Sometimes Your Money Issues Aren't Actually Money Issues...

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[Music] i'm dave ramsey your host rachel cruz ramsey personality best-selling author number one best-selling author is my co-host today also my daughter will be answering your questions about your life and your money open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five anna is with us in jackson mississippi to start off this hour hi anna how are you i'm good how are y'all better than we deserve what's up um we have got about 6 700 left in the hsa that we don't contribute to anymore um because my husband is at a different employer now and we wanted to know what your opinion was of taking that money and putting it towards a car loan that we have or keeping that in there for future medical expenses well you're going to pay substantial penalties like cashing out a retirement if you do that if you take it out right and so i'm not going to i'm not going to give the government 30 30 of my money right well we just wanted to be sure that that was the right thing to do since we don't contribute to it anymore we just wanted to see what you had to say yeah i would use it for medical as it comes up and get it cleaned out that way in the meantime there's a company that we endorse and i personally use called health equity and you can put mutual funds inside your esa and if you want it to work a little harder you could set it in a mutual fund and uh in in my case i have never touched my hsa i've just added to it every single year and it's become a whole separate investment strategy and so forth and that's what you guys do too right it is and i feel like that is one area though when we talk about investing that doesn't always come up i feel like people just naturally gravitate towards the 401k the roth you know all of that which is the first thing you should do absolutely yeah but it is a different vehicle which i don't think a lot of people realize i mean even talking some of my friends will they'll mention the hsa and i'm like well yeah we use that more for investing like wait what if that's for health yeah but you don't have to use it for health if you don't use it it just it becomes a a tax deferred growth and you can take it out at 65 with no penalties yep yep and so you'll pay taxes on it but no penalties and of course if you use it for medical at any point uh there's no taxes at all on it so it's completely tax-free money for medical so yeah i would leave it in there for medical tax-free money is a lot better than tax penalized and taxed and penalized so it's going to reduce it too much so it's tempting like it is when you're sitting on an old retirement account to just speed your debt snowball up but the cost is just too high i mean you're going to pay 2 000 to get four that just that's crazy you know that's just mathematically crazy all right will's with us will's in richmond virginia hi will how are you i'm good how are you better than we deserve what's up awesome um so i'm a pastor in the area and we i live in a parsonage and when my wife and i got married actually three years ago today congratulations she moved in with me thank you and she owned a townhouse that she bought not too terribly far and because i live we live in the parsonage then we pay rent we decided to try to rent out her town house through a rental company so that it was more hands-off we're not in it to make a ton of money but to still build that equity as much as we can while we're still renting and i've just heard too many horror stories of pastors who aren't building that equity as they're in ministry and they retire and they have nothing so we're trying to pay that off earlier we're in baby steps four five and six and we're just wondering since this is our only home should this be a baby step six or after we max out our roth iras since it is an investment property we're planning to keep it for a while can we even add more to it and baby step four as an investment property uh well i mean i would stick it in baby step six i would just see it as your primary residence even though you guys are renting obviously something else right now uh because of your situation but i mean i would still just see it as your home because it is there yeah just go ahead and knock it here's the thing neither one of these answers are in the dumb column okay you're going to pay it off and you're going to invest and so none of these answers were just go crazy okay so you know you're asking the right kinds of questions you're on you're sniffing around the right thing but a simple way of looking at the parsonage is part of your compensation you're living there free quote unquote but it's part of your comp plan really and um then as you said a lot of pastors that have parsonages get to retirement and don't have any money for a house because they've lived in a partnership their whole career and that's a really dangerous scary future if you don't plan around it so you're very wise to do that and i completely agree with rachel yeah let's go ahead and just stick it in baby step six treat it like it's your personal residence because it kind of is your future personal residence or the sale of it would be used for your future personal residence someday so yeah let's just stick it over there and pay it off as quickly as we can for people that are in that position would you ever recommend them just selling it if it doesn't hurt and then keeping that money for a down payment late you know like you can that's not a bad thing if it starts to be a hassle certainly a problem like you've mentioned you know possible problems with tenants that kind of thing yeah if you get into all that there's nothing wrong with that but what a pastor you pastors out there that have a parsonage what you have to do is you have to make some kind of a plan to have a place to live at retirement right and that could be paying yourself a house payment into a mutual fund and you could call that your baby step six and i'm just gonna pay you the equivalent of what would be a house payment into a mutual fund since i don't have a house payment now sure and uh and let that mutual fund be the house purchase fund at retirement idea so it's almost a sinking fund idea we're getting ready but and it's way out there you know it could be a 30-year distant future thing but still it's um you can really get yourself in a pinch uh and um pastors often do this they they don't they're very generous people generally they're very kind very obviously they're pastoral you know they're compassionate but they don't stop and take care of their own looking out there that way and and god's gonna take care of me in the future yeah but god's god's telling you that in the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil that's in the bible and so wise to store up some choice food and oil so when you need it and that this is the investment plan to do that so if you're in a parsonage make some kind of an arrangement something like paying yourself a house payment into a mutual fund or being in his situation will situation where you've got a property that you're paying off you're going to use that product say all that property or move into that property even but more than likely 30 years from now that townhouse is not going to be where they want to live more than likely they'll sell that use the money from that to buy their terminals sure but that's a that's a good plan and uh pastors have some unusual things uh you know housing allowance as an example um if you're if you're not in a parsonage there's some unusual things in the taxes they can opt out of social security for their pastoral income uh they've got some unusual things in the tax law that they're allowed to do uh that if you use them properly and you think long term with them then it really can add to your your wealth building plan yeah if you're strategic about it that we want you men and women serving in the in the pastorate to have so there you go this is the ramsay show [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hey folks i got a great option to help you pay for your education the army national guard the army national guard believes you are the next greatest generation because you have proven that even in adversity that you have what it takes to succeed that's why they offer benefits like tuition assistance career training and a paycheck to help you avoid debt no matter what your goals are the army national guard can help you get there visit to find out more [Music] rachel cruz ramsey personality is my co-host today she's the author of the new york times bestseller number one bestseller know yourself know your money discover why you handle money the way you do and what to do about it and also available now is the know yourself money assessment and it's available for couples if you are married and you take the know yourself money assessment you're going to find out a whole lot of things about yourself and your spouse and you'll be able to look at each other and go oh that's what's wrong with you that's what that's what your mother did when i took the disc profile almost 40 years ago i come home and i go this thing completely mailed it it read my mail and she's reading it she said yeah i'm like isn't that amazing she said yeah that's what's wrong with you that's wrong that is me that's not what's wrong with me oh my gosh oh well yeah well we love we love assessments i mean from disc or enneagram anything that kind of just like you understand more about yourself and why you do the things you do so obviously that's one of the reasons i wrote the book know yourself know your money to kind of dig into the money side of that and then this assessment just pairs hand in hand i mean it really is to to be able to walk through and answer questions and something comes out in this pdf and you're like what yes that's it that's it that's it that's it that's so great yeah the uh know yourself money assessment for couples it's very inexpensive jump online at ramsey solutions check it out you're going to enjoy it socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living and uh so there's something i don't know because we're in the transformation around here and into hope uh you know whether it's ken coleman or whether it's us on the money side or george or whoever we're always talking about what makes people tick and what makes us what makes ourselves stick john dolone is like the ultimate right he's going to unpack more crap about you than you even wanted to know right and so uh but you know what makes you tick what caused you to do that what made why did you react that why did i react that what what's the and even when we're taking calls with you guys here on the air you know it's it's an in this whole human animal thing is fun it's just fun know yourself money assessment for couples check it out at jeremiah is with us he is in jacksonville north carolina hi jeremiah how are you i'm doing well how about yourself dave better than i deserve what's up all right so to kind of tell you where i'm at right now i'm 22 and currently serving in the military thank you oh thank you um i have about a year left on my contract and i'm planning on attending school next year once i get out using my gi bill i have about a thousand dollars saved up in an emergency fund as well as three to six months of expenses and have no outstanding debt um i got about 50 000 put into a mutual fund and with little expenses after i have budgeted for the month currently i'm putting that money that's left over uh towards that mutual fund yeah but my question is my question for you is uh do i continue to keep putting money into that mutual fund or is there a better alternative that i could be money putting my money towards like right now i mean for right now jeremiah i mean the mutual fund obviously is a it's a great place to be putting everything we will say when you put money in the market to know that there's going to be probably a five-year gap there just to know because the markets will go up and down so doing short-term savings for instance this is why we don't advise putting your emergency fund in a mutual fund because you're like hey i need to get it to it quickly and who knows what the market's going to do but if you don't have a purchase that you have in the next five years if there's something to make a house or college or something that's coming up i mean the mutual fund is still is still a great spot to be putting that money because it's it's sitting there and growing and it's a great insurance policy to say okay you've got the military and you've got the gi benefit for tuition you've also got a stipend coming right oh yes they'll give you was 200 bucks a month or something uh roughly yeah and uh so you've got that stipend coming and if you don't manage to live off the stipend and you don't the gi bill doesn't cover everything then you don't accidentally wander into a student loan debt and so that's your backstop to make sure no student loan debt when you graduate what are you going to study i just something in business or finance i haven't really picked a specific area yet but that's the direction that i'm looking forward to going to like towards my career well you're you're wise beyond your years you really have