STEVE HARVEY MOTIVATION - Best Motivational Speech Compilation EVER | 1 Hour of the Best Motivation

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first time ever in the comedy club i won 50 i only went on a dare i cried all the way from the comedy club to my house the girl i was with named gladys jacob said why you crying it ain't for fifty dollars i said no no you don't understand i was born tonight but i've been asking god my whole life what's my purpose i need to find something that i do i won 50 first time in a comedy club i went to work the next day october 9th and quit my job with 50 in my pocket married twins fifty dollars my ex-wife said you can't do that that's foolishness her mother told me you're not even funny my mother told me boy you don't do stuff like that you work like your daddy and your brothers i said no mama this is what i was born to do and my mother was saved and you know sunday school teacher so i believed everything my mama told me but there's one time i said mama i got to go try this i said this is it for me i said if i don't do this what i'm gonna do she said you gonna work like your daddy did your daddy work hard i said okay well i just work hard but i'm gonna go be something the only person in my family that believed in me was my father he said boy if you think you can make it go ahead now if you need some help i'll give you 100.90 and i've done nothing since that day except tell jokes now i got in a lot of trouble by the time i was 30 i was homeless because the first year in comedy i only made 3 500. the next year i made 5 000. the third year in comedy i made sixty eight hundred dollars you get homeless real fast so i was trying to make my little money and send it to my wife and kids but it wasn't enough so i would just keep 25 enough to stay out there and get to the next gig and uh you know it didn't it didn't work for me for three years i lived in my car you have to take chances in life you know if you want your life to be something special you eventually have to take a chance you can't do normal things and expect extraordinary results it doesn't work that way you have to take an exceptional chance one time and it's going to cost you something that you care deeply about bishop jakes told me one time he said in order to get to the next level in life you can see where you want to go but it's a glass ceiling the reason you can see it is because it's a glass ceiling in order to break through a glass ceiling you're gonna have to shatter the glass anytime you shatter the glass it's gonna be bloodshed and the blood that you shared is gonna be something that you care deeply about so if you are not willing to share something you care deeply about you cannot go to the next level most people let their family keep them from going to the next level some people your friends some people it's your job your position keeps you from going to the next level but if you go to work every day and you ain't happy if you don't wake up overjoyed to go to work [Music] that ain't no life man you got the wrong job you know why you got the wrong job because you ain't living in your gift you only find peace and happiness when you live in your gift the thing god created you to be if you don't ever do what god created you to be man you'll never be content you'll be miserable all the time was miserable for 27 years misery couldn't figure it out until i won that money i want 50 just 50 but changed my whole life i made a lot more since that 50. but guess what i still i still tell jokes it's all these is it's jokes i don't be nothing else i'm gonna be funny that's the deal amy if you hire me you're gonna get these jokes cause that's my gift of what you want me to do they hired me to speak at this uh insurance company one time all these big wigs sitting there now so i started telling jokes the audience was dying laughing this guy came up to me and said i hired you as a motivational speaker i said that's what i do well what's the laughing for i said because it holds people's attention i said go ask everybody what they got out my message today it ain't gonna be the jokes it's gonna be something i told you but you know you got people that they don't they don't want to hear that but that's my gift and if you live in your gift you'll find your completeness until you fight living your gift you cannot be complete when god created you he gave you all a gift all of you in here are gifted you are gifted people what is your gift your gift is the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort once you identify that your life changes god takes you to new heights you find peace you find joy you you wake up in the morning you can't wait to go to work if you're waking up in the morning and you hate going to work it's cause you ain't living in your gift i don't even have an alarm i wake up every day ready to go to work cause guess what i'm gonna go tell these jokes they're gonna give me this check i'm look what i'm doing i'm i'm little that that is available to you though that god that created you has that same thing available to you every last one of you i bet he do i dare you to try i dare you i mean yeah i've been some people that i've met man that were like heroes to me when i met richard pryor at the abc comedy awards in 96 i was standing right in front of him at this table and uh this lady said steve [Music] i shook his hand he said i heard a lot about you flynn told me you're pretty funny and it's richard pryor i couldn't even talk i said i love you man i thank you cause he was the whole reason i got into comedy you know i got through talking with him yeah the the abc comedy awards was in this huge hangar they had decorated i went behind the bar i cried for 20 minutes i couldn't even it's richard pride then this girl came back there and saw me and got me and said richard wants you to call him sometime