STI Edge 2011

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Hickok 45 look what I have an STI thanks to the gun parlor in Worcester Massachusetts Thank You Justin we appreciate this this is one fine gift if you know anything about the STI you know it is one of the premier competition pistols now that doesn't mean I can shoot it well but it is extremely popular in competition the STI it has been for quite a while let's take a couple of shots with it got in sync my thing yes that's hard to miss about this let's bow shoot somewhere else sorry it's empty already Wow 20 round magazine too so yes this was an STI and we're going to shoot it today and talk a little bit about how's that so we want to first thank buds gun shop comm for all the help they do give us please go to their site check them out and go to the description at nra org slash Hickok 45 and join the NRA if you have not please we need to help you'll be helping us you'll be helping the NRA gun rights that's more important than helping us but you can help us too if you join there get the discount at our link okay so we appreciate that now let's look at this baby this is the STI edge and it is has been one of the premier firearms in competition circles all right now that doesn't mean that's all it's just [ __ ] necessarily but that's where it excels and where it has been used extensively it's a finely crafted machine I guess you could say and if you know anything about STI I'm not really telling you anything now you may have some horror stories about STI I don't know I've not had experience with them back when I was doing some competition I never did own one and I was getting more or less kind of burned out on that about the time these came along and in big numbers because they they were dreamed up in terms of that Griffon everything the high capacity the STI in early 90s okay and I it's about the time I was just going occasionally but I knew guys were coming in with them and gals and bragging on them and I had a good friend that put a lot of money in one of these things and he wasn't one to do that at the drop of a hat and they were begun they may still be begun I don't get out on the competition trail very much but they have a extremely good reputation I think still and are pretty popular and they're expensive now you're talking two thousand dollars basically an up you know so well they may have some under that but as far as the 2011 series which is what this is you know 1911 2011 you can see right on the sides of 2011 that's because they they really took the 1911 to a different level I won't say better but to another level really and updated it so to speak with a high capacity frame there's a lot of people in competition were wanting to get more rounds in a 1911 style gun because the 1911 style guns in competition especially it's still I guess probably the ultimate platform or one of them because you can have such a great trigger like this one about a three and a half pounder so nice trigger and it's the biggest difference between this and all the other guns that were showing up about that time well you didn't have the capacity of the 1911 that you would with a Glock 17 or some of the others and so they addressed that and they built this it's a what they call it a fiber filled plastic you know I guess another name for some kind of polymer but it's strong they built a frame a lower part of the frame out of that so that you could have higher capacity you know these magazines hold 20 right here when I started with over here it's not a 20 rounder I think it's a 16 or 17 round magazine a little bit shorter it fits flush okay and but you get more rounds in one and you know it is again made for competition pretty much you know competition trigger you got that weight there you know there's not a rail I think you can get them with rail but it's still kind of a heavy gun even though you've got this you know polymer plastic frame or let the lower part of the frame you'll notice the entire frame is not polymer just a trigger guard and the lower part of the frame this is steel right here okay and even around here where the slide connects is steel so it's you know it's got a little bit of weight to it but that's great for competition of course they come in all sorts of chamberings 9 40 45 I think and ten millimeter see 38 super I think I requested a nine when Justin said he'd send one of these to us just it's just kind of the universal caliber and it might limit you a little bit in competition a lot of people shoot an eye in competition even with a firearm like this and you will have to be the expert on that if you do that is the sorts of games USPSA IDPA and different things there are only certain classes where you can use firearms that have certain accessories and all that kind of thing I think this one is good for you can still use this one in limited ten no excuse me limited minor caliber you got minor and major you know nine millimeters minor caliber and all that kind of thing you get fewer points unless you get a zone hits and account the same as major calibers so if you've ever done that before you kind of know what I'm talking about some people choose a nine anyway they feel like they can shoot it more accurately and they're not going to have many hits outside the a zone so they're going to count just as much as a 45 or 40 but I think 40 is probably the most popular I don't know it's a couple more shots were the same it's a it is a nice firearm no doubt about it we John I've been shooting a hunter noon just enjoying it let's go over the gone put a several on him feel like a good standing here 20 times in a row I'm gonna try the red slate again just pop it regularly also oh man let's try a chicken that middle chicken and some chicken for supper we go about the slider are they up yeah I'll try the sliders I'll shout the lower one first I'm empty I'm out of ammo we'll try those again only before it gets too dirty and too hot show you this thing this interesting this grip even though it holds 20-round magazines and whatnot