your act together i mean you've got 50 000 bucks you've served in the military you're 22 you've got a fully funded emergency fund and no doubt i take it right uh no no debt yeah where'd you learn all this um actually it started in high school but my mom my mom started me pretty young with dave ramsey oh okay so you're a financial peace baby uh yes i actually got to see you in a louisville so okay when you were just a kid just a little kiddo just wet behind the ears here's something else man i'm proud of you i know your mom is that's very impressive very impressive a lot of people wishes their 22 year olds sounded like you and uh it's pretty impressive very well done yeah you're gonna be in great shape and just use that 50 000 as a backstop if you don't touch it which is the preference right uh and you get out then rachel's right it will have sat there and grown for five years or four years and you'll be able to use it for a great down payment on your first house and uh and you're going to be in really really good shape because that 50 is probably going to be 75 or 80 by the time you get there that's awesome very good stuff michael's with us michael is in bozeman montana hey michael how are you i'm doing well dave good how can we help well we are retiring and we've read your books and have been able to get debt free and we've paid for our building for our office and our home and our cars they're all debt-free and we're just wondering if we should lease out our office building or sell it because prices are pretty high right now for office building and we don't know which way we should go whether we should lease it and use the lease as retirement income or sell it and put that into our mutual fund and use that for retirement it just depends on what you want as an investment both ideas are great ideas i'm a real estate guy so rachel's husband winston runs all our real estate and uh he and i for sure would keep it but we like it we like real estate i mean the office we moved out of to move into the new headquarters here two years ago we've leased it up and it's a wonderful asset now producing a great income and so if you can do that and you don't mind dealing with real estate real estate has a much higher rate of return overall if it's well managed and good piece of real estate then mutual funds will but it's also got a lot higher hassle factor yeah that's that's the thing we're we're concerned about because right now the uh inflation has well the the building prices are inflated much more than we think they should be and so well selling them yeah i don't think you're going to see i don't think you're going to see you may see the rate of value increase slow down but i don't think you're going to see a retreat unless there's something some kind of structural problem with the bozeman montana particular economy and i'm not aware of one of those i think that you know it's a great little town and i don't see any i would think you ought to be able to release that and keep it okay but but i mean it's it's if i were but if not if you're not real estate people okay if you hate it and you dread it yeah sell it yeah there's no it's no it's no fun to own real estate i mean uh tenants are you know it's a it's a freaking reality show sometimes [Laughter] if we i mean we're going to we're hoping in part of our retirement to be out of the country for a couple of years so we'd have to have a management company to run yeah the building and that's part of our quandary is that's an additional expense so we don't know how much we'd be making there well run some numbers on it uh you know have a property management firm or a commercial real estate person in the area run some numbers okay if you lease it out on this what you're looking for is you know obviously your gross potential rent which is if it's full all the time which never happens minus a vacancy rate minus your projected expenses it's a fairly easy budget to pro forma to run equals what's called noi net operating income and you look at that and you say that's how much money i'm going to make plus it's going to go up in value plus i get to shelter that by depreciating the building and so there's three places you get a return those three added together are called your internal rate of return in real estate and my internal rates of return are north of 15 to 17 on most of our properties get a bunch of residential single-family houses you're going to be out of the country managing i probably would sell them off but commercials a lot less drama and a lot more stable stream of [Music] income [Music] so [Music] stop paying your overpriced wireless provider and switched to puretalk they use the same network as the larger providers for much less for just thirty dollars a month get unlimited talk text and six gigs of data with no contract the average family saves over seventy dollars a month by switching to pure top just go to and enter the promo code ramsey to save 50 off your first month pure talk simply smarter wireless [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so rachel cruz ramsey personality number one best-selling author and my daughter is my co-host today in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage ted and laura are with us hey guys how are you doing great doing well good good so where do you guys live we live in the austin texas area awesome very cool welcome to nashville and here to do a debt-free scream how much have you paid off 223 550 550 how long did that take 27 months 27 months yes sir very cool good good night and uh what was your range of income during that time 155 up to 225. way to go guys wow what do you guys do for a living i work in information security for a large healthcare company oh that's horrible that's a wonderful career right now i'm a cpa you're a cpa awesome man you guys got two great careers very well done no wonder you're making so much money so what kind of debt was this 224 thousand dollars it's our mortgage paid off your ass yes i'm looking at weird people proud of it wow look at you guys so what inspired you to do this well um we took fpu several years ago in uh 2014. just to get on the same page with money we didn't really have any big debts or anything but after we got on the same page we just started working the baby steps four five and six didn't really think about the mortgage that time at all and then we had a huge blow up in our marriage big crisis and fortunately god is so faithful and brought us through that time and afterwards we sat down and wanted to refocus our obedience on the lord and what he wanted for us and part of that was how can we honor him with our finances and so before that time we had a lot of discontentment kind of with our with the cost of living in the area that we live we we bought our house when we were 24 years old and the cost of living had continued to increase and our income hadn't increased to match that so we had kind of a lot of just discontentment leading up to that point with the cost of living and then uh after god had brought us through our marriage crisis we had kind of a a different perspective different outlook on life kind of adjusted our our priorities and we were you know now we had a perspective of gratitude and thankfulness and um let's see we we wanted to just honor god and be good stewards of the money that we did have that god had blessed us with so we became faithful givers tithing and supporting a few missionary families in our church and our church yeah we we became more connected in our community our local church community and our local community what church do you go to we go to hill country bible church in austin texas yeah our church just did a debt free scream for paying off that there yeah so they did theirs last week we're doing ours this week i love it very very cool well that's perfect yeah so this sounds like a um a a crisis that caused you to flip a whole spirit your whole spiritual life on your head i wanna said to where you said okay uh god you're gonna become the lord of everything of our marriage our kids our money and that change your chain flipped your perspective is what it sounds like that's right we had uh we got we totally got off of social media so we could focus on getting connected with our local community [Laughter] we had uh we had two more children since that time to bring the total to five kids now well why not yeah so god has blessed us and just uh with that backdrop we had a vision of paying off our mortgage before we turned 40 and that vision required us to have faith and trust and rely on god to do that because at the time we had that vision it wasn't feasible on paper for that to happen based on the amount of extra money that we had to aggressively pay off our mortgage at that time and we're standing here today uh 39 years old [Applause] touchdown what's this house worth eight hundred thousand dollars the market may be slightly inflated but you know what i'll take it you know i'm putting it on paper i'm just saying now that makes you guys into the millionaire status as well then that's incredible so you gotta have some retirement going i'm sure yes yeah way to go what happened in those two years though because you said on paper you know it wasn't feasible but did were there raises that happened was there like what what cool things happened in your story in those 24 months to make it happen so um i work part-time my part-time suddenly looked a lot closer to full-time okay so i really cranked it up yeah ted got a bonus and really um you rarely say this but the government helped us they started handing out money i heard about that but not just that they also started feeding our children two meals a day five days a week and let me tell you when you have that many kids that really cuts down on the groceries yes yes absolutely wow very good you guys so proud of you what a great transformation i mean paying off the house is awesome paying off the house and having all the life change that you guys have had is even that's the best yeah this is what really matters this is just icing on the cake yeah just shows the faithfulness of the lord yeah that's right do you like you guys as a team because i'm sure the crisis brought you guys to rock bottom is what it sounds like and you kind of have this whole new viewpoint on marriage right working together and the messiness of it all did that help you do you think working as a team as a couple yeah definitely help us helped us build momentum and be on the same page and just continue together yeah every focus on a goal in obedience together was was really great yeah it's good great for every marriage yes yes absolutely how's it feel feels like freedom yeah feels amazing no house payment no payments at all you don't have any payments you all know that you have only payment yeah i don't have to think about what's in the account at the end of the month because there are no bills at the beginning of the month i live in an 800 000 house and it's paid for go out and dance in the backyard i love it i'm so proud of y'all what do you tell people the key to getting out of thatis being on the same page being in obedience to the lord tithing i mean if you are walking together with god with your finances i mean nothing is impossible i mean our numbers are pretty extreme and it's only because we were walking with the lord he made it happen yeah you knocked this out amazingly fast once you decide to lean into it wow very cool 39 years old weird people all right you brought the kiddos with you bring them up on stage what are their names and ages okay here they come we have kate who's 11. we have hannah is nine oh she's cute abigail's seven lindsay is three and the baby tai here is four months oh hilarious yeah all right oh sweet so the little guy makes the scene here at the end that's gonna grow up in a house full of sisters i love it very cool very cool this is awesome guys what a great family you guys are amazing we're so proud of you we got a copy of the legacy journey for you that's the next chapter in your story you've changed your family tree in so many ways in this story uh the back story must be absolutely incredible and just uh so proud of y'all your heroes you took control and uh and you relinquished control to the lord and said you know set this stuff out front so very very well done also copy the total money makeover to give away to someone so you can pay it forward and help get their journey started big ty's ready to do his scream all right ted and laura kate hannah abigail lindsey and ty 224 000 paid off in 27 months house and everything making 155 to 225 count it down let's hear a debt-free scream three two one [Applause] oh my wow [Laughter] so precious oh i know i could feel laura was like all right let's do this let's do this there's ty oh my gosh so fun you guys so quick before nap time i got that girl i know that routine i know that routine it's awesome so so great i've seen it at my kitchen table [Laughter] it's wonderful oh how fun this is the ramsay show [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] rachel cruz number one best-selling author new york times best-selling author of the latest book is called know yourself know your money along with the know yourself money assessment for couples and on top of that she's my co-host