"STONE" FOUNDATION REPAIR (part 4) Mike Haduck

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I'm just finishing up plastered all these walls in an old stone cellar I'm going to show you how I did it now today's job see this old stone foundation on the outside and then we're going to go in here on the inside and we're going to look at this old stone foundation right over here see it it's made out of stone no people say to me Mike these old stone foundations any good probably a lot of better than what they're putting in today and they're not having any leaks over it because they just want to cleaned up that's the only thing they want to do is clean up and when they built these stone foundations one stone on one side one stone on the other then they added on to the building and you see it right there there's an oil pipe that went there so oil pipe that went there they put block on here and they put this addition on some years later but let's go outside and look at where those things were see the old stone with the block I'm gonna get these out of here [Music] for these L side holes and get a little white stucco maybe it's enough to patch the holes up I want to do it today because it's gonna ring shove the rock there a little water in there first day I'm going to do today sweep it all up much as I can get up with a broom then I'm going to come back and wash it away get all that stuff like that first so let me wash it I'm not going to get much of this stuff out of here get in there get all that stuff sleeping that's loose take this dolmen you know that up later see what goes on there this stuff over here get all this stuff off everything is laying there for years put it all out rush it all out tell you buck misnomer nothing wrong with these syllables people say watching good and this is good and it takes good and I'll fight at because all those castles all those government buildings and them big churches in the Middle Ages they're all built just like this with stone now when you're working with these old stone sellers just write down the bad spot let's go too far where if it's good then fall apart you leave it there that's good just like a dentist that's pretty good that's bad and get down to where you want rush it up so after I get all the dust stone and I just clean the floor up real good cuz next thing I'm gonna do is wash it down oh we're gonna do is get the hose wash it all down not gonna go crazy with it want to cause a flood want to tell just like that now you could wash it down that's that lime they use lime in here between the stones in the old days lime and sand and it's okay it holds it together but it's not like today's Portland so just watch the whole thing down just give a sponge and get out us loose water up penny for not tracking all over it you know what I mean here's the mix I'm using two buckets of masonry sand place and whatever you want to call it I have one bucket of cement two to one a lot of that cement I'm using 3/4 of a bucket of Portland and 1/4 of a bucket of s mortar that's the mix I'm use and very confident with it so it's rolling the 1 buckets in go in one bucket of cement the other bucket of sand then this job I go down the concrete company they get seven dollars for a bag eight bucks put a little bit fiberglass don't have to but I got some tin spots in there might help with the hole to get her a little bit that's dry first add my water now the first thing I'm going to mix myself up some old-school bonding agent get regular Portland cement put in a bucket just like that add some water like that they mix it into a paint doesn't have to be too thick sticking up the stick mix it up that's all enjoy now here's the cement I mixed see how thick it is that's about how thick you want to make it because what we're going to do we're going to go over here and fill in these holes and you can see let me make sure you can see it goes pretty and farther so what do you do well the first thing you want to do is you want to go around and fill all the holes in like I always say you got a wet everything first you don't wet it it's not going to stick like that rolls down here but I don't want to make a big mess remember that bonding agent I made old-school bonding agent and get a paintbrush and all around where it's gonna go that's going strictly blue the best thing you do you got a wet at first and you stick it now if you want to throw it in with your hands throw it in with your hands you don't have to be an expert Mason to do this stuff then you want to get an old rock like that's an old piece of brick or a rock that's okay to shove it in fill them big holes in first like that you want to do a little more that's gonna stick real dandy she doesn't get with your hands that's it that's all you have to do to fix that hole up I'm gonna keep fixing these holes up down here and then I'll show you what I do what I've done now because we've been doing this a while I always throw it in like as amazing I just want to show you don't have to be amazing you could use your hands a lot of different ways to do a lot of different things fill in those holes you just get a regular broom and I scratch it because we're gonna go over to another coat tomorrow see that that's working out just thinking of a couple of comments people ask me and one of them is opinion you put the cement on when it's wet absolutely can't put it on if it's dry I need to make a point about using your hands sometimes I have to use my hands I wrote I really want to get it in there you know what I mean look at that and actually what your hands I mean you gotta wear rubber glove but you could smoke it off with your hands it's no big deal take your time I'm backed out another half hour see how it is maybe spoon it out again little big deal use your hands sometimes that's better all right here you got a big hole so I just wanna make it look a little better it's gonna get some stones lay it in there like that like this see that make that square there that's all you do with stones is you just put them back no big secret this will work maybe see make my corner near me a little corner here's here's where we're at with it I just fill all the big holes not worried I'm just trying to get a flat so when I put my last you know coat of plaster or cement whatever you want to call it I'm good so you could keep doing that come back the next day put another coat come back the next day keep hitting the spots and get it as flat as you want this this job though we just want to clean it up that's it now we're back the next day in the morning because too lazy to keep going stiffens up pretty good now we're going to put our second coat on first let this down