Can Stoners Spot The Cop?

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- I'm sensing there's a cop in the room, so I'm nervous now. - What's the dumbest purchase you ever made? - Um... - Tony? I only have five minutes. ♪ (upbeat intro) ♪ - (FBE) All right, Ethan, thank you so much for coming in today. - Yup! - (FBE) How you feeling? - Pretty stoned. - I'm feeling pretty good. - (FBE) Yeah? - Yeah! - (FBE) A little bit high? - Just a teeny bit. - (FBE) So previously, we challenged cops to see if they could spot a stoner. - (gasping) Stop! - What is this? This are so weird. - (cop) Are you high? - Yeah! - (FBE) And we thought it would be fun to turn the tables and see if stoners can spot cops. - Oh, absolutely! Let's do this. - I have to interrogate them? I feel like I'm such a bad interrogator. - Cops don't scare me. I'm usually a good citizen. I follow the rules. - I haven't really had a situation where it was pleasant to interact with a police officer, especially being, growing up, black, that was generally something I'd try to go out of my way to avoid, and if I was ever in that situation, I was just a little soldier, like, yep, follow orders. - I've had a few run-ins with the law. I had one for jaywalking. They cuffed me and I was like what do I do if I-- what's gonna happen if I don't sign this ticket? They're like, well, then you go to jail, and I was like I guess we're going to jail then. I'm not a big fan of police officers, to be honest. Are they hearing all this before they come in? - (FBE) Nope! - Okay. - (FBE) Are you ready to meet the suspects? - Yes! Bring them in! - (FBE) This is Blaine, Tony, and Sarah. -Wow! Attractive group! Absolutely! - (FBE) As a reminder, only one of them is an actual police officer. - Okay. - (FBE) You can ask them any question that doesn't relate to their profession or to being a cop in general. I'm gonna go ahead and put five minutes on the clock for you. Are you ready? - Let's do it. - How are you? - Doing well. How are you doing? - Great! I hope you're a cop. I'd love for him to pull me over. - How much coffee do you drink, all of you? - I don't drink coffee? - Don't drink coffee? - A lot of coffee, five to six cups a day. - Like two cups a day. - Two cups. - Ooh, interesting. This is maybe-- I might be overthinking this. - (Blaine) I have two cups. - Oh, my god. This is so hard. - Have you ever ridden a motorcycle? - Yes. - Yes. - Mm-hmm. - What's your favorite form of exercise? - Kickboxing. - What about you? - Well, I do a lot of weightlifting and StairMaster, but I like hot yoga. - Hot yoga is my jam, too! Oh, my god! - I just do weightlifting and cardio. - I really like to hike, in case you guys were curious. - Tony-- - (Tony) Mm-hmm? - What's the dumbest purchase you have ever made? - Uh... um... (groaning) - Tony? I only have five minutes. - Yeah, I know. My bad. Um... - (chuckling) - Hi, Sarah! How are you today? - I'm doing well, thanks. - Are you more of a dog or a cat person? - Cat person. - Would you say you're like Catwoman? - Probably. - Which curse word is your favorite? - [Bleep] madre. - (Ethan chuckling) - I like her answers. - I like mother[bleep]. - Okay, okay, okay. - Goddammit. - Thank you for being pretty honest. I don't believe either of you guys. - What's your favorite movie? - Toy Story, the first one. - What is your favorite movie? - Braveheart. - Okay. - What's your favorite form of exercise? - Kickboxing. - I already asked that question. - (Sarah) Yes. - (Tony chuckling) - It's because I'm sensing there's a cop in the room, so I'm nervous now. - I know he does it, so have you guys ever gotten a tattoo? - Yes. - Yes. - No. - Okay. - Explain your tattoos to me. - This whole arm is a Shel Silverstein tattoo because my mom used to read Shel Silverstein to me when I was growing up. - That's dope. - So, lovin' that. I'm working on a Harry Potter sleeve over here. - NO WAY! - If you could have an animal best friend, which animal would you pick? - A tiger. - Hmmm. - A lion. - Probably an alpaca. - (chuckling) - I like the alpaca pick. - How many cats are too many cats? - More than three. - Yeah, three or more cats are too many. - I do agree. - You agree with her or him, because they said two different answers. - Oh, what'd you say? - (Danny) She said more than three. He said three or more. I'm paying attention! - Three or more. - Oh, this is a good one. How do you feel about the movie Die Hard? - Uh, I feel like it's a fantastic Christmas movie. - All three of you, what's your signature dance move? And you're all suspects, so all of you have to do one. - It's like that dad dance that everyone, you know, every dad does, where they go like this with the finger gun. - Yeah, okay. Thank you. Okay. Okay. - Probably just a swing of my arms. - Okay. - I mean, I have to go with salsa. You know? - Salsa, okay. I still-- it's between two of them, but they're confusing me with their answers. - What is the dumbest purchase you've ever made? - I bought an '89 Honda Civic and broke down in two weeks. - They're not giving me anything. I'm just asking random questions now. I'm supposed to be gathering intel from this and I'm just like tell me more about your life. - What's your most useless skill? - All my skills are pretty useful. - Being able to tell the difference betweet a male and female fruit fly with a microscope. - That is a very interesting skill. - I can fold towels very well. - Okay. Creative, okay. - What's the craziest thing you wanted to be when you grew up? - Um... I wanted to be a Power Ranger. - Amazing! - A biologist. - A biologist? Why is that crazy? - I went to-- I did a practice for a month at a lab. - Oh, fabulous. - It was extremely boring. - I believe that. - What's the craziest thing you wanted to be when you grew up? - I wanted to the garbage man. - (laughing) That one's not that crazy. I like that one. - A physical job. - Are you more afraid of zombies are ghosts? - Zombies. - Why? - I don't know. I don't like the entire biting. - What