STOP PICKING UP POPCORN!!!!(I Do Not Own The Rights To This Music)

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[Music] [Music] um um this you are oh [Music] you are will jesus grace foreign so good me [Music] oh [Music] i sneezed [Music] for me you're always providing you always [Music] provided [Music] great [Music] always [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] for this great is your grace [Music] always providing for me [Music] anybody else feel that way [Music] always relying on mercy [Music] [Music] you're always reviving for me your loving kindness don't want me [Music] right [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh you may be [Music] [Music] you watch and you ought to think about the words to that song great is your mercy toward me your loving kindness toward you your tender mercy anybody ever needed mercy anybody ever needed mercy [Music] [Music] oh [Music] his presence is in this place [Music] [Music] get your bibles if you would [Music] you're not always in perfect voice but i guarantee you the lord enjoyed my worship tonight better than he did when i'm in perfect voice because he hurt my heart and not my tone we got a lot of fancy music out here but the heart is far from it i don't know about you tonight but i'm grateful i'm grateful his mercy and his grace toward us his loving kindness toward us his tender mercy toward us and i see it day after day [Music] well we are in revival [Music] god bless you he gave me today i was praying about what it was he wanted to establish in this revival all of you that are watching you have relatives that need god in their life tonight is a good night for you to invite them to watch and he spoke and said the season versus the situation could not get that out of my spirit the season versus the situation probably have seen a flash of the [Music] camera and people in this studio are wearing brand new pressures for a reason the lord gave that to me today you're watching today get yours put it on he said the season versus the situation must be established in us it must be an establishment down through the corridors of our minds it must be something that is so deeply planted that we never forget this night we never forget it philip go over there so in order for us to understand whenever you use the word verses verses that is a word that is used to indicate that there will be a rival there will be a rival in an opposite of what is trying to take place and so the first thing we must understand as believers is that we will always and forever until the coming of the lord jesus christ we will always have a verses we will always have something that that is versus what god is saying for our lives we will always have that and i think that the superficial christian the superficial christian has this ideology in their head that uh i'm going to i'm going to live for god and when is it going to stop as long as you are stepping into the will of god you will always have a verses you will always have an enemy that hates you you will always have a verse it's like we're in here worshiping in and and i know that they put enough power in this building says my electrician that we can that we can give electricity to almost half of this block or more but the power goes out and you learn to be unfazed because we have a verses microphone act up because we have a verses and the only reason why the verses would have reason to to show itself when the verses already know what part of it i'm coming for and so the verses have a tendency to to to to wage an attack but most of us look at the attack like the enemy is coming against me when the attack is really your informant the attack is really informing you that you're really onto something and what the enemy wants us to do is get caught up in the verses that we that we miss what we are about to accomplish and so we said you know the devil is busy no the devil is an informant he's such a fool that he tells on himself and so he's already let me know that he is he is shaken by what i have to say god have mercy he trembles when i wake up god had a whole shadow so in order for us to understand what is what is he so agitated about in this season that we have to understand the season that we're in found this word to be interesting today so we end the season we're in a season i took the liberty and i said well let me just let me just look this up a little bit and see what does it mean to be in a season we're in a season a season a season because i think it's a smart idea for you to know your victory before you talk about whatever it is that's coming against you it's like like like nobody nobody operates in professional sports without the coach making them sit down and watch their opponent play because you got to know what you're up against and that's why some of them walk out on the field like i'ma beat the snot out of you because i already know where your strengths are i already know where your weaknesses are and so our strength in this revival is our season come on somebody it's our season that's our secret weapon a season it means several things a season is spring summer autumn and winter a season is spring summer autumn and winter the season is considered climates climates a season is a period of the year when something is best best best available a season is something during the course of a year when something is best available like they said where strawberries ain't no good in the wintertime they're best available in the summer months peaches if you're from atlanta you know they don't taste right in the wintertime they're best available in the summer time so even god classified what fruit would be best to give you during that season come on somebody watermelon is the best to get during the summer months and so what he's trying to get us to understand is that what i'm about to do for you it's the available season it's the best you're in the best season to get it good lord have mercy uh this is the best time that it's available to you he said i could bless you and i can do things for you all year long he said i can i can take you in and i can bring you out but right now right now right now right now during this season right here is the best season for me to give you what it is i have already had in store for you all year waiting i was just waiting until we got right here [Music] that's why you can't miss the season looking at the situation oh god i know he just said something right here you can't miss the season looking at the situation because touch your neighbor if you're at home and if you ain't got no neighbor just touch your own shoulder and say this is the best available time for him to give me what i have been asking him for this is the best available time for god to do for me what he promised me that he would do and the devil tried to make me think that the year was almost over and god wasn't going to do it but what god was doing was he was telling me that wasn't the season for me to give that to you i had to get rid of some people i had to i had to call some people to be raised out of your life i had to oh my god i had to let you go through some things i had to let you lose some things because because watch this because listen we only know who we are based upon who we relate to because those that we relate to help define us i can't bring you into who you are until i allow you to lose them and everything because then i can introduce you to a you that you've never met [Applause] and i can and i can only do that for you in this season can't get nobody to say no right there i can know that i can only i can only well god i've been waiting on you to fix it it wasn't the season it wasn't the feel it wasn't the season because in this season i fixed everything [Music] if i hadn't did this for you six months ago ah see