have any money so if you guys will settle this we we appreciate the uh we appreciate the service you gave us we're thankful for that and uh we don't want to be anything but but honorable but we just don't have 47 000 if you guys will take 20 000 i'll get it to you really really fast and then make it a priority if you can get a settlement agreement but any settlements you do you do in writing and uh and you never give a collector of any kind electronic access to your checking account because they lie it's a problem yeah dave what happens if she goes to the hospital and i love that advice the hospital has an option there to call the collection agency i presume and say hey we want to pull this back we've talked to them and we're working this out yeah they can they don't usually if you just call them yeah that's why but an in-person meeting where you go in not accusing the hospital of having done something wrong that's right like why do you people charge so much you know none of that and you're the price problem with you no no you this is a children's hospital to help you with your child you're grateful yeah and uh yeah you start with that and then you go well you know it's just a math problem it's not a matter of intent i don't have the money and if you guys will settle this we can get it knocked out pretty fast if we're going to pay the whole 47 it's going to take a long time yep and you most of the time it's interesting even people in the administration in hospitals hospitals tend to attract people with mercy yes merciful people yes and so not always but they have a tendency to do that they move into the medical field for one reason or another and so you you oftentimes find someone with heart uh but again you're not going in belligerent no you're not going in accusing them of having done something wrong if you're gonna do that you need an attorney yes uh but that's you know because the hospital somehow malpractice or something like that but that's not what we're hearing here no in fact i was going to say if you have the spirit that you have on this call yeah this is a woman who sees the end she's going to knock it out she's excited about the days ahead and you know part of this deal is you got a deadbeat dude on the other side of this isn't helping i'd share that story too and go hey but i'm not relying on him i'm here to handle this you help my baby and i want to do the right thing i think that conviction along with the spirit she has is very attractive it is i mean it's just human nature and it's proper relationships and uh but sometimes what happens is we get afraid um or we are ashamed and out of those emotions uh we we uh project something else rather than humility we project anger uh some of the meanest people in the world are people that are afraid yes you know as an example so uh you that's not her no and so you know i think you knock out your car then you knock out the car debt where you uh hit somebody else without insurance and then you put twenty thousand dollars on the list and then you get to the student loans and you guys just attack that as fast as you can any money you get from the ex uh the data of the child this would be called gravy on the biscuit because it's unexpected and and you'll get there as fast as you can now i think we can go a little step further and say uh if you have if you're out there and you let's just kind of do a teaching segment if you have a bunch of debts in collection that you haven't paid on it's been 10 months 20 months since you paid on this credit card it's been 10 months 20 months since you paid on this uh old bad debt from whatever from a medical bill or whatever else you make a different list of those things when you're working your debt snowball if you got a whole bunch of that this is one singular debt and it had an unusual story around it but you'd make you'd knock out your existing debt snowball first the ones you're current on because that frees up all those payments you don't have anymore and then you work through the defaulted student loan or the defaulted debt snowball one debt at a time settle it close it in writing no electronic access to your checking account do the next one do the next one do the next one but freeing up those doesn't free up cash flow because you're not paying payments on this is the ramsey show [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] so [Music] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage ken funny joins us from jacksonville florida hey bonnie how are you hi dave i'm good how are you good to have you i'm excited to be here all the way from jacksonville very cool all the way from florida how much have you paid off about forty three thousand dollars love it how long did that take almost 14 months good and your range of income during that time i started at about 81 and then just got another promotion so i'm at about 97.50 hey i like it i like it what do you do for a living i'm a service executive for a technology company so client relations essentially yeah good good and obviously good at it very good thank you so what kind of debt was your 43 000 um a tax bill six credit cards a personal loan from my parents um that was pretty much it no student loan debt okay all right how old are you i am 41. 41 yeah and 14 months ago you kind of have been bopping along with this like lower back pain kind of debt that's what that kind of debt is isn't it it's like it's you're making enough that it's small enough that you can almost ignore it if you take a few advil you know but but it's but it just keeps coming back and it's always there is that right yes it was what happened what broke you lose um i was planning a extravagant birthday trip to south africa for my 40th birthday yum yeah um a trip i couldn't afford and i was taking stock of my life and how to come to jesus moment with myself oh it's the old 40th birthday 40th birthday thing yeah so um taking a look at my finances and knowing i couldn't afford it and then i was in a toxic relationship at the time i didn't like my job basically i wanted to change everything and was looking for ways to cut costs so i enlisted the help of my parents and asked if i could move in with them for a year wow to pay off yeah so they're and they were one of the debts and so they said yes yes i paid them first um and it was a huge blessing because then coveted came along and so we let the boyfriend go first and asked him to leave and then i got a different job that i liked a lot more and no job no boyfriend no apartment lease no trip to south africa and we're getting out of debt right and look at you yes thank you it's been a long a long journey sounds cleansing it was very in more ways than financial oh yeah career boyfriend the whole thing i mean it's awesome this is great yeah i'm very very grateful yeah i want to ask you a quick progression there so you gave us the range of income from 81 to 97. yeah so when you're in this miserable job and you change to something you like is that where we pick up 81 did you get a bump there or was it a parallel move i actually went from 81 my first promotion was to about 87. okay um and then the month after i was debt-free i got another promotion to 97.5 wow and i feel like god was just saying thank you for being a good steward of what you have and now you don't have to struggle as much anymore a little tip of the hat from the holy spirit yeah how much did the loving the work really enjoy in the work how much did that play into the any mindset or emotion and performance that led to what you believe did it lead to the promotion is my question do you think i think i was just hyper focused so everything else that was positive that i was drawing to myself i think just led to a job promotion um it was more so my boss i didn't like if i'm telling the truth um that's not a surprise people leave leaders not companies right yeah the work was okay i'm actually at the same company i'm just um have jumped apartments so good for you yeah so good much better not surprising dave you hear that all the time yeah focus yep focus to get out of debt led to professional gains not just well and another thing was you cleaned all this junk out of your life and you were in the process of cleaning junk out of your life of different kinds and that that just this is such a great story i'm so proud of you thank you your parents got to be proud of you i hope so they're here with me they came with you to cheer right yes they did and my niece kristabel as well all right very good very good well that's cool that makes a nice nashville trip not south africa but a good time not south africa i told my parents when this was all over i would buy them a vacation so i'm sending them on a cruise for their 50th wedding anniversary next year that's awesome that's more fun than going yourself yes i'm very excited that's awesome very cool so 14 months 43 000 that's pretty intense yeah it was what do you tell people the key is living on a budget for sure um for a while i did davish i took financial piece years ago but like you said i had enough to manage the chaos it was just sort of my juggling system and now it's more of a this is why i have hope and focusing on investing and planning my future and when i decided to do this i was just in a really hopeless place and struggling with depression and going through a breakup so i was a hot mess when i moved into my parents also but i just i had a lot of shame um dealing with thoughts that i hadn't been a good steward of what god had given me and i know i was capable of more so i just prayed that you know i could be the person i wanted to be i wanted to be someone my family would be proud of and that one day i'd stand here they are all that's awesome they are they are proud of you and we are too and that shame flipped to conviction then and it's game on yeah yeah yeah shame is destructive conviction to get your button gear yeah yeah well well i'm so proud of you well done very powerful wow what i i you know your whole life has changed and it's the that piece is just part of it it was just part of it part of it but it almost precipitated it in a sense it started the whole ball rolling it did it did i feel like it really came to a head and i was unrecognizable to myself and that really started my journey um to be gonzalo tents and get out of debt and change everything um but yeah i'm happier now than i've ever been it's the highest base salary i've ever had i just feel like it's a reward for being a good steward of what i've been given you're free yes and you're generally and you're generous yes and you're in a much healthier place all the way around much of the area so when the emotion just grabbed you there because you you were talking about i i envisioned getting to this moment here you are you did it you are standing on the debt free stage i want you to tell people because the emotion's still all over you it was hard is it worth it standing there moments before you do your scream was it worth it absolutely absolutely i would say for anyone listening that's struggling you know it's hard to hold on your hope especially day after day like even in the 40 you know plus thousand dollars i also paid cash for about 3 500 of car repairs in that time so anytime something would go wrong with my car i was so discouraged and you know i had a plan for i will beat up free on this day and then something else would go wrong and i listened to your podcast and i would hear the debt free screams and just think you know if i just keep going just one one more day i you know i can do this and um and then the chains start to drop off and you see the light at the end of the tunnel it's not an oncoming train and um here i am you are there i'm here i'm just going to leave and let her do the next segment yeah yeah she could take over the rest of the hour i'm just i think everybody's signing up for financial peace university right now this is i'm amazed this is so powerful well done very very well done