STOP Chasing a Specific Person and instead do this (they will chase you)

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if you treat someone like a celebrity then many times they will treat you like a fan but the key to this is understanding that power dynamic in to this video I'm going to show you exactly how to switch that around so that they chase you welcome back to another video my name is Aaron and I help people expand their consciousness now in this video I'm gonna show you why chasing someone else is the problem in of itself and the energy dynamics that are going on anytime we are chasing someone and I'm gonna show you exactly what to do instead because when you switch this around it actually has the power dynamic work in your favor now in general anytime you are attracting a specific person into your life a lot of times what happens is we end up putting them on this metaphorical pedestal so we put them high up on this pedestal and then they are automatically further away now in my own life I've had many times where this has happened especially early on when I began dating I started dating a little bit later in life I was probably about 16 or 17 and I remember that one of my first girlfriends that I ever had I really liked her we started dating and then what happened is she started to pull away she started to pull away and I started to feel that resistance and I would be thinking about her IV wondering what is she doing and I would go and get in my head about it now what happened was this was a time when my my dad divorced my ex stepmom for those of you that don't know my story my extant mom was emotionally physically and mentally abusive and controlling so my brother and I weren't allowed to have friends before that so all the sudden you know when my dad divorced her at 15 16 years old now my brother and I are allowed to have friends now my brother and I are allowed to even date so I had one of my first girlfriends and this is like a whole new world and at the same time we started today I started to put her on a pedestal and then I started chasing her hoping that she would like come back to me and just like me and validate me and then what happened is I started to realize that I started to become friends with a new group within high school so there was like a new group of that I started to be with and at the same time there was a couple you know girls in that group that likes me and my brother both of us we were called the Doughty Bros now what happened was is as that started happen my attention went away from the one that I was chasing and all the sudden she could feel that energetic pool of me not feeding her the attention and her and me not chasing her anymore well I remember when that happened she then started to become interested me again it was like she felt that energetic pool and then I remember she would call me for like 2 or 3 weeks and I just wasn't as interested because now I have this whole new group of friends and I realized that there were many more opportunities than me putting this one person on a pedestal and it was like 2 or 3 weeks of her colony calling me and then eventually it was just like we just kind of got the hint got the picture however what changed was my own energy once my energy changed that's when everything began to change with this process is I didn't view her on the pedestal plus I then wasn't being the cameo in her movie when it comes to attracting love into our life if we put someone on a pedestal what we do is we put them vibrationally separate from us we say I want you I want you and if you say I want you it means I don't have I don't have you so and you know people aren't possessions anyways but the idea behind this is that then we feel resistance we feel the resistance because we feel the lack of that person not being in their life now also think about the frame of this perspective when we come at it from the frame of I want you and I lack the love and I wouldn't want you in my life because then I can love myself more that's vibrationally what we're saying without even knowing it what we are doing is externalizing our own happiness plus we are trying to be the Cameo in their movie now imagine this energy dance dynamic right here I really really want you I'm chasing you if I could just have you in my life then I would feel so good so complete and so whole would you just please come to me what if I was like would you watch this video and like it would you please like this video I'd really appreciate it if you would just like this video it makes me so happy do you see that energy do you see that energy dynamic now the key is when you're doing this when the specific person and you're putting them on a pedestal you are trying to be the cameo in their movie and until you become the star of your own movie that other person that you think as the star won't find you attractive just like the quote at the beginning of this if you treat someone like a celebrity they will treat you like a fan the key to this is seeing it as natural as a part of your self-image for you to be loved seen as natural for you to have your own things going on because you are the star of your own movie you are the star you're a star honey let me tell you that right now you're a star you are meant to be loved because you love yourself you see and this is an interesting thing too I used to work with this girl and she would she told me this event always kind of stuck with me even though it's been a year it's been in probably like six years she said that anytime she was in a relationship and she was starting to date someone when that would happen she would get hit on by like eight or nine guys in a week but prior to that if she wasn't in that relationship and feeling that love from someone else she wouldn't get approached eight times in a month or eight times in six months what is happening there well what is happening is there's a different energy dynamic that's going at play and when somebody then has someone else in their life they met they then give themselves permission if you that love other people feel that off of them they may feel more loved or more attractive and then everyone all the Sun is hitting on that person so can you give yourself enough love can you realize you are the star of your own movie can you develop your gravity when you do this this is when the energy dynamic changes it is when you switch up the vibration of what you are putting out now the thing to this process that it's about its linking up your current self-image see let's just use this metaphorical example if you view someone and you put them and you say on a scale of 1 to 10 this is getting very superficial I understand that on a scale of 1 to 10 this person it's like oh man like a 9 point 8 out of 10 and I though see myself as like a 5 well guess what when that person is around you you're probably gonna feel resistance you're probably gonna hope everything goes a certain way you're going to be very attached to outcome and because of that that puts you into scarcity mode that puts you into scarcity now when you're in scarcity it's not as attractive it doesn't have its own gravity the other person will feel that resistance people feel what you feel about yourself so when you change how you feel what will then happen is they will then change how they feel about you as well all reality is on the outside is a reflection of your internal state of your internal vibration you could say vibration is another word for saying your your energy state and when you change it you see it from that