i went to my seat in stock i started calling that number from my seat i got richard pryor upon him and i end up forming a friendship with him before he died you just go by his house play dominoes with him that was the moment when i met muhammad ali that crushed me cried again i ain't when i meet people that really matter to me you know [Music] mike tyson one time and just was scared [Applause] wasn't a hero of mine and then i was just scared well same advice i give to my kids man if i could get them to understand the importance of their 20s [Music] because man you know what i did i just blew my 20s i ended up spending all of my 30s fixing what i messed up in my 30s i spent all of my 40s doing what i could have been doing in my 30s i looked up man i had let too much time slip away if you could get young people to get their foot on the gas pedal in their 20s because right now they think going out is everything and i keep telling them man you're gonna get you gonna outgrow that in a minute cause you know like at this age it's when somebody says hey we're gonna go out to a club tonight what go out to a club are you kidding me it don't make no sense to you now because you're over that but it takes a minute for them to understand them sad i wish they get it but it was i wasn't clubbing in my 20s i just i didn't i didn't know how to make a vision board i didn't i didn't know how to [Music] what really changed my life man was i started i got in amway when i was about 24 i got in amway and that changed my life man because the first time ever they introduced me to self-help books and i read two books that changed my life it was a power positive thinker by norman vincent peale and the magic of thinking big by david schwartz i read them books and it changed my life but it also made me remember what my mother had taught me because she was a sunday school teacher because all self-help books are bible-based this nothing everything comes from the bible all of all them self-help books that's proverbs that's all it is it's the book of wisdom and understanding of you if you could read that it would change your life too but sometimes you need you know regular books where you can relate to it differently but it's all comes from the bible it's like a great book is the secret but if you read the secret it's all bible verse i mean it's just based on the bible you can't think of nothing new how to tell a person succeed without the bible you can't it doesn't work that way you know so a couple of books changed my life man but the magic of thinking big was huge for me it just taught me one simple principle it don't cost no more energy to think big than it does small you can say volkswagen and you can say rolls royce with the same amount of effort you ain't got the grunt to say rolls royce so if the bible is true would you say as a man is as he thinking if you think poor thoughts [Music] you got to be poor the moment you change that thought into wealth of riches you start the process to becoming wealthy or rich it's just it's not a magic trick i mean it's really how it works i you know people complicated you gotta do this and you gotta do that but bob was pretty plain ain't got no loopholes and really don't it's just real simple you say what it's saying all you gotta do is believe is talking to [Music] you that's what it is most people don't think that god is talking to them that i come to give you life and give you life more abundantly you don't think he talking to you he'll give you life more abundantly he do he really will you ain't got to be rich to have an abundant life sometimes you just need to be healthy happy you know you could be really happy man making 70 000 a year you really really can you don't need a few million i did but you could you didn't need it it helped me a little bit but to be honest it didn't make me happy and to you well i need god to be happy so i ain't gonna i ain't no preacher we got ministers in the room so i'm just telling y'all from a hood perspective what i did to get him you can go to church and hear it take it from a dude to come out the bottom [Music] ain't gonna pass an awful trail if you don't believe me you ain't got to but i made it don't ever give up i don't care how dark it seemed for you don't ever give up don't ever stop believing and i know sometimes that's difficult because it seems like man it ain't going right at all i was reading a book td jakes has out it's called hope for every moment it's like one of those you see those daily thought books it's inspirational thoughts for every day of the year is what it is my daughters actually gave it to me for my birthday because they've seen me change as a person over the years i'm not guessing this they've actually written it to me and so they really do appreciate the change of me just becoming a better person you know because when you become a better person you become a better person not only for yourself but a lot of people are affected by you being a better person your children are affected your wife is affected your co-workers are affected a lot of your friends are affected your neighbors get affected when you become a better person or start to make that change it affects a lot of people the biggest benefit of it all will probably be you i know i've benefited the most without so many auxiliary benefits of just being a better person and and i i've stopped saying trying to be a better person because i just got to go about business of getting better now doesn't mean that i'm mistake free that's not what that is and it doesn't mean i don't still need encouragement and i won't fall and make a lot more mistakes because i will but i find man in these books that they give me i find so many inspirational things and this morning when i decided to say to everybody don't ever give up because i know how difficult it can be because i do understand