HK P7 the best HK pistol ever made?

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[Music] hey guys welcome back me and my buddy the east and crane we're just out here enjoying a little bit warmer weather everything's melting off as you can probably tell and it's a big soupy mess right now we're getting ready to head down to Texas and do some hunting but before we left we figured we would share something with you guys a handgun that is actually one of my favorite handguns from history this handgun is extremely unique I can't think I remember ever seeing another handgun that was quite like it and the handgun I want to talk about is the H&K p7 now the p7 it looks perhaps somewhat conventional externally but this is a very unique handgun now I didn't do a whole lot of firsts it's a gas delayed handgun but the Steyr GB I think predates it I'm not sure I'd have to check my dates on that one but it's a gas delayed handgun this one is a single stack it holds eight rounds which is why they call it a piece of an m8 and another variation this is an early p7 I'll talk about the differences between it and the m8 I don't have an m8 out here this afternoon but I do have an M 13 what you want to show you guys but the p7 is one of those handguns that HK quit making that I really wish they would bring back and I think a lot of HK folks feel the same way and I suppose HK probably made the decision to stop manufacturing them because they were no longer selling which I find hard to believe but maybe that is the case I mean single-stack magazine handguns were a thing then they weren't a thing and now they are a thing again this is a very cool handgun for concealed carry and I also know that several police departments when I was a kid growing up I remember the Kansas Highway Patrol actually using p7 m13 as I saw several officers with the guns so they've been used by law enforcement and they've been popular with civilians or at least they were at one time let's talk about this interesting little piece of HK history have some fun with it this afternoon and maybe we can convince HK to start making them again so what this handgun does that truly makes it unique as I've just taken I want to release the magazine here this is one of the features of the piece of an m8 that is absent from the original p7 the piece it has a he'll release magazine but it holds an 8-round single-stack magazine insert the magazine locks into place grab the charging handle pull it to the rear you'll notice the barrel did not move that's because the barrel is fixed on the handgun it has a plug no rifling and a fixed barrel the handguns are known for their accuracy the gun is completely safe even though it's loaded right now and you'll notice that it has a striker back here on the rear of the gun but despite that the striker is at rest the gun is drop safe - ready the weapon you have a lever right here in the front of the grip you squeeze the gun and you'll hear it click and now you can see the striker drawn to the rear the m8 will have a slightly different end cap so the pin doesn't protrude quite so much but now you know that the weapon is ready to make the weapon safe there are no manual safeties just simply release your grip it clicks the striker goes home safely and the gun doesn't fire put it back in the holster a very very cool gun this is a gun one of the very few that you would actually consider sticking in a pocket it was just a little bit smaller because it's completely a hundred percent safe until you squeeze it and make the gun ready to shoot I'm going to take a shot at a little cardboard target we have downrange because it's so muddy our challenge targets are little staking shoots won't stand upright they'll fall over in the mud we have to wait for the ground to firm up a little bit now you'll notice the gun locked open on the last round fired if I had another magazine out here I don't because I was a dingbat and left him back at the shop I would just simply drop this magazine out it has a heel release I pushed that little heel release pull on the magazine it comes out take a freshly loaded magazine insert it into the gun and the squeeze Cocker also acts as a slide release I just simply squeeze the gun takes a round puts it the chamber gets it ready to fire strikers to the rear to make it safe release my grip put it in the holster the guns 100% safe take a closer look get this interesting piece of HK history the p7 does make an outstanding concealed carry handgun you'll notice that the gun is very narrow very slender and very concealable the gun does not have any external controls because of that squeeze cocking system they showed you the the slide release the cocking the D cocking everything is handled by this simple lever mechanism right here in the front and you see if I can squeeze it with two fingers it's actually surprisingly organ amah kit does not pinch you here I don't have a piece of an m8 I've had two in my life and I foolishly sold them some day I hope to replace the piece oven not replace it but add another m8 to my collection this is a standard p7 some of the features difference would be I already pointed out this is flushed back here the pin sticks out quite a bit when it's cocked you'll have a slightly different end cap here it's a little bit taller so that pin doesn't stick out quite as far you'll have an ambi mag release that'll be located right here you'll also so you get rid of your heel release and you'll also have a polymer heat shield that's right here which is critical because the way these handguns function is you have a gas piston that's attached the front will do a field strip and show you and that cat gas piston comes back into a little gas pocket right here the minute that bullet leaves the case and starts its path down the barrel gas is tapped off pushes forward on that gas piston which is pushing the slide forward and keeping it locked up until gas pressures drop off by the bullet exiting the barrel gas pressures drop off in the rear then brings a slide to the rear and then goes home chambers another round it's an ingenious design and it also has a fluted