Steve-O Eats His Last Meal

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hey everybody I'm steo and my last meal would be pickled onion monster Munch spinach and artichoke dip Lobster and mashed potatoes with vegan butter washed down with a can of liquid death armless Palmer tomato soup with a vegan grilled cheese and a crunchy shrimp temporer roll with steo hot sauce for your butthole super hot coffee with non-dairy creamer and a special peacan pie with melted Reese's Peanut Butter Cups all over [Applause] it every person has exactly two things in common we all got to eat and we're all going to die today we're joined by Super Famous stuntman Master hot sauce blender savior of animals and creator of The Bucket List comedy special out on steo welcome to the show man thank you for for having me brother of course uh can you just tell the people really quickly where you came from before this I came directly from a colonoscopy procedure which is notable because you can't have a colonoscopy without fasting completely emptying your entire body for more than 24 hours so I have not eaten in 24 hours and I could not be more excited for this interview we we've recommended all our guests to get colonoscopies right before the show and you're the first person that took that bait which I'm a huge fan of you've tight roped across alligator infested waters you've slingshotted yourself in a porta poot you've been at the depths of drug addiction in all sincerity why do you think you're still alive I think that there's some kind of purpose that the Universe has for me and I don't know what it is but I'm grateful that I'm still around spreading colon health awareness yeah right I I don't know I'm I'm I'm I'm every bit as surprised that I'm still alive as anybody else no idea why but I'm glad I am I'm glad you are too man have you thought about your last meal before no I've thought about last meals in general I think my career was born of my obsession with death and I say that because when I was dropping out of the University of Miami in 1993 cocaines I felt like I was just IL equipped to survive in the world because I couldn't make it to class I couldn't keep a job I wasn't able to do anything responsible and my only real passion was for acting like an idiot and videotaping it so I decided that was going to be my career but I didn't expect it was going to work I thought I was going to die having failed miserably at life and I was mad about that you know so like my stunts were kind of me lashing out in frustration at death which I thought was just waiting for me imminently and it's such a thing I get why you're obsessed with death I think everybody should be because we only have one instinct which is to survive but we've only got one guarantee we won't survive so our existence The Human Experience is a cruel prank on us and I believe that our objective as humans is to somehow wrap our head around our mortality so that's why people have kids you know to have part of them live on that's why people are so big into religion because it promises everything's going to be okay in heaven and that's why the cavemen scrawled stick figures on the cave because they knew those stick figures would outlive them and that's me with the video camera man I love that man I choose to distract myself from Death with food speaking of which you ready to eat oh my God am I ready all right steo for your first course we have the Walker pickled onion monster Munch we imported this straight from London and then we got the vegan spinach artichoke dip made with vegan cream cheese fresh artichokes spinach and then a little bit of vegan mozzarella on top and then of course we got the chips we got the celery sticks and the carrot sticks to dip in okay let me tell you that I have a real problem with this stuff man I am so helplessly addicted to this it was actually my wish that my entire meal was just this but they said you got to do more we would have honored it that was never presented to us I've I've always been ready for somebody to have just a completely insane meal that makes no sense right I love this stuff so much that oh God I have no idea what's going on but I'm into it get the hell out of here oh my God yeah I'm not kidding if I lived in England where this is available I would be really overweight I but when have you ever had a problem with moderation on anything that doesn't sound like you that's the first Standing Ovation we've had in last meal's history and all it took was somebody dropping their pants had I known that I would have done that way earlier right oh my God I can't wait any longer I've never had this before um from bag to bag the concentration of the flavoring varies and if I could reach out to this company and say please put more flavoring and make it more consistent that would mean a lot to me we can try and reverse engineer the flavoring and send you a bag there kind what we do here and make it vegan for crying out loud what's not vegan about this it says it's got milk powder in there or something Walker Shape Up This is the most British flavor just pickled onion you know like in America we got the barbecue we got cheddar all that no you go to Britain you got pickled onion flavor right I mean it doesn't