Put Me On Steve: The Woman That Made Steve Cry || STEVE HARVEY

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- See, Miss Duranice, you draw quite a crowd when you sing. Why you think your voice touched people? - I believe the Lord gave me a touch -- - [Audience Member] Yup! - When they fed me rat poison in Rochester, New York. And they had to cut out half of my vocal chords. (audience gasps) And they said I'd never talk again, but the man upstairs said -- (audience applauding and cheering) Said, "You gon' sing again." - This rat poison, they thought it had ruined your vocal chords. - Right, right, and I had thyroid cancer. They gave me three years to live. And March 28th, be 11 years ago. (audience applauding and cheering) (Duranice chuckles) I'm goin' to Broadway! - You're goin' to Broadway? - That's my dream from eight years old, I wanna go to Broadway. - You gonna sing on Broadway. - I wanna sing on Broadway! (audience applauding and cheering) ♪ I wanna let the folks know ♪ ♪ I met Steve Harvey, and the man is so good to me ♪ (audience applauding and cheering) You real, though. I didn't know if I was gonna be alive, but God now kept me alive to see you, sir. And I'm just glad to be here. I can go to Heaven now. (audience applauding) I can go to Heaven. I don't take one for me. ♪ Mr. Steve Harvey ♪ ♪ He's a good man! ♪ ♪ He love the Lord and he'll give you a helpin' hand! ♪ (audience applauding and cheering) ♪ Somebody say yeah, yeah! ♪ ♪ God gonna bless Steve Harvey! ♪ ♪ Keep on, Steve, keep on! ♪ ♪ You helped me to live, sir! ♪ ♪ Keep on! ♪ (audience applauding and cheering) (Steve sniffling) - You know, my mama ... Raised me to ... She said, "Steve, God gon' give you a big house "on a hill one day. "He said, but you can't get on the hill "and don't tell nobody else how to get up there." - I know, yes, sir. Yes, sir. (audience applauding) You special. - All I'm thinkin' is, my mama was dying, you know. My father ... (Duranice sniffling) She was on the life support. - [Duranice] Oh, Jesus. - And I'm the youngest of five. - [Duranice] Bless you, bless you. - My father called me in there and he said, "I want you to go in there and tell them "take your mama off of life support." - Oh God. - [Steve] And um ... - Jesus. - That was the hardest thing I ever did, tell a doctor, "Take my mama off life support." - [Duranice] Jesus, oh my God. - I suffered with that for a long time. - Yes, yes. (Duranice sighs) - But somebody came to me and told me my mother was cool with that, 'cause she was ready to go. - [Duranice] Yes. - So, I was raised where she in Heaven now. - Yes, yes, see, yes. - And she watches me -- - [Duranice] Yes, sir! - She sees. - [Duranice] Yes sir. - I just hope she's seein' today. - [Duranice] Yes, sir. - Watchin' this moment right here. - [Duranice] Yes, sir. - I really ... Only reason I straightened up, started doin' right, 'cause I just wanna see her. - [Duranice] Yes, sir, yes sir, you gon' see her. You gon' see her. - Other than that, I'd still be -- - [Duranice] Yes. - Goin' to Hell, like I was. (audience and Duranice laughing) - We all been there. (audience applauding) I wanna see my daddy, so I relate to you. - You comin' here today, I thought, you know, this is just a put-me-on segment. - Wow. - Then we heard about your story and said, well, we'd give her a chance, but, I didn't know you was gonna come in here and do all this. (Duranice chuckles) Now you got me all jacked up. (audience applauding) - You special, you special. - Naw, you know. - Yes sir, yes sir, you special. And I love it, because ... ♪ He is so real. ♪ (audience agrees) ♪ He tell it like it is! ♪ ♪ He loves to lift you ♪ ♪ He love to let people smile ♪ ♪ Make people laugh that ain't laughin' yes. ♪ (audience shouting) ♪ Make you feel like livin' again ♪ ♪ That's Mr. Steve Harvey ♪ ♪ Everybody said Steve Harvey ♪ ♪ Steve Harvey ♪ ♪ See, ain't nobody like ya ♪ ♪ You gonna make it to Heaven, yes sir ♪ ♪ Sir ♪ (audience applauding) Sir, yes sir. Yes sir, you gon' make it to Heaven, sir. - This ain't go how it's supposed to go. - [Duranice] I'm sorry. (audience laughing) - I'm supposed to be doin' all the talkin'. (audience and Duranice laughing) You got me in here trippin', but you know what's crazy, mom? You think I'm helpin' you. - [Duranice] Yes you are. - But you really helpin' me. (audience applauding and cheering) (Duranice crying) I thank you, 'cause this was for me. - Yes it was. - When we come back, Duranice Pace will be back. She gon' do somethin' for us. (audience applauding and cheering) (upbeat instrumental music)
Channel: Steve TV Show
Views: 2,725,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steve, comedy, humor, laugh, funny, Steve Harvey, steve harvey, dating, advice, relationships, motivational, Steve harvey crying, cry, emotional, gospel
Id: i9UdqgO7JO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 11sec (371 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 16 2019
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