Custom patch making with Embrilliance | Echidna Sewing

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey everyone it's gary here from echidna sewing and uh today i am going to have some fun because i am going to show you one of the latest new features of in brilliance stitch artist level 3 software now we are very very thrilled in australia to be the distributor for the brilliance embroidery software here and the developer brian who's a very good friend of mine we've known him for years uh it never never ceases to amaze us with some of the new features and tools that he brings out for the software so um if you are an a brilliant user you're going to enjoy this if you have stitch artist level 3 you're going to be really excited and if you don't have stitch artist level 3 you may want it so i am for warning you that is it's going to be fantastic what we're going to be doing today is creating a badge and yeah you might think wow that's no big deal we've done all that before and we have but in brilliance now features in its level three stitch hardest version a simulated merrow stitch now let's just talk about that a mero stitch when we talk about badges badges have been around for a long time and becoming increasingly popular the edge of a badge is typically when it's done commercially is made using a mero machine now what amero machine is and you'll see a picture of it in a minute is a it's like an old style overlocker that's the best way to explain it and it does a very special stitch they still sell these machines and commercial badge makers use them and create amazing borders around badges it's it's kind of a bit of a skill you develop on those machines and not the easiest things in the world to use and they're very expensive they they sell for about five thousand dollars here in australia so um not something you're going to likely have just for doing a few badges anyway it doesn't matter and brilliance has solved the problem because we now have a an unbelievably good simulated stitch for your embroidery machine that looks as good as a marrow stitch to be honest so let's have a look at what project we're going to put together today i have here in front of me a couple of quick badges i did using a heart shape out of the in brilliance system and i've added some lettering and a couple of little hearts on there and i have used the simulated mero stitch to create a really really cool badge edge and i've got to say if you look at this badge edge here how we've come down into this point of the heart that's almost impossible to do probably is impossible to do on a marrow machine because you can't get that perfect point there so that's a real advantage on this new system that brian and the team at brilliance have developed so we're going to create this file i'm going to be doing it a couple of ways and you'll see when i start develop i will start creating the filing and brilliance and stitch art is what happens but i can do it using a backing as in a or a badge fabric in this case i'm going to use a new product we have it's a stitching felt and you can also do it with just fill stitches and it's really really easy you're going to be amazed at how easy this is so once we create the file i'm going to do a couple of things after that i'm going to save the cut file because you can in brilliance i'm going to save a cut file and i'm going to take it to my scan and cut machine and i'm going to cut a piece of our new stitching felt to exactly the right size we need to create this badge i'm also going to save the design after that's done and we're going to stitch it out on a little nv 180 because i'm going to make this so it fits in a 100 by 100 hoop as you can imagine it's not that big and badges typically are around that size so if you have one of the smaller machines like an nv180 you can have a lot of fun creating badges so that's the plan for today i'll quickly show you here here's a slightly bigger badge i've already made and turned out a treat but i haven't washed away the wash away that i stitched it on so we're going to actually go through the process of how you would hoop what you would use in this case wash away and how you get to that finished finished position the products i'm going to use during this uh this demonstration will be as i said our new stitching felt so um it's a stiff stiff specialty felt try saying that quickly and we've just got these rolls in and perfect for doing badges photo stitching or bag bag stiffening and that sort of sort of thing and we've got that in the black and a white roll so they're now available on our website so it's called stiff specialty felt the other product we would be using to create a badge is our hot melt film this one actually is hotmail web we'll use the film i'll grab the right one before we get to that but the film is what goes on the back of the completed badge and that allows you to then press the um the badge onto whatever it is that you're wanting to uh to press it to and that's a permanent adhesion so they're the products we're going to use so right now let's get into creating the file okay so i have got in brilliance open on my screen and this of course is uh the latest version i've made sure i downloaded the latest version before we started this and it's uh it's easy to do that if you're not sure just go to help and check for updates and it will tell you uh that if your program is up to date which mine is of course if it isn't you'll just go to the normal pro through the normal processes and and update your software right now i also have my machine my software set to show the 100 by 100 hoop and that's because i'm going to be using an nv180 which has got a 100 by 100 hoop