sound appealing in America but I grew up mostly in England this is incredible it's I didn't expect it to be like a a catcher mitt shape what is is a claw paw the hell is this dude it looks like the entry point for my colonoscopy this is a life-size steo butthole replica go to you can buy one for yourself now you got to manufacture them and of course they are edible speaking of good transition Josh hell yeah I watched your comedy special last night the bucket list thank you man it's unreal the way that you weave in elements of like classical standup and just Onan narrative and then all the videos of some of the craziest stunts I've ever seen you do but at the end of the day it's also a really great love story and has a lot of heart tell me what the phrase is there in my vagina means to you well I attributed that to the moment when I knew that my girl is the one and that I had to put a ring on it we were filming a silly bit where I'd poop on a fan and I had all kinds of laxatives and I'd been all backed up and quite literally the Poo was flying across the yard because you pooped into a fan right yes everybody was running for their lives except for my girl who just moved closer to get a better shot she got so close filming that she actually thought with her little mini skirt on that there might have been some in her vagina wow I mean steo Shakespeare over here man that's beautiful I told you it's a love story it is though there's a deeper metaphor there find yourself someone who will question of your is actively in their vagina as well that's kind know what's real I mean in a very literal sense find someone who will stick by you when the hits the van that's the move brother by the way thank you for the kind words I love this project so much my objective in making it was just to go way past anything I've done before as far as inappropriate crazy life-threatening and I did it all and I just made it into this multimedia comedy show which marries all of my worlds jackass meets standup meets evolved steo in love you know it's everything and God I love it of course it's too crazy for any like Network or streaming platform to go anywhere near it which is why it's available at I have not said this yet to a guest but your dick has brought me so much joy in the last 24 hours oh I've said it to a couple guests but you're the one that I've actually meant it I want to ask like the deeper meaning behind what you do like do you consider yourself an artist do you consider your stunts works of art is there a deeper meaning there thank you for asking that question um I gave myself the official title of distraction therapist because the Human Experience is such a dilemma it's such a stressful position that we're all in inherently let alone the fact that a lot of people hate their jobs aren't happy in their marriages have crippling health concerns like people need to be distracted from their problems and I make it my job to provide that distraction and there's certainly no looking away it's a hell of a distraction in that sense do you think in a way all art is equivalent because what I said earlier with when I cook when I eat when I watch a movie when I play sports to me is literally all distracting me from Death because if I sit still I start thinking that none of this matters when we go it all goes black do you think all art is almost equivalent in that way like you versus van go who's better van go is pretty rad I mean anybody who cuts off his ear did he mail his ear to somebody like that's pretty awesome yeah you and Van go have that in common with your new special no spoilers but like in ears involved you know when I I started out and I really thought that I was going to die young having failed at life like my my whole thing was just hurry up and try and capture craziness so that I can be discovered after I died really my aim was to be the van go of the video camera I can't believe that I'm I'm curious what the point of that is like did you believe in an afterlife then or a conscious after life I believed that my way of cheating death was to have enough absolutely Ane video footage that I would still kind of exist after I died what do you mean kind of and what do you mean by I in that sense because I've hear a lot of people also dude eat the eat the dip eat the dip eat the dip I'm talking your ear off eat the dip man this man hasn't eaten um there's so many people that talk about how you know we are made of Stardust and conservation of matter and all that and that when we die we only return to the Earth but to me the disconnect in that is when they say I will be a tree I will be a star it's like no there's no there's no more eye the eye is done the particles inside you but like what makes up the self well we're getting pretty esoteric potentially but dive in man welcome to the show I think it is erroneous to assume that the brain generates Consciousness it's not a uh transmitter in my view I believe the brain is a receiver of Consciousness meaning that if you have a radio if you take a sledgehammer to it you can destroy the radio but you cannot destroy the signal that the radio is picking up M and I think that's what the brain is all about you can destroy the body but you haven't done anything to the signal