One Of My Favorite Things About Teaching | Teacher Evolution Ep 32

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and honestly if school started at this time every day I would just be such a happier teacher and my desk let me just give you like a snapshot yeah it's a hot mess right now and like they're so genuinely engaged in material I just absolutely love that it's one of my favorite things about de Jean [Music] good morning YouTube the reason I am so happy on a Monday morning because this rarely happens we had a two-hour delay this morning yesterday sorry about that yesterday it was freezing rain like pretty much the entire day so this morning it is still below freezing in my entire car is covered in ice and the roads are covered in ice so we had a two-hour delay and honestly if school started at this time every day I would just be such a happier teacher as much as I've tried I am NOT a morning person I have tried everything I just don't think my body is made to be a morning person and I honestly believe that there are morning people and there are night people and I am very much a night person I have been since I was a little kid I need to get out and scrape the ice off of my car because it's literally covered everywhere I'm not gonna get coffee this morning because I don't have enough time after I scrape off my car and then I'm going to get to school so I will catch up with you guys there so I'm now at school I'm going through papers that I printed out last night so these are the plans for my TA and then I also printed out our mouth warm-up for her and then I made new notes and I actually put both of the pages on one so the left side is changing an improper fraction into a mixed number last week we worked on changing a mixed number into an improper fraction but I want to show them how to go the other way by dividing so I have that and then adding mixed numbers and I gave an example and I kind of Illustrated like they add the whole numbers and then add the fractions and then change an improper fraction to a mixed number if necessary so we have my TA make copies of those and get them cut apart and then I made up a practice page for changing mixed numbers to improper fractions and improper fractions to mixed numbers so I'm gonna give that to them today and then this will be for tomorrow practice adding mixed numbers and then I made a check for understanding for today on changing the mixed numbers into improper fractions and vice versa so I'm gonna get sticky notes on these so that my TA can make copies oh and I also printed out an extra copy of the practice so I can make an answer key next thing on my schedule is to update my schedule I need to go through and change out these cards to reflect a two-hour delay so I'm gonna go ahead and do that mostly to keep myself on track today so I just set up my morning slide for my students and when it's the day after the Super Bowl you just have to include a Minion's football ship so on two hour delay days I only have my black one for like 45 minutes before lunch and all of a sudden I checked the clock and it was like time to go to lunch so I just had to have my kids leave all of their stuff out and we'll just pick back up with it when we come back but the morning has actually gone pretty well I was working with my block one on changing improper fractions to mix numbers they seem to be getting it they're working on a practice page now and then I'll give them a check for understanding so that I can see what everyone can do independently and then make adjustments for tomorrow but I need to enjoy my lunch and then I'll catch up with you guys after so I've had a lot of questions about our rings so we get one bead per PTA event that we attend and then I've had a lot of people asked like well what is it for so they originally said like if we fill a ring we get a prize but I don't think anyone's gonna actually end up filling it so I think if you attend a certain number of PTA events by the end of the year you end up getting a prize this is the first year that we've done it so we obviously don't really know right now it's just kind of like for bragging rights but I just checked my mailbox up in the office and I had this in there and it says thank you for attending five to ten PTA and/or school sponsored events during the first half of the year so it's a little ceramic mug from Target super cute and on the inside there is some Valentine nerd so I'm probably just gonna add these to my candy drawer for my students because I don't really like nerds but I always appreciate free candy because that's less than I have to buy and the mug is it's super super cute so I'm excited about that perfect motivation on a Monday life update it is a little bit after 5 o'clock I need to get out of here because I still need to go to the gym and go for my run but I wanted to catch you guys up so right after school I had to grade a check for understanding that I gave to both my black one and my block two for math rated that I got to put in the grade book I also pulled out the students who I need to review with tomorrow because they did not get everything on the check for understanding so I want to make sure that I pull them in a small group tomorrow then I finalize my report card so everything is done comments are all good which is one less thing that I have to do tonight so I'm really excited about that and then I had to pull some data for a meeting that I have to go to tomorrow so it was a busy afternoon but I did get a lot done so I feel really good about that I'm gonna head to the gym and then I will catch up with you guys