lego minecraft adventures (the movie)

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uh hello don't do that ever again sorry hey what's your name i'm steve i'm alex what are you doing here i just saved you from a zombie attack well i gotta go steve wait what now i wanna come with you on an adventure come if you want i guess look a chest what did you get stuff i'm gonna do some morning okay i'll make a shelter i'll be back soon we should get some food yeah [Music] [Applause] can you have me some meat so i cook it can keep the stove thank you i get some [Music] wood way should we go how that way it's getting dark we should stay here for a bit then go mining okay i'll stay here [Music] can't get away with this creeper face oh i can zim zom you can't do this oh yes i can zombies take her away no no what are you waiting for get in the portal yes sir sorry sir okay alex just got three diamonds alex ready to go are you hiding from me or something whoa what did you do to alex i extract another or you'll never find her oh no i better save her from the nether [Applause] [Music] how's it going [Music] stop i'm innocent sorry we're about to kill my pet pig oh well can you help me build the nether portal why i need to save someone from the nether okay i love going on adventures let's build the portal here can you pour lava in now water we need to go and get more lava okay let's go all right then i wonder when steve will ever save me jim so get back to work no no get back to work hey man i need you to go to the nether portal with with a skeleton okay boss found some lava it's time to complete the portal time to light it up here i go wait for me [Music] well well well looks like no one's coming saving that the nether portals [Music] guarded [Music] what just happened i just destroyed her pass why did you destroy your own leader he responds you're annoying thank you thanks for rescuing me everyone i almost forgot your helmet thanks zom no problem [Music] what did i say about jump scaring me like that totally forgot about that marvlin there you are thanks for helping me no problem by the way my name is wes and yours i'm steve i'm alex nice names guess it's time for us to go now bye have a safe journey we should rest here for a bit did the creeper guy take any items away from you when you were dropped in another nobody took away my sword why didn't you mind your way out he had the strange hack so i couldn't mine any of the blocks he's one sneaky guy i hope it doesn't respond yeah there's still a lot of villains that you don't want to bump into oh no it's dark [Music] we gotta get out of here okay [Music] we should cook up some food there you go [Music] which way should we go how about left [Music] we've been walking for a while i need to sit for a bit me too okay let's go [Music] are you okay yeah first try we need to get more resources yeah i'll chop some wood okay all mine [Music] let's continue our adventure the player's been rescued by this person named steve you must destroy him okay steve does i think we should build a shelter for the night okay nice house thanks steve alex are you okay no why not i have a feeling there's more villains trying to capture us don't worry i don't think they'll ever happen by the way if anyone comes we'll destroy them are you ready you bet i am [Music] what should we do i know some people who can help us follow me [Music] there's steve's friend i'll follow him he knows where to go [Music] which way do we need to go this minecart track leads to them let's take it then the ladder go the right way yes okay let's get out of here no i lost them we're very close hey steve hey wesley who's this hi i'm owen we're brothers what are you two doing here in the first place we uh um we spawned the wither you did what why did you want to spawn the wither we wanted another star do we need to do there's no way we could stop it we can make tnt traps that way we could stop the weather a brilliant idea we could do it tomorrow let's find a place to do it the spot's perfect [Music] today's the day oh and can you go chop some trees okay wesley can you mine okay what should we do for the trap we should build a small hill and put some tnt inside [Music] okay put the tnt in okay i got a lot of stone i got tons of wood all right now we can make a village after defeating the weather now who's gonna get the wither i will me too what happened the weather must have destroyed the tracks it must be close there it is the weather is coming i'm ready to fight [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] now the weather's destroyed we can make our village let's get building where should we build our house how about right there where should we build our house right where we're standing nice house thanks it's wes's design we better get in our shelters before monsters spawn okay i'll see you two tomorrow [Music] guys i have an idea what's the idea i think we should put some lamps around our village and make it our goal i'll get some pumpkins for the golem i'll go get some animals i'll build some lamp posts i'll mine for some iron [Music] [Music] stop right there what are you even doing here i was wanting till i found this outpost tell me more inside gingerbread i need you to spawn steve okay sir what takes you here i was grabbing some items for the village nearby there's a village nearby yes i made it with some other people can i come sure what in the world was that i don't know we better go to the village the village is right over there alright let's go hey steve hey alex we have someone new for our village ham george hey george we have two other players that live in that house george is it really you is that really you george what are you doing here i was sitting on the couch eating popcorn twists when someone came to my door what are popcorn twists something that you probably won't understand oh well everyone george has joined our village i should start building my house okay guys i'm finished [Music] sorry for waking you up steve no need to apologize [Music] you guys ready to make an iron golem yes we have enough blocks for the iron golem yeah i can't wait whoa an iron golem me like green guy he likes you yeah i know now we don't have to worry about zombies by our door yeah now we could pick up loot for monsters yeah it'll be great now we're totally protected oh hello we defeated him guys what's that weird potion it's a teleportation potion i don't need the sword i'll take it um guys what's here golem i can't believe we lost the iron golem don't worry george we'll find him hey look he's right there that was easy great job let's go this way it's almost morning that was a long night yeah now we just