5 Backend Frameworks That Will Guarantee You Get Hired | Web Developer

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alright guys today we have five back-end frameworks that will guarantee you a job as a back-end developer let's get started number five Ruby on Rails okay everybody is constantly sitting on Ruby on Rails for whatever reason people hate Ruby I don't know why when the language is a beautiful language and at the same time bringing now we're talking about the framework itself have been copied so many times okay we're talking about laravel Adonis GS write a whole bunch of other frameworks that keep popping up every single day that are modeled on the Ruby on Rails style okay definitely check out Ruby on Rails especially if you are a Python developer or a ruby developer because they're pretty much very similar what I love about rails is literally one of the first frameworks that I learned and it really helped me out in the beginning as a junior developer to understand how to build cool stack applications without having to know too much okay some people love it some people hate it but what's cool about it is that there's a lot of startups that till this day they still have will be on Rails so there's a lot of jobs for you guys out there especially if you don't mind taking care of legacy code okay so definitely check it out Ruby on Rails number five number four Java spring if you guys don't know what the hell Java spring is through your googles okay you shouldn't know this now a lot of companies still used our spring for whatever reason even though this to me there's a million different frameworks are better out there but till this date there's still a lot of companies using them okay and there's so much legacy code out there and it's almost a guaranteed job okay especially if you have a computer science degree like and you've been taking Java for software or being using Java and other things you should definitely look at Java spring if you haven't really played around with it especially if you want to build a full stack applications okay it's a really good framework it's pretty outdated to be honest with you it doesn't have all the bells and whistles that new works have and especially it doesn't I don't know like I feel like it's so outdated but you can't be mad at it because you know the companies are using this are like corporate companies is like banks they don't care about what's going on out in the world if new frameworks pop up or new features come up as long as it works they don't care so people still use Java spring all right now if you're a Java developer it makes sense this is where you should go okay so definitely check it out number four java spray number three I would say guys is PHP laravel so PHP laravel is like the Sun of Ruby on Rails okay so let's be honest they pretty much copied everything from Ruby on Rails what's cool about it I feel like PHP laravel took what Ruby on Rails had but they took it to the next level to a higher level because there's so many different features that they added to PHP laravel that now it's like it's all framework now it's like it's this own beast okay and if you are a PHP developer this is exactly what you're supposed to be using I hate seeing people trying to write PHP you know like by themselves or trying to create those frameworks as like bro that's it the whole industry agreed laravel is the way to go so start writing your applications using laravel if you're using some random frameworks that's still out there Kait PHP I'm looking at you if you still using one of those come on man you should be using laravel you should be switching over to larva is it's better it's more secure got way more features your life as a developer is gonna be much easier and you're actually gonna be happy creating web applications with PHP laravel so that's my advice to you okay but if your head and you're like man I've been doing PHP since 1994-95 and okay and you want to use whatever is out there and that you've been using for the last 20 years go ahead do what you have to do but number three is PHP Larry hey guys by the way man before we move on to the next one I'm editing the video right now as we speak so you're pretty much getting the fire okay but you need to follow me your Instagram guys you need to go to Instagram comm so that's coding face follow me because I'm no longer doing live streams here on youtube if you want to get the live streams follow me on Instagram pretty much okay so don't miss out the live stream everybody that know me live is with the bread and butter is okay so you wanna see me live go to instagram follow me directly on your phone it's like a more personal thing I could have more freedom all right I don't get hurt by the YouTube algorithm if I curse so I'll do something crazy alright we could have fun on Instagram let's just chill okay so go follow me on Instagram I'll see you guys later peace alright number two guys okay number two is going to be something special okay cuz all I'm going to say is no des now I know some of you guys like wait hold on Joe no Jes is not a framework and and this this and that and trust me guys I know I've been doing this for a while right but the reason why I'm just saying no js' is because no js' I feel like it doesn't have a go-to framework okay you could go to one company doing the mean stack a certain way right and then go to another company right next door that's doing a dynasty yes and then go to the next side the other door I mean it could be all in the same building like three or four different companies in the same building building nodejs applications