you keep shouting because you want me to fix some things i'm not interested when it's my children and me fixing certain things i'm only interested in fixing everything and so i gotta let you wait until you get to this season because this is the season that i fix everything [Music] [Applause] somebody somebody better talk back in here and said this is the season that he fixes everything and so and so the season the season the season also means to mature to ripen or conditioned by exposure to suitable conditions or treatment did y'all get that did y'all get that this is a season that i'm going to ripen you this is the season that i'm going to mature you and in order for me to do that i got to get you in better conditions i got to get you in the midst of better company and so what i did was i decided through the blood of jesus christ that i would adopt you into the royal family and during this season connect you with your brothers and sisters that i g that i gathered when they came out of egypt are you hearing me so so watch this so i chose this season to put you in the best company somebody better say something right there somebody better say something i chose this season to put you in the best company because watch this because i'm spilling out of myself blessings over my chosen people that if you just happen to be in the way i got to give you some too oh i'm not hearing y'all talk to me this is a season that i'm in the blessing business this is the season that i'm in the miracle blessing this is the season that i do the supernatural this is the season that the best of me comes out touch somebody say i'm glad i waited i said touch somebody tell them i'm glad i waited that night now now that whole scripture sarita means something else now that they did wait upon the lord shall renew their strength that that thing means something else now i'm glad i'm glad i waited i'm glad i waited because this is the children's season okay okay come on come on watch this watch this watch this y'all watch this watch it it says here it says here to distortion it says to dry listen at this listen at this listen at this to try i'm on eight to dry or otherwise treat like you treat lumber listen listen listen so as to harden and render immune to shrinkage or warpage this is the season that i that i have to give you a treatment because what i get through can i prophesy right here when i get through doing what i'm about to do for you in the next 30 days i'm going to have to harden you i'm gonna have to harden you to shrinkage and watch this and warpage because a lot of people are not going to like it and a lot of people are going to make you think you got to shriek yourself in order to hide what god doesn't did for you my god i feel the holy ghost right now that i got to i got to back up and pretend like i'm really not blessed but god said during this season i'm a harden your face to them i'm a heart in you i'mma make you he said i'mma render you immune i'm gonna give you i'ma give you a shot of tishrei so when jefferson come you're going to be immune to it i'm not hearing y'all i'ma give you a shot so you're going to be immune to a lot of stuff watch this that you should shake you it won't shake you no more who is god talking to who is god talking to and so watch this and then i saw something else that didn't that i was like well how is this how is this so sat here any period or time so one minute you say it is a it is a it is a period of time and then another time you say to me that it is it is any period or time so i was a little i was a little because sometimes simple stuff confused me i guess i'm so used to thinking deep to when it's simple i get confused i'm like what is it he said read the dictionary's example so i read the dictionary's example it says it says in the season of my youth so i was like in the season of my youth he said yeah in the season of my youth which means while i'm young all this will happen which means i'm going to i'm going to do it while you're here which means anything can happen as long as you hear before october the 18th y'all play too much because y'all don't take the bible y'all don't take god's word literally listen i just take it literal i said anything can happen by the time october the 18th come here because this is the season that i'm in while i'm in my youth while i'm welcome while i'm in this month that the lord has kissed what women the monk that god has chosen to reveal the manifestation of who he is listen listen listen listen so then so then what am i to expect because i want you to have your verses i want you to have your verses so when the enemy starts saying that ain't gonna happen he said now that you come on you versus this that that that come on here somebody it it it says listen listen listen listen this thing was just blessing me today it said it says that that that tishua is the beginning serena it's the beginning of the agricultural season agricultural meaning the science the art or the occupation concerned listen to that word concerned with cultivating land raising crops and feeding and breeding and raising livestock i said well god what they got to do with us he said pay attention i said livestock i said what does that have to do with this animals he said no that's a stock that's a lie no no no look a couple come on somebody it's not it's not just listen what i'm getting ready to do i'm gonna do it for those alive are you hearing that i'm going to breathe now now i'm going to multiply something out of you cutting yours come on i can't get nobody to i can't get nobody i'm gonna raise some crops i'm gonna give you some land i'm cultivating some stuff with your name on it [Music] y'all hear me next now watch this watch this so then so then this month we'll bring you this i i'm switching i'm a switch but i got to give you what you're going to get you this there's gonna be a time of reflection lord have mercy it's gonna be a time of introspection a time of renewal a time of to for you to return to god to experience his glory to touch him it's a time of awakening it's a time of removing that which would keep you from returning lord have mercy jesus the month of the strong which means you're going to come into your strength ah y'all i love you jesus the devil doesn't rule you out all year long but this is the time that you're going to receive a refreshing that comes from the presence of the lord he's going to get you back your strength i'm talking to somebody right there i just felt that i just felt that in facebook he gonna give you back your strength the devil thought you was finished he thought he was too weak to fight the battle but god has said i'm gonna restore your strength you coming out of this like a bull in a china cabinet who am i talking you're not going to look like what you have been through who is god preaching to he said watch this he said because this is god's appointed time [Music] this is god's appointed time but i put in time for what watch this watch this well dr vaughn i don't i don't have a lot of money and things ain't going right in i just feel like i'm in a deficit feel like i can't get things to connect right that's your verses and the reason why he's brought you to this place watch this the reason why he's brought you to this place up it it really ain't working out right and i don't know where i'm gonna get it from he said because he will permit the verses to appear before he release what he has for you now even though you don't have enough money and i'm talking to somebody even though your credit is jacked up and you don't know how it's gonna happen even though all the warfare has come against every vision that god has given you he said this is my appointed time that i have chosen that you are about to be fruitful and multiply wait a minute i can't get nobody to