Stop Saying "I THINK!" Use these alternatives to SOUND LIKE A NATIVE

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hey guys welcome to lingo marina i know that the phrase that you love a lot i love it a lot the phrase sounds like i think i think i think i want to invite you to dinner i think the weather is amazing i think this is great repeating the same phrase over and over again doesn't make your speech more beautiful it just makes a little more boring especially when you're writing something like if you're writing an essay for your toefl if the only phrase they use in your essay is i think you will get a lower grade because test makers want to see a more diversified speech and even if you're just chatting to your friends you know i think i think it's really somewhere in between are you sure or you think it's wrong like where is the emotion so the goal of this class is to add emotion to your language we're gonna talk about phrases that you can use to replace i think so if you're interested continue watching this video first of all i'm gonna start with phrases that you can use when you are sure about something so instead of saying i think i made a right decision because i think it's like 70 right the right decision maybe 60 when will you say i'm sure i made the right decision that's like 90 sure i'm sure or if you say i'm absolutely sure i made the right decision that's like 100 it just shows your level of confidence it's completely different from i think i made the right decision i'm absolutely sure another phrase is no doubt no doubt we will win this and it's again no like i think we will win this you're like cheering your team up no no doubt will win this you're completely sure no doubt the next phrase is i'm certain i'm certain you can make it again when you're helping someone when you're trying to cheer someone up saying i think you can do it you're like 60 sure that he can do it but saying i'm certain you can do it that makes that person think that you believe in them i'm certain another phrase that is also very common is i am positive i am positive this is the right thing to do i'm positive the informal way of saying that you're confident about something is to say i bet i bet you're the one who stole her money i bet you're gonna learn english very fast i bet when you're not completely certain you can use other phrases instead of i think but i think is exactly where we are right now you're not completely certain but replacing i think will just make your speech more diversified i guess well i guess you're right i guess i'm not quite sure i'm not quite sure about this i don't think i want to come i'm not quite sure i suppose is very similar to i think i suppose if you have some information about something but you're not 100 sure or if you just want to sound more polite you can say as far as i know like somebody tells you this is green and you say as far as i know this is blue and turkeys whatever as far as i know or if i'm not mistaken this is blue so you're kind of not saying no no no no this is blue you're wrong you're saying if i'm not mistaken this is blue if i'm not mistaken as far as i know she won't be able to come to the party if i'm not mistaken her train arrives at 9 pm it's going to be too late the next phrase is usually used in a form of sentence correct me if i'm wrong but i thought that was blue and generally would also make this question negative correct me if i'm wrong but isn't he supposed to be here at 5 00 pm correct me if i'm wrong i have a feeling there's another phrase that you can use it just implies that you trust your feelings more than your knowledge or this is just the way it sounds i have a feeling we've made the right decision here i have a feeling and the last phrase here is more formal to the best of my knowledge to the best of my belief to the best of my knowledge your strategy wouldn't work here the best of my knowledge now let's look at some phrases that you can use to express your opinion about something instead of saying i think all the time by the way these phrases are super useful for all the essays that you're gonna write for all the tests that you're gonna take because test makers check for those phrases a lot they're called like introductory phrases so use them as often as you can in my opinion you won't succeed by the way in terms of like being polite and in terms of like culture it is very useful to use those phrases because if you say he won't succeed then you're a hater but if you say in my opinion you won't succeed then that's your opinion you're not pretending to be an objective judge you are just saying in my opinion in my opinion and i always want people not on this channel like i have two other channels where i have some haters on this channel you guys are amazing but on some other channels when people criticize me for something i always ask them to use this introductory phrase because in my opinion your dress is ugly that sounds polite because it's your opinion but just saying your dress is ugly you can't just say that because you're not being objective it's a matter of taste just think about it and let's continue with other phrases it seems to me it seems to me it's going to rain today again i'm not saying it's going to rain today i'm not a god who predicts whatever it seems to me it's going to rain today more polite and it seems to me to tell the truth to tell the truth i didn't like the movie again makes it more polite and kind of the same meaning to be honest to be honest i don't believe him to be honest to my mind this is a very common phrase to introduce your opinion to my mind everybody has to have access to affordable health care to my mind and the last but not the least again very polite if you ask me like if you're interested in my opinion if you ask me i think you have to practice english every day but you don't have to ask me it's up to you to decide how much time you dedicate to learning english every single day but if you want to learn more of english and be more grammatically and culturally correct download our workbook grammar is all you need created by me and my team language rep it is very affordable it has most common and most useful grammar topics in english that you would need to master your english the link will be below and if you're not yet subscribed this channel hit the red button down below subscribe and i will see you very soon in my next videos bye bye
Channel: linguamarina
Views: 292,651
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english, english language, learn english, linguamarina, marina mogilko, linguatrip, english with linguatrip, what to say instead of, different ways to say, enlarge your vocabulary, english vocabulary, speak like a native, speak english like a native, expand you vocabulary, avoid repeating, learn english words, what to say instead of i think, i think alternatives, different ways to say i think, avoid repeating i think, different ways to say i think in english, don't say i think
Id: E_FrW5uvp0I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 44sec (404 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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