need to go to the nether and get blaze rods yeah maybe we'll see zim and zom again or something endermite has been destroyed okay i need you to capture steve yes sir steve are you okay oh i'm okay okay ah guys what's going on two zombies with helmets and they got wesley that's ridiculous me not like zombies oh another turn west to a zombie wait stop but zombies are evil these zombies are good how they helped me save alex from the nether what are you guys doing here there is a blaze guy trying to capture you oh no what are we gonna do i would like to hope that we're still zombies oh hey maybe we can unzombify you guys and you can help us defeat the blaze guy that's a great idea does anyone have a brewing stand for the potion no one has a brain stand we need to go to the nether and get blaze rods yeah i still have some obsidian for the portal we still need a door don't need to worry about the door you're a zombie we better go in our shelters now we'll start off in our door here we should start gathering items for the potion yeah actually guys be patient i'll go to the nether to get blaze rods i will go with owen i'll get supplies for the potion i'll go with the zombies we will protect village i'll stay at the village to protect it with angle hey steve can you make us a nether portal sure [Music] all set thanks steve see you guys don't see another fortress i'm sure there's one around i think i see one over there come on last jump no i won't make it come on you'll make it i did it told you would make it does anyone have any materials for glass good now we just need to melt the sand [Music] what are you doing here see a blaze great now we can make a brewing stand [Music] bottles have been made ready to get over the nether yes what a blaze rod good i can't wait to see zim and zom when they're not zombies yeah me too well we just have to wait and see hey we're done crafting the bottles but now we just need to wait for alex to come back the ingredients with potion plus a diamond pickaxe took you so long it's a long story [Music] narvlin i just found a wandering around the village thanks for finding norvlan well it's time to make the healing potion the brewing stand is ready [Music] the potion is ready guys are you forgetting something oh the golden apple hmm wes and i will find some stuff for golden apple we've been walking for a while and i don't see any caves just look around i'm pretty sure there's one nearby [Music] maybe there's some gold in that chest oh yeah gold [Music] i wonder when wesley and owen will be back hopefully they'll be back before [Music] dark [Music] get them excellent the gold nuggets are ready you're weak you won't win blaze face has been destroyed to be continued slime go attacker oh i love griefing which way do we go this way the village is not in the map oh i'll just make a dirt pillar and maybe i'll see the village i think i just saw something follow me what what no no this can't be happening [Music] one of my plans keep on failing the witch he's still alive excellent [Music] that's why you know there is no way out welcome to prison alex where am i what are we doing in a giant pit all i can remember is that a witch splashed me with a potion and then i appeared here there's no way out of here westland owners still in the overworld they can save us flynn what are you doing here the village has been destroyed and a witch came and captured everyone oh no moscow save everyone oh yeah do that no not you [Music] my potion is ready the captain of cell's boring ah tell me about it what happened to the blaze guy i defeated him you're right jim that guy was really tough he had two swords at least i defeated him here alex i'm pretty sure everyone knows that you defeated the blaze guy it doesn't matter who to freak the blaze car we just need to get out of here there's gotta be a one way to get out here i have an idea there's a lot of monsters we just have to keep fighting the monsters this is gonna be a long night i see someone in the map follow me [Music] oh hello steve are you okay yeah i'm good okay now there's no way out anyone have any more ideas nope i can't think of any see this x yes that could be all of our friends what if it's not our friends if it's someone else could help us find them we've been here before yeah we're going the right way well we better get going it's getting dark think think think think george calm down okay i'm just trying to think of a way to get out of here with that pesky witch we'll never get out of here well we still have a chance of wesley no one coming i'm sure they'll be here soon so no time we'll be out here see we have nothing to worry about what if they don't come and we'll be here forever if they don't come we'll find a way out eventually hopefully maybe the letters give up i doubt it only someone dumb would give up that witch is already kind of dumb what yes master i need you to come to an important meeting ah okay sir ah hate meetings everyone thinks i'm dumb a village [Music] ow hey can you please help me up oh oh thank you are you the only one here yes i made my own village after being fired from villager news can you help us why no one ever asked me for help before we need you to help us save our friends oh i would love to help hey i'm so hungry me too we're here to save you you'll have to climb up the wall yes finally what's that villager doing here oh what a lovely surprise it looks like you guys plan to escape but you'll never destroy the witch what what are you doing ah that was easy hey this is not fair this is not over it's nice to be out of that cell it's nice to meet new people it's always nice to find people who can help us thank you thanks for letting us stay at the village no problem i love it when people are in my village keeps me company hey do you guys know where steve went nope haven't seen i saw him running toward the mountain george and i will go find him here you go thanks i don't see him and we're at the mountain george what are you doing here the same question for you steve oh sorry for not telling you guys i was leaving i just wanted to gather some resources after the witch took away all my items so why didn't you tell anyone i don't know we must head back to the village steve where were you gathering items oh hey steve what are you doing here okay i'm just gonna go on another adventure okay thanks for telling us this time [Music] steve is not back yet i hope he is safe out there [Applause] no steven here maybe he's in here here oh hold on just a useless noob we better move on what are you doing here hey have you seen steve oh steve you're back hi there's this weird skeleton guy and he tried to kill me skeleton guy yes