Steve-O’s Sister Tells Embarrassing Stories | Steve-O

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oh yeah dude this is my sister Cindy and you never would have heard of steo if it wasn't for her so I'm going to tell the incredible story of our relationship and let's go we definitely had an unusual upbringing flying all over the world and when we were on airplanes as babies our parents didn't want to be embarrassed by us crying so they fed us booze a teaspoonful of dreamboy did the trick and maybe some sometimes in your case more than a teaspoonful yeah how do you know it was a teaspoon well that's what Mom said oh yeah yeah so I remember when you were about three or four and uh you got this big wheel and you used to ride around on it with your bib backwards cuz you were a little obsessed with superheroes it's pretty rad to use your bib as a cape when you're like 3 years old you had delusions of grandeur even then you were a handful I mean mom always said if you'd been first you'd have been an only child yeah when I started listening to heavy metal music and I wanted to dress up as like a rock star for Halloween like you painted on my kiss makeup like that with my eyeliner we were roommates a few times and every time it was because my sister was bailing me out like the time when I was supposed to spend the summer with my girlfriend but I wasn't supposed to be sleeping in her bedroom and I not only slept in her bedroom but I peed in the bed while sleeping and I had to go so I called up Cindy Cindy win and I spent the rest of that summer with her and then I was homeless for 3 years it wasn't homeless it was couch surfing yeah and it was doable for me to be couch surfing when I had a car but after two DUIs then life sucked too bad and I called Cindy and said like help so that's when I moved in to your house in Albuquerque I had just learned how to do back flips and I was so excited about it I said Cindy I want you to videotape me while I'm asleep really make sure you can tell I'm sleeping and then wake me up and I'll do a backflip right away it's time to get up in the morning in that footage you can see what a slob I was and at that time Cindy worked at the Albuquerque Journal and she found a question that said what's the only college with no tuition wringling Brothers barn and Bailey clown college and I left a sticky note for you yeah because she thought this could get my brother the [ __ ] out of my house I don't think I was that harsh but it was definitely um a good option before I found out if I had gotten into clown college I burned the skin off of half my face and you took the photos of the Carnage you were still supposed I think stay out of the sun when you went to Sarasota Florida to go to clown college I'm like how am I going to put on Grease paint after clown college I wasn't one of the clowns who got a contract with the circus so I came back to Cindy's house to sell more weed I was pissed at that point now my stunts were going to be way crazier I figured out how to light my whole body on fire and do a backflip with my whole body on fire Cindy was right there holding the wet blanket to put me out the only time Cindy was ever a wet blanket the universe kind of works in weird ways if you hadn't gotten into clown college you wouldn't have had the job at the Hanford Family Circus at the Swap Shop and you wouldn't have collected all of the Poo that I was Furious but that was one of the first season 1 jackass like iconic stunts and it's on the side of the house and after we got the bit the producer said hey like we'll clean this up and I said no no I'll handle that later I didn't want to inconvenience the producers and when we left there was like a monsoon of rain it was just a swamp of elephant poo that is probably the madest I've ever been at you well yeah and you didn't kick me out at that point but very shortly thereafter when I didn't show up for like 3 days because I was on a cocaine bender and I was supposed to do something with you like then you kicked me out so I was homeless when jackass came out on TV you were couch surfing and then when you ran out of couches I took you back I was so proud of you you had all of your video footage really well archived but every time you were in like a catalog I clipped it out and I put it in that binder and for years until it got to just be too much for me to keep up with do you remember when you were in Hustler my neighbor she bought it so she put the sticky notes on it for me so I could read the article without having to see things sisters don't need to see so not not long after jackass came out you got pregnant with your first kid and I became like this crazy uncle oh nasty you totally swooped in and did your cool Uncle stuff spinning her around all crazy and uh and you would be like the fun Uncle yeah rocking do you remember when you first started getting money and you wanted to buy cast something and and you were like I'm going to get my niece a diamond and I would you know I was like that's for you like that's bragging rights for you what is a three-year-old or a 5-year-old going to do with a flipping Diamond you know that is just arrogant [ __ ] said if you want to spend a bunch of money on diamond why why don't you buy her a [ __ ] playground in the back and you were like I will get her a swing set but it has to be a rad swing set you pushing Dill on the swing like that swing set was the best thing ever better than a dinos just a little bit once jackass became what it became then you got in the habit of like pimping me out s was a high school teacher and she would just [ __ ] me down the river I was at the football games and she's like promoting it I've never pimped you out for like gratuitous things it's never been for my own benefit but the Down Syndrome buddy walk or the high schoolers education you know lecturing on the economics of Hollywood and now Cindy works for this nonprofit news organization I'm the editor of Lakeland now in Lakeland Florida and for this fundraiser that they had in December Cindy once again hoard me out to do a show in the theater and I got here and called her up in her own driveway I said Cindy I can't make it she's having a heart attack hello Cindy wind hey squirt how are you I'm pretty good uhoh um my driver's license is expired so like I can't travel and so my brain is already going all right well we can um we can FedEx we can do this we can do that oh this FedEx oh my God such an [ __ ] I love you so much my phone I wanted to be here for Christmas with Cindy and her kids and on Christmas Cindy buys this slide for her stairs Dylan's big gift this year because he's a sensory seeker and and he loves swinging and and all of that was going to be this stair slide but I didn't want to have him go down it until I had tested it I absolutely would not be where I am today if it wasn't for my sister's support and encouragement I'm not sure about that I mean I think you would have found a way I don't know what it would have been but you know I mean I'm happy to have helped I think you would have found a way anyway but whatever help I gave you you have done so much for us like over the years too and um it's just really cool so our relationship continues to be awesome and I love you I love you so much yeah and that's it dude
Channel: steveo
Views: 454,048
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KDNJcrRX3gs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 53sec (533 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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