or the soul if you will have you always had these sort of like esoteric beliefs around like de spirituality even even from a young age yeah I've I've always been super like focused on mortality and death and spirit spirituality where did your belief system come from like were you raised religious at all or no no my dad was a corporate executive and so I grew up in five different countries because he was in charge of big corporations like all over the world we were not religious I think my parents sadly their religion was money yeah yeah interesting yeah and uh I kind of get it now but as I grew up because my dad was increasingly successful the house we lived in just got bigger and bigger and your happiness got bigger and bigger that happened right that's how it works well I was self-conscious about it like I I was embarrassed for kids to see the big house that I lived in like I wouldn't have it kids come over to my house and my dad was chauffeur driven to work in the morning and if I overslept at all and needed a ride with him I would ride in the front passenger seat and as they dropped me up at school I would hug the driver because I was so embarrassed of my dad being like this rich guy dude that's so funny my dad drove a limo for work we were all just kind of like poor and he worked multiple jobs so he drove limo for work if he dropped somebody off at the airport early in the morning he would swing by our apartment and pick me and my friend up and drop us off at school and I would act like I didn't know him cuz I was like I want to show up you know the baller 12-year-old at sixth grade man we we should have parent trapped or something you know what I mean like that that's [Applause] epic all right steo for course number two we got a whole steamed M Lobster served with plenty of drawn vegan butter old Bas seasoning and fresh lemons and then we have mashed potatoes these are Yukon Golds tons and tons of vegan butter in there and then of course a liquid death armless Palmer yeah it's iced tea it's just really really delicious man I love liquid death I'm also a big fan of lemons man I'm going to go lemon for lemon with him I can't not I I love sour candy mhm um that's not bad yeah for sure I'm playing a dangerous game right now cuz this is going to go to a place where I can't do it steo I need you to know that tell me why the lobster when I was a little kid I just loved it mhm my dad had a story about like me just eating 3 lb lobsters I don't know if I ate more than one but I've always been able to eat a lot you know you guys gave me the opportunity to give you any meal request I want so of course I'm getting Lobster I love that a man who knows value you also you were you were vegan for a while you've done a ton of animal activism continue to do so um do you think lobsters uh also fear death um I don't and yes I was vegan for a number of years and um I've reintroduced Seafood into my diet nice nice nice turned into a slippery slope I was like okay you said earlier you were in food relapse mode what does that mean oh yeah well I have addictive Tendencies I've heard and uh food is a thing man like when I'm out of control with food it can get pretty ugly yeah so I periodically decide that I've hit a new rock bottom and then I reach out to my buddies who are in the food program and I get really disciplined about like photographing every meal before I eat it and sending it to them and no sugar no flour and then when I take one little tiptoe out of those boundaries it all goes out the window and I'm off the wagon damn as I am today I well hey lean in man no listen I I'm going to have to be an enabler on the on the food addiction here yeah um good cat Lobster that's so damn this is perfectly cooked too wait tried potatoes I haven't tried potatoes yet and I can't first I'm rude if I don't eat it I'm Prett good Mas potato man you can't really go wrong with mashed potatoes I'm just going to do something a little a little stupid I know Ste I'm a little crazy man I'm a little Loco you know I know you think you done some you literally read my [Laughter] mind Dr me about addiction because in 2008 you basically had an intervention stage right with Johnny Knoxville not basically very literally you said that you were going to jump out of a window at 10:00 a.m. and he said what's with all the early call times right I had just been arrested for vandalism and felony cocaine possession MH I got back to my apartment after like 3 days in jail and there was an eviction notice on the door of the get the hell out of here in 3 days variety I believe and um I knew I had three days so I said man before I have to go I want to jump a motorcycle out the living room onto the roof next door and I want to jump out of the bedroom window 25 ft down onto the concrete so I told noxo bring a hot tub for me to land in and if you don't I'm jumping anyway I'm ready to die and by writing that I qualified myself for California's 5150 law mhm yeah so he came over to lock me up in a psychiatric ward and that was arguably the best thing that ever happened to me because I've been clean and sober ever since that's incredible man I know this isn't the point of the story but do you think you could have made it uh not so it's quick to