and and my daughter but on top of that we have the speaking of their marriage it made me think and i ran out of time to get their debt-free scream into that segment but they're talking about their marriage meta went through a metamorphosis a transformation and that led them to to flip on uh a more spiritual noble view of money yeah you know handling god's money rather than on our own and um they had already been doing smart things but they their reasons behind it became more theological than financial uh but we've got the marriage and money event coming up yes money and marriage money and marriage yep coming on uh next friday night so next friday yes okay a week a little over a week up on me a little over a week now yes so um you and john deloney yes so we'll be doing it together we tag teamed it last uh this will be our second that we did and our first one i'm not gonna lie you guys it's pretty fun it was pretty fun yeah well it's you and deloney neither one of you neither one of you are support on here because it's a it's a live stream so you're watching it from your home right and usually with with that kind of stuff people it's in and out this was i think the large the longest viewed viewed of any ramsey livestream event i'm not gonna brag i'm not gonna wreck that was the stats that they gave us which means it's really fun and it's really entertaining really exciting and it's it's an important topic though because when you dive into money and marriage there's a lot of messiness there's obviously a lot of conflict and fighting but when you can get above it and a little bit below it too and just to say okay here's the pieces of what makes a marriage whole and healthy and how we can attack this subject as a team is just it's it's huge yeah well they're they're just tied together all the time if you're married it's money in marriage it's just i mean ever since i've been doing this i thought i was teaching money and they kept people kept saying you healed our marriage and i went i didn't do anything in your marriage just confused and then it turns out we did yeah you know and then people would come in and say well i changed my marriage like that couple and it made us refocus on our money yes and so it can go it's chicken and egg it can go either direction but you gotta have both the chicken and the egg i mean you gotta have both of them working together to really have a high quality marriage and a high quality wealth building thing very few horrible marriages bill wealth uh very few people uh that are horrible at building wealth uh and are just chaotic there that that chaos doesn't run over your responsibility doesn't run over into their marriage yep yep and so it just it the things are tied to gather open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five janine is in abilene texas hi janine how are you hey i am so glad to hear your voice my friend and rachel gosh you guys are phenomenal it's amazing to hear your ads and all the stuff that you offer i've been watching you and listening to you for a few years i'm in a kind of a sad sex situation i can say yippee i'm dead free i'm totally debt free but um i'm in a situation where i'm farmer janine from abilene but i got no money and i'm 61 years old and i'm getting ready to sell out i'm dealing with the toxic situation after my father's death who was my farm partner and um you know our tractor got pulled off apart so um my heart's not in it here anymore and um what i make from this place which looks like around i don't know four hundred thousand dollars i'm gonna put into the next place i go to and i think for about half of that maybe just maybe i'll find someone who has that love in their heart that needs to move on somewhere else and i can find some place that i can still be the farmer still make those grasses and meadows and the love that god gave us and um walk forward from there but i'm kind of trying to i'm i'm overwhelmed i mean this is like a 20-some-odd year move it's part industrial part just personal and empty now i'm going through my house i've done a lot of the sad sad things i've had to do the one thing i got for my father's life was a nasty note for my mother with a broken hammer and a boat tied around it and i'm still grateful for that humor you know um so what is it we can best help you with today huh well what i what i want to do you know when i've i've been watching recently uh financial peace uh cash flow planning like i said i have no doubt everything's paid for i have an old truck but it works like a charm you know i take good care of it and um everything i have here is paid for so my thing is how do i best protect my assets and make that work for me walking forward because what i'm going to do is i'm going to try and find as much as i love my church here that's probably the only thing that i'll miss right now is that i just want to walk forward and into a new community i've already kind of figured out the direction i want to go it was a really odd move to say i have to move away from toxic into something better and i figure about half of that is probably what i'm going to need to make a new start and then that other house has to go into the rest of my life you know let me let me tell you let me tell you what i'm hearing okay yeah um [Music] an amazing amount of the roots of your life are all being pulled up at once oh yeah and there and the loss of your dad um the loss of the dream that was you were going to be on this farm until yeah the heart of it the loss of what should have been with family and isn't because they aren't and there's just a whole lot of pain in your voice honey and and that doesn't make you a bad person that just means that's what's happened yeah and that just means you're human and so um yeah i i think what's gonna be really important is for you to move slowly in your future moves uh and to give yourself some time to heal because you're pulling this up by the roots yep and uh then you're going to move it over here and replant it and we've got to make sure it takes hold before we start going crazy over here so i i want you to make a bunch of big investment decisions that are permanent i want you to move slow and give yourself some room to cry because if i were in your shoes and you would you've lost your your dad the dream of the farm everything that the farm represented the connectivity to your church the connectivity of the community the toxic family members that shouldn't have been but are they're not filling their role properly and so you're going to have to go over here and set some new relationships and as dr john deloney talks about the way you overcome trauma is grief the way you overcome trauma is community and you you need a lot of room to grieve before you start making a bunch of investment decisions you're planning with a brain that's foggy right now and uh and that doesn't mean you're inept it doesn't mean you're not capable it means right now you are hurting a lot that's what i'm hearing oh you can i mean yeah i think everyone listening right now can hear that in her voice and the there's an urgency too janine so i think that the advice obviously to slow down and slow down it's gonna be really wise because we do find people that are in these big transition periods that come from tragedy can make really poor financial decisions again not because you're unintelligent but because you're literally just making these on the go with with a foggy brain so slowing down um and then finding okay what is my dream you said farming is something you love so to have a goal maybe in 24 months in 12 months just slowly i'm okay if you don't buy a farm and you don't do any investing for a year and a half and you just move to the new community and just spend some time weeping spend some time building new friendships and new community at your new church spend some time getting to know the dirt in the area before you buy dirt spend some time slow down a little bit give your toes give yourself a little wiggle room here to where then when you're telling the story it doesn't go in circles and that means you it means you know the fog is lifted but we all tell stories in circles when we're freaked and and we all have been there honey they all know how you feel so be praying for you that puts us hour of the ramsey show in the books [Music] have a friend or family member that needs a daily dose of ramsay advice in their life let them know about the ramsey call of the day podcast it's a quick hit of advice about life and money in under 10 minutes check out the ramsey call of the day podcast wherever you listen to podcasts [Music] this is the ramsay show [Music] you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host rachel cruz ramsey personality number one best-selling author new york times best-selling author is my co-host today as we talk about your life and your money open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five jennifer is in washington dc to start off this hour hi jennifer how are you i'm doing great dave thank you so much for taking my call today our pleasure how can we help first of all oh yeah so i want to thank you guys number one for everything you do is awesome i just love your show and i've been listening for a couple years kind of off and on i wish i knew about you 20 years ago but hey at least i do now and i'm i'm doing better so right now um so i'm 47 my husband's 54 we're both working full time we owe right now about 377 000 on our house we have no other debt so we have everything else is paid we do are putting 15 percent uh for retirement good we do have a good amount in our 529 for our two kids we have a 19 year old and a six-year-old wonderful so we have about 70 grand for the 19 year old and about 20 so far for the six-year-olds it's been pretty well um so my question for you is i've talked my husband into uh close to it anyway of hey let's just pay our house right um so so number one i think that's the way to go but then how quickly do we do that and then or do i do i do that and mutual funds or that's where i'm kind of struggling um do we just dump everything into the house or do we look at maybe mutual funds as well or not look at that until after the house is paid do you mean above your 15 jennifer exactly yes sorry yes well i would i mean again the baby steps are there right so fifteen percent of you come to retirement you know you said your kids college is there so i would throw everything else at the house uh how much do you guys make we make about so after taxes a month is about 14 grand so we do pretty well um and i don't want to work forever i want to retire early my husband thinks i'm crazy but i really i just want to get the house done but so because i had kind of figured out a plan i said hey we can pay it in like six or seven years doing the math but do i do i not do the math or just that you know kind of dump as much as we have left over or that's where i'm struggling i'm a finance person for my job and i'm kind of like i want the calculation how to do that well what we talk about is up through baby step three which you're through that you have to be intense you have to be intense you do nothing until you get those steps done out of debt and have your emergency fund in place and then when you move into baby steps four five and six those are simultaneous and you move from intense to intentional and what that means is you're um you're gonna say you're gonna set your finance person so let's just set a formula to this uh there's three things we can do with money we can give it be generous with it and you should you can enjoy it and you should that's lifestyle and purchases and so forth and we should invest it and you should and so paying off your home here is a type of a move an investment type move so the point is if you dump every little single thing out of your whole life and you have absolutely no life until you get the house paid off that is not our recommendation okay that's not intentional that's intense now if you had a bunch of credit card debt i would do that i said i set your hair on fire you get this done right but this is not here we're just going to be intentional so we're going to do our 15 of our income into retirement no more investing other than that other than if you're going to add do something to supplement the kids college and you may need to do a little of that and then beyond that money that we find every dollar we consume on a trip or a car purchase or a consumption means we don't reduce the house and every dollar we put on the house means we don't enjoy that money today we're going to enjoy that money later okay so you don't want to do all of either in other words enjoy it all and put nothing extra on the house bad idea but put so much on the house that the budget is so tight that it's no fun bad idea and so i would set myself budgets for lifestyle inside of your existing monthly budget and then just say any extra we're going to throw it at the debt and right now that looks like five thousand dollars a month that looks like six thousand dollars a month whatever it is until we get the house paid off now when the house is paid off that's baby step seven then you load you max out all your mutual fund i mean all your retirement accounts and you you know you increase your outrageous generosity