Stop Praying It Safe - Pastor Stephen Chandler

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second kings chapter 13 verse 14 do you have it come on b.w.i you all got it let's do this here it goes verse 40 says this elisha had become sick with the illness of which he would die you know there's certain things in scripture that i don't have time to preach and i don't even really understand but it's just not fair elijah got a limousine sent for him a fiery chariot came and took him right to heaven elisha who got a double portion he died of a sickness that's just not fair that's just not where's my chariot at says he would become sick with the illness of which he would die then joash the king of israel came down to him and wept over his face and said oh my father my father the chariots of israel and their horsemen elisha said to him take a bow somebody say take a bow and some arrows so he took himself a bow and some arrows then he said to the king of israel put your hand on the boat so he put his hand on and elisha put his hand on the king's hand somebody say a hand on a hand and he said open the east window and he opened it then elisha said shoot and he shot and he said the arrow of the lord's deliverance and the arrow of deliverance from syria for you must strike the syrians and a fact till you have destroyed them then he said take the arrow so he took them he said to the king israel strike the ground so he struck three times somebody say three times and he stopped can you help me preach look at somebody across the room asking why you stop come on come on come on come on no no no no no for real for example why'd you stop why just stop believing watch why just stop praying why why'd you stop contending why why did you stop expecting something great for god why have you settled with that medication why have you settled with that broken relationship why why have you settled with a job that makes you miserable why why come on preach to somebody next to your action why just stop on three he didn't say to stop on three why why did you stop i love this it says the man of god was angry which tells me anger is not a sin if it's pointed at the right thing he said he was angry with me said you should have struck five or six times then you would have struck the syria until you had destroyed it but now you will strike syria only three times i don't know about you but i'm not praying 21 days for a three-time blessing i'm not praying these 21 days for a three-time breakthrough i'm not pursuing god at 6 00 a.m in the morning for a god if you only will i'm looking for a breakthrough i'm looking for an overwhelming victory i'm looking for my enemies to be vanquished i'm looking for the lord to be glorified we're not praying for a church we're praying for a city we're not just praying for a city we're praying for a state we're praying for revival in this nation we will not be a just three times church father god we're grateful we're thankful for this opportunity to be in your presence speak to us we pray in the matchless name of jesus somebody shout amen i want to preach a message to you today a message called stop praying it safe stop praying it safe i uh i don't have a bucket list you all know the whole bucket list idea of you need to make a list of all the different things that you plan on doing before you die i do not have that list yet partially because i don't plan on dying i'm going to live to 120 and then god's just going to take me straight up to heaven so i have no intention i'm joking i'm going to die but no time soon so that's why i don't have a bucket list but if i had a bucket list experience i had about three years ago would have been on my bucket list through a friend of a friend and a connection i had the opportunity to drive a race car around a real track it was this porsche racing experience and it's kind of something that they had set up for a bunch of pastor friends of mine and we kind of go in there and you you sit down and you do the little safety class and all that other good stuff and then you get in a real porsche race car with a professional driver and they take you on a few laps around the track but but but not laps that you would drive laps that a professional would drive so we get in there and we sit in the car and the professional says are you you're buckled up and you get your kind of harness in you you're ready to rumble and he says okay here's what i need you to do when you see a turn coming i need you to lean with the turn i'm not even the one driving the car i'm just like why'd i gotta lean with the turn i don't understand what you're talking about next thing i know he punches the gas and um i felt like i got punched in the chest it was we head off on this straightaway and one of the things that i realized is when you're on a straightaway you could be going at 60 you could be going at 160. you don't really know because you don't feel it especially if you're in a nice car that has some weight and it kind of just sits in that speed so we're flying and i'm looking at his speedometer and it's like 80 90 100 120 140 and i'm just like all right jesus i'm not even catholic but we're gonna figure this out i don't know if this means anything but take me now lord jesus and i'm i mean i'm an adrenaline junkie so i'm just ready for it and as we come to the first turn i saw the turn i'm not sure he saw the turn because he wasn't slowing down as he was coming towards this turn and some of you may have taught your 16 year old how to drive and you're in the passenger seat if you've ever had the experience when they're not slowing down you start jamming at breaks that are not there you're you're just kind of subconsciously like where the brakes at i'm reaching for these brakes and he's not slowing down and i'm like this is how it's going to end by the way if you're going to go out go