Dino Planet | Official Stikbot Movie

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Anything interesting Trevor? Hmm, it looks like we may have a mammoth tusk in there. Mammoth tusk? Why would anyone throw out a mammoth tusk? Perhaps it's broken. Only one way to find out. Cannon? Trash smash? Trash smash! Trash smash! Looks quite well intact just requires a thorough polish jelly good Well Oh, hi. What was your name? Again? The names traps. You should know that by now I'm the best scavenger in the business. Your name is tricks How do you spell that T followed by Rex very original? Your parents must have been just as intelligent as you if you think you're the best scavenger in the business That's funny coming from a spikey looking Dino named spike He does have a good point there how the heck do you know my name your name tag? You wear a name tag, I like to wear a name tag when I'm working sometimes why it makes me feel professional Anyway, shut up. What do you want? I want that nice looking mammoth tusk you out there if you don't hand it over right now I'm going to eat you both. You're not getting my tusks. You bought a soros That's not very nice. You should listen to him spike. Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry. I called you a butt Asaurus rex not about that. You should give him the mammoth tusks. What? Why would I do that? He's a full-grown - ran asaurus rex. You're a Stegosaurus You don't stand a chance against him and he know that I could be a very strong Stegosaurus, even a full-size Stegosaurus would not be able to defeat a Tyrannosaurus and you're unusually small for your species What are you trying to say? He's trying to say that you're small small small small Kallen is right. It's basic science Ouch I'm not handing over the mammoth tusks Hmm spike may I direct your attention at the cliff to your right? Kenneth wall smash crash smash no wall smash Okay, we don't have time for this who's a good boy How's that for basic science well done lads all right cannon, let's get back to base Okay cannon rope Oh This should be the spot Jemma Hmm nothing Dang it. That's the last time I accept the treasure map is payment. That is what you said last time. Yeah Well this time I mean it Spike I'm reading an incoming Dino at six o'clock six o'clock Your computer can read the future six o'clock means behind you. We really need to teach you how to read time Trevor behind here Are you spiking cannon? That depends who's asking? Uh? I'm asking. Oh Well in that case Yes, I've heard that you guys do stuff in exchange for stuff. That's what it says on our business card. Oh That's literally what the card says I thought there was going to be a punch line punch lines If a paying customers only well you're in luck. I just so happened to have a treasure map a treasure map deal What do you want us to do? You just said you were done with treasure maps that's in the past Trevor Okay, we need to look to the future Hmm now what can we help you with sir? My son he's found himself stuck in his situation Aha, what kind of situation is he stuck in he's stuck in mud. That's the situation Oh, that's easy cannon here gets stuck in the mud all the time stuck in mud Well done cannon, you've contributed a lot to this episode. I'm helping Help me I'm stuck Okay to get your son out of the mud. We're gonna use a really awesome pulling in leisa for a rope for short. I Believe awesome begins with an A not an O Trevor. It's awesome. Not a 'some geez dude learn how to spell Grammar what's that noise? Are you banging your head against the desk and frustration again? Help I'm sinking Get it run pull no pull My son thank you so much spiking cannon, what could I ever do to repay you the treasure map? Oh right. Here you are Pleasure doing business with you. All right gang. Let's go on a treasure hunt Spike there's a large dino up ahead. Yeah, it's trust me I can Sam Hey, you mind moving out of the way Excuse me. You're blocking the path. It's rude. You are interrupting my meditation, which is even more rude. Ah So you admit that blocking the path is rude No, no, I don't. Why don't you just go around me? Ah because you're huge and there's no space around you What are you trying to say? Fry cannon well know who's being rude. Look we have to get back to our secret base. Okay That is what they think about that fart jokes Classy, I'll tell you what I'll move out of the way if you do something for me Offered to perform a neck massage in him according to my computer information on brontosauruses. They love neck massages Look how big that neck is. I'm not giving anyone massages Trevor save that into your computer Are you talking to yourself? No, I'm talking to never mind who I'm talking to What do you want so we can be on our way? Huh? Well tonight is a big night for me. Yeah, I bet it's gonna be huge Do you want to be to move or not fine? I'm listening tonight. I have a date with a beautiful Brontosaurus and I am so nervous. I've tried all kinds of meditation to calm me down What I really need