talk to me right there i can't get nobody to talk to me right there because they said i have a multiply i don't have no money what i'm gonna tell you what my brother said to me the other day he said the holy ghost told him he said he said well where am i gonna get the money he said the lord said wherever the money is sitting right now that's where it's coming from who am i talking to you better open up your mouth and give god a praise because guess what he don't need what's in your pocket multiplication has to happen in your spirit first that's why you got to receive it now good lord have mercy touch somebody and say i receive it somebody say i receive it touch somebody else and say i receive it y'all ain't getting that you're not getting that you're not getting that you're not getting that you're not getting that that's why i got you to put them pressures on because i'm not going to sit in here based upon who i have become oh my god from my circumstance i'm going to sit under who god says that i am who am i talking to right now wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hold on why should you sit down sit down sit down sit down sit down well how am i going to be fruitful then multiply how am i going to be fruitful and multiply because this is a month of revelation this is the month that i'm going to reveal things to you lord have mercy jesus god i love you right now this wait a minute this is the month that i'm going to say to you not over there over here and how you gonna know you making the right decision because because human beings are going to say if i was you i wouldn't do that but god is saying not over there over here and they telling you if i was you i wouldn't do that if i was you i wouldn't go over there if i was you i would and god is saying over here and somebody said well why are you moving in the net because i got a revelation i'm not hearing y'all talk to me because he's revealing to me now that my mind and my spirit has come under the anointing of the season and i'm refusing to submit my life to the situation i got to move based upon the season and not the situation yeah yeah yeah because because no i know it's gonna sound crazy to some people cause when you end the season when the situation fell you still feel like you got the victory see y'all i'm gonna go over here to talk to this side of the building because ain't nobody on this side i'm gonna talk to the telephones when it fails you feel like you just got a testimony when it don't work out something in you i read something today that says that that that that there are three kinds of mindsets there is the barbarian mindset the barbarian mindset is a person that operates in fear because anything that operates in fear can be manipulated and controlled then it says there's a there's a greek mindset and the greek mindset is i gotta know it by intellect and if one plus one don't add up to two then i can't move in there because my intellect is not saying that but then there's a mindset of the hebrew that says even when they look wrong god doing something else i'm not hearing y'all talk to me there is a mindset of the hebrew that said even though i ain't got enough something else is happening why because he promised never to leave me he promised never to forsake me he said my court shall supply all of my knees according to his riches and glory wait a minute somebody said in glory now i know why we ain't got it he said to me the other day the reason why you ain't got it is because i only do it through glory and if i can't get no glory come on and help me if i can't get no glory then i can't do it [Music] and so the enemy hold up so the enemy the enemy wants you to complain when it goes left because he knows that as long as there is no glory god ain't gonna do it that's why they give him glory as a choice good lord have mercy jesus i said that's why to give them glory as a choice that's what you gotta choose to bless them i will bless you lord at all times [Music] stop playing sit down for a second i got this something just hit me something just hit me who he said he said he said wrong key to he said uh he said here that that this is the month of uh completing and beginning like what what listen are you hearing this this is the month of completing and beginning well wait a minute how was it how was this a month of completing in the beginning because that that sounds like two different things now is he beginning something or is he ending something he said what did i tell you and i i'm sitting to the table asking him this what god is you beginning something you did you is you ending something he said what did i tell you and i'm like well you said this was the month he said i said this was the first month and the seventh month and i told you that the first month i create the seventh month i sit in it i'm trying to tell you that that that i'm sitting both of me in there alpha and omega which means i'm gonna bless you to shut some doors good lord have mercy because i'm getting ready to bless you with some open doors i can't get nobody to talk to me right there i can't get he said if you can praise me for the shot doors then i can take you through the open doors but you have enough funeral over the shop doors when i'm trying to make you see that i'm not playing omega from the beginning of the end and you're sitting up in the ramble of god himself i'm doing both of them i'm ending some things and i'm just starting some things that's why you better praise it you better praise it [Music] you gotta praise him you better shout for every door that shot [Music] you don't hear this you shall not lost my house you better shout out i lost my car you got a shout out i lost my job you got a shelter because god is operating up another door [Music] he says watch this y'all watch this i gotta get to this i gotta get to this pastor's a royal so so so the situation he took me to the book of second corinthians the third chapter i gotta i gotta read that i gotta read hi [Music] i cause it's mine to lose stuff all the time get it up the hostile because i'm birthing the knowledge of who i am in them and accept their experience are lost they will never get to know me i'm not hearing y'all talk to me how do you know me to be a provider when you already got money how do you know me to be a healer when you ain't never been sick i'm not hearing y'all how do you know me to be a burden bearer when you ain't never been under the burden of your children but i've been another burden of my children i hadn't seen my children rebelled against me i hadn't seen them turned to idol gods i didn't seen them go to horror in prostitution and i didn't shake because i know i had a hook in them because i knew they were mine who am i talking to he said lawson is my specialty because i'm the god that fixes [Music] everything so he says here why says y'all good lord have mercy jesus father god who am i preaching to out there he said right here in the 12th and the 12th verse now watch this since we have such a glorious hope and confident expectation we speak with great courage we are not like moses who used to put a veil over his face so that the israelites would not gaze at the end of the glory which was fading away lord have mercy jesus can y'all just touch somebody and tell them that because we are under we are under the new testament law because of the blood of jesus christ the bible said and they put a veil he put a veil over his over his face so that they would not see the fade in glory so that they would not see what the glory was finishing doing oh and god said to me now because of the blood and the holy ghost i'm gonna let them see me finish you uh no you don't hear me i wish i had somebody he said they gonna look upon your heart he gonna hold that ass jump he said that this next thing