at that point and you increase your outrageous enjoyment of money at that point because then you've you know that's the touchdown you now you do the touchdown dance so rachel's exactly right uh whatever found money you know if we want to go back to our old uh econ class disposable income that we have beyond our basic investments beyond our basic living and enjoyment of money every dollar we can find beyond that i'm gonna throw it at the house because i'm gonna get done as fast as i can without putting my family in a strain and i'm gonna say with the numbers you've got it's probably about a five-year mark you're gonna be done and what happens to the one of the reasons that's in the baby steps versus just living with the mortgage for 30 years like most people do is because once you have no payments then you have suddenly to have so many options jennifer you said you want to retire early and that's not crazy if you got a paid for house and no bills i mean yeah sure and by then you will have substantial investments as well yes absolutely so it just opens up a whole other level i mean obviously getting out of debt consumer debt does that but when you don't have a mortgage even not even a house payment it's on it's like tenfold it just gives you so many options and so i don't think you're crazy for one retire early you're in front of the screen yeah get it paid off as fast as you can without sacrificing without pension down on everything to the point nobody can breathe yes man that's what we now if you can't breathe in baby steps one through three you're doing it right i mean you need to be wild on that one that that's i mean you need to be in panic mode you don't have an emergency fund you got a bunch of car debt student loan debt uh credit card debt and that kind of stuff that's when you're a normal american and you have a mess and you need to clean up your normal because normal sucks but that's not where you are you've moved from that intense section of one through three to intentional and this is where baby step millionaires are born they get the home paid off uh last hour we had a debt-free call or a debt free scream here in the st in the audience and they're 39 years old with an 800 thousand dollars paid for it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah before they're 40. yes yes before and they paid off 800 000 house in austin texas and we didn't ask them details about their investments but their investments are well in excess of 200 000 so they are not even 40 and they're millionaires why they've exactly followed what i just outlined for the last five minutes with her this this idea of intensity until you're debt-free and have the emergency fund then intentionality 15 of your income into retirement kids college is addressed and baby step six pay off the house with any disposable extra income we can squeeze out of our budget and throw at it without putting the family in some kind of a ridiculous strain yep absolutely and you'll do it in five years you really will and it's enjoyable that way yeah and you know it's you just wake up you go well there it is i did it there it is i did that's how it works this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] what makes our show unique is that we genuinely care about our listeners we're intentional about choosing the best advertisers to recommend is no exception they offer high quality window treatments at unbelievable prices and they make it simple to shop blinds shades and interior shutters with easy online ordering free shipping and a guaranteed perfect fit go to and take advantage of this week's special savings [Music] well if you're in debt uh it can feel like you're fighting a losing battle you can feel like you're stuck like the freaking bills are winning i've been there i remember you may wonder if you're ever going to get out well it doesn't have to be this way when you attack this debt like your life depends on it you can take back your paycheck and take back your life you can start building the life you want and we're going to help you get there we've helped almost 10 million people get there with financial peace university it's a proven plan these baby steps we talk about all the time we walk you right through it and we've helped millions of people pay off their debt and lots of everyday millionaires lots of baby steps millionaires out there that we've met and that's why you get the premium version of our budgeting tool every dollar it's in there so you can do all the planning and the right and everything rachel helps teach you how to run the every dollar app and it's all only available as a ramsey plus membership financial peace university every dollar many other things as well all at ramsey plus to start your free trial at ramsey plus uh text trial to 33 789 text trial to 33 789 also ramsey plus members get access to stuff like this uh money and marriage event which is coming up one week from friday it is uh friday the 16th and it's rachel and dr john deloney rachel cruz and dr john dolone money and marriage the second time they've done the event together they did it at valentine's it was amazing and this event has really been a big hugely popular if you're not a ramsey plus member uh it's only 20 right now prices are going to go up this week uh one week out they're going to be more expensive so either get your 20 purchase or get your free trial to ramsey plus and while you're in there you can watch the uh money and marriage event as well again text trial 233 789 if you want to just buy the 20 ticket you can text marriage to 33 789 and get signed up either way our question today comes from this wonderful american company they're a 100 satisfaction guarantee place that means even if you mismeasure you pick the wrong color they're going to remake your window blinds for free you have free samples free shipping and with the new promos they run every month you'll save even more use the promo code ramsey to get the best possible deal and today's question comes from matthew in tennessee my fiance and i will be getting married in november we're both 20 years old i make 60 000 as a welder she makes 12 000 as a preschool teacher and is in college i have no debts and also a 401k she has about five thousand dollars in student loans and a car loan we have an apartment together and a joint bank account that i put money in for her to handle my bills while i'm out of town for work how does the whole process what does the whole process look like when combining finances after getting married um well matthew sound like you're kind of already doing it a little bit so between now and november i know it sounds like a hassle but honestly i would still practice separating those finances until you guys officially are married in november stuff happens and you never know so i would still keep things separate i would not pay on her debt right now i would be paying my own bills again keeping it separate until you guys get married say i do and then the moment you guys do that then what you're doing now which a little bit of practice which is good is the joint checking account so having one account that you guys are working out of this is a big hurdle for a lot of couples it's tough for them to combine accounts for many different reasons but that's a tactical step for you guys to do and then see this debt that she's bringing in which is some student loans and a car loan as your debt that it's it's our debt together once we're married and for you guys to pause that 401k that you have and take all the extra money you guys have and and pay off this debt and get an emergency fund so that's kind of the the way to look at it get the plan um but there is there is such a push for me when you get married and only when that you say okay we have one budget we have one account we're working out of and that unity is created kind of almost this forced communication in a sense um after after the after the wedding yeah after the wedding when you do one checking account um that forces you to to talk about money and to have a planned budget because if you don't you're gonna overdraw the account because she's writing checks you're writing checks you're she's using debit card using debit card and we don't know what the balance is so the only way you can run an account together is it forces you to communicate about it it forces you to have a budget and to stick to it uh because if you don't you're gonna screw up your checking account you're gonna overdraft and you're gonna be mad at each other because you can't just run off and do your own thing anymore cause you're married this is how marriage works you do it together and here's the beautiful part about the whole thing when when you combine your spending and you agree on your spending jesus said your treasure is where your heart is when you're in agreement about what our future looks like and that we are moving in the same direction you create a level of unity in your marriage a level of communication you cannot do with any other subject money forces you to combine your value system you have to say we value saving we value generosity we value investing uh we value spending on money on x or y as a couple and or she values this and i love her and so this is something that we put the category in for her but and i value her having that thing yeah whatever it is art class or what i don't care what it is okay but it's not just you know the mistake that people are making in our culture today and it's going to be so detrimental 10 years into your marriage 20 years in your marriage it's going to be a problem is you think that you can live this life of independence with your roommate and that is not marriage and you're going to get into a problem and you guys are probably going to talk about that marriage marriage yes because it's so interesting out of all i'm independent then don't get married no out of all the things that i talk about specifically on social media the one thing that people get so angry at me i mean the con it's the most hateful comments that i get is when i say join your bank accounts i mean you would think that i like ran over someone's dog and like laughed in their faces i mean like you would think i'm the most horrible person in the world and so what i'm finding is the more and more i dig into the subject which again john and i are unpacking so much of this because it's not just that it's not i just won't join my checking account there's a level of control people have there's a level of trust that they don't have with theirs i mean there's so many of those issues you guys that it's unfortunate really they don't want to deal with their crap and they get mad at the avoidance and they and but they call it like feminism or something like that well you don't want women to have a voice no we demand they have a voice in the budget with their husband rights rights we demand the husband has a voice in there with his wife and so i'm telling you too it's in money fights and and conflict when it's avoided sure you're not having it because you're not talking about it you're living two separate lives financially and if and people say well we just fight all the time so like it's just worth not like if you're choosing to avoid what's going on in this situation what other things are not you're not you're not pressing into conflict at all right in marriage avoidance is not a technique [Laughter] less spirit that says buried married problems have a high rate of resurrection they're coming up yeah but it just but it again it's it's this mirror of like all this other stuff so it's just funny i'm like you will share a child like you will create a human being and share a child and share decision making about that tell me i have to share my money because i'm independent but that but it is crap i know but it is strong out there with people so that's big that's big so it's fun well it's misguided toxic version of ladies having their voice yes ladies ladies need to have their voice yeah yeah there's there's that side that's what they're attacking but there's also there's also another side where he's like i don't want to deal so they don't don't at me about that they you because you're a woman maybe that's what it is i don't know but it's it's that side but there's also the guy's side too saying stuff like oh i don't want to deal with it we're so much better if we're just separate oh i know that but i'm like dude they're not they're not they're not hating on you though i love everyone everyone hates it i love it i like to be liked i love it stir up a holy ruckus i like a good holy ruckus it's a good thing this is the ramsey [Music] show [Music] in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt-free stage evan and anna are with us hey guys how are you hi dave and rachel hey how's it going guys welcome so good to have you where do you guys live we are from bedford texas basically dfw okay so good to have you welcome to nashville and here to do a debt-free scream how much did you pay off just over 62 and a half thousand dollars all right very good and how long did this take 14 months wow your range of income during that time 80 000 to 140. wow nice jump nice jump in a year somebody get a job or a raise or what well i'm based off commission sales so had a good year yes i like it what