man that we will all face moments and challenges in our life that's going to require us to just hold on i wanted to encourage everybody in this book i read it says uh well they didn't say it but i'm i'm paraphrasing it now if you ever felt like you can't find him nowhere i mean you ever been in a hole so dark and the situation so bad you just felt like man i just i just can't find it nowhere oh i can't find him where i thought he would be i've actually felt that before and i was thinking man okay steve maybe a lot of people have been feeling that wing maybe you ought to share your experience with them and that's what i'm doing today you know maybe you've told yourself that the storm gonna be over some see this is the one that i used to do i used to say man the storm gonna be over soon and then the sun came out and then it just left okay hold on then the sun came out and then it just left and then the rains just keep coming i sometimes man you just go wow and it almost feels like god then missed his appointment okay see this is why i used to really get in trouble i used to think man okay is he not listening to me does he not hear me because i'm i'm not only calling i'm actually crying i'm crying out and and i want this to be fixed now you know i used to think okay man i've been praying about this i've been going through this okay i didn't said i give i don't already said i get the message i've been sad i get the point man i was wrong do i have to keep getting beat like this ain't i paid enough for my wrong decision i used to just think like that i think he'd have moved on it by now but what i want you all to remember is that and this is what i read in this book in the book it said that god doesn't synchronize his clock by your little mortal watch god don't synchronize his clock by your little watch you got on your wrist god is in control of this whole thing he does not move in a timely basis according to what you got to have now he gonna fix it for you he gonna get it together for you but it's in his time because he doing a whole lot of shaping and moving and what i had to learn about when i was praying for stuff was it ain't just me that's affected remember at the top where i said when you become a better person it affects everybody well guess what when god answers a prayer it affects everybody see everybody gotta learn lessons along the way and maybe he got you going through a little bit more than what it looks like they going through because he never puts more on you than you can bear and so he puts you in a situation that you can handle so what you got to do is since god don't synchronize his clock by your little mortal watch he got a set time that he gonna bless you the key for you is to hold on that's the key for you is to hold on [Music] okay let me tell you this i was going to tell you this the way to become a millionaire if you could think of how to become a millionaire you do it by friday you don't have to go that far [Music] all you have to do is think of your god-given gift all of you have the ability to make you can charge all of you can do something somebody will pay you ten dollars to do i don't care if it's cutting grass doing their hair painting a wall babysitting uh taking care of the elderly teaching tutoring everybody can do something for ten dollars this is how i got to this place of success my jokes were 25 a night i made that for a long time whatever you do to make ten dollars this gift that god has given you at birth because god never created a soul he didn't give a gift to all of you all of you have one i don't care if it's frying chicken some of you fried chicken better than anybody else baked pie do half something do whatever it is for ten dollars after you make the ten dollars i want you to do it ten more times you'll not have a hundred dollars after you make a hundred dollars whatever you did to make the hundred dollars that ten dollar idea i want you to do it ten more times you're gonna have a thousand dollars now it's gonna get a little more difficult but after you make a thousand dollars whatever you did to make the thousand dollars i want you to do it ten more times you now have ten thousand dollars now now we gotta focus now whatever you did to make ten thousand dollars that started off with your ten dollar idea what i want you to do is focus i want you to do it ten more times you now have a hundred thousand dollars now this is where it gets very very difficult you're gonna have to hire some people you're gonna have to pay some people some money but you take that hundred thousand dollars and you reinvest it and what i want you to do is whatever you did to make the ten dollars that you did a hundred times that turned into a hundred thousand dollars i all i want you to do is take that same idea don't change nothing do it ten more times i got news for you you have just made a million dollars and all it was was a ten dollar idea you do not have to complicate this thing you don't need an education to do this you just need the principles of success i'm telling you man i took these 25 jokes and i turned them into a lifestyle you can take this god-given gift that he gave you and stop thinking of how to make a million just go make ten dollars and do everything ten times as hard and that's gonna be hard understand that it's gonna be very hard but you ain't got nothing else to do because let me tell you something about being not successful being not successful that's really hard too so you might as well apply yourself to something that has a benefit i'm telling you that's how you make a million dollars quit tripping quit tripping you have the weight god has already given it to you to make ten dollars all you gotta do is do it in multiples that's all anybody do that's how it's just ten people got on facebook then ten more people then ten more people then ten million got on