is enough in the next 18 days of something about your confidence is going to change and people go stop playing with you your family gonna stop playing with you i'm about to let them see you what i've been working on in you of all of these years he said this is jesus that they shall seek the finnish work of my glory somebody better give them a shout right there hold up hold up hold up hold on good lord i hear another key i thought i know who shot you don't let me tell you no more you got to fill it in the holy ghost he said watch this he said but in fact their minds were hardened for they had lost the ability to understand for until this very day at the reading of the old covenant the same veil remains unlifted because it is removed only in christ [Music] see pastor roy why don't you go sit right there go sit right there okay so i have a i have a veil over my eyes lord have mercy so i can only see it's just like if i were to take if i were to take a prayer cloth and put it over my eyes and put it over my face i can only see things based upon how the design of the cloth is allowing me to view it so when i look at a car i see a car with lines on it but it ain't no lines but the veil is causing me to see lines so if my handkerchief will have flowers in it then when i look at what god wants to do for me the rolls royce will have flowers on it it ain't got no flowers but what this flower's gonna make me do say i don't want that kind of car because i don't want no car with no flowers but it really ain't got no flowers but that's the way you seeing it because you're blind come on that's the way you look at it and say well i can't afford that you know what you said you can't afford it because you're blind the reason why you won't go look for a house because you're blind the reason why you won't go look for a car because you're blind the reason why you won't start your own business because you're blind [Music] listen watch this watch it show so so he said you're blind one key he said you're blind and he says but but but but in fact their minds were hard but they had lost the ability to understand for until this very day they still are blind and it washes and the veil have not been uplifted because it is removed only in christ but to this day whenever moses has read a veil a blindness lies over their heart but whenever a person turns in repentance and faith to the lord the veil is taken away good lord have mercy jesus good lord have mercy jesus then all i got to do is repent oh come on come on come on now i say it's a revival all i got to do is repent and when i repent the veil is removed and i can now see everything that god has for me okay come on come on come on come back down here okay man matter of fact wait right here wait right here cause the bread is coming to give you something she come to give you something now what i want you to tell her i want you to tell her to come get it i want you to tell her to come get it come get it now she got it in her hand push the camera back i want to see this i want the people to see this she she she got it in her hand she all that's my that's my example you got your prayer shawl alone you got your pressure all on you got you got on your uh i'm who god says i am i had you sitting up here so shabbat called you to get some stuff hold on a minute open it up no you open it up wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute open it up now hold it just hold hold on she's gonna gave you some popcorn it's a lot in there and she didn't get your hand full of candy sweet stuff yeah yeah so you so you you you you all ready you see what happened see that's what happened when the devil hand you some sweet stuff and then you think you in control uh you think it's just a little bit of singing but what you don't understand is you don't have the mind of the enemy where he didn't already plan for somebody else to be a part of this equation uh-huh so now pastor sarroya get down there and start picking up popcorn because see why she picking up popcorn asking me what's she doing ask me what you're doing say prophetess what is she doing lord forgive me for lying and lord forgive me for stealing and lord forgive me because i i played the lottery and god forgive me because i slept with jimmy and god forgive me and guess what the devil had you down there for a long time but what is the real problem the real problem is she left where i set her come on sir you stand on your feet but you let somebody little call you out of your place you let somebody who ain't got no authority call you from your high placer who am i talking to not knowing that the devil has a plan to knock it out to keep you preoccupied that when this season comes right here you will miss the season cause you got too many situations you thought it was a secret now everybody can see your popcorn you thought it was here but everybody know what your sweet truth is who am i talking to so guess what it's not about the popcorn it's not about the candy it's about the season that you're about to miss it's about the position of and that's why when this time comes you gotta drop that stuff out of your hand and get back to your place in god go back and take your seat where god sent you and tell the lord i'm waiting on everything that you promised me listen listen watch this i saw this channel repentance is repentance is a is a change that takes place in one's life as a result of the holy spirit's work to illuminate one's consciousness to the state of sin in the presence of the holy god i can only see i can only see the act of sin if i'm not in the presence of god but when i get in the presence of god i can see the state of sin i can see what sin has moved me to oh y'all ain't hearing me good lord have mercy jesus god let your people hear you no no no no it said it said when i'm in the presence of the lord i see the state of it what that means seasons versus situations you can't make this stuff up no no no dr burns you can't make this stuff up this is what i read from the dictionary today it says it says the state so i said well what what what does it mean by state the condition of a person or thing as with respect to circumstances or attributes so then he said look up circumstance circumstance is a condition with respect to time i don't spend no time with it it's respect to place manner etc that determines or modifies oh god the fact or an event influencing factor which means when i am in a state of sin i have been modified [Music] modified because first thessalonians 2 and 13 says the word exercises it's super human power in those who adhere to trusted and rely on so i'm supposed to be a super human right now oh okay well what is a superhuman that's some people that no matter what they go through they won't die see i listen they got quiet in here that's some people that go through hell in high water and they still shout let some people that you look at and say she should have gave up a long time ago but she's still screaming and hollering and got the victory who am i talking to because that's the person that makes you not allow their circumstance to shift their state example who am i talking to they were in the trial and in the situation but they were in this season too and therefore they were not modified [Music] somebody said somebody said make this plane somebody said make this clean okay so we we we say we've had some summer months i've been in georgia for a couple days and it's hot you know so when i went i was in the heat of the summer in august y'all ain't saying that i was on the expressway and a car broke down passed the car on the expressway the person having car trouble the weather didn't change because their car was broke down the season remained okay see i can't i can't get y'all to shout in here no no y'all don't know how to praise