kind of debt was the 63 000 it was a little bit of everything so student loans was the biggest chunk and then we had car payments uh some medical debt and then we also leased some cell phones if that was included so just everything you were kind of normal all right what do y'all do for a living i work from home i work for for a non-profit we specialize in early childhood education and i work in accounting okay and then i work for a tech company that focuses on the used car and wholesale business wow oh yeah well yeah that's a good yes that's a good place to be right now thank you man very good so uh how long you guys have been married it'll be six years in august august 15th five years into your marriage four years into your marriage something flipped and you said i don't want to be normal anymore tell me the story what happened so we have both known about you and your plan since about high school i actually uh my church growing up offered financial peace so i went through the class and then you read the total money makeover i believe in high school as well so we both knew about the plan but we got really serious about it i started listening to the podcast like right when we got married and we would always say like oh one day we'll do this and so but it got really real for us when we had our daughter and when i when we went from two full-time incomes down to me working part-time at home like we kind of started to feel the financial stress of that so that's kind of how old are you gosh we're 29. yes okay yeah because there's something about a baby that says okay you got to grow up now yes for sure it's like yeah it's like i remember that i was like oh crap this just got real oh yeah especially with commission based sales oh yeah it's not a game anymore no yeah it's like people want to eat now yeah and stuff and stuff yeah and diapers and stuff yeah and pediatrician bills and stuff yes wow for sure you guys are amazing i love it what a great why though that's about as noble a thing to say all right i'm going to throw my shoulders back we're going to get our act together because we got to take care of this baby yes when you see your baby yeah it's very real yeah so did one of you kind of push it so you're like okay when did you feel the urgency more than the other yes i would say it was me i we started getting especially after the baby we started getting like all the medical bills after that and i was like oh my gosh and we were both very overwhelmed and i was like okay we gotta take care of this so i pulled like our last three months of bank activity and i was like had my excel sheet and i'm like we're spending how much money on like amazon and eating out and so i just said to him i was like those two categories alone will make you thank you yes absolutely exactly so i just can't keep up with it i knew like we could definitely survive offer the income from switching me switching to part-time so i just said not only can we do this we can attack our debt and let's go and he was i was all for it it happened like two months before covet hit as well which is great like perfect the lord's timing really yes with all that because if not commissions took a pretty big hit uh let's say at the beginning of covet until right most recently so yeah and now they've come back to like on fire absolutely yeah yeah like doubled up yes so very good well that's so fun you guys congratulations to you how's it feel it feels amazing free so relaxing especially from a commission because like since our whole marriage i've only worked in commission my entire adult career and so not having to worry about what we're gonna make month to month like if i have a good month great if i have a bad month it's okay we've got weird though yeah making more sales it is it's a hundred this is less stress you don't you're not focused or something you know i always talk i tell ourselves guys all the time i said we gotta get you making some money because a hungry salesperson has a smell you know that the customer they they should smell it on you they're like oh this guy needs the sale horse and i need this stuff you know so yeah absolutely it can it can and when you relax it's just like i don't yeah and then you take care of the customer and voila the sale happens it's very cool it's awesome congratulations what do you tell people the key to getting out of that is for me it's been starting and keeping it top of mind especially in just in my job in the car business everybody talks about how much money they make and how they spend all of their money and so when you get the money now i just don't spend it like i didn't go to lunch for like everybody would have gone to lunch today oh i brought lunch um where'd you go lunch today oh i brought lunch and they knew i had i had like a set you know 20 a week for food or for going out and so that every now i have two guys at work doing the same thing so they're all you're a trendsetter yeah yes this is a trendsetter i love it i love it so what was the hardest part because i know being a new parent i mean you get the stress of that yes i mean and then you're changing the way you're doing your money what what was the hardest part would you say i think we love eating out and so that and that's where most of our money was going we realized that and so just kind of saying like okay we gotta take we gotta sacrifice this and just yeah yeah keep moving and so we were eating a lot at home and that was hard and just we were just the slow process we're like instant gratification like okay let's just go and so it was a little bit of a slower process and it kind of it just yeah we like discipline of it we never bought big purchases like a like if we needed a fridge or a couch like we never put on a credit card or anything like that but we always like if we wanted something new it was like oh we've got the extra money let's just spend it because we already have it instead of putting it towards something with a purpose yeah necessarily we had a fridge that was hanging on by a thread right before all this and we're like we're not buying a new one we're waiting until we're debt free yeah and yes we made it oh we have a new fridge yeah it was a nice thread yes nice thread was hanging on yes very good very good and so uh you you brought the new baby with you what's what's the name in age joelle she's two all right sweet look at her all right so uh yeah you changed her family tree didn't you yes congratulations she is we were practicing the scream in the car right on the way here we've got a copy of the legacy journey for you because that's what this represents you've changed your legacy and the copy total money makeover for you to give one of those guys with a free lunch are the packed lunches to spur them on and show them how to win with this yes from how to do what you did yeah so proud of you guys your heroes your heroes for joel she's precious very very cool good stuff all right evan anna and joelle 63 000 paid off in 14 months making 80 to 140. count it down let's hear a debt free scream three two one we're debt-free this is how it's done man that is so fun sweet oh my gosh i just think about everyone listening that's in their 40s and 50s saying oh if i was 29. i couldn't it's amazing it's amazing it frees up so much yeah when i first started doing this somebody would say you know uh where were you 20 years ago i was going i was broke i was deep and dead just like you what are you talking about now 20 years ago i was sitting right here so that's right a little time has passed but you know where were you 20 years ago i don't know i was sitting here i don't know where you are but well what i love about their story is i'm like you can decide like that's just proof that you just wake up you're like i don't like where we are we're going to just do something different and it happens you know i mean and there wasn't obviously a lot of work a lot of t'challa yes all of the grit the grind through those 14 months but you get to make they could they could have lived how they've lived for the first five years of their marriage forever you know and and just making the decision to do something different is powerful and here's what's interesting i mean every debt-free screen i i it's not a hundred percent but it's 90 something percent during the time they're getting out of debt their income increases he goes from 80 to 140 while she comes home to part-time yep yep so i mean there's just you just say all right i'm gonna change i'm not gonna do this and there's a power to that like you like you just said there's a power to make i have the freedom and the right to decide yeah to not live like this anymore i've had it and you can change you just decide just like that this is the ramsey show [Music] [Music] [Music] rachel cruz ramsey personality is my co-host today open phones at triple eight eight two five five two two five james is with us in boise idaho hi james how are you hi dave and rachel i'm calling on behalf of my wife she's fighting metastatic cancer right now and she said that your radio program has helped her to get through all the therapy by hearing you help our fellow americans with their issues and she finds it very motivating my goodness this this call is about our younger son he's turning 30 and we need to have a tough conversation with him we think we're going to call him ian not his real name just a little background on him he was in rotc then he served seven years in the military he immediately landed a great federal job and he loves it compensates him well he's got a zero debt emergency fund he's got he's putting 45 percent of his income into the federal uh savings programs and iras and so forth his his wife of six years divorced him against his wishes and before that divorce was finalized he began dating a 26 year old girl and at the one year point of their dating he gave her an 11 000 engagement ring paid cash for it uh we've we've seen some red flags we've worked better on three different occasions um he plans to move in with his fiancee in a home that is titled in her name and when she was here recently she told us that she told us openly that they're going to use his money for the expensive improvements on her home and for an exotic honeymoon and she on the other hand seems to be giving up on her career and on earning money she's got a degree in education certified teacher she quit the teaching job she wants to stay home and play in the garden and have him do everything um you know in the mid-20s and they both say they do not plan to have any children and she'll maybe take an occasional tutoring job or something she had plans to get a psychology degree become a school counselor but since they're engaged she's dropped those plans and uh the the help that we're seeking from you is uh and my wife again with uh with a cancer saying that she would never forgive herself if she died and had not alerted him to these red flags or these issues that we're seeing our son at 30 is very stubborn always has been although he has admitted a couple of times that uh you know remember this you were right you know in hindsight i should have listened to you so you know we have some hope there and my wife with the cancer uh treatment that she's going through she says she's really highly motivated to discuss this with him in a loving way and in a compassionate way just not sure how how to go about that effectively oh james well number one i'm so sorry about your wife that's that's heart-wrenching watching someone you love go through cancer it's um devastating to say the least so i'm i'm i'm so sorry about that um and then you're so the divorce is finalized i'm assuming now at this point with your son correct with from his ex-wife yeah so it's it's done and he's moved on to this relationship and you obviously don't care for her right would you say besides the money aspect and the motivation for quitting teaching and working how is she as a person like you don't do you question her character and who she is i'm not sure how to answer that i mean she comes from a big family loving family and has uh you know good relationships with them um it's just that it appears to us she's incredibly selfish and doesn't doesn't do anything to clean up after herself expects others to do things for her and that to me is kind of a significant character flaw yeah yeah yeah i hear that um so for me as i'm sitting here as a daughter in her 30s with my dad sitting next to me as we're having um i mean when you're oh we're going to have family therapy already no we're not no no but if if my parents had concern um for decisions i was making as an adult i think that we have enough of a history of a foundation of a relationship to be open and honest that they can we can have a talk about it right but i think um there's a level that you're not going to be able to control him right you're not going to be able to make his decisions he's a 30 year old man at this point and so i would almost take it as as almost a friend just to say hey ian just a heads up like i'm seeing this and this and from my experience and from being married to your mom this long like this is what we see about marriage and and we just see this do you see it at all and almost making it more of his idea and going at it more on a peer-to-peer