is a I am not giving you a neck massage. Ah Fine, if you find me some nice flowers to eat then I will move out of the way wait you have a date tonight But you want me to find you some flowers so you can eat them. Of course What else what they do with flowers? There is a small bed of flowers. Not far from your current location What do you think can and should we find this guy some flowers, right? Okay, well go find you some flowers All right canon let's hurry up and grab some of these stupid flowers Canon it appears that canon is allergic to the flowers great. He just destroyed the whole bunch Are there any other flower beds around here Trevor not according to the computer? Are you sure all of the flowers are damaged? This is the best-looking one. I guess it'll have to do come on Canon sneeze sneeze. Ah You've returned I trust you've brought me some yummy flowers to eat. Uh Yeah, right here Oh Gross, where did you find those a trash pile? You know what I'm not moving and you two losers I just don't have to find a longer way home. Dang it Now you listen here mister, you move that extremely large rear end of yours or so help me I'll or what, you know, maybe I shouldn't be eating flowers. I hear that Stegosaurus meat is delicious Perhaps I need you instead You know, all of this could have been avoided if you would have just given him a neck massage Ow My neck good work cannon snooze snooze. Ya meditate your way out of that one you hippie All right, let's according to my top secret sauce There is a secret cave up ahead which contains a vein of razz secret crystals. And where did you find this secret? Source Trevor, I found him on dinos. Dinos Dinos calm a place where dinos can come together and discuss challenges memes diets Warroad I think I'm gonna have to agree with Cannon on this one Trevor suit yourselves But the information provided to me by my sauce is very detailed and appears to be highly reliable Much more reliable than your recent treasure map spike low blow Trevor. All right cannon. Let's do this Oh Gross look up ahead above you It's a crystal looks expensive I told you my sauce was reliable I suggest using your really awesome pulling and leisa to pull down that crystal I didn't bring my rope with me canons gonna have to bring it down Danny look I got it Great it appears that cannons impact has collapsed the entrance but it looks like you might be able to squeeze through that gap Hey, this crystal is plastic. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa, it doesn't spike Concannon. Well, well, well if it isn't Jeremy my name is treks. How do you not remember my name? I'm sorry. You're not a very memorable character. Yes I am I big I'm scary red and red Yes Anyway, it looks like you fools have fallen for my plastic crystal trap Trek's is my anonymous source, you like to go on dinos. Dinos. Dinos calm, of course It's an excellent place to discuss memes challenges. Diets are yang Maybe I won't be so boring Once I tear you small dinos limb from limb Perhaps you will find me more memorable. Once I punch your tiny heads off. Hey, no need to bring size differences into the conversation Let's keep this civil explain to Trek's that once he bites your head off You won't be able to remember who he is because you'll be dead. Yeah, that'll work run cannon Not so bad being small after all. Hey Jeremy, it's lux whatever Why don't you get back in here and fight me like a man, or I could stay out here and be completely safe That does sound like the smarter thing to do I agree see you Jeremy Jeremy Trevor is canon. Ok Hanon took quite a hit, but he's still alive. I'm having a hard time pinpointing his location though Keep trying There is a cave up ahead you may be able to locate a good place inside to hide Or a big place to get cornered it's your choice spike Make sure you stay very quiet Great I don't not necessarily it appears to fair that they're an authority is about to attack the Cano Taurus while they're distracted with fighting Each other you can escape the cave And blocking the exit Yeah He looks hurt maybe I can take him I doubt you could defeat him, but you can certainly outrun him now get yourself to that exit Good work cannon here that was rather stressful, but you know what? I I think I'm going to be okay Yeah Trevor what kind of dyno is this guy? And what our weaknesses? Trevor Trevor spike Cannon, Trevor. What are you doing away from your computer? I have an emergency My parents are in town Okay, so what they're expecting me to participate in the Raptor test tomorrow the what the Raptor test a test of Combat between two velociraptors. I would be expected to fight and survive a five-minute one-on-one claw to claw match against another Velociraptor. Ah Guys, are we going to fight or what? Shut up Boris. You are completely unimportant and irrelevant Harsh Trevor, come on gang. We need to get back to base I'm so alone Okay, in order to prepare for the Raptor test there are a number of other tests that I need to master I Need you to read these questions out