god in here listen listen just because the devil take a take a punch at you the season didn't change good lord i wish i had to see i don't need no music i don't need no shot music i said that just because the devil takes a punch at your family that's your finances at your body it doesn't mean that your season has changed but somebody said the season is still the same the season is still the same somebody took seven people in this building come over run around your house and hit the wall if you have to they said the season didn't change aha it looked like trouble but the season didn't change it looked like pain but the season didn't change it looked like water but the season didn't change it looked like i'm broke but the season did not change if you stay in the season the season will shift the situation [Music] so it says here it says here that the circumstance is a condition with respect to time to time to place to manner etc so why do i why do i decree tonight that that all of us win [Applause] [Music] because there's a little trick in the circumstance circumstance circumstance nana jackie rhonda the circumstance is manner and the circumstance is placed but what the circumstance what it did was that it included an element that had to include god because god is not god doesn't live in in space god lives in time so when your situation oh god implemented time as one of its characteristics that gave god permission to come in and dominate you don't hear this i don't thank you i don't think you hear what god is saying up in here y'all better come over here listen he put trees [Music] in the ground space he put the stars in the sky made everything move over darkness because i need this space lord have mercy he took water told the feminine move got to have some water so this gonna be the ocean space and this gonna be the star space and this gonna be the moon space and this gonna be the sun space and then i'm gonna scoop up some of this space of the earth and i'm gonna create man because now he's gonna be in inner space in the earth and then god said on the seventh day y'all can have all this space cause i'm tired i'm gonna sit myself in time and if you want to know where i am you come spend some time that's why a person that understands that god is sitting in time when they lose a car they don't have a breakdown cause that's just space you don't hear caught up in here my god i wish i had a church up in here when i lose a house i don't lose my mind because what i did not lose is time with god [Music] y'all don't know what that means y'all don't know what that mean that means if i if i consider time to be more valuable than space y'all y'all gonna be mad at this one if i consider time to be more valuable than space then when they say to me about the behind them you 61. you still look young because 20 years ago i started doing sabbath and i value time over possession which means i was able to redeem time which means he was able to restore unto me the years that the cancer worm and the problem was i'm not hearing y'all i'm not giving y'all i'm not giving you if you hop over in time today that you start praising god and telling god burst out in me the ability the desire to spend time with you all right wait a minute time will cause you serena to alter time you'll hear me i didn't did this before well the people said the store is closed man we closed 15 minutes ago and i still i'm still sitting there and the lady walked back and forth the window and tell the other lady let's throw his clothes i'm still standing there then a man come out of the back and say why that lady said in there they said we told her she was closing he said if she ain't moved and open the door and let her in because the time for the star to be closed but the time for me to get what i needed wasn't [Music] can i prophesy here tonight can i prophesy he told me to tell somebody you've got time good lord have mercy i know the devil said you get me to die you're not god said you've got time who is god preaching to tonight who is god preaching to he said if i can get you to stop picking up popcorn that's what i'm gonna name this message stop picking up popcorn i can get you over in your superhuman and you can do some supernatural stuff [Music] [Music] i'm fixing kidneys i'm fixing lips i'm fixing blood systems [Music] you don't have to go home i'm fixing everything up i can't get nobody to sing that right there i'm fixing everything up i'm fixing the unfixable huh [Music] right now i feel a shout that was no shout music when i said something that somebody shout i feel something breaking for real if you got to change keys i don't care what you got to do i steal something breaking ah the lord said i'm breaking through space and time is getting ready to do a job in here somebody give god a place right now somebody give him a praise right now please [Music] listen he said he said he said a condition circumstance a condition with respect to time place and manner that determines or modifies a fact or an event wait wait wait wait wait circumstance comes in and modifies the matter of something it's supposed to be one thing but circumstances causes it to be altered and it says [Music] influencing factor so he said look a factor he said factor is one of the elements you can't make this up one of the elements contributing to a particular result or situation so a factor is an element not the hope an element that is influencing the result of a situation now some of y'all standing there looking at me but because i i had that same look like that's powerful he said no no no no the fact of kathy is an element that is influencing the result of a situation so are you telling me that you serve the god of time and you letting the element influence the whole situation [Music] see that's that let me talk to you come on that's that that's that listen i'm telling you what i know i had to go to a store the other day and it was in the mall area where i'm driving into the mosses and there was some a tall plant and a man and his son was getting ready to come across the walkway and the sun was tall but the man was shorter than the bushes so i didn't see the man so the man came out and as i went to drive off going about 10 miles per hour he stepped almost in front of my car and i almost hit him that man started cursing me out saying the f word he cursed me out on one side and came around to the side of my car to the window he cursed me out and i looked at him and said i'm sorry i didn't see you he wouldn't stop cursing me out person that was in the car with me said are you okay when i pulled off i said yeah she said are you sure you okay cause you look shook i said i look shook because i almost hit him she said well i thought you was upset because i said no because see i had read that scripture and read that that that definition that that's an element i can't let an element make me miss my season the old one neither finally would have jumped out my car you don't hear me y'all they hit me and he was of a clear perspective i would have jumped out of my car and went left but guess what i don't have a barbarian mind i don't have a greek mind i never a hebrew mind that stands up y'all don't hear me no weapon that's harder what catchment shall possible i gotta keep your mind i cannot allow an element to make me miss [Music] my [Music] you're gonna have to look at stuff you're gonna have to look at stuff in the next few days you're gonna have to look at people and say element not doing it element you can element i'm not doing that i'm not doing that because you're trying to influence you're trying to influence me to the point that you modify me that when i'm wrong when god gets ready to do it he don't recognize me because i don't change my seat i'm not where he told me to be i'm not where he positioned