out in a porsche at 160 miles per hour that's not a bad way to go we are looking at this barrier and it's like i can see my life flashing before my eyes i mean the last second before we get to that turn he jams on the brakes with a faith as if he knew that he had gotten a recent brake job i've never hit my brakes that hard i mean that car comes to like 60 miles per hour in a second we whiplash around that turn he jams on that gas over and we're gone and now i understand why he said lean into the turn and as i was leaning into the turn that burger king sandwich i had was leaning into that turn as well about after that first lap i was like let me out let me out i can't the second lap he took us around he was explaining kind of his mindset here's my breaking point here's my acceleration point here's what i'm doing here here's what i'm doing that and he begins to explain the mindset of racing to us and he said most people a you do not drive like this because it is illegal somebody say amen and he said the other reason why most people even on a track would not drive this way is because they don't know the capability of the machine that they are driving they don't know the capability of the acceleration of the traction of the brakes they don't know that the brakes are actually a lot more effective than they believe that they are and he said because they don't know the capability of the machine they're never going to push this machine to the limits of what it was designed for he said there's so much more in this machine than the average person could ever get out of it he said by the way it's smart for that person because even though the machine has limits that are beyond that person they don't have the ability to control it he said if you're going to maximize this vehicle you have to know the limits of its capability and you have to possess the ability to maximize its potential he said there's two factors he said you have to have the ability to maximize the potential and you have to have the knowledge of what that machine is capable of and he said if you have those two things you can get out of this machine velocity that the average person could not even comprehend as i was thinking about this here's the thought that crossed my mind most people don't get out of prayer what prayer is capable of most people if prayer was a race car we're putting around the track like we're on a moped going through the streets of europe and i feel like the holy spirit is looking at us saying don't don't you know the machine of prayer that you have between your hands don't you know the horsepower that is behind your jesus will you do this don't you understand the breaking system that you have access to if you only understood the capability of the machine that you're driving most people do not know the potential of prayer and even if they knew the potential of prayer they don't have the ability to maximize it i mean we all know the verse where it says i have not seen mine has not heard no no i can conceive what god has in store for us we we know we serve a god that calls things that are not as though they are he looks at dead things and calls them alive we know the verse where it says god does exceeding and abundantly above all that we could ever ask think or imagine conceptually we know that god has all power and that our prayer gives us access to that power but in actuality so many of us don't know how to tap into that power and our prayer sounds like now i lay me down to sleep i pray the lord my soul to keep which is not even biblical this passage to be read in second corinth second kings chapter 13 elisha who was the prophet at that time in israel was coming to the end of his life if you know the story of elisha elisha was the apprentice of elijah elijah was one of the greatest prophets who called fire down from heaven who established the word of the lord and elisha said i want double what you have elisha understood it's not my job to replace it's my job to take the second leg of the baton and to go further than i had seen my mentor go and as you study the life of elisha he actually did double the miracles that elijah did or he was coming to the end of his life and when the king heard that he was coming to the end of his life he came and he he kneeled down next to his bed and he said my father my father now as you study you'll discover that's the same greeting that elisha gave elijah before elijah was caught up in heaven the king was honoring elisha saying you are the representative of god here on earth then he went on to say he said the king's horses and the king's chariots he was making a reference to we ain't got no horses and we don't have any chariots actually the chapter before they had been down they had only had 10 chariots and only a handful of horses what he was saying is the state of our country right now is so desolate and destroyed i don't know how we're going to make it much further what he was saying is elisha what are we going to do without you if you go we're going to be in a bad state elisha says hey go get some arrows and you heard this story he said put it in the bow and aim it out the east window and he aimed his hand and they shot three arrows out of the window then he said take those arrows and begin to strike the ground and he struck the ground once and the second time and the third time after the third time the bible says that he stopped and and you know sometimes when you're in church and no offense because i'm just like you and your churchy you can read passages in scripture and you could judge somebody even though you would have done the exact same thing like like put yourself in the story imagine i am telling you take these arrows we're not even in the woods looking for deer we're in a random building take these arrows get down on your hands and knees here i go cameraman we didn't prep this