I wasn't able to be successful until I heard this message

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[Music] you're living in the wrong environment you're permanently ruining your future you're halting your progress life is made not to be easy not one's life is ever easy how did you ever think you were ever going to make any progress you can make this your time you can take control of the life you want to live have the authority to know what you need to change to know how to change and then to take action have discipline for yourself into progress switch your routine make your life hard difficult situations force you to make improvements force you to learn to educate yourself prove this to yourself make others jealous make yourself jealous you work your progress is more important than anything stop sabotaging your life your future because you have the potential to make it past your fears past your insecurities change your perspective on goals on achievements change your mindset on the progress you're making change your mindset on the way you see your routine and how that affects your life how that affects your future your future starts now your life starts now your journey starts here it doesn't get any easier you just get stronger if you want to change don't expect your life to stay the same expect it to get harder expect it to actually get really really tough tougher than you can even imagine right now and this is where you can move past the boundary that used to hold you back used to hold you by the neck [Music] now you can move towards the fulfillment that's your future and this you see this this is where you can finally feel the satisfaction of your work this is when you finally get to feel that success [Music] now is the time for you to step up stand out and become the person you need to become your future is in your hands and this is what sets your life up to be worth the potential that you deserve it doesn't get any easier you just get stronger your power is and always has been the thing that's going to take you towards the life that you have earned don't fail yourself perseverance is the aspect that takes you towards the future worthy of your strength worthy of your progress so take pride in that more than anything you have and you always will have this this potential to improve this potential to adapt and this potential to change what are you willing to change how hard are you willing to work how much do you want to grow today i want you to look in the mirror and see yourself look yourself in the eyes and see yourself as a warrior see yourself as the predator a lion your hair your hair is the main it's a mane of protection a mane of wealth of intimidation it's a tool you understand your hands are claws big powerful claws heavy and indestructible see your eyes as piercing and furious and ready to fight this is how you can see the change and this is how you can see how much you need to improve this is the time now is the time so who are you willing to embody you going to be weak like a lamb are you going to be powerful like the lion i described to you make the decision now before it's too late before the opportunity is already wasted this in the mind is where it all begins this is where you can properly transform into the person you never thought you could be this can be a reality this can be your future but you gotta want it to happen so work work day in work day out put in the time see the progress you've made and see how far that gets you because it's gonna take you far this is where it all starts now you can finally succeed so take today as the opportunity it is and seize it [Music] this is what you've been working for go on and receive them [Music] you want to take care of yourself make it priority but many many of us just stopped dead in our tracks i don't know what to do you do know what to do you got genius in you challenge yourself push yourself make yourself come up with something use your imagination and what you will find is that you know more than you realize that you know that you're more creative and more resourceful than you realize that you are and as you do that the more you do it the easier it will become at first it's going to be a struggle and after you get into a certain level of consciousness you will ask yourself how is it that i didn't see this before at the level that i'm managing my business now they say consciousness is what we are i literally look at myself and say how is it that i didn't do this before why is it that i couldn't see this before and the reason that i didn't see it before because i didn't challenge myself i didn't put myself out here see the reason that most of us go through life never discovering our true greatness literally walking breathing corpses the uncommitted life isn't worth living here's the big challenge of life you can have more than you've got because you can become more than you are and of course the other side of the coin reads unless you change how you are you will always have what you got success is something you attract not something you pursue success is looking for a good place to stay so instead of going after it you work on yourself personal development see the major question to ask on the job is not what are you getting the major question to ask on the job is what are you becoming the big question is not what am i getting paid here the big question is what am i becoming here because true happiness is not contained in what you get happiness is contained in what you become it's an interesting thing ladies and gentlemen that when we put ourselves in a situation where we say we're going to do it it puts you in another zone where the universe responds to you when you have that kind of consciousness see the universe responds to the man or woman that refuses to be denied because that is your commitment that business that you want that book you want to write that dream that you have of controlling your destiny that is yours that power to create that and to manifest that that is yours that's available to you but you've got to be willing to stand there and face disappointment not have support feel lonely doubt yourself sometimes be rejected again and again and again become bankrupt if necessary again and again and again and refuse to turn around until life gives it up that whatever is required if it means that i die i remember paul robertson here i stand for i can do no other and that's how you must be the only way it gets better for you is when you get better life is like seasons you cannot change the seasons but you can change yourself you can't change the seasons but you can change yourself and see that's how life gets better for you not by chance but by change it means beginning to say and to to see and recognize your alignment and oneness with the universe and that you are a channel for life to express through and we short-circuited with anger we short-circuit it with fear we short-circuited with with envy we short-circuited by being lazy or apathetic or giving up easily why why why we say oh it's too hard it's too hard we don't challenge our spirit ladies and gentlemen there's nothing as powerful as the human spirit you can't destroy you can pervert it but you can't destroy i was reading man's search for meaning by viktor frankl what a powerful book i'm reading it now for the seventh time and he gives so many graphic examples of of the power of the human spirit something was said one time when you take a physician says coward is asked the question is it safe politics asks the question is it popular but conscience or commitment asks the question is it right and see most people rather operate from the first two is it safe for me to take this position i remember when i was a state legislator i saw guys and and women who believed in legislation very strongly but because the speaker of the house said we won't go with that they backed down and they felt bad about it they wouldn't take the position because they didn't want the speaker of the house to be angry at them they wanted to be all right with all of the rest of our colleagues see it takes a great deal of strong courage and commitment on your part to step out a line to you know henry david thoreau says a man doesn't keep pace with his companions perhaps he's listening to the beat of a different drama let him dance to the music that he hears however measured or far apart when you are committed you're dancing to the beat of a different drama don't expect people to understand you don't expect it to make sense to anybody why you've got to do this why you have got to go while you leave this is a good job i'm going they pay you well i'm going you just a few years for retirement i'm going why i don't understand you don't have to i'm going for me it means taking a stand taking a stand for you it means delivering it means coming through start again so what you felt flat on your face so what start again learn from the experience and start again don't count yourself out don't sentence yourself to a lifetime of being miserable a lifetime of being broke a lifetime of being unhealthy a lifetime of being in a relationship that is no longer fulfilling to you a lifetime of living working on a job that that does not bring you satisfaction that's not giving you the creative urge that you need and and that got to have in your life that stimulates you don't send us yourself like that you are a human being don't volunteer your life that way your life has too much value to the universe you've got something to contribute you've got something to give take full responsibility for what happens to you it's one of the highest forms of human maturity accepting full responsibility it's the day you know you've passed from childhood to adulthood the day you accept full responsibility spiritual self-reflection to understand who you are and why you are here and when you understand the depths of that and you allow yourself to tap into the space of that which is the force the universal energy the divine flow and you do that with a sense of authenticity that only you can that only your energy can bring you become untouchable in whatever it is you choose to do you lose your power when you try to take control of somebody else's energy because you have no power in any energy field other than that which is your own and your real job in life is to figure out how do you master your field how do you do that by consistently choosing love by living in the space of gratitude and knowing that that power that you feel from time to time comes from a source that is greater than yourself [Music] when you realize how fast time is going it should bring a sense of urgency a sense of focus your assignment has an expiration date your time on this earth is not unlimited you can't be distracted by things that are keeping you from your purpose you don't have time to waste worried about what people think about you your time is too valuable to respond to every critic every negative comment try to convince people that you really are okay those are distractions everyone is not going to like you everyone's not going to accept you quit trying to convince someone to understand you that's determined to misunderstand you some people don't want to be for you and that's okay you don't need them to fulfill your destiny but the enemy would love for us to spend time and energy trying to win someone over that's never going to be won over you have to set your face the people that need to be for you will be for you god has already lined up the right people people that will celebrate you people that will cheer you on people that stick with you through thick and thin but too often we're trying to convince people to be our friend convince them to spend time with us but if someone doesn't see the gift that you are if they don't recognize your talents value your friendship do yourself a favor and move on no offense but they are not a part of your destiny you don't have to play up to people let them manipulate you hope that they call maybe they'll include you in their group so the people god has for you don't have to be talked into liking you you won't be able to keep them away they'll light up when you walk in the room they can't wait to spend time with you they'll go out of their way to do you favors now don't waste another minute trying to convince someone to like you to call you to come see you if you have to talk them into it they are not for you they are a distraction [Music] people say you can't change your career at 30 that's when you're meant to be settling down you can't change your career at 35 you should have had it figured out by then oh my god you're not married at 38 what the hell are you doing with your life who comes up with this stuff i have no idea but this stuff played so many people that i speak to so many people open up to me and say jay i just don't know how to change is it possible what do you think this guy was before he became who he is he used to be a pe teacher right sports teacher at a high school how about her she was a telemarketer for two weeks how about her she applied to be a funeral director it's incredible what happens in society is that we're clouded by the noise the noise of family expectations the noise of our parents the noise of our brothers and sisters expectations i grew up in a family where you could either be a doctor a lawyer or a failure right those were my three options anything else would just count me as a failure i would have felt so basically i failed right i'm standing up here in front of you all as a failure i lived as a monk for three years i committed career suicide i turned down two amazing corporate job offers when i graduated from business school i shaved my hair i wore robes and lived out of a gym locker for three years and i did that because i thought i was going to do something meaningful help impact the world and it was one of the best experiences of my life but more than becoming a monk what that trained me to do was drop out with the rules people told me if you come back in three years you'll never get a job they told me if you become a monk people don't think you're weird forever no girls ever gonna talk to you people told me they were they were like well when you come back to real life like will you even be able to talk english like people just really weirded out i'm just like okay i think monks speak english and there was so much different noise that i was hearing when i made that decision and the funny thing is from having not been a monk for four years now i'm in one of the most incredible periods of my life that i could ever have asked for and so much of that is based on the fact that i decided to do something different so many of the times our expectations are driving us in a certain scenario we focus so much on life in what we want to be as opposed to who we want to be because we've always been told that life and jobs and careers are like boxes and containers there's only a finite number of options there is no formula there is no pattern do you know what you're passionate about if you know what you're good at and you invest in that people say follow your passions i say forget that invest in your passion if you're passionate about something go and become the best at it go into a course on it go and learn from the best go and find a mentor who's going to make you incredible at that trade not only will you be criticized and grow you'll be able to find new things about yourself that you never knew don't trade who you are for who you think the world needs because the world needs you to do you and i mean that i was a 19 year old kid and i was miserable i was in love with my high school sweetheart we were that couple that was really annoying so we went to school together we signed up for classes together we shared a u-haul on the way to school together we lived in the same dorm together we walked to class we walked to breakfast in the morning and walked to class i mean we were just joined at the hip and we were completely crazy infatuated in love and then halfway through the first year of college she discovered beer and other boys on the same night and she cheated i completely fell apart i stopped going to class i barely ate anything certainly nothing healthy i stopped studying i just stopped caring about the world literally couldn't get out of bed and i never thought about until years later reading changed my life because i was still reading there's one thing that's brought me through everything and i happened to pick up the school newspaper and i opened it up and there was this full page ad it was this perfect white sandy beach turquoise water big green palm tree and across the top of the ad it said escape students needed for summertime jobs in the dominican republic so i escaped i went down there and one night my friend kevin and i we hopped into a car after uh dropping off a client so we're going down this road 85 miles an hour in this car and the windows were open and that air was coming in that amazing humid if you've been in the caribbean that just gorgeous amazing humid air is coming in and then we came upon a corner we take that corner 85 miles an hour and that corner became the turning point to put my feet on the stage for you today kevin grabs the wheel he goes hold on and i brace and the car starts sliding sideways and that weird slow motion thing happens kevin's gripping the wheel trying to make the corner and all of a sudden smack when i came to i looked over and kevin is screaming at the top of his lungs get out of the car burn and get out of the car and i look over and a whole big chunk of his head is open so i pull myself out of the windshield of this car and he's screaming over here and i stand up eventually on the hood of the car and i look and i notice all this blood on me and i remember just looking down and that slow motion things happening i just thought did i even matter i start seeing all these images of my life when i'm surrounded by people that i care for there's a cake in front of me here's my friends singing my mom leading them in that goofy song there's my sister just swinging and smiling right next to me and it makes you wonder did i love did i love openly and honestly and completely or did i hold back because that one time i got hurt and just as i was about to pass out i noticed a glint like a sparkle something shiny a reflection in the blood going off the hood of the car and it made me look up and there was this bright big beautiful moon that night and i just immediately felt this connection if like i knew i was going to be okay and i felt like the big guy upstairs reached down to me and handed me life's golden ticket he reached down said here you go kid you're still alive you can still love and matter but now you know the clock is ticking mortality motivation i got as a 19 year old kid people say why are you so successful i'm like i got mortality motivation when i was 19. that's a blessing most people don't get that till they're 60. don't worry kevin and i we both survived see i'm still here it's okay i made it but the one thing that i took away from that entire thing was that moment and those questions because i remembered them and i thought about them as i was healing i was like what was that about why did i feel so unhappy with that moment because i thought you know in the last moments of life there must be this transcendence and i was not happy and i realized it was because of how i'd been living my life and i wasn't living to my questions i knew i got those questions did i live did i love did i matter and soon as i got that those were the questions i'm going to evaluate myself with at the end of the life it gave me the power of what my late mentor wayne dyer taught the power of intention that breath you just took feel it what a blessing that is you got that life what a blessing is you got that breath that means you still got something inside you got to work for it you got to contribute for it you got to give for it you've got to lead for it you got to love for it because you still have something not just in you you're still here for a reason and now you just got to earn that blessing you know my parents biggest frustration was that i was epically lazy and if they handed out gold medals for being lazy i would have won i assure you hands down because even though i was a slightly chubby kid growing up in a morbidly obese family in tacoma washington i always knew two things about myself one day i was gonna be rich and i was gonna have six pack abs like those are the two things is that kid that was you know jiggling his belly thinking one day i'm not gonna have to suck in my gut when i left for college my own mother who'd always been my biggest cheerleader quietly assumed i was going to fail but these two guys that were successful entrepreneurs and bodybuilders happened to walk into a class when i was a teacher and they were just starting a technology startup and they said hey we need a copywriter why don't you come be a copywriter and so i was just young enough and just dumb enough and i went all in they literally put me in the room with all the computer servers but starting from there i knew i could wow people because i was willing to grind it out and we all have a super power and my superpower may be the willingness and ability to endure suffering i had suffered a lot i hadn't taken a day off in like six and a half years because i was so hell-bent to get rich and then i realized almost eight and a half years in i'd finally had enough i had hit my breaking point from suffering and i got so mad and i was so unwilling to do it anymore and then i turn to my partners and i say i'm completely miserable i quit i realized the reason i was living the cliche of money can't buy happiness along the way had become so myopically focused on this promise i'd made my to myself as a kid that i never stopped to ask why do i want to get rich the questions you ask yourself will determine the course of your life i had been asking myself what do i need to do to get rich and it left me really unhappy so i changed the question and i started asking what would i do and love every day even if i were failing life is too short this is your one go around so what are we going to do we're going to build a company that's predicated on value we're going to build a company that's predicated on passion i started thinking about my mom and my sister but they were profoundly overweight i started thinking about my uncle who ate himself to death when i was 12 years old and how much that scared me and it made me sad and it made me sad to see that there were millions if not more than a billion people that were in the same kind of abusive relationship with food that my mom and my sister were so i said i don't know if it's a big business but i know it's a big problem and that's the problem that we're gonna solve and so we decided to build a totally new kind of company we started quest nutrition in 2010 just as we were coming out of the great recession i was wearing a hair net and a lab coat every day and my employees were former gang members ex-drug dealers felons we were in compton and we literally told everybody in the neighborhood i don't care if you've been convicted of a crime i just want to know if you're willing to bust your ass to change your life and if you are you're going to get an interview and i'm not going to ask for your resume i don't care about your resume your resume tells me where you've been it doesn't tell me the price you're willing to pay to become somebody new every belief that you have is a choice i choose to believe that human potential is nearly limitless and this was the belief that changed my life because once i realized so it's not about who you are today it's about who you want to become and the price you're willing to pay to get there and i promise you the day that