Robert Morris – Beyond You – God Is...

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if you want to turn in your Bibles mark chapter four or on your device however you want to get there just go to mark chapter four I saw some things in this passage that are very firm that's a very familiar passage and never seen it before you're gonna love it we're in a series called God yes and I've been doing something different we're going through the attributes of God that I've been naming the message after a testimony or story that God's giving me to illustrate that attribute like the first week we talked about enjoy the ride and remember my son holding my grandson on the surfboard and I was saying if he just knew how strong and how able his father is he would enjoy the ride we talked about how good god he is and how able God is how powerful he is last week we talked about I'll arrange it and it was a very difficult story to hear but the true story of a father wanting who gave his life for his daughter and he said I'll arrange it which shows how Jesus gave his life for us so this week I've done the same thing entitled it after an illustration a story that I'm going to use about my own life at the end of the message called beyond you so beyond you so my desire is that you remember the story that I tell and then remember the truth alright and we're going to talk about the sovereignty and the faithfulness of God those are the two attributes or uncarved this week so mark chapter 4 verse 35 on the same day when evening had come he said to them let us cross over to the other side now when they left the multitude they took him along in the boat as he was and other little boats were also with them and a great wind storm arose and the waves beat into the boat so that it was already filling but he was in the stern asleep on a pillow I love that the Bible tells us that he had a pillow I think it was Peters probably because he fished all night a lot all right and and they woke him and said to him teacher do you not care that we are perishing think how many times we've had that thought do you not care what I'm going through then he arose and rebuked the wind and said to the sea peace be still and the wind ceased and there was a great calm but he said to them why are you so fearful full of fear it so easy word to know what the meaning is fearful full of fear how is it that you have no faith another time when you rebuked him he said little faith this time you said none at all no faith and they feared Matthew and Luke used the word exceeded they marveled they marveled exceedingly and they said to one another who can this be that even the wind and the sea obey Him who can this be that even the wind and the sea obey Him so point number one is the answer of their question he is the sovereign Lord of the universe that's who he is that's who obey that that's why the wind and the waves obey Him he's the sovereign Lord of the universe now I'm going to define the word sovereign for you because I don't know if many people know what it is or where the word came from but the word sovereign is not in the New King James or the old King James Version of the Bible it is in the New Living Translation we have a new Bible coming out here at Gateway that we have produced using the New Living Translation and it has explanations of different scriptures from me from Jimmy Evans and from pastor Jack Hayford and it's a Study Bible and has a few some others as well from Kings University dr. hung singer wrote a a brief thing at the synopsis at the each of the front of each book so we'll we'll let you know about that but it's a great going to be a great Study Bible I'm really excited about but the thing is that the word sovereign appears in newer translations but doesn't appear in older translations the reason is there's actually not a Hebrew or Greek word for sovereign when when the new living puts it in it says Sovereign Lord the word there in the Hebrew is actually Elohim Yahweh and it's in the in the New King James it would say Lord God but here's a verse that many people use to talk about the sovereignty of God but it's not the word that they think it's actually a phrase so I said all that and you have no clue what I'm talking about but we'll get there in a moment all right first Timothy 6 verse 15 which he will manifest at his own time he who is the blessed and only potentate potentate the king of kings and Lord Lords now potentate here means all-powerful though so this actually refers to his omnipotence that he has all-powerful the word the phrase that refers to his sovereignty is the next phrase which you know very well and you've heard it a lot king of kings and Lord of lords sovereign means he is the supreme ruler of the universe there is no key above him there is no Lord above him we actually get our English word sovereign from the Latin word supreme us which is where we also get our English word supreme or super like a superhero but sovereign takes it a step further in that he's not just the supreme leader he's the supreme leader of every supreme leader he's above every leader every government are every ruler on this earth gets their rulership through either delegated bestowed or besieged power delegated they either have their power delegated to them they either have it bestowed on them or they beseech it to get it not Jesus Jesus is absolute rightful and creative power in other words he has absolute power he has the right to have that power and he's actually one that created that power he doesn't get his power from anyone or anything he has the power he is the power so he is the sovereign Lord of universe he answers to no one no one now here's the good thing if we didn't know that God was good we might worry because he answers to no one but because we know he's good and he's kind and he's loving and he's faithful and he's merciful and he's full of grace it's okay that it doesn't answer anything one but it really doesn't