before and strike the just just come on now you got your church clothes on how awkward do you feel striking the ground and i could you could just see it am i doing it right elisha ain't saying anything all right i'm done with this this is weird after that third time he stopped and elisha got angry he said why'd you stop at three why did you let the discomfort of your flesh move you out of the position of breakthrough why did you allow the fact that it felt awkward and weird and it didn't make sense and you couldn't make the connection to bring you out of a position of breakthrough he said if you had struck five or six times it would have been a total victory but because you stopped on three it's only a partial victory i believe this story is a prophetic picture of prayer you see in that time in israel because jesus had not yet died on the cross and made our bodies the temple of the holy spirit that the average man could not go and meet with god themselves they had to go through mediator through a priest or through a prophet so by the king coming to elisha it was a symbol of us coming to god says elisha was in the upper room as you read throughout scripture there's so many supernatural prayer meetings that happen in an upper room it was 120 that met in the upper room where the holy spirit was first poured out it was daniel we talked about a few weeks ago that was in the upper room opening the window praying unto god something powerful happens in the upper room and he went in and he began to seek god god what are we going to do but i feel that joe ash stopped short he was praying it safe because he was not looking for the maximum to maximize the potential of god he was just looking to escape his problem now i've discovered for so many of us our prayer life could actually not be maximizing god's potential our prayer life could be simply escaping our problems but here's what the bible said in psalms chapter 2 verse 7 it says i will declare the decree the lord has said to me you are my son somebody say that's me come on say what you chest out somebody say somebody say i'm a child of god i belong to the most high god he said you are my son and by the way whenever you read scripture everybody wants to get all politically correct there's males and they're females i i want to hear son and daughter of god hear me when you see sun in the scripture don't think gender think position and inheritance the firstborn son received two-thirds of the father's possession so even as a daughter you want a son's inheritance you say man i want the first of what my father has to give he said you are my son today i have begotten you another translation says today i have become your father here's what god said he said ask of me and i will give you hannover is that what he said said ask of me and i'm going to give you columbia i'm going to give you randall's town he said ask of me and i will give you the nations for your inheritance and the ends of the earth for your possession here is how god is telling you to pray he said pray for nation-sized prayers not talking about you just talking about me if god answered all my prayers with this nation shift if god answered all my prayers would this nation be impacted here is what i believe that god is trying to stir in this church i believe that god is calling us up to a higher level of prayer a higher level of expectation of god i'm not just praying that you would fix my problems but god i'm praying that you would respond in a nation-sized prayer god i'm not just praying for the pain to be relieved i am praying for healing and for total health for the rest of my life and by the way since i'm praying for health i'm praying for my children and my children's children that this sickness and disease shall never touch my family again i'm not just praying for a raise but god i'm praying for more than enough so i can start paying off other people's debts and position other people to maximize their potential for god i'm not just praying for a church i'm praying for the churches of the dmv that revival would break out that people would begin to come to christ by the thousands i believe that god is looking for a people that are going to pray nation-sized prayers in acts chapter 4 verse 29 it says this the church prayed now look on the enemy's threats and grant to your servants first of all god give us boldness the first thing the early church prayed for god you've seen through all scripture paul would constantly pray god give me boldness that i can preach the gospel the way it was supposed to be preached he said give me boldness he said then stretch out your hand and heal that signs and wonders may be done through the name of the holy servant jesus and when they had prayed the place where they assembled together was shaken union church is it possible that we can pray to a level of fervency where god begins to shake us shake our family shake our homes shake this city for the glory of god i believe god sent me to tell me and for you to eavesdrop that it's time to stop praying safe prayers it's time to stop starting our prayers with god if you can if only you can god if you would come on now this is not an if god this do you know that nothing is impossible for god three things we need to have three things we need to have if we're gonna pray nation-sized prayer the first thing is this i have to know whose i am if i'm going to pray nation-sized prayers i have to know who's i am i'm a church kid i don't got nothing else for you i don't know what to tell you i was born on a sunday my dad jumped out of the pulpit rushed to the hospital i was i mean i've just been in church my entire life i tell people i've been in church more times than jesus has been in church because i went to some church services and jesus was not there and i'm like why did you leave me here by myself i actually loved church