to me and notify me if my answers are correct or not Okay, what 77 squared? Serving five thousand nine hundred and twenty nine Correct. What's the square root of two thousand nine hundred and sixteen seven fifty four Trevor. What the heck are these spike? I need to train for the fight tomorrow doing your math homework isn't gonna help you in a claw fight I need to train my brain so I can calculate how best to survive Unless you plan is to boy your opponent to death with numbers. You may need a better strategy What do you suggest we do? Well, I think it's time for a training montage. What do you say can and seven So lads what do you think am I combat ready? Sure great, let's do this. Ah There they are hello mummy and daddy I'm going to make you very proud today That's who you have to fight yes, but see not spike you have trained me well I have every confidence that I Am I late what happened did the Trevor win shut up Horace Okay spike this cave is famous for its abundance of crystals Most of them have been taken already but no one has ever been down this cliff before Okay cannon. I'm gonna need you to slowly wrote me down this cliff. Yeah Okay, remember I said slowly What are you looking at? Cannon, you're not gonna let go of the rope to go eat that yummy looking plant. Okay, you hear me? Oh-ho good. Let's do this Nom nom, nom Well, I guess that plant did look pretty tasty Trevor do you read me? Great, no reception down here. Hey, hey, wait, I need help getting out of here Where'd he go, where did who go Trevor I thought there was no reception down here. Actually, there's excellent reception down there I'm hearing you perfectly. Well, where the heck have you been? Apologies for my brief absence. I urgently needed to use the Dino toilet TMI Trevor Do you know how I can get out of here? I can't see any crystals and it's cold and creepy down here continue following this path and there should be a way out Okay Huh Who dares enter my sanctuary Hi, my name's spike. I am the collector Right get it cold egg Talk cuz you collect eggs. Yes, I get it call egg tour. It's a pun a play on words He is a collector who collects eggs. Yes, I get it Trevor. Have you been paying attention at all today? I'm sorry. What look I need to leave this cave. Okay, what's the best way out the eggs? It is right behind me I'll tell you what if you can answer one question for me. I'll let you pass egg Scanning ah, your friend is here Perhaps he can help you answer my question and gain both of your freedom from the great egg room Just ask the question already as you wish here is the question how many eggs do I have in the great egg room? Seven cannon Wow, that may be the worst answer. I've heard since I've been doing this you've been doing this for a while Yes, a very long time you've been standing in this room asking people how many eggs you have for a very long time? Yes Wow, okay, look I don't normally do this But I'm going to give you one more chance to answer the question because your last attempt was so bad. Oh Thanks Trevor. According to my computer. There are 123 delicious eggs in the room 123 what? Oh, I guess you could say. I'm an egg-cellent guesser I don't get it. Okay. Well, I guess we'll see you around not so fast. Nobody beats the collector No, not my stop Beating me exactly eggs Spiked cannon, we need your help. Wait. Oh Hi Travis parents spike. This is my father Travis senior and My mother Trevor inna hello Trevor good point cannon Trevor. What's your brother's name Trevor again? Don't be ridiculous Trevor again isn't here he and I have not been on good terms since he ate my uncle Trevor Oh, yeah, I remember that guy. He was pretty inappropriate yes, well my parents are here because they need our help an evil velociraptor named veeery has stolen the Velociraptor what they're the loss of it's an heirloom that has been in my family for years and years My parents need our help in tracking vray in recovering the stolen vilasa rock Interesting how much your parents gonna pay us to recover this thing spike? You're going to love this if we recover the velocity S my father has assured me that I will have gained his respect. How incredible is that? Oh that's Great V ray is a bad velociraptor. Good luck Pookie. You can count on us mommy and daddy Trevor Why does your voice sound so different from your parents spike? I was born with superior intellect to all other velociraptors, which is why I have a British accent. Me and Canada superior intelligent We don't have British accents Hahahaha that is hilarious you two aren't nearly as intelligent as I am. We're smart in our own way right cannon I'm there poopy in my butt Yeah, thanks cannon Beer a was lost spotted in this very area There he is and there's the velocity will That's it That's your dad's pet rock Doesn't look very special Trevor just because something doesn't look special to you spike doesn't mean it's not special. Okay? Okay, I'm sorry. I offended you in your rock please being offended is for people with low intelligence I was merely