size and to do that you just go up into your preferences right there click on that i'm using a brother machine so i have pes selected and i have 100 100 and we click ok and i have my hoop showing on screen so i kind of gives me a good working sort of idea of what size my my design is going to be so right now we're going to bring in a heart shape now i could sit and draw it if i wish but i don't plan to because there's a load of great tools in the in brilliant suite so the first thing i want to do is merge a design so we click on the merge design screen and or icon and that opens up a whole heap of different built-in shapes now these are not stitch files they're just outlines and we can then turn them into stitches so i'm using a heart obviously i've got the heart menu selected and we'll take that first heart and we'll click ok it's a bit too small for what i want it to be so i can either just click and drag and take it to the size i want or i could click on this option up here that says fit to hoop and if we were to click on that for instance that makes it nice and big in fact that's 85 by 90 millimeters yeah that's okay i'm going to leave it at that size but i couldn't tweak it if i wished right now with that heart set i can simply and quickly turn that into a marrow overlap a mero edging stitch so all we need to do that is you must have in brilliant stitch artist level three now to go to stitch artist we click on the create tool and once i click on that you'll see i have level three installed i have all these tools across here and the new tool that has just been added is this little guy right here that says stitch edge patch overlock marrowing so if i click on that as long as i've got my object selected it now turns that into a perfect marrow stitch or simulated marrow stitch on your software and that you can stitch on your embroidery machine how cool is that now you'll notice that across on the right in my objects pane and my properties pane i have a under my properties pane i have an option that says edge if i click on edge now i can make some alterations this is actually telling me i can adjust the stitch properties which is what i want to do adjust the commands i don't need to do anything the great thing about in brilliance is honestly if you just let it do its thing more often than not it does it perfectly so what i do want to do though is tell it to add a light fill now you can see here i can do a few options one i could do is using a pre-cut shape now that means if i was pre-cutting my badge fabric on my scan and cut i could i could use that i can hand cut in the hoop which is a typical applique method and i can create a badge using just a fill stitch so in other words we don't we may not use any any fabric or or felt to create the badge or i can add a light fill i'm going to click on add a light fill because i found this worked really really well so we click that and it now puts a very open light fill stitch down in the badge i'm still going to use some felt but i found by using this stitch and then a bit of felt i get a really beautifully solid quality badge and i get it it looks really cool with the light the light color stitching over the top now you do to get the best effect there you do kind of need to match the color of the thread with the color of the fabric or the badge or this or the felt or whatever it is you're using it to create your badge that's okay i'm going to leave it orange at the moment it doesn't really matter what i can do now is i need to add my um my detail to it now you can do whatever you like but i'm just creating a fun little um number one mum uh mother's day kind of badge here the first thing i'm going to do is add some text so we just go up to the create letters option and you'll see that brings in abc obviously i don't want abc in there so i'm going to go across to my text box here and i'm going to type in the first line i'm going to do is number one so we're just going to use the symbol and a letter and the number one and i'm going to choose let's just go over here and i'm going to choose what font will we use the one i used on my sample was the penny i think now i've got loads of fonts installed on here you may not have this many fonts so just choose one that is appropriate for you so there's penny we're just going to take that and i want that a little bit bigger so we'll just click and drag and make him bigger and i want that to be sitting just up there now i want to put in the word mum so we go back and we just choose the letter a again at the top of the screen there so right up there that brings in abc again so this time i want mum of course if you're in america you might spell it differently and that's okay you can do what you like i'm going to use the same font again but this time i'm going to give it a bit of a style so we click down on right there and click down to let me see which one do i want i think i want the bridge bottom concept there that's exactly what i want and i'm going to stretch that down a bit some people don't like stretching and manipulating fonts quite honestly i don't care because i'm in control here i can do what i like i'm going to pull that u down just a wee bit more so you can select on an individual letter and you can actually edit just that letter or the whole line of text but uh whoops let's click off there that's what i want not too worried about the colors at the moment we'll sort that out in a minute i'm just going to move that up a wee bit and then i'm going to take this guy up a wee bit as well and that's that's kind of what i'm looking for and i had on my sample little hearts everywhere this is so cool this is very easy to do i'm going to bring