all right bonnie we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you because that for sure is your next chapter in your story the chapter of generosity and legacy and control and destiny and that's where you're headed you're you're you're a powerhouse you're amazing thank you you grabbed every part of your life up by the neck and shook it and made it behave and it was very very powerful good it's an honor to meet you and also a copy of the total money makeover for you to give away because you haven't shut up talking about this and somebody that you know needs a copy of it that you've been bothering about this stuff and um we're just so proud of you and i know your mom and dad are very very well done all right it's bonnie from jacksonville florida 43 000 paid off in 14 months making 81-97 what a great story count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three [Laughter] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] absolutely fabulous unbelievable what a great story this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five you guys jump in we'll talk about your life and your money if you're in debt we know it can feel like you're fighting a losing battle with those bills sometimes you can feel stuck like bonnie in our last debt-free scream there you may wonder if you're ever going to get ahead well you can you can get control you can grab things by the neck like she did you can build the life you want we will show you how in financial peace university millions and millions and millions of people have learned the proven plan to work out of debt and into wealth in financial peace university and of course you're gonna be sticking to a budget that's part of the plan and you'll have the premium version of our budgeting tool every dollar both entre elite are both of every dollar and financial peace university are available at ramsey plus you can start a free trial of ramsey plus and end this constant battle with and for your money just text trial to 33 789 text trial two three three seven eight nine sarah is with us in los angeles hi sarah welcome to the ramsay show well hello dave how are you better than i deserve what's up uh my husband and i are on baby step two we've paid off 23 000 and have another 22 to go cool my mom keeps asking me to help her and my dad figure out their budget help them start on the ramsay plan i just finished reading the total money makeover and i gave her my copy good um and now it's leading to us fighting my dad is 57 and my mom's 54. my dad wants to retire soon they keep trying to convince me that their 800 credit score is good my dad doesn't want to stop the 15 that he's currently investing um even though they're just shy of 110 dollars in debt yeah well there's no reason to find that's what i say do what i said that's what i say yeah well so i mean if they don't want to do it they don't have to do it well that's what i keep saying i'm not going to fight over it it's just you guys do whatever you want to do you ask me so i told you what we were doing i gave you a copy of the book but you don't have to do it it's not a law well that's what i'm trying to say and then they turn around and they're like oh well but we need to get out of debt and we want to retire yeah but i mean i showed you how you got you got to decide which one you want to do you can't be both if you want to know how i did it i showed you how i did it i used the total money makeover baby steps this is how i did it i don't know how to tell you how to do it other than that that's the only way i know this is you talking okay and so and i'm not gonna fight with you you guys can either do it or not do it i'm gonna love you either way you're my mom and dad i'm gonna love you even if you're stupid don't say it don't say that but you can think that yeah right no they'll kill me i can't say that i know i know but you see what i'm saying that's what's going through your head right but here's the thing the fight the fight comes when they are trying to convince you to not do it the ramsay stuff the baby steps and the fight comes when you are trying to convince them to do the baby steps so the best way you can convince them is to continue to do it properly yourself and win and they'll con and it sets an example for them but you can't make people do stuff yeah that's true you make little kids do stuff but you can't make grown people do stuff and you can only make little kids do stuff you can only make little kids do stuff until you leave the room that's right sarah one of the things sarah i hear the tension for you because they keep asking you and you're so passionate you're so convicted on this journey that you can't just answer a question you know and i think that that's where there may be some tension there and i think dave's absolutely right i think if they keep asking a question you go um i'm not sure i'll text you later tonight i think it's on page 87 of chapter three or whatever and just stay out of the communication if you're feeling your tension rise uh because of your tremendous conviction then you're gonna have to just when they ask a question say i'll look it up it's in this chapter it's in chapter five or it's in chapter six or whatever it is and give them the answer but don't get involved in the back and forth opinion stuff because dave's right i don't want to do that okay yeah great sure that's cool i don't want i don't want to stop putting money in my 401k okay i mean i you know i if somebody calls me up on the air here and i'm the guy okay it's not just like a theory for me this is i'm the guy that wrote it and did it for me and tens of millions of people right if somebody calls me up here on the air and wants to argue with me i'll talk to him for a minute or two and then i just go to the next caller i'm not gonna have a debate with somebody about this because i'm right i'm not gonna have a discussion about it i mean it's i mean i'm not right about everything but this stuff i mean 20 million people have done this stuff under my direction so it's not like it's wrong anymore you know it's not it's not like an opinion it's not a theory by a broke college professor this is this is we do this and this is i may not be able to do anything else but this i can do so i'm not going to argue with you about it if you don't agree with me you're just what's known as wrong and america is a great place you're allowed to be wrong yeah and so you know you just have to be kind about it and have a little bit of that in your head a little bit of those kinds of tapes almost sarcasm playing in your head and you just kind of don't be mean and don't be unkind and just go dad if you don't want to do that that's okay i understand i love you this is what plan i'm doing you are a grown man you get to choose what you're going to do and i'm going to love you either way yeah and that creates the emotional boundary that you need you need that you need to be able to put a boundary out there and go we're doing it we're all in for us mom and dad they got their big boy pants on and they're big girl pants so at some point uh don't get sucked into the back and forth on it i'm not going to try to make you do it and please don't try to make me not do it that's right there there's your clearest boundary yeah and because either one of those are going to cause a problem and we're going to have it we're going to have conflict and i don't want to have conflict with you i just want to love you and there's no point in the conflict because you're grown people you're allowed to do whatever you want to do even if you're wrong i mean i got i got relatives that vote wrong goal and and i love them anyway that's true i'm sure it's okay they just don't know how to vote and you know no amount of talking to them helps either no so i just quit i quit arguing with them a long time ago and i i just know my vote got cancelled out by so-and-so you know that's they just don't know how to vote and so you just can't there's something you just can't argue about done doing good jimmy's with us in california hi jimmy how are you doing great i heard you did better than i deserve how can we help i'm calling because i have a quick question uh my wife and i are on baby step number two uh we recently just sold our condo uh made a profit of around seventy five thousand dollars uh in the bank right now we have 185. uh the issue is we have a hundred and seventy thousand dollars in student loans uh my question is would you save a large chunk of that we're looking at a home around six hundred thousand uh save twenty percent of that for a down payment or would you pay place a large sum of that towards the student loan debt did i understand you have 185 in the bank 170 in student loan debt yes yes you did okay uh well what we teach folks is don't buy a house until your debt free and have an emergency fund okay so i think you're renting for a while because i think you just used 170 of your 185 to become debt free yeah ow you're not going to do that are you well i mean crying he's laughing like it's the most ludicrous thing he's ever heard [Laughter] well you know as ludicrous as it sounds it also kind of did just for a second when i said that did you feel kind of free yes yes that would be amazing yeah i mean you have to admit down inside your stomach that something was set free when i said that down inside your soul something was set free because that 170 looks like it's insurmountable it looks like freaking mount everest and for just a second i placed you on top of mount everest and you were cheering for just a second and then you started rolling your eyes and going i think this guy's crazy hey jimmy jimmy are you jimmy do you have a good job you gainfully employed yeah so i'm an ic registered nurse and my wife is an emergency department here's what i what's your household income uh we are around 160. oh my god jimmy here's a fun exercise for you you and your wife tonight dinner okay write down what it would look like what would your financial situation look like if you paid the 170 off you had 15k you're living in an rv right yeah and then you got really good income what would life look like i think you just got to get over it yeah you gotta write it down on paper and look how fast could you save a hundred grand oh my goodness um we paid off two this was before i knew about your program yeah we paid off like two forty thousand dollar cars and like within a year yeah so i think you can save a hundred grand a year [Applause] and i think you're gonna be in a house by this time next year and you have an emergency fund and no student loan debt and you're gonna look back 10 years later and go that crazy guy on the radio is right because if you don't do this you're going to limp for a decade hey you tell people what to do all the time in your business and they either do it or they don't this is the ramsey show [Music] have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsay advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host ken coleman ramsey personality number one best-selling author is my co-host today you jump in we'll talk about your life and your money it's a free call at triple eight eight two five five two two five if you've not heard the ken coleman show it is broadcast on siriusxm 75 plus radio stations and a podcast and a youtube channel every day it's all about finding your path to your dream job finding your path through your career and ken coaches people looking for new jobs how to move up in their current jobs how to find their giftings and align with it and it is working so ken talks about the workplace all the time ken one of the things i'm seeing right now is this all this talk about burnout and coming back from the pandemic a lot of people are going back to jobs that they hated and they realize now how bad they hate them and they're quitting like crazy we're seeing a huge number of people quitting their jobs they call some people are calling it the great resignation