matter whether you are mad that he doesn't answer anyone or not because he doesn't answer to you either but here's what I saw in Mark chapter four that I've never seen before it says verse 35 on the same day now this is important to understand when evening had come so it's an evening on the same day and we'll talk about what day it was in a moment he said let us cross over the other side now when they left the multitude watch this phrase they took him along in the boat as he was as he was okay well that makes me think when I read something in the Bible like that I think how was he he took him as he was and why did you put that in the Holy Scriptures the inspired inerrant infallible Word of God why did the Holy Spirit inspire them that one phrase they took him along they took him in the book they took him as he was well how was he well we got to go back to that day what had happened that day here's what had happened that day you can read it in mark 4 Matthew 8 and Luke 8 he'd been teaching all day all day he was teaching and he could only teach by parables because it was all they could understand so he had to use parables just to get an understand and I don't know if he had them all planned or if you had to think about and the say the kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed and he tells a story to try to get him to figure it out the kingdom of heaven is like a pearl the kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed seed in the field and the enemy came at night you sowed tares the in the kingdom of heaven is he just tried to do his best to explain it to him but here is what is amazing so he's smart he's doing parables to the multitude now we just got to back up a few verses anytime you see something Bible you don't understand read the context so I did the same thing as he was how was he so I just backed up and I noticed he taught the whole day but watch what happens every time he was alone when he's teaching the whole day every time he got alone starts in verse 10 now when he was alone those around him with the twelve asked him about the parable so he's alone and they said they asked him what does that parable mean and by the way Jesus said to his disciples you don't understand this parable how you going to understand all the parables if you don't understand this one and then remember we started in verse 35 everyone remember that 35 but just back to verses verses 33 and 34 and with many such parables he spoke the word to them as they were able to hear it that's what I was saying he only said what they could hear but without a parable he did not speak to them and when they were alone he explained all things to his disciples so he's teaching all day and when he's alone he's explaining what he just taught to the disciples okay so as he was how was he tired he was tired alright listen I've taught all day I've gone to pastors conferences especially when you go overseas and I teach all day and you know what you want to do when you're alone what leave me alone stop asking me questions do you not understand what I just taught I just spent an hour on it you know come on let me just rest just for a little while and I know he was tired because what's the first thing he does when he gets in the boat goes asleep listen remember Jesus is fully God and fully human right so as God God never sleeps her slumbers we understand that but as a human he's left as a human he got tired as a human he got hungry we're even told that after 40 days fasting it says he was hungry so he he had human things he was tired so he he goes to sleep now purse Ling let me just give you again my my holy imagination just running a little bit I don't know if this is true or not but I'm wondering if he got in the boat and they started asking more questions and I'm wondering if he actually called up the store I'm just walking drink I'm just wondering if he just you know and and then you know John's has to feed her look at that cloud over there they said getting closer it's getting closer and then they started you know doing everything to try to get to the other side and he thought thank me when say thank God I mean he's he do it he thanked the Father but he might have said think thank you me thank you me for the storm and I can finally get some sleep and then they wake him up and now he's upset I think and so he gets up and he says peace be still here's again what we don't know be still are two words in English one word in Greek it's a verb it is the Greek word fimo ah but the noun is FAMAS FAMAS it means muscle muscle the here's the the Strong's definition of the verb of what Jesus actually said be still in the Greek fee moolah means to close the mouth with the muscle here's what Jesus actually said to the storm put a muzzle on it put a my ever done that put a muzzle on it stop it shut up he stands out in the boat and says shut up I'm tired of it but how could he do that because he's the sovereign Lord of the universe he's the supreme ruler of the universe so I have a question for you why would you ever worry when the supreme ruler of the universe is your father why would you ever work I mean if you're in a storm look who's in the boat with you he can stop that storm in any minute he'd take care of you i when I was at Shady Grove Church with Pastor Olin we went into Yugoslavia one time former Yugoslavia he was dear the civil war we could hear bombs going off and pastor elder was going one way and I was going one way another pastor was going one way there were three of us and we were teaching in different churches and we've come together sometimes for many times we were just trying to cover as many churches as we could and so we're driving down the road and it's three Yugoslavians and me in the car I'm in the front seat and the pastor is driving the car and I've just spoken on church and we're gonna go speak another church and this is a little road it's like a two-lane looks like a country road okay between