in another heart shape so i'm going to go up to the merge design up option at the top and i'm going to bring in a slightly different shaped heart we might get this one here that's way too big so i'm just going to size that down because i only want little hearts and we'll just move that whoops picked up the wrong thing if you make a mistake and you move something you didn't need to just undo and that'll go back to where it should be uh we'll try clicking on that there move that up the top so i want that little heart to be sitting up the top maybe on a bit of an angle so we can just turn the little using the rotation handle there the little blue one we can turn that around to whatever size shape we want and i want to turn that into a satin stitch heart so to do that i just go back into my create tool and i'm going to use a satin column and i do want to set my stitch angle so i'll come across here and we'll just grab that little stitch angle or add inclinations tool and i want to sort of come down on a bit of an angle there and a bit of an angle there and it gives me a nice looking stitched a nice stitched heart and then just hit enter so that little heart looks really good there now i want to put a few of those around on different angles and different sizes so if i go to my copy and paste option so we'll go copy up the top there and paste i've now put another heart in shut in place there to move that around i will need to go and select my select objects tool so i'll do that and we might move that one down to there but this time we might rotate that around on a different angle and we might make that one a wee bit smaller so i can do that now this is just a simple satin stitch and i could make this really quite small without having any issues with it stitching well it'll stitch beautifully and we might paste another heart in and this time i'm going to put that one over here but that's going to be really tiny this one so we're going to go smaller again and i'm kind of happy with that and we can maybe rotate that around a bit more that way so we're just you can put as many hearts in as you like it's entirely up to you we'll go and paste another heart in and this one i'm going to place down the bottom here so i'll just drag that down there and we might make that guy a little bit smaller and we might rotate that one back that on that angle and then we'll paste another heart and this one i want to put over this side we'll make that um fairly small and we'll put that one just there and we'll paste let me see we'll do one more so and we might bring that one down to here and make that a nice little tiny one as well and maybe might move that one across just a bit so there you go that'll do us let's have a look at what we've got so i've got my badge i've got my background fill to go over the badge the light fill i've got my text and i've got my little hearts there now i do want to have a bit of a play with colors i want to see what it might look like in different colors so on your properties box over here you'll see that shows all the colors now i'm using hemingway thread so i could go and change my thread palette to hemingworth just click on that and come over here and all these different thread palettes in brilliance it's fantastic if gosh i think that just about covers every thread there is so i'm going to choose hemingworth and click ok and that gives me my closest match for hemingworth i do want to change the color of the background fill so i'm going to click on that color tab and i'm going to go choose white now there's 300 shades in hemingworth so i'd have to scroll through to find it or i could just search by the name so i'm just going to type in white and go there it is so we'll change that to white that looks a bit better and if you wanted to play around and see what color you want the text you can do that i'm i'm probably just going to do it in red so if i go and click on my letters options here i could change that in fact i could pick up both of them change them both at the same time click on my color tab down here and i'm already using the red that i want to use in my current design so if i click on the palette tab here it will show me all the colors i'm currently using in that design and i can change it it's actually hunter orange but that's okay i know it's going to be a red and click that to there so i've now got the same red all the way throughout and that design is pretty much finished so as always with um when you're working in uh in in brilliance or stitch artist it's a good idea to save your designs good idea to save your design or what you're working on in any software but if we go up to file and and if you do that and just click on the save save button it's a new file it's going to ask me for a name but it's always a good idea to save it as a stitch and working file so that means it's going to save both the file i need for my machine and a working file which means i can come back and edit it at any time so if i was to click on save as and i'll just take that to my desktop perhaps for now and i'll call that heart badge and hit save we've now saved that file so at least if something went wrong now and i made a big mistake i can go back and open it up what i do want to do though is also take the cut file for my scan and cut because i know that it's going to be much easier to use a pre-cut shape for my felt that will be the shape of the heart and to do that i just need to determine uh what part of the design it is i'm going to use so if we go to the edge option up here it shows me the three parts of that edge stitch and i can tell you that the white is the is going to let me so click on the little white color tab and go