and I took that off of the mag well the big mag well it was really in the way of my hands but they come with that board you've got a really big funnel there okay but the the Mack of the grip is not that fat to handle these big mags you know that's one of the beauties of it you don't have a grip made and then grips screwed on to the side these screws are basically I can't take the grips off those grooves are basically cosmetic they're not really holding anything on okay if they really are you're looking there there's just nothing there that comes off that it's so much thin you don't have any extra grips tack onto the side of it you know it looks like you do and most people could could handle that it's not a big big fat boy grip or anything but yet you get that extreme capacity and again since it's for competition they sell these these are like 140 millimeter they hold that 20 21 rounds I think this shorter when I had in when I started out as a 126 milliliters or something and it holds 70 or 18 and they make something even bigger than this that holds like 25 or 26 rounds they just protrude a little more okay and whatever is legal in whatever class you're shooting and in the match okay so they're pretty interesting you know they really are and they're made really well so let me let me just take it apart now with a competition gun like this yet it's a different different sort of animal in a way you it comes apart to begin with a little bit like a regular 1911 and we make sure it's definitely empty it is and bring back the slide and line up the slide lock there just right and hold it right there push it out sometimes you might need a little something to carefully just pull it down but it's not like stuck or anything comes out very easily okay there you go you see the steel everything is steel the steel and the lockup okay it's just that lower part its polymer and then this is something you can't just get out because the full-length guide rod which I you know complain about a lot of times on a competition gun I the one competition gun I had back in the 90s early 90s it was like this you had to use a paperclip you know to get it out so what you do is you push this forward all the way spring they're done you've got this little gizmo it comes with it there we're going it two clips on right there you've got to capture it say somehow and I notice they make these they make a full-length guide rod what they call it a tool this one so you don't have to have this and look pretty pretty cool like it would work okay and that just captures it and then you just pull it out okay and then just standard tilting up here now it's a bull barrel no bushing you know okay and you 1911 slide 19 looking slide anyway bull barrel and again I don't work for us the I I'm not selling sti's das asdf st is but from what I've read they are they are made very very carefully by expert gunsmith they they mill out everything very carefully they've had fit them everything is done in a precision fashion you know if you know otherwise let me know but everything I've read they really go about it the right way okay they're in Texas and then they they build them right you know I'm sure they've had a dog or two and I've not dealt with customer service John a bloke really much about about that but from all reports generally speaking you're going to find mostly compliments on these particular firearms okay now they're expensive like I said that'd be the biggest negative and as I get into it I haven't discovered a lot of negatives because it's a specific firearm kind of for specific purpose okay and it it's already pretty much established it does it well a lot of people buy these that can afford them and use them in competition so let's put this back in put the barrel slide back together and see if I struggle too much with it I've had it part about three or four times here I should be able to do it I think goes back up in there with it and then the same thing you've got to capture it again push it up there and get it all the way in and then pull that little clip off all right there you go the barrel this it just won't come out unless you do that alright it says that's not a one of those deals it's nice to have it if you just can't get it out far as I know all right thanks together you may have no interest in competition shooting at all ever in your life and no you won't but you know it's still interesting to see the things that are out there I think as I've said before even a firearm that I I don't you know have a serious need for if it's an interesting firearm that's well-made police think feels like it feels like precision everything you do it's interesting a fireman works and is well-made and you know it's just going to be interesting to some level and this is one of those firearms and you know you could use it let's go ahead and try that John and I tried them once they work let's put hollow-point Centers for the heck of it even though it's not designed for hollow points now this is one these magazines work okay they don't want as well this picker and loader noticed you hold your mouth right they do okay oh boy it feeds everything like butter and we shot a magazine of these just to test it before the video and they did fine never know what's going to happen in the video I think I opened over me now it's just just hull points these are HSP federal we appreciate federal furnishing all this luscious ammo look at that we just had open another case they know how much I shoot sometimes I get going especially with something like this can't stop STI like I said that these I think we're over in 1993 it's a Sandy Strayer and Virgil trip we're kind of the brains behind this and you can read more about that and in it to change hands and you know went through the usual gyrations you know companies do now it's a sti international but you know they they established these firearms as quality firearms back in the early 90s and that worked I remember when I was competing when someone said STI I'm going to get an STI they said it with reverence