never heard of him before we must find the other villains [Music] hey what did you need i needed to help me and wit conquer steve all of us villains have tried to destroy him and we never did it oh i bet this time we will we all have special powers what powers do you guys have i'm very strong i could explode i could teleport i really strong weapons i have very harmful potions see we'll definitely defeat steve and his team oh yeah you're right we're gonna go conquer their village oh yeah it's amazing eight of us could definitely defeat that one skeleton guy i guess that's true but you guys have horrible weapons remember the witch took all your weapons away that's true we'll have to craft some stronger weapons oh no they're crafting better armor and weapons will they know the special powers uh yeah special powers and my what's wrong the teleportation potion yeah so they uh they have it what we all have great powers i guess that's true let's stop talking let's go to store that village oh oh yeah yeah let's do it creeper guy go attack the zombies okay sir endermite help skeletron please face attack those two brothers oh well well isn't it zim and zom fight me witch oh okay wait george george no no which you're gonna pay for that hey get out of my village look he's scared you left me no choice uh okay that villager is ruining our plans i must tell hero brian we're the last villains left oh no with the witch i don't know where he went this is my chance i must fight them [Music] we must find me friends [Music] monsters no [Music] you really think you can stop me [Music] we have to fight all the monsters what are you crazy [Music] what do you think you do in village seriously you think a robot will stop me me be hungry aren't going you're alive it'd be nice to see you steve [Music] well skeletron it looks like your plan failed we did it oh what happened iron golem where green guy be oh about him the witch poisoned him did i die yes by that pesky witch me feeling squishy witch well we should start rebuilding a village why why is there no way to stop them there's only one person left to see if we could defeat them [Music] alex you're back i think we should make another building that's a great idea alex nice tower thanks wes he's gonna live in there since this has two floors western owen will stay in it zom should live in the blacksmith and the rest of us will stay in small houses that sounds like a good idea hey lazy skeleton get up and work in your face skeleton what nice morning yeah who was sleeping in the new house it was awesome hey villager i was wondering if you can train me out of fight okay we'll train here hey you guys round head what is it square head i need you to help me [Music] just stay right there okay try that on him okay let's try something else you're okay to go now round head okay square head [Music] nice now when there's a villain around always keep your eyes open [Music] perfect at night keep your sword and armor on just in case of monsters come that's all the training we could do for today it's so annoying when your hands are stuck together did you crack for them let's just say no we didn't we just can't beat them they're unstoppable that's it i'm gonna attack them ah i shouldn't have broken my bed [Music] huh [Music] you're getting way better steve [Music] cool steve that's all the training i could do for you well thanks you taught me a lot you're welcome wow steve you're really good at fighting now thanks well you know what i was thinking we can use the healing potion and the golden apple to unzombify them and zom now that's a great idea i guess we were about to unzombify them such a long time ago [Music] hey villagers steve and i were planning on anzoli finding zim and zom that would be a great idea it's about time to mention that steve it'll be great not having the right helmet all the time [Music] hey i saw someone in green we must attack i've been looking everywhere and i know village in sight i must make a map wait that's the wrong potion you need a weakness okay thanks for telling us [Music] oh wow and my usually you'd try to attack me we're not endmite we're innocent really you look like villains and you had your swords out we're disguised as villains on herobrine's team i'll tell you more at our base here you go yes it worked it worked it actually worked you gotta try it zim i don't [Music] are weird names for humans what are your real names tom tim hey how do you guys even become zombies in the first place it all started about a year ago zim and i were outside of the desert when we automatically got hit by potions and turned into zombies our leader was the creepy guy he told us everything to do attacking people stealing items and capturing them and then after a while we finally found out who we really are humans were you sitting on the couch eating popcorn twists i still don't understand what popcorn twists are something that you'll probably won't understand so you're basically wearing villain costumes yeah so we wouldn't get attacked by any other villains wow i should have thought of doing that but are you already wearing a creeper costume so what are you doing in the middle of nowhere i was attacked by villains when i respawned in the middle of nowhere and ever since i've been trying to find my way back to the village hmm i think we'd be able to help i can't believe you're helping me find my way back the village no problem we always like to help [Music] you lead the way george this way [Music] [Music] hahaha hey owen so i'd really like to know what these popcorn twist things are their food can't try one here's a popcorn twist popcorn twists hey you should probably go to bed well i'll see you tomorrow steve oh my gosh what the heck dude here oh brian just give me one more try i could do it okay then if you fail there's gonna be some trouble okay master [Music] what a beautiful morning yeah but it would be better if george was here [Music] yeah and he'd probably respond somewhere george probably responded somewhere very far away [Music] we're extremely close follow me are you sure you want to abandon our base [Music] yeah it would be pretty nice moving somewhere else for a change okay then so wes how do you know about all these things that i don't know about it's a long story hey guys george is back come on [Music] green goes nice to see you again angle wait how did you even get here again george who are those two josh kayla they're joining our village
Channel: LS motion
Views: 633,324
Rating: 4.746243 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 10sec (3250 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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