up to applique uh sorry not the white cancel that it was the whip paper that's going to give me the placement stitch which actually is the the cut file that i want as well so i click on the the first color applique you'll see here it says applique position and that's that is the size of the um the badge i want so i'm going to click on the cutting tag and click on save and that will let me save this and i'll save it to my desktop again and heart.heart1.svg that's not what i wanted i wanted it as heart badge but that's all right that's that name will do me and but i don't want it as an svg i want to bring that in as a fcm file which is for my scan and cut machine so we click on save and i've now saved that as well so i've got a cut file ready to cut i've got a um a stitch file ready to stitch and uh and that's how easy it was to create the um the little badge that we just made all in stitch artist level three next step is to cut it and then sew it okay so we're moving on to the next step of this little fun project and that is to cut a piece of the um stiff felt that we have so that's the product here the it's a new product for us actually and we got in black and white it's excellent for doing badges and and bad bag making and photo stitching as well so i will get more information in due course on that but it is now available and it's on our website and it is called uh stiff specialty felt white or black so readily available now i have a little bit of a cut here a little off cut from another project i was doing and we're now going to cut out the badge shape out of this um this product on a scan and cut now this is the sdx 1200 and fantastic machine now of course scan and cut by virtue of the name you know it's got a scanner built into it makes it really easy to use little off cuts of of fabrics and things that you have to actually cut now if we look at the badge that we're creating that's the actual size so this is one we've already stitched and you can see that's more than big enough to cut out of this piece here and in fact if i hold this up in front of the camera you'll see i've got two badges there they're both the same badge one of them is in fact stitched using without any stitching on top of the felt that's that one and this one here is stitched using the light background fill which really gives it a lovely texture and i think it looks much better than just the plain felt so that's what we're aiming for to do so let's get that out the way so we're looking at our scan and cut dx mat now this is um a fairly old mat so it's lost quite a bit of its tacky it's not as tacky as it was although it is only a low tack mat so if you've got a mid tack or a standard mat you might use that i have just put a little bit of very light spray of 505 embroidery spray on the back of this just to make it stick a bit better and i'm just going to place that down on my mat and i know that's going to stick pretty well now again this machine has a built-in scanner so i can now scan my mat into the machine identify where my piece of felt is and just simply move my cut line to there first thing i have to do however is get my cut line to the machine and i saved it onto a usb stick i can do this wirelessly through the scanner cut canvas but it's honestly sometimes just as easy to use a usb stick if not easier so we'll pop that in the side there remember when i was in in brilliance i i went through to the applique screen and i saved it as a cut file and that's what's on here it's an fcm file that's what the scanning cut reads and to load that will use my stylus and try and keep my hand out the way we just go into in fact now what we'll do before we do that is we'll we'll put our mat in first so my my felt is securely attached to the mat i'll pop that across here i am working backwards so it's a much easier when you're in front of the machine and i'm just going to hit this button here which now will take the mat in and hold it there for me and so that's all good matt is in place i now want to retrieve my data so we just click on that button there it's coming from the usb and we'll just scroll down till we find the file there it is that's my file it will come into the center of the screen and obviously if i stitched it in the center it's not if i cut it in the center it's not going to be right so we don't want that to happen but that is the right shape we want so we click ok and now i want to i'm going to scan my mat in so this little button here will let me scan the mat and that will now just click start to that scan that in and it'll show me on screen where my piece of felt is so i can just simply move my cut file to exactly the right location i love the scanning cut machine and the dx with the auto blade depth and pressure just changes everything it's so much easier to use so there is a scan you probably won't see this terribly well on screen but i can see where the felt is right there now i want to edit my design and i want to move the heart to be stitching to be cutting on the felt so if we click edit object edit and we can go through actually no i went one too far let's just go back out of there let's go to move and i can actually just move it with the stylus in this case it's really easy i just want to put it in the center of that of that piece of felt that's on the mat but i can move it with the arrow keys if i really need to get a quite detailed position so that's all good i'm okay with that and i don't think we're pretty much ready to go now i know this machine is already set on auto and that's the beauty of it because the machine itself will automatically sense the depth of what we're cutting and it will automatically sense the pressure so you