but if you ask someone if they love the work they do they oftentimes say yes and they really they're lying why do they do that well there's something about what other people think you know we've seen this happen more so in the pandemic than i think any time in modern history where we just are so worried about being criticized and questioned and so it's almost a little bit of the old golden handcuffs you got a good job a good benefits good pay and the idea of moving on to something else is is almost scoffed at and you know we talk a lot about this on the ken coleman show we've got seven stages a very clear path and stage five is is one that people really need to grasp grasp certainly people that listen to this show it's called get promoted and this is the idea of moving up the professional ladder and there's two benefits dave to getting promoted certainly when you get promoted most of the time you're talking about getting more income and that helps us with uh whatever stage that we're in in the baby steps right that bigger shovel is applied throughout the baby steps right we always need the bigger shovel but the other thing dave is that we long to do work that really matters deeply to us we want to be challenged and if we're not getting promoted if we're not growing professionally then we're not growing personally you're dying if you're not growing you're dying there's no there is no there is no i'm going to sit here and do the same work for 38 years that's right because your work deteriorates oh yeah you cannot do the same work for 38 years at some point you you master it you're going to do better or you're going to do worse yeah you're not going to do the same that's right and so if you did now listen my my parents generation certainly my grandfather's generation the greatest generation they would work the same job for 30 to 40 years those days are over the job is okay but the work's different the work has changed and then you know what's really cool these younger generations certainly the millennials begin to introduce this but the the generation after them these gen z kids they really want to do something that matters deeply to them personal values and i think that's a really nice thing to see but this idea of well i'm burned out and i don't want to do that at work anymore that's not true uh dave i just posted something last week on instagram at ken coleman and it was a clip from the show the ken coleman show where i was talking about a news article that shows there is a huge percentage of teachers that are planning to resign this year and next year because of the administrative demands on them the focus on on um aptitude scores uh and things of that nature that have nothing to do with the kids grades it's all about teaching social agendas instead of teaching academics that's the third piece they now are being forced to teach something that is politically a real hot potato and so they're going oh i i can't do it anymore and and what you have to understand there is if that's you no matter what profession you're in you still love the work but the environment itself is what you need to change not necessarily the profession understand that you could be what i call in the sweet spot where you're using your talent to do work you love to produce results of matter but if you're in a crappy environment uh that'll get old quick and you'll want to change location so dave in this great resignation that they're reporting that you mentioned 40 percent their economists are predicting 40 percent of the american workforce will change jobs in 2021. good lord don't don't please please please please don't just move uh to something else because of a paycheck make sure that you love the work because i can't tell you many times i'll get a call from somebody say well i got a promotion ken and i took it and i'm miserable yeah you gotta love the work and you gotta care about the results of the work don't come to ramsey solutions and work here if you don't care deeply about providing hope through practical content that is transformational don't come here because that's what we bleed over here and and if you can't get excited about that it's just a job for you and we don't want you and you won't want to be here yeah that's exactly right and it is it's actually a a job requirement here that's got to be a crusader that you care yeah and so we're hiring 300 folks this year and one of the things we're interviewing for is uh are you going to care deeply and do you care deeply about what it is you're going to be doing and how and where you're going to be doing it and so uh because i the last thing i want to be giving people my money who don't care yeah and then because they always mail it in yeah they're not creative they're not productive they don't they're not game on it will be a train stop for them yeah and i don't have time it's too expensive to hire people and bring them in here and move them out it's just too expensive it's too expensive emotionally that's right because i i i fall in love with i love the people and then they leave and it breaks my heart and so i can't you know i'd rather just get folk that actually karen are going to stay that's a better plan and so that ought to be you whether you're coming here or anywhere else is what ken's saying yeah don't have the train stop mentality have the ladder mentality all right so i am i am moving towards that dream job where i am just absolutely in my sweet spot i'm using my top talents to do tasks and functions or fill a role that i look forward to and it creates a result that personally connects to my values these are the things i want to contribute that has to be it has to be always the litmus test for what am i choosing and this idea of getting promoted dave stage five is all about moving up the ladder because here's what happens we saw it with our debt free screamer we see it all the time when i get focused on on just the debt snowball we see people get promoted and make more money but what if you were focused on not just making more money but doing work that you love you're going to see income and impact dave both of them move up and that's what everybody longs to do is to make a difference instead of a j-o-b and it occurs to me that even in a given position you can everything's changing so fast quickly the technology's changing the methodology is changing the delivery mechanisms are changing i mean we didn't you know i couldn't even spell podcast a few years ago and now 12 million of you listen to this podcast you know uh on this show and we've had 10 million on the radio for years but uh it you know so you all of a sudden we've got young people that were broadcast people that are now podcast people all in this building working on our podcast all the time and so you could be you could have started here uh and you're still doing the same job but you're doing in a different way with new technology and have gotten and that is a form of promotion absolutely and so there is a clear path we're excited dave we got a big announcement coming soon a book that's going to reveal all seven stages in the clear path to doing work you love very exciting ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today this is the ramsey show [Music] oh still on baby step number one huh how'd you guess with health care costs rising learn how christian healthcare ministries can help you make the most out of your budget visit budget don't worry it's worth it [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today nathan is in richmond virginia hi nathan how can we help hi how are you doing better than i deserve what's going on okay so here's what i got going on um i'm 25 years old i'm getting money from my father who recently passed away it's going to be over 200 000 i'm not the best in money management i've heard the saying it takes money to make money should i invest this money into a business should i save this money what should i do if i want to become a millionaire by the time i'm in my 30s [Music] how long does your dad pass away nathan um he passed away a couple months ago i'm sorry y'all close um we were pretty close he had dimension alzheimer's so i didn't see him um too often because he was in a assisted living facility sure and i lived across the country so he was in arizona with my sisters and then i lived over here in virginia so you're getting 200 000 cash is not over that it is just over that yeah i'm not sure the exact number i mean it's just it's not it's not a piece of property or something else it's just it's a investments or cash that's going to come to you liquid that you're going to do whatever you want to do with it yes like my brother's going to hand me a check gotcha okay and uh what do you make a year now so a year i used to make around i'd say 35 000 a year okay all right so here's what i would tell you um you're calling very very wisely to start to uh gather some wisdom about something you don't know anything about you have never driven a car before and someone just gave you car keys right cool and you you go well i i hear these things go fast right and so uh you know that that and yet if you remember the first time you got behind the wheel of a car uh it was both freeing because you could now go places and control your own destiny and it was uh terrifying and if you don't have both of those feelings with this process you're not wise right okay so uh i'll start with it takes money to make money uh is not a true statement that's a statement that broke people say as an excuse to not become broke people can you make money using money sure but actually the vast majority of people who build wealth do not build it because someone handed them two hundred thousand dollars they built it because of their habits and their character okay so that's you so here's what we're gonna do we're going to just what number one i tell you to do is just slow way down i would want you to move along the spectrum from exciting to boring over towards boring your job is to manage this money your job as if it's someone else's money and you're managing it for them your job first is not to lose it your job second is to maximize it but most people when they get handed the keys to the car step on the gas and mean it meaning they're they think their job is to maximize it and they end up losing it so yeah people that end up in your situation get money lose it very often because they make the mistake of they think it has to be exciting it has to be sexy it has to be wild has to be crazy because if i don't maximize it i'm doing something wrong it takes money to make money we all know that and so i'm going to invest it over here and i'm going to do this i'm going to do that and i'm going to do this wrong slow down number one rule nathan don't put money in something you don't understand don't put money in something someone else tells you is a good idea and they sound like they're really smart people around the money business and i've been around at 40 years there are a lot of enthusiastic ignoramuses they mean well but they're dumber than a rock and they're excited about and they're excited about their stupidity and they will put you in stuff they'll put you in stuff man and all your broke friends also got an opinion already don't they yeah and here's another piece too i started a meat company but the thing about it when i started this meat company it's not my passion because i was so money hungry to where i let money kind of consume my mind of oh i need to make i need to make money i need to be this by the time i'm on this agenda i chase things that weren't my passion and then i realized as i got into it i'm like shoot i don't want to do this anymore okay so let me let's take a couple things number one we can work on your career and that would be a good use of a little of this money if it got you into your passion i'll hand off to ken in a minute and let him work on that okay but then thing two uh here's a rule if you were to invest this