are you more afraid of, Harry Potter? Ghosts or Zombies? - Zombies. There's too many of them. - Too many of them? But you can just Expecto Patronus the [bleep] out of them. You'll be fine. - (FBE) All right, Morgan. Your time is up. - Okay, I have to pick right now? - (FBE) Mm-hmm. - At this very moment? - (FBE) Uh-huh. What do you think? Who do you think the cop is? - Oh, oh my god. I think it's her. - (FBE) Final answer? - (Morgan) Yeah. - See, I'm feeling it's between you two guys. Tony. - (FBE) Is that your final guess? - (Ethan) Yes. - Suspect three is the cop. - (FBE) Which one is suspect three? - Blaine. - (FBE) Blaine is your guess. - (Danny) Yeah. - (FBE) Is that your final answer? - Yeah. - (FBE) Are you sure? - That's my final answer. I'm not sure. - The current cop is bachelor number three because I think he's really cute and I like his tattoos. - It could be suspect one. Her answers were really like a cop would answer, but he has the stance of a cop, and he looks more like a cop to me. If I'm typecasting cops for a moment, you just seem like you'd be my friend and we would go to the bar together. Okay, middle. - (FBE) Going with Tony, middle? Yeah, final answer? - Yep. - (FBE) All right, would you guys like to reveal who the real cop in the room is? - I'm a cop. - NO WAY! - You're the cop? - (Blaine) Mm-hmm. - Wow, you're the one who didn't seem like he would be a cop. Good job! - Thanks. - YEAH! UH! - YES! I hope you pull me over. I'm gonna break all sorts of laws. Watch out. - (Blaine) I'm the cop. (slamming desk) - I'm genuinely surprised. You could be my brother. He acts like my brother. Well, that's very cool. Maybe this is a lesson for me to learn. - (FBE) Okay, Ethan, so you guessed incorrectly. (snaps fingers) - I went off stereotypes too much, which is my own fault. The guy on the end, he just seemed like a nerdy dude. He didn't seem like a cop at all, so, you know, don't stereotype people. - I knew the one in the middle, I was like, he's too obvious of a pick, so it has to be one of the other two, but I had such a hard time being like what, envisioning what I think a cop is like and it was just her, like take no bull[bleep], like will pull you over and arrest your ass. - (FBE) Danny, congratulations! You were correct! - Thank you! I wanted to be like, dude, you don't have to take it so seriously. Like play with me. Let's see what we can do but they were like, nope, I gotta be a cop today. I'm like, okay. Blaine, I think is the only one that's being a genuine, regular person right now. Does have something to hide, so I think it's Blaine. - The tattoos and his demeanor, his body language, they were really confident. I'm a big, big, big body language reader. If they're a cop that's trying to act like they're not a cop, they need to learn how to act and not act like a cop. Like Blaine was, very just sort of disheveled and shy. He was the only one out of the two that were just not actually making eye contact with me either. Plot twist: I'm a cop. I'm Harriet the Spy. - (FBE) So what do you think? Did that experience change your perception of cops at all? - A little tiny bit, yeah. I feel like I would hang out with that guy and grab a beer with that guy. - I didn't know you could have that many tattoos and be a police officer. - No, purely because I totally saw him as a cop. I don't see anything scary about cops. Hopefully, they're a good person... then that's all I really care about, not depending on their job. - The biggest problem to me is the fact that we feel anxiety and nervous and scared around police officers when we're supposed to feel protected. This definitely made me change my perspective. - (FBE) All right, so how was that for you guys, being in sort of a lineup today? - It's cool. - Yeah, it was interesting. Kinda getting people's reactions and seeing them trying to slowly figure out through these strange questions who we really were. - It was funny because we knew they were high. - (FBE) So Blaine, obviously, we had two people who guessed correct that you were the cop. How was that for you? - I kinda had a feeling they were going to by the way they were asking me the questions. You could tell they were really in control. They went off script a lot, too, so they're asking some good questions that weren't provided and I think that allowed them to really figure it out. - (FBE) So we asked our stoners today if this interaction changed their perception of cops, and most of them said yes. - We're just people, too. You know, we're not that much different than you. We just do a very intense, hard job. - (FBE) Did you have fun today? - Yeah, yeah, this was interesting. I liked this. I would do this again. This was fun. - That was a weird social experiment but a cool one. - It was a lot of fun. I appreciate it and what a fun challenge. I hope I can investigate some more people really soon. - I liked being on the other side of it this time and not the one being interrogated. - Thanks for watching Can Stoners Spot A Cop on the React channel. - Subscribe for new shows every single day. - Who did you think the cop was? Let us know in the comments. - Thanks for watching. Bye. - Hey, fam! React producer Mary here. If you liked this episode, be sure to check out our past episodes, including Can Cops Spot a Stoner. The link is in the description below. Thanks for watching, guys. Bye!
Channel: REPLAY
Views: 2,117,519
Rating: 4.8780732 out of 5
Keywords: Can Stoners Spot The Cop?, Cops spot Stoners, legalization of marijuana, is weed legal?, react, reaction, thefinebros, fine brothers, fine brothers entertainment, finebros, fine bros, fbe, laugh challenge, try not to laugh, try to watch without laughing or grinning, react gaming, kids versus food, staff reacts, lyric breakdown, the 10s, guess that, stoners, oneoff1923
Id: 8P2LoarL7Aw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 33sec (633 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 21 2019
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