don't have to go through and set any of those functions i'm really okay with all this i'm just going to click ok and please select so it tells me what you want to do do we want to cut draw or are we doing embossing or foiling we're going to cut so i'm just going to click cut and pressure is auto speed is on two half cut is off that's fine so really it's everything's auto that's what i want and we just go start it will now do a little test and test to see um what it's working with now it comes and does a test on the actual felt it works out how thick it is so it'll do probably two cuts maybe three cuts to get a perfectly clean cut i've got it set fairly slow it's only on two but it could go a lot faster than that if i want but um for those of you who have a scan and cut with the auto setting you know how good it is if you have an old scanning cut one of the original versions is it's really worthwhile considering upgrading to the new one and then you should contact us for that because honestly the new one is the cutting the automatic functions on it just makes it so much easier it really does so it's doing one more little trim and that means it's going to be a perfectly clean cut just making sure we've got a perfect cut now that felt of course is quite thick it's um it's a couple of mils it's quite dense and it makes for perfect badges so that's all done now and if i click ok to that and we can now take the mat out pull that across to here and as you can see i can now just pull this off that's left me with just the heart shape and i know that's the perfect size for my badge and we'd use the same process for creating an applique it's really really really simple and again scan and cut is perfect for people who do lots of applique particularly intricate applique where it's much easier to pre-cut the shapes than it is to be cutting in the hoop so that's how we do that and next step is get it to the machine and let's stitch it okay so we've cut our heart shape but you know what i'm going to be using hot melt film on here too and i want to apply that to the the back side of the completed badge and that's what's going to allow me to to attach it to whatever i want to attach it to i may as well cut my perfect hot melt film shape as while i've got the the cut line on the scanning cut and this is the beauty of the automation on the scan and cut all i need to do and i've got a piece of hot melt film and that's that's the roll of hot melt film there and it's a heavy duty permanent double-sided adhesion that is heat activated so i just got a bit of a scrap here that i know is big enough and all i need to do is place that on my mat somewhere i'm going to go over here where it's a bit stickier and just stick that down nice and firmly and pop my mat back in so we're back into the scan and cut um i could go i will go ahead and scan it again i might struggle to see that on there but we'll soon find out so let's get back out of there for a moment and do a scan should use my stylus you can use your finger on the screens on these machines the stylus just gets a bit more accurate of course but you won't damage it by using your finger and there we go so hopefully i'll be able to see on screen because it is white on white so it might be a little bit difficult i don't know i can clearly see where it needs to be so all i've got to do now is move that across to be within the area that i know that my hot melt film is sitting on and that looks pretty darn good just there it's on auto so all i've got to do is go okay cut and now just hit start and the machine will do its little test checks to see what it's got to cut through another little test there it'll realize it's not very heavy so it doesn't need much of a of a pressure or depth and again you just gotta love it it's just so simple and there it is all done so let's just eject the mat now take that away peel that up use my spatula is probably the easiest thing to do get under there now i don't want to peel the film off the backing paper so when i when i peel this off i've got to get underneath the whole thing and that's got it so we'll just oops because if i peel the film off the backing paper then i wouldn't be able to apply it so i've now got my perfect piece of hot melt web ready to go on the back of my badge once i've completed the stitching so now we'll go to the machine and stitch it okay so we're ready to stitch the design i've rearranged my table a little bit i've got my nv180 to my right now this is a small hoop machine of course it only has a 100 by 100 hoop but you can do a lot in a 100 by 100 hoop and particularly badges it's perfect for it i'm going to be using wash away two layers of wash away the kidney wash away to lay the foundation for me to build a badge so just to recap we're um we've stitched on the we're going to be stitching on the stiff specialty felt in white we've cut a piece of that which is this guy right here we did that on the scanning cut and we also just cut a piece of hot melt film exactly the same size to finish the badge off when when we're finished stitching and right now we're using wash away so this is the water-soluble washa is the product you use for lace making and you know i like it as a stabilizer on the back of towels but it's perfect for doing badges as well so i've got two layers and i always recommend two layers because it just it just ensures that things aren't going to go wrong and small hoops like this is a good opportunity to use the small off cuts that you often end up with when you're doing larger projects so i've just got an off cut of washaway here and we're going to put that in this hoop here so we're going to lay that out and you do want this to be