money and not touch it in good growth stock mutual funds and if it made 10 rate of return on average in seven years it would double you would have 400 and you would be what 29 years old right no how do you say you're 25 25 yeah yeah okay so you'll be 32 years old and fi in seven more years would double again it'd be eight hundred thousand and in seven more years it would double again and it'd be a million six and that is a boring never touch it investment program you're probably not gonna do exactly that but i want a little of that in the formula here my brother okay where you go have a life and you pretend you don't have this money and you let it grow and double and grow and double and grow and double and so here my my last piece of instruction before ken helps you on the career side is uh i want you to go to or to and click on smart vester sit down with the smartvestor pro and they will teach you about mutual funds and then you can decide how much of this needs to go into your career changes and how much of it needs to go into mutual funds and that just sit there and just double so ken yeah real quick question here is the meat company that you started is that what's getting you the 35 000 a year yes all right and so you don't want to do that what do you want to do i know you got some ideas or one clear idea what is it that you really want to do so i really want to do fitness um because even in the times when i was at my lowest i always stuck to it yeah and it seems like it was like introduced to me great at a young age so is that uh is that a fitness coach trainer is that what we're talking about so i want to compete in shows and i want to launch um i want to be able to get a following through the instagram and be able to launch a business online and help people um reach their fitness goals yeah online because everything is online now sure um and also you know even in person but doing it online it gives you that freedom to do the travel all right so let me make sure i heard this right you want to be a fitness competitor and then eventually develop some type of online and in-person training business that's a two-parter am i right yes okay so here's the deal i'ma caution you on this being a fitness competitor is a whole different ball game we only can make money when we win so if that's the first goal you're going to need a day job so you got to sit down and go now what's the best strategy here's what i would challenge you to think through i would you're clear on what you want to do that's stage one of my seven stages stage twos get qualified so you need to answer the question what is it that i need to do to get qualified to train people online now online there's no technical qualification you just gotta have good content that people say all right i'm going to watch this guy and i'm going to train the way he trains but if you want to do it one-on-one there's some qualification that you need how much is that going to cost you how long is that going to take we're going to have to have a day job still in all of this process so if you've got the meat personal trainer it could be a personal trainers where i would go into so get qualified to do that get in the proximity that's it start doing that and then compete and any money we make competing and the online business it's going to grow over time i would get in the field work for a gym and have somebody else pay you to do the training so that you can move from meat company into this job and not interrupt the income because dave we don't want him to touch yeah this 200 000 a year's worth of 2 000 a month yeah i want you to pay yourself out of a little savings account 2 000 each month for one year during that year i want you to develop a real group of one-on-one personal training clients that pay you well and you use that money to eat with then you will also perfect your training techniques meanwhile you get to work out like a crazy person for your own uh competition goals and uh let's build a training business then build an online business while we're competing and i think that's an order and a way to get at this and use a little bit of the money to do that and let's invest the rest of it and not don't be spending a bunch of money on unproven business ideas or trying to buy a franchise on a business out of a box you're not in a position to do that yet you got to get some more notches in your belt this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Applause] do in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage evan and alyssa are with us hey guys how are you doing great good welcome where do you guys live germantown wisconsin milwaukee area that's right yeah good good to have you guys welcome all the way to nashville to do a debt-free scream how much have you paid off 103 000 just just north of 103 thousand dollars good how long did that take you about 36 months good and your range of income during that time uh it ranged from 120 to 170. good what do you guys do for a living i work in a sales executive for a large insurance company and then i was working at a bank and with financial advisors okay good very cool so both of your numbers people around the numbers were oh for sure what kind of debt was the 103 yeah the majority was student loans we had a 2013 camaro sitting in the driveway and uh 2018 honda civic that we got rid of along the way as well but the majority student loans done a little bit of credit card debt on top of it so you sold both those cars uh we sold the honda civic actually to our grandparents that kind of kicked us off and we're thankful for that i think they paid a little bit above market just to help us on the way that's nice yeah yeah and then uh cabarro ended up turning into a 2005 sierra that we still have to this day payton paid full so oh wow okay wow good for you so what happened 36 months ago what starts this journey for y'all yeah you know we we pretty much were just thinking hey we're going to be we're going to be cuffed to these student loans for the next 10 years and these car payments the next five and never put too much thought to it but the place i worked at the time a friend of mine joel i know he's i know he's listening back home he came to me one day and said he ever hear this book total money makeover no this guy dave ramsey said no he said well you know i was listening yesterday and this uh this girl paid off ninety thousand dollars of student loans in two years and there's people paying off their mortgages in four to five years so um immediately that got my that my offsets the light bulb goes yeah there's a different way to do this yeah that'd be cool that's what your mind says that'd be neat how do you do that so i run home and i'm all jacked up you know and uh bring the idea to alyssa and wow you know why would we do that while we put ourselves through that stress and we went to a restaurant locally jotted down a bunch of notes about what was coming out every month and then on a different piece of paper wrote down a bunch of goals that we had over the next you know five ten years and we noticed we can't have three thousand dollars going out every month the student loan payments and debt payments and accomplish these things at the same time so we gotta we gotta figure something out okay but i'll be honest i was not fully bought in sure so it took a i told them i will you know entertain this for you and we'll see how it goes for the next couple months okay um but after the you know these couple months it was like why have we never lived like this before it really it was hard at first but it wasn't you know a huge life change i didn't it didn't kill you no no we're still here and you can see your way out exactly if you can see your way out and it doesn't kill you you'll do it yeah so you went picked up the total money makeover book yourself after the restaurant i did yep yep and that's that's been passed through the family now so um that's another thing about our midwest upbringing it's a conservative you know we don't talk about money but alyssa and i going through this journey has all of a sudden opened up those lines of communication our family and her family and it's just been a serious blessing for for everybody that's come in contact with us so throughout the journey so it's been really special yeah you've inspired people it's what amounts to yeah that's why we're here you know we're not just here to celebrate our our debt free screen but if we can make an impact on one person listening in i mean it's the weight of this i i have a newfound respect for folks in on that lobby waiting for their debt free scream we were laughing crying over the last you know hour or so so and getting nervous about getting the microphone yeah yeah you're doing great though you're doing great okay i've got a relationship question yeah uh because for a married couple you know it's this has got to be a joint deal and alyssa i love what you said you said okay we go to the the diner or wherever you go and your job we got two pieces of paper okay and alyssa i love it you said well i i wasn't bought in but i was like all right i'm open-minded would you speak to the importance of that relationship component if one of the spouses is like i don't know yet but given it a chance because that seemed to be really big for you because you saw it yeah i would say i mean you know evan has a lot of crazy ideas i think but go evan this time i was like you know this actually sounds like something that would help us in the future um when he brought the ideas to me i just didn't want to have to do a big life change i think it's scary you know you all of a sudden i can't you know go get something at the store i feel like i can't spend money i didn't want to have to feel guilty about making purchases but when he really showed me you know and we started doing it it was a lot easier than i thought there was things that we didn't even know where half of our spending was going yeah so when we really wrote it down and having me bought in bought our whole relationship even to the next level i feel like um you know we were both on the same page um i do know some people who want to pay off all their debt and they don't have their spouse you know bought in and i said it may not work you know you really have to have that person that has the same drive as you we'd both log our spending you know in the app um you both have to be determined to do it yeah yeah you weren't resistant but you just wanted to prove out because he brought you other schemes and scams sharon says that she says you're scheming and scamming no i'm not doing either one i'm just having a discussion here woman a big driving factor you know one of the things on that list was she's always wanted to become a stay-at-home mom when we had kids and you know anybody that's ever seen her be a mother will tell you she's the she's built for it you know she is the best mother that you'll ever see and um as a result of this pro this program that we stuck to over the last three years we've been able to accomplish that goal for her and um yeah that got her on board you know once you start talking like that yeah there you go that's great yeah you know here's another thing you you you made it personal for her it wasn't just about your big idea and that you got fired up from the book you tapped into her future desired future her dreams look at the tears on her she loves being obama i mean that's what it's about that's financial peace right there for sure for you not to get uh i'm hoping i can get through without getting emotional like her but you asked the last debt-free scream what made it worth it for you right there was a situation we were we were coming up towards the very end of our journey and we had our son in daycare she was working part-time just to make some more money so we could kind of speed this thing along and again her whole goal was become a stay-at-home mother our second baby was due in a month at this point yep so we're