you know and so they were great reputation you know I think still do okay let's try a hollow points I don't know why we're doing this but kind of a why not you might decide this is your ideal home defense firearm let's say let's try a two-litre yeah let's put some of these on the gone these are all heavier they might not get out there let's try to smoke some pot with one ha oh there's some more pot put a couple on the target after all it's kind of a target firearm isn't it boy it feels sweet to shoot the slide and everything is fitted and it's just really nice one thank John I were going earlier what's this you know you just it's coarse dirty but let's see how to sit like this well now we got it dirty it just feels like a well-oiled machine it's really sweet my wife I do that okay just to show you all right we're hot we're hot let's shoot something down the chain I'm holding to a little too high or low or something here sometimes it's got a fiber-optic front sight I mean it's the kind of firearm if you worked with it boy you could really send them down range let's load a few more here it doesn't take long empty does it it's a sweet hold gun sweet old gun nice trigger boy just tons of fun to shoot it's easier to cycle the slide it has a great trigger and it's the kind of thing you would love to shoot if you over call a video we did got three years ago maybe on this Sphinx it was a competition model that it reminds me of that farm a little bit just a really sweet one and you have a nine millimeter so it's not going to kick much obviously if it's a nine millimeter he's max you get that little you're going to use the loader up correctly there's another little twist to him you got to hold it in for longer let it out there and we'll pop out once you get to hang out it kind of works faster then yeah not using anything along it there you go precision machine if you're interested in a competition firearm this is one of the choices and you probably already know about them if you're in the market for a competition firearm now you might want a different caliber you might not even consider a 9 because you want to compete in major class you want major points for when you hit the target you don't hit the center of the target and all that but you know some people choose to shoot minor caliber and then there are some classes where it doesn't matter if anyway you don't USPSA IDPA what kind of competition you're you're involved in in again you may not even have any interest in competition and you might just be interested in a firearm that's really well-made and has enough weight to wear is just a blast issue no recoil yeah one thing I was saying as the slides very easy to retract so if you have weak hands or your no solos weak hands who has trouble when you're working a slide it's kind of a heavier gun but it's very simple to work that's live no trouble at all the spring omelet it doesn't seem strong enough really but it's just the way it's set up seems have normally weak and cooled again we appreciate the gun parlor in Worcester Massachusetts I say it right Worcester Worcester ok I really get y'all mad at me if I say Worchester how's that I should call it that every time I say yes no it's pronounced it looks like it's it spelled that way but it's what stuff what stuff Massachusetts you're from there I think it's Worcester ok that's pretty close Worcester we appreciate please the gun part they've sent three four different firearms our way you've seen them here there was a the governor was one of them a nice trooper Colt couple of you appreciate that and we're happy to try them out shoot them and it's a great deal we help review gunshots look out this farm okay why not load all those well I'll shoot a few of them I might not see them all I say some for John to shoot some more he likes this firearm he didn't think he would but he does let me show you I mean it just takes no no strength at all though to chamber that first round alright let's put a couple more on paper here look at that little 2-liter hiding this Owen other-- pot let's go bowling but better knock that plate out of the way get him out oh I didn't bring that mo with me put one of those in my mag house here we go now you know with the the magwell and we'll lose that longer 10 you have to have that longer pin with it you know what you know what I'm talking about most of you I think it just fits on there I kind of like that and then when you put the next mag in it makes it an easier target all right and that's what I was about to do put another magazine in if you're in competition you know some people are better staff than others if you enter your gun ideally you're reloading before we've gone over this I think a video to rest around a little bit with it and since I'm the one who taught Rob Lee some how to shoot when he was a little guy I thought you know I have a little bit of authority in this area so just ask Rob Lee Thomas you know if you don't believe that I taught him how to shoot but anyway you don't really want to shoot a dry ideally that's better if you don't so let's uh what should we do yeah let's go ahead and put a round in the chamber and so I'm in a stage on shooting along here you know Popeye Popeye Popeye and if I have to move especially or if it's IDPA I can't be reloading out in the open I've got to be behind something but yeah whatever the rules are so say I'm moving that's what I want to reload so I put that mag in like that and say I never have to work the slide release the slide or doing any of that stuff and I might have two or three or four rounds left in that magazine just depends but I'm going to put a fresh mag in when I when it makes sense okay and so I dropped the old one and I just bring this one up now put that other one in there and I'm just I'm ready to go you know especially if I take the safety off so I put the mag in you know as I move like I'm ready to shoot again okay and I'm just it can be a very smooth thing and I'm not that smooth at it but it can be very smooth and it doesn't cost you any time really