nice and firm and tight so we'll just get that hoop positioned nicely there and before i push all that down i'm going to make sure that i've got no no slack in that at all i really want it to be pretty darn firm and and if you don't get it firm enough you know i'm okay to give this a bit of a pull we're not going to be pulling the grain out of position but we do want it to be firm and sometimes it just takes a bit of maneuvering around i'm going to make sure i've got that screw nice and tight there i don't want any fullness in there at all i don't want the badge to move so i'm pretty comfortable with that that that's that's really nice and firm in the hoop my hoop's nice and tight as well i didn't damage it while i was putting it in one of the things you can easily do with wash aways and tear aways is when you're putting the hoop into position if you've got the hoop too too tight and you really have to force the inner ring into the outer ring you can easily damage the stabilizer you can cut it and tear it and then it renders it completely useless so you don't want to do that but that's perfect so washaway is done the great thing about doing badges and laces you really don't have to worry about design alignment or anything you're just stitching somewhere in the hoop again i'm standing behind the machine so it's always difficult but i'll do my best the foot is in the up position i put a a fresh white bobbin in because the first part of this that i'm going to stitch is the white the white stitching to cover the um to cover the pre-cut that i've done so what i'm going to do is just pop the hoop into place now of course you could be on a bigger machine or a different machine yours will go on differently to this and it's going to stitch the the shape or the outline of the design first and that's going to give me an ideal placement for my pre-cut piece of felt i do need to load the design so let me just get my stylus and touch that and we'll just click ok we need to whack the usb in and i save my design to click the little usb button scroll along until we actually find the design we're looking for there it is right there hit set edit end embroidery i don't need to move anything or change anything and right now we're good to go now i am going to in fact the first color i'm going to do because this is like the placement stitch for where to put my my pre-cut badge fabric is i'm going to use this red now you'll notice i'm using a thread stand because i have a nice big spool of hemmingware thread to use here and if you have a machine that doesn't have the ability to take big spools and you'd like to you know get the convenience or the economics of this just grab one of these little thread stands they're fantastic sit it beside your machine like that thread comes off vertically in fact you can you can use this equally for your small spools as well because it does give you a better a better delivery of thread whoops again when you're standing behind a machine it's much harder to do things and i'm going blind so i can't hardly see anything i'm going to take that across to here and i just flick that into there like that follow it around my presser foot is up so i know i'm in the right threading path and we're going to get around here excuse my hands for a minute this is testing me now i can hardly see but that's all right i know these machines like the back of my hand pull that up into the needle threader and if i've done everything right needle is threaded so you can thread your machine from behind when you have a good machine i'll just pull that bit through there and we're good to go now so i've got a green light the foot is down let's hit the go button and get this first little placement stitch done and that will tell me exactly where i've got to position my my pre-cut piece of fabric and i'll be using 505 spray again just to position this down and hold it nice and securely while we do the next lot of stitching because these machines have trimmers so i don't need to pick up scissors or anything i can just lift my foot i do not want to move my hoop position though so at this point what i'm going to do is just very carefully take my hoop off and again it's much easier when you're in front of the machine carefully take that off bring it out to the front i'm going to position that exactly where you see it there now to do that i'm going to grab my 505 spray again but you can use any pressure sensitive adhesive basting spray but this one is particularly good because it they all gum up the needle to a certain extent but this one doesn't do too bad at all i don't spray the hoop because i don't want it all over my hoop i will just lightly give that a spray got it all over my fingers that's great sticky stuff and now i'm going to position that exactly and i mean exactly over that stitching line i don't want to see it mist anywhere and that is pretty much perfect excellent so now that we've got that in position yeah maybe not maybe oh no that's pretty good i'm happy pop that back under the machine hook it back into the like that now i don't want to stitch red because i'm now going to stitch the white background now i've i've actually applied a light fill stitch to this so i would always match my fill stitch to the color of the fabric that i'm doing because i just want to enhance the fabric look in this case felt but it will look fantastic on felt but i'm certainly not going to do it in red so we'll just trim that thread and you remember you should always always pull thread through the machine never backwards through the machine and if i can grab that thread there again working from behind take that red thread through and now we're going to use the