in stork mode as you guys call it i think we had like 30 grand sitting in the bank account and we're just working out the numbers to figure out how we can make this all happen at once have the baby debt free stay at home you know and about a month before we were about to pull our son from daycare we get a call it's a great daycare we still have friends there uh to this day that we that we love talking to on a regular basis and we'd be we'd go back there you know but they had a situation where our two-year-old was left out they go to the playground they left our son out you know it was it was a really short period of time it's like five minutes he was like hidden on a playhouse where they couldn't see him and um you know i think about my boy being out there alone and scared and um we had and they called you and told you about it they admitted it yeah they were they called us you know it was a regulation put on them by the state and they stuck to it we appreciate that and we're still good friends with the owner of that yeah well i mean everybody makes a mistake but that goes okay it's done yep i'm done and because of where we were you could you could pull the trigger yeah i got i got a call at 10 o'clock in the morning i was at that daycare at 11 taking my son out he's never gone back and when people ask alyssa what she does for a living and then my son's next to her he says i stay home with mommy and great you know it's uh it's just it's just such a it's such a the weight was it's really rewarding that we were able to do that and now he can you know i can hang out with him every day and we do fun things every day that's worth 103 000 and anything you sacrifice to get rid of it all day yeah that's a that's a check well written right there well done guys i love it you guys are amazing thank you you're inspiring so fun so fun so the key well we ain't even got time i'm not gonna do it i'm gonna give you a copy of the total total money makeover to give away so somebody that's at a restaurant somewhere doing their goals probably needs a copy of that book you're gonna run into them and we'll give you a copy of the legacy journey because you definitely have changed your family tree in so many different ways in this story so inspiring so well done you guys thank you thank you all right evan and alyssa milwaukee wisconsin area 103 000 paid off in 36 months make it 120 to 170. count it down let's hear a debt free scream three [Applause] you want to stay home with your kiddos [Applause] touchdown this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five our question today comes from they have a 100 satisfaction guarantee that means even if you mismeasure you pick the wrong color they will remake your window blinds for free they have free samples free shipping new promos all the time always use the magic word the promo code ramsey to get you a deal today's question dave comes from javier in california he writes in i currently have a job in construction management which pays a hundred thousand dollars a year plus bonuses my dream since i was a kid was to become a police officer but the money i've been making has pushed me away from this goal i don't get the satisfaction with my current job that i think i would have as a police officer but i'm scared to make a change which might be a mistake what should i do javier you should follow your heart on this but before we follow the heart let's do a little bit more research what i call clarify and verify you've probably done this but i'd love for you to talk to a couple police officers who really love their work and this is over coffee could be over zoom whatever and sit down with them and learn what do they love most about the work what do they like the least and let's just do a little simple almost term paper-like research with real men and women who are winning and love being a police officer once we get that information that's to clarify your heart is going to verify verify and say hey this is something i need to do now it's all about getting qualified and so you know what that journey looks like or you need to find out from them so what is actually involved what do i need to do to get qualified what's that process going to look like and now we have a clear path to getting qualified and so you make really good money you save up for any kind of cost here in the qualification stage and you go for it you're going to make the transition and here's the deal dave i know this that anytime somebody makes a change even when their heart like javier is saying he's always wanted to be a police officer to protect and to serve but it's scary when we don't know what the journey might look like and so when we go figure out what the journey is going to look like in getting qualified and then what does it look like there's two pieces to that to me listening to you explain it through it feels like that um if i get real clear of exactly what it looks like when i get there and then i get really clear on exactly what it's going to take to get there that's exactly right the fear goes away yeah because now we know oh okay i'm going to have to get physically fit because i got to pass a test for this so i've got some goals i've got to hit i'm gonna have to go through the academy through the academy maybe three four months and then maybe there's a six month probation period where they bring me in whatever that particular department looks like that's what we're talking about what does it take to actually get in and then when you're doing the job yeah here's what the glorious parts are but here's the inglorious parts yeah you know like i know one lady that kept saying she wanted to be a nurse and then she went and shadowed a nurse for two days and she went ew i don't want to do that that's right that's the clarify verify once we actually see what it's like what are the best parts yeah there's some ride-alongs with some patrol guys you know we had a policeman call me today on the coleman show earlier today and he was wanting to transition because of the environment that unfortunately exists today in america around policemen and it's not the case for everybody but this certainly a really rough environment and so i really pressed him on it and i said what do you love most about being a police officer and his answer was i really like being a part of saving someone's life whether i'm doing it or assisting an emt or a fireman or whatever because it's really about protecting people for me and and i think that what he was trying to do is say hey ken should i leave because of the environment and i said if you can find something else that allows you to do the work of protecting or caregiving then yes but if not stay and in this situation before you make that move you really want to clarify and verify does this set my heart on fire am i doing work that i love am i producing results that matter deeply to me very simple questions and if you look into it the answers take away the fear of the unknown because we know oh this is what it's going to be like and this is what it's gonna take to get there now i can wrap my brain around it just like dave for years is giving you folks seven baby steps oh a thousand dollars baby step one i gotta put a thousand dollars for rainy day you know the either the debt snowball oh there's a plan absent of a plan fear will paralyze us yep yeah but knowledge gives you power absolutely when you when you know what it's going to be like when you get there and you know exactly what the steps are the fear largely dissipates it really does but most of your fear comes from the unknown yes sir open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five rachel's in orange county california hi rachel welcome to the ramsey show hi thank you so much this is like my fourth and fifth time calling and i'm excited every time well we're honored to have you again how can we help thank you okay so um in january this year i paid off two car collections that i had from about six to seven years ago um and so one of them is not on my credit report anymore the other one for toyota i had to dispute twice and it finally shows that i paid a lesser amount than what was actually due however it's still showing up on my credit report and it's saying it'll be on there until february of next year that's because that's what happened okay so they keep that on record for a year i mean as long you you settled it for less than was owed right correct i got it all in writing yeah so and and they're reporting they're reporting it accurately although it is a negative report okay is that correct yes okay yeah you can't do anything about something that's reported accurately okay but they're they're saying it's going to drop off in a year yeah it says on file until february of 2022. oh great because yeah but another way they can another way they can choose to do it is seven years from the date of last activity on the account and the last activity on the account was when you settled it it could have been seven years from the other day but the good news is it's about to run out anyway so it's going to go away but there's not really anything you can do about it because you can only dispute things on a credit bureau report that are inaccurate correct and this is accurate so you're stuck with it and the great news is it's going to go away automatically in a year anyway because apparently that's seven years ago that you had this repo or had the problem or established the account or something because it's a seven year rule the only thing that stays on your credit bureau report longer than seven years is a chapter seven bankruptcy which will stay on for 10 years but everything else drops off in seven years from the date of last activity uh and so it literally can be you you pay an old bad bill this week seven years from this week it goes off it can be but apparently sometimes the credit it's up to the creditors to how they report it but apparently the creditor here is reporting it from the date the loan was initially made or the date that it went into default or something yeah rachel i just want to encourage you hey you're walking out the baby steps so this isn't gonna be a factor for you anyway number one it doesn't stain you number two you don't need it because you're gonna pay cash for things so let this thing i love the intensity and i love the enthusiasm and the deep passion here but uh this is not a big stain that's gonna hold you back it's going to fall off and you're doing all the right things really really proud of you keep after it yeah here's to ken's point um and it's not what you were saying so i'm not correcting you but i just want our listening audience to hear this clearly we don't worship at the altar of the great fico right your fico score is an indication of how much money you have borrowed and paid back it is not an indication of wealth let me try that again your fico score is how much the larger your fico score the more you've been playing kissy face with the bank or kissy something and so you got to decide you're going to play kissy with the bank all the time you can have a big old fico score and keep them rich if you were going to quit borrowing money your fico score literally does not matter you know what my fico score is i don't have one it's zero because i haven't borrowed money shame shame shame on your dave have you have not maximized the american way yeah yes i have i've got several hundred million dollars is working out for me so you know this is you know this is but you're right that you know it doesn't matter who cares that it's on there she's moving on yeah yeah she then i think that's a good point but also a good point to say she's doing really good stuff by really watching what's going on with it and getting the proper things on there the proper things off of there i did all of that too i wanted to make sure mine was cleaned off because uh you know after i went through a bankruptcy it stayed on there 10 years wow you know yeah and