small cities and all of a sudden we see two police officers stopping cars and the pastor says who spoke English said Oh uh-oh what I mean you have a parking ticket out uh-oh what what what uh-oh and he said well I got busy and I didn't register you in the country praise the Lord so I said so what what what could happen he said well last year pastor came and they put him in prison six months praise the Lord in heaven and so we started praying we said a quick prayer so we pull up there's just one car there again it's like a country road there's a police officer on our side road police officer on the other side of the road both of them were men and the one guy said to the driver in the Slavic language so I have I don't I didn't know but I knew basically what I'm saying papers because he pulls his papers out chosen but then rather than coming to me next he said he goes to the guy beside behind the driver and says papers so he shows him his papers then he goes to the next guy in the backseat papers he shows me respect then he comes to me papers and I just set there and the pastor said now oh I have to tell you something else before while he's going to the guys in the back seat this real pretty girl rode up on a bicycle and she started talking to the police officer on the other side of the room so our police officer well and they're laughing and giggling you know and he's like papers papers papers you know he wants to be over it's a pretty girl so then he says to me papers papers you know so the pastor says I recognize one word of it but he says it in his language but I recognized basically what he said was he's from Dallas now I've been overseas a lot they normally say USA he's from USA don't say Dallas but this passenger said he's from Dallas and this police officer said Oh Dallas Cowboys which hidden it great that we have a team again praise the Lord all right so let's all pray and fast Sunday night okay so anyway he said Dallas couple I said yes that was Cowboys like that and he says gone gone the sovereign Lord of the universe will use the Dallas Cowboys and pretty girls to get the gospel out so number one he's the sovereign Lord of the universe number two he's faithful and true he's faithful and true revelation 3:14 to the Angel of the Church of the Laodiceans right now this is Jesus speaking these things says the a mian the faithful and true witness revelation 19:11 I saw heaven opened and behold a white horse and he who said upon him was called faithful and true here's the reason I wanted to show you the verses that put true in there as well again if I asked you to define faithful I'm sure we get lots of different definitions probably all good ones but many times we don't know what the word actually means well first of all faithful means full of faith it's that simple full of faith but what is faith okay the root of the word faith is trust in other words when we say put your faith in Jesus or saying put your trust in Jesus never got it okay the root of the word trust though y'all be able to figure it out TR you it's true the reason you trust someone is because he's true that's only reason you trust him if you have a teenager who's not being true he loses some of his privileges because you can't trust him he's not worthy of trust at that moment are trust worthy trust worthy worthy of trust see if you're buying something all of a sudden you realize the salesman's lying to you he's not being truthful yeah I go to buy it because you don't know well I can't probably can't trust the company either and can't trust the salesmen I can't trust what the deal I'm gonna get because he's not true see that the reason we can trust God is because he's true God is faithful which means he's full of truth he's full of truth numbers 23:19 God is not a man that he should like Titus 1:2 in hope of eternal life which God who cannot lie promised he can't lie and Hebrews 6:18 says it is impossible for God to lie this is why I wanted to teach on the attributes of God because the more you know him the more you can trust him the more you can relax and enjoy the ride because he's a good God who will always be faithful and always be true when Debbie and I got married many of you know our story but I wasn't saved I wasn't a believer at them and I didn't trust her and the reason I didn't trust her because the only reference I had for faithfulness was me and the girls and guys that I had known previously my friends and none of us were faithful people none of us were truthful people so I I just didn't trust her I just didn't believe that a person could be true I didn't know true people and I can remember I used to have dreams about her being unfaithful and I would wake up mad at her and she'd be wondering why you mad at me well I had a dream that you did that she said but I didn't do that that was your stupid dream but I started noticing her character are getting to know her and what I realized was she's true she's truthful she's full of truth she doesn't lie I lie she doesn't lie and of course eventually I accepted Christ and here's what's great I got to know Jesus he's never lied to me he's always been faithful he's never let me down even when I thought he was letting me down he wasn't let me down Debbie and I had a contract on the house one time and we had a contract on and I was out of town and I called her and she said there's a storm here and there are neighborhoods that are flooding she said I'm watching the news right now and then she said this the house that we have a contract owned is on the news right now flooded I had been praying for that house and what I'm trying to tell you is God wasn't giving us that house because he knew it wasn't good for us and I remember thanking the Lord because I was thinking he protected me financially the Lord said you always think that way it wasn't just I was protecting your investment son your your wife was at home with three small children and the flood water rose 20 while