point out that it was a very very tiny gap between the buildings wasn't that brave of a stunt and uh I later learned that jumping from that high into a hot tub is really really big bad I I got hurt that made my 10 worst injuries list jumping into a hot tub just off the roof of my house so wouldn't wouldn't go anywhere good 25 ft would have been really devastating that's a hell of that was expert man I was over here clawing out like a caveman you were like diagramming out oh there it is mled it's a boy what do you attribute your lasting sobriety to like did you do the whole 12 steps I don't know man yes I did the whole 12 steps and I have no idea where the willingness came from to really commit myself um all I know is I'm grateful for it yeah do you think it was yourself or do you think there's a higher power cuz I know part of the 12 Steps submitting to a higher power I mean given how undisciplined and entitled and just the way I am I can only attribute it to higher power that I was able to really find the willingness to commit myself to this way of life and Recovery yeah my life is so good as a result man like for 15 years now I've been largely undistracted from just trying to accomplish what I want to accomplish you know very little time wasted very few things that I feel ashamed of and when I do feel ashamed I address it and acknowledge it make it right I just feel really good about my life today and it's all because of that there's so much apparent joy that comes out of you won all the time I mean this is the last time we met you were balancing a plunger on your nose as I ate a bowl of Frosted Flakes out of it but no I mean even in in your special as well like there's so much joy that is just exuding out of you uh you know even as you know your dicks flopping around playing basketball with body paint on um but it's it's all these things even through like the very brutal moments there's so much genuine joy that comes from you and it's something that I think people are very sort of RIS receptive to and something that you know me since watching jackass as a kid you know that Joy really really comes out thank you [Applause] man steo for your third course we have a vegan grilled cheese with tomato soup little bit of vegan almond milk on top of there and then we have a crunchy shrimp temper roll of course served with steo hot sauce both for your butthole and to destroy your butthole yeah I don't even mess with the Destroyer the butthole Destroyer is really just so aggressive wait like wait like how aggressive the top three ingredients are the three hottest peppers on Earth technically they were just beaten like a week ago so now it's only like two through four that's not that bad oh wow oh no W oh you know what's you know what's you know what's funny wow do you're an early guy I just want to impress my yeah dude we all did it when we were in middle school I ate Hoban Arrow because of you um wow no I have a lifelong love of spicy food but I have gotten so messed up on they call them super Hots anything that had to be genetically engineered past a habanero that I can now taste a super hot and it gives me an instant gag reflex even aside from the heat wow so there's something in it that's really delicious though man yeah um yeah this is just kind of too hot for me but the OG steo hot dogs for your butthole I can't get enough of it man I just love it like no man up sorry I sorry I a little bit I had to go JV football coach on if you want to yell at me go for it no disrespect to the chef but I don't even taste stuff before I put my hot sauce on it yeah drench it drench it for the whole group please yeah like I I really damn I really love it wait I got to join in I got to join in why why the grilled cheese and tomato S I mean that's classic comfort food combo like why not you know fair enough man I'm in relapse mode I mean tomato soup you got to watch out for it because it is so full of sugar you would never even like believe it but if you read the label on a can of tomato soup it's a shocking amount of sugar like can of Coca-Cola shocking I mean that's every food in America though it's just plied with like sugar and salt uh just enough to keep you kind of like happy and numb and keep profits up you know wow this is really good too man speaking of your food addictions do you have other addictions like that lasted past your addiction to drugs and alcohol what are those I had to get into a therapy and a separate kind of a rehab situation for sexual acting out M and I'm glad I did because uh I had no hope of being in a healthy relationship before doing that and I had a lot of work to do to become the man that the love of my life deserves mhm and that being Lux who I met and now have I have this love story about that's really beautiful man I feel like you have you know despite belief in higher power and despite thinking that I don't exactly know why I'm alive I don't know exactly why I beat addiction but you have made a ton of just incredibly hard difficult decisions and gone through an incredibly arduous process to be the man that you are today and it's something that like I've always really really admired well thanks I will push back a little bit though because it doesn't get harder or more arduous