growing up because all my friends went to church now we didn't love church because we loved worshiping and singing and all that that came later we loved church because we would spend the entire service scheming over whose house we got to go to after church we'd all sit together and they said as long as we wouldn't make any noise in church we could sit and we would say okay do you want to go to your house no my mom took my playstation when they come to my house how about your hello i still got my second dreamcast we come to my we're just there scheming and then after we had come up with our plan then we would go to the parents as a committee and we would present our request to them we would present our good grades for the week and the fact that our rooms were clean and our chores were done can we please please go over to such and such as house and on a typical sunday they would normally say yes we would all pile up in that one person's house but before we went my mom or my dad they'd pull me aside and they'd say hey stephen now you're going over to their house but remember you are a chandler you've eaten already you don't need any food come on anybody group like this don't go over there acting like i don't feed you don't don't go over the accident for no food make sure you clean up before you leave make sure you behave make sure you do what you're supposed to do so we'd get over the person's house and they would say stephen are you hungry starving starving i am he says breakfast no ma'am can i get you something no ma'am i'm good come on now i don't even say ma'am to my mom but no ma'am yes yes sir on my best behavior why because i was not a son of that house [Music] but the kids who house it was didn't even bother to ask their parents they would just go over to the fridge fling it open what do you all want you want some of this we got some i don't know whose cinnabun this is but they ain't gonna know you can you can grab this we got we got some frozen pops here why because when it's your house you ask a little different when you're a son of the house when you're a daughter of the house hear me some of us as children of the almighty god are asking acting like we are a guest in the house of god [Applause] we're acting like when we come into prayer someone told us you're don't don't ask for anything don't act like you're not hungry don't act like you aren't fed here's what jesus said he said when you pray here's how you ought to pray my father he said before you ask him of anything remind he knows he's your dad it's you who don't trust that remind yourself that i am a child of almighty god and hallowed be thy name what does that mean it means you're my dad and i know what's in your fridge i know there's healing in your fridge i know there's breakthrough in your fridge i know there's peace in your fridge i know there's joy in your fridge and i know that is your good pleasure forgive me joash came to elisha and he said my father my father but hear me he did not mean it he was using the words of relationship but he did not truly believe that there was relationship how do i know because joash was one of the most ungodly kings of israel he literally had put up idols and was worshipping all these foreign gods and he was not living a life of repentance hear me the only reason we don't live a life of repentance here's what the bible says it's because you don't know the goodness of god it's not because you're evil it's not because you're ratchet it's not because you're a god-hater it's just you don't know that your father has so much more for you than anything that the world can offer you its self the first step to praying god's size prayer is you got to know that god is your father here's what the bible says the bible says that when you get saved that the holy spirit he comes on you in romans chapter 8 verse 15 it says for we did not receive a spirit of bondage again to fear but you receive the spirit of adoption by whom we cry out abba father the spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of god and of children than heirs heirs of god and joint heirs with christ if indeed we suffer with him that we may also be glorified together somebody say break it down he said for we did not receive this spirit of bondage watch this again again to fear i i am blessed my dad's actually sitting here on the front and he is my greatest cheerleader i've been blessed to have a phenomenal father but i know for so many people that's not their story for so many people they had a father that was never present they had a father that was emotionally absent from the home or abusive or whatever and i know that's not all fathers there's phenomenal fathers at union church somebody say amen but just through the last decade of pastoring people i've discovered that the father wound is one of the greatest wounds any person can ever endure it brings a deep-seated rejection and insecurity and fear as i've talked to people that grew up without a father in the home they talked about living under a cloud of fear because as we went to sleep at night if somebody was to break in there was no protector in our home as the 11 year old as a 12 year old as a 14 year old a six year old i was the protector they talked about there was no financial stability there was no provider in the home and if anything happened if mom lost her job or whatever we there's a cloud of fear that you live under when you are fatherless by the way the bible says spiritually that we were all spiritually born under that cloud of fear because we were born disconnected from our heavenly father well here's what the bible says when you get saved it says god has not given you a spirit of bondage again to fear one of the first things that salvation breaks off of you is an orphan spirit that mindset that i don't have anybody to look out for me i'm on my own i don't have