not they got 100 million people on facebook numbers just do make billions of dollars it's the same thing it's what it is you have it in you you just gotta apply and you gotta believe that it can happen for you all right you ain't gonna believe me you know what you should do [Music] every time you get a chance to experience first class you should do it because it plants a seed it's like the next time you buy airplane ticket just ask for an upgrade pay a little extra money fly first class what it does is it conditions your mind once you get in first class and you see how wide the seats are and you find you find out why they shut that curtain seat because they shut that curtain because they can't let you see what's going on up there they passing out hot nuts everybody get a washcloth they got a menu you get to decide what you want all the drinks is free once you sit in first class one time the next time you get on the plane it's very difficult to walk past them seats and then your mind starts thinking of ways to get back to first class and guess what that's what you start attracting to your life and you start behaving and producing stuff to get you back into first class that's how you move on you just like like buy you one really expensive outfit just see how it feels that bit is high for a reason don't think they're down there just putting prices on buy a really expensive pair of shoes lady buy a really expensive purse one time just going down and buy the real louis vuitton that ain't ever on sale louis vuitton don't even have sales just get you one when you carry it it changes your life it will then cause your mind to subconsciously produce thoughts to get another one the next thing you know you attract the thing you need to produce the outcome that you want life is all about the law of attraction that's how you do it just try the beginning of being anything is the dream the beginning of being anything it starts with a dream one day somebody had the dream of being able to fly like a bird well today we have airplanes somebody had a dream of one day going into outer space people go to the moon and they come back people one day had dreams of being able to travel at high speeds all types of things it all starts with the dream martin luther king had a dream that one day all of us could unite and come together well it's happening it hasn't fully happened but it's happening but it started with a dream those dreams are available to each and every one of us so parents if you have a child that says something that's beyond the realm of your thinking don't make it not possible so when your child says i'm gonna be a star and you don't really see the talent they got something in them that you might not know about they may have a dream and something burning inside of them that you don't know anything about it all starts with the dream the bible says that a man without a dream or a vision shall perish and that's so true if you don't have nothing you're working for nothing you're shooting for you really have no focal point in life and you wander around aimlessly all the time so all of you out there whatever your dream is and dream big my father used to tell me all the time he said son aim for the moon because if you miss you'll still be amongst the stars the bigger you dream the wider you let your mind fly the more capable you become of accomplishing the thing see you've got to understand that it doesn't matter your financial circumstance it doesn't matter what environment you live in if you can see yourself out of the project if you can see yourself outside the ghetto wall if you can if you can see yourself anywhere then guess what see it see it and believe it to be so that is the beginning of all things happening it is your dream and your vision and let me give you some advice don't share all your dreams with everybody because the moment you say something to somebody and they don't see it for you or themselves they start telling you how it won't happen now you allow that enter in into your mindset when all you was doing was wanting it to be so and now guess what then comes the stumbling blocks the hurdles the pits in the road and now you find yourself trying to understand what they were saying when all you really had to do was go on with your dream so when i have dreams or ambitions i only tell one person i usually tell my wife and after that i don't really share it with a whole lot of people because i know that everybody ain't pulling for me but i know she is so i share with her what i'm thinking about becoming and doing and hoping for us and our family and that's who i tell it to i don't tell it to my friends my boys i don't tell it to my manager i don't tell it to nobody because guess what they got their own agendas too now they don't see it for you because then that's going to get in the way of some plan they had for us and them and now next thing you know they working against that because they got another plan so i don't really share with people i share with my folk and i share with my god and that's it but do dream if you can't think of what to dream stop at a magazine stand or a bookstore and flip through magazines and see stuff that you like to have see places that you'd like to go imagine things that you'd like to be sit down and close your eyes and imagine where you would like to be because that is the beginning it is the dream there's a whole series of things you got to do to become successful but just today i'm just going to stay on this one thing do not be afraid to dream do not be afraid to think that you can and remember this you ain't too old to have a dream anybody can dream i don't care if you're 45 55 65 you can dream about something it can still happen for you and the younger you start dreaming the better you get it dreaming and when you get good at dreaming then after a while you're gonna have