in the morning [Music] good morning YouTube it is Tuesday and I'm already really tired I'm just not a fan of waking up early and having that delay yesterday and the non-avian delay today I was it was a struggle but it's okay I'm up I packed myself some coffee because first thing this morning I was like I really want Dunkin Donuts but I'm trying to be a good person and only go home Fridays and stick to that until after my race and then I'll probably go back to going everyday but I just I needed something today so thankfully I had some like think it's international delight like mocha or something like that but hopefully that does the trick I'm going to get to school I have to meet with my team teachers this morning so I'm not sure when I'll catch up with you guys but I will catch up with you guys [Music] it is about halfway through my planning time so I had a student who had to finish their check for understanding yesterday I got them to finish I had to put that in the grade book I had to look through the check for understandings yesterday I had already pulled out the students I needed to work with and I went ahead and put them into groups and I put that into like my google slides of like who's working with who I have students working with my TA students working with me and then students working independently at their seats so that is all ready to go I also had to quickly just like write out plans for an IEP meeting that I'm going to this afternoon so there will be a sub covering my class for that chunk of time so it's had to write out like what the subs gonna do it's pretty easy cuz it's the end of my black one in the start of my black too but that way it's all written out and now I can actually start working on planning stuff for tomorrow tomorrow is an early dismissal day and we have PD in the afternoon so we decided that we're actually going to have a homeroom day so we can start FMP testing which is fountas and pinnell it's something we administer to our students to assess their reading levels so we're gonna start that tomorrow and since it's homeroom we have to have something to keep our students occupied so the reading teachers usually come up with one assignment and then the math teachers come up with an assignment so we are going to come up with something for like mixed numbers and changing them to improper fractions and vice versa so I'm gonna go ahead and work on that now that it is done and out of the way so I have everything ready to go for today their notes their practice page answer keys all that good stuff I have their check for understanding I have the plans written out for the stuff that I'll have while I'm at my IEP meeting and I just got all of the papers ready to go for tomorrow so I don't have to plan or anything for tomorrow we're all ready and I feel so good it is lunchtime the morning has been just a little bit chaotic just trying to fit in math and science and social studies it's just a struggle because I feel like I always end up going over in math and then I'm like struggling to fit in science or social studies which we alternate so one day we teach science next day we teach social studies so I'm not trying to fit in both because that would be a hot mess but it's still hard just to fit in like one of them because that means we have to technically do two lessons so if I'm teaching science I have to do two science lessons and it's just so hard to fit in like but I'm trying actually I did get through everything I want to get through in block one so you know what it all worked out but I just felt like I was like go go go the entire time I'm going to enjoy my lunch and then we're going outside for recess it's very very cold outside it's just barely above freezing and then when I come in I have to go to my meeting and then I'll come back to block two and then it will be the end of the day so I will catch up with you guys later on so tomorrow since we are going to stay in homeroom so we can start our FMP testing we went ahead and put all of the ela assignments and the math assignments together just in one big packet that way we can give it to the students once and we're not like constantly trying to pass stuff out so this has everything that they will need for tomorrow so that's ready to go and then I went ahead and made a Google slides so I just made like a title slide this is a jiff so if you didn't know if you searched jiff on the Internet's gif and then you save the image and then insert it into your Google slides it will be moving so that's the title the ela teachers are going to put in the information about their part of it and then I went ahead and made the slide for math practice so we will all project this in our rooms so I just listed the pages that they're completing told them to make sure they show their work told them that they can use their notes to help them make sure they take their time and check over their work and this may be graded I haven't decided yet and then that is another Jeff so if you're interested I can show you guys more in depth of like how to insert those that's super super easy but I am already for tomorrow now tomorrow is supposed to be a two-hour early dismissal day which is why we're doing this however if we end up having a two-hour delay because of snow or ice which right now we are predicted to get then it will be a full day but the teachers talked about it even if we have a two-hour delay and then we don't have an early dismissal we're still gonna just have a homeroom day so we can start FMP testing because we've already printed out the packets we have it all ready to go and we're just