any protection or i don't have any covering he said no no you have a spirit that allows you to be father that allows you to say abba father i am protected i am covered i have an inheritance matter of fact i am a joint heir with jesus christ but it's the holy spirit that gives me that spirit of sonship so if i'm lacking the knowledge that god is my father and i can ask him of anything if i'm feeling like i'm in a position where i can't ask for much where i'm on my own here is what it is i am holy spirit deficient in my life i'm lacking awareness of the holy spirit inside of me because it is that holy spirit that allows me to recognize my position as a son of almighty god so when the early church prayed they prayed pour out your holy spirit and give us boldness watch this so we can pray the way we ought to pray i believe that god first and foremost wants to pour out his holy spirit what is that that is god himself in you so that you can pray not as an orphan not as a beggar but as someone who is entitled to all that your father has the second thing is this write this down i have to see what i'm aiming at i don't just have to know that i belong to god i have to see what i'm aiming at elisha said hey go grab those arrows open the east window and aim some of us pray prayers that are so vague you wouldn't even know if god answered can i give you an example father god bless me there's so many questions you understand how much we confuse god he's like based on my scripture i can bless you where do you want me to bless you am i bless you in the city or am i gonna bless you in the field am i gonna bless you when you come or should i bless you when you go where exactly do you want me to put the blessing am i blessing your finances am i blessing your health am i blessing your relationships and my blood i'm so confused where do i put the blessing we pray these vague aimless prayers and then we're confident can i be honest with you because our goal is not results our goal is prayer because do you understand prayer is not the end prayer is the means to the end prayer is just the vehicle to see heaven broken open in our lives but we think prayer makes us more godly and makes us more spiritual so we pray and then we feel good about ourselves forgive me i don't feel good waking up at 6 00 a.m and coming in here for prayer i'm going to do it because i want to see a breakthrough but but don't be smiling at me at 5 45. i ain't got nothing to say to you i'll see you at 6 15 after the holy spirit has met with me but i'm not walking out in 21 days of prayer saying god look what i did i prayed for 21 days i i'm godly i'm spiritual none of my other friends prayed for 21. i was here every no no no no no no i'm not here to kick something off on my religious list i'm looking at day 22 and day 23 and day 24 i am praying for results not for an emotional feeling james 4 2 says this but you want what you don't have so you kill to get it you long for what others have and you can't afford it so you start to fight to take it away from them that's a whole nother message and a whole nother day that we think resources are limited we think if someone has it means that i cannot have he said yet the reason you don't have what you want is that you don't ask god for it and when you do ask you don't get it because i love how the word preaches for me your whole it down you got to aim your prayer you can't just god bless me how where when why you only will give you pleasure zig ziglar said this he said if you aim at nothing you'll hit it every time one of the reasons why we don't pray specific prayers it's because we're afraid we can't handle the disappointment you see if i don't pin god to anything i could pretend like he's never disappointed me if i don't hold him to anything then if it doesn't happen i'm good so i'm not going to ask him for a house just gotta provide shelter oh there's tents at home depot there's a tarp down there at lowe's shelter it's a little vague you know i'm looking at the horizon don't look like marriage is kind of for my future god give me godly relationships in my life i know i'm getting close i'm your pastor and i love you and i'm not joking when i say that you're scared you're scared to ask god for something specific because you're scared of him letting you down and you're in a position where you say i've been let down so many times and i've gotten my hopes up so many times i don't know what i'm going to do if i get let down another time this may not help you but it's going to ground you can i tell you where i pray from i pray from a position of god you can't let me down and you can't disappoint me because what you've already done for me is so much greater than anything i could ever ask think or imagine and not only that my contentment is not in an answered prayer my contentment is in you so if i don't get the answer to my prayer guess what i'm going to do i'm going to keep it moving i'm going to keep loving god i'm gonna keep loving people i'm gonna keep walking in purpose because that house that spouse that job that ministry that building that city that million dollars or whatever maybe it didn't define me it was just icing on the cake god you define me so i literally have nothing to lose because the only thing i have is you and i can't lose you so i'mma ask cause i'm not afraid of a no i'm asked cause i'm not afraid of a knot right now i'm an ass because i'm not afraid of you'll figure it out in heaven remember i read a book by dr young each other as a pastor women believed to be the largest church in the world they had over 900 000 people in attendance on a weekend i can't even wrap my mind around that that is literally a nation and he said he was coming up in the faith he he he began to pray and he said i got this idea of prayer and he said god i i want a bicycle to get around and to meet a few people