you're willing to pay any price you'll achieve what you want to achieve if you truly believe that human potential is limitless what do you want to become and what price are you willing to pay to get there [Music] gives you better sex increases your good cholesterol gives you more friends gives you more meaning engagement life satisfaction and happiness if you have a purpose-driven life it adds years to your life you live longer let me share two stories with you story number one we're interviewing one of those school teachers she says the first year i taught was heaven the second year i taught was hell i had five boys that second year and they were incorrigible and there was one kid in particular he was impossible one day this kid's in the doorway of the classroom and he's kicking and moving his arms making noises and i lost it she said i'm shamed to say these words but i walked towards that kid with the intention of kicking him thank heavens he got up and ran away i kept walking i went to the principal's office i said this is it it's him or me and the principal took the kid out she said i felt terrible so i went to two of my colleagues and poured my heart out and they said to me you are not the key to every door and as she said those words she burst into tears in the interview and we waited a long time and then she looked up and said i hated that those words you can't be the key to every door she said so i decided to become the key to every door instead of pushing disruptive kids away i began to seek them out i began to bring them into my world i read every book i could find i kept notes i ran experiments i kept notes on the experiments and then she kind of pulled herself up and said today i am the key to every door when there's a disruptive troubled kid in school they say give her to miss so-and-so she seems to know what to do with them that's a profoundly important story it's a story of transformative learning when i have a higher purpose i find the energy and the courage to go outside my comfort zone now the second story is a lot closer to home i once had a daughter she was single she was living in washington dc she had reached that point in life where she said there's none not a good man left on the earth and then she found one she got really excited relationship grew then one day our phone rang she's talking to a mother and i know what's going on this guy just dumped her this daughter is the firstborn child many first-born children share a common characteristic if they're miserable they want you to be miserable too okay and she said i'm coming home this weekend no no your mother hangs up and says you're the father you go to the airport and pick her up oh so the next day i go pick her up she gets in the car and she doesn't say hello how are you she says that no good dirty no no no no five minutes later she takes a breath and i said are you problem solving or purpose finding we're finally pulling in the driveway she takes another breath i say it again she says what are you talking about and she said this is the real world i said well i think it applies to the real world by then we're in the house i pull out a sheet of paper out of my file and it says robert quinn life state she looks at it and then she grows kind of quiet and she looks up and says when you feel bad you read this i said no when i feel bad i rewrite it it's been rewritten hundreds of times she said yeah i can hardly understand some of this stuff i said yeah it's written to a customized audience one person then the first miracle happened she said do you think i could write one of these i said i'm sure you can she went in the bedroom for a day and a half she worked on her life statement the miracle was i did not have to suffer during that day she got on the plane she flew home to d.c a couple days passed i get an email she said he called me oh this'll be interesting and she says so i wrote him this letter and i'm reading this letter that she's attached it's incredibly vulnerable hope honest and then at the bottom it says and my roommate said i can't give the stamp now that's an interesting thing why can't we give this letter to this guy you don't tell some guy that dumped you that you know here's how you feel and then she said what my roommates don't understand is that what he thinks doesn't matter whoa wait a minute a few days ago what he thought caused her life to shatter now she's saying what he thinks doesn't matter she's saying this is who i really am didn't know this a while ago now i know it it doesn't matter what other people think you see when you clarify your purpose you take back your external locus of control where you worry about what other people think and you take it in eternal locus you don't become insensitive you don't become rebellious you become sin you become powerful now here's the interesting thing in the next few months she began to be promoted her career turned why this was a dating breakup why is her career taking off because when you find purpose and meaning in what you're doing in one area of your life it grows in every area of life because you are one person that company had a woman coming in with the same dresses on body looked the same but it wasn't the same employee this was a woman now full of leadership for the first time when someone has that meaning and that integrity things start to change the research says when you give up self-interested goals where most of us are most of the time and you take on contributive goals you function differently the biology changes the thought process changes learning accelerates you grow more the only thing that i'm left to conclude is you and i are designed to be purpose-seeking mechanisms you've been shaped by life you've had bad experiences and good experiences and both the bad experiences and the good experiences are there to teach you something about you and if you look very carefully hit those you can determine what your purpose is every person in this room can clarify the purpose of their life become the key to every door [Music] mike scream grenade out and jumped on it and boom two snipers were providing overwatch for the other platoon that were trying to maneuver and unbeknownst to mike and those guys an insurgent had seen where they were firing had snuck up next to the side of that building pulled out a hand grenade pull it and threw it up and that thing came right up boom and hit mike on the chest petty officer mike monsoor took the entirety of that blast in his face and his chest he lasted for another 35 minutes before he passed away on the medevac bird out the kicker of this story is there was a stairwell right next to mike right next to him and all he had to do was jump down that stairwell to save his own life but he didn't he turned and jumped on the grenade sacrificing himself so his two brothers could both go home and hug their wives kiss their children and fight another day once you think to yourself what would you do for 70 years united states navy seal team we've been pushing the envelope we've been setting the bar we've been setting the standard for what the team life is and how you should live are you really committed to yourself physically because we all know when the going gets tough the more in shape the more focused you are and what you eat and what you consume the better you are i spend 15 months in the frigid waters of the pacific ocean to the mountains of afghanistan on seven different occasions and to the shores of haiti doing missionary work with my church and what i've learned in this incredible journey are a few undeniable truths about what enables us to succeed now truth number one is you got fear in your heart always and you can't defeat it everybody's like well that's a bummer the problem is ladies and gentlemen is you're wired for fear right it's part of our lives we have it in what we do for a living right you talk about fear in your lives and your personal lives with your family folks we've got fear period so what you have to learn to do is embrace it truth one the second one is self-confidence is huge it's important and you gotta forge it every single day the third one is you gotta live with purpose if you don't have purpose in your life you don't have momentum you don't have anything driving you forward anything pulling you out of bed every single day and the last one and the one i learned that left an indelible mark not only in my heart but in my soul on those beaches across the street street over there is nobody does it alone there's not a single person in this whole room right now that can race their hand and say you know what right i've done it by myself not a single person out there has helped me not a one we all need help so as a result of that you have to recognize that you have to live what i call a team you have to be 100 focused that everything you think about everything you do is with someone else as with a team amen right we've been giving everything we are to our communities to our families to our children but more importantly we're willing to give everything we are and potentially everything we will ever be for the man that's next to us this is the team life this is what my mission here is today is to help you understand this standard to help you redefine your understanding of what that mission might look like for you are you working on it are you working on it right now did you work on it today are you gonna go work on it tonight because i tell you with those three things you're on the road commitment i've worked with every kind of person there is on this planet we all bleed red what i care about is there's something that gets you out of bed every morning there's something that you have faith in that's bigger than yourself there's something that you're willing to sacrifice for another human being that's powerful learn to continue on the right path and make sure they don't interfere with your journey the path you're on these mistakes could be the aspect in your life that changes you the aspect that makes you realize what you can do how much potential you've always had life is constructed of lessons those that choose to educate themselves will be the ones who succeed they'll be the people who make it past their fears these people are strong enough to know that they can be better who are you going to be [Music] it's not about having time it's about making time who are you making excuses for yourself why are you fooling yourself what good is that ever doing the only thing here to make you better is to succeed to make time to grow your potential to make progress take action positive action action that pushes you forward into a successful future push you away from the life full of laziness and full of fear pulling you to move faster move forward to be better and become a better person change your actions change your mindset transform your life stop making excuses pushing toward a false sense of security where no progress is ever made where you're waiting for something to happen but it never does why because you never actually took any action in the first place change that make what you want a reality to do this you need to take the right action sweat struggle and work for it then work harder be the person you need to be to make the future you want to live in stop watching the clock instead do what the clock is doing just keep going when it hurts just keep going when you fail just keep going and when you fall just keep going when you want to give up just keep going when your luck is done just keep going don't stop just keep going don't wait just keep going no matter what keep moving stopping is for quitters if you lose it's okay as long as you keep going and as long as you keep moving but if you lose and you stop then you have failed you're relentless you will push push farther than before climb higher and climb the heights you've not seen because progress is progress it doesn't matter if you move forward 10 or 0.01 as long as you've moved forward as long as you do this day in and day out because above everything else consistency is key if you consistently take small steps one day you're gonna look back and see just how far you've come you know i always see those guys who come into the gym and they work intensely for just one three-hour session and then i never see him again i see the guy getting up at 4am for a week and then he never does it again but the guy who trains one hour a day consistently all year beats the other guys the guy who wakes up at 6am every morning consistently beats the other guy it's about consistency consistently moving forward little steps every day over the year it's going to add up small moves in the direction of your goal every day are going to add up soon you're going to be where you want to be but you must keep moving forward you can't stop and you can't stand still you got to keep pushing and you got to keep going and you have to be the clock you're always running you are always consistent and you're constant you're not a quitter you're not a stopper you're a winner because you never give up you will succeed because you're moving in the right direction if not me who if not me who i will get to the top you will not stop me no one can i have an unconquerable will nothing can get in my way nothing can stop me from moving forward history will remember my name i will show you who i am when you look at successful people do you think why not me why can't i be like them why can't i have what they have if they can do it i can do it well then go for it this is your time to shine greatness is not a god-given talent given to only a handful of people greatness is something that we all share something that we are all born with you just haven't been told that you are great somehow deep down you believe you are not special that greatness is for the people on the tv but this is not true you just haven't been told that you are great you can be whatever you decide you want to be it's not for anyone else to decide but you the only thing you need is a belief in yourself you are great earn your respect stop expecting it people automatically think they deserve respect but nobody owes you anything you are not owed respect you let your ego get in the way when you expect respect go into a situation with no expectations earning respect is a hard thing because you may work so hard that you deserve respect but you may still not receive it work with no expectations the most important person you must gain respect from is yourself self-respect when you value yourself you will seek the respect of others less and less you will require compliments less and less think about your life what's the favorite lesson you've ever learned what is your biggest achievement you've ever accomplished and then what is your greatest success i want you to think about it think about how you got there where you needed to be in order to get there in order for you to make that kind of progress what challenges did you have to pass what limits did you have to crush what hurdles did you have to overcome now i want you to think about that satisfaction that overcame you when you accomplish these things [Music] how did you feel and how do you need to feel right now feel like you have the opportunity to repeat those actions that you once did because let me tell you right now you do make the progress now make your progress for the better for you to make more progress you have that potential now go ahead and spark your success and spark your inspiration that inspiration it fuels the progress that you need to make use the tools you have use your tools because no one can do it like you can alright use this inspiration while you have the opening stop living in the past start thinking about your future the future where you can succeed that future is actually happening around you right now so take control of your future now by living in the present living for now because that at the end of the day is the only thing that matters boost your life make your life and live your life [Music] positivity has the ultimate power this power breaks everything that has ever held you back that has ever made you stop positivity is the mindset towards something more than you can ever imagine you will have this you will be able to feel it and this is what will take you towards something better than best anything is possible with the right mindset that attitude that craves a challenge it is always looking for change always looking to become something something with worth and power learn how to adapt learn how to constantly look at your life and pick up things to improve whether they be tiny or life-changing that change will move you one step towards success now nothing can hold you back now you're your only limit so break that crush it down to pulp and then and only then will you feel fulfilled that you can finally see clearly the direction you're walking in where you can finally see the finish line this is the time to become powerful to use the courage you've always had and feel the power that potential constantly gives you this is where it begins this is where your future can be designed created and finally grow this will be the most important thing you will do [Music] self-determination is fine but it needs to be fueled by self-control determination has no value without control take control and grasp the aspect you want to change take the time to analyze which parts make you happy and the others that make you sad use your control to take control of the negative aspects then your determination can work to change these aspects be determined but have the control to move away and admire the progress you've made give yourself the time to know where and how to stop in order to make yourself happy you need to remember there is a finish line a different one for each of us and remember that it's not anyone else's journey you're making the transition for you therefore you pick where the journey ends the chapter of your life you take pride in you need to take control now you need to build yourself build yourself into a person with a life beyond normal a life that lets you live it instead of living itself you have the opportunity now to start making changes changes that can make you fuel yourself towards success to make it towards that finish line and finally win now the only person you should strive to be better than is the person you were yesterday who were you yesterday what did you change what did you want to do what are you going to do so what are you going to change how are you going to improve so you need to move past your old attitude you need to change your ways you got to change your mindset and be better than you were yesterday because you're no longer you yesterday you are you today and you will be you tomorrow now can you make it past the decisions that you made yesterday can you move past the fears you had yesterday because you can be your own biggest fear you can even become your fears now i want you to put yourself in a situation where you can struggle where you can take satisfaction in a hard day's work once you're all done how are you gonna make it how are you gonna make it past your insecurities think about that and stop wasting opportunities start making opportunities empower yourself to your journey make it past the finish line be better in fact be the best without a plan you're gonna stay right where you are it's time for you to make a move write the rules be your own director take the power so what's your plan how are you willing to change what is it that you're going to do to make a difference make today different than it was yesterday what actions are you willing to take because these are going to be very very dependent on your attitude and with that being said use that to your advantage become what it is you want to be so write that plan and move in fact i want you to run go ahead and run towards your goals run towards the dreams you want to see come true start making habits have an addiction of constantly improving have an addiction that analyzes what's good and seeing the things that you got to change to get ahead in the game start to take some action and make these changes in fact become these changes and be honest with yourself and be honest with the journey you're on because let me tell you it's not going to be easy but what you can do is pick a path and start walking you have the potential and let me tell you you have all the tools you got every single opportunity that you're going to need all you got to do is make that first step and follow the plan everything might not go according to your plan but that's okay that's all part of it take that next step because that plan is gonna lead you somewhere and that somewhere is towards success write your own rules make this a life worth the time you put in and be the manager of your home life don't have anyone else have to do that for you sure it's good to have other people around but you need to be the ultimate manager of your life you need to be the one who is most concerned with where you're going become that person that you know you can be take this journey and embrace every step of progress you've made along the way and the ones that are coming still think of the plan now write your own journey be the manager have the power be the power you're ready you're at the starting line and you're more than ready to run ready to win and now is not the time to panic and it is not the time to give up so you gotta stop holding yourself back because you're ready and you have to believe that you can make it past this [Music] so are you too scared because of the obstacles the doubts is it the haters is it your fears because the failure that could happen is only there to educate you so learn the lesson know that your success is more significant than any of these obstacles that are going to try to pop up and stop you you got this you got this race so are you going to run forward or are you going to run away because let me tell you you're not a coward you have the energy and you have the momentum and the force to push you forward to push yourself forward onto the sand so i want you to run and i want you to run so fast and you prove it to yourself because you got to know that you can do this and appreciate every step of progress that you're making along the way you got this and you have this opportunity so don't waste it stop wasting your time waiting for someone else to come and carry you when you know you can walk when you know that you can run all by yourself rely on your own power and become your own power success is your finish line the race is now so run stop counting the days you have left life should never be a countdown life is a place constructed on you succeeding on you becoming on you having and being someone that you're proud of your potential is endless and there's one thing you can do in that succeeding and in order for you to succeed you're gonna have to work you need to craft and in order to succeed you're gonna have to sweat that's just part of it so take pride in any work you do and feel the satisfaction you feel once you've made it this journey has taken off you're on the path feel the ground underneath your feet every step feel your heart pounding in your chest and i want you to feel the adrenaline that's flowing through your veins because this feeling that's your potential this potential is your success this potential is your time so take action move those feet spark your creativity and spark the power you have on the inside of you and use the power you have use this to be who you need to become who do you need to be you just you you but working 10 times harder you need to see this as your belief the mindset this is the mindset that you're going to be committed to having this is the mindset you have to have to improve to improve your well-being and to improve your life succeed on purpose take actions