Steyr GB - The First Glock Victim

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[Music] hey guys welcome back today we're out the range to do a bit of shooting and have some fun Jase and I have been suffering through the flu bug for the last week or so and we really needed to get outside get some fresh air and of course have some fun but in doing so I wanted to grab something that you guys might find interesting and that's something I think you might find interesting is the Steyr GB pistol this nine-millimeter handgun is a gun from the 80s another reason why I love it so much that was entered into the Austrian military trials and the US military trials this handgun fires from an 18 round double-stack magazine and so it's a full double stack magnet doesn't come to a single point like most the other guns out there the vp70 uses a double stack and it has some very interesting features which we'll talk about to make the gun ready for firing just pull the slide to the rear after inserting the magazine you have a hammer drop safety here but as soon as you release it it pops right back to the fire position so I technically say the gun doesn't have a true safety manual safety and now it's a double action single action pistol alright so let's do some shooting have some fun this afternoon see if we can't get over this flu bug and get back up on her feet and get more videos rollin for you guys alright first 18 rounds this morning yeah miss one for my homies anyway guys let's talk about the star GB this is how the Steyr GB shipped from the factory this is its original box the cardboards aging it's very flimsy feeling feels like modern-day Chinese cardboard the may that's just the way cardboard felt and generally 80s even though I lived through it I can't really remember the cardboard all that well this is your owner's manual that would have shipped with the pistol inside you'd find the handgun with one magazine inserted a spare magazine and a cleaning kit go ahead and take the pistol out of the box and this velvety material is actually kind of cheap feeling it's a very thin plastic insert that has some spray on red-velvet type material looks good presents well but you know it's rather cheap alright get the box out of the way here and then we'll field-strip the handgun field-stripping 2gb is very simple first I'm gonna go ahead and drop the magazine out and it has a magazine release that's you know what most people call an american-style mag release hit that with your thumb magazine will pop right out now I'm gonna check make sure the weapons clear it's all clear I'm going to leave that hammer back now that I have checked make sure the weapons clear have the magazine out of it I just rotate this takedown lever right here that's just above the trigger it's not like a beretta that requires you to push a button to unlock the mechanism you just simply push down and once it swings all the way forward that releases the nose cap so now the nose cap is free to turn you can turn the nose cap you'll feel it unlock pull it forward and it comes out this is part of the gas brake system it's integral to its operation and we'll show you that here in a minute now you can just hold the gun like that and the recoil spring will pop right out now it's just like any other fixed barrel pistol like The Mikado for the Walther pp you simply pull the slide to the rear lift up and push it forward and it pulls apart now we take a look at the inside the gun if you look around the barrel there are these ports there's two that I can see there's one right here and another one on the bottom there's two ports which vent propellant gases into this piston Cup and you'll notice that this looks like a piston in a car but there no rings on it this little cup sets over that piston just like that when it's in the locked up position so as the bullet passes down the barrel propellant gases expand in this little gas chamber pushing the slide closed hence the name gas brake or gas Potenza I don't speak German very well so I apologize if I butchered that but the gas brake system so it's pushing the slide forward it's breaking it's it's it's travel to the rear it wants to go rearward because the recoil forces it can't as long as the pressure remains high in the barrel soon as the bullet exits the barrel gas pressures drop off and now it can recoil rearward all right then the magazine let's eject the spent case the magazine the magazine will push up the next round and the slide will go home and the recoil spring will push everything back into battery and now it's set up for the next shot so it's pretty simple how that gas brake system works now I also brought out a p7 to show you the similarities it's exact same concept just a different execution I feel that the HK solution is a little bit easier this is the HK M 13 I'm go ahead make sure that this weapons clear now to field-strip this i've already shown this in video just have a button right here you push on the button pull to the rear lift up and it comes apart with the HK you have this little piston rod and you have a port just in front of the barrel okay I'm sorry the chamber so as the bullet starts to leave the piece of it immediately starts tapping Compellent gasses off and those propellant gases push forward on that little piston arm there's a little cup underneath the barrel assembly and again it's pushing the slide closed until the bullet leaves the barrel and then the propellant gases drop off and then the slide come back under recoil force so again you can see that they're very similar in concept but two completely different designs to put the Steyr back together take your slide I'm gonna hold the hammer down pull it back until you you find that recess slot and push it forward I'm going to go ahead I can decock it using the decocker that's right here and the hammer will keep that slide forward so I can invert it not to worry about it sliding back I'm gonna take the recoil spring it has a little u-shaped cut