gonna make that or plan for tomorrow so I am all ready for tomorrow I do still need to get plans ready for Thursday and Friday but I'm gonna spend my time before I leave to go to the gym grading their check for understandings from today and kind of like yesterday pull out the ones that I will need to meet with on Thursday get those put into the grade book and then I'm gonna head to the gym and then tonight since I don't have to do anything for school for tomorrow and I've kind of been stressed out with school for the past couple of days because we had report cards due and then I an IEP meeting this afternoon and it's just been a bunch of like little things going on I finally don't have anything that I have to do for school tomorrow so honestly I think when I go home tonight I'm just not gonna touch anything school related I mean they're gonna edit vlogs or watch TV or something I just don't want to touch school so I'm going to go do that and then I'll catch up with you guys in the morning so I'm saying here grading and I'm using a marker and of course I dropped it cuz I'm super klutzy and I panicked because it was gonna get on my brand-new pants look at how the marker landed yeah I'm winning today it literally landed standing straight up so it did not get on my pants hallelujah [Music] good morning YouTube we did end up having a two hour delay this morning because it was I seen this morning I'm excited I mean it kind of stinks because now we don't have the two hour delay but that also means we don't have the PD which I like PD because I like getting new information and how to apply in my classroom I love all that but at the same time there are just weeks when you do not want to sit through like meetings and just like listen to stuff and I feel like it's one of those weeks so it's out of my control we had it two-hour delay we now have a full day of school waltz technically not a full day's school because we had the to our delight but we do not have an early dismissal we are still just gonna have a homeroom day so that we can start testing our students for F and P and I brought coffee with me to fuel that and I'm going to get to school and I'll catch up with you guys there [Music] [Music] so I just got my effing peak hit so each teacher has one however since I am new to the school for whatever reason when the old teacher moved out they cannot find my kit so I actually have to borrow my kit from one of our like resource teachers but I have that ready to go and then I have the like cover pages I need to fill these out for my students I already have they're like testing packets ready to go like I already know what level I'm testing them at I already have that filled out so I just have to transfer that information on to here so I'm gonna work on that this morning before my students come in all right so I'm not sat down and filled out those sheets for FMP because all of a sudden we realized that we only had packets for my class we didn't have packets for the other classes I don't know why we thought we had them so we started scrambling and of course both of the copiers were down and we're like oh my gosh now we can't make the copies and we started trying to figure out other things that we could do like from textbooks or document camera or whatever but thankfully we did get one of the copiers fixed and my teen teacher made all of the copies so we're good to go we also mapped out Chromebook times so I'm gonna have Chromebooks when we come back from recess for about 45 minutes and then we have an extra Chromebook heart for any early finisher so I finally think we are ready to go for the day it was a weird string of events because we thought we were good and all of a sudden we panic because we were not good to go because we didn't have the package and then now we're good to go again so now I've got about 20 minutes until my kids come in so I'm going to try to fill out those papers for FM PD and first grade brought in treats today for their monthly like treat day and so I went ahead and grabbed myself a cookie and a red velvet cupcake and this is like a Reese's s'mores bar or something and I'm totally gonna enjoy these because life is too short to not eat dessert it is already lunch to him because by the time the kids came in and got settled we had like 45 minutes until lunch I have gotten through three students FMP testing which i think is pretty good I have 16 total students to test so I'm not down to 13 which I'm gonna have a good like solid two hours this afternoon to test so fingers crossed that I can get through quite a few but my homework kids honestly have just been so so good and I love them to death and I love like these days when I get to spend it with them cuz honestly they are really really good at just sitting and doing their work and staying focused and I am so grateful so I'm going to enjoy my lunch and then I will catch up with you guys at the end of the day there's not really a whole lot to share because we're just testing today and we don't really have anything fancy going on it is the end of the day and honestly I'm really really happy with how much progress I made and testing so I have 16 students to test I got through about seven and a half so I had seven students fully done and then I was on my eighth student and they actually progress to the next level so I need to do another book with them but I did not have enough time and actually one of mine I need to go back and do another book so I guess technically I have seven done but I feel like that's really good because I'm halfway done we're still gonna have more like homeroom days