Stephen's First Father's Day

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- Okay, oh my gosh I suck at this stuff. Usually, Steve does it. Okay, hey I'm Jess and this is Steven. We met when we were 14 and we started dating when we were 17 and then five years ago, we decided to go and travel the world. During that time we got married and this year, Steven finally became a dad. And last weekend was his very first Father's Day. (calm music) Happy Father's Day. - Oh, thank you. - Yaay. - This one has being so chatty all morning. - Hi bubba. We have a feeling she might be starting to teeth. - And she's only three months 'cause she just like - Wants to eat everything. - Everything, hey. - Yeah. - But before the day can start, this is for you. - What, you didn't have to get me anything. - I didn't get it, Hunter did. - This is from you , did you pick this out? Aaw, I think I know what this is, thanks bubs. What's this, do you wanna help dad open it up? Are you gonna eat my present? Oh bubs, this is nice. (laughs) Thank you. - It's Father's Day pajamas. - Yaay. - You have to put them on. - Oh, these are so nice, alright. Aaw, number one dad. Little like a bit of cheese to start the morning. - And then look at the pants. (laughs) - Oh that's so good. - I got summer seeing as it's starting to get warmer. - This is like the perfect cheesy dad pajamas. - So you need to put them on. - Okay. - So you officially feel like a dad? - Of course, you don't feel like a dad until you have the cheesy dad pajamas. - Bubs, I have a present for you from Hunter or from me, which one do you want first? - Oh, is this not from Hunter, is there more? - There's more, do you want the Hunter present or the my present? - Mm, let's stick with the Hunter presents 'cause I like this one so far. - So I basically told Hunter to throw anything in the trolley that she wants to give you. - Oh my goodness this is massive. - And I told Hunter she could get you whatever. - Do you feel like that is heavy? (laughs) - Jess, It's not even my birthday. - Yeah it was Hunter, it's not me. - Ooh, did you pick up the card as well? That is very, dad my hero, thanks. (laughs) Did Hunter write this? (laughs) I didn't realize that he had learned to ride already. Happy Father's Day to the greatest daddy in the world, love, Hunter. Aaw, that's so cute. Hi Stevie, thank you for being the most sweetest, kindest, patient father to our little Hunter. We both love you so, so much. Now that you're a dad, you're never gonna out of socks and undies again and a happy Father's Day. Is there socks and undies in there? (laughs) Aaw, that's so nice. Thanks bubs and thanks Hunter. Oh my goodness but that's very heavy for like socks and undies. (laughs) Oh my goodness, did you go on like, on a cheese ball dad thing? - What's it called? - Manly mugs. (laughs) Oh, that's so good. Oh wow, that is a manly mug, a life, oh that's cool. - They had a travel one. - I thought it was gonna be a cheesy dad mug. - Well there were cheesy dad mugs but then I thought you might want the travel one. - No I like this, this is nice. What do you think of the mug? - What do you think bubba? - Do you like the mug? Have some coffee. Oh my goodness, this is already a roller coaster. Got some undies, of course am i expecting some socks in there as well. Oh wait, what's in, what? - I think Hunter must have thrown that in there. This was all Hunter's idea not mine. - You have like such good ideas. And what's this? - Oh jammies for mom, Hunter you're too nice. - Did you buy jammies for mommy? - That's sneaky that you threw that in there. Oh my goodness I. - Hunter, what are you doing? - Is this a little happy little baby set for hunter? - I wish, they didn't have any. - Oh wow, these are so cool. - Hunter wanted her own jammies too. - Hunter these. - They're Disney jammies. - These are so cool. - We now really wanna take you to Disney world. There you go, it's fun. Happy to use Father's Day to get you some kid jammies. - A bit cheeky. - Oh gosh she keeps going, what's this? (laughs) You got the big one as well, thanks bubs. - That's not me, this is from Hunter. - Oh yeah I keep forgetting this is from you. Do you like that? (laughs) - A good pile of presents, thank you. - Hun I'm gonna get the ones from me. - There's more? (laughs) What do we think mom has got us? Do you have any idea? - So I have three presents for you. - Jess, you've like given too many already. - And you have to choose the ones you want first. So there's a funny one, there's a useful one and there's a sentimental one. So what do you want first? - Should we go for the