at the small groups and god i want a desk and he said for months and months and months he prayed god i need a bike and i need a desk god i need a bike i need a desk and for months he prayed there was no bike and there was no desk he said one day i was so angry and i was so frustrated and i said god you said you could do anything you can heal you can deliver if you can't give me a bike or a desk how in the world are you going to give me this nation he said he felt like the holy spirit said i'm waiting on you to tell me which bike what kind of desk do you want he said there's oak desk and there's mahogany desks and there's laminate desk and there's steel desk and now in 2021 there's reclaimed wood desk and harvest he said what kind of desk do you want and he said i i want an american bicycle he's in south korea that i want american bicycle in this particular time of type of desk he said he got off of his knees he was living in an apartment he was going down the stairs and there was a moving truck outside some american diplomat or whatever was moving out of the city the truck was packed the only thing they could not fit on the truck was a bicycle and a desk and he walked and said would you mind taking this bike and taking this desk it can't fit on the truck we god says if you would just aim at something somebody say aim at something you have nothing to lose why not ask god i want that job and i want that house and i want oh that spouse and now some of y'all like just ask and i love how i know y'all some of y'all are uncomfortable right now because you're like i don't know that is past this outlet you're preaching an aladdin genie god that you just rub him the right way and he just does whatever you want him to do this don't sound like the bible i'm a bond servant of god i'm here to suffer for the lord as if the bible doesn't say every good and perfect gift comes from your father i love you i can tell i love preaching right and those of you that shout and say hey man i love preaching to y'all but i love preaching to the skeptics the one that ain't stood up one time just i'm just cause don't you worry i'ma bring it back to the bible and you can't even mess with it y'all ready the prophet didn't let him shoot the arrow he said wait let me put my hand on your hand and let me guide what you aim at because if you just aim on your own you might aim at the wrong thing can anybody testify that you wanted something and then you didn't get it and then about three years later you're so glad you didn't get it because it was broke and unemployed and wasn't kind of the nicest person ever and at that moment you didn't see it but you're thanking god that he moved your aim anybody thanking god that he did not give you the job that you asked for because in the moment it looked like it's what you wanted but a few years later you realize the work life balance was non-existent and it went out of he said don't just aim at something let me guide you let them guide you this is what an unguided prayer looks like because we can't see the future we are not alpha and omega the one who is and was and is to come why not let the one who can see miles down the road put his hand on your hand habakkuk chapter two verse one i will watch stand my watch on the part and watch to see what he will say to me i love this verse i preach it almost every week and what i will answer when i am corrected can i tell you how i pray you and i pray like this can i just tell you how i pray i go pick the house i want i said god i want that house but god is this the house that you want for me god i want this but is this what you want for me and before i aim at it with my faith i surrender it to my father and i say is this the best that you have for me because i do not want to aim at the wrong thing last thing is just write this down i have to be desperate i've got to be desperate the three stages of prayer the first stage is making your requests figuring out what do you want so many of us are so afraid to tell god what we want but the bible says he's giving you the mind of christ what do you want what do you want some of us are so beaten down you've been in and out of hospital rooms for so long you've buried so many loved ones you you've been so stressed out because all i want to do is sleep all i want to do is have one three-month run of not crying over another person lost i just i just want to get to the end of the month and not wonder how am i going to pay my bills and i find sometimes life can beat you down so much it can beat the hope right out of you it can beat the faith right out of you it can put you in a position where you don't even mean it but you start to pray prayers like god if you only can get me through this get me past it no no no no no no if you had hope what would you ask for make your request not your survival not your anguish but make your request known to god the second stage of prayer is confirmation don't just go out declaring god's going to do it don't go out expecting him to do it bring it into his presence say god i want this but do you want this for me and then the last stage of prayer is to pushing the enemy back off of the promise that god has made you if i had time to preach all the prophetic imageries in this it said that he had an arrow and he shot it out the window and the arrow represented the victory that god had brought in his life but then he took the arrow and he began to strike it on the ground the bible says that arrows are like words that are flying and that will accomplish what they were sent to accomplish he literally took god's promises and he started to beat it into reality there's a moment of prayer where i'm not trying to convince god to be on my side i am pushing back the enemy from what god had promised me i am decreeing and declaring by faith this is what god has for me this is just my opinion you