"STONE" FOUNDATION REPAIR (part 6) Mike Haduck

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so today I'm gonna do two videos first videos I'm gonna crawl under a porch and fix the old stone foundation where a snake got into people's house and the second one is we're gonna go down in one of those old basements that the old people used to live in and I'm just gonna wait watch the wall but that's an old castle behind me I'm in Conway wills and we're gonna go up there later on at the end of the video and I'm just gonna show you something about the way a plaster and 700 years ago so here we go the day my job is to go under this porch and fix a stone foundation so I'm gonna show you how I did it so it's wintertime out and they got problems they stuck on the side the plaster but they never went on the inside and they got a little garter snake came in so they want to fill all the holes in against the wall so I got to take this skirting off I'll show you what I'm doing I did my surveillance with the flashlights the only way to get in here all the board's up we can take a look in there and see what's going on okay we're getting in fix all these holes see these holes way over there that's where the critters is getting in this I'll get a brush or a sponge anything like that that's loose get it out of the way geez all the spiders out there's a rock can go in there I'm gonna use this high-performance cement it's a repair mortar okay it's fast drying it's great for something like this borrow we got a brand new hole ever watch my videos before here's wire wire doesn't do the trick it still leaves voids behind a while even though it looks good so I'm gonna start right there and then I'll block the end so no critters get in here my sprayer spray it really good so that cement sticks see that once I went to stick you got a wet it first and same thing draw it in fill your trowel up throw it in put a rock in there maybe you got a door gonna fill these holes in throw it in we don't want no more critters getting in these spaces your rubbers love make sure those holes are packed good I'm leaning over here can barely get in make sure you get married all these holes clean and do a little plaster and then sponge sponge your water I work and I only see them holes they go really deep in there you got to make sure we dig down deep enough we're nothing's gonna be come on to there again ray them all up with this brayer start rolling your cement in there what's your hand whenever you gonna do fill the dirt back get along the bottom well it's getting dark and there that right there is a sore faint but I did the whole inside involved on now we're down Lancaster and he took us down the cellar and the way people used to live well our neighbors used to live that way so we're gonna go down and winter those sellers right now now we're gonna go down the cellar never I told you the old folks used to live down the cellar we're gonna go down here and one of these old-time cellar places and just look around or making kill bossy today and what I am down here is because these old cellars right here they're worried do you think the cellars falling apart you see it that's not I haven't seen a cellar yet and they've been trying to film one on YouTube that was actually falling down they're not they're just little blisters things so when you get these little blisters things I'm gonna show you how to fix it but this is the old cellars [Music] [Music] is all solid get the wire brush just brush it off no big deal up here on the top and sometimes I have my sprayer raining a little water you said if you want something the stick I'm talking about plaster not not blocker brick want something a stick you gotta win it first some rapid set mortar this because this is a half a day job get the sponge now get myself some ways Portland cement mix this into a paint like Portland school whitewash and this will be bought an hour later that's what it looks like when it's all done today these guys are making kielbasa and there's the fire right there smoking the kielbasa now y'all so used to smoke turkey and fish right and garage keys people wanna know what garage keys are these are garage keys that's a joke now here's just do what they did if the piece falls off didn't you just redo it again it's no big deal now this whole castle at one time was plastered guess they call it rendering we could still see it here so there's no wire mesh there's no bonding agents there's nothing you just wet it up put your plaster your rendering on they've been doing it for hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of years well when it comes to doing plaster render work let's talk to some of the locals and see what he says do the joint with three two one or two and a half to one then that got off we would have a sound don't forget live mix slurry or rendition right right and then final waterproof soft out of pure hot line with just pure hot line which was mixed if there is made lose I'm so bad better to it like a 280° kill really hot and then slaked cold then they would not like animal onto it but other chemical reaction was alive which made the total waterproof seal while still allowing air people aboard at the range so those two controls or any moisture that came up from the building which still escape right but rain would get I see I always say that all really old traditional yeah a whole different thing of Pennsylvania it's good to see what other guys yeah a lot of snow missions on yeah ok thank you you're welcome sir that's the end of that video and we looked at the way to actually do it in old foundations and castles in Europe so watch for my next video it will be called conwy castle you
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 42,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete foundation repair, crack repair, foundation repair methods, how to repair foundation walls, foundation repair estimate, how to repair a concrete foundation, home foundation repair, basement wall repair, how to repair a crack in a concrete foundation, stone foundation repair, mike haduck, concrete foundation patch up, Mike haddock masonry, Mike haduck masonry, Mike haddock foundation repair
Id: Nwcgk92ZUdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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