it rose 3 feet in 20 minutes she might not have been able to get all three of the children out of the house and then she might could have been swept away so I'm telling you even when you don't think he's being faithful if you don't hear anything else I say today even when you don't think he's being faithful he will always be faithful because he cannot lie he can't he's full of truth he's full of truth and here's the third point faithful are fearful remember he said why are you if you look back there at verse thirty forty he said why are you so full of fear and why I wise you have no faith in other words their tank their gauge their fear gauge read full and their faith gauge read empty fear full faithful have you ever been flooded by fear I mean like all of a sudden like you got a phone call you got a bad report something happened you you just woke up and just flooded with fear yeah anyone here just flooded just flooded it happens in an instant the enemy comes in like a flood flood i when when that's our younger well you know like all couples I guess some couples may start out you know great financially but we we didn't like most couples and so what we wanted by a swimming pool for the kids and so I bought the Walmart swimming pool and they don't even sell it anymore this one you know it was about with about three foot walls and about a 15-foot diameter you remember that and he put it up put the liner II you know and we filled it up with water and then we had a pool party show all our friends you know how rich we were we had Walmart swimming pool and so the kids had swam and they were getting ready in the adults and we were cooking out and so people are standing out there and so this guy says to me so you bought a swimming pool and I said yeah and I don't know why I did like this and I leaned back against it anybody already know what happened in your line those walls collapse and just a look and once they collapse that water is strong I mean I go down to the ground whole yard floods everybody all of our dinner guests feet get wet and I'm soaked flooded just like that okay B here's what you need to know in the same way a flood fear can flood you faith can flood you too just one word from God just one word from God so let me explain to you though how to build your faith maybe you've never heard this it's very very simple Hebrews 11 is the hall of faith not the Hall of Fame the Hall of faith and he talks about men and women who built their faith and it gives us keys all through but let me go to one woman who literally shows us how do you build your faith Hebrews 11:11 says by faith Sara also received strength to conceive seed and she bore a child when she was past the age because watch she judged him faithful who you promised she judged him full of trust trustworthy she judged him faithful here's the definition faith is judging God faithful fear is judging God unfaithful and you judged God every day of your life now hey I know what you're saying well the Bible says not to judge well it means being judgmental or critical but it actually tells us to judge certain situations and make wise judgments you you jut you make judgments about lots of things every you judge which house to buy what school to put your kids in and where to eat you know you know which job to take I mean we've got to make judgments okay but you know here's what you need to know when something happens in your life you judge God faithful or you judge God unfaithful so how can you judge him faithful more well faith comes by hearing hearing by the Word of God and there are two words from God you need to remember remember these two words from God all right the first word he gave you and the fresh word he gives you the first word and the fresh word the first word that he gave the disciples verse 35 on the same day when evening come he said they let us cross over to the other side he didn't say let us get in the boat and drown he had already given them a word from God where they were going so when you when something happens go back to the first word God gave you if you started a business or started a new venture or moved to a new city and God gave you a word and you're all of a sudden you're flooded with fear go back to the word God gave you but here's what's great about God he'll even give you a fresh word in the middle of the storm he'll stand up and say put a muzzle on it put a muzzle on it when after probably five or six years into the church the church had grown quite a bit the book the blessed life started kind of going around the world things started it just faced I just started feeling more and more stressed I'm safe this way the church was growing and my insecurities were growing along with it I was just beginning to feel very fearful and very stressful and so Debbie and I were on vacation in Colorado I was on the top of a mountain spending some time with God and I was telling the Lord Lord it's just too big he was saving me why are you so stressed out I said it's too big it's too big what you called me to do now is too big this is too big and I said these words and here's where I got the message I said God but you're calling me to do now is beyond me and he said to me son it's always been beyond you ever thing you've ever done has been beyond you you just thought that you did the stuff before but that was beyond you - I did all of it and he said to me it might be beyond you son but it's not beyond me because I'm the supreme ruler of this universe if I call you to do it you can do it might be beyond you but it's not beyond him
Channel: gatewaychurchtv
Views: 148,217
Rating: 4.8386221 out of 5
Keywords: gateway, Gateway Church, gatewaypeople, Sermon, Jesus, God, Dallas, Texas, Robert Morris, Whatever it is, God is, New Series, I'll arrange it
Id: bQzHZF7qgXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 36sec (1836 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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