notch on the top which lines up with the bottom of the barrel drop that in so that lines up now you take your piston cup put that back into place push back and turn and it will lock right back into place and now and your last thing to do obviously is to put the locking lever disassembly lever back in its upward position and now you can test the function of the pistol everything is all good as we're ready to go back out to the range and do some shooting as I mentioned in the opening of the video the Steyr GB went up against other handguns in the Austrian military trials and it lost and it lost to an upstart that was known for making plastic handled knives bayonets and that company is of course Glock Glock introduced the Glock 17 into the military trials and won the Glock as we already know has a polymer frame and it fires from a 17 round magazine striker-fired has no manual safety and yeah this little gun went on to be the plastic fantastic that set you know pretty much the expectations of what a fighting handgun would be from the 1980 80s to present I mean to this very day the Glock is probably one of the most popular handguns worldwide so it's not surprising that the Steyr GB lost out to it now steyr thought it was a shoo-in for the military contracts they didn't expect this little upstart company to come out of nowhere with the handgun design that would beat them you know a gun company had been around for a long long time but they did and it's not surprising really because the Steyr GB and my experience isn't exactly a hundred percent reliable handgun it can be a little bit finicky but it is made in some unique ways and when I say that the top half is machined the lower half is actually made out of a very thin stamping of sheet metal and you can see the welds inside that the pistol grip and then it has polymer grip panels but then they have applied this crinkle finish which is very reminiscent of the sterling finish as sterling SMG the submachine gun has that crinkle finish and so it's a very thin sheet metal stamping and it's lightweight it almost feels like a polymer but it's not and so it's very similar in size and weight to the Glock with its polymer frame and it uses the gas delay system whereas the Glock uses the Browning action which when you watch the Glock as you push rearward on it see how the barrel and slide move together that little brief moment or they're moving rearward together gives the bullet enough time to get out the end of the barrel pressures to drop off to a safe level so the breech can open well as we'll show you in this video this gun does things a little bit differently it uses a gas brake system which is what GB stands for and that's how it lays it and it's very similar to the HK p7 same in concept but a different implementation and so this little gun is really really quite interesting for those reasons so what happened to it in the US military trials well I don't know I I didn't really follow the trials all that closely those were going on when I was a kid but if I remember right the GB was eliminated fairly early on and it came down to the sig and the Beretta m9 or the model 92 that won the contract so that was pretty much the death toll for the Steyr GB pistol it lost those military contracts they couldn't gin up much interest anywhere else in military and law enforcement circles and the handgun didn't sell that well in the civilian marketplace and so for all those reasons it kind of petered out and went into history around 1988 so it's a pretty interesting history it's kind of a sad story about the handgun but it still makes it a very interesting collectible to add to your collection give this thing a whirl [Music] I have to say I really like the trigger on this thing nice flinch know what I do my part it shoots pretty good I'll say get a little hammer and slide bite from it my nice big hands but all neat pistol the shoot the piece oven and the GB share that commonality of using a gas brake system in the case of the p7 we have the gas being tapped off immediately in front of the chamber and that heat from those propellant gases is vented down into a gas cup down here for the piston and that's just above the shooters firing finger an earlier versions of this handgun you didn't have the polymer heat shielding that you see here on this m13 pistol and without that polymer shielding holding the gun and firing it after firing five six or seven magazines becomes extremely uncomfortable even with the heat shielding and the polymer trigger this gun becomes uncomfortable to shoot after five or six magazines but the upside to the p7 as I found that the p7 is more reliable than the Steyr now the Steyr as we've shown you does things differently it has its gas piston system out here at the end of the barrel so it has the benefit of being able to use the slide as a heat sink the barrel itself is a heat sink and it doesn't transmit the heat as readily to the shooters finger or hand as the piece oven does but it's also interesting to note that the G B here has a stamped sheet metal lower but this trigger guard is injection molded polymer so that's interesting I don't know if that's because they're trying to mitigate heat I don't think so I think that's just a fact they had to do that to get the shape of the trigger guard because they were stamping the lower stamping that trigger guard probably would have been more difficult and time-consuming than just using an injection molded part so that's probably why I don't think it has anything to do with the heat transfer but it could be wrong I'm not an engineer so the Steyr is a little bit lighter feeling than the piece oven it's a little bit bigger than the p7 maybe quite a bit bigger but the trade-off is that you have this thing being a hundred percent reliable only holding 13 rounds and this thing being somewhat reliable and holding eighteen rounds but it's interesting to see how 2 different companies accomplish the same thing just using two different