white thread that i have here pop that through there of course i could put the thread up here if i wish but sometimes i just think it's easier to use a thread stand give the thread a bit of a pull make sure it goes into the tension again come around from the side here thread my machine up through there i'll come around from here cut that off get rid of that bit presser foot down thread the machine and that's all done we'll just pull the thread through there like that all good to go and we're set to go to the next stitch which is now a case of just hitting the go button and letting it do its thing i've got a bit of a thread going on there that should be all right now it's going to sew a fill stitch a light fill stitch so we'll just watch that so for a minute and once it's finished that we'll go to the next step [Music] okay so the white stitching is finished and that's uh beautifully covered the uh the felt that we have there i've changed over to the red thread and now we're ready to go to the next step so let's just hit that start button and it will start doing the edge of the design now that beautiful stimulated merrow stitch [Music] [Music] okay so the the merrow edge or the badge edge has been done and as have the hearts that we put in there but you'll notice there's lots of connecting stitches on top of that and that's because this this machine is obviously an entry level embroidery machine and it doesn't trim the jump stitches so at this point we would take the hoop out and trim away all these jump stitches and then put that back in and then we'll continue on to finish the text so uh be back in a minute [Music] [Applause] so okay well we've finished stitching the design it's still sitting in the machine and we're going to take it out show you what we've got let me just lift that presser foot lift the hoop up and there it comes so here we go let me move some of these things out the way i've already trimmed my thread so i'm just going to move that thread stand out the back there i've got a couple little trims still to do there that's okay i can do them now i've got my little red scissors there so i might just trim those away prior to taking it all out sometimes it's just a bit easier i love these little red scissors they're great nice curve and curved and sharp tips okay so now that that's all done we just got to pop the hoop out and peel that away and that's it that looks really really cool i bought in some hot water so this is quite hot straight out of the urn and we're just going to show you how easy it is to wash away the wash away if you've never seen this before and you don't know what i'm talking about with washaway this is magic best thing is to trim the trim that back fairly close to the design be careful not to trim the other stitches of course you don't want to do that the least you have here the easier it is to wash away and hot water is the best thing but it will wash away in warm water and we use this for towels and all sorts of things lace making so what we might do is we'll get the camera to have a real close-up look of this as i put it in the hot water because again if you've never seen this happen before it's it's pretty amazing to watch i i tell you what i will do also is just go through and trim some of the tails off the back here we don't want all those threads because they're going to get covered up with the hot melt film when we put that on but that's not happening just yet that'll do okay so let's take a closer look at the water i'm just going to dip a little bit in there and wiggle that around a bit and you'll see okay my tweezers there is where we dipped it that's all disappeared of course it's got a bit darker color with the water but that'll come back to normal so what i'm going to do is now pop that in there and just wiggle it around a bit that'll dissolve all the wash away i've got a bit of paper towel here so i'll move that across for a moment get this out the way take that paper towel out now i'm using polyester thread so it's quite color fast the hemingworth thread is excellent 100 color fast pop that on there give it a bit of a pat down just to get a lot of the water out and a couple little bits of thread to trim off there not too much left but there's our badge that's all set to go now that's got to dry before i take the hot melt web or film that i've got once this is nice and dry i would just simply turn that around and iron on the film to the back of it it has a backing paper on it so make sure you put the the glossy side down and then iron it on the backing paper stays on until you're ready to use it when you're ready to apply it you just simply peel the backing paper off the web the film is attached to the badge and then you can apply it to whatever it is you want to apply it to and that's all there is to it so uh that's how to make a badge kudos to brilliance for creating the most amazing simulated marrow stitch and it really does look like a marrow machine has done this but i know amero can't do that little corner that little center piece of the heart so it's it's even better again but you can create any type of badge you want any using any shapes built into in brilliance create your own shapes any size whatever you want to do it's all doable so uh we'll um yeah we'll try and get some more little projects with the badge making done very soon but uh great product and hope you enjoyed this little video cheers
Channel: Echidna Sewing
Views: 3,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: wUmWUcXw03M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 28sec (2668 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 19 2021
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