with purpose succeed with purpose be your own purpose become the you to do the things you needed to do to make it to make decisions that have a motive that have action build an empire made of your successes empowered by your mistakes you can change you can make it [Music] make your decisions with the action to move past your fears to make it past the convention of your life stand out stand up be unique accelerate yourself into the next level this is where your journey starts you can see the finish line you will be there be the you that is willing to change that is willing to make it past your own fears you're better than that you have more potential than you can ever imagine you have more success at your fingertips than ever before use this make this your opening be the victor in your own life you need to succeed you owe this to yourself you owe this to your future so make this your future this is your future use the power you have and make it past your [Music] fears old ways won't open new doors how do you think you can change by doing the same thing continuing on the same path taking no risks no twists no nothing's going to change if you're not willing to change stop being lazy get up and become something something more than the familiar route you've been walking for years [Music] close your eyes and take the risk step off the path and walk into the jungle that's where success roams waiting to be grasped the potential sitting dying to be used this is where you are willing to move away from convention where you can write your own rules [Music] take a deep breath hold out your hand look at it hold it out and turn the handle open the door a new door a door you've never seen before so what are you going to do how are you going to change who has the power you have the potential to become someone someone worth living for someone better than success [Music] satisfaction that you try that you put in the time put in the work and make it [Music] make the decision now become your decision rise above the fears take the risk [Music] now if you wait all that's gonna happen is you get older because time is always gonna pass and you're always gonna move away you're going to wait for something to happen it's going to set you behind on the time you do have you're going to wind up at the back of the race and you're going to wind up in last place and that's not where you want to be that's not even where you need to be you need to be standing side by side with your future self you need to be sleeping at night knowing that you tried your best and waking up every morning with a desire to adapt with the desire to change success can only occur if you put in the work if your progress comes first this power can take you towards a life more than normal stand out today be different become something different stop lying to yourself and stand up and become something with worth something with more than you've ever been your goals your goals that you set for yourself that's your power your ambition is your power having time is so powerful you are powerful set out what you believe in lay out the power you have actually lay out the power that you have always had more than worthy because you're more than worthy you have this power to become something better better than ordinary your progress never stops because the show always will go on with or without you life still continues the world spins and time still passes this is your opportunity an opportunity to be the person that you need to be to become someone successful and to make progress your respect is worth something it's worth your future and it's worth the discipline this opening that you have is so special so take it use this become this and have this your power can take you put you on your path to your success to the place where you succeed where you can become more than just ordinary so see what you've learned how much you gain see how far you've moved forward and use this use this to take every single second for granted this is what's going to make your future and this is what gives you the power to have success turn around and see the other side of your story see the page where you're the star where you have the power and success you've dreamed of having imagine that future meditate on it use this potential to drag you towards the next level this is the level where things can really change for you where your life can properly become something where you can watch yourself succeed see yourself as more than you are see yourself as a vessel a vessel where you can succeed respect your journey and soon you'll see how much progress you can and will make you'll feel the satisfaction of living in a world where you've made it made it past your fears and where you've moved towards a future worth the time the work and the effort that you put in it doesn't get any easier you just get stronger if you want to change don't expect your life to stay the same all right now listen to me don't let yourself be held back by all your problems instead i want you to let your ambitions push you forward forward is the only direction that you know this is the direction that transforms your future into a place worth the work that you've been putting in day in and day out now is the time to take this opening as your future this opportunity in front of you will be your future the future that you have and will always have you have the control you have the power to change your life for the better i let this be a time when you take a moment to remember what it is that you deserve to remember remember the potential that you've always had because this this right here is where it begins this is where you can really change now keep moving in the direction that takes you towards success a success that moves you towards a power a powerful of your achievement a future made from your fears a future where you get to be in control so take the power you deserve become the potential that you've created because now is the time to change you got that authority now take it before the moment slips away because i'm telling you it's not going to be here forever take today to stand up to your risks and say yes say yes to the power you have say yes to the endless opportunities given to you every day because that one yes that one singular yes can define your future into the direction you've been dreaming of into the life that you have always wanted you are the power you need you have the power that you've been craving it's been in you the whole time this yes this yes can transform your life transform your life construct it on your potential positivity and power this is the life you fought for earn it want it and work for it you need to know that you can open the door because you can write your own rules this is where your life finally starts that you can become someone with a purpose on your life you can have respect for yourself so set your life into the right direction [Music] take the moment where your future becomes your reality you got that opportunity every single day and right now is where those things start to change you got this take it take it while you can see it while you can really make something for yourself because you know that now now is where it really begins this is the time for you to shape your life into the one you always wanted the life that you need to have take this as an opening and use it as an opening to become someone worthy of the work that you are putting in day in and day out because you're worth it your life is now you can alter your future this is where you begin to and this is where you start to succeed now this moment around you right now that's the secret power that you have time is your power this time you have the potential to succeed to be something with purpose someone with power power to be more than your limits and to smash those boundaries that you keep seeing in your mind to become someone that learns overcomes and someone who's looking to be more than just who you think you are right now don't be afraid to step up to your fears don't be afraid to even become your fears take this opportunity now to be worthy of the success you want to be the person that you admire someone who takes extra steps to be more than they could ever imagine those extra steps putting in those extra hours now be prepared to fight be prepared to have to break through boundaries to step onto the battlefield sword in hand ready to stand up for you ready to stand up to you and ready to fight for your power this is a time to take action taking action with purpose purpose to change and purpose to improve today will be the day where you can take control take control of your power become this power because now is the time to fight so fight fight for your progress your progress is the potential to take your life towards the life you deserve your life isn't over oh no so fight for it fight for something better better than the power you have now because your power is worth something more discipline will take you towards something with purpose you need to make it past your limits graft until it hurts until you feel the pain the pain that feels like you're making progress the progress that fills you with pride you gotta be proud of yourself every step of the way find that pride that gives you purpose in life and that purpose should give you the motivation to be who you always knew you could be and that someone better than who you are now this is the time for you to step up for yourself because this is an opportunity where you can better yourself into the direction that you've been deserving this whole time the one you've been dreaming of all your life the direction where you progress into a world where you can really see the change you've been craving today is given to you as an opportunity today might be bad but let me tell you what they don't last they never even start today can and has the potential to be incredible do you know that do you know that today has the potential still to be incredible right now is the time to make today happen no matter the circumstances because today can define you today could be the day you need to be defined into a stronger person this strength this strength on the inside of you man this is what lasts this is your legacy the legacy that pushes you into the right direction and let me tell you that direction is always going to be forward because forward towards a future with a purpose is one that's constantly achieving and constantly looking to be better so become the person that you admire find out who that is become that person who is it you admire follow them watch them see how they operate you become what you observe so start to become that person that you were always meant to be i'm not saying be someone else i'm saying find out what about them speaks to something in you so know that this is gonna change you and this over here this bad habits are what's going to be left behind tough times are going to be inevitable there will always be there but you my friend you're going to be one step ahead of them always think about your life what's the favorite lesson you've ever learned what is your biggest achievement you've ever accomplished and then what is your greatest success i want you to think about it think about how you got there where you needed to be in order to get there in order for you to make that kind of progress what challenges did you have to pass what limits did you have to crush what hurdles did you have to overcome now i want you to think about that satisfaction that overcame you when you accomplish these things how did you feel and how do you need to feel right now feel like you have the opportunity to repeat those actions that you once did because let me tell you right now you do make the progress now make your progress for the better for you to make more progress you have that potential now go ahead and spark your success and spark your inspiration that inspiration it fuels the progress that you need to make use the tools you have use your tools because no one can do it like you can alright use this inspiration while you have the opening stop living in the past start thinking about your future the future where you can succeed that future is actually happening around you right now so take control of your future now by living in the present living for now because that at the end of the day is the only thing that matters boost your life make your life and live your life you don't have to be great to start but to be great you have to start life isn't all about being born into success or being born great because we all start in the exact same position we're all born into equal opportunities so why let this opportunity slip don't be afraid that you're not good enough to start the journey god you're worthy you're more than worthy enough to start this journey if anybody's qualified it's you because it's your journey you don't have to be great you just gotta want it all you have to do is want it want this dream to be executed and once you know that this journey is for you that's whenever you can start to be great when you're working when you're working hard you're gonna know that you deserve success you're gonna know that you have become something worthwhile take control and be in control man you're better than you think you are you have the potential to change this life you have you know that you have the potential to take your life through into the right direction the direction pushes you straight past the finish line edge towards the deep end that's where you learn to swim this is where you can start this power you have is the place that moves you towards the life that you know you have this future is where it begins take the time to know that you can and always will succeed if you work know that now is the time now is the time to work now is the time to take this power start your life now start your life today use today to change your view on life succeed work knowing that you can succeed knowing that you have the power to be something with potential to always move forward something with purpose take this purpose now now is the time to take this opening the opening that drives you towards success aspire to give to give yourself power to give yourself freedom freedom to succeed rise up from the ground rise up and transform into the potential you deserve transform into the power you've earned [Music] what are transforming into a snake a panther a tiger a lion predators predators that take control [Music] that's what you can become your control is your direction your drive set your expectations high compete with your power become the potential you've always handled but make it your work to succeed this can be more than your power now isn't the time to stop now now you can really achieve now you can really make it [Music] visualize it picture it and make it happen make it your reality this is reality the reality to change change towards influence the influence to be successful take this risk use this power have this potential use this potential this is where you can change where you can improve we all have to start somewhere somewhere where you can achieve know that your success is in your hands it's in your reach you can reach it reach it until you can touch it grasp it in your fist break them break the boundaries and take the risk the risk that moves you closer and closer towards the success you deserve the lion doesn't turn around when the dog barks work like a tank one goal success this is what you should strive for progress you have the power the power to break past anything that is holding you back holding you back from your future the future you're worthy of be this become this become the person that never looks back that never turns back this is the risk you have to take the risk you need to take in order for you to progress towards a future where you you and only you are in control learn from the mistakes you make turn what is setting you back into something that pushes you forward this is where it all starts this life for you for you to succeed for you to chase after what you want this is where you're heading heading towards your future a future full of potential full of your power stop taking your life for granted know what power you have know where your potential can take you know that this this is where it starts take action with purpose to constantly improve to always look for more to always look to be better what are you doing now what do you need to do to set your life in order in order for you to truly succeed you need to get it done the one thing that is burdening your mind possessing it with guilt get it done work until it's done work until your dream becomes your reality this is where it starts you are the power to get it started take pride in your work move forward towards a life full of success a life filled with the intention to achieve to have ethic to constantly strive for progress [Music] always looking for trust trust in your work trust that you can and will move forward take this use this use this to motivate you towards a life full of achievement this is where you belong work where you want to be take this decision with purpose purpose to change into the power you have into the potential you've earned don't ask for it just do it do it and make it happen this is where it all begins take this opportunity as a sign the sign to drive you towards progress your success is earned by you so only you can work for it take this as your opportunity to change your life for the better this risk is what will take you in the direction where you control your life at last this risk is not only your power it's your super power it takes more than thought to make this happen for yourself it takes action work graft until you feel pain rise from your toes up to the highest point of your head not until then will you know you've made it made it past the fear past failure and towards achievement you're in the right place your place is here this is where it all starts where your life finally falls into place where you don't just see progress you become it you have it you feel it within you this is when you know you've made it when you know you've grown you can become more you can always become more and this is where you start with your mindset the mindset where you know you can not only make it but break it break past the limits you've set for yourself this potential you have is endless endless power means endless potential see this as a start write out your own rules write your own directions this can make you more make you become more this is now it's always been now there is no reason why you are not successful [Music] we live in the most advanced civilization ever to exist we have every piece of information at our fingertips a device that fits in our hand [Music] you want to know how to cook search it on youtube you want to get into investing search it on google there are no excuses now if you are not successful today then you can only blame yourself blame yourself for the things you didn't do yesterday we live in the information age we have so much of it that we can be paralyzed by too much information and could stop us from pursuing our dreams [Music] your job is to use the right information discard anything that doesn't help the only thing missing now is energy and passion it's hard to find passion in people they don't shout out loud they work in silence because it's the work that drive their passion it's about the process not the recognition it's about the long nights not the party it's the results that get them up not the money it's their integrity not how quickly they can sell out [Music] if you are passionate about what you do you're in it for life [Music] not a day a week a month or a year it's for life so what's stopping you i think only you know that [Music] not a day a week a month or year it's for life i woke up today with a vision i woke up with my goal i was blind but now i see i see what i want i can see what it takes i was blind to the truth but now i see i see the life i'm working for i see the glory i see the pain i was blind to it all but now i see my vision revealed the truth i'm no longer in the dark i see the path i need to take i see what is for the taking i was blind but now i see i see success i see riches i see fame i see good times i see recognition i see my name in lights i see the best version of myself i was blind but now i see i see the truth because i was blind to my potential but now i can see i can see it there is nothing worse than living a life with no vision nothing to inspire you nothing to drive you nothing to succeed for you must have a vision you must have a reason they asked the blind person what is the worst thing about not being able to see they replied the only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision live your life like you are the hero in your own movie when you die you get to go to the movies and you are shown your life as a movie will you enjoy it or would you hate it living as if you're the hero in your own movie gives a third person perspective on your life it can make you think about your decision more clearly and think will this improve my life or not will this job be exciting or am i doing it to make someone else happy does this relationship fulfill me or not sometimes in life you have to think about yourself you see you have to have fun in life if you don't what's the point think about life as to fun and exciting if you don't wake up in the morning with excitement then that is a wasted life this doesn't mean you can't have sad moments and feel low your emotions should be like waves they come in and out but the ocean doesn't change and this should be your life you get one life stop blaming others stop blaming people for the reasons you find yourself in now stop blaming your situation stop blaming your parents stop blaming the government stop blaming your genetic stop blaming your finances stop blaming your past claw yourself back into the light stop blaming everybody else the only person you can truly blame is you because you are the only person who can get yourself out of it live life a victor not a victim you might even be right you might be poor because of your parents are broken because of your relationship you are in but what does blaming people or society do for you it will keep you in the same hole and all you're doing is digging the hole even more it's because your situation where you right now hasn't changed in order to go forward and to get out of the hole is growth instead of bringing other people down to your level build yourself up to them claw yourself out of that hole and you will get to see the sun once again [Music] massive success is how you prove people wrong and prove yourself right the only way you get upstream is to swim against the current a goal without a plan is just a wish a goal is more than just motivation it's your power your super power are you really wasting this power you have your goal can take you to a place where you know you can succeed a goal is better than just a wish make a plan and become that plan [Music] you are more than your potential you are your success trust your potential to take you there your goals are endless your power is endless so work work until you can be better until you can finally improve take this opportunity seriously use this power become your potential to become your power your mindset is your power have the intention to take action have the intention to really change [Music] to really grasp the opportunity and make this your definition your definition of power of change of success work with discipline work with potential work with power you are better be better always look look how to change always look for something to improve because one switch can completely alter your life your entire future this is what's important this can bring about