Stoners Try Not To Eat Challenge - Stoner Movie Food | People Vs. Food

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- They know you're high! We're high now! Why are you lying? - I have cotton mouth right now. This isn't helping. ♪ (French accordion music) ♪ - (FBE) You might be wondering we asked you to come in high today. - Yes. - I've been waiting for this day! - (FBE) We are going to show you scenes from stoner movies and present you with yummy munch food from the movies, recreated by a professional chef. - Awesome. - Dope. - Yay! - That sounds dope. - That sounds great. - (FBE) There is a catch, of course. - Oh, my god. You're [bleep] kidding me. - (FBE) This is a try not to eat challenge. - That's so rude. - Do you realize how rude that is? - (snorting) - (FBE) So whoever can get through these four dishes and not eat anything wins, but if you do try something, there will be a punishment per food you eat at the end. - A punishment, like, financially? - (FBE laughing) No, no. - Okay, then I already will lose. - If I smell food, it makes me hungry, even if I've already eaten and it smells really good, I'm just like I'll probably just have some. - (FBE) Katie, what do you think? - I've already forgotten the question. - (FBE) How do you guys think you're gonna do? - (uncontrollable giggling) Not good! - I've never won one of these yet, so I doubt I'm winning it today. - It's harder now. - Yeah, when I'm not sober. - (Kumar) Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Let's do this together. - White Castle! Yes, Harold and Kumar. - I haven't seen this all the way through or if I did, I was high and I don't remember. - That's accurate. That's an accurate response. - (chuckling) - Those White Castle burgers are good. Have you ever had those White Castle burgers? - (giggling) She's judging me. - I grew up with these. - I think I've had the freezer kind, which was still-- - It's not the same. - (Kumar sobbing) - (laughing) - Oh, that's a lot. That's what it feels like! - When you're eating? - One cookie, two cookie-- oh, 16 cookie? - You can down so many of them so fast. - (Harold) Damn, that hit the spot. - Mm-hmm. Classic and relatable. - I've seen this movie before. I've always been curious. I've never had it before. - (FBE) So here is a classic, and we went all out. Here are some oh-so-good White Castle sliders, crinkle fries, and, of course, a Cherry Coke to wash it down. - It is Cherry Coke? - I'm so hungry and those fries look really good! - That's gonna be hard. - The Coke? - Yeah, because I have cotton mouth. - I have cotton mouth right now. This isn't helping! - [Bleep]. - I'm gonna take the punishment. - I mean, the score's gonna be even, so... - Good, I think I'm gonna eat everything. - This is the best, yeah. You guys really did go all out for this one. (buzzer) Mmmm. - Thank you! - Yeah, I'ma do it. It's too much of a cultural thing to have it in front of me and then refuse it for a challenge now. (buzzer) Uh-uh. Mm-mm. - (sighing) I'm naturally competitive, but I'm also hungry and thirsty. - This is beautiful. Don't let me do this alone. - [Bleep]! - (tapping floor with feet) (buzzer) - I've never had that. I knew what to expect. It's pretty good. - No, I'm not eating it. - No, that's cool. - I'm having a really hard time. I'm just hoping they take it away soon. - Yeah, I'm not doing it. - I'm good. - No Coke. No burgers. I can do it. - But they still look delicious right now. - (Dale) Put down the gun! - Oh, Pineapple Express. - (older man) ...or I will take you outside and [bleep] you in the street! - (Saul`) No! Don't do that. - (Dale) Don't [bleep] us anywhere! - (laughing) - (joining in) - Oh, I [bleep] love this movie. - I just watched this for the first time! - Have you ever seen this movie? - Yeah, it's been a while though, and usually I'm high. - (Dale) Anybody out there? - (laughing) Just kidding. - You're not. You're not. Be honest! They know you're high! We're high now. Why are you lying? - (Matheson) Hey, the food's still warm. - Oh! - (Matheson) Hey, the food's still warm. - (giggling) - (joining in) I've never done that. I'm gonna say honestly no. - It looks like a Thanksgiving dinner. - "The food's still warm." - (snorting) Not necessarily appetizing. - I smell it already. - [Bleep]! - (groaning) - (FBE) So here we have the confirmed "very warm food" from Pineapple Express: creamy, cheesy mac and cheese, savory chicken, buttery mashed potatoes, and yummy corn on the cob. - You're