Steve Harvey's emotional tribute to his mom! [Full Video]

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[Music] and welcome back everybody it's been more than 15 years since my mom passed away but there's not a day that goes by that I don't think of some of the principles that she taught me it lures very hard I adored her she taught me so many things one of the biggest lessons she taught me was about image my mother was a Sunday school teacher it was important for her that we dressed up to go to church and my mother was saved so she went to church all the time Monday night Tuesday night Wednesday night we skipped Thursday Friday we missed Saturday and Sunday both morning and night servant that's prayer meeting Bible study choir rehearsal uh sure board meeting number one two three four and five I really was considering going to hell at one point cause I thought that it was just too much church but her image her concerned with image was everything back then you got to dress up to go to church that was her thing is since it's been instilled in me I dress up all the time I think about her when I'm time [Applause] you know they all asked me to do this I said I'll take a shot at it you know but oh it's a difficult thing for me okay uh-oh can only hope that in everything that she's taught me you know somehow she's somewhere watching me I hope that I've made her a proud of the man I've turned out to be I haven't always been why I should have been in my life but uh I was trying and I look at my life and lands turned out I think about all of the moments of things she taught me about acts of kindness and how to treat people in doing to others that you would have them do unto you and don't do nothing to a woman that you want nobody do to your mama your sister I remember a talking to me about respecting women and if you can ever grow up do something on behalf of women always honor them son because you'll need them until the day you leave here I remember that I remember her lessons about faith she taught me to pray she taught me about the weapon of Prayer how vital it is how important it is whether you believe that or not that don't really matter to me it is work for me every single time I've used it so so I'll sit here on set that's mine and TV showing everything else I got it's because it was very Harvey taught me about the love of God and respect of people I love [Music] you
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 3,982,041
Rating: 4.9509625 out of 5
Keywords: funny, Harvey, tv, steve harvey show, comedy, steve harvey, Steve, steve, humor, harvey, steve harvey daytime
Id: M4LyAqSqC6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2013
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