to start making some of this stuff come true and next thing you know you're on your way but it starts with a dream so dream big open up magazines cut them cartoons and them sitcoms often quit watching soap operas all day and do something that'll stimulate your mind the travel channel the discovery channel watch a cooking show just get into some other things man you never know what's inside you and something may spark a flame that burns in you that you really didn't even know you had but you got to open up your mind and let it fly dream on with your bad self and don't let nobody tell you that you can't and the best way to not have a person tell you you can't is to not tell them what you want in the first place it's your dream it really ain't got nothing to do with nobody else [Music] and in my story maybe you can see some of yourself listen man anybody can be successful but you got to understand something it's hard it's hard man you can take all the courses you want it's hard you can go down there to church and hold your hands in a prayer circle when you get through praying it's going to be hard you go to school you'll get all the degrees you want when you get them degrees and you hang them on the wall if you want to be successful it's going to be hard it's hard being successful that's the first thing you need to understand i was telling you that i lived in a car for three years in my 30s i was homeless i was homeless based off of the decision i made october 8 1985 i walked in the comedy club for the very first time never been in a comedy club but i had been writing jokes for a dude taking my jokes going to a comedy club he was paying me ten dollars for it i had never been to a comedy club had never heard of a comedy club i was writing for a buddy of mine named aj jamal he would pay me 10 bucks a joke one day i was writing some jokes for him and i was over his house to drop him off and this girl named gladys jacobs came over to the house and she said you the dude just writing the jokes for aj jamal i said yeah she said he the funniest dude at the comedy club i said after what she said he's the funniest dude at the comedy club i'm 27 i've never heard of a comedy club now all my life i wanted to be on tv i'm gonna tell you that story a little bit late but i just said man at the comedy club she said you should come she said why don't you tell the jokes yourself now i'm thinking i said man this could be what i've been asking god my whole life see some of you in this spot where you keep asking god what do i do next what's my next move you know the hardest thing about your life trying to figure it out ain't that hard but do you know that you ain't supposed to do that do you know that god already designed you for a purpose in life and if you would just simply ask god what it was he could guide you to it and the search for what i'm supposed to do will be over but oh no we so busy figuring it out i got news for you how to do something the how-to is none of your business that's what i never knew so i was just wanting man to just be on tv since i was a little kid this girl said come to comedy club so i go to the comedy club with her she said we gonna go tuesday night i want you to sign up to perform next week and then i want you to see how i go first i said cool so i went i walked into comedy club i signed up for the following week and i sit down mostly 10 dudes perform nine of them went up now i ain't laughed all night she said you're not laughing at none of these jokes you know why because what they were doing was my actual gift it was the thing i've been doing my whole life so i wasn't laughing at their jokes cause i knew everything they was gonna say and i knew everything they should have said where the joke would have really been funny so i'm just sitting there just a student man so it got to the tenth guy and they called his name and nobody went up and they called his name again they said well looks like number 10 isn't here we're going to go to next week's list steve harvey come on up i looked at that girl gladys i said it's crazy i said if somebody in here got the same name i got she said you really can't be this stupid she said boy that's you i run up on stage i ain't got nothing first thing i say to the audience is hey i appreciate y'all clapping but i ain't supposed to be here i'm on next week's show so the girl gladys yelled out tell him about when you was boxing so on the way down i had told her this story about boxing so i did the boxing joke mike tyson loves to fight yes he don't care if it's in the ring or out the ring man or woman mike just wants to get it on and if you don't think that's true you just ask that heavyweight fighter mitch green dave these people was in the flow laughing so then i had nothing else so i had wrote some jokes from my buddy aj jamal that i hadn't sold to him yet so i said well hell let me try these so i did them jokes they died laughing they bought me off stage they brought all 10 of us up on stage they had a clap off that night i won the clap off i won amateur night october 8th 1985. they paid me 50. i get in the car i'm 40 minutes from my house gladys is driving me home i'm crying the entire time i can't stop crying she said what you crying for it's just fifty dollars [Music] i said no you don't understand this ain't fifty dollars i've been born tonight this ain't fifty dollars this is god answering the prayer of mine that i've been praying for 20 years this ain't fifty dollars this is what i'm gonna do the rest of my life i went to work the next day october 8th 1985 and quit my job i have done nothing since october 8 1985 except one thing i've been telling these here jokes that's all i've ever done that gift that god gave me you know the bible says your gift will make room for you it'll make room for you see if you're not doing your gift you're wasting your time