designs the ammunition that we're using out here this afternoon is Fiocchi 124 grain ball ammo this is donated to the channel by freedom you nisshin's if you guys would like to buy some freedom gives all of our viewers a 6 percent discount there is a code down below it's good for anything in their store we receive no kickbacks from the use of that code so it's pretty neat how this GB uses a double stack magazine it makes loading the magazine very easy just put a round on top and push down it's much like an ar-15 magazine just put around there and push down you don't have to push down and back like you would with a more conventional magazine so it makes slow ting the mag very quick and easy it's also worth noting that the magazine holds the rounds in such a way that the rounds are angled towards the chamber so when you see that you think oh it's you know I got a seat the magazine you'll tap it but you'll find that there's nothing you can do that's how the round is intentionally being held probably to increase your liability but it's a very very easy magazine to load and again holds 18 rounds of the magazine is made out of a stamped sheet metal all right almost have 18 rounds in it all right take her over here real quick oh all right good deal I have two magazines load the pistol and decock it for that first double action shot dang and always have to give one to my homies I'm just still weak guys and that flu bug I just want to get out of here go lay down now but the recoil impulse on this thing is considerably different than the H&K it's not as abrupt it feels like it's a larger handgun just in general even though the piece of and I think outweighs it by just a little bit it's a surprisingly Pleasant handgun to shoot has a three dot sight system let's see I'm terrible in more magazine here and the slide stop is contoured as a slide release as well so you can put a full magazine into it just let the slide go home and the guns ready to fire again and there we go perfect example that felt surprisingly weird yeah the gun just totally failed to pick up another round I could feel it yep so there you go guys it malfunction for you there on camera you'll probably have that happen every 100 200 rounds you'll have some sort of a malfunction with the gun I can't say I felt to do that before usually it'll get where the bullet will nosedive into the feed ramp but yeah there you go so again never had those types of problems with the H&K still I like the gun for historical significance well guys I have learned this afternoon I am NOT over the flu bug my joints ache I feel awful right now so we're gonna have to wrap this show up and get out of here I'm gonna go back and lay down and do some video editing but I hope you guys enjoyed coming out to the range with us trust me when I say you can't get the flu through the lens of the camera but yeah it was a fun afternoon definitely needed to get back out onto the range a week of no shooting is horrible I've discovered I don't know what I would do if I couldn't go shooting at least once a week now as we saw the Steyr GB is not exactly a reliable handgun it can be very ammo specific and it can just be generally unreliable at times and it seems that the gun stumbles the most as it starts to get warmer so the more magazines you put through it the more likely it is to have a malfunction at least in my case with this particular handgun but I've read of other owners having similar problems so yeah he got a good glimpse at it and it's full glory because it's tumbled a few times this afternoon we've probably fired about 350 rounds or so of ammunition this afternoon and yeah we probably had we had one nosedive and we had three or four failures to cycle and again it happens when the gun gets warm guys if you'd like to support us here on the military arms channel the best way to do that is to swing by become a patreon supporter we have the link down below and explains everything if you follow that link but we are viewer supported YouTube yanked our monetization over a year ago and that's how we move forward and continue our efforts here on the military arms channel not only in making videos but also being extremely politically active in the defense of our Second Amendment rights another great great way to support us is to swing by our t-shirt store at forged from freedom again there is a link down below and you can pick up any one of our party designs and again that directly supports us here at the military arms channel and lastly but not least you can also check out copper custom comm which is our online store swing by and check us out over there if you buy anything even something as simple as a Mack patch you can get one year free goe membership and that's simply by adding it to the cart and won't add one cent to your total and hitting submit you can purchase that patch or buy something else but at least you get one year free of goe membership which goes to help fight for a second amendment rights I just hope that you guys renew your membership a year later alright let's see if we get through 18 rounds now we let the gun cool off a little bit it'll make me a liar and have a malfunction while it's cool let's check out and go home see if I can't kick this flu bugs but it's definitely kicking mine at the moment Oh guys I can't even hold on to the handgun I got to go home we'll see you guys in a few days
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 113,919
Rating: 4.9502516 out of 5
Keywords: military, police, rifle, pistol, fishing, how to, hickok45, funker530, iraqveteran8888, jeep, dodge, training, action movie, hollywood, outdoor, movies, video game, recreation, entertainment, top 5, austria, austria military, austrian 9mm, steyr gb, 9mm, 9x19, glock 17, military trials, handgun, steyr, steyr 9mm, styer
Id: hrGWJwo519s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 55sec (1255 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
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