improvement this is how we change and this is how we begin take the pressure as a tool a tool to succeed start by looking looking for improvement this is where it can all fall into place this is how you know you're working hard this is how you know that you can work harder until you feel the pain the white behind your eyes nothing stops when you're constantly moving set yourself in place move your life toward the finish line where you have accomplished accomplish all you need to everything you've ever wanted this is where you get it where you can really feel it happening for you for you and only you this is the time now is the time think as today as tomorrow think as right now as next year because right now is your future the secret of success is found in your daily routine change only comes from you change can only be made by you change never surrender never back down let this be the moment that fulfills you the moment that changes you this is how you can become someone of purpose someone you can be proud of this this is where everything can fall into place for you this is how you can start taking action taking action that pushes you towards a future a future full of success don't let anything hold you back don't let anyone hold you back because right now you're free you're free to let your potential go to use let your success be free to start your future let's think think about what's holding you back right now take that take these and use your power to crush it crush it down to a pole crush it down until you know that you can rise up rise through your restrictions your limits your future and your potential has more power than it ever has it holds more significance than you can ever imagine you can and you will be better the only reason you're being held back is because you've been told to you've been told you can't be better and you've been told that you can't grow you can and you will rewrite the rules because it is your life this could happen for you so i want you to let this be the beginning let this be the start stop what you're doing right now and think about this let today be the start the start of your journey your journey to success in a life built on your power not anybody else's let yourself be your future and let this start to define the legacy that you'll be proud to leave this can and will be the start of your life becoming someone that seeks change looks for improvement a life where you can finally be happy to move forward into a future where you're in control a future where you write the rules now right now is your future stop holding your power back stop holding your future back never let this opportunity slide again don't let your opportunity your opening your future fall away you deserve so much more you've earned so much more change for you change your perception change your attitude and look at your future as a journey a journey towards a life where you can be happy where you can finally feel satisfied you know i see faith i see fate as an excuse i see it as an excuse to do nothing something to blame your failing on fate real or not it shouldn't be an aspect of your life not holding you back from growing imagine if every time something went wrong every time you made a mistake we just accepted it except failure the only thing you should accept is progress and the only way to make progress is to see our mistakes as a lesson a lesson on what to do next time because this time we make our own destiny we don't live in a fairy tale so we don't get everything we ask for this is why you're free you're free to fail you're free to succeed [Music] this is where your future starts within reality [Music] our concepts of reality twist and change throughout life you know it moves with you as a child life is at your fingertips full of potential but as we get older that facade starts to change it starts to rely on you this is how you can take control this is how you can push your life in the direction you want it to move in don't let it fail on top of you and don't let it make you weak don't let your power drain because today today life is relying on you and you can make the changes you want to see today you can grow i want you to block out every little tiny thing that's holding you back and squash down every single limit and only think of your potential let this moment right here be the beginning of your future the start of a life that you direct because this is this is this is where it begins you and only you have the power to move forward nobody else can do that for you because remember it's your future it is your life so you have control you have the authority the making the living of the future of your life you're in charge of all of them so take a risk today push the limits for you right now see the power that you hold in your hands see the life you could have if you started acting acting on your goals constantly looking to improve always looking for one more step that you could take to make yourself better because honestly you deserve that for yourself you don't say it say stay with me say i am in control say it i'm in control [Music] look at the wider picture and see the world that you've been faced in see the limits you feel have been set on you and break them fight those limits fight for your future because again this here is your life and you only get one you and only you have the are you committed because without commitment nothing happens [Music] if you don't learn to give like you learn to get every area that there is not reciprocity it will die reciprocity what do you give back for what you get [Music] if you're not committed you're not gonna make it even the ones with the personalities you don't like you have to be committed through the storm and the rain and the heartache and the pain and the disappointment you have to believe in the we and the us and not the me and the you or you're not gonna make it it's a commitment it's not a feeling [Music] until you have had the taste of finishing you will not respect yourself until you follow through until something is done come hell of high water tears and struggles and pain and you go through it anyway and you show up and you continue to fight on no matter the circumstances after a while something begins to wither inside of you [Music] anytime you need something that you can't give to yourself you're at the mercy of somebody else and when they don't come through you got pain and what you become is the consequences of what you didn't get [Music] it's an urge it's an urge to be told every champion has felt it every president has felt it every king has felt it every lion has felt it every winner has felt it every soldier has felt it every victorious person has felted the urge to quit don't you give up on your dream i don't care if you don't have the money you don't have the help and you don't have the family for it and you don't have the background for it and you don't have the friends for it don't you give up on your dream don't you do it don't you do it don't you do it it may take you twice as long you may have to take courses and classes you might not read as fast you might not move as quick you might not have as much but don't you quit [Music] you quit you do make a difference you do make a difference you do make a difference as weak as you are as tired as you are as many mistakes as you may you do make a difference there is something they would lose if you were not there there was something that they would miss if you were not there you do make a difference we all have things that we're believing for dreams that we want to accomplish problems we're hoping will turn around maybe it's to see our family restored to lose some weight to break an addiction to start our own business but sometimes as it goes on month after month even year after year we don't see anything changing it's easy to get discouraged and think it's never going to happen this is as good as it gets i'll just learn to live with it we all go through disappointments setbacks loss pain is a part of life it's easy to get discouraged even bitter think why is this happening to me sometimes we look at pieces in our lives that don't make sense the key is what we do in our times of pain pain will change us heartache loss disappointments they don't leave us the same every painful time even though you don't like it it's developing something in you that can only be developed in the tough times eventually that will pass you'll get through it but you will be different in those tough times when you're uncomfortable going through a loss dealing with an illness you could easily let it overwhelm you now how the pain changes you is up to you you can come out bitter or you can come out better you can come out defeated giving up on your dreams or you can come out with a new passion a new fire excited about the new opportunities in front of you i may not like it but i'm not a whiner i'm a warrior i know i can handle this don't complain about the pain without the pain we couldn't reach the fullness of our destinies sometimes we bring pain on ourselves we make poor choices get in a relationship we know is not good or maybe get over our head in our spending now it's painful we're having to deal with the consequences all of us experience pain my challenge don't just go through it grow through it that difficulty is an opportunity to get stronger to develop character to gain new confidence anybody can give up anybody can let it overwhelm you but you know what that's doing wasting your pain that pain is not there to stop you it's there to prepare you to increase you to develop you difficulties are a part of life now quit telling yourself you can't take it you're not weak you are well able eventually the pain will pass you'll give birth to new strength just because it hasn't happened yet doesn't mean that it's not going to happen there will always be forces trying to convince us to settle where we are life has a way of pushing our dreams down they can become buried under discouragement buried under past mistakes there are dreams buried under divorce buried under low self-esteem it's easy to settle for mediocrity even though we have all this potential buried on the inside what are you remembering the hurt the pain what didn't work out turn it around and remember your dream have you allowed any dreams to get buried in you at one time you believed you could do something great you believed you could lead the company in sales you believed you could break that addiction and it's been a long time had some bad breaks wasn't all your fault you could easily settle where you are nobody would fault you the enemy would love to deceive you into burying your dream thinking that it's never going to work out don't believe those lies it's not too late to become all that you were created to be every time you remember your dream you're removing some dirt you're digging it back out the true mark of a champion is even though some dirt gets thrown on your dream instead of letting it get buried you keep shaking it off you keep moving forward you wouldn't be having that opposition if you didn't have something great in you if your dream wasn't alive and on track right on schedule to come to pass you wouldn't have so many things coming against you that dream is still alive you may have tried a year ago five years ago or 40 years ago didn't work out nobody was there to help you go back and try again this is your time this is your moment your destiny is calling out to you can i tell you your dream is not dead it's just not in season your time is coming promotion is coming good breaks are coming promises you've been standing on dreams you've been praying about lack is not your destiny constantly struggling barely getting by is not the end of your story these light afflictions are for a moment the adversity is temporary the glory is eternal [Music] there are some dreams shut up in you like fire you're going to feel your destiny calling out may not have happened the first time the loan didn't go through you didn't get chosen for the part the medical report wasn't good that's okay it's still in you this is your time this is your moment shake off the doubt shake off the negativity you're at the right place you're at the right time now all you've got to do is get in the right frame of mind i believe this is my year to get healthy and whole this is my year to meet the people of my dreams this is my year to go further in my career to step into a new level of my destiny this is my year to accomplish dreams to break free from this depression this is my year to meet the right people this is my year to get healthy and home this is your year to see double this is your year for vindication for restoration for new beginnings now get your mind going in the right direction in what you've done with your life thus far is it giving you what you want is it giving you what you want when you look toward the future when you look at all this going on out here is there someplace within yourself you say hey i know i need to be out there in that arena i know i can do more than what i've been doing i know there's some great music that i have within me that i haven't brought out here yet is that something that you begin to look at within yourself see i say if you look at your life and if you're not getting what you want you owe it to yourself to do something differently you are if you're on a job 85 they say of americans go to jobs but you're unhappy if you're doing something eight hours a day that you don't like it's not giving you what you want it's not giving you a strong feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment you're miserable you hate to go there you're depressed just thinking about it you're saying that thank god it's friday song every week if that's what it is you owe it to yourself to start strategically working to change directions see but you know what most people do most people will resist change most people will fight change as if change would be worse than what they're experiencing see they know this they're familiar with this most people will not challenge the unknown they won't just step out there see they well see there are certain things has got to be in place they got to see it all together and life isn't like that that's not how you grow so as you look at your life you're saying i'm not getting what i want as you begin to look toward the future begin to know that whatever it takes for you to create that you've got that in you you got that you've got genius in you you've got goodness in you you've got creativeness in you if you decide to take the initiative the change the current quality of your life i say to you that you will find that the universe is on your side that life is on your side now will it be turbulent yes would it be easy no no will you have some opposition yes will i make a lot of mistakes yes will i get hurt yes yes see a lot of people won't try anything different in life because they don't want to get hurt let me tell you something it's too much pain to duck pain is everywhere you can hide under here it will come where you are it's everywhere victor frankel calls it unavoidable suffering you can't duck it but most people spend their life not wanting to deal with the pain of rejection the pain of defeat the pain of being disappointed the pain of losing the pain of failure the pain of being criticized the pain of not being lacked the pain the pain the pain that's called life life is full of pain it's everywhere but guess what there's no gain without pain because it's the pain of regret that you experience if i had it to do over again that's a pain don't you know that's when you know i was in a seminar once and this lady stood up if i had my life to live over again she talked about all of the things that she would do and you can feel the pain of regret in a voice a pain of regret she still experienced pain she was trying not to experience the pain of defeat the pain of disappointment the pain of loss the pain of lack of support and she still experienced pain it was right there we can't get around it most people are governed by their habits their fears and the opinions of others a lot of people never try anything differently because they have been convinced by people in their lives that they value that they can't do it they're living within the context of the opinions that other people have of them the low expectations many people doubt themselves because when they thought about doing something at some critical point in their life somebody they respected and honored somebody they believed in somebody that they loved someone they trusted said you can't do that and they accepted that as you look at your life ask yourself the question what would your life be like what would your life look like if you decided not to care what people thought of you [Music] what would your life be like if you decided to give up some of your fears what would your life be like if you decided to become courageous what would your life be like if you decided to act on your dream if you did what you felt in your heart you know what courageous means tom ruskin and randy reid said they said that courage comes from a french word which means of the heart how does it feel to you he says it's courage you know it takes courage to live since most people go through life not allowing themselves to step out because they don't want to let go they don't want to be blown around they don't want to be moved the courage to face life's whirling wind of contradictions the courage to love yourself the courage to love for years i was afraid to love the courage to take a chance the courage to be who you are he says courage isn't for somebody else for medals applause or moral debts courage is what at that moment feels most right for you not just situational ethics but what feels right in your heart the word of the heart what feels right in your heart one great philosopher says cowards die many times before their deaths the valiant never tastes of death but once what does that mean the valiant people aren't afraid no no no it means that they experience that fear and they move forward they move forward anyhow many people are dead now many people are allowing their dreams to die many people are lying the ideas to lie dormant and collect dust many people have all this talent and ability that they are lying to be in buried inside of them that they will take with them to their graves because they didn't have the courage to be who they are and i say as you begin to look toward the future and manifesting your greatness it's going to take everything in you everything in you that your life deserves the concentrated effort to begin to look at how is it that i can express more of me how is it that i can bring my ideas out here now how is it and start living with a sense of urgency because you're here today you're gone today life is unpredictable it's uncertain there are no guarantees no guarantees out here at all so holding back what are you waiting on ask yourself what's the benefit of your waiting what's the benefit of your not living your dream what's the benefit of not listening to yourself oh please listen to yourself you know the feelings if you start listening to the feelings in your heart and i'm doing it now more every day i find that my feelings i can trust them and i say to you that as you look toward the future you look at life on a daily basis if there's something that you have been given if you've heard something within yourself that you know that that what you're doing now doesn't fit for you it doesn't work for you it's not giving you what you want and there's something else that you want to do don't allow that inner doubt in you to talk you out of it to build a case on why you can't have it to tell you why you're not good enough you ignore that inner voice and all of the external voices don't judge the possibilities for what you can do based upon the circumstances because the circumstances won't determine who you are don't determine what you're able to do based upon your resources don't determine what's possible for you based upon where your life is right now where your life is right now is not you that's just what it is right now but the possibilities for you are unlimited if you're in a rebuilding process it's unlimited if you're coming back from adversity and devastation it's unlimited of what you can do that's the capacity of human beings it doesn't matter how many mistakes you've made doesn't matter how many flops you've had doesn't matter how much money you've lost in fact i see it only as an investment of what you learned from life not losses but investments of what's possible for you and i say to you that once you start listening to yourself and as you begin to act on your dream as you start just trying to find your way doing what you can what you have you will start seeing things opening up for you start attracting people you say where they come from things will start coming together clicking for you say whoa you start brainstorming ideas will come out of nowhere as you focus on it the key to it is to begin to focus on what it is you want to do why less why is that important because as you focus on that which you want to do that which we focus on that which we give our energy to it will begin to multiply it will begin to expand it will begin to develop your consciousness and out of that comes your greatness out of that comes a commitment out of that comes a passion for life out of that comes a special power that you have in you that you haven't even called on yet see the the powers that we have will never reveal themselves if we don't challenge them if we don't put ourselves in a position where we have to use them so one of the most important things is reading a book that's a really interesting book called instant millionaire and the guy said put yourself in a position where you can't retreat where it's do or die sink or swim here's what you'll find out you'll develop incredible swimming skills you'll find yourself stroking unlike you've ever seen before through the inspiration of desperation you'll become more creative than ever before so what is it how do we handle that whole piece throw your whole self into it see most people go at it tentatively they don't give all their stuff they don't concentrate they don't put everything they've got in them one guy wrote a book called all you can do is all you can do and all you can do is enough but he said make sure you do all you can do and if we're honest this evening we know that we haven't done all we can do so as we look at the future we can decide that from this day forward as i look at my personal relationships if i look at my professional relationships if i look at my family relationships if i look at all the dimensions of my life looking at myself mentally emotionally and spiritually i'm going to do all i can do to develop me to bring my talent out here to make a contribution to life [Music] i don't care what it is i don't care what you want to do but do the hell out of that it takes again hard work and it takes perseverance and again it just takes context and it takes perspective you got to put your stake in the ground and go after this thing called your future because no one's going to give it to you don't talk about it don't mull it over don't plan for it just get after it all of us have seen our destiny at some point in time and we decided not to listen we decided to ignore it so no that's that's not for me life came in and slapped the side of the head and we stopped dreaming anymore give it everything you got and if you fail you can at least do what you try but if you don't go out there and give 120 you're not a man it's time to understand that if you want to get something out of your life you've got to be willing to work for it how much are you really willing to give you have an everlasting