so i yeah but you know what i never borrowed money again so it really didn't come up that's exactly right and she did it right she got it in writing the settlement she's doing everything the right way yeah she's just really cleaning things up good for you good job rachel well played well played ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host this hour good hour ken thank you sir good job kelly and ben in the booth i am dave ramsey your host we will be back before you know it [Music] hey it's kelly associate producer and phone screener for the ramsay show if you would like to do your debt free scream live on the show make sure you visit the ramsay and register we would love for you to come to nashville and tell dave your [Music] story [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story [Music] live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host ken coleman ramsey personality number one best-selling author of the book the proximity principle is my co-host today as we answer your questions about career about money about life and about life it's a free call some say the advice is worth what you pay for it the phone number is triple eight eight two five five two two five lee's with us in cleveland ohio hi lee how are you hi dave um hang well how are you better than i deserve what's up um okay so we recently relocated from florida to ohio and we sold our home in florida and we thought we'd be able to buy our house in cleveland for cash but with this market that's proving to be very difficult we have about three hundred and fifty thousand three hundred fifty to four hundred thousand dollars to spend cash um but should we rent for a year and hope the market at least comes or should we get a small mortgage won't neither one is in the dumb column yes um it's just a matter of what i for me personally once i made the decision to never be in debt it would be very hard for me emotionally to take out a mortgage again but mathematically it wouldn't be that big a deal for you yeah and that's what we're thinking like we've worked really hard we have we're debt-free fully funded emergency fund have about a million dollars in investment we're in our young young 40. um so i guess the million dollars is in investments is it all in retirement it's all retirement yeah you can't touch it congrats and you said you're 40. actually 42 and your everyday millionaires way to go yeah thanks thank you very much it's been a long road but it's you know i grew up with you so it was uh it was an easy road so well we're honored so your baby steps millionaires then good okay so what uh uh uh wow so what's your household income um with my i'm a stay-at-home mom i would say about 200 with bonus and so how much mortgage would you take out if you went ahead and moved on a property now i mean honestly we wanted to stay in a house that's around 350. but you said you had 350 or 400 correct correct and that's all like i don't want a monstrosity house but i want help that's like updated in a good neighborhood and those are you know 600 650 right now and it just to me i don't think he's a little dumb to spend that kind of money so just i'm just struggling with it like in florida i expected it i didn't i i guess i didn't expect it in cleveland ohio so much so hmm so you'd take out like a 200 000 mortgage yeah yeah probably somewhere around there and it would take you like three years to clear that uh probably yeah yeah okay well that's certainly not the end of the world it's certainly not going to make you go bankrupt and it's certainly not going to keep you from building wealth if you chose if you choose to go that route i don't think you're going to see the market calm down 200 000 in 12 months right right but i i mean i guess our thought was you know maybe we rent and we stayed for another year and then we have you know 500 grand to spend or something and then at least we're not like we've put in bids on three homes and we've been outbid like the we're we're bidding ask and then they're coming back after that and saying we want another sixty thousand dollars and i'm like i just i physically can't do it like it makes me wanna i'm struggling well so um and the bid on the three homes what was the prices you bid um we've been about 3.50 so you have found home you have found homes that the asking price on was a home that you would buy yes yes but we're getting outbid like i understand i understand but that's different than saying i have to jump from 350 or 400 to 600 to buy a house that's updated in cleveland ohio those are those and those are incongruent conclusions yes yes you're correct on that you're you know the ones you're motivating on there yeah i think i think i think i think you're getting a little bit into house fever drama mode maybe maybe because you kicked up you kicked up to 600 because you got outbid on a 350. yeah but keep in mind i also have two small children and right now we're living in a hotel so that'll add to the drama mode that'll add to the drama mode that'll cause anybody to go crazy but but um yeah i'll give i'll give you that but i'm going to call you on your lack of logic okay so uh and don't forget dave that if you pay for if you go for a 600 000 house you get in the same market you're going to have that whole back and forth there too yeah so what i'm going to do is go rent but i want an out in the lease okay i want to be i want to i want terms of the lease that allow me for x number of dollars to break the lease and then i want you to keep bidding on 350 and 400 000 houses until you actually get one okay and here and what you have to do in that process is you have to steal yourself your emotions you have to put your shields up and just kind of then be surprised when you actually get one you know what i'm saying instead you like got married to these other two and it was a deep disappointment yeah yeah yeah so i i was i was on the golf screen the other day uh teeing off at the first uh hole and i uh my i looked down at my cell phone and uh an offer i had made that i fully did not expect to go through on a property i buy real estate i looked down and i told sharon i said damn come we just bought that house i said i never dreamed it was like a surprise because i figured in this market i was going to get outbid i didn't figure i was shocked and you know and and so you kind of want to be in that mode where you're like pleasantly surprised that it actually went through yes and meaning that you're not deeply disappointed and oh god the world's coming to an end i gotta go buy 600 000 hours because my offer didn't go through because you're probably going to continue to see this now i will tell you that the white hot market probably apexed about 30 days ago it's still hot still quite hot but not as much as it was 30 days ago we're seeing all kinds of indicators coming back now the different markets have different personalities and certainly different micro markets within markets even have different personalities so there might be a neighborhood or two where it's still just going cray cray but uh this um the the 17 offers all over asking price by 50 grand are not happening as much today as they were 30 45 days ago most places nashville's hot really hot williamson county where we live outside of nashville really hot but it's slowed down a little bit a little bit not not it's not returned to completely normal it's certainly not bargains everywhere nothing like that but uh the the lumber prices have come down building is normalized somewhat and so the frenzy has seems to have peaked in in some areas in most areas so i'll tell you that sometime in the next six months you're gonna find a house you can buy for asking price that you like this 350 to 400 that's why i want you to have an out in the lease i love that practical advice takes all the pressure off you've already negotiated upfront on the lease you got the cash a bill to pay to break the lease that really takes the pressure off now it becomes a game yeah that's fun and then you then you're pleasantly surprised when it actually does work yeah this is the ramsey chat [Music] [Music] hey folks i got a great option to help you pay for your education the army national guard the army national guard believes you are the next greatest generation because you have proven that even in adversity that you have what it takes to succeed that's why they offer benefits like tuition assistance career training and a paycheck to help you avoid debt no matter what your goals are the army national guard can help you get there visit to find out more [Music] ken coleman ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five well i've heard all the excuses the people have for putting off making a will i'm busy it's confusing it's a downer it's morbid it's expensive if i do a will i might die that's that's my favorite yeah you're gonna die okay 100 mortality rate in the human race okay we've done detailed research you're gonna die you need a will in fact ramsey solutions research team found that 74 of parents don't have a will come on guys that's not good it's too important you need a will to protect your family stop putting it off get it done start with our free will preparation checklist this guide helps you think through the seven important areas like naming of guardians beneficiaries plus all the little things you hadn't thought of and once you've gone over the checklist setting up your actual will will only take you about 10 or 15 minutes get the guide the free will preparation checklist by texting will 233 789 and you can start the morbid uncomfortable conversation text will 233 789 give your family peace of mind by getting yourself a will mine's so stinking detail ken we have a meeting once a year to go over all the estate plan with the family and the leadership team here i call it the monty python meeting because we all discuss dave's death and i always go i'm feeling much better yeah it's just a flesh wound i don't know how you do that when you tell us that it's kind of that has to be weird it's creepy as crud do you like multiple times in the media remind everybody that you're still in the room other people do because it's awkward for them so like mark floyd our cfo goes i don't like talking about this and he says this every year for eight years now i don't like talking about you dying and you dying in front of you and i'm like well you're going to talk about me behind my back about dying i mean come on what is the deal it's it's funny but uh it's it's uh it's in in it is a matter of diligence to get these things in place because if you don't it costs your family so much heartache yeah brandon is with us brandon's in tampa florida hey brandon how are you hey dude how are you doing today better than i deserve what's up uh so i am contemplating switching jobs and i wanted to give you a little detail and see if you can help me to make an informed decision okay uh so i've worked for the same company for 15 years i love my company and i think what i like best about my job is i work from home i have really flexible hours so one of my kids has special needs if he's meeting with a therapist i can take a quick break from work and i can meet with a therapist too or if they have a function going on at school i can meet them at school and i'm home every night for dinner and then uh i can log back into work if i need to after they're in bed so it kind of lets me be super dad uh while you know my kids still like me you know until they become teenagers right okay so the uh so why are you leaving why are you leaving nirvana so unless i move to another city they won't let me apply for other jobs and they're going to lay me off in the next three months to three years oh okay so this is the end i kind of nirvana's in there you got kicked out of the garden okay i will it's just kind of when do i pull off the band-aid right so i found another job that would actually pay me more and it would have a lot of job security