funny one? Hunter says the funny one. - Okay, so the issue with the funny one is that I bought it like five weeks ago and it's still not here, there's no tracking, I've emailed the place and I don't know if it's ever gonna come. - But if it does there's. - Is that the funny part? - No, the funny thing is that it's socks with yours and Hunter's face all over it. (laughs) So maybe, it'll come one day dear mama. - Ooh, I can't wait to, I love it. - I don't even have a picture of it because all they said was like send us a picture of the faces so I did. And then I never heard that from them. So we'll see. - I love it because like if it comes we'll like vlog in like three weeks time. - Hopefully it comes, we will see. - Number two. - Number two. - It's either the practical or the sentimental. - What do you reckon? Should we go practical? - Practical? - Yeah let's go practical. - Okay the thing with the practical present. - It's not here? - Is that I bought it from Etsy and then I messaged the lady after five weeks going where is it? She goes, didn't you see the fine print? You scroll at her description of her Etsy account and right at the bottom it says, just so you know, we're not shipping these for six weeks. - Shipping is not. - So it's not shipped yet. - But this one I can actually show you. - Are you sure? - it's a cute little teaspoon and on it it says dad's coffee spoon or something so you can use. - When you make your coffee. - Aaw, that's so cute. - So this one I can show you but you still can't use it yet. - Aaw, I'm excited to see it. - So it had a couple issues. - Hunter I'm just saying like, you managed to get all the presents in time but moms, a couple of presents are still coming. - Oh wow, that's super nice. - Do you like it? It's like engraved. So hopefully that comes Monday as well. And the last one's sentimental and that one I actually have. - Oh, we have a present, okay. - Yeah, so first I need to show you something. - What do you think about the presents so far? It's pretty fun. I like how you got something as well. - So you know my favorite photo of you? This one, among the first photos I took you and Hunter. - Oh yeah. - Okay, so tip for the camera on to you and then I'll give it to you. So I'll put the picture in here. - This is the picture, this is the photo when I think I first realized that I was a dad. (laughs) - Okay, are you ready? - Okay. - I got you this. - Oh my goodness, what? Did somebody draw that? - Yes. - Wow. - Do you like it? - I love it, oh my goodness Jess. - I love it. - Oh, this is so nice. - You know it makes me cry when I see it. - Come here. - Do you love it? - It's the best Father's Day present ever. This is so nice, who did this? - So you know the girl that drew this, I contacted her and I said, can I pay for you to draw a picture for Steven for Father's Day? - This is so nice, it even looks like Hunter - Did at that time. - Yeah, i know her hair. - It's so good hey, it's the girl that drew this, remember this? - Oh wow, yes. - So she drew that and then I contacted her and I was like can I pay for you to draw this for Steven, she said yeah. - Aaw, this needs to go in my office. This is the nicest present. - Do you like it? - I love it. - So one came. - Thank you, oh my goodness this is so nice. Aaw Jess, thank you. Thank you for the presents as well. - Thank you darling. - Stop. - Thank you, that's so nice. Some people are so talented. (calm music) - So we've now taken Steven out to his favorite cafe for breakfast and I thought it'd be a good time to see if we get lucky. So you've got three Scratchies. - Scratch them you win big. - Can I scratch them? - Yeah. - Got my 10 cents. First ones, nothing won. (laughs) - Yours Father's Day, yours first. - Yum. - Okay, Steve is currently playing a new video game. Hunter is asleep so I've quickly snuck in here because he doesn't know, I've actually booked a night at the Swan Valley. It's like a place that's only an hour away where it's all nice wineries and stuff like that. I'm trying to be quick 'cause I do not want him to find me packing. I just spent half of my time trying to work how to use a tripod. Okay but I didn't and Steven thinks I'm watching YouTube videos and now I need to talk really quietly but I just grabbed everything that I need for tonight and then chucked it in here, put it in the car and then I don't know what to do like, maybe I'll tell Steven that we're going out to dinner and then we drive an hour to dinner and it's actually a place we're staying. So I think I'm gonna do that, sort of chuck all this in. As I was packing, I also realized that