potential and as long as you have a heartbeat as long as you have air in your lungs you have an opportunity to change this world change your life and live your dream today don't you dare settle for anything less than what you know you can get just make sure you make your mark make sure you make your mark in this world when you become what you're supposed to be then you're gonna bless somebody else and that's what it's really all about if you don't get serious with what's going on in front of you [Music] you're gonna forfeit everything that you were born to be take the leap of faith and believe that everything is going to be all right take that leap of faith trust yourself to bring out that king that legend as a human being the strongest thing you've got is your force of will so take that force of will and make that happen make sure every breath you take counts for something that when you get to the spot you get to the spot for a thousand others a million others live your life now live your dreams now start acting like this is your last day on the planet claim the sacred spaces of your minds and move toward that destiny with patience perseverance and prayer tick tock what is ticking off here is not the clock it's your life you are running out of time [Music] i hear the clock ticking [Music] that's what i hear and the end is nigh you don't you don't know how much time you have you keep telling yourself you got time and watch what happens if you don't take a hold of your life if you don't get serious with what's going on in front of you you're going to forfeit everything that you were born to be time waits for no man that clock it's always ticking your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life you got to give it everything you got whether it's your time your talent or your treasures when's the time to jump in the pool when's the time to kiss the boy when's the time to get married when's the time to take the training wheels off the bike it's time to live your life the answer is i don't know nobody knows there's no right answer there's that moment in time however you spend your time that tells you who you are stop waiting for tomorrow stop waiting for the perfect moment and i'm saying to you whatever you gotta do do it because if you don't life is gonna whoop you until you surrender tick tock who's not gonna see you accomplish your goals who's not gonna see you blow up who's not gonna be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor with you who put in why can you average and one day you're gonna be great but you think you got time fight that chicken clock with everything time is one of the most powerful important tools that any of us will ever get because time we never get back you got to have faith and that faith gives you patience that it's not going to happen as quickly as you want it to happen there's not an hour that's gonna go by there's not a minute that's gonna go by that it's not accounted for greatness takes time take talk [Music] you don't always have to talk about what you're up to let your results speak for you let your actions speak for you social media doesn't always need to know about your grinding and hustle people will know about it when they see your results it's the one thing you can't fake there's a lot of fake people out there talking a lot of crap about who they are and what they've accomplished but one thing you can never fake is results be that person the one who delivers not the talker not the statement maker the result maker confuse them with your silence and shock them with your results under talk over deliver there's a saying when you build in silence they don't know what to attack don't let the haters get a chance to attack you before you've done anything build in silence and shock them with your end result you must know the results will come if you get your head down and work you do not need to tell everyone what you're up to or who you think you're going to be just show them the results will come if you get your head down and work your work ethic will show in your result your hustle will show in your results your ability will show in your results your greatness will show in your results never in your talk there's no need to tell people how great you are when you are truly great they will tell you let your results speak for you let your actions speak for you confuse them with your silence and shock them with your results your work ethic will show in your results your hustle will show in your results your ability will show in your results your greatness will show in your results never in your talk you really want me on the team what's your approach to recruit me you want first place come play with me you want second place go somewhere else like i would watch magic play [Music] i'd watch michael play and i would see them do these unbelievable things and i said you know can i get to that level i don't know but let's find out that's why he's the best player in the game everything was done to try to learn how to become a better basketball player everything everything and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft so because you know what she won the world's given you exactly the information 100 people i'm better at it because you know what you're looking for so many guys tell stories about your work ethic what was really your work ethic like and for how long did you stay disciplined um well i mean i mean every day i mean since 20 years it was an everyday process and trying to figure out shrimps and weaknesses for example jumping ability man my vertical was a 40 wasn't a 46 or 40 45 my hands are big but they're not massive right so you got to figure out ways to strengthen them so your hands are strong enough to be able to palm the ball and do the things that you need to do quickness i was quick but not insanely quick i was fast but not ridiculously fast right so i had to rely on skill a lot more i had to rely on angles a lot more i had to study the game a lot more and uh but i enjoyed it though so like from the time i was i can't remember when i started watching the game i studied the game and it just never changed it's a good separation for me you know emotionally to be able to put myself in a place where at practice or when i'm training or during games i switch my mind to something else i switch my mode into something else right for me it's the equivalent of our focus today is going to be on understanding the principle of self-manifestation write that down if i was to be asked what is my greatest advice to give you as a young man or young woman it would be this message people are not looking for you they are looking for what you are carrying and if you don't manifest what you are carrying the world will ignore you because you exist doesn't mean you're going to be successful because you are on the planet doesn't mean that people are going to notice you you can live an entire life and not be noticed by humanity we can bury you in a cemetery and we would never know you were here except for that tombstone and the reason is because most of the humans on earth live on earth but never manifest themselves and so the most important goal in your life should be self-manifestation now this is how you know you're not living in your gift if an alarm clock goes off in the morning and you ain't happy about it you ain't doing what you want to do see you fighting upstream you're going against what god created you for if your job makes you sick to go to if you are unhappy with waking up to go to where you got to go it's because you ain't living in your gift some people are born to be teachers caregivers nurses babysitters those are gifts if you're living in your gift you're cool it's just if you ain't if like if you fried chicken better than everybody else you should be somewhere frying chicken man you do have better than everybody else you should be somewhere doing somebody's hair those are gifts telling jokes was a gift they're just not just running jumping if you paint you should be painting if babysitting is what you really do you should be babysitting you doing anything if you fix cars you work with your hands you're supposed to be working with your hands you do anything else when that alarm clock go off in the morning you ain't gonna like it now if you waking up you going down there they ain't paying you what you want you hate your co-workers you're down there your boss has no business being your boss i just know i just never thought that anybody should be in charge of me i always saw myself free i just want to come to work just all i want to do bishop jake said this i would hate to die and never do the thing i was born to do you should look into that before you mess around and check out him write this down please discontent is the seed of change in other words you will never change what you tolerate how many times have you said i need to change this you know but you keep doing it it's because you tolerate it whatever you tolerate will never change so how do you break a toleration here's my advice write this down you will never become what you could be until you become angry with what you are anger brings change your life is defined by which you hate can you write that down right now whatever you don't hate you allow and whatever you allow you will never change people say that god is love and sometimes we use that to accommodate evil but the bible says god also hates things the great king david wrote seven things god hates solomon wrote 14 of them what kind of habits do you have what is your secret habit what is your public habit you designing your future with that habit we don't decide our future we decide our habits and our habits decide our future if you have a habit of watching television your future is designed in that habit so the power of a habit can control your destiny so you got to decide your habits i have a habit for example of reading the bible every day not a some spiritual giant i made it a habit so if i don't read the bible i feel like i'm going through withdrawals what a good habit to have prayer should be a habit for most people prayer is an occasional surprise or when things are falling apart only your gift will make room for you now what is your gift it's the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort that's your gift quit running away from the gift your gift will make room for you stop trying to be something you ain't gifted at nobody asks you to go down here and study to be a dentist and you ain't really good at that listen to me all of you have this guilt identify it's the thing that you do the absolute best with the least amount of effort that's what you should be doing you're wasting your time pursuing your passion the bible does not mention passion it mentions your guilt what are you gifted at and do that stop tripping you can do that if you fried chicken better than everybody you know you ought to be somewhere frying chicken people make millions of dollars frying chicken popeyes kentucky fried chicken el pollo loco all they doing is making chicken somebody just started making chicken you know the story of marie callenders do you know what this woman did man she worked for a diner a greasy spoon diner that was going out of business it was her only job she was a single mother it was her only job she needed that job but the diner was gonna close so she went to the owner of the diner and said let me bake one of my pies people like my pies and see if i can help you make a little money he said whatever bring it in he she bought one pie in they sold every slice the next day the people came in and asked for the pack she had to go home and make another pie the next day so many people asked for the pie she had to make faux pies then people started saying can i buy my own pack she made so many pies at this store that she eventually saved her money and put a commercial oven in her house cheetah made so many pies to do shop he ain't selling hamburger no more all he's selling is them pie that's how marie calendar got started marie calendar now has over 120 restaurants you can't go to no frozen food section without seeing marie calendar in there you know what she started with a pack one path what you become after today depends on what you do with this message all of you in this room i have good news for you you came to this earth because there's something the earth needed that god hid inside of you everything in creation was created with a gift everything god created nothing without a gift in it it took me 30 years to make that one statement research experience my own life studying creation itself you were brought to this planet set here by a greater power to deliver something that we need god created everything with gifts in other words you are a package sent to earth to deliver a gift to your generation you are obligated to us you owe me which you are carrying whatever you were created to become you possess now this is a divine principle what do you think your gift what did i say whatever you were created to become you possess it now in other words whatever you were born to do is not ahead of you it's within you because whatever you were destined to become god has prepared you with it the creator never places the future outside of a thing your future is not ahead of you it's actually trapped on the inside in other words write this down you came to planet earth with your future inside of you i say it this way god hid your future in a place where he knew you couldn't miss it a gift is the inherent capacity to fulfill a function that meets a need in creation every word is important here inherent means no one can give this to you you came with this no prophecy can give you a gift a prophecy may stir it up this session is probably one of the most important centers in your life because you are still stuck looking for a job you know what's good about gifts you don't have to look for them the dude that cut my hair i met him in 1986 he cut my hair for ten dollars i remembered him when i got on tv i had hired he came out there he started making 300 a haircut i paid him 10. he had been with me so many years that he was making 1500 per haircut i was getting my hair cut four times a week for television and touring i paid him 1500 each time he was making six thousand dollars a week you know what he was doing cutting hair that same haircut i paid ten dollars for in 87. this dude was cutting it now for me for 1500. i cut my hair off but then let me tell you what he did i paid him a chunk of money for being with me all these years gave him a severance pay told him good luck guess what this dude got now he got four salons and he owned two barber colleges you know what this dude make now 3.6 million a year you know what he do he cut half he don't do nothing else that's his gift friend of mine we grew up with all he did was cut grass he had a single blade lawn mower that he pushed he was so good at it he could raise the blades up and lower them he could cut patterns in your grass we little i'm going hey man we going swimming now i gotta cut miss jackson grass he could cut patterns in your yard he could put your initials in your grass as a little boy two dollars for the front two dollars for the back four dollars we used to laugh at him all the time well let me tell you what we're laughing at now he got a landscaping company in cleveland you know was this boy making 4 million dollars a year you know what he'd do he cut grass he got 38 trucks he got all the contracts in the city malls corporations and when his snow outside he do such a good job cutting the grass he put plows on the front of his trucks and he got all the snow removal contracts this boy making four million dollars a year and you know what he do he cut grass if you study all of our culture all of our cultures look at our coaches they are built on employment the employment destroys your gift it stops you even from thinking about it we have been damaged greatly by our educational systems because they have actually been conditioning us to believe that we are only here to find a job pay some bills and die matter of fact everything your parents tell you has to do with a job most of us based on our culture have been taught to go and find your future and so we are conditioned just to get an education to get a job and then work in a place we hate for 45 years and then they give us a clock to go home with to sit in the rocking chair to watch the rest of our time fade away this is what they call retire mud it means you're tired so you are retired double tiredness do not go to school young people define a gift single woman i promise you you'll never find your gift in education so make a note of this a gift can never be learned it can only be refined that's why you can go to college and get a phd and still be broke because education is not a gift you can actually go to school and spend a lot of money going through all kinds of universities and never refine your gift because you took the wrong courses most people god forbid in this room went to college and studied the wrong thing because your decision to choose a certain area of study was motivated more by economic potential than personal fulfillment so now you are depressed because you are not fulfilling your gift well educated and still trying to pay a phone even your career may not be your gift is what i'm saying and god may send this message to you right now to tell you it's time to change your career into your call i was speaking at a school once i was talking to the students principal was mortified with my message because i was telling the truth i was telling the kids your education is important but your education is not the most important thing in your life i'm sorry it's not your dream is the most important thing in this world it tops your education if your dreams dwarf your education i said and the principal came up on the stage while i was speaking don't ever say that to my school again well i'm just telling you dog you could save your kids a lot of pain if you ever talk to them about their dreams you got to talk to young people about their dreams see it's not your education the bible don't even mention education it ain't even in that the bible says a man without a dream or vision shall perish if you talk to kids about their dreams your dreams can spur you to get the education but if you never find out what a child is dreaming about you can't hold their attention it's the dream man if you got a kid that want to be an airplane pilot you can quit talking to him about education talk to him about being a pilot how great it is where he'll be able to fly then he'll do math he'll do engineering he'll go to science because he wants to be a pilot it's the dream that's the biggest thing people killing me man with this education i ain't knocking education but you can make it without education i ain't got one you know how many people got degrees ain't working ain't working nowhere now if you want to be a doctor lawyer dentist stuff like that you got to go get education we're not talking about that but you keep going to get all these pieces of paper hang on your wall you got one degree you ain't making with that your life will never be a straight path i began at fordham university as a pre-med student i took a course called the cardiac morphogenesis i couldn't read it i couldn't say it i sure couldn't pass it so then i decided to go into pre-law than journalism and with no academic focus my grades took off in their own direction i was a 1.8 gpa one semester and the university very politely suggested that it might be better to take some time off i was 20 years old i was at my lowest point and then one day march 27 1975 i was helping my mother in her beauty shop there was this older woman who was considered one of the elders in the town and i didn't know her personally but i i was looking in the mirror and every time i looked in the mirror i could see her she was staring at me she said something i'll never forget she said young boy i have a prophecy a spiritual prophecy she said you are going to travel the world and speak to millions of people now mind you i'm 20 years old i'm flunked out of school so when i got back to fordham that fall i got in and i changed my major once again for the last time and in the years that followed just as that woman prophesied i have traveled the world and i have spoken to millions of people through my movies i found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing second corinthians chapter 4 7 read but we have this treasure where is it hidden in jars of clay earthen vessels your body to do what to show forth that this all surpassing power is from god and not from us lord have mercy because i put that stuff inside of you what are you supposed to do with it show it forth manifest yourself and what happens afterwards it says and we are hard-pressed on every side but not crushed we are perplexed sometimes but not in despair another way no matter what you go through the gift is still there in despair i lost my house gossip but you still got the gift the bank took back the car i still got to give my girlfriend left me but i still got the gift write this point down please the gift is the source of value to the created thing let me say it again your gift is the source of your value your value comes from your gift so if you never find your gift you will never be valuable to us and your value determines how much you make in life you get paid for the value you bring to the earth don't pursue money whatever gives you value is the source of your wealth and sometimes people try to make money from the gift too early my advice is give it away free because when you give your gift away free it gets exposed even a drug dealer knows about this they give you the first one free you must be serving your gift how many years have i taught i mean from i was 15 years old the vision is teaching the word of god never got a cent and someone gives me ten thousand dollars a day for speaking you get jealous of me i gave it away free for 15 years you're trying to get paid you even in there for 15 hours give it away free serve your gift volunteer i was 27 years old october 8th 1985 hilarious comedy club walked into comedy club first time in my life won amateur night 50 drove 40 minutes home cried all the way home this girl i roll and she said why are you crying the name of fifty dollars you don't even understand i'm born she said what you mean you born i said i know what i'm gonna do the rest of my life she said you ain't win with 50 dollars no i've been praying my whole life god what is it my life got to be more than this i wanted that comedy competition i went to work october 9th the next morning and quit my job that decision cost me everything i had i lost everything i lost my family i lost friends i lost everything i became homeless i lived in a car for three years but i just saw this i saw this i saw this vision i just pursued it i said wow that's it you have to take chances in life if you don't take chances in life you'll never have the life god has for you life is about risk if you play it safe you won't have much of a life remember this life is risk it takes it takes courage to pursue your dream i just did it it cost me everything god is very good man when he sees you take a leap of faith he will supply what you need he supplies you everything you need now it's going to cost you something but most people are not willing to pay what it costs to go after your dream because you're going to have to hurt a little bit and most people don't like being uncomfortable if you don't want to be uncomfortable please do not pursue success because success is very uncomfortable i learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable if you can get that in your head everything you've ever gone through god got you through it you didn't even realize