could read something else in the text i think the reason that king stopped on three strikes is because he wasn't desperate he didn't really want to break through from god did just give you stephen he just showed up because he heard the prophet was dying and he thought it was proper protocol to go show his last respects because if you read throughout scripture from the moment that elisha anointed jehu joe ash's grandfather you did not hear of one king call on elisha another time until this they left him out in a room in the corner cause they didn't need him i've discovered it's not biblical this is just stephen okay so you could take in just a world word picture i think there's a room of miracles in heaven that's locked up and the only key that unlocks it is desperation i think there's a room in heaven of breakthrough that's locked up and the only key that unlocks it are people that are relentless i think that there's a room in heaven of deliverance and freedom and overwhelming influence that is locked up and it is only open for the effectual here's what the bible says servants fervent prayers of the i think about jacob he said genesis 32 26. god said let me go for its day break i don't got time to be with you no more we've had a little moment touch your hip you're going to walk different you're transformed i healed your relationship with esau you're good you go i'm going i'm leaving jacob said i don't care what you got to do i don't know what your next appointment is but it's going to have to wait because i will not let you go until you bless me i know who you are and i know what you're capable of and i know what i'm asking for and i know that it is your will so i refuse to buy into the lie of the enemy that god doesn't want it for me or i don't deserve it or i don't worry what no i know the promise of god and i am going to stand on this promise and i refuse to move until i see it coming to pass i throw out that theology that says it's all gonna work out in heaven no you said with long life you will satisfy me here on earth you said anything that i give up you're going to give it back to me here on earth and with that eternal life i'm wondering at union church are there any desperate people are there any relentless people are there any people that are effective and fervent and say i refuse to settle for good enough i refuse to settle for survival i've refused to settle for some orphan's portion i am the son and daughter of almighty god my father said ask me for the nations and he will give it to me he said that the corners of the earth are my possession and i will not stop short until i see all that god has for me i don't know what you know about this pastor but let me let you know i will not stop until cancer has no authority in this house i will not stop until divorce is a word that we don't even know how to pronounce we will not stop until we see every city with its hands lifted up giving glory unto the almighty god because that is what our god is capable of if you believe it somebody left a shot of praise and a god in this place [Music] sit down sit down sit down sit down i'm done i'm done [Music] [Music] either he's god or he's not [Music] either he's the one that parts red seas or he's not based on the fact that i know he's lifted my guilt and he's lifting my shame and his blood has made me new if he can do that what can he not do so here's what we're going to start doing we're going to start making our prayers god-sized prayers and not problem-sized prayers i'm not praying for an escape from a problem i'm praying god i want all that you have for me father god we're grateful we're thankful for this opportunity just where you are with your eyes closing your head about if you could pray this prayer with me say holy spirit what are you saying to me i just got got a moment to make this time to make this message personal to you i challenge you whatever you're praying for whatever you've written in your prayer book up it don't pray survival prayers pray breakthrough prayers i have a quick question for you are you a child of god have you ever received the spirit by which we cry abba father see there's a lot of people that are in church that they're a child of religion but they're not a child of god they're child of culture they know how to say the verses and read the bible but they've never surrendered all that they are to jesus the bible says that he paid the price for all of our sins on the cross but it requires us to respond by saying god we give up control and we give it all to you and really that's what begins this journey in this access to almighty god whether you're in this room with bwi in colombia baltimore county watching online but you say pastor i can't say that i have a relationship with god the way that you're talking about her maybe you're like that prodigal where you were once in relationship with the father but you ran off and you did it on your own and you finally come to the end of yourself and you say i need the father back in my life if that's you we are excited this whole moment was created for you all you have to do is ask him to come back in and he'll come rushing in pray this prayer with me say lord jesus thank you that when i forgot about you you never forgot about me thank you for dying on the cross that all my sin all my mistakes can be erased today i surrender i give you all of me be my lord be my savior and use me for your glory in jesus name amen and amen and amen come on can somebody celebrate for every single person
Channel: Union Church
Views: 6,674
Rating: 4.96 out of 5
Keywords: do not disturb, prayer, dangerous prayer, crazy faith, faith, message on faith, message on prayer, believing in God, God-sized miracles, miracles, answered prayers
Id: 3cf41IfBMeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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