it'd be a great job but it's probably a two to two and a half hour commute a day and it would be a lot of hours and i wouldn't be home or able to do any of this stuff with my kids yeah that's it you have to move is what you have to do yeah you would last more than three months your heart your heart's already telling you that's a bad idea that's just your brain because you've got a little bit of fear a little bit of pressure so that's not an option unless you move and then you said i'm not willing to move why you're not willing to move uh my kids are in a great school district love my house love my neighborhood i have a rental in the same street my in-laws live on the same street you haven't found yeah you got to keep looking there's a good list of reasons why we say no to that um so i started looking for that other job that i have in 2018 and i was getting ready to start that job and then it went on hold during the pandemic and they're trying to get me to come back now my wife and i kind of want to just wait until we get laid off just so you know i'm on baby step seven i have a fully funded emergency fund and a large chunk of money that's in our checking account because we're getting rid of my car so financially i'm in good shape where if i got laid off it wouldn't be the end of the world but if and when i went to look for another job it's very likely that i'd take a big pay cut because the technology that i'm working on is very proprietary so not a lot of other places need it so i'd have to kind of start at the ground what's two and a half hours away with a raise do they have the same technology uh they do it's kind of a government job so it's not just that it's two and a half hours away it's that it's uh a long commute with traffic i got that part i'm asking what was the job is it the same technology uh it's not but they're willing to take me because of a security clearance all right so what is your what would you say is your uh type of work are you a programmer are you inside give me a give me a job title so i can have an idea of what we're looking at here being your systems engineer one thing that's kind of funky is my current company because i can't apply for jobs they just move me wherever they need me so right now i'm not working on technology i would apply to a job for because i've been doing it since february okay here's the deal in tampa florida a great job market good size area the systems engineer what you have to start doing right now is start finding other different types of opportunities that allow you to take your experience and your skill set those are two different things but i think you've got a wonderful future you know the idea of waiting to be laid off that's just not how i'm wired but because you're in baby step seven and you've got a you've got a a whole different perspective on things i'm not gonna say that's not a good idea you certainly can do it it's not but i don't like it okay good i i don't like it i think that that is uh too passive and uh brandon you're in denial yeah you're in denial that this nirvana is going away it's going away and all you have said all you have set up are these impossible freaking scenarios that are fatalistic all around you where your life is not going to continue unless you keep this job that's right and that's a bunch of bs this you you have a skill set that is totally marketable within 30 minutes of your house and you need to go look for a new position and that what has happened dave those excuses those are all excuses those scenarios become excuses for him because he doesn't want to leave the nevada because he doesn't want to leave them i'm sorry but nirvana's ending yeah they're kicking you out of the garden of eden yeah you don't get to live there anymore yeah and so it's they've told you and and the instability of that is is is eroding you guys it's it's eating at you guys and that's why you went and considered something two and a half two and a half hours no yeah and by the way we just freaking moved to orlando oh my god and you know what you don't have to trade off being a super dad and being there for your kids if your scenario changes that again is a false choice it's a false narrative and we do this we create all these reasons why we should sit tight and in this situation he's so marketable the opportunities for him are endless as a systems engineer i mean technology that's the place to be and because he can go just about anywhere yeah you're going to be fine son you're going to be fine but you know i'm just calling you on your stuff here you know you you need to go look for something that's not two and a half hours away and if it's a little bit of a pay cut so what it's um you know and no i'm not going to sit and wait on this to come hit me in the back of the head we know it's coming and so um you know go land you something and get yourself get yourself a projected future that feels good again you don't have a good feeling about your projected future nothing in your future that you laid out sounded fun nothing did and that's just not accurate there's a way to put together a life that you love here again and uh so hey man appreciate you glad you're at baby step seven proud of you for doing that it gives you some options gives you some comfort don't wallow in the comfort this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Applause] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage isabella is here hi isabella how are you hi dave i'm doing great thank you guys for having me today we're honored to have you where do you live likewise i live in los angeles california a bit of a haul over to nashville welcome good to have you and how much debt have you paid off isabella i paid off 34 473 and 82 cents awesome how long did this take you 12 months 12 months and your range of income during that time it was about 56 and it ended around 60. cool okay what kind of debt was the 34 000. the majority of my debt was student loans okay and a little bit of credit card it was all student loans what do you do for a living i'm in real estate now i just actually passed my real estate license last month and so i've been doing real estate for a few months now in california what were you doing before that for the 56 to 60. before that i was actually in international education and i was doing that for the full year and i was also doing some part-time jobs as well to supplement my income to be really gazelle intense and focused to pay off the student loans good for you how old are you i'm 30 am i going to be 31 tomorrow actually tomorrow's my birthday well happy birthday thank you very cool thank you okay so something happened i mean their 20s goes away we're sitting on 30 or so 29 or 30 and we're looking down and there's this nagging student loan that won't go away what happened what was the breakthrough well it was actually started a few years before that actually i was teaching in china actually so i was there for about four years wow and i thought that i want i wanted to go into government work as a foreign service officer and so that's why i went to go get my master's and then i had an internship uh in hong kong and i decided that i really liked what i was doing at the time but i didn't see myself doing it long term i would rather be focused more on the business side entrepreneurial side and so i left and china and i came back to the states and i believe it was 2015. and i really started to get gazelle tense in 2019 earlier that year my mother passed away actually really unexpectedly and so that was kind of the catalyst for me to really get my affairs in order and really focus on something that i know she would be extremely proud about and also for me you know i was working in education at the time and i was like how should i have debt over my head when i'm being in this field i'm coaching students and so i i really wanted to clean up my backyard essentially yeah yeah that's that's powerful there's something about um a friend of mine a pastor friend of mine and i were speaking at a funeral a while back and he made a comment i've never forgotten he said uh losing someone a funeral a birth either one are both tuning forks and it you re-tune your life because you we all get real introspective when those kinds of things happen and the loss of your mom does that and says okay this life thing is short i better get it right for sure for sure and so later that year actually i started financial peace university at a church and i brought my sister along with me and it was it was funny she made a comment she was 21 at the time and she's like i'm too young for this i shouldn't be going to this and i was just telling her actually this is like the perfect time that you should be learning about this so you can grow and invest earlier and so i dragged her along with me and i finished the course at the end of 2019 and then in 2020 in march that's when i got really focused yeah and that's when i was beans and rice rice and beans i was doing whatever i could to get out of debt and it was really hard because i went through actually you know several losses um i actually was going through a breakup at the time too so there was a lot of times where it was you know during the pandemic as well where everything just really seemed really difficult a lot of stress right a lot of stress like loss and stuff but i always push myself to this that this season is not going to last forever and that's when i would always listen to your podcast i took a lot of inspiration from other dead scream um uh people as well and listening to your podcast when i would drive to and from work and that would always keep me focused whenever i just didn't want to work so hard or times where i just felt like it was kind of insurmountable uh listening to you and other people really was something that kept me focused on the past for sure so i want to ask you how did this i mean i love that story unbelievable grit so proud of you how did that journey that that singular focus on getting out of debt how did it play into you becoming a real estate professional and kind of scratching that entrepreneurial itch because this i'm assuming this was all part of the transition getting debt free and moving into real estate yes my so my last position um it was a means to an end so it was a means for me to get out of debt once i got out of debt um earlier this year actually i was like i want to get my real estate license and so uh it took me six and a half months from when i started to when i passed to actually get it done so when i paid off my debt i was able to i went online and i fill out the questionnaire for dave ramsey to be here to get the debt-free scream and then after that i took my real estate exam and i passed so it was just kind of everything just kind of happened like a domino effect so i love this dave this is day job the dream job there's nothing wrong with a day job right that gets us out of debt that prepares us while we're getting qualified for the dream job great job good for you and now have you sold your first house yet i've sold actually four already touched the how does that feel it feels amazing and i actually um had like a mid-year review with one of my mentors at uh at my company and he was saying um that you know he's kind of impressed about how quick i and i'm learning the ropes and i told him this is the first time actually i've ever had a job that i felt like matched my personality so well yeah that's great and uh it feels great it's like you make your own schedule you go in when you want to you leave when you when you want to and um your results are reflected on how much effort and how hard you push yourself yeah who'd you bring with you i brought my sister and my father all right they they heard me all year long biggest cheerleaders in your life huh non-stop talking about your dad your dad's he's over shaking his head he's proud of you yeah yeah very well very good stuff good stuff what do you tell people the key to