than carrying on the way I was before that intervention fair enough yeah yeah that was the the harder tougher way do you think you're underestimated by a lot of people in terms of like intelligence I know you've called yourself like a professional idiot before sure but do you think that's just self-deprecation or is that how you prefer to be sort of in public if that makes sense like you're camera facing person I think I chose a career path that kind of made people assume that I'm a and that worked for me MH um now kind of in the world of podcasting and I guess just being more evolved like it's uh maybe becoming apparent that there's more to me and I'm okay with that but I will submit that this bucket list show is really clever for being as scatological as it is featuring every bodily fluid that you possibly can seen included it's really clever it is to me is one of the top five seen based comedy specials that I've ever [Applause] watched sio for your final course of the final meal of your life hopefully it's not true we have pecan pie with Reese's Peanut Butter Cups melted on top super hot coffee non-dairy creamer tell me where did the pean pie with Reese's mson on top come from I just figured I can get anything I want almost any dessert when I'm in food relapse mode is just a ghost so I didn't even know what to order you've never had this before this is just a steo original right now on the show right I was just thinking you know like P pie came to mind I want that but like when I'm out of control like Reese's always sound good so throw them together melt it up and let's go you've said that I was say you've said you You' have a problem with moderation no you're somebody who like by definition has a problem with moderation I consider myself to be generally in a lot of extremes you know my fiance tells me that but do you think there's a certain amount of like unbridled Creative Energy that goes into people who don't have that moderation I don't know fair mean Nei I'm not sure that there's any correlation between creativity and addictive Tendencies M you were talking earlier about how you thought you're going to die by 30 or before 30 you're coming up on 50 now right Cong congrats man that rules right um you said in your special there's nothing worse than an aging attention do you think that the US specifically hates the process of Aging that we try and hide it I do I think that it's a party B what getting getting old I think that aging is a party F like yeah stop doing that Grandma right and it goes back to the whole mortality thing you and I are obsessed with mortality most people people just have their blinders on they don't want to think about it like just la la la la anything but considering mortality and that's why people don't want to look at old people because they're reminders of mortality that's why old people just get shuttled into nursing homes you know like people don't want to think about death so much that I bet more Americans than you could even believe do not know the definition of the word hospice yeah I I went through that recently with my grandma actually just got put in the hospice but you're also somebody who has seen death very very up close with your your mother suffered in aneurism after years of battling alcoholism and she had a very visceral sort of deterioration process over 5 years it was awful yeah what did you like learn about life and death in that well in in the suffering that I saw my mom go through for her Last 5 Years number one when she did finally pass like that was just a a bless in because the suffering was over mhm number two I felt super angry at any God that could allow for that to happen and I really suffered with that until I adopted the philosophy that we're all just God all of us put together do you think you could consider that like a sort of trauma response like was that something necessary to get you through that or do you think that you would have come to that realization regardless I think that that helped me heal a lot mhm but yeah it's just man life's it's crazy dude like like I said our whole existence feels like a cruel prank on us and uh we're here to distract from that and this pean pie is doing a really good job you're trying to distract yourself I was trying to talk about more traumatic stuff man well cuz I did want to say it's it's really unique to see a body breakdown over time and that's what happened with my dad where I remember seeing it this happened over the course of two weeks though but when I was 19 years old he went in for what was supposed to be routine heart surgery and then doctor called us go hey everything's great he's stable whatever I'm like fantastic next day she calls and goes hey something's wrong we need you to come down here and so over the course of like maybe 10 days every single day was well he's in a coma now but it's going to get better tomorrow well we would have to amputate just one foot now but he's still going to wake up okay he's going to need an fully artificial heart but we have the science and each single day we watched his body break down more and more and that is what gave me like my most obsessive Tendencies about death thinking of like the Corporal body watching it physically break down