me romans 2 and 4 now close with this he said or do you have no regard for the wealth of his kindness and tolerance and patience and withholding his wrath are you actually unaware or ignorant of the fact that god's kindness leads you to repentance that is to change your inner self your old way of thinking and seek his purposes for your life so what he's saying is i know you're not where i put you i know you're not where i put you but but watch this but you had the audacity to show up in the season so now i gotta bless you until you repent y'all lay hearing what god is saying he said i'm about to be so good to you till you go drop to your knees and say god i'm sorry please forget i'm not hearing y'all who am i talking to oh i know what they told you i know they told you god gonna kill you i know that's what we say i know that's what the religious people say he gonna kill you but he didn't kill us no no no no no he said in this season if you're watching today i will bless you to repentance i'm gonna show you i'm gonna do stuff for you that you know you don't deserve but because you're in the right season but the wrong statement i won't do it for my namesake i wish i had somebody to give god a shout right now i wish i had a church that's watching my facebook to praise him up because i haven't done it right but he can make a blessing you haven't done it right but he can make bless you you're not messed up but he gonna bless you he gonna bless you until you repent somebody give god a praise up in here somebody gets all the praise up in here somebody give god a praise up in here [Music] i'm a bless you till you say sorry i'mma bless you till you say sorry i'm a blessing to you oh my god i will bless you until you yearn for me i'm gonna bless you until you cry out to me i will bless you until you fall flat on your face up i'm gonna bless you [Music] you done messed around and made it to the season hold that come on the devil tried to kill you the devil tried to run you crazy he thought he was going to have a breakdown he thought he was going to let you down your sleeper but the devil did not know that the hand of the lord was upon you and god said it doesn't matter up until this very moment i will bless you and oh my god until you repent i'm gonna bless you i'm a bless you i'm gonna bless you until i scare you i'm a blesser i'm a blessing until you gonna think you're gonna die i'm a blessing you gonna say this is too much y'all lay heaviness i'm prophesying the word of the lord i'm a blesser i'm a blessing and you can't sleep at night i love bless you i'm a blessing to you can't stop crying because your mind your mind your mind your mind you lied but you made it to the season you born the kidney but you made it to the season i'm gonna bless you [Music] you gotta praise him right now that's what i'm doing i'm stopping because you gotta praise it come on come on come on come [Music] i just heard the lord said stop telling me thank you fight me in advance you better get oh my god get a head start because i'm about to blow your mind somebody give god a praise come on tell him thank you come on tell him thank you come on tell him thank you he said the way you thank me lord of the moshayan make me believe it make me believe it make me believe you trust my word make me believe that the year is almost out of that i must still do exceedingly and abundantly it's impossible somebody praise him somebody praise it somebody praising somebody praising somebody praise him somebody praise him somebody praise it somebody praise him come on don't shake it give him a motion [Music] it's your season it's your season the devil is mad hey he don't want you to praise him he wants you to feel guilty he wants you to feel condemned but tell him it's too late i've been commanded to praise god because i hear the word says i have commanded that you be blessed and i cannot reverse it [Music] come on somebody can make deliverance somebody can they break through [Music] the lord has commanded me to decree the blessings upon you and i can't reverse it lay your hands on this camera and touch and agree and touch and agree with the prophetic word and you say it out of your mouth why are you snotting out of your nose why are you crying why are you slobbing out of your mouth say i'm blessed say i'm blessed i'm blessed everybody in here stop saying it i don't care what you've done i don't care where you've been before you turned on this life he told me to command [Music] foreign foreign [Music] get created over your children i just heard the lord said decreed over your children i know the heathens i know the heathens i know you think your children are heated i know you think they out there doing whatever they want to do but i want you to decree it now because god said i'm gonna bless them into the kingdom good lord have mercy you better give god a praise right now you've got loved ones that's not saved your husband is not saved your children is not saved your grandchildren is not saved god said decree it never start calling them by their names and saying devil you are lying about they are blessed and tonight the lord has agreed upon them and they can no longer run for the seed is being dropped in their belly up the seed is being dropped in their mind they'll never be able to get away it's too late the blessing is upon them that blessing is upon them that blessing is upon them the blessing is upon them somebody give god [Music] foreign [Music] hey [Music] hey somebody open up your mouth give god a praise in this place [Music] it's too late it's too late too late it's too late it's too late the decree has gone out [Music] it's too late the decree has gone out it's too late the blood of jesus covers up from the top of the head to the soul of their seed he covers you tonight it's too late what the devil thought he was going to do his works have been canceled [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] me [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] come on get your hands up come on get your hands up all over oh somebody worship him you write them in your house worship him [Music] your blessing is already here [Music] your blessing is already here come on everybody sing that sing it for the people out there you're blessing is already here come on come on come on your blessing is already here your blessing is already here oh come on somebody lift your hands up right where you are right where you are your blessing is already here come on it ain't coming it's here come on your blessing is already here come on everybody say it it's already here on everybody sing and just turn their mics up turn the mics up your blessing is already here come on do you believe that do you believe that come on [Music] come on do you believe your it is already here [Music] your blessing is already [Music] yes [Music] it's already here [Music] [Music] he's doing a new thing he's doing a new thing [Music] something something different he's sitting on me for the people that god is bringing up in my spirit i can't let [Music] people that i know miss their season [Music] i can't i can't sit back and know that this is a crucial season and people miss it today when i was sitting and i was praying and the lord start dealing with me about the people that will walk in this building give her her pressure give him his pressure kathy and he said everybody they come in the door give them a new prayer shop because when they walk in this building they're walking into a new season i don't think y'all believe that he said when you when you give this to them [Music] every hindering spirit that have kept them from reaching the goals and the destiny that i have for them when they put it on this is what he showed me he said it's going to be like this is the vision that i saw i saw the