getting out of debt is i tell people definitely it's consistency um discipline and also just a belief in yourself because there's going to be times when it gets really really hard and you're not going to really have anybody on your side really pushing you because everybody has their own agenda their own things to do and so really a firm belief and vision in yourself and your future is what's going to get you through those hard times yeah way to go isabella you're a rock star you're a hero very very proud of you what a lot of transition there yes a lot of change a lot of stuff going on a lot of stress all during a stressful time pulled it all off yeah you're an amazing young woman very very well done very well done good stuff all right we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you that is definitely the next chapter in your story to continue to change your entire legacy now very well done and i copy the total money makeover book you can pass that along to someone when you're talking about financial peace university like you drug your 21 year old sister there a few years ago so very cool stuff good stuff all right it's isabella from los angeles 34 000 paid off in 12 months making 56 to 60. count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one i'm debt free [Music] yeah this is how it's done right here so i have a prediction for you all right she's gonna make over 100 in real estate business her first year no yes for sure she's going to double her income yeah she's going to crush it and zoom through the baby steps because of it just boom boom boom boom boom ticking them off just crushing her she got two out of the way she's relaxed she's not afraid of hard work she's got a a poise yes and a way she carries herself she's going to do very very well in the real estate business yeah it's going to work out very well and but there's something interesting there's a tie there always has been between what you do and what we what i do the career and the money right that that the the money being right frees you up to do the career the career being right making a lot of money frees you up to go win with your money that's right they they bounce back and forth between it's a ping pong and it works together that's it she did it so well it's the left right combination and i just want to tell you your mom is so proud i know your dad and your sister proud but so is your mama amen incredible fortitude proud amen this is the ramsey show [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] our scripture of the day john 14 27 peace i leave with you my peace i give to you i do not give to you as the world gives do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid rosa parks said i have learned over the years that when one's mind is made up this diminishes fear very true laney is with us laney is in what in the world did i do there i messed up hello there's laney hey laney welcome to the ramsey show how can ken and i help hey dave hi ken bear with me i have a lot of moving pieces um i'm an occupational therapist i work in the hospital i also have a part-time job and outpatient i'm on baby step two i'm getting married in august and i'm just very burned out on the hospital i'm living in asheville my lease ends in november and the plan was or was for my fiance to get a job first and i kind of go from there because my job's more flexible um but i got anxious found a job got offered the job and it's going to be an 8 000 pay raise i'm just now i'm having second thoughts on am i cornering my fiance into a place or should i where is the job and where's the job in greenville south carolina okay so you would be moving and your your lease is up in november and you're getting married to win again august august okay so had you guys already decided on greenville south carolina or this is where the job has come up and now he's got to decide or you have to decide if that's where we want to go help me understand this is where the job came up so we have not decided on a location at all okay so if you're having second thoughts what are his thoughts i'm saying i'm assuming since you mentioned him and cornering him have you guys discussed this and what's his take yeah um he he isn't super decisive about it he likes the area but he does feel like he wishes that he could find a job first because i could essentially go anywhere where his it might be harder for him to find a job okay so you called us which way were you leaning at the start of this call oh i'm really really conflicted i i'm really worried that i am making a rash decision like to jump on this job because i'm so burned out at the hospital okay and this job would start in september so it's kind of like a really quick easy out for me yeah i think you have to listen to that uh here but i want to dive in here tell me about the parts that are causing you to feel burned out and another way of asking this is what would you remove if you had a magic wand what would you pull away from what you're doing right now that's sucking your soul out well so the biggest piece is the salary is not what i expected when i got the student loans that i did okay for an occupational therapist okay i'm working that doesn't cause you to burn out that's not work related that's emotion attached to the reality that a lot of people are facing when they get these expensive degrees that they take loans out and they go wait a second i thought i was going to make more i'm asking you do is there type is there types of things you're doing that are burning you out or is it just the emotional running to run away from this particular hospital why why what's sucking the life out so it has been so many staff cuts we're super we've been super overworked okay so you're overwhelmed which is which i've i've written about this i've got an article on this at it's one of the five causes of what i call build up on the heart see burn out is the symptom if i go to the doctor today laney with a knee with knee pain i'm not going i've got knee pain i want to know what's causing the pain and and so being overwhelmed drinking from a fire hydrant is is what you're identifying here so let me simplify this if we removed all of the stuff that's causing all this the stress and just feeling overwhelmed and i put you in a different place doing occupational therapy would you be happy in your work yeah i think so i i am made to be an occupational therapist i am all right hold on on pause that that's huge that's what you have to realize you were made to be an occupational therapist so we're doing the right thing in the wrong place we have a little quiz at dave well she knows that she's wanted to leave i know but that's one of my dad gum inside coleman she already told you that no but but she needs to hear that because she was gonna take another job just as an occupational therapist no she was gonna take it she was gonna she was rushing into something as opposed to saying i need to stay in occupational therapy she was she was going to stay in occupational therapy yeah so the other job is home health it's not occupational therapy it's still it's an occupational therapist i thought you were staying you're staying in the career but i thought i heard her say it was a little bit different than what she's doing now did i misunderstand that let me back up a second on something that's bothering me in this whole thing when are you getting married again august okay this is this is july so when is it your fiance is going to go get a freaking job my thoughts exactly yeah i think he needs to get off painter get off the ladder here yeah but you should not take the job in greenville i don't think that's good for the relationship no i think but i think he's got about 30 days or no no whining like by the time you get married he should have his job lined up in the city and then you go over there and get you an occupational therapy job in that city and you're still going to be in there by september yes and the point but him sitting around on his butt till christmas not figuring this out is not one of the options on the table right you could tell him i said that or are you waiting on him like why do you have to why does he have to go you're not forcing him he does need to get his button gear but here's the point i'm trying to make laney dave's having fun with me i get it here's the point you're not burned out from being an occupational therapist you're just burned out in the current environment don't mistake that that's all stay with occupational therapy yeah you're doing the right thing but get out of that environment i agree and i'm i'm with you on this lanny i think you can land that pretty easily and you just have to be selective about the environment wherever he wants but he loses his option on cities if he doesn't take the option by the wedding okay do you think i'd give him 30 days he gets to he gets until then to choose cities and choose his little career thing otherwise he'd be following you yeah yeah and i don't want that i i want him to grow in his career i do too but that means he has to actually go do it he has to get on the ladder before he can climb yeah what's he do what's his what's his field he's a supervisor in commercial landscaping well you can do that anywhere yeah i've never heard of a supervisor in landscaping deciding which city he wants to go to i mean you guys collectively say that this is where we want to live we he can go do that anywhere as well and you can go do occupational therapy anywhere so let's let's have a meeting tomorrow night decide where we want to live and then let's go get a couple jobs there before the wedding yeah and then you can quit your job and you'll be out of that hospital by september and you go to occupational therapy and he goes dude goes and does commercial landscaping i mean any major metro area has got commercial landscaping believe me anybody's got office buildings and apartments and so forth that's just that's the deal um so i mean there's 73 000 of them within a two mile radius of this place they're over here every day bothering us so um i know that you know it's just possible right i mean can you yeah they want to get this job right this this building yeah there's a lot of landscaping to do around here yeah so you're telling me you're not a fan of the leaf blower right outside of the conference rooms is that what i'm hearing i don't know it was like a thing at the old office every time we would start a meeting some guy would cope out with a leaf blower about the time we're in the room full of stuff right in the middle of the meeting so yeah the great news is you can land both of these jobs anywhere you guys want to do laney this is about you all getting aligned on your timing and your motivation and ambition and both of you being on the same page you're more driven to get out of that hospital and he's not driven enough i'm kicking him in the butt in this call because he's leaving you on hold and you on hold is driving you bananas and you're screaming burn out burn out burnout yeah and there's really no burnout because you're gone by september you can survive until september i promise yeah so you got this kid congratulations on your marriage it's gonna be awesome you're gonna have a great new city picked out by the end of the week awesome it's gonna be incredible ken good job thank you for having me fun stuff good job in the booth guys i'm dave ramsey your host we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christ jesus [Music] hey guys this is james senior producer for the ramsay show did you know over 18 million people listened to the ramsay show every week and a lot of those people listen on one of our 600 plus radio stations across the country to find a station near you head to [Music] you
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Id: TpYqQn4bbeA
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Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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