coming up we have study hall time that I can get kids tested plus we actually have two and a half sub days that we get to use throughout the year for FMP testing we did not use any in the fall and so far I think I'm not gonna need to use any for the winter which means come spring time I will have two and a half sub days that I can use to get all of my testing done and that's just a big relief knowing that I still have that but I am actually going to get out of here I have no reason to stay because I have no papers to grade nothing that I really have to do I'm going to meet up with my friend Emily who I went to college with and actually at the end of the summer her and I actually met up at Panera I know I talked about it one of my vlogs because she also teaches fourth grade in the same county and we have not met up since then like we still text but we haven't like met in person so we're going to go to like happy hour or something and just enjoy time together and get to talk about like 4th grade and all that good stuff so I'm excited about that and I really really need that because it is my off day for running I don't have to go to the gym and instead I can have time with friends so I'm going to go enjoy that time with her and then I will catch up with you all in the morning [Music] good morning YouTube I am leaving early this morning it is 656 and usually I'm still asleep at this time if I mean honest but I have to drive to Walmart because I need to get jars because I have my like teacher appreciation SGA committee this morning and we need to prep the jars for our Teacher Appreciation thing we're doing like a mini teacher survival kit just like with some candy and I don't have anything to put it in I think it's really tacky just to put it in plastic bag so I was gonna go get jars and I didn't have this idea until last night and it was like 11 o'clock so it was too late to go out to the store hence why I'm getting up early and going this morning so I have to drive like a good 15 minutes past my school which it takes 15 minutes to get to my school so it's gonna take like a half an hour I need to drive to Walmart quickly go in grab the jars get held and then drive back to school I'm hoping that I have more than enough time so I'm giving myself like an hour an hour in 10 minutes and if I do have enough time on my way back I'm gonna stop and get coffee because I feel like I deserve it because I got a bit 6:30 this morning which is way earlier than I have been getting up and it's cold outside and I just feel like I really want coffee oh I feel like I'm being bad but whatever I'm going to get on the road go get to Walmart and I'll catch up with you guys at school hopefully with some jars I swear if they are sold out mason jars have been acquired thank goodness they had them I was able to get in and out very quickly it's like 7:35 and I'm already at school decided against getting coffee just so I could get here early and like get my life together coz I felt very rushed this morning so last night I made up this subtracting mixed numbers note sheet so I have like an example problem and I said to set it up vertically just because I think that makes it easier for them and then the first question they always have to ask themselves is is the top fraction greater than the bottom fraction if yes they follow the steps here subtract the fractions and then subtract the whole numbers but if it is not greater than they have to follow these steps so borrow one from the whole number add that one in fraction form to the fraction and then subtract the fractions and then subtract the whole numbers and I have an example right here to show that so I'm going to have my TA make copies of this this morning so I can give it to my students to have in their math journals and then these are the little printouts that I made for the teacher survival kit so we are gonna give them Snickers to keep you laughing a gum to remind you to stick together as a team starbursts for a burst of energy after a long day and then lifesavers for when you've had one of those days so I'm not gonna worry about cutting these out because I'm actually gonna have the students that are in my SGA committee cut them out I think we're gonna like hole punch them up here and maybe tie them around like the neck of the jar with some kind of string or something these might be a little bit big now that I'm looking at it hold on okay yeah they're like the same height as the jar so they're a little bit big but whatever it's all good we'll make it work so I don't really have anything to like prep for this this morning because I have these and the jars and then the candy is under here so I'm just gonna get all that out put it on the back table that way when my committee does start around 8:05 we can get right to work so now that I have acquired the mason jars and I'm at school and I've caught my breath a little bit and I'm not as rushed I did want to talk to you all a little bit about last night because I didn't really vlog a whole lot because I wanted just to enjoy the time with my friend but let me just say I so love hanging out with her so her name's Emily she actually just recently started like a teacher Instagram and a TPT store so I will link her down in the description box you guys can go follow her she is just such a super sweet girl so we went to college together she's actually from like the western shore of Maryland so after college she moved back over here and she's been teaching in this county this is her fourth year just like it's my fourth year but she has been teaching fourth grade so it's so nice to talk