people putting on the show and knives came from under the show and went down into the people and start cutting away everything that was hindering them that's hindering them from becoming who i said they were the soul that's on y'all tonight is who he say you are i'm not giving y'all somebody better open up your mouth and give god a praise up he says it's who i said you are not who you have become based upon circumstance but who i said you are [Music] come on you better get going please all things have passed away behold which means look at yourself these tonight look at your hands look at your feet up begin to touch yourself [Music] he told me to he told me to order a new wick i knew it he said because all things are new he said a greater anointing call my setting when i put the toner this dropping in your house right now or greater anointing that's [Music] [Laughter] [Music] receive it now receive [Music] [Applause] [Music] my relatives they're supposed to be preachers i saw that i was like [Music] of the lord [Music] it means [Music] and those that are watching [Music] can you go can you go back there and look in that room and there's a there's some pressures in one of them pastors arroyo one of them come here he said grab your family he said grab your grandchildren he said you pick up the phone and make an investment in them when god spoke to me and he gave me that word and he gave me that word and he said you got to get you got to get another one for the new season when we called israel when we called israel nobody move over baby so they can see me nobody that answered the phone said they was going to send me one for free they sent it to me all the way from israel and i had to pay for it and god said you invested in the season that i have set you in he said this is not the season like the church people say that you in a new season it ain't that he said this is the season this is the season of the messiah oh my this is the season where i'm fixing everything and he said in whatever it is you want me to fix juanita i need you to get this i need you to understand that i can come out here and i can pick up any shawl off of this floor and it would be free but he said no i want you to invest in the season and many of you all have been letting the devil trick you let me tell you something in this revival what the lord is getting ready to help me to teach as it relates to all of this it is going to blow your mind i have stacked some testimonies of people saying to me you don't know what happened one of my relatives was a gang banger didn't think he was going to ever come to the lord but before he died he accepted jesus christ and repented for his sins i'm telling you it ain't too late you are responsible for your family for your children baker i just heard the holy ghost said pick that bone up for brian because the devil is trying to him and the messiah your son is called up to blow my god up the menace of the gospel i know he gonna be a doctor but he's gonna be a prophesying doctor or somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise some of y'all are saying [Music] let me tell you something when god first gave me this word when god first gave them to her and my staff can tell you i sent almost everybody that i knew of in my family a box it was about fifteen thousand dollars i didn't care but i'm watching god one by one pick that phone up and call nana and say the lord met me in my bedroom the lord met me in my kitchen and nana i can't stop crying because when they opened up the box it didn't seem like it was going to be nothing but what they don't realize is that the anointing now and the aroma of the holy ghost went out through that house and they cannot get away operators are standing by 914-810-7090-914-810-709-0 i'm here to tell you i said this to my niece i said god is sitting on me for you i said i don't know what's going on with your life but the lord is sitting on me for you i said and god is telling me that what he's about to do for you it's about to blow your mind and some of you that are watching up you've never picked up the phone and somebody said well why do i have to buy a prayer but you don't have to you don't have to but it's called a divine connection of what god is doing in this room we don't play with this we pray over this for real we don't let people touch this because it's sacred the lord called it the sacred finger and why is it that when you get it and you open it up and the aroma filled the room but why because these are shawls are spending time in the presence of the lord and when you spend time you have the power to redeem time who am i preaching to right now operators are standing by let me tell you something we listen listen listen we spend money on a lot of stuff but this is the season of the messiah oh god i don't think you just heard that this is the season of the messiah and this is the season where the messiah season is getting ready to overtake your situation i'm talking to you right now i'm talking to you right now this is the greatest investment you would ever make this is first fruit season right here oh my god this is what the jewish people do they sow now for what they want god to do later oh god have mercy jesus and he said right now this is a seed you can't buy the anointing oh somebody said but you know what well all i got is 133 that's not your last that's your beginning when you invested in the season of the messiah the miraculous take place i'm going to be reading testimonies to you we have a stack about this thick up of testimonies that have come in from the boxes that's gone out of this building the operators are there i don't care if you got to keep calling we have expanded the lines we have added more lines over 60 lines in this building because god is saying this is your time up and this is your season and for once you have lined up with the season of the lord pick up the phone and obey god and do what he's telling you to do and watch and see you what god do in your year and those of you that are watching you saying already got it then this is the time for you to sow your seed this is the time to kick that cash out and sow your seed this is the season that you want to sow into this is the season that doesn't guarantee you a return over something that is my newt this is the time and the season that guarantees you a return for another year oh somebody give god a praise right there somebody give god a praise right there j b m i n one one j b m i n one one or get that contact us button right there at the top of the page and show no the lord told me don't back up for her today he said don't back up from me today some of you can sow 1033. some of you all can sow 33. i'm telling you there is a hole there's an activation in that number we're sitting in the activation number of the lord and the season of the messiah we have lined up in divine alignment with heaven you can't miss this and first fruits can't be about oh well i'm just gonna do it no it's something deeper than that this is the reason why no matter what you have seen me go through the lord has not ceased to continue to bless me over and over and over again why because twenty plus years ago i caught this revelation of this prayer soul i caught the revelation of this season up i caught the revelation of spending time with god and operating in the sabbath and i shut down on fridays and god has blessed my life why because i took on the mind of the hebrew there's something to it there's something to it let me show you something let me show you something let me show you something my god let me read something to you let me read something to you why is it why is it why is it why is it that the jews are two percent in population that means for every 100 there's only two why is it that they're only two percent in