conversation versus i'm your dad and mom and we're going to still parent you as a 30 year old man does that make sense because i think the tone at which you have the conversation is extremely important and so and i and i think also if a parent and a child for him a grown adult child and your parents if you guys still have a a relationship where you talk and there's there's depth there there's a level that you guys can have these kind of conversations that should be okay but also if there's not a ton of relationship there the conversation may not go very far if you activate his stubborn bone this this is over right right yes he'll blow up he'll blow up won't he yes it will i mean he's not a little wuss he's a he's a military man he's 30 years old he's got a good mind um and if you and he's got a stubborn streak and if you activate that he's going to blow up you know that so you know where the mind feels you know where the minefields are and uh i can tell you how to activate it use your dad voice use your mom voice use a guilt trip and a mom's got cancer and the last thing she wants you to do is be marrying this chick none of that'll work all of that will activate his stubborn bone say i'll show you i think i'm just an old man talking i'm not a psychologist what do you think yeah there's a lot of wisdom of what you're saying i can understand it i can see it we do have a good relationship with him that's just that uh if he hears something that he doesn't agree with he tends to you know somehow shut down and then well i've got a i've got a good relationship with all three of my grown kids and the basis on which i could approach this is the basis that i have up until now as adults i have largely respected their boundaries and so now i've got to respect their boundaries again i think it's one of the most frustrating for version or phases of parenting is when you can no longer tell them what to do [Laughter] instead you have to talk them into it or make it their idea or like you would so i what i try to do it helps me not to use my dad's voice because it's a it's ineffective now my dad voice just doesn't work anymore um it doesn't even work on the grandkids i tried it there it doesn't work there either it's a completely i've lost it it's gone so papa david's gonna practice i lost my dad's voice but um but the point all joking aside uh the way i help it helps me reframe my mind and i think your wife is the one that really because she's so concerned about this and emotional about it and it's her daughter-in-law which is a really touchy process anyway uh and uh and you've gone through one bad one right and so now we don't want a second bad one and all that yuck is do you i i have to reset my mind i go okay i am not talking to my son-in-law my daughter my daughter-in-law my son i'm talking to my friends kids that are 30. now how would i convince my best friend who has a 35 year old that he's off the rails because i love him and he's my best friend's kid but i could there's no chance of using a dad voice there i don't even have one there so i've got to say what rachel said i got to go hey man i'm seeing this i'm kind of worried about you you know i love you and you know i know you've been through a lot of pain with this last thing and i just i'm just concerned talk to me about it and that's how i would do it if i was my friend's kid right and you got you got friends that have kids your kids age right yes yeah put one of their faces in your mind and it resets how you talk okay that's how i do it like a great plan that's how i do it because i don't have a footing to tell these grown people what to do now i actually do because they work here and i can do it as their ceo but i can't do that in their personal lives i can only do it in their professional lives right because i tell other people here what to do because i'm their ceo and so if you work here that's part of the program right but uh but i don't get to do that with grown people in that i'm in relationship with and it's so dadgum frustrating because the reason it's frustrating is these are people you love that are doing stupid butt stuff and it's one of the hardest things to watch people that are grown-ups and stupid is just not illegal oh god it drives me nuts and some of you guys when you call in not this caller but other callers i'm trying to talk you off the ledge and you're just like dude you just keep doing stupid stuff and i can't talk it's so frustrating i can't make you do it with my dad's voice and so that that's the only way i know how to go at this dude is do it on a relationship persuasion basis make sure you don't activate the mom voice of the dead voice because you're going to activate his stubborn bone he's going to blow up and it'll be over hey it's kelly associate producer and phone screener for the ramsay show if you would like to do your debt free scream live on the show make sure you visit and register we would love for you to come to nashville and tell dave your story [Music] this is the ramsay show you can be intentional about your character you can have money and a career you are the hero in your story live from the headquarters of ramsey solutions broadcasting from the dollar car rental studios it's the ramsey show where debt is dumb cash is king and the paid off home mortgage has taken the place of the bmw as the status symbol of choice i'm dave ramsey your host my co-host today number one best-selling author new york times best-selling author rachel cruz ramsey personality and my daughter will be here answering your questions at triple eight eight two five five two two five that's triple eight eight two five five two two five luke is with us in little rock hey luke how are you hey dave i'm good thank y'all for having me on sure man what's up so i made a pretty boneheaded risky move but i'm coming out on the good side of it i bought a farm a couple months ago and i bought it for undervalue and i just got an offer on it that's going to leave me with a minimum 100 000 maybe 130 depending on how much my deductions go on taxes i'm 25 my wife's in school right now and i make about 75 000 a year and she's and we have we owe in the house we own 165 on the house and we own 100 on our school so my question is is what do i need to do with this money um i don't know i know i know i need to get out of debt but should i should i live my life and and work through the debt or and just invest this as though i'd never gotten it um and then reap the benefits later or what do i need to do luke you said how much you're going to make off this 100 did you say it at least yeah at least okay well if i woke up in your shoes um uh once you get the money from this after it sells and taxes are paid and it's all in the clear uh i would immediately pay off your student loan that's the only debt you guys have right is that 100 100 000 in student loans uh we have about a 5 000 other loan for um for a medical bill okay perfect yep i would just knock all those out so you'll be completely debt free 100 percent after sales form which is amazing any other cash that you have i would open up a small money market accounts or a money market account um and put the rest in there because that will get you close to probably your baby step three which is three to six months worth of expenses so having cash in the bank you have that already how much do you have there uh about forty thousand forty okay well i'd go ahead and just throw that at the 100k the student loan debt right now i would i would clean that out keep a thousand dollars for your emergency fund so the goal here though lucas is to get this debt paid off as quickly as possible and then on the other side of it with your numbers you guys are going to have a savings of three to six months of expenses um and then you guys can move on to investing but i would use the money not to invest right away like you said i know it sounds like a good idea let's just put it in the market and forget i ever had it and you wake up 65 you're like oh i'm a millionaire because of this money because the the sell of the farm but listen if you don't clean up what's going on in the present that's going to sneak up on you so get that cleared get some money for your emergency funds and then you can look at start investing at that point so okay great that's that's what i thought i needed but i just i just needed to hear it from someone else yeah let's the baby steps are the process we've developed over this 30 years that is the shortest distance between where you are in wealth the shortest distance between two points right straight line and so that's what rachel did she just walked you right up the baby steps and so we're gonna clear the five thousand dollars in debt today write a check when you get off the phone get rid of that medical debt we're gonna take everything but a thousand and throw it at the uh at the student loans and then we'll finish the student loans off with the sale of the farm now you've got a couple of issues um one is the the farm deal even though you came on the show knowing that we wouldn't have gone along with the crazy idea of going into debt and hoping you can flip this thing and make money and yet it worked and so you have the you you're the guy that walked up to the slot machine and dropped two quarters in and made two hundred dollars right it's going to be real hard to not do that again because you think that's going to happen again some part of your brain still thinks that works and you didn't you didn't use that part of the brain when you were talking to us you discounted it but be careful just say i'm not the guy at the slot machine because you're going to go do this crap again if you're not careful well the level of anxiety that i felt over buying and and realizing i needed to sell is has kind of pushed me away from that but there is a there is a small bit of me there the great news is it worked the bad news is it worked right and it might make you want to do it again okay so that's the danger now when did you when was the closing date on the purchase of the farm about three months ago so i know i'm in long term er i know i'm in short-term capital gains which means ordinary income and so if you clear 100 net 40 of that's going to the government yeah so you barely have enough to clear your debt after taxes and your emergency fund so that's where you're going to end up unless you've got something else going on we haven't talked about but that's right where you are man so you're you're a wise young man to have recognized that you got out with your skin intact uh and i i hope you don't do a repeat because i'm saying that because that's the kind of crap i did i would go well you know maybe i'm the exception to the rule maybe gravity doesn't apply to dave you know it turns out gravity applies to all of us right so i always think i'm the one that can get away with it there's a level of arrogance i mean pride goes before the fall the bible says and i man i just i've fallen all over the place and i'm not saying that's you i'm just i'm susceptible to that and so that's why i always warn everybody else and i think naturally people just have a higher risk tolerance than others you know some people are like i just want that and then something like i i it's it's there's something about living on the edge that they thrive on i mean honestly though there's a level of that 24 years old we go on our first cruise we've never been on a cruise we didn't know what that was and your mother is the most risk averse person on the planet saves every nickel and she dropped two dead gum quarters in a slot machine and hit 200 bucks oh so this was a true story this is a true story and you know what that 200 bucks cost us 500 because she put every quarter she got for the next week into that dad gum sloppy this she's as risk averse as you get but she fell for the you know your brain goes i know it's rigged i know that they make more money on it than they may put out i know in your brain your intellect says don't do it but your emotions going i'm the exception and you just keep putting oh god man and i've done that so many times and i'm not risk averse risk doesn't bother me but even your mom and you know you know sharon's not sharon's not she's not a wristband but i'm saying in general sure a slot machine or playing some crafts in vegas i mean like every now and then yeah i don't know anybody did that i won though i did yeah your father's daughter i paid for half my vacation with my friends and i even had it in an envelope i really did you're making my point for me but what i'm saying is i'm not talking about that because that's like just i'm not talking about that but i'm saying though people's lifestyle with their money though there are people i talk to and they they get a thrill oh i know out of losing money on living on the edge of it i mean they do because it's a dopamine whatever yes yes stupid telephones you just gotta keep the dopamine going keep the smartphone happy check 63 000 times a day how many times you check your email today how many times have you checked your email 5 000 pounds at least while we were on the air i thought oh my god this is the ramsay show [Music] we were drawn to christian healthcare ministries because we both had young families and we wanted to have more children