it he just got you through it you can't name one thing he didn't pull you through well i lost my mother i'm still grieving over that i lost my mama 21 years ago i still grieve over it but i'm here you know you i got through it you're gonna get through it but you gotta take chance in life man can't play it safe y'all you gotta jump you gotta go for it you will fail at some point in your life accept it you will lose you will embarrass yourself you will suck at something embrace it because it's inevitable and i should know in the acting business you fail all the time early on in my career i auditioned for a part in a broadway musical perfect role for me i thought except for the fact that i can't sing i didn't get the job but here's the thing i didn't quit i didn't fall back i walked out of there to prepare for the next audition i prayed i prayed and i prayed but i continued to fail and fail and fail but it didn't matter because there's an old saying you hang around the barber shop long enough sooner or later you're going to get a haircut so you will catch a break and i did catch a break if you don't fail you're not even trying to get something you never had you have to do something you never did imagine you're on your death bed and standing around your deathbed are the ghosts representing your unfulfilled potential the ghost of the ideas you never acted on the ghost of the talents you didn't use and they're standing around your bed angry disappointed and upset they say we came to you you could have brought us to life and now we have to go to the grave together so you got to get out there you got to give it everything you got whether it's your time your talent your prayers or your treasures the question is what are you going to do with what you have i'm not talking about how much you have whatever your gift is what are you going to do with what you have last one secure the next generation have you noticed that every fruit gets seed in it every fruit gets seed in it because the fruit must maintain the future that's my whole life my whole life is to help people better than me that's why i teach you so much i i want you to be great people 10 keys to success how to release your purpose number one you must first understand your destiny number two you must have a vision of your gift [Music] see the finished product number three believe you have the ability to fulfill it number four you must live by the laws that protect that gift we call them principles number five you must have a plan laid out to go toward your gift number six you must have the right people around you because there's some gift killers gift killers there's some folks who are suffocated because they fail they want you to fail they ain't going nowhere and they won't take you with them you got to be careful with the people you have in your life and number eight persistence you gotta handle the pressure to go after your gift because you live in a culture that doesn't want you to manifest your gift the beautiful thing is when you manifest it then all of a sudden they become your friend because they want to eat your gift number nine you must persevere to bring forth your gift because you will always have resistance and opposition discouragement failures but you got to keep coming back and number 10 you must pray over your gift every day pray to the one who gave it to you to give you wisdom to manifest it i pray every day about my gift you pray for your purpose don't pray for food don't pray for clothing you want to pray for your role in god's kingdom your delivery system what you're supposed to bring to this thing that's what you pray for oh god show me how to do it revive it refine it define it for me keep it fresh lord let me see this purpose that's what i pray for the best things in life is on the other side of fear it's on the other side of fear but fear freezes people man the fear of failure freezes people suppose i don't do it if you don't do it you might you might not make it that's a for sure so that's just my opinion that's probably not what most people share but your dream man it's what you dream about you got to dream about something so big that it dwarfs all your fears the way you overcome fear is with your dream you got to make your dreams so big that nothing matters except that dream you're willing to do everything that's necessary nelson mandela said there is no passion to be found playing small in settling for a life that's less than the one you're capable of living because taking risk is not just about going for a job it's also about knowing what you know and what you don't know it's about being open to people and to ideas to not only take risks but to be open to life to accept new views and to be open to new opinions even though you're scared still while it may be frightening it will also be rewarding because the chances you take the people you meet the people you love the faith that you have that's what's going to define you know your purpose believe your assignment document your vision put it on paper you were sent to earth to release your hidden potential hold a mango seed in your hand and see a mango that's what vision is you see the end result do that with your life submit to the right environment even though you see the mango in the seed you gotta plant that seed in the ground and give it water and give it nutrients your greatness could be destroyed by a wrong environment the books you read the people you are with the places you go the church you attend all relate to what you become feed on the right materials when you put that fertilizer on that seed that seed gets happy what are you fertilizing your life with you spent five hours watching l men i mean what are you feeding your vision what are you feeling your gift you go over this in different clubs god is saying what are you doing what are you feeding your gift give your gift time to develop you'll never get mangoes from a mango seed in a day go through the process persist under pressure when you plant that seed in the ground all the pressure the earth is on top of that but the pressure is important for the seed the pressure of your life tests the reality of your gift whatever stops you is how strong you are never be discouraged never hold back give everything you got and when you fall throughout life remember this fall forward your gift is supposed to produce more seed you should be mentoring people all the time to become greater than you but you saw those who would do great things serve your gift to the world then you are a great seed fish came from the water they got to stay attached you came out of god don't try to fulfill your gift without god [Applause] i can guarantee you you will never achieve anything greater than your highest aspiration i never said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to eat because you can go 21 days maybe 30 without eating i never said when you want to succeed as bad as you want water because you can go about three days or so without it i said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe you're never gonna be great if you don't look for the five percent and so nobody out there is listening to him and saying god darn he's just so much smarter than me so i'm not gonna become worth five billion dollars i switch my mind to something else switch my mode into something else right for me it's the equivalent of maximus desmus meridius and gladiator picking up the dirt smelling the dirt it's go time compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today and that's a game you can win if you would get off the couch stop murmuring stop complaining you're about to go to a whole other level in every area of your life you create your own destiny and secure the future you envision you can do anything you want that you have passion for because that eliminates most of the crap because most people don't follow their dream and you need to know that the baseline is failure you know it's important because otherwise you'll blame that on yourself that's not what you need but what some of you need is to go from 70 to 120 some of you need to go from 80 to 120 because what will not happen is quit what will not happen is failure what will not happen is you dropping out my life speaks louder than words because when i begin to change my life i'm going to learn to make good choices i'm going to learn to be responsible i'm going to be dedicated i'm going to have good characters and morals and values i'm going to own up when wrong i'm going to be truthful i'm going to stand up for what i know is right and i won't let anybody change me and maybe that's not where you're at right now but you can get there and these are the attributes of success man if you want something in life you gotta be willing to do what nobody else has done if you keep doing the same thing you've always done it's the definition of insanity if you want to change you're gonna have to be willing to change i do what you don't want to do that you know that you got to do to be where you want to be i don't know your vision i don't know your mission i don't know what you want to be take stock of where you are you know what your advantages are what your disadvantages are and then you start with a little humility on the path of incremental improvement don't let your words guide you let your actions guide you now it's time for you to dig deeper ask more questions spend more time and study hard create a winner's circle of people that are succeeding in the class that you're struggling in and stick to them like glue it's bloody hard to be a high performance person i see every day people with this mentality that the world owes them something the simple answer here is that you need to work harder and faster there's really nothing else life is a series of choices at that moment that choice was quite honestly hard work put your head down and do the training and take the pain and eventually it's going to pay off and on those days where you just got to get through an impossible to-do list you really have to feel that if you put your head down and you take the pain it's going to pay off and since i'm going to do this i'm going to harness my will and i'm not going to let anything stop me i deserve this [Music] hard work is the most precious asset you have you know while the other guy's sleeping i'm working while the other guy's eating i'm working but it don't work if you don't work i found that nothing in life is worthwhile unless you take risks nothing there is no in between you're either growing or you are decaying if you want something you have got to be relentless this is a winner's quality you have that quality within you when you're hungry you don't care about the facts you don't care about the odds if you want to be an anomaly you've got to act like one why are you only giving 50 what's wrong with you you said your goal was to pass every class you said your goal was to never again finish last most people what they're doing is they're all at this mountain called success and they're all strolling around the bottom of this mountain and they're looking for an elevator to carry them to the top see they haven't realized yet that there is an open elevator and i'm already halfway up the stairs i'm not getting up on time i'm not going to work on time i'm not putting in 120 when i'm at work i let me down all right if you work hard and you never give up you can literally achieve anything break it down and add just a little more effort add just a little more focus and just a little more time management and just a little more patience and just a little more studying and just a little more listening and just a little more discipline to get something you never had you have to do something you never did [Music] i never said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to eat because you can go 21 days maybe 30 but without eating i never said when you want to succeed as bad as you want water because you can go about three days or so without it i said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful and so one of the things i want to do for you as an educator today you don't necessarily need better skills per se that's not what you need but what some of you need is to go from 70 to 120 some of you need to go from 80 to 120 percent the reason why i'm giving 120 is because your daddy's not in your life the reason why i'm giving 120 is because your father's in prison the reason why i'm giving 120 is because your mom is working two jobs the reason why i'm giving 120 is because your grandma is raising you the reason why i'm giving 120 is because you live in a community where education is not valued so i don't care what you do academically when you leave here you can't go and get credit for getting a's that in your neighborhood in your community nobody affirms you for reading at a certain level nobody affirms you for doing well on your a.c.t or your s.a.t where you come from education is not a firm so even if you are a scholar you have to keep it to yourself you have to suppress it so the reason why i give 120 is because your daddy's not there to give haiti and your mama's too tired to give a hundred and your grandma is washed out so she's giving 50. and y'all do that little stuff about you gonna eat but y'all they got no dog or motor you get tired quick if you practice for one or two days you go out you do a couple hours you tired but yeah you compete against people right now that's a lifestyle and you think they bout to let you take their lifestyle i don't want to do it as much as i want to eat i don't want to do it as much as i need drink i want to be the best in the world as bad as i want to breathe i want to be the michael george of education i want to be the lebron james of education and i ask you the question i ask you the question today are you giving 120 i never said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to eat i never said when you want to succeed as bad as you want water i said when you want to succeed as bad as you want to breathe then you'll be successful i i told my professor what happens if i fail he said what happens if you pass i said but what happened if i don't get it what happened if i put in all this years and it don't work out he said but what happens if you put in all these years and you get it you got skill and you got will you got skill and you got will two total different things you were born with certain things but to get to the next level and not just get to the next level to stay at the next level you got to have will when you get to that next level so when you play you have to compete [Music] when you have an opportunity why would you give 80 when you have an opportunity somebody answer that for me y'all talk why would you give 80 70 why wouldn't you always give 120 for real you might get it but right now what oh i can't hear y'all you may get it but right now what you don't have it you have nothing to fear guys you already overcame all kind of stuff because a lot of you don't see that what's going to take you to that next level that's going to separate you from everybody else because you got to have something to separate you what's going to separate you from everybody else right i don't know what that is for you but just talk about it when you hear about when you hear my videos one of the things you notice that separates me from everybody else i don't do what in any of my videos i don't curse and you've never seen me cuss before you've never seen me drink before you never see me smoke i'm not against drinking and smoking but my brain is i don't drink i don't smoke what are you gonna do to separate yourself like i do things that separate myself from everybody the passion that i have when i speak the grind that i have when i do what i do what are you going to do to separate yourself people you're not even going to be hanging out with all i want to hear is e they grinding like they never grind before johnny i want to hear they out there handling that rock like they monsters they like freaks out here eat like they going hard eat that's all i want well some more stuff that's keeping you from doing what you're supposed to do i love it have an opportunity of a lifetime and and and what what i'm trying to get to understand is when you understand you have an opportunity you just you play a little different show me your friends and i'll show you your future unless you went average in america mary 2.4 kids with one and a half dogs but i can guarantee you you will never achieve anything greater than your highest aspiration [Music] if you want a million you'll make a million not a million five if you want 10 million 100 million and uh you'll never exceed that if you change a billion lives that's the formula to become a billionaire and change the world time costs lives show me your friends and i'll show you your future you want to know why you're all up just look at the bums you hang around with [Music] i do what you don't want to do that you know that you got to do to be where you want to be ted turner just gave his 75th anniversary party on cnn a few months ago and he has he makes a couple of comments and he says number one and i'm not suggesting this for everybody it's how i live though uh first ten years of my uh starting cnn i slept on my couch i had i didn't have an apartment bill gates slept in the office steve jobs slept in the office and i can go down a whole list now these are super successful mega wealthy guys i slept in my office not everybody's willing to make that sacrifice but it's not the only thing but even if you don't sleep in your office if you want to send your kids to a better school if you want to be able to take your hair your mother when she gets dementia if you want to this all takes money when i my children aren't getting any of my money when i die not not one centavo not one penny and uh two of my kids are cool with it one of them's not so cool with it i'm not gonna you know i i think andrew carnegie by the way andrew carnegie arguably the richest most successful entrepreneur of all time he said the the best thing that you can have for a child is him to be born into poverty and i agree lack of self-esteem uh lack of self-worth now they think they have self-worth they think because they've made a few bucks but in actuality and when they measure it against the other eight ten twelve people sitting around the table they realize or they start to question hell maybe i was just lucky now all of us when you're only a one trick guy or gal think was i lucky now i've done it so many times i know i'm i wasn't lucky i might have been lucky the first time but i haven't been lucky the 15 20 45 i know that okay but maybe i was lucky the first time my life changed when i went i was pretty much a haphazard kid got a lot of trouble got arrested four or five times [Music] thrown in jail and this is when my dad is a cop but then i went i volunteered for the draft in 1966 at the height of the vietnam war and uh i went to ocs and that changed my life because it was the really first real high performance thing that i could measure myself against other with other people two-thirds of all fortune 500 ceos have one thing in common military background really two-thirds of those two-thirds have something else martial arts what do you learn in martial arts brian discipline focus a lot of people don't believe they deserve to be there i convince them and we have these drills why you belong there a lot of people that come there you know with money that have made money think they made it by accident right i just had one of my superstars who's made a hundred million bucks tell me in the last week you know i'm not sure i'm gonna have another lucky accident and i said you did it i mean you know you tried a lot of things i believe thomas edison i would i wouldn't have done it ten thousand times okay i would hire an engineer from mit to do it but i mean uh i've tried a lot of things nobody's failed at more things than i have and the first hundred million are successes but i could write a book about failures that it'd be i mean because i've tried a lot of different things because failure is just testing and uh one of the reasons i've been so successful in generating this equity and value in my kids and i call you all kids is because i convince him that making a mistake is okay your parents probably told you you can be anything you want but you can't that's horse you can't if it's all juxtaposed [Music] so but what you tell them is that you can do anything you want that you have passion for because that eliminates most of the crap because most people don't follow their dream you know like they say in the sound of music you can't have a dream come true unless you have a dream now i still dream i dream in technicolor i say my affirmations and goals every single night it's bloody hard to be a high performance person once you come face to face with who you are you have a starting point all right i'm not real smart i have no nothing nothing that's my starting point now we can move from there but if i tell myself i'm strong i have courage i'm smart and all these are lies you continuously push that starting point backwards right so that starting point is the truth i talked to this one kid the other day college is kicking my i said what are you gauging that off of i go are you trying because yeah i'm trying myself i'm studying hard i go what are you gauging trying hard off of well in high school i didn't have to try at all and i made great grades in college i'm trying hard you're trying hard compared to what you did in high school which was it came easy to you so your reality is something you created off of something easy so you trying hard is two hours of studying i'm gonna tell you a difference in trying hard and trying hard trying hard is something in your mind just doesn't stop where you know two hours isn't enough so it's all about you know reality and what you're basing things off of what is in us we have no idea until we start trying hard and i mean really trying hard when you're obsessed with hey this is my new norm my new norm is that wow this isn't always fun and that's when you know you're trying hard when you quit your mind says we're done so it doesn't expand there's no expansion when you say uh-uh this sucks i'm drowning i'm miserable i'm suffering i'm broken but i'm not going anywhere he's not leaving so we got to expand we got to grow we got to figure this thing out and then you start to engage parts of your mind that you never engaged before but you can't engage it talking about what i want to do i can't get this paragraph i can't remember what's in this paragraph to pass this test read again still not getting it read again we're not getting it write it out and that's how i started learning okay well i can't i gotta write out everything i do and then write it out again you'll write it again and guess what happens i got it i got it i realized if i keep going back and going back and going back until this just becomes your mind will say okay we're gonna figure it out because he is not going to stop the voice in my head say you know what man you're gonna die never even trying to reach your full potential and how's that going to feel [Music] what i do my life speaks louder than words because when i begin to change my life i'm going to learn to make good choices i'm going to learn to be responsible i'm going to be dedicated i'm going to have good characters and morals and values i'm going to own up when wrong i'm going to be truthful i'm going to stand up for what i know is right and i won't let anybody change me and maybe that's not where you're at right now but you can get there and these are the attributes of success man if you want something in life you gotta be willing to do what nobody else has done if you keep doing the same thing you've always done it it's the definition