point of view this is where everything begins to change now here's something I realized as well when it comes to you know the thing with a specific person when we're trying to attract a specific person out of the seven point eight eight billion people however many people are on the planet and it's growing every day how many people are on the planet we're saying that out of everyone on the planet I only want you and when we do that what we end up doing is many times we get into a scarcity mindset we get into scarcity because if things don't go right with that one person there's no other options because I'm only focused on this one specific person now this is the key to the process it is realizing there are eight seven and a half plus billion people out in the world and by putting only one person saying I want this one specific person you are limiting your options and your ego wants that specific person as well what if the universe could bring you someone that you resonate with at even a deeper level what if any relationship you've ever been in has been so powerful and it's showing you that maybe this one person that you want to be with maybe it's showing you that there's someone out there that could be even a deeper connection but you're not aware of it because you're so focused on this one person he'll everything goes so the key to this is understanding that you can shift into abundance mindset by realizing your own self-worth by realizing your own value and when you focus on your own value and you focus on really also doing what you love when you do what you love you're at your core energy and your moat you always attract what you are and if you're at your core energy you're gonna attract that specific person to be in alignment with you or not in alignment with you but you'd rather them know who you really are I noticed that any time I was in prior relationship any time I would have that of working a job I didn't like I would always attract relationships with people that also work jobs they didn't blink because you always attract what you are am doing I'm not doing what I love they also don't do what they love which means we're there wasn't as much passion because we're not really happy with ourselves what we're doing so the key is knowing that when you do that first and you have the gravity first you then will have enough gravity and you could then focus on being the star of your own movie and when you're not chasing them when you give up the chase that's when everything begins to change imagine that right now you are chasing a butterfly chasing a butterfly many time you won't shit you won't catch that butterfly but if you were to just chill and relax you may find that butterfly perches itself on your shoulder and what did you have to do all you had to do was relax all you had to do was chill out a little bit I used to work with this co-worker as well and we noticed that there was this one guy we worked with and he was always a JC woman she and chasey woman he wanted me in a relationship or wanted to date some woman and she said something very interesting she said do you notice that when anytime someone's chasing someone else it implies that the other person is running you see so what if by you thinking you had to chase them you're also resisting them and it's there in a way just playing off that energy dynamic so if you switch that energy dynamic by going out and having fun with yourself if you switch that dynamic by changing the way you relate to them you'll find that then your energy becomes more attractive I've seen it happen so many times with people that are in a relationship they break up one person may be very devastated about it one person may really want it to work out and maybe texting that X that other person then what happens is they go out they have fun with their friend just kind of I was talking about the beginning that happened when I was in high school they go the friends they start to forget and not put so much attention on the other person that they're thinking about and then all of a sudden that other person feels that energetic pull and then taxes them says hey so what are you doing what are you up to because they can feel that energetic pull go away so the key to this is understanding that energy dynamic and knowing that you can pull away by knowing your own work do things every day that you love doing realize you are the star of your own movie focus on your own state of being focus on doing what you love focus on about vina around friends now the thing is as well have more fun have more fun normally attracting a specific person is so serious would you just please like me it go out with me and everything just go well if we have that perspective we put it on a pedestal and what ends up happening from that point is we fell resistance they feel resistance then they're running and we're chasing them and we're just trying to get them to be in our movie would you just be in my movie I want to be a cameo in your movie I want to be a cameo in your movie if I could be in your movie it would feel so much better I'm gonna keep chasing you I'm gonna keep chasing you I see you running I see you running can I just get a I just get your number can I just talk to you this is the energy of chasing instead imagine you just walk in and you're just suave cool you're having fun with your friends you understand that you'd attract what you are so you choose to be loving you choose to love yourself you choose to see yourself you've linked up your self-image to knowing that you deserve if you think yourself as a five and someone else's a nine point eight the prana pedestal they will probably feel annoyed with the energy you're putting out because you put out the energy of you are better than me they're playing off that power dynamic the key to this is seeing yourself as a ten out of ten and everyone else has a ten out of ten there's no judgment here there's no ranking people that's just an analogy to show the link up the self image change your self image and you change your life so this is the key to that process now that's exactly why I make videos like this to help show you the different energy dynamics that are at play so you can create the life of your dreams get out of feeling stuck and if you haven't already hit that subscribe button below I got a lot more videos coming I'm gonna be doing a lot more videos like this outside as well also the most powerful meditation that I have for attracting love it has over 1.2 million views on YouTube read the comments of that so many people say that that meditation is what attracted love into their life read the comments to see what's possible then listen to it for 21 days I'll link it below it's the attractive love meditation listed for 21 days I think it'll change your life so with that being said I hope you enjoyed this video peace much love and on the state
Channel: Aaron Doughty
Views: 4,343,346
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop chasing, stop chasing a specific person, stop chasing love, stop chasing love and relationships, stop chasing and start having, aaron doughty, aaron doughty stop chasing, attract love 2020, how to attract a specific person, attract specific person in 2020, STOP Chasing a Specific Person and instead do this, relationship manifestation, attract love meditation, Most Powerful Meditation for Attracting a Relationship (Attract Love Meditation), the shift experience, manifestation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 22 2020
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