chamber and political rifling trademarks of HK firearms from the era of this handgun someone go ahead and now that there's no way to lock the slides the rear that I'm aware of without having an empty magazine in it so I'm gonna take a full magazine and stir it into the gun charge it again drop safe very small very thin very cool for concealed ability and I really like the way these guns shoot they are known for their reliability I've owned four or five piece ovens throughout the years and I've never had a malfunction that I can recall with one of the pistols now that's the p7 a lot of people weren't happy with just eight rounds this is the p7 m13 now this one has the features of the m8 so we have the ambi magazine release right here and we also have it right here we also have that polymer heat shield I was talking about the big difference is is look at that cavernous grip frame so when you take a look at the m13 as compared to the m8 well this is an m8 just a standard p7 I'm a screw-up and call it m8 my contract allows for one or two or three or four stupid comments per video you can see that size differences in the grips okay so now the p7 m13 is a little bit chunkier still concealable and I will show them side-by-side here so we have the single stack on the right we have the double stack on the left and it looks like the double stack m13 might be a little bit under gunawan t' the gun is actually quite organ Amish you put this little piece of it away in my back pocket here and around here somewhere I have an M 13 magazine so here's the m13 magazine look look at the awkward geometry of this magazine so it looks like look how tall it sits staggered magazine then it comes up to a single column here at the top but look how tall that single column is I then thirteen is based on the m8 or the standard P seven so that's why I think that they had to make it so tall as so they wouldn't have to change too much of dimensions on the upper half and they were just trying to make for a larger magazine that held 13 rounds on this side we have a Windows on the magazine but we also have Windows on the standard P seven magazine and the m8 and just the standard P seven magazine windowed as well so this gun again you put that double stack magazine in we have that same front strap on it pull it to the rear let it go now remember when I was telling you that the m8 on the single stack had a slightly different rear end cap there you can see that when I squeeze the weapon you can see now that the striker is showing you the weapons rate of fire when I release my grip on the gun it D [ __ ] the gun safely so now I have thirteen rounds the gun actually feels a little bit better in my large hands the m13 the p7 is really really narrow and skinny makes for a great concealability handgun but from are gonna organ aam extend point it's not quite to my liking it leaves dead air space on either side m13 fills my hand a lot better the triggers are made out of polymer they're very ergonomic the guns just shoot well what a fun little gun to shoot yeah I really do wish H&K would bring these pistols back they'd probably destroyed the tooling it's a shame if they have such a great pistol they've always been really expensive though and I think that's probably why they kind of fell outta favor but H&K guns in general are expensive so I can't see that being a contributing factor to the of the gun I don't know maybe people just didn't understand the concept me I think it's ingenious the ammunition that we're shooting out here this afternoon is 124 Green federal ammunition it's donated to us by the guys over at Frida munitions we do have a discount code down below if you want to use that code it's Mac it gives you six percent off anything in the store they don't just sell freedom munitions branded ammunition they sell things like federal and many other brands so it's just to thank you guys we get no kickback from the use of that code you use it get six percent off they really have good prices especially on the remanufactured ammunition even their brand new freedom brand ammunition is extremely affordable in today's market prices but if you're looking for something else they sell it too and the codes good stored wide Oh what to shoot there's not a whole lot to shoot out here guys we got water in a really soggy cardboard target that fell over because we're dealing with intermittent downpours let's just shoot at my soggy cardboard target in about 50 yards the three dot sights on this handgun are really easy to pick up they're not night sights it's like little round plastic dots in there the gun recoils straight back into your hand take a look at that bore axis guys that's the center of bore right there and I know some guys are going to say oh it doesn't matter if your bore is up here if it's down here I do feel that it makes a difference because I shoot handguns like this one much more quickly and accurately than I do other hand does it have a higher bore axis something like the p226 I like the two to six but that bore axis man it does make a difference if you ask me this little handgun is just so easy to use it really has one control and it's just that grip in the front the pistol drop the slide ready the weapon squeeze it make the weapon safe release it I mean how simple can you get German engineering and its finest both of these piece of ins field-strip in the exact same way and I apologize to the guys here it sounds of rain it's because it's raining and we have a 10 roof over our heads so I'm gonna take an empty magazine and I'm gonna put it in here to lock the slide to the rear he'll release push forward on this it'll eject its magazine forcefully make sure that the weapons empty I'm gonna go ahead and let the slide Joe home by pulling it to the rear and releasing it I didn't have to use the squeeze Cocker to do it this button right here is not a safety this is a takedown button so with a slide forward push this button in slightly pull the slide to the rear and lift up and then and wiggle and the gun will come apart so that's fully disassembled now you can see that fixed barrel and this is your