your gift will make room for you you got to identify your god-given gift if you don't identify your gift you're going to waste your time telling jokes is my gift so even as a motivational speaker i use my gift nothing's more boring than sitting up listening to somebody talk for 45 minutes and you ain't laughing 45 minutes [Music] listen if i want to i could turn this into a comedy show i'll probably everybody in here be throwing up if i want to 1968 came off school off of a summer vacation i'm 10 years old the assignment the teacher had was everybody in the school class write your name on a piece of paper and what you want to be when you grow up i wrote on my paper i want to be on tv that's what i wrote that lady said turn in your papers she asked she went around the room called everybody's name up you had to stand while she read your paper she read off everybody's name she saved me for last she said little stevie come to the front i'm thinking okay this is it i ain't never had a gold star in school in my life i've never been recognized for academic achievements in my life i've never got an award of any kind in my life here i come little stevie coming to the front i got a belt that's too big it's tied around me twice they just called me tater chip in school because i was shaped like a potato chip and i walked up there and i'm standing in front of class now i told you a minute ago i had a severe stuttering problem in school i could not talk outside of my house i studied severely i thought this woman was going to give me a gold star because i figured nobody else in the class had wrote i want to be on tv but me so mine must be the best answer of all of them so i'm standing up there and that lady started in on me she didn't call me up there to give me no gold star she called me to the front to humiliate me and that lady did me she said why did you put something like this on your paper now you've called me to the front you know i have a stuttering problem you know i can't talk so she started why did you write this on your paper who in your family ever been on tv who in this school ever been on tv who in this neighborhood has ever been on television she said why would you write something like that on your paper and look at you standing there you can't even talk [Music] i was crushed [Music] why would you write that on your paper you can't even talk just a teacher you're supposed to be shaping and molding my mind we pay you to educate [Music] why would you write something like that on your paper you will never be on tv every christmas i send her a flat screen tv cause i don't want her to miss me i wanted her to see what god had done for me the fact that they don't see the dream the fact that they don't see what you can be has nothing to do with what god can do nothing at all i don't care who you are go cut your tv on you cut your tv on seven days a week that little black boy was studying problem he all over that tv [Music] that little black boy messed around and became a tv star she didn't see it how many times have you shared a dream with somebody and they didn't see it i heard somebody talk about the importance of education and education is critical you have to be educated you have to be well read you got to be well versed there's no way around it [Music] i'm gonna make a statement i don't know how it's gonna fly in this room but here i go [Music] education is not the most important thing in your life is not i spoke out of school one time and i said that principal of the school came up and had me removed from the stage i was just trying to help his students education is not the most important thing do you know how many people i know with education that ain't working you know many people i know with degrees ain't got no job do you know how many people i know with multiple degrees ain't making no money the single most important thing in your life is your dream it's your dream it's what you dream about it's in your bible it says a man without a dream or vision shall perish they don't mention education in the bible the university of jamaica is not in the bible without dreams and visions you can't make it if you got no dream if you got no vision you're sunk you're done i'm sorry i'm just giving you the basics of how to be successful this how i got here i'mma give you something that changed my life a very short scripture changed my life you have not cause you asked now it's in james four and two uh-oh listen to me i can't even tell you how big that is look at me that's the coldest thing i'm gonna tell you today you have not cause you ass not it's that simple most people don't have the life of their dreams because you ain't never asked god could you have it you've been trying to do it yourself you've been trying to figure it out for yourself how that's been working out for you kind of crazy ain't it i just told you earlier you can't figure it out ain't no scripture nowhere to tell you to figure it out what you trying to figure your life out for it ain't yours you ain't making you ain't the creator you ain't got nothing to do with tomorrow you can't change the past so what you tripping with your life for you have not cause you asked not y'all ain't never asked god could you be rich most people ain't rich today because you ain't never asked god could you be rich i asked god every day when i was homeless my god is faith very happy and my god is powerful and my god is in charge at the lowest point of my life i asked god every day could i be rich you know why because i had had it up to him with being told i lived in a car dawg i had no backyard i had no tv i had no phone i ain't got no bathroom i ain't got no suit [Music] i asked god every day could i be rich i told god if you let me make it would i get there i'm with every chance i get i'm gonna tell everybody it was you here i am and it was him it was him now