and we had also just started a real estate company and needed to find health care coverage that would meet our needs we were attracted to chm because of its low monthly costs and the ability to negotiate medical costs down established in 1981 and accredited by the better business bureau chm is here to meet the needs of your growing family or small business check us out at backslash budget we absolutely believe in it [Music] well if you've been paying any attention the real estate market you've noticed it's crazy out there yeah it's not a amateur hour if you want to buy a home in this market you need a pro in your corner if you're going to sell a home in this market you could leave a hundred grand on the table screwing it up unless you have the right agent that knows what they're doing that does a lot of deals you need a pro on your side really our agents that we recommend our endorsed local providers have years of industry success they don't compromise your financial goals they will not participate in you doing cray-cray you're they're going to walk away and let you do it by yourself they don't want they don't want their name on that deal and so no matter how tough the competition is you gotta have someone to guide you through this weird and wacky time so connect with one of our endorsed local provider real estate agents some of the best in the business go to agent and you can find a ramsey trusted agent near you ramsay solutions dot com slash agent danielle is in tampa florida hi danielle how are you hi mr randy thank you very much for taking my call sure what's up um i'm in a position where i'm thinking about selling my house my son's father and i live together and it's not the best situation um your advice actually was pretty spot on as far as our situation goes um i've connected with one of your elps and i'm just really torn because i love my home and i love my neighborhood but i just want to be able to pay my debt off and provide better for my son okay uh so you own the home with your boyfriend or no sir it's just me you own it yeah okay um when is he leaving uh that's a great question well i'll give you the answer tonight i can hear it no no i can hear it in your voice you sound really afraid to me yeah well i'm trying to talk to you outside and he's actually standing next to me because she can't go inside sir um i have about 16 000 worth worth of debt um it includes a car a credit card some medical debt from the birth of our son that i get no helpless yeah um my home your elt said that i could potentially walk away with about 88 000 yeah so i could reasonably pay all that off i could set my son up and myself up in a nice town home or a reasonable town home in a nice area good schools you shot all this out what is your income uh i just got a promotion at my job i've been there about 10 years um i don't quite know what it works out to be but it's 21 an hour i believe it's like 44. okay how old are you i'll be 32 this monster how old your baby eight months [Music] okay um i don't know if you need to sell your house or not you may that's possible but that's not your problem today is it yeah okay do you have family in the area okay i do um my mom passed away about two years ago unfortunately so um oh you're do you have daddy a father and brothers in the area yes i am my grandma my aunt who would have room for me and charlie my son okay um you need to get in the car and go to your dad's house when you hang up the phone i can't do that i've tried that early why can't you do that do i need to call the police for you no sir we've already gone through that uh well i'm about to go through it again where are you danielle are you outside your house right now yes i am you are okay do you have car keys where's charlotte where's your where's your son in uh his father's end in front of my car all right you need to uh when you hang up you need to call the police you need to call your father and you need to get you and your son away from the sky do you hear me do you understand this is not going to work otherwise honey this is not a house problem and it's not a debt problem you and your son are in danger do you understand me hello yes sir i'm sorry where'd you go sir can you hear me yeah i can where are you okay okay i'm sorry did you hear what i said or were you distracted yes i did so no i heard you okay so are you going to sit there in the middle of the sewage or are you going to fix it i want to fix it that's why i wanted to sell my home and i just to know no no honey we don't need to call a realtor we need to get the boyfriend out of the house and that's going to involve the police and or your father and your brothers he needs to leave it's your house and you're afraid you understand that this is wrong right yes sir okay this is this is you're you're not the crazy one i'm talking to the same one you know what i'm trying to just feel like god yeah i know all right i'll tell you what we're gonna do we're gonna put you on hold and kelly is gonna make sure that law enforcement gets over there okay no sir don't you please no baby doll i'm not gonna be i'm i'm not listening i love you and that baby do what just needed to know if i should say how to not i'm sorry i'm sorry it's just okay it's okay honey you're you're you're in are you thank you mr redfield sorry i trust you listen listen easy breathe you're in a horrible situation and you have to make the moves to get away from it okay and part of part of the type of situation that you are in is that his part of his psychological job is he has convinced you that you're not able to operate without him and i'm convinced the only way you're ever going to be able to operate is without him you understand me yes sir okay you listen you are worth being okay it's worth being okay for your kid it's worth being okay it's your freaking house he's trespassing we're gonna remove the trespasser it has to happen okay you have to get away from this guy anyone who calls a national radio show and is in this kind of distress tells me that there's serious stuff going on inside your walls you understand and then once he's clear we're going to put you with one of our counselors free i'm not going to charge you a dime and we're going to walk with you and then we can start making decisions about your finances but you don't have a financial problem you need a boyfriend ectomy and it's happening today darling it's happening today do you understand yes sir today and danielle if you feel like you need you and your son to be somewhere safe then i would get out of the house as well removing him may not well no you know but i mean after he's gone you can make this determination you may need to go to local law enforcement but you know get a restraining order you can do whatever you need to do at that point but you and the baby need to get out of there until he's gone and then you need to get someone to remove him and it's that simple so um that's what you have to do and then you can begin to have a conversation uh in some form of sanity because the situation you are in right now is insane it's an insane situation you're not insane but the situation's crazy girl thank you sir thank you hey we love you you hold on a second kelly's gonna pick up okay and we're gonna make sure you get taken care of [Music] [Music] [Music] welcome back to the ramsey show rachel cruz ramsey personality is my co-host it just so happens that we have a crisis trauma counselor as a ramsey personality named dr john deloney uh who just happened to walk by a minute ago and so uh he was able to get on the phone with the young lady and um he's handled uh people like this before we'll just leave it at that and uh so the the calvary's on the way everybody's okay are gonna be okay shortly so we're gonna walk her through it and uh we just work with a lot of uh extreme situations around here because money brings that out and so sometimes we can sniff things that um how did you know that well it's just because i've been doing this for 30 years and i can smell the other end of a bad dude a long way away and uh i've seen it sadly too many times the great news is dr john's a whole lot better at this even than i am or you are for sure well but i mean like that's scary he's he's got it under on the phone with them and getting everybody in the right places which is a part and so it'll be it's all good for you listeners thank you you can pray for the young lady and her child uh she's gonna need it she's got a long road from here a lot of healing and good news though in the lobby of ramsey solutions on the debt free stage jordan and selena are with us celine arcelina selena selena r withers welcome good to have you guys where are you all right hi dave where do you guys live long island new york all right nice yeah i took an rv down here to celebrate yes how much debt have you guys paid off 130 thousand dollars good for you and uh how long did that take 45 months good for you and your range of income during that time 120 to 150 cool beans excellent excellent wow what kind of debt was the 130 uh dave we were disgustingly normal uh it was department stores it was you know credit cards it was a tax bill it was um student loan debt it was cars a little bit of everything wow all mixed in together yes what do you guys do for a living i'm a teacher and also a real estate agent and i'm a stay-at-home mom all right very good how many kids y'all got we have two oh sorry fun fun and the uh uh man how long y'all been married today is actually our 10-year wedding anniversary right dave yeah that's great a debt-free scream on the 10-year and an rv trip to nashville bring it bring it wow okay so what happened four years ago 45 months ago because you guys have been on a pretty long hustle grind here boy has it been um you know we were about three days before our next paycheck and my wife came home from grocery shopping and i didn't have the heart to tell her but she would you know use the overdraft account that she didn't know about and as a man i didn't have the guts to tell her that we were using overdraft account to get us to payday and i just so i make too much money to be this broke i worked too hard my whole life to be this broke and there's got to be a way out of this and um you know my friend pedro's here from rochester he drove all the way down and i called him and we got together and he helped me organize my bills electronically and help me get current but the only problem was i didn't talk to her i didn't go to her because as the man and as the provider i felt it was my responsibility to try to fix this so buddy of mine at work mentioned your name his name was greg he mentioned the total money makeover i read the book in one day it was a great plan that i liked because it was steps one steps two steps three but the only problem is i didn't mention it to her so i told i basically there's a theme here yeah yeah and uh i forever will regret that and i hope those that are listening will understand that if you are in this marriage you must work together and stop trying to take the burden and once i sat down with her and i said listen i'm sorry i sold the tv and the treadmill and this and that and uh we need to we had a lot of friction in the beginning yeah i wasn't a fan of yours in the middle and not even yes you're coming your tv is gone yeah oh my gosh and uh this guy lost his mind it was all because of you and i blamed you so two minutes ago where are you going dave ramsey who's dave yeah what he would ask me like a question about something i'd be like why don't go ask dave [Applause] and i uh i deserved it rightfully so because i think i just took that burden on and once we started talking about it uh we started to really work together um there was less friction when we talked about the budget and um you know she really started to see we both started to see you know the small debts going away quick and then we hit some of the bigger ones and we started to really have more money at the end of the month and uh you know obviously doing a lot of side hustles the real estate business that i operate in and i coach three sports and she takes on all the responsibility of staying at home with the kids right so we really were dancing and working as a team and uh we really started to see the debt really go uh pretty fast in years you know two three and you know pretty not at four but we almost got there yeah wow not quite to four but yeah wow so uh amazing all right all right selena um this is a funny story but it also happens a lot and i appreciate the way you the the way you guys are approaching it because it's very helpful for other people um so the total money makeover is the whole thing that's what you all use that was your map correct you check the podcast or the other stuff you go through financial peace university anyway just just the book i it's okay i listen to you every day through the podcast okay and i can't help but encourage listeners that i'm not trying to sell something i'm just trying to figure out what you did the podcast was got me through the daily grind every day on my way to work yeah every day on the way home right so celina at what point in this process did you get past the he's lost his mind because of this dave ramsey guy i'm still not he better take me to a nice dinner tonight