to her because we're in the same County we teach the same grade level and she's just such a genuine person and I love spending time with people who make me feel good about myself you know because they bring you up and they're not focused on like tearing you down and she's just such like such a good person and I just love spending time with her and I was so happy when I left I ended up staying there until like 7:30 so it was a good like almost three hours that we were there and honestly we could have stayed there just like talking the rest of the night like I felt like we could have gone on forever so I think her and I are gonna try to meet up like at least once a month because I thoroughly enjoyed that time and then after I left there Billy and I actually met at Nando's peri-peri which is like a South African and I don't even know what all else is like mixed in but it's like ethnic cuisine restaurant now I had never been that Billy has never been either he wanted to go so so bad I've had their food before cuz they catered a PTA event at school and it was a little bit spicy so I was kind of nervous but I got a chicken Caesar salad and you got to pick like the spice level of your chicken so I went with plain it had no spice on it because I cannot handle spicy it was actually really really good so maybe we will make our way back there but we went because it was a PTA night so it was like a fundraiser night so a portion of the money that they made goes to our school so I went and then I emailed my receipt to one of the people at school who will hopefully give me another bead for my ring and I figured that way I get a bead and Billy can also go to Nando's peri-peri since he's been wanting to go for a really long time but I did not get home until 9 o'clock and then I had a shower and by the time that was done it was like almost 10 o'clock and then I had to lesson plan and like it was kind of a late night I didn't get into bed until 11:45 and I was just tired and I was gonna get coffee this morning you guys heard me but I ended up not because I'm like you know what it's almost Friday like I can make it one more day and if I don't go get coffee I could get to school early and that's why I chose to do and I think I made the right choice my SGA committee members are gonna be coming in in just a couple minutes so I'm gonna go ahead quickly eat my breakfast before they come and then I will catch up with you all probably at lunch because I have no cultural arts today I did get my bead for going to at Nando's last night so I'm gonna add that to my ring and then this folder is filled with report cards so I need to try to get those stuffed into the envelopes by the end of the day which of course I have no planning time today so I have no idea when that's gonna happen it is lunch time the day has just been slightly hectic but I feel like it's been a good day so I had my committee meeting this morning with my SGA students and we got all of the jars for the Teacher Appreciation kits stuffed and we got the tags like hole punched and we got them tied on with ribbon and then we actually got to go up to the office and put them into the mailboxes so they have been delivered we heard good to go so that was good then we did not have cultural arts because it's a Thursday so I have no planning time today which I miss planning time yesterday because of the delay and on Monday because of the delay so I barely get played any time this week but we had study hall so we had 30 minutes of study hall and I had to get a couple of kids like caught up on work and then I was able to finish one of my students from yesterday who I was not done testing so I now have eight students left so I feel good about that like I'm happy that I got that done and then after the study hall we then had thirty minutes where we're doing we call it think-tank Thursday so we have like a different prompter scenario or situation for our students to kind of like work through a problem solve or like an activity and this week we had them work in groups of three and we basically told them you are stuck in the classroom you can't break down the door you can't break down the windows like you're stuck in here and you don't know for how long and basically they had to look around the room they had to pick ten items that they would use for survival and they had to rank them in order of importance and it was mostly just like a teamwork activity and getting them to work together and agree on like the order of all the items but it was fun I think they did a really nice job with it and they were very engaged with it and it was simple like we didn't have to prep anything so that was good then we had block one math went pretty well so we're working on the subtracting mixed numbers and honestly my students did really well for it being the first day we're gonna practice that tomorrow so I'll get a better idea then of how they're doing with it but they did a really good job of just like working hard today so I'm proud of them for that and then social studies we were starting to talk about the war of 1812 and I think that went pretty well I have like one student in particular in my block one who is just having a great day and like I love seeing that especially for some of my students who don't always have great days like when they do have those days where they're really just on it like I've been giving Cup kudos out the wazoo which is like our incentive system because I'm just really want to reward those like positive behaviors because she has been having a great day so I'm excited about that like it just put me in a good