gas piston this piston sets just underneath the barrel and a little cup right back here and again there's a little hole drilled right in front of the chamber of the barrel that vents propellant gases off into this Cup which then pushes forward on this piston keeping the gun closed and in battery until the bullet exits the barrel the gas pressures drop off and then recoil allows the slide to come to the rear and then this spring pushes it back home extremely simple now putting it back together can be a bit challenging because you have to line up this piston with a little tiny hole that's underneath the barrel all right so I'm gonna take my recoil spring slide it over the barrel line it up and this you can't really see what I'm doing but I'm just kind of wiggling it around holding this button and then there you go it just pops back together takes a little bit of patience just kind of wiggle the gun around get that piston to jump up and down you'll finally find that hole and then the gun will go back together the p7 m13 exactly the same thing drop the magazine out make sure that the weapon is empty let the slide go home push in the button it sticks out just a bit more okay you can see it just has it sticks out just a little bit more this one's underneath the slide this one sticks out past the slide that's an m8 feature on the single stack push the button in pull it slightly to the rear lift up the gun comes right apart put it back together again just kind of wiggle things around push that button in and it goes back together it's a very very simple all steel construction the only polymer on it is the trigger the heat shield and the grip panels themselves other than that you're looking at an all steel handgun I just love the way these things look I love the way they shoot I love everything about them the only downside is if you're out shooting and you have ten magazines first of all you're Bill Gates because the magazines are expensive as are the guns but they get really really hot so after you fire a hundred rounds and rapid succession through the guns they heat up because you have a gas system right here that's the reason the triggers are made out of polymer is because if they were made out of metal it would burn your trigger finger very very quickly on the original p7 they didn't have a heat shield the trigger is polymer they don't have have a heat shield here so after a couple of boxes of ammunition of rapid fire just putting your finger in there and having it touch this part of the frame would burn you badly I know because I've shot this gun to the point where it actually burnt me so that's why they wound up putting this little polymer heat shield in there so it protects your finger from the heat generated by the gas system that's just right above the trigger assembly we hope you guys enjoyed coming out and hanging out with us here and then not so called but really mucky weather of Northwest Indiana today we've been dealing with on and off showers all afternoon but yeah we enjoy bringing you guys to the range with us and doing a little bit of shooting for some of you maybe you've never heard of the p7 before too many of you you probably have if you guys are looking at a buying a handgun like this you're gonna have to go to the used gun market go to gun broker comm shop your local gun counters that's your local gun shops maybe finding one in the used gun case they're just no longer made and that just sucks as I've already said probably a hundred times in this video guys we are viewer supported that means YouTube really doesn't pay us anything anymore there was a time where we could sustain the channel just on YouTube revenue from Adsense that's no longer the case they've pretty much cut us off at the knees Gunn channels knife channels airsoft channels conservative speech channels and even gaming channels and stuff oh yeah everybody's been hit by what we call ad pocalypse so we are viewer supported swing by patreon check out our different tiers of support but we do all sorts of cool stuff to try to give something back to you guys to support us directly so we can continue to bring you the content hopefully you enjoy we have three hundred dollars in freedom you nisshin's that we give away we give a hundred dollars of ammunition away to three lucky winners every single month thanks to our freedom munitions friends also we have t-shirts like this repeal the NFA t-shirt we have many more to choose from from our t-shirt store over at forge from freedom com we give five of these shirts away every month to Lucky patrons but we also post behind the scenes information all sorts of cool stuff please swing by check it out also swing by and check us out over at copper custom we like to take video guns every once in a while if we get a gun in that we think it's interesting but I don't necessarily want to keep which is really hard for me not to do we'll put it up on the new auction site over a copper custom sometimes you run across really cool stuff that comes in on trade and other times will put video guns up right now as we're recording this the Glock 19 X is up for auction from the video that we shot here on the Mac range so Polly swing by and check us out over at Copper custom guys ten years we've been doing this and for it without your support for these last ten years we just simply couldn't have done it obviously thank you for those 10 years of support thank you for supporting us going forward and the last eight rounds out of my p7 we're gonna go home dry off do some video editing pack up and head to Texas do some hunting and we will bring you guys along talk to you in Texas here soon
Channel: Military Arms Channel
Views: 148,271
Rating: 4.9359999 out of 5
Keywords: military, police, rifle, pistol, fishing, how to, hickok45, funker530, iraqveteran8888, jeep, dodge, training, action movie, hollywood, outdoor, movies, video game, recreation, entertainment, top 5, heckler koch, german, 9mm, hk p7, psp, p7m8, p7m13, squeeze cocker, best hk, vp9, hk m8
Id: c2mhhJN4jKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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