you got another route you want to take go ahead see thing about having faith is you don't need nobody's permission you don't have to take out a loan you don't have to get accepted into the course you can start your faith today you can start your walk with god today you ain't got to clear it with nobody there's plenty of openings he's available all you got to do is go i got rich and i'm not bragging but i'm just telling you i got rich because i asked it is an amazing scripture man if you would only ask well steve what do i ask for everything you want a relationship with god where god is not only your king he's your companion he's your guide he's your friend you know how you can tell your friend anything that's the relationship he looking for you ain't got to go to church to get that you had that at your house you can have relationship with god on your own you got to have that man you got to start asking god for big stuff stop wasting god's time with all this little stuff lord help me make my rent don't he always has it ever occurred to you that maybe you should ask god for a mortgage you ever thought of that you don't think god got mortgage money but you know why you don't ask god for the mortgage because you keep getting in the way it says you have not caused your ass not but you say well i don't have a job that uh dictates i would afford a mortgage i don't make enough money i got bad credit you think god don't know that [Music] he said ask you have not caused you ass now so you rule yourself out of the mortgage simply because you won't ask just go ahead and ask god for the house you think god don't know you need a better job you block your own blessing cause you get in the way of the answer just ask god for big stuff lord jesus help me get out of debt in seven years why would you ask god to get you out of debt in seven years who you think you're talking to ain't this the same god that made heaven and earth in six days why would it take him seven years to get you out of debt he made heaven and earth in six days you need seven years from god to get you out of debt you're crazy [Music] god do big stuff ask god for something big now here's a second the next thing you need to do oprah been on tv for 30 years telling people about vision boards if you don't have a vision board if you don't have your dreams written down that's the other reason you don't have i just gave you the two main reasons why people don't have the life of their dreams number one you don't ask god for it and number two you won't write it down it has to be written you have to write it down it's a principle of success anybody can be successful you just have to know the principles of success see i know the principles of success i could stop and go start selling tomatoes and i could go make a lot of money selling tomatoes you know why because i know the principles of success the second principle you need to know is you have to write it down but that's the scripture that's rebecca two and two write the vision and make it plain so that he who reads it will run to it and even though it tarry wait for it for surely it will come at an appointed time i don't know but four five but i know four five good ones though everything i've ever dreamed and asked god for i'd have wrote it down everything i ever had had come from a piece of paper and everything extra i got come from his grace i got stuff he gave me stuff more than on the paper but see you ain't got no time for that though so here's the exercise i want all of you to do i'm just telling you how to be successful this is how i did it i ain't gonna take no course i don't have no fl i flunked out of school i have no education albert einstein has a quote that changed my life i'm gonna give it to you because this is for everybody in this room because it's something that we all have and you may have never understood it albert einstein said imagination is everything it's the preview to life's coming attractions i want you to listen to me now cause this this this gonna be my last thing but this is so good man if you can get this right here this can change it for you imagination is everything it's the preview to life's coming attraction you know what that means that means everything you see in this world came from somebody's imagination everything the wright brothers said man i want to fly like a bird they laughed them out to jail see you've been thinking all this time that your imagination was just some hocus pocus it ain't it ain't i'm finna teach you something now i want you to hear me on this one because this is the most powerful thing that i can tell you today albert einstein had that quote but albert einstein took that quote out of the bible albert einstein took the second half of my mother's favorite scripture my mother's favorite scripture is and you've all heard it faith is the substance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen oh i'm in front of right crowd now i usually tell that to people maybe going what's where's that faith is the substance of things hoped for what better message than faith and hope [Music] why are you sitting in this room trying to get to the next level listen to me there will be no more levels for you unless you get to the next level of your faith [Music] there ain't no more levels for you partner you where you at your imagination is a preview of a coming attraction god has for you that's what your imagination is that's what it's been this whole time all them times you've been imagining being rich that wasn't just up there god put it in your head because that's what he got for you that big house you keep wanting god put it in your head because that's what god got for you that promotion on the job you keep imagining that's what god put in your head because that's what he got for you when you keep dreaming of taking a summer vacation somewhere that's cause