not nice. - This looks good to me. I would eat this now. - Eat it. - No, but I don't want to. - I'm very competitive, no matter what, so... - I am, too. - Is it still warm? - Yeah. Also, I love mashed potatoes. - God, this one's [bleep] killer though. That's for sure! Oh, wow. Oh, whoa. Jesus. - (snorting) - I can let this one slide. - All right, fine. Twist my arm. - If the punishment is bad, we'll have words. The whole thing from the corn on the cob, that takes a lot of face muscles. - And then it's stuck in your teeth forever. - Mm-hmm. - I can pass. No, I'm sorry. - I'm really hungry. You know what? Whatever. I don't care. I'm past the point of caring. - Damn, that was quick. How is it? - It's good. It's hard to stop eating. - Eat it! (buzzer) Ooh! (laughing) - Is it good? - It's sufficient. I like that it's shells and not the elbow. - This one's hard. It smells super good. I don't think it's tempting enough though. - This, I can resist. - I can resist it. I just don't like that I have to. - (Tony) I can't believe I'm doing this. I swore to God I'd never come to a Top Notch. - What movie is this? - (Tony) ...jalepeno burgers and soggy fries. - Jalapeno burgers and soggy fries! - (Wooderson) All right, all right, all right. - Oh, my god! Is that Matthew McConaughey? Is that what that meme is from? - This is Dazed and Confused. - Is that Matthew McConaughey? Is this Dazed and Confused? - (Wooderson) Yeah, not to worry. There's a new fiesta in the making as we speak. - They look so young. - (Wooderson) ...Moon Tower, full kegs, everybody's gonna be there. You ought to go. - "Full of kegs. Everyone's gonna be there. You gotta go." - I'm a fan of spicy burgers, so all right, all right, all right. - (sighing) - (FBE) Now presenting the yummy jalapeño burger from Dazed and Confused. We wouldn't just give you the burger though. Here are some not-soggy fries because we wouldn't do that to you, and the beer David was talking about. - Nobody told me we could get cross faded today. Eh, it's one beer. That ain't gonna happen, but still! - Even when I'm not high, I [bleep] love beer. - I really want to try it! (groaning) - Well, cheers. - Cheers. (glasses tinking) (buzzer) - Delicious. - Yeah, that was not bad. - You just want to cut it right in half? - I think you can have the burger. - Whoa! (gasping) You're not gonna go for it? Well, I'm gonna cut it in half. Is that Thousand Island? - Oh, damn, okay. Actually, since I am here. - Oh, now that I cut it in half and put all this effort in. I just destroyed this [bleep]. Oh, yeah. - I'm gonna go for a fry right away. - Do it. (buzzer) I'm gonna split this guy. (buzzer) - It's really good. - Mm-hmm. - I'm looking at that beer like just take a [bleep] sip. - I mean, I'm already doing it. I'm already losing. - Okay. All right. I can reward myself once in a while. (buzzer) - Mmm! So good. - I can eat it, too? - Mm-hmm. - Well worth it. - I'm so aware that I'm being watched. It's hard to eat but I'm also hungry. (buzzer) - That literally is exactly what I needed. - Really? Oh, my god. I might do it now. - I think it's both. - You know what? - We're not driving! - (laughing) It's beer, bitch! (buzzer) - (cracking up) - Yeah, that was worth it. Some guys have six packs. That's my six pack. - After the little tiny White Castle burger, I know this will only disappoint me. - (laughing) - Final answer: I resist. - She's actually not wrong. I'm up with her. I resist. (cash register ringing) - Oh, yes! (laughing) - Oh, she's so pretty. - It's Half Baked, right? - (Mary Jane) He deserves to be where he is. - Oh, it's an ice cream sundae. - It's a sundae. - It looks good. - We're getting ice cream. Chapelle's the best. He's the [bleep] man. His stand up's great. - (Mary Jane) Four years next month. - (Samuel) Four years? What exactly was he sellin'? - (Mary Jane) Marijuana. - (Samuel) Four years just for weed? Damn! - (Mary Jane) Just? No, no, no, no. Not just. - I [bleep] love Dave Chapelle. - He's so good. - (Mary Jane) Marijuana is terrible. It's a gateway drug. - It's the worst! - (laughing) - (Mary Jane) ...but it leads to other stuff. - (Samuel) Yeah, mostly junk food. - (both laughing) - Severely junk food. - It looked real good. - Oh, my god. It's gonna be hard to resist that one. - (FBE) In front of you is a banana split they were enjoying. It's the best strawberry and vanilla ice cream I've ever had, with a banana, whipped cream, and, of course, cherries. - What's up with