of insanity if you want to change you're gonna have to be willing to change good choices will always have good results and i was making a lot of bad choices and a lot of bad decisions and i was basing my value my worth off your opinions and i learned something listen to me everybody in here i want you to understand something your value is never based off any of the opinions of anybody in this room who cares what anybody thinks or says about you they are not your merit system they are not your system of worth you are who you say you are by your actions but the choices and decisions that we make have consequences good or bad when i went to prison at 23 listen i came from a broken family i had been labeled and unmarked and identified i had battled hurts and pains and wounds i had suicidal thoughts i had battled self-harming drugs and alcohol had consumed me i lost all dreams and goals i felt like i had made too many mistakes to change listen i felt like why i had every reason to say you know what life is too tough and i quit i live with these three principles and i promise you man they will change everything about who you are hard work works make good choices good things happen and value people i decided 10 years ago literally when this all happened i went to prison i wanted to be i was like you know what i want to make this promise i want to keep it to this family i come from a lot of brokenness i don't know where to start but what i do know is the importance of the choices that i make and so literally i wrote the word change the world and i slapped it on my little prison cell window and every single day i woke up and i realized make good choices great things happen aim smallness small [Music] make good choices great things happen you see every choice that i can make listen i i can't control what you think about me i can't control your opinion of me i can't control what you say about me but i control how i react respond to what i do with my life i'm in control of my life i don't let external factors control me i'm in control of my life because sometimes life can be tough life can be challenging and sometimes the obstacles in front of you seem like they're too big and it's easier just to lay down but you know what i remembered i remember when my dad used to look at me when the kid said listen nathan life is never going to give you anything but if you make it and if you build it nobody can take it from you because hard work and tenacity and refusing to quit and chasing your dream you'll get there i promise you maybe you don't hit the stars when you land on the moon you don't give up and you go after and you stop caring about the opinions of people around you stop blaming everybody from your hurts take ownership of your life take off your mass don't feed the bear make good choices be a best friend encourage somebody be a voice of hope and inspiration this is your moment [Music] the simple thing is this see if your joy your sadness your happiness your misery is determined by something or somebody around you the chances of you being joyful in your life is remote for every one of you your life is precious isn't it it's a precious life if something is precious where do you want to invest this life into what do you want to invest this precious life if this is a worthless life throw it somewhere if this is a precious life what do you want to invest this life into if you look at it this way you will find something truly worthwhile to do if you think in terms of how to earn a living how to get this kind of thing that kind of thing then you will do something silly that you will regret for the rest of your life most people are a regret that's why they're going around joylessly because they're not doing what they want to do they're not creating what really matters to them they're doing something for a living earning a living is not a big deal for a human being every creature every worm insect bird animal is earning their living isn't it so with such a big brain what is a big deal about earning a living see your ability to do things is not because you want to do things i want to do something is my desire desire is just an intention an intention won't make things happen an intention will only set direction still you have to make the journey we become too goal-oriented goal-oriented means we are interested in the consequence but we are not interested in the process process is an end in itself if you are absolutely devoted to the process something will come out but now we are interested in the consequence not in the process this goal orientedness i want to get there i want to get there no i want to win the race [Music] see if you treat life as a race if you have to win it you have to get to the finish line soon you want to if you get to the finish line ahead of all these people you won the race you know what the finish line is we'll be negotiating where to bury you [Music] if you if you go outside in the garden and try to catch an ant who is born here i was grown up here and probably he'll die here if you try to catch him he'll say okay crush me if you want is it so he'll do everything to protect himself he values his life isn't it very much or no tiny little creature that we may not even notice we may step on him without even seeing him unfortunately [Music] but he values his life immensely does he know he's got spark but you a human being at least on this planet you're the peak of evolution physiologically at least what the most evolved creature on the planet means is it has the most complex neurological system and it has the highest level of cerebral capability that means you can think you can remember you have memory [Music] you have a very vivid sense of memory and a fantastic sense of imagination an ant doesn't have such a vivid sense of memory nor does he have any great imagination yes some [Music] but he has a presence of mind about the life that he is living hey guys it's gordon here from motivation to study and i wanted to take a second to give a shout out to our great friends at audible for partnering with us on this video personally i can never find the time to read as much as i'd like to and audible is a great way to stay informed inspired and entertained in the shortest time possible with audible you can get pretty much any book in any genre and listen to it anywhere you are as it has the world's largest selection of audiobooks and audio entertainment including audible originals which are stories created exclusively for audio including documentaries exclusive audiobooks and scripted shows that you can't hear anywhere else you can listen at the gym while shopping or in the car as it's hands down the most convenient way for me and the team of motivation to study to learn so start listening with an audible membership today and to get started you're going to get a free 30-day trial where you receive your first audio book for free and free access to audible originals just go to audible.com motivation or text motivation to 500-500 when you get started i recommend checking out atomic habits by james clear it's one of my recent favorites where james reveals practical strategies that will teach you exactly how to form good habits break bad ones and master the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results i highly encourage you to check it out so if you want to get more reading done this year i urge you guys to do it with audible just go to audible.com motivation and start your free trial now that's audible.com motivation or you can text motivation to 500 500 give it a try and learn how to be the best version of you i can hear the the advice of a lot of different people and say okay thank you thank you thank you this is what i want to do um and i'll stand by it i will never blame someone for my decisions no it's my life conflict fight back i'm saying this put together your thoughts logically and come back at me like i want you to convince me that i'm wrong like find the holes in my argument find the gap in my thinking it's like here's my strategy and i am prepared to do what it takes to stay alive like i what i tell my investors is like all you need to know is that i will be standing at the end of this match that's it and like if i have to all of a sudden do an uppercut that i've never done or like switch to southpaw out of nowhere hey i'll do what i have to do because i'm gonna win this fight in the end and say whatever you want to say about someone's fighting style and they won they won wanting very much to make sure that little girls who look like me believe that they can do anything and believe that they can do more than just media and entertainment in particular and believe in the value of their perspective and so that's what gets me up in the morning and then everything else the details just like it kind of i can push through that day and what i found is that instead of trying to live a successful life if you aim to have a successful day if you have 13 of the 24 hours of your day if you won those hours you won the day and if you win most of the days in a week you won the week you know we just need a simple majority here if you win you know most of the weeks in a month there you go most of them months in a year most of the years and and all of a sudden look at that without even trying you've been able to kind of get somewhere when i say you know i know who i am i guess the the unsaid portion though is like and then for the things i don't know about myself i'm open to finding out and so i think the idea is to think about our lives as a constant research experiment who i thought i was and what i thought i wanted um when i was 19 is to a certain extent similar you know now but there's also a lot of a lot of difference in the nuances and the details of the execution and i think what it is is that like we we all have a core that like is our soul that is our kind of ethos that we're born with that's that's our ethical nature that we get from our families and our friends and like our where we grew up that you know ideally and hopefully it's good and i think that nugget that's always unchanging and you have to figure out who that is what you know what that is inside of you as soon as possible and i've always been a very reflective person i've always been someone who will ask myself you know every six weeks or so am i happy just and it's a really simple thing it's just like the answers are either yes or no [Music] and if it's a no it's like okay well am i doing things that while right now maybe i'm not like blissfully happy are working towards something that i know will make me happy you know what i mean like and am i generally happy with the idea of the trade-offs that i'm making right now or that i have to deal with you know does that make me happy and if that's a yes it's like okay cool but if it's still a no it's like stop everything nope this doesn't make sense [Music] but so with that you come back you're like okay i need a solution and so i started doing the check-in which i do just it's more like you can sense if you take some time to be quiet you can sense when you're not in equilibrium and then that's when you ask that's it just running running running running running without taking a time to just know where you are i mean then there's probably going to be other symptoms when you're just overeating or overdoing this or not sleeping like you'll people will be able to tell you yeah you don't look balanced if you asked i was able to stay who i am by being open to learning about who i am from those who had been working to figure out themselves as well and i think it takes a certain sense of humility to be willing to to listen to those people but also i think it takes a certain sense of logic i guess and just like dynamic thinking to realize that what they're telling you is simply part of your full concept of yourself not the all you know not the total of it and you know it is your life it is your unique perspective it is who you are that has brought you here so anyone who invests in you is going to want you to be who you are they're going to have to trust that being who you are even if it's different from who they are that that's going to be the thing that's going to take this to the next level no matter what how did you get your mindset into this alter ego to be comfortable being black mamba i switch my mind to something else i switch my mode into something else right for me it's the equivalent of maximus desmus meridius and gladiator picking up the dirt smelling the dirt is go time you gotta put yourself in that cage when you're in that cage you are that character right so that was my mental switch it was like an actor getting ready for a film you got to put yourself in that cage when you're in that cage you are that character then when you leave there is something completely different but when i'm in that cage bro don't touch me don't talk to me leave me alone the definition of work what is the definition of work activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a purpose or result working hard is the cost of entry of winning you know nobody on earth that's made it that didn't work hard there's a point in time where you have to absolutely get up and stand on your own two feet and say this is the way in which i want to leave my impact on the world every day trying to be better and trying to prove yourself by one or two percent fulfill things set yourself a couple of tasks do or die task today get them done feel better move on to the next scene when this is work i don't know your vision i don't know your mission i don't know what you want to be i don't know who you want to be i don't know how big you want to build i don't want to how big of a legacy you want to leave i don't know your vision i don't know your standards i want to take calculated risk to dream and to build to fail and to succeed for us to set goals and not achieve them it's on us there has to be a burning desire inside of us to do more be more become one i heard someone once say that greatness is within you but it's dormant it's bottled up just waiting for the moment to unleash and show the world how great you really are yeah you got to lead by example you got to show that's what i tried to do so think of your first week of classes as your opportunity to establish positive momentum it was an everyday process and trying to figure out shrimps and weaknesses i didn't want anybody to be able to say well he's not willing to do the work so everything i saw whether it was tv shows whether it was books i read people i talked to everything was done to try to learn how to become better everything everything and so when you have that point of view then literally the world becomes your library to help you to become better at your craft imagine if you wrote it down you knew you were going to achieve it imagine if there was no procrastination in the things that we do imagine for a moment if you were someone who went out and executed on the things that you said you were going to do because self-commitment is something that you absolutely have written on your heart like what if we were the people who absolutely operated on the words that we told ourselves [Music] you know you want to be a little bit better in some way tomorrow than you are today but it's not going to be in a linear path again these go through cycles of stress and recovery if you're doing your best if you're really laying it out there there's nothing nothing more you can do i'm just i'm doing my best and there's nothing nothing more than that compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today and that's a game you can win because you could be a little better today than you were yesterday and that's a good thing you're a little better that that's a good thing and you know no doubt there are some things that you could improve you know if you if you sit and meditate for any length of time about what you're not doing optimally answers will spring to mind you know you could be getting up earlier [Music] comparing yourself to who you are now that's a game you can win take stock of where you are you know what your advantages are what your disadvantages are and then you start with a little humility on the path of incremental improvement and you know incremental improvement compounds and so you can get a long ways trajectory in some sense is more important than position for human beings i mean if you're starving to death that's not the situation that i'm describing but you know if you've got the bare necessities of life you're not surrounded by absolute privation what you really want is to see that you're on an uphill path you know something that's got the right slope and and and you can start anywhere on that path and you you can improve half a percent a day or a quarter of a percent a day and you think well that's not very much it's like it's a hundred percent four years and that doesn't count compounding you know which means it's actually going to happen a lot faster i think that the possibility that you can make yourself slightly better on a continual basis is i think that's something that's accessible to everyone i i think that's equivalent to leading a virtuous life and you know i talked about the terrible catastrophe in some sense of differences in intelligence and differences in conscientiousness and so forth and the the downside of the meritocracy but there is something to be said for virtue and truth you know and that is one thing another thing that i've noticed about people who've been phenomenally successful is that they really do they really do everything they can to live a truthful life and that you can get a bloody long ways by being honest the first thing i think you need to understand is that these people that you're comparing yourself to you don't really know very well what that means is that you see they're shiny outside but you don't see the reality of their life people have hard lives and and even people who are comparatively fortunate have hard lives [Music] the ideal that you're observing that makes you jealous and resentful is in large part an illusion that's created by your own mind you're you're quite different from other people and you shouldn't be comparing yourself to them because they're not like you you know they don't have your family they don't have your temperament they don't have your troubles they don't have your abilities the only the only person that has those is you compare yourself to who you were yesterday and not to who someone else is today and see that's a game you can win most creative people fail at producing their creative product and monetizing it right so your default position if you're a creative person is you're going to fail and so and that's because it's hard to come up with something new and it's j and it's hard to present it to the market at the right time and it's hard to market it like those things are really really difficult and so what successful entrepreneurs do is they just keep doing it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and eventually if they're fortunate one of their ideas happens to hit the right place at the right time and so that's also darwinian in some sense you know you're creating all these little enterprises that are sort of alive they're they're run by people after all and even if your idea is good that doesn't mean it will be successful there's so many things that have to be taken into account so this is partly why persistence and that's part of conscientiousness is so useful it's like you know what are they safe if at first you failed then try try again and um and that would probably mean try something different rather than the same thing but persistence is helpful because it enables you to run many many experiments and and you need to know that the baseline is failure you know it's important because otherwise you'll blame that on yourself you know and some of that's useful because there's probably some things that you could improve about yourself but it's very difficult to go from zero to one you know it's very if you're starting out as a sales person for example the hardest sale is the first customer and then you know they get easier with each additional customer [Music] be careful who you share good news with because you want to share good news with people who are going to be genuinely happy for you and that's one way that you can identify those people who are on your side [Music] be careful who you share bad news with because that's equally tricky you know you you you want someone who will listen to you when you're having trouble and allow you your grief uh especially if it's a consequence of something tragic and who won't try to one-up you you know because often when you're talking to people they'll be thinking about what they have to say that's worse and that's not helpful if you need a listening ear make one room in your house as beautiful as possible i talked a lot about already about the necessity of cleaning your room which is you know in some sense a foolish piece of advice because it seems so obvious but it's not obvious at all and you'll find if you try it especially if you're in a household that's not very functional that you'll encounter obstacles that you couldn't imagine existed while you're trying to put your life in order and you can take your surroundings beyond order and and and move towards beauty and that's unbelievably useful [Music] another sunrise provides another opportunity for you to undo the unwise things that you did that almost led to your academic demise since health is wealth you exercise your option to revise your study habits and to the surprise of not only you but all of your instructors and advisors you all of a sudden appeared smarter and wiser see they had you flagged for failure but never had the heart to tell you [Music] i know so many students can relate to the struggles in this story but very few ever overcome and achieve the glory because so many fit into the woe is me category instead of the oh it's me category which nine out of ten times it is see you're the one that keeps getting the class late you're the one who decided not to study because you had that date you're the one that never asks questions and keeps making mistake after mistake after mistake you're the one that keeps making excuse after excuse after excuse for why your academic status is in an unsatisfactory state so the question i have for you why are you even enrolled in school if you have no desire to try i think i know the reason why it's because you forgot about your wife and this is the very moment i need you to go stand in front of a mirror and look yourself eye to eye [Music] it's hardship time because you were born with greatness embedded in your soul you were born with a gift of sharing a phenomenal story to be told you were born with a will to succeed and the brilliance to create and achieve goals you were born to be mentally and physically rich and receive your pot of gold but up to this point your storms have not produced a rainbow and that's just time for you to take a different angle a different approach so right now i'm your new mentor i'm your new coach and i'm not here to stroke your ego i'm here to get you away from them turkeys and back the song with them eagles because you forgot that you said your wife was to be the first one from your family to graduate with honors you said your y was to never again be average and to do that you had to be a scholar you said your y was you fill in the blank and let that be all the fuel that you need to put back in your take and now that you re-energized i expect you to quickly rise up your class rank and get back on track to graduate which means more money in the bank you can thank me later but right now you got a paper that's due and you got to do what you got to do which means focus concentration and execution until