you which I'm sure you had a similar situation with your mother yeah and I really do subscribe to the idea that all of creation is just this exercise in the universe experiencing itself and a lot of that experience just seems like it sucks but I think that part of my faith is just believing that it's all in some way I don't understand valuable and important yeah and that helps me with what my mom went through like that was a a valuable and important experience for the Universe on some level that I'll never understand but believing that helps yeah I kind of like the idea of like surrendering yourself to something that you don't understand because I don't understand a lot of things I don't know how a cell phone works how the hell would I understand right you know the the randomness or non-randomness in the universe right yeah Wi-Fi is a real stumper what the hell is it man you're telling me there's just like what are they ghosts go into your phone and then you can hear people talk insane utterly insane to me oh my god dude I have a real problem with food man this beac pie I could just sit here and up the entire pie and I probably will I can't be a food sponsor brother I'm simply going to be the food Party friend that you call him for a good time steo you ready to get into the lightning round you can keep eating man you don't even have to answer you can just nod yes or no other than me who's the one person Dead or Alive you'd want to share your actual last meal with ooh Leonardo D Vinci oh sick I know it's a lightning round but why I got to know if he created the holy shroud of Trin as a prank against the Catholic church that's the best man I've ever heard most people like my wife like n Lux you would understand got to check out the holy shred of Trin uh if you could kick anyone your jackass co-stars in the nuts right now who would it be none of them I do not want to start that back and forth again but it's written on the card that if you pass on all them you have to kick me in the nuts and I don't want that so I would say all right uh what's your greatest regret in life it's better to regret the things that you have done than to regret the things you haven't done I think that's a pretty good quote my biggest regret anything where I hurt other people mhm I think is the where the regret is yeah because when I've hurt myself it's always actually worked out pretty well you know and knock on wood I've been able to mostly recover from all of it but when I've heard other people that that's all the stuff I regret the most finally are you happy man that's a tough question yeah I started the last chapter of my book that I put out last year a hard kick in the nuts with that question in quotes are you happy I went on to explain that that question has always just offended me it feels invasive it feels personal and it bothers me because when I hear it like a quick kind of scan tells me no I'm not happy like I'm gripped by anxiety I'm totally uncomfortable and like and it's just somehow not socially acceptable to say that you're not not happy sure so I really just thought about this and I just chewed on it and I arrived at the conclusion that I am not happy and I don't want to be happy because to be happy it seems dangerously close to being lazy yeah you know if you're content you don't need anything you're just chilling but no like I've got this default mode where I feel like everything's not going to be okay I got to frantically hurry up and hustle to try and set myself up so that I'll be okay and that's the fire under my ass that just keeps me hustling so if I had a choice be happy or just gripped by anxiety and hustling and striving and accomplishing I choose the hustle man I I only have space to write one word so I'm going to put maybe no that's a definite no I'm never going to be happy I always want to to fight for some better outcome I love that man steo thank you so much man you have been an incredible guest never seen someone eat with such Gusto I've never met somebody who's lived such an interesting life and your special brought me so much joy when I was able to watch everybody go check it out and finally you can deliver your last words to that camera right there watch my bugus special cuz it's that good isn't it like dude that good dude I'm so stoked but I was told that what my last words are like really like when I'm dying I just think on some level it's just kind of look at me I think I'm just an attention through and through like uh I can't I'm an aging attention horn it's just still going to be look at me sad reality yeah my last words look at me and look at my bucket list special because it's really crazy stea man thank you so much thank you all for stopping by the mythical kitchen we got new videos out all the time go to get the bucket list special re's on a PE camp pie is a good call dude this is a revelation man I don't I don't feel so good Mr O I don't know uh face the reality of mortality head on with our new last meals hat and tea available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 1,984,040
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: ZkiiyJYaXkQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 28 2023
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