to speak of in the stage whereas if you're fumbling around and looking at it I didn't get it quite in there you know then you're taking a lot of time alright and of course the magwell you know helps in that regard some extent we were watching Todd Jarrett demonstrate reloading at the NRA meeting and he's a another hotshot competitor meaning Rob Latham not me but he's another top notch competitor and was doing a seminar kind of on that talking about where to hold the gun not to bring the gun down necessarily and all that kind of thing you're shooting and he's turning you know you put it in you just keep going and he was getting some really good tips on that of course because he's very good at it but just look for charge for that what yes such a smooth shooter in fact it's so smooth it makes you want to just pretend you have a machine gun I just have to do that the burn barrel didn't have enough holes in it so cool gun we appreciate the gun parlor from Worcester Massachusetts providing this and it's an interesting firearm if for no other reason then it's just really well-made everything is precision fitted carefully you know hand fitted in this way I think this one the edge this particular model is about $2,200 retail in that category so not for everybody not something everybody wants even if you can afford it but just to make you aware that because it is a I've had requests you know get an STI get an STI and I went back and forth like what they do make some more practical firearms like a carry 1911 that sort of thing but they're best known for for this sort of firearm and they make a lot of different models of these I think they make them with compensators on them and all kinds of things for open-class well then this one's actually a little bit more practical it would be legal for like limited class which is kind of a stock class and I think US BSA I believe yeah but uh but they make all different different models of them and apparently do a good job on all of them the STI and just an interesting firearm I've never owned anything quite like this where you know you get the polymer of the kind of that hybrid frame polymer and then the steel and you know precision cut the rear sights are really they're like the old Bomar sights that people used to put on put those on a couple of 1911's myself and kind of interesting a CNC everything I read that the hammer and trigger are was the EDM machine that they use these like a lecture was electro electric I forget what that stands for but it's it's EDM is electric can't remember but it it's cutting it with kind of electric with electricity basically and is I from my reading you can get a very very precise cut on small pieces of metal like repeatedly you know if you're doing things like sears and hammers and they're all going to be just the best that i think it's about the best method anybody can come up with right in terms of you're going to make a thousand of these hammers or these sears then that's the way to go you've got the machinery to do it as far as keeping everything within the correct measurements and all that so they go to the to the high level to get everything right from what I've read ok I'm not selling them but I know they're nice guns it's kind of Kevin annette brown or a wilson combat or a Nighthawk or less bear in your hand when you're what are you going to say negative about it it may not be what you want but it's definitely a nice firearm you know that's an fun to shoot so pretty cool make you aware of it and and you know and we appreciate the gun parlor and again hope you'll support the gun part anybody that helps us Bud's gun shop comm the NRA get to that link please join you know federal provides all that ammo I just sent downrange so we appreciate all the folks that helped us out mostly though you know who we appreciate you guys so come back we'll do it again life is good well hope you guys enjoyed that because I know I sure did well I've got two here I wanted to let you guys know about our friends over SBI this and know we're in desert Institute they are a fully accredited online distance learning program where you can be certified and gunsmithing and you can also get an associates degree in firearms technology and they also do a lot of work with veterans they accept the GI bill they also have hands-on experience even though it's a distance learning program so it's one let you guys know about them also you can find them at SDI edu that's the Sonoran Desert Institute and also just wanna let you guys know we have merchandise now so if you want to buy any it got 45 merchandise you can go over to our store the link is in the description of every video and there's also a link kind of on the header of the main channel page that the main YouTube channel and so we've got that and also if you want to find more of our content and other places it's everywhere you can go to full30 comm we have most of all of our videos over there you can also find us on Facebook Hickok 45 Facebook you can find Hickok 45 on Instagram I think it's the real Hickok 45 over there and then also on Twitter or saqqaq 45 and then me the Sun the and son John Hickok you can find me at Hickok 45 and son on YouTube I also do a podcast called gun culture radio which you can find on that YouTube channel and also on iTunes and there's also a John Hickok Facebook page which you can find a link to on the Hickok 45 and son channel page there's a link over there and that's all I can think about for now it's a lot to digest so you're going to want to think about that for a little bit and then watch one of these other videos it's like down there over there somewhere because some of these look pretty good
Channel: hickok45
Views: 699,611
Rating: 4.9438577 out of 5
Keywords: STI, STI EDGE, STI Edge 2011, STI International, 2011, 1911, 9mm, Competition, USPSA, IDPA, Competition gun, steel targets
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 12sec (1872 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2017
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