you get through so this is the moment that your grace guys of academia turned blue [Music] you told all your slacking friends to do them because you're about to do you because you refuse to be in that 57 percent of students that don't graduate on time your light was dim and flickering but now it's about to shine [Music] they might not like it but they gotta respect it greatness requires planning so you created a daily success checklist because you were failing miserably because you were unprepared and reckless but they knew you was ready and so you had a one-on-one with your advisor and even visited your own campus career specialist you're the definition of an overcomer because you would never fall even in the winter spring awesome through all of your pitfalls and blunders you kept on dancing even if it was to the beat of a different drummer so this is for any student who feels like their life and school balance is unbearable for any student who feels like in a certain class they're just doing terrible any student who feels like the damage to their grade is unrepairable any student who feels that giving up is acceptable because giving up is unacceptable and for an incredible individual like you i know you're human and at times you will be skeptical but please believe me when i say any mistake you made is correctable and you just have to remember you have impeccable strength to power through and overcome any hardship so let this propel lift and give you the inner fight to remember your why and your gift and help you create that mental shift that allows you to pick yourself right back up whenever you slip and remember all of your falls and trips are preparing you for that magical trip and the ultimate feeling of satisfaction and elation you'll get when you walk across that stage with your arms held high get your diploma and throw your cap up in the sky scream and celebrate job well done it's what that moment will signify you are an unbreakable force and don't you never ever ever forget that this is a great day to win you're never gonna be great if you don't look for the five percent you know i think that you can pick up from from talking to me that i'm not on a different level okay these are pretty simple basic tools and so nobody out there is listening to him and saying god dorn he's just he's just using words and he's just so much smarter than me so i'm not gonna become worth five billion dollars that book is bull okay he's just naturally smarter than me i think you can see that i'm no smarter than anybody else in this room i just use certain little basic tools to be successful every day take the word no out of your vocabulary worry about your customer no spare customers use the 95 5 rule separate yourself from everybody else be the bull at whatever you do and on and on and on [Music] well you just gotta keep punching and just take care of your business and you just realize until they come and shut you down or lock the doors or you can't get product or whatever until you can't make a payroll you'd be surprised what you can take though and and you just keep punching and punching and believe it or not times you know get good and it goes back to what i once again preach when times are really bad we forget they're ever going to be good again and when times are really good we forget they're going to be bad again i don't fear anything but i worry about everything and the day you stop worrying in good times the paddle will get you behind and and and so as great as things are in life i know you're only a few steps or a few incidents away from something bad happening you can never forget it i'm taking the next steps right now to get to the next level because always that's my sport let's go play pick up basketball let's go to the office and play business and that's what i do every day i go to the office and play business you got to know what you know and what you don't know and and i knew that i understood business you know i think you know if you know business or not and people ask me should i go get my mba and you know what i usually tell them you know if you need to go get your mba if you don't have it inside of you and you understand economics and finance and and operations of business then you need to go get it i knew that i didn't need it it was just a god-given gift you've got to know your god-given gifts and everybody has it everybody in this room has it right here so do what you know was your god-given gift and find a way to use that as your path know your numbers no matter what business you're looking at always know your numbers number two realize that we're not successful if that consumer does not come to us whether they're eating in your restaurants where they're playing in your casino and and and whether if you don't have a good product on that basketball court the fans are not going to come and buy those tickets the sponsors aren't going to come and therefore you're not going to have the money to pay for those good players next year you're not going to be able to pay russell westbrook and james harden each 40 million dollars a year you've got to always remember we're only as good as us taking care of that consumer one of the things i teach everybody and especially my kids don't assume anything i people think that somebody walks in and gives you an answer that it's the right answer and and and even when i tell somebody to do something i don't assume they went and did it all i asked them a week later did you do that that i asked you to do because that was really important to me oh my gosh i didn't do that and i think that's the biggest mistake people make is don't assume that everything's running right don't assume anything you can go to work every day and separate yourself from anybody else and it's no different than the sound guy on this set if you pick up you know what this sound guy is really really good and he's worried about this and he's worried about that then all of a sudden you tell somebody you need a good sound guy this and then they end up on this person because of a recommendation all of a sudden this guy is known as the best sound guy in la because he's paying attention or she's paying attention to details that the other sound people don't no you know what i i hear an ambulance out there let's cut it you know just a little little little bitty things and i just think that it's easy to separate yourself from anybody else no matter what your position is if if you go to work for a company and you don't go at the corporate ladder it's your fault thanks for tuning in to this video sponsored by the good folks at skillshare if you like great deals like i do make sure you click the link in the description right below this video i'm very excited about today's book the seven habits of highly effective people your mission statement makes you the leader of your own life you create your own destiny and secure the future you envision it's this abundance mentality that is so important for creating success it's because most people listen with the intent to reply not to understand if i can go there in the mind i can go there in the body one thing that's absolutely important to creating an innovation is diversity golden nugget number one be proactive your life doesn't just happen whether you know it or not it's carefully designed by you and the choices you make you choose to be happy you choose to be sad you choose to make fast decisions and stick to them you choose to waver on your decisions you choose success you choose failure you choose courage you choose fear just remember that every moment every situation provides you an opportunity to make a brand new choice in your life and when you do that it gives you a perfect opportunity to do things differently to produce more positive results so being proactive is about taking responsibility for your life you can't keep blaming everything on your parents or on your grandparents on your siblings proactive people recognize that they are what covey calls response able they don't blame genetics circumstances conditions or conditioning for their behavior they know they choose their behavior reactive people on the other hand are often affected by their physical environment they find external sources to blame for their behavior if the weather is good they feel good if the weather is crap they feel like crap all of these external forces that are outside of our mind that are outside of our control they act as stimulus that we respond to now between the stimulus and the response is your greatest power you have the freedom to choose your response one of the most important things you choose is what you say your language is a good indicator of how you see yourself a proactive person uses proactive language i can i will i prefer and so on and so forth a reactive person uses reactive language i can't or i have to or if only reactive people believe they are not responsible for what they say and do they don't have a choice instead of reacting to or worrying about conditions over which they have little to no control proactive people focus their time and their energy on things that they can control the problems challenges and opportunities we face all fall into two areas the circle of concern and the circle of influence proactive people they focus their efforts their time their energies on the circle of influence they work on the things they can do something about their health their children their parents problems at work reactive people on the other hand they focus the majority of their efforts in the circle of concern things that have very little control over when you gain an awareness of the areas that you spend most of your energy that's how you can make the first step in becoming a proactive person golden nugget number two is based on imagination the ability to envision in your mind which you can't at present time see with your eyes it's based on the principle that all things are created twice there's the mental creation which is first and then the second which is physical creation the physical creation follows the mental just as a building follows a blueprint if you don't make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life then you empower other people and other circumstances around you to shape you and your life by default and you don't want to do that you want to be in control it's about connecting again with your own uniqueness and defining the personal moral and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself begin with the end in mind means to begin each day each task or each project each relationship with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen golden nugget number three put first things first to live a more balanced life you have to recognize that not doing everything that comes along it's okay there's no need to overextend yourself all it takes is realizing that it's all right to say no when necessary and then focus on your highest priorities habit one says you're in charge you're the creator being proactive is about choice habit two is the first or mental creation beginning with the end in mind it's all about vision habit three is the second creation the physical creation this habit is where habits one and two come together it happens day in and day out moment by moment it deals with many of the questions addressed in the field of time management but that's not what it's all about habit three is about life management as well your purpose values roles and priorities what are first things to you golden nugget number four think win win now think win-win it's not about being nice and it's definitely not a quick fix technique it's a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration most of us learn to base our self-worth on comparisons and competition we think about succeeding in terms of someone else failing that is if i win you lose and if you win i lose with this type of thinking life becomes a zero-sum game there's only so much pie to go around and if you get a big piece there's gonna be less for me it's not fair [Music] we all play the game but how much fun is it really win win sees life as a cooperative arena not a competitive one win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions win-win means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying a person or organization that approaches conflicts with a win-win attitude possesses three vital character traits integrity sticking with your true feelings values and commitments maturity expressing your ideas and feelings with courage and consideration for the ideas and feelings of others and finally abundance mentality believing there is plenty to go around for everyone to go for win-win you not only have to be empathetic but you have to also be confident you not only have to be considerate and sensitive you also have to be brave to achieve that balance between courage and consideration is the essence of real maturity and is fundamental to this win-win philosophy golden nugget number five seek first to understand then to be understood communication is the most important skill in life you spend years learning how to read how to write and years learning how to speak but what about listening what training have you had that enables you to listen so you really deeply understand another human being probably none right if you're like most people you probably seek first to be understood you want to get your point across and in doing so you may ignore the other person completely pretend that you're listening selectively hear only certain parts of the conversation or focus only on the words being said not the meaning of the words so why does this happen it's because most people listen with the intent to reply not to understand you listen to yourself as you prepare in your mind what you're going to say next the questions you're going to ask etcetera etcetera you filter everything you hear through your life experiences in through your frame of reference you check what you hear against your autobiography and see how it measures up and consequently you decide prematurely what the other person means before he or she finishes communicating golden nugget number six synergize now put simply synergy means two heads are better than one synergize is the habit of creative cooperation it's teamwork open-mindedness and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems but it doesn't just happen on its own it's a process and through that process people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table together they can produce far better results that they could not do individually synergy lets us discover jointly things we are much less likely to discover by ourselves it's the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts when people begin to interact together genuinely and they're open to each other's influence they begin to gain new insight do you truly value the mental emotional and physiological differences among people or do you wish everyone would just agree with you so you could all just get along differences should be seen as strengths not weaknesses they add zest to life last but certainly not least golden nugget number seven sharpen your saw now sharpen the saw means preserving and enhancing the greater asset you have you it means having a balanced program for self renewal in the four areas of your life physical social emotional mental and spiritual now here are some examples of different activities physical beneficial eating exercising and resting social emotional making social and meaningful connections with others friends family mental learning reading writing teaching spiritual spending time in nature expanding spiritual self through meditation music art prayer service as you renew yourself in each of the four areas you create growth and change in your life sharpen the saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practice the other six habits you increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you when you sharpen your saw without this renewal the body becomes weak the mind mechanical emotions raw the spirit insensitive and the person selfish feeling good it just doesn't happen feeling good is something you have to work on living a life in balance means taking the necessary time to renew yourself again it's all up to you it's all in your circle of influence it's something you control you can renew yourself through relaxation or you can totally burn yourself out by overdoing everything just remember that every day provides a new opportunity for renewal a new opportunity to recharge yourself instead of hitting the wall all it takes is the desire knowledge and skill to know how to do it [Music] what are you really seeking after right what do you really want what hole in you what missing part of you or what sore spot in you is healed by the pursuit of your goals you you need the problems because that's what generates the meaning and if you don't have the meaning then you know everything just feels pointless and you're like well why do anything so you need that that meaning you know it comes back to what i was saying about the stories that we wrap around our positive and negative experiences you know like that meaning is what creates those those powerful stories that that pushes us forward you know makes our makes us feel like our life is well lived [Music] i realized all i had to do was have my phone to be stressed if that's true my happiness is so cheap because what are the chances of everybody doing exactly what you think they should do the right way every day so the antidote to suffering the antidote of loss less than ever is appreciation i always tell people trade your expectation for appreciation whole life changes the best leaders are actually the best qualities the best leaders never think that they're the final that the buck stops with them they always believe that they're in service to something bigger than themselves the majority of not only entrepreneurs but human beings like we start off with can't like the majority of people are like oh you can't do this because this this this and this and it's like humans are very disempowering creatures like if we don't catch our thoughts if we don't catch our patterns if we don't catch the things that come out of our mouth if they're negative like we need to switch that what really matters is the relationships of the people in your life if you don't have people close to you to share them with or to support or help support you pretty much anything will eventually feel empty don't confuse humility with meekness humility is being open to the ideas of others your happiness will never last as long as it's got expectations what i did was i began to realize i made the decision the most important decision i believe of your life that i'm not going to suffer anymore life's too short to suffer and i'm going to live in a beautiful state every day the way i do it is i catch myself and i start to get that sense of stress i let it go and i see the idea of me self-confidence is measured and there should be a degree of of doubt when we talk about building one self-confidence i think the mistake that we make is that we look inside i think the reality is we try to build our self-confidence we should be looking to our friends we should be nursing our relationships when i'm looking to build my self-confidence the question is who around me do i need to take care of success is not you saying how much money you have in the bank account it's about who you are and how you show up in the world and how you show up for yourself forget about everybody else how usual for yourself i i honor your opinion i will listen to good feedback but i don't care if you think i'm a good person i'm a bad person i'm successful and failure it's not it's not for you to decide for me to decide they'll complain about being burnt out or they'll complain about being tired and i don't think necessarily in every case that we're burnt out or tired because we're doing too much but maybe we're doing too little of the things that really matter that make us feel alive [Music] the only way that change is going to take place is if you see the evidence of the collapse right in front of you i think the challenge is that people have to wake up and the question is how uncomfortable do you have to become before you make up your mind to change something in life i don't lose i only win or learn like if people can realize like so many people think like they've lost but like if you just pull one piece of one one piece of information that's good whether it's a different perspective extracting knowledge a different way to go about life a different way to not fall in your face like that's winning appreciation love and joy destroy suffering you can't be grateful and angry simultaneously it's possible you can't be worried and fearful and grateful simultaneously so i tell people gratitude is one of the emotions to cultivate that'll destroy the suffering things are going well you're happy when things aren't going well you're sad but when you learn how to self-regulate and create more coherence in your brain and heart then you're no longer dependent on your outer world controlling your mood the biggest and baddest people are handicapped and crippled by the limiting beliefs the things that they tell themselves and that's why i say the biggest disability is a bad mindset it's not this body here's how i deal with fear fear is a is a figment of our imagination right fear is created because of expectations firstly once you have an expectation of yourself and you say hey i don't need to have this expectation i'm just living life as a play it's a game it's music it's fun joy so i'm doing it for the fun and the joy so i am enjoying along the ride like i'm not going to kill myself if i don't get there one day like it's not it doesn't define me it's it's there only so i have something to chase my goal is not to make everything absolutely equal the amount of time in my relationship the amount of time i spend at the gym to amount of time that i'm working on my career but maybe the goal is like like an orchestra you know each instrument they don't necessarily have equal time but they've come together in a way that creates art you know a symphony choice is a gift it's always there you can choose what you focus on and what you focus on is what you're gonna experience you can focus on things that make you suffer you can focus on things that make you grateful and of the two gratitude is the better approach it's not some mandy family positive thinking approach it's intelligent because when you're in a good state you can solve the problem and like so many people are trying to seek validation from other people they're trying to be working on relationships with girls or trying to you know seek validation from other things in instagram and materialistic things and when the biggest relationship that they should be working on is one within themselves in fact you begin to realize how you think and feel begins to produce effects in your outer life now you start believing more you're the creator of your life and less of a victim of your life now that isn't something that you take one bite of and swallow when it's all over it's a process of re-patterning it's a process of rewiring it's a process of reconditioning it's a process of self-reflection and awareness and changing those beliefs all that matters in the world we live in today outside your belief systems is your ability to add value
Channel: Millionaire In The Mirror
Views: 196,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: motivational Video speeches compilation, motivational, motivational Video for Success, millionaire in the Mirror
Id: uMfSHyvVPhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 26sec (14306 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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