population 20 of the professors in leading universities are jews 25 of americans that have won the nobel peace prize is jews forty percent of the partners in the leading dc and new york uh attorney's offices is jews what listen one third of americans are multi-millionaires are jews why is it that they are the smallest amount of people with the greatest amount of money because they have a hebrew mind because they do it god's way and watch this we have been adopted into the royal family so why not come all the way in it why not come all the way in it why not obey him you tried it your way i'm not hearing nobody talk to me i'm not getting nobody to talk to me they said well you know what that's a jewish thing no it's a jesus thing it's a jesus thing because god is ready for us to prosper the lord is ready for us to walk in it the lord will come over here somebody do you not know that right now you can sow a seed in the spirit of this season and you may be saying dr bynum all i got is 39. all i got is 500 you got people that the lord has spoken it over your life that you were going to become a multi-millionaire that you were going to handle millions and you're sitting there and you're saying all i got in my in my pocket right now is 900 and god said this is when you empty out to him because you will have oh my god you in the right season you in divine alignment this is the season where the king is walking through the field and the king is seeing who is giving arms to him because when he gets back to the palace he will remember the faces of those that honored him and that honored his presence are you hearing what god is saying i live by this principle i live by this principle and my cupboards are never bare i live by this principle and the lord always makes a way not just for me but enough for me to be a lender and not a borrower oh my god who is god talking to he told me to stay in this today hit that contact us button hit that cash out button he said i'm sowing my first fruit in the season come on somebody when are you going to believe god when are you going to believe god you're sitting there right now you sitting there right now you said if she said one more time i'll pick up the phone god is calling you to pick up the phone and order this prayer kid because he wants you to get the sacred thing into your house he wants you to bring that divine connection into your home who am i talking to my god i feel the presence of the lord listen listen one act of obedience my pastor used to say this to me and i've lived by this principle i went from being one of the brokers people in new greater bethel to the highest paying tithe member in the church because i believe the man of god i believed him when he said and god will do more for you in five minutes that you can do for yourself in a lifetime operators are standing by you saying dr bynum i gotta have a pressure for this season i gotta get a prayer kit for my family there are people that god is dropping in your spirit right now and you're saying they never done nothing for me there's people that god is dropping in your spirit right now that you said they got a bad attitude toward me but god has not called you to subject yourself to the attitude he's called you to be obedient to him because you're going to snatch them out of the fire according to the book of june you're going to snatch them out of the fire where they won't even smell like smoker where they garbage won't be seared by the smoker if you believe god tonight then you'll be obedient to him whenever time you're watching wherever you're watching from you sow that seed and you pick up the phone and you keep calling and keep calling and keep calling and saying i've got to have the sacred thing into my house i gotta send it to my daughter who live in california i gotta send it to my son who is in the service i gotta send it to iraq to my daughter who's serving in the marines i gotta hear god because tonight the lord has commanded the blessing and he said and i cannot reverse it somebody give god a praise somebody give god a praise [Music] somebody get bothered somebody give god a place [Music] somebody give god a praise and we're honored tonight because we have we have legitimate a jew in our midst i want you to come sweetie come here i gotta bless you when these shawls came hold this mic we want to bless you with this from israel we received the favor that is on your life i said we received the favor [Music] come help me we received the favor that is on her life and we honor the presence we honor the present and because of the blood of jesus and because we were adopted into the royal family we are heirs and joint heirs and therefore we are the spiritual israel oh my god this time is significant this time is we don't fear we don't have a barbarian mentality we're not greek we're not trying to figure it out we're the people that says we don't know everything about god but we vow today to love him to trust him and obey him you can get money back he won't let me leave this alone you can get money back but you can't get back a moment in the spirit you can get a hundred and thirty three dollars back you can get a thousand twenty three dollars back it's first fruit time your turn and your time to show god because many of you are saying if you give me millions god i would give and he said no i'ma try you with your last i'mma try you yes lord he said there's a person that's watching he said i'm calling you to sow that ten thousand dollars you hurt god just now because i heard him he said i'm calling you to do it because i gotta take you it's beyond millions are you hearing this are you hearing this no it's not about listen to this it's not about what i'm gonna get the blessing is not in what i'm going to get the blessing is in god knowing that i did what he told me to do the blessing is in the season of the messiah he has found obedience in me money will come back but the season you would have missed don't miss the season and he fixes it all operators are standing back i don't care how many times you gotta dial that phone keep dialing keep down it keep telling he's doing a new thing it's a new season it's a new day fresh is flowing your way come on y'all sing it with me it's a season and authority it's a new season coming to me it's a new season it's [Music] season of power [Music] [Music] it's [Music] coming he's talking to you yes lord he said there's three people three people he's calling to get the ten thousand dollar seat i hear it i hear him i hear him i'm not missing i'm not missing he's trying you in his season to see if you can be trusted with the fruit of your hands oh my god oh my god you said i've never done that before but let me help you with something in order for you to get something you've never had you got to be willing to do something you've never done yes lord yes lord it's people that's sitting out there he said you just sold 333 dollars i don't know why i don't know why but he's talking to you 133 is not your seed 133 is not your seed is not your seed 333 is your seed 1033 is your seed you said i can't afford to you can't afford not to god got me standing in this for some reason tonight y'all know i don't do this like this but he's got me standing in this for you obey him my god my god the season versus the situation if you remain in the season season will overthrow your situation for tonight the lord has commanded the blessing somebody needs a shout right there and it cannot be reversed good night see you tomorrow night or somebody give him a praise
Channel: Dr. Juanita Bynum
Views: 3,768
Rating: 4.8938055 out of 5
Id: m4CrXvprPcA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 25sec (7345 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 29 2020
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