mood I guess while I eat my lunch I'm gonna try to stuff for poor cards like I'm starving so I really want to just eat my lunch but I have to get report card stuff so I don't know I'm gonna work on that and then I will catch up you guys at the end of the day it is after school the afternoon went pretty well I got through everything I wanted to get through in my block too so I feel good thank goodness I have such a sweet girl who like stays behind after dismissal starts and like cleans up my room like she stacks on my chairs she goes to the desk and pulls out like any extra papers that are in there or books or whatever like oh she's just amazing and I'm just so appreciative you will notice I have already changed so starting today I guess every Thursday we are having to support basketball so our school has challenged another elementary school nearby to a basketball game they did this last year with like a different elementary school and I volunteered to be on the team even though I cannot play basketball to save my life but I'm fairly athletic so hopefully I can do okay so I'm gonna be going to basketball practice and then I will leave from there and go do my run and then get home and plan for tomorrow so it'll be a little bit of a long night that's okay I'm gonna go get some stress relief with my exercise and then I'll catch up with you all later [Music] good morning YouTube last night I got my plans done for today but I did not really get anything else done because I had to play basketball after school by the time I got to the gym and got my run done and came home and showered and ate dinner it was like after 9 o'clock and I was just wave to like I don't know what it has been about this week even with two delays it has just been an extremely long week so I'm gonna go get me some coffee and I think I'm gonna get a large coffee because I think I deserve it this morning and I really really need it and then I will get to school and I'll catch up with you all there good morning can I get a large iced latte with the winter white chocolate flavor please that'll be it thank you [Music] so I had a new teacher committee meeting this morning it's now about 850 s my students are coming in in five minutes but for science today we are talking about sound energy and sound wave so we're doing a little experiment this cup will be filled with water and then we're gonna use it to different tuning forks and we're gonna put them in the water to see how the different like frequencies affect the movement of the water I just took my students to Cultural Arts in my desk let me just give you like a snapshot yeah it's a hot mess right now so on Fridays we give out a our charms and math facts in a flash charm so this is like our math fact fluency program that we do and when our students pass different numbers of levels they get these like dog tags and we have a little change for them and then we also have a art arm so they're like shaped like the number so when they pass five tests ten tests 15 and every like multiple five so I had to pass those out and I had to use like the key to figure out who got what and then these are copies that my TA made so this is a practice page for subtracting mixed numbers which we are gonna do today and then this is for science for that tuning fork investigation so for math today one thing my students are gonna do is a mid point assessment for my SLO so one of our s ellos is on like written responses are called task type two questions at least that's what we call it in our district so we made up this midpoint assessment and I'm giving it to my students on Chromebook so I just posted this on my Google classroom and then my students will just type their answers to the questions right on Google classroom if you have never used Google classroom I highly suggest you try it out it is amazing if you have access to like computers or Chromebooks or something but basically here is like my Google classroom for my block one and you'll see that I actually have more students I have to add cuz I'm 27 students now I've not used Google classroom since getting my new students so I will have to get them connected to my Google classroom which is really easy because I just have like a class code and they enter it and they join but I actually scheduled this like a week ago so I did not even have to post it this morning it just automatically posted and my students will each be able to access it from their Google classroom it is lunchtime it's been a little bit of a hectic morning and just trying to get everything done that needs to get done in math my students are working on that midpoint assessment for my SLO and about half the class did not finish even with the full math walk and it was literally four questions so part of it is just it takes him a long time to type and actually I think our kids have really good typing skills for a fourth grade but it's just still a time-consuming process but like they have to get used to it because they take all of their PARCC assessments online so it's okay I guess I will continue with it on Monday good news is I'm a little bit ahead in math so if I have to take an extra day it's not a big deal and then I'm trying to cram in science with the tuning forks but I think I got everything done before lunch that needed to get done and then we've got a little bit of time when we come back and I'm just got my students write notes in their journal so I think we're good to go I'm going to enjoy my lunch and then I'll catch up with you guys at the end of the day hopefully when I've caught my breath so I had leftover candy from the teacher