the-- - Did you seriously mean that, "that I ever had" or was that a quote that they had? - (FBE) No, I said it. - No, I'm saying it. - (FBE) I'm sticking to it. - Who put the raspberries on? - (FBE) The chef. - Those are blackberries. - Oh, duh. Okay, forget it. - (chuckling) - Mmm. - This is really nice. - Shh! - I'm doing it. - Okay, we're doing it. I'm not gonna leave you like you left me. - Just one time! I think I made a mess. That was my one job. (buzzer) This is the real thing that we needed right now. - It's also really hard to stop eating it, too. Normally, on try not to eats, I'll have one bite, maybe two. - That's happening. I gotta get the full bite though. (buzzer) Mmm! - Gotta let it sell, let it roll around, get all the flavors. - It looks really good. - I will eat this for sure. Right? - I'm gonna eat it. I already ate the burger. I should have had the [bleep] macaroni, too! We lost. - We lost. - Whatever. (giggling) (buzzer) - I'm honestly chilling. - I'm lactose intolerant, so I couldn't eat it if I wanted to. - No, no, I'm gonna get punished! - (FBE laughing) Now it would be time for the winning dish, but you guys both lost, so you do not get to try it, but we're gonna show it to you anyway. - Wow, that's mean. ♪ (funky music) ♪ - I have no clue what this is. - Is this an ad? - It's Taco Bell! - Is it [bleep] Taco Bell? - (voice-over) There's a moment at night when all you-- - Fouth meal! - (voice-over) fourth meal. - (laughing) - Taco Bell's my favorite high food. - It looks so good! - If you go to Taco Bell in the daytime, there's something wrong with you. - It's not just food. It's fourth meal! - (manly grunt) (bell tolling) - I want one so bad! - The exchange was fair. I think White Castle-- - White Castle with Taco Bell, I'm chilling. I am totally solid with that. - If it's a cheesy gordita crunch, I'm gonna be really sad. - (FBE) So Taco Bell is notorious for being the munchy of choice with their stoner-forward marketing, so here are some cheesy gorditas, burritos, and a quesadilla you can not have. - Whatever. - You brought my favorite one. - It's not for you. We lost. - What are they really gonna do if I start eating this quesadilla though? - I liked the ice cream more. - Really? - But-- no, actually, I would like the Taco Bell now... especially now. - (FBE) So remember, no matter what, you cannot have this, but it's not the only punishment. We're imagining your mouth may be pretty dry, so we have two saltines for every food you ate. No water. - Oh, wait, so wait... How many-- - We ate two. - We ate two. - (FBE) Well, you ate three. - No! - The ice cream. - I did eat three because you told me I could have ice cream. - Two for each?! - (laughing) Man. That's so lame. - Tactics. Quickly or-- - Quickly?! You're gonna do a saltine quickly with a dry mouth? - I don't know which will be the least painful! I'm asking you for advice here, Austin! - My name's Ethan! - I met you 30 minutes ago, roughly? - Yeah, and I know your name's Katie. - Sorry. - Why did I get so many crackers? - You ate the mac and cheese. - I have to eat six crackers? My mouth is really dry right now anyway. No water? - And they left the [bleep] Taco Bell there. - You know, it's not terrible. - (snorting) - Definitely the worst punishment food is saltines. - It's not as bad as I thought it would actually. - You haven't gotten to the second one. - Oh, yeah, I'm only a half cracker in. - This is the worst thing you could do to a stoner. This is so bad. - This is stuck in my mouth. It feels like my mouth is made of molasses. I can't move my mouth. - I knew I was gonna lose. I was fine with it. Everything I had was good. - It's great seeing the dishes on the big screen come to life on the table. - Thanks for wat-- I still had saltines. I'm high. This is what happens to me when I get really high. Okay, hi! (giggling) Thanks-- (spluttering) Hi, thanks-- (wheezing) - (FBE laughing)
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 8,926,004
Rating: 4.8685408 out of 5
Keywords: stoner, high food, 420, Stoners Try Not To Eat Challenge - Stoner Movie Food, try not to eat, people vs food, vs food, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, do they know it, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, poker face, the 10s, guess that, pineapple express, seth rogen, dave chapelle, ONE0FF1921
Id: IR9x3PWaiY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 20 2019
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