that you'll see one person's using me stack some other person's using the mercy stack some other person is using just Express for small applications then another person is using a dynasty adding another person is using FASTA fighting another person is using Cola and then another person is using sales like literally doesn't matter where you go they are pretty much using a different flavor of what nodejs is so I don't know if I could say there's a number one framework for no - yes but just know that once you use one framework doesn't matter which one it is it could be expressed Adonis cells call whatever you want to use that still guarantees you to get a job as an OGS developer because you are using javascript for the backend you can pretty much pick up any framework that whatever company they're using okay so definitely looking to know GS and try a couple of different frameworks definitely try Express and definitely try a donna CS which is pretty much the future and then you might still want to use something like aw just in case okay play around with it alright so number two no GS I know it's not a framework right I know somebody's gonna kill me on under comments so you know what I'm saying to you if you try to kill me in the comments so it is what it is number one is I need some music for this policeman okay so number one could be right and is and should be is that right so that's net right what somebody wants to argue with me about this okay listen let's not argue about it it's done it period doesn't matter where you go you have a job with dotnet okay you can vote to Alaska there's a job for you using Garnett you can go to Zimbabwe there's a job for you so people have been used to using Microsoft for so many years that when they came out with dotnet and the new internet core and lot of new flavors that they trying to add to dotnet right there pretty much they put it out there to the world and and people they've been using Microsoft Outlook they've been using Microsoft Word you know PowerPoint all this stuff right so it's like natural for them to jump into something like Asher and dotnet right that's just how it is right like I said there's jobs everywhere now if you're into c-sharp definitely look into that net that's the way to go but once again guys is pretty cool because it's just there's so many jobs for dotnet developers okay now the only problem that I do want to mention for people that are trying to get into done it is that basically it's harder to get into okay usually it's a lot of corporate companies and what they do is they focus more on the fundamentals so they'll focus on do you have a degree do you know how to frickin do this random freakin algorithm right they'll throw you some crazy shape so they'll definitely do that right those are the companies that will definitely freaking test you but if you can pass all the tests if you can get whatever certifications or even degree or whatever they might want at that specific place right you will get higher you will have a job okay because there's just so many jobs for dotnet developers guys I'm telling you right now everything from you know the kitchen system to the government jobs to freaking real estate companies to you know ecommerce websites like literally everybody uses dotnet something that not a lot of people like to admit you know especially in this hipster world but dotnet is really where is that if you just like want to say I want to guarantee I have a job no matter where I go dotnet is the way to go okay so anyways guys I hope you guys enjoy this video make sure you subscribe make sure you like this video leave a comment below let me know what you guys think okay once again this is a new series that I'm doing and it seems to be very popular people want to see me do my top 5 of everything so let me know what you guys want to see next ok leave a comment let me know if you survive to the end and say hey Joe our survive to the end or hey Joe letter J or whatever you want to say ok by the way guys go check out coding phase comm if you want to support me the best thing that you can do is literally just go to coding phase calm and subscribe to my subscription I have over 40 courses from everything from HTML CSS JavaScript Python PHP laravel Ruby Ruby on Rails everything that I know for a single price okay come to come chill come hang out with me learn from your boy okay as you guys can see I'm super chill I like to teach in a way where people are gonna have fun and build real projects that's gonna get them and that's a dewlaps not a little JavaScript calculators we actually built for projects so if you enjoy that and you want to come in and learn you can listen to everybody in the comment section a lot of people have gone to coding phase not common they have kind of higher so take advantage okay I'll see you guys later this your boy back out again coding phase calm peace
Channel: CodingPhase
Views: 35,514
Rating: 4.5291753 out of 5
Keywords: codingphase.com, 5 Projects That will guarantee you get hired, get hired as a web developer, guarantee you get hired, how to get hired as a developer, web development projects, 5 Backend Frameworks, 5 Backend Frameworks That Will Guarantee, 5 Backend Frameworks That Will Guarantee You Get Hired, backend frameworks 2019, web applications framework, what backend language should I use, python framework, ruby on rails, php laravel, php framework, .net core, node js express
Id: xwLggFuYb40
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 20sec (680 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 21 2019
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