just like that on it when you get that old-school bonding agent paint right over to top of the cementite right over the top of the water just like that that's gonna make that stick they say Mike why don't you use that and something solid stores well doing it since the 1960s my dad we never had a call back so I'm doing separate and so does it Sweat right on top of it just going to flat out hopefully continue on I'm you gotta keep the left and [Music] then I'm use of the hush regular class control like people ask me sometimes if I don't use a huck plastered i am amazing want to use your for all again some crevices and do it x2 then still wet just get the brush over like that it's gonna kind of smooth it out you see you only sponge it later it's kind of ready to be sponged yeah so you come back and check it it's just let it put my fingerprints in it if you can see dat it's a little soft just get it caught a sponge and rip this out of my cousin's car seat and just real lightly go over it like that and best advice I could give anybody is test everything you're going to do a job like this start in a little part of the wall see if it works before you get in the main part and keep testing it that's how you got to do and see real soft and get rid of the holes and then I'm going to come back hit it again in about another hour that's going to get rid of all that those little holes it's going to look flat now I could keep going and going and going and keep flatness out making it perfect but that's that's a lot more work and that's not what they're paying for I'm going to tell you a little bit about these walls I did a couple videos one of them was a early American stonework see how they put these walls together and the other one I can do something different take you for a little tour up in his town that disappeared where there's a couple of foundations that was left over and when I was up there and in the 70s there was still houses there at a cave den but just want you see how they build these stone walls there's nothing wrong with them just got to keep them up like this and that's it so let's go look at those old foundation I'm up here we're used to be some houses back in the 1970s I remember the house still be in here the wood anyway it was caved in you can see how big the trees grew so this foundation has been here for maybe a hundred years I figure and it's still pretty straight but sometimes people say well old stone foundation is no good but my experience they're probably one of the best foundations you could ever have the only problem is they didn't use strong cement they used like a light mortar to fill in and when they start falling apart the only thing you have to do is put them back up I'm inside this stone foundation don't forget we're in Pennsylvania and you can see see it was like a lime mix they used that's the only thing that made these stone walls fall apart right here the weather is what makes a fall apart see they even had a little plumbing here so nothing wrong with these stone walls the only thing is pushing them here is because there's no heat under here and there's no weight on top of it you can see there some of the board's still left from the house but I just want to make my point nothing wrong with these stone walls they're probably better than the stuff they put in today another thing is there is never a footer under it just dig the hole on the ground lean a stone on top and you're done so I just want to put a little offshoot to my videos I figured maybe by looking at it this way it makes sense good see how they did it one stone on top of another stone this was the window well that's it under example of another old foundation right here let's see it's wintertime you just put the rocks on top of rocks and that's it the only thing I did is plaster over you could see the old lime cement that was in there just for the end of the job and just just rinsing the sponge out he's going over smoothing it out a little more see it's pretty hard now anymore the longer you wait the smoother you can get it some information about this he built these sellers day to bring all this stone in with a wagon and I knew a guy who used to do it of course he's lying tied down now back in the 70s he was in his 90s and he used to get the horse and wagon and delivered his stone I ended up with one of those wagons I donated it to like a farm type of thing but anyway here's a picture that wagon right there when I got it that's when I restored it it used to cost more to build the seller than it did to rest of the house at that this old time was 1500 to build a whole house 750 was for the seller is they had to dig it by hand bring all the stone in by horse and wagon and and then put it up so so our cost more than anything everybody when I was a kid used to live in a cellar and use it though that's where the the furnace was so that's it the only thing I'm going to do is come back tomorrow and see if they got any check marks if it any shrink works talked about one more thing this is wire mesh stuck a wire mesh which we use a lot up in Pennsylvania usually we use it over wood now people ask me do you put it over stone or brick or block well I'll tell you kind of show you a picture of this stuff that fell off the wall and I usually go out and they do jobs and it's only good for 20 25 years it falls apart not a fan of using it they teach you to use it but the only thing it does as far as I'm concerned is it creates a facade you're not really getting into the wall so you could use it I usually don't use it but that's what it looks like it came from a job and I have another video a series of video on how I patch up or fix up a foundation if you check them out it's usually on the outside of block or stone foundations it's basically the same techniques so I hope you like the video I try to show everybody what's really going on so that you know you really know how to look at it and how to approach of it so that's the end of the video thanks for watching
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 137,686
Rating: 4.9423866 out of 5
Keywords: how to repair a stone foundation, foundation repair, how to repair foundation cracks, stone foundation, how to fix a cellar wall, cellar wall, mike haduck, how to cement a wall, how to use cement, stone work, how to plaster over stone, stone plaster, rock walls, how to repair foundation, how to lay stone, stone mason, rendering, mason rendering, mike haduck masonry, foundation repair part 4
Id: 0JZh4HSm5WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 41sec (1241 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 18 2016
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