How I use Rapid set Cement all & Mortar mix (fast drying) Mike Haduck

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hi I'm Mike haddock and a lot of people asking about fast drying cement so today I'm going to take it to a bunch of videos real fast and just show you the way I use them and where I use it and how are you so today I'm going to be talking about rapid set mortar mix which I use a lot and a lot of my jobs so here we go on this first video this is an old stucco job was an old stucco wall and what I did was I took my fast drying cement I always take a sprayer with me and I wet it even though I did put the wire mesh on you always got a wet to site because that's what makes it stick so then I start using the cement all and I'm going to show you how I mix it at the end of the video and they put it onto the screen and I get it in to where it's going to stick real good then I got my regular plastering trawl and I keep mixing it only what I need a little bit as I go and then I splash it just like a traditional stucco mix and I get the back of my trolley I just hit the back of it to make sure that it matches the other parts of the stucco and this is in the same wall it's a little crack you're wet at first like throw it in there and then I waited a little bit after dried not dry too much but I went over with another coat just mix what I need and then I got there and then the same thing again I got myself a sponge and you get the sponge and you go over it sponge is a big thing in masonry work and I use them from old car seats and stuff like that then I just stucco it with my stucco brush then I went I bought paint the same day the end of the day I painted the whole wall and there it is that's finished the top of a brick chimney it was bad and the people wanted to sell the house and it was going to get real cold the next couple weeks so I was in a hurry I went on top of the roof you could see me wearing a hood up there and when you mix it yeah get all ready and then you mix it all together Here I am pointing it up right now going over real quick cuz I'm going to put the wash on top so I wet it and wet it pretty good on top because when you wet it you want it to stick real well there I am live putting the wash on top and flatten it out the way I want and going to dry pretty quick if you there I am right now seeing how dry it is and then get my sponge my sponge over the top and comes up with a finished product people could sell their house everybody's happy right now this is an old set of steps it was a brick face knuckle so any case like that you got to clean it out and there I am I made my rapid set I trow it in I get the brick and feeling filling in the void to the brick and put it in the back of the brick and shove it in there real good and of course you always see me wetting it wetting is what makes it stick and then throwing it in there and all ready for the Starkel there I am stuck on it that might be the second coat you'll need mix a little at a time just what you need and put my coat on to make it all flat as you can see right there it's real flat now I get the sponge and then go over it sponge it here on the top sponges on the bottom you get it all even then I got a level and I have this little tool which you would see on my video and they cut it out to make it look like brick you can see where I'm cutting it out there I'm trying to match the other side using tool and you can see how they cut the brick out at the very end there it is it's painted it's all done right here in doing a window windows in the old days were a very hard thing to do because you had to go and put the cement in come back a few days later pal it'll more and the Rapa said I gotta do the fast right cement you can do it all of one day a few hours later you're done you can watch it on my windows video on how I did that and then as it dries you get a feel for it as you go as it dries you can see me pack it in the cement there you mix a little bit at a time put it in and then you wait maybe it'll need 15-20 minutes and you make a new batch again Here I am I'm using a rubber gloves rubber gloves if you're a Mason it's just important is using a trowel sometimes you have to use your hands to get in where you want to get now at the end very end they mix it again I wait if this is my second coat I'm going over again then I sponge it when I'm all done and this is what the window will look like after I go over it again with regular cement right here is it set of Church steps and they called me up they had carpet over it I had to get all the glue off you see I had to get a chisel gun to get all the glue off and and all the loose stuff and I used cement doll for this no cement dollar use for this was the type that doesn't have the sand in it I'll show you that and you put it down to just all the bad spots and fill in all the holes there I am with the sponge again and then you can see me painting it and go back every year check it out the spring works fine very happy about that job next job this is a old warehouse and instead of me bringing the scaffolds down and everything I brought my sprayer and wet it pretty good I got up there with a little bucket in my hand and I got right in there and just rubbed it in with my hand it's just as good you wet it real good it's real it'll stick real well they could come in and it could paint it it's done now this is a glass window that the plumber wanted to fill in and we want to leave a little light in there so I'm using cement all it's a one day job because they don't have to keep coming back waiting for it to shrink up and redo it again Here I am using a sponge again and at the end of the job this was a job looks like at the end the owner came and painted the whole thing and it matched out real good so I was happy about that well then mix in the mortar mix that success I've got a whole bag here it just makes what I need basically I guess use a trowel and a sponge initial like this do not use a machine we're gonna click mixing device because it harder so fast you're taking it out base agree like that and then if I want something to stick and kind of block or something like this you can use your sprayer like this or you can get a sponge plunge it get it wet you get the rapid set it right over heading is what makes it pick this is in real time and if you want you can wait until it gets hard you just get a spongy to go over lightly like that until you get it where you want now if you wanted to suckle with it you get your brush might have to put a little more water in it like that and I show you this in all my videos you've got a good idea how to how it works and you can do a special finish like that do any kind of finish your wine you could cut your brush out like that and it dries real fast it's a good good thing to get out of there in a day if you want and as soon as you're done with that pick clean your pan out or yes before you make another one because it dries really quick and it'll save this because no one stopped using the same you don't have to get hard in the pan all the time if you use drills and mixers and stuff like that it's only going to block them up that's the way I do I'm going to finish up now talk a little bit about the product back in the late 1960s when I started working with my dad there was no such thing as fast drying cement what we would do is use 12 calcium in it usually especially during wintertime and the only time I ever seen it is when you've seen people putting railings in and they drilled the holes they put the railing in the neck pot put the fast drying cement around it otherwise we never seen anything like that we have to do a job we'd have to set it up we get it going do we'd have to come back because we have shrink cracks or we'd have to put another coat on with these kind of products you don't have to do that now I showed you the mortar mix and this is a cement doll it's like a grow when I was doing those church steps that's what I was using and then one thing is though when you use it you got to paint over it it's okay if you're doing brickwork and if you're doing brickwork and you get a different color joints because of the cement all I have another video all it's called relaying brick and matching cement joints and what I do is I show you how you disguise that that's a little trick you don't you can't use it as a paint I never use it as a paint I use it to fill in the holes and then I paint over it either with Portland or with a regular store-bought paint that you'd use for stucco or for deck paint so just wanted to turn you on it's a new product started using it five years ago it takes me four or five years sometimes just to trust a product and I had no callbacks everything I checked was really well I'm really happy about it it's a new school I call it but it saves a lot of time for me it saves a lot of time for the customers I use it for small jobs where I want to get in and I want to get out so that's my review on cement all I'm my katic I appreciate you watching my videos thanks a lot you
Channel: Mike Haduck Masonry
Views: 323,317
Rating: 4.9379201 out of 5
Keywords: How I use rapid set, how to use cement all, rapid set mortar mix, rapid set, mortar mix, cement all, mike haduck, rapid set cement all, how to use mortar mix, cement all products, rapid set products, masonry cement, rapid set concrete mix, fast drying cement, how to mix rapid set, rapid set review, mortar mix review, cts rapid set, cts, mike haduck masonry
Id: zzPEXtGJqc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
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