appreciation SGA committee from yesterday and I still have to give it to our guidance counselor but she left before I could give it to her so I'm leaving some out for my custodian because he so deserves it he seriously does an amazing job every single day in my room wipes down all my desk sweeps everything vacuums like he is the bomb it is after school and I'll get into what I've been doing in just a second but I wanted to share this with you with the tuning forks experiment that we did inside today and talking about sound waves and how it transfers the energy to water or to the air I pulled students in small groups to the back table to like see the tuning fork get put into the water because I tried to do under the document camera but he couldn't see it very well and I thought it was better if they could actually be right up close and personal with it and see it and I love science because I love hearing kids go oh did you see that like and they're just so excited over it and I love when kids like don't expect things to happen and they're taken by surprise and like they're so genuinely engaged in material I just absolutely love that it's one of my favorite things about teaching and every single group that I brought back was just so excited to see the tuning forks in the water and like seeing the vibrations it was amazing plus I was like striking the tuning forks and playing up to their ears so that they could hear it and like playing it on their hands so that they could feel the vibrations and it was just a lot of fun and let me just brag for a second I have a student who is very musically talented she plays violin and she's amazing and she plays everything by ear which is fascinating to me because I cannot do that to save my life but I put the tuning fork up to her ear and I hadn't even told my students like what note it was or anything and she goes oh that's an E and I'm like looking at the tuning fork I'm like oh my gosh she's right so I hold up the other end can you tell what this one is - yeah it's an a it just blows my mind like I think that that's so incredible and I love seeing my students have talents like that I just it just makes my day so it is five o'clock and honestly since school let out an hour ago I really have not been doing anything but yet I've been running around doing a million things if that makes sense like do you ever have those afternoons where you feel like you're doing a ton but getting nothing done cuz that's how I felt which it's probably my fault for not like prioritizing stuff but I was trying to run a bunch of errands and either the person wouldn't be there or I get caught up talking to someone else and like I was just not getting things accomplished but I didn't respond to a couple of emails so that's good I'm taking home papers to grade over the weekend and it will just all get done actually won't because as a teacher you never have everything done but that's okay I will oh there goes my lights hold on let me turn it back on no there we go okay I will get done the things that have to get done by the time they have to get done I however I'm gonna get out of here I need to go home I need to go for my run I need to edit a vlog for tomorrow so I have a busy night ahead of me if you enjoyed this vlog please please please give it a thumbs up share my channel with your friends let them know about it I have just surpassed 90 thousand subscribers which is I have no words I literally have no words it's very mind blowing for me and I still don't think it has sunk in and realizing how close I am to a hundred thousand it's just like I can't even imagine it but if you all could help me get there that would be amazing because I get a plaque from YouTube I get a silver play button and I'm really excited about that just because like that's something I can hold on to for the rest of my life and it will validate all of this hard work that I've been putting in for the past like a couple of years and I just think it would be an amazing thing so please if you could share up my channel to your teacher friends or your non teacher friends just get them to subscribe I should cool that would be awesome and if you have not already subscribed and you were watching this video what are you doing and go ahead and subscribe hit the subscribe button hit the notification bell so you were notified every time I post a new video as always you guys know I love you so much thank you for watching hold on I did that out of order thank you for watching I hope you all so much don't forget to think positive and I'll catch you guys in the next one thank you so much for watching all the way to the end of this video and for support my youtube channel if you want to check out any my older videos you can use the two links right down here if you want to subscribe to my channel so you don't miss any future videos you can use the link right up here in the description box you'll find links from my teachers pay teacher's store along with my PPO address if you're interested thank you for watching and I'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: Pocketful of Primary
Views: 100,429
Rating: 4.9193335 out of 5
Keywords: teacher, classroom, vlog, 4th grade, teacherspayteachers, teachers pay teachers, tpt, pocketful of primary, tips for new teachers, tips for teachers, new teacher tips, teacher tips, classroom vlog, vlogger, teacher vlog, teacher vlogger, classroom tour, a day in the life of a teacher, a week in the life of a teacher
Id: s51wspZymlc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2018
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