that's what god got for you when you dream of retiring one day having retirement income it's in your imagination because god put it there because that's a coming attraction that god has for you that's what your imagination is you've been tripping faith is the substance of things hoped for now check this out the second half of that scripture and the evidence of things not seen here go to lesson your imagination is the evidence of things not seen you know why it's the evidence of things not seen because your imagination you the only one can see it nobody can see your imagination with you but god places what he has for you in your imagination after you become an adult it shouldn't be hope no more this ought to start turning into some faith you got to go man i don't hoped hard enough and god gave it to me what's the matter with calling it faith quit hoping man turn it into faith faith is a belief in things that you cannot see you got to ask god for something remember i told you write it down ask for something from god you don't know how in the world you're going to get it you know what's on my vision board things i have no idea how i'm going to get that's what ought to be on your vision board you know how many times you didn't wrote your imagination off you know the danger about your imagination you tell it to the wrong people that's the danger you want to kill a big dream tell it to a small-minded person boy they'll shoot it down every time won't they you know how many wonderful ideas you've had stuff that god gave to you you thought was man this is it you went in that to your friends and your family and you shared it with them and they shot it down you know why they shot it down because they ain't see it you know i didn't see it because god didn't give it to him because he put it in your imagination if he'd wanted them to imagine that he could put it in their head that's why people can't see what you're going to be that's why they're teaching that teacher mine look at you you're standing there you can't even talk how they gonna put somebody like you on tv well ladies what you didn't know was i wasn't gonna stutter forever you didn't know god was gonna get me over to stuttering did you you didn't see it because nobody else from 112th street ever been on tv you ain't think i'd be the first you know why because you ain't see it but god didn't put me being on tv in her hand he put it in me he put it in my head i was just dumb enough to think it could happen when you to get dumb enough to think that your imagination is real if i was you out here up and get that stupid i really would i know there's some motivational confidence i know you want to hear about some book you can go by and read you already got the book is that your house it's the one with the dust on it do you know everything you need to know about successes in there [Music] every self-help book today is written off the principles that's in the bible now is it good to buy these other books yes it is but if you've got a bible that's in there but if you want to buy a book that's based on the bible go by this book called the magic of thinking being faith without works is dead you have not because you asked not faith is some things hoped for write the vision and make it plain i gave you phone right there that changed your life somebody said well if you're gonna mention your god you need to stop all these jokes that's what i do i tell jokes i tell jokes for a living how much money i made telling jokes i told a dude when he hired me i use humor because i hold people's attention with humor i'm telling you somebody gonna find something wrong with it somebody always finds something wrong with what you doing even if it's okay somebody always man don't you know i'm used to that i don't appreciate him talking about the lord that much well okay well don't have me back i didn't like the jokes we're here for motivation i didn't like the jokes go on social media right now they dogging me about something but you know what it don't matter what they say because what they say don't matter who is these people talking about me don't none of them people that's talking about me ever met me they thumb gangsters hey listen i've told you a lot of things i hope you grasp some of it i want you to know that i was really honored to be here i pray [Music] i asked god what to go tell the people i come out here without the paper and i tell you what god told me to tell you i hope i've encouraged you i hope i've reminded you of some things i hope i've shared some light i hope that you all live the life of your dreams because it's possible god is in to make your dream come true business i told you what he did for me what he did for me he would surely do for you hey i love y'all thank y'all very much [Applause] i've discovered that your career is what you paid for your calling is what you made for sharing my story if it helps another person get to where they want to be in life wherever that is i think that's that's that's a pretty good deal i mean i've evolved over the years i've never been afraid to reinvent myself [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: MotivationalToday
Views: 688,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REMOVE NEGATIVE ENERGY, Steve Harvey, Jim Rohn, Joel Osteen, morning motivation, motivational speech, motivational video, best motivational speech 2021, best motivational video 2021, motivational speech 2021, new year motivation, motivational video 2021, jim rohn motivation, steve harvey motivation, motivation, best speeches, motivation for 2021, stop being soft, motivational music, motivational, motivational speaker, best motivational speech
Id: S_6BixmCXMc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 27sec (3627 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 28 2021
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