pointing out the logical fallacy of making a value judgment on a family heirloom that you know Nothing about other than the apparent superficial details of its exterior you on the phone. Yeah Who are you talking to just some Dino? That's super full of himself Oh Trevor. Yeah No, I know Trevor good for you. We want the stupid rock back. You're gonna have to fight me for it I thought you'd say that cannon. Let's do this Hooray good work cannon, huh? Ah What the ghost that is the spirit of my grandfather he lives inside the vilasa His name is Lambie gasps. Grandpa Trevor. What a surprise Does does he actually do anything or does he just float above the rock staring he pretty much just floats there staring It's actually kind of creepy. Is there a way to turn it off? There's a switch around the back Okay, okay stop we need a break books, yeah Trevor what the heck is in this thing? We've been hired to deliver this package to a dyno just south of here the contents of the box were not disclosed to me The client did not say that we could look inside the box bike Yeah, but he didn't say that we couldn't work either spike. You will not under any circumstances open that box. It's unprofessional It could be a big tasty egg a big tasty egg open that box right now. No stop it Stop trying to tempt me with big tasty eggs Mud box like that my box my box What the heck is going on here? Another Triceratops has shown up and it appears as though he wishes to lay claim over the box my box Really? What makes you think that my box? It appears as though Kenan is communicating with the Triceratops letting him know that the box is indeed. Not his wow, Trevor What would we do without you? Well, I I do try my best boy box right box. Okay, calm down you two My box toy box Toy box, okay, let's deliver this stupid box Hey, my box has arrived, why is it so heavy I was gonna ask you the same thing. Ah, Someone must have left a rock in here You guys should've taken that out before delivering it would have been much easier for you What why the heck was there a rock in there in the first place? These boxes are known for being so incredibly Light and easy to carry that Dinah's sometimes put rocks at them just to keep them from flying away Why would you want us to deliver you an empty box? I love boxes thing. I have a large collection. I mean look over there Whoops there goes that box Yep, it's gone. I I'm gonna need you guys to deliver me another box Won't you catchphrase? I mean trash smash is good. But yeah, I'll be using it a bit. How about a garbage impact wait a minute What are you doing Hello How can you see me? I'm camouflaged Not really. What are you doing up there anyway? Avoiding conflict. It's better up here in the trees than down there with all the drama according to my computer This dino is exhibiting early symptoms of dino insanity. Looks like there's quite enough drama going on up there on your tree, buddy You may think I'm insane now, but just you wait Spike cannon. I need your help. My son has been kidnapped see What do you think? We are the Dino police? I'll give you this big crystal if you rescue him that is a rare bennett white crystal and is highly valuable I suggest we take him up on his offer. Okay, fine who kidnapped your son. He calls himself the butcher He kidnaps dinos and sells them to carnivores for food sounds delicious Trevor Where can we find this butcher the butcher? Where can we find this the butcher? He's right over there Help me I'm kidnapped spike. This may be a good opportunity to test out the new device I added into your inventory if kolba pushed the button and attract econo tourists 3,000 But basically you push the button and it attracts a Carnotaurus spike. Please be quiet and listen closely while I explain how it works Okay, you push the button. Yes, and it attracts the Carnotaurus. Wow Thanks for explaining that Trevor. Okay, let's go rescue your son What Trevor Trevor what happened? Where's cannon? Can't talk. My computer is broken Yes, I can see that what happened to you it are you badly injured I'm completely fine. I'm just Super bummed out about my computer being broken Trevor get up What happened here? we were attacked attacked by who a Tyrannosaurus Rex named Trek's who the guy whose name you keep pretending? You can't remember. Oh, yeah I remember that guy Jeremy right? No tricks Oh right spike treks this dino napped cannon. He's what Dino napped Instead of kidnapped. Yes. Gotcha, Trevor. We need to save Cannon, correct? Trek's informed me that if you bring him a bag of treasure by tonight Then he will let cannon go free and if I don't bring tricks, I mean Jeremy a bag of treasure by tonight He's going to eat Kenan. No, I've emptied out safe and place everything that we have into this bag It's all that we have but it's worth it to save cannon. Did he say how large the bag had to be? Ah, no He didn't why why don't we just take out the least valuable items and put them in a small bag fortrex That way we can keep pretty much all our stuff and still get