dead gum righty better yeah i'm gonna tell you what the most expensive stinking restaurant in nashville is i'm gonna set up the reservation that's what that's what dave ramsey does that's it oh my gosh that's so fun no seriously because you said that you started dancing together so you got on the same page at some point yes yeah we did when was that selena that was awesome oh it's it goes back and forth you know sometimes i'm good sometimes i'm not but i'm grateful that it's gone on this path yeah yeah all right wow well it's so good to have you guys so how does it feel though to i mean 130 000 is just stuff everywhere debt is gone feels amazing um you know we we feel that we have so much opportunity now ahead of us and to ultimately give back you know to people that need it and to also do things like this trip where we can just get an rv that we never used to camp anywhere we didn't you know we just basically used it to drive here but we had plenty of space and yeah it's so relieving and um i i thank you guys so much for all the work that you do here at ramsay solutions you guys are true light for a lot of us out there well we're honored by that and you guys are you guys are heroes you absolutely did what it took to go win i'm so proud of you what was the uh what was the hardest part for y'all hardest part for for us was the when we got to the larger debts you got to the cars you got to the student loans and you're just grinding and grinding and i the advice i can give to people out there is listen to the dead free screams every day listen to the stories because you're going to be one of them one day and just keep chipping away you know i even have a little turtle sticker on my dashboard and on my driver's um right part of my dashboard where i just kind of look at it because the tortoise beats the hair yeah just have to slowly peck away and that was hard because everyone's doing all these different things and consuming things all around you and going on trips and going out to dinners and we're sitting there you know just chugging along and but you don't have 130 thousand dollars worth of debt that they do right i'm so proud of y'all that's awesome we got we got a copy of the legacy journey for you that's what you've done is change your legacy bring the kiddos in tell us their names and ages we have savannah who's eight and abigail who is six we call her cookie all right bring it cookie all right sweet girls yeah beautiful and we got a copy of the total money makeover for you to give to someone and pay it forward and get their journey started because it started the journey for you guys thank you very much friend having people around you yeah sure was huge yeah father was here and my friend from rochester came down way to go pedro good job man all right count it down 130 000 paid off in 45 months make it 120 to 150. jordan and selena count it down let's hear a debt-free screen that's ready three two one [Applause] this is the ramsay show [Music] um [Music] [Music] our scripture today psalm 1-3 they are like trees planted along the riverbank bearing fruit each season their leaves never wither and they prosper in all they do harriet beecher stowe said never give up for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn it's amazing that people get right to where they're almost winning and then they quit and they didn't realize they were that close one more step one more push one last piece of effort would have got them there andy's in cincinnati hey andy welcome to the ramsey show thank you i've been hearing a lot about title theft lately and i'm wondering if i need title insurance you don't need title theft insurance but you do need title insurance there are two different things title insurance is ensuring that the title is clean and that the seller that sold you the property had proper title to transfer to you the trade ensures the chain of title up to that point that's done at the purchase of the property and if you got a mortgage the mortgage company required you to buy title insurance for them and you could get an owner's title policy simultaneous issue for usually 50 bucks or so yes you do want that the crap that's on tv you do not want okay yeah you do not need to worry about your fraud your property being fraudulently stolen that version of identity theft is almost uh impossible number one number two it's so rare that it really happens it's i i do not understand how they're getting away with pushing this like it's something that happens every day all right well thanks for taking my call hey man thank you we appreciate you joining us okay i haven't seen that what is so there's a tv commercials on cable and there's other things on this thing uh you know it's uh in the identity theft space yeah of course we recommend zander insurance for identity theft protection and it would take care of title theft insurance as well you wouldn't need it because this covers you for that so it would be like for instance uh if someone wrote a quitclaim deed out on your home as and signed it as if you signed it okay over to them fraudulently signing the property over to someone that didn't that it wasn't signed in other words if it's not your signature on the document then the deed is not valid it's fraud yeah but then they go and file that deed and so now it becomes part of record then you've got to go and fight the fraud but you always have to fight the fraud with identity theft that's part of what identity theft is but the crook signs rachel winston cruz right on the bottom of this deed does like a quit claim deed as an example back to the crook and so like you have quit claimed at your house to them or your property to them or your real estate to them whatever and then they go and record that quitclaim deed at the courthouse but all of that is criminal fraud and it's very traceable right because you don't get any benefits of the property unless we can find you and if we can find you then you go to jail so it's not like we're identity theft on credit cards and stuff see those guys they came through well they go and you know they they take the card and they get stuff right right and then they disappear right but real estate you can't disappear with it and so you got to kind of hang around to get the benefits of it and so it's very difficult to actually end up with it's impossible unless somebody just is stupid and lets you walk away with their property right but i mean they're not gonna walk away because the crook is readily accessible and goes to jail and so it's very uh it's very rare very unusual but they're running ads as if it happens all the time and you need to get insurance on the title title theft on your real estate no you do not okay no you do not but you do need identity theft protection which would encompass that that is under itself and that's sander insurance and that's what we have on you and uh all of the people that work here and on me and on you know we've got all of this stuff and so that that's uh because what happens then is let's say title theft did occur and you had xander insurance they assign a counselor to take over the problem and they go and prove that this was fraudulently done and then they get the deed removed at the courthouse and they get it all undone like they clean up your you know like bank of america opened up a credit card in your name but it wasn't you because it was a crook well they go get that they get with bank of america and go no no no no it wasn't them this is theft it's id theft and then they do all the dadgum work because the problem with with identity theft is not that you actually lose the money because you don't it's a fraudulent transaction you're not liable for the debt if the debt was opened up in your name you're not you know obviously you're not going to let them just take your property right in real estate you're going to fight that fraud but all the work but it's all hours and hours and dealing with stupid people at bank of america are stupid people at chase you know because you got the well they think they think you didn't want to pay the bill so now you're claiming identity theft no doofus i didn't make the bill and so then they transfer you to the identity theft department which is dumber than the department you were talking to before and xander people take care of all that stupidness for you and it's just oh god it's a parade of stupid people it's just a problem so stupid people parade all right michael's with us in kansas city hey michael how are you hey dave thanks for taking my call sure how can we help um yeah so i was pretty lucky and i got a job at a company that granted me stock options uh you know that invested over four years um and so i have a second year allotment that's vested that's worth about 182 000 uh pre-tax and i'm wondering do i liquidate that and then jump forward to pay off my mortgage um or would you uh reinvest it in like an index fund and then kind of be just slowly paying off the mortgage so this was a an employee benefit you did not purchase these stock options they were given to you as compensation yes wonderful and what is the total package worth right now that all the stock options uh i mean estimated values around 650 000 whoa very nice what's your mortgage balance uh 90 000 okay all right well it's kind of a no-brainer to take enough out to pay off your mortgage isn't it yeah why would you have a mortgage if you got 650 000 in your bank account i i mean it's not vested yet and it obviously does depend upon the stock price that doesn't depend on the stock price i'm cashing that crap out and paying off ninety thousand dollars how much of it's vested uh roughly about a third so you have so let's just say you have 200 000 piled up in the middle of your kitchen table yeah you see the 100 bills looking at you you see uncle ben he's winking at you 200 000 is laying there it's kind of a no-brainer to pay off the mortgage out of that isn't it i would think so yeah i think so i've had so many financial people tell me that well there's a lot of broke stupid financial people listen let me tell you all the data we have on millionaires they did two major things one is they get all their debt cleared off including their home and the second thing they did was they load up their 401ks and their iras and that's the first one to five million dollars worth of net worth beyond that you can start doing some other things if you want to but that's the first one to five million most people never see this any inside of that belly to start with so you get there you're in the top you're one of those dad gum ugly one percenters at that point so go ahead and get there first and then we'll worry about all this other stuff i did not meet millionaires who borrowed on their home to invest in the stock market and got rich they they're not there i mean we studied 10 000 of them we they just don't answer the question they don't go oh yeah we leveraged our home all the time and we never paid off our home because we wanted to keep investing they don't say stuff like that but but people with financial blogs living in their mother's basement say stuff like that all the time and oh let's put it in bitcoin and all kinds of stupid butt stuff so no don't do that let's just use some common sense lay a solid foundation in your life that gives you a lot of peace you got 650 000 freaking dollars way to go man that's awesome i'm so proud of you it's so incredible yeah so let's pay off the mortgage immediately and then from there you're 100 debt free make sure you have three to six months of expenses set aside for your emergencies and then it's time to be outrageously generous enjoy some of the money and have a systematized plan for investing the rest of the world i think when when he says yeah i'm getting all these different opinions when you run the numbers the investing option looks appealing right yeah but to say okay you get to do that still you could do all the above yeah because you got it and when we're done we still have 500 000 dollars to play with it right that's right it's right so plus yeah it's in really really good shape pretty amazing that puts this hour of the ramsey show in the books great job rachel thank you very much thanks for hanging out we'll be back with you before you know it in the meantime remember there's ultimately only one way to financial peace and that's to walk daily with the prince of peace christ jesus [Music] hey guys this is james senior producer for the ramsay show did you know over 18 million people listen to the ramsay show every week and a lot of those people listen on one of our 600 plus radio stations across the country to find a station near you head to [Music] you
Channel: The Ramsey Show - Full Episodes
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Keywords: dave ramsay live, dave ramsey, dave ramsey channel, dave ramsey live, dave ramsey live show, dave ramsey live stream, dave ramsey podcast, dave ramsey radio show, dave ramsey show, dave ramsey show full show, dave ramsey show live, ramsey, ramsey solutions, the dave ramsey show, the dave ramsey show live
Id: SRaHCg4PyB0
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Length: 121min 10sec (7270 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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