cannon back Oh, yes, I suppose that would be a better solution. I guess this whole ordeal won't be that big of a deal after all Yeah, okay. I'm off to save canon. Are you coming with me? I can still help you right here from the Dino base even without the computer I can use my radio Great I was running out for you Stuck in Chains. Yes, you are indeed stuck in Chains soon You will be stuck in my teeth if your little blue friend doesn't show up It's such a shame Canon you and I could have made a great team we could run this town Stocki chains can't move chains make me stuck Not too bright. Are you? Stuck in chains. Yes. I know I put you in the chains Stuck in change Tracks ah Spike I see you forgotten to pretend to not remember my name this time a wise decision Where is my bag of treasure help? Seriously that's it. You sent a bag of treasure. You didn't say how big that's true I guess I should have been more specific about what I wanted spike. What's happening? Have you reached Rex's hideout yet over Stay off the line. Your radio connection is terrible Your radio connection is terrible over what it's a radio you're supposed to say over over this conversation is over This conversation is what over Okay, I guess we're fighting Stuck in rope. Yes, I can see that. I am stuck in road. We'll just with this guy What is that that no, that's just some random piece of junk I found after the desert why is it making noise? What Interesting, what the heck are you supposed to be? My name is officer hand. I'm a time cop from the future Okay, sure you are where is this place? This time machine is not supposed to be in here. That was me I found it imported in here. No way Tyrannosaurus YouTube captured Tyrannosaurus Rex. Yep. That was us stalking rope Wow, you two must be the baddest dinos in town. Well, that's not very nice No, it's a compliment in the future bad means good Wow, that sounds like progress spike what's going on in there? Who are you talking to over just some time traveler from the future just some time traveler from the future over That device on your face, where did you get that this we found this next to a skeleton was it a dino? Skeleton? No, I don't think so. Can you take me to where you found it? If you do, I'll pay you handsomely Handsomely are you flirting with me? What no handsomely means substantially. I can pay you substantially man You guys really butcher the language in the future shame on you Okay, follow us Trevor this is officer hand. He's from the future. Hello officer hand. My name is Trevor Trevor door I am from the present or the past depending on how you look at it haha Trevor officer hand needs the exact location of where we found my I gadget. I'm sorry spike I'm afraid that's impossible. The information you want is stored on my computer as you can see my computer is completely broken I believe I can help with us Wow that was incredible you really are from the future. Okay, let's find those coordinates There the location you are after is out in the desert just south of here, okay, let's do this This is it, this is the spot Hmm. Why are we here? What's so special about my I gadget? Your I gadget is a piece of technology from the future from my time which means the guy that I'm looking for might be here who you're looking for a time-traveling criminal we tracked him to this time period This way There it is, that's what I'm looking for spike. I'm reading unusual activity at your 10 o'clock Help me I'm kidnapped again What's he gonna do with that Dino take him to the Future and sell them on the Dino market and the future Dinos are quite expensive. Let's move Hulk you are under arrest for the crimes of unauthorized time travel the smuggling of illegal dinos and being a jerk Being a jerk is illegal in the future. Yeah, how many people are in jail? Pretty much everyone Well done spike in Canada this criminals Dino stealing days are in the past literally Hey, what about our reward Isn't doing a good deed reward enough. What no in that case check the box on the side of that Dino cage until next time Spike this is a box full of technology from the future. This may be the most valuable treasure We have ever found quick bring it back to base Okay cannon. Let's get back to base dock to face Guys Amen excellent that the extraction process begin
Channel: Stikbot Central
Views: 434,981
Rating: 4.8552432 out of 5
Keywords: stikbot, stikbot central, stickbot, dino planet, dinosaur, dino, dino squad, official stikbot movie, stikbot dino planet, stikbot dinos, stikbot dino movie, jurassic world 2, fallen kingdom, jurassic world, jurassic park, stickbot dino squad, stickbot dino planet, dino planet series, dino planet episode 1, stickbot dino movie, stickbot dinosaur, stickbot dinos, t-rex, velociraptor, triceratops, stegosaurus, carnotaurus vs t-rex, carnotaurus, trex, stikbot full movie
Id: -0wsOdVxF1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 38sec (2318 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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