tomorrow morning is Hunters swimming lessons, so I've also had to pack that as well. Hunter's swimmers, so cute. I'm gonna go sneak this in the car. Yeah, guess who just woke up from her nap. All right baby, I have packed the bag, I've packed the car, so now we need to go and surprise daddy okay, all right? We have to be in stealth mode, he can't find out. Okay Steve, so what's happening now? - Well, you kicked me off my game and you said we're going out for lunch, which I'm all up for and then you said we don't have time for lunch. - No, not anymore. - And I need to go get takeaway sushi or something? - Yes, you'll find out the rest very soon. - Okay. - Got the sush? - Got the sush, pretty sushi place at the shops by the way, looks good and because we weren't going out to lunch without take away I was like, they did two dollar, six donut holes but they were sold out of the six donut holes. They only had the had the 36 donut holes left. - Steve. So this is my treat 'cause it's Father's Day. - Okay so now, yes please sushi. So now I'm gonna put on your watch where we're going and then you just follow the directions and then you can work out as we go where we're going. - This sounds fun. - All right, are you ready to drive five hours? - Five hours? - Any guesses now? We're 20 minutes away and it's a beautiful, beautiful summer's day. (laughs) I mean we just had lunch so we are going like somewhere for coffee or something? (laughs) - Oh yeah, I haven't even told you what we're doing. - No you just kind of put up the directions on my watch. - I forgot about that. (laughs) I realized I was filming on slow motion, I'm so good at capturing these moments. - Any guesses? (laughs) - We just take you to the air port. (laughs) Where do you think we are? Even Hunter has no idea, she's like where are we? I hope I'm taking us to the right place. - You've taken us to a park, is this? - Really, oops. Wait one second I think I need to know where we guys are and now I've organized a nice picnic at the park in the rain. (laughs) Oh where have I taken us by accident? Hmm, do you recognize this place? - Oh, cool. - Do you know what this place is? - Yeah, it's like a brewery we're gonna have some. - What did we do here? We've been here. - Yeah we have been here. Oh we had our picnic for our real wedding here - Not our real wedding, it was our legal wedding. - You know what I mean. - It was our legal wedding reception. - That's so cool. - Yeah we're gonna stay the night. - Wait, what? - Yeah we gonna stay the night. - We're staying? - Yeah they have accommodation. - I haven't packed anything. - It's all in the back. - When did you do this? - When you were playing your video game. - You are so, where's the accommodation? - This is so cool. - I don't know. - It's called The Colony so just look for signs. Bubs, aaw this is so cool. Um, here are we staying? I've never heard of this place before, The Colony. Did this one know anything about it? - Yeah, she helped plan it. - Did you pick this out? - It was all her idea. - Steve. - Oh, this place is nice. - It was right on the vineyard. You like it? - This is so nice, I was not expecting this. - You gonna back the big bed. Yeah you're on the big bed bubba. - Have you shot on the big bed? Thanks for planning all this. (laughs) Here, check out the room, it's cute. - Didn't even know they had this down here and the bathroom is so nice. - Yeah it's super nice and then back here is the outdoor seating area. - Oh wow, that is such a nice view. - And hopefully it's better weather in the morning. Also room service ends at 7:30. So we can order room service. - I think there's like eight donut balls left. - I know I ate too many donuts because then I was thinking, I was there when he got all of them I was like oh, we kind of don't want dinner then like no, I love donut balls. - You surprised dad. - She loves her Disney jammies. I also packed our jammies. - Oh good 'cause I think I wanna get into the jammies. By the way, counting sheep do not disturb. Look what happens when you want them to make up your room. - What, flown the nest. - Make up my room. - That's cool. - I thought pizza is the best way to end Father's Day. - It's like a fancy hotel and Steve's like, you know what, i kind of just feel like Domino's and I was like, you know what? That sounds pretty good to me. The baby's asleep and we're going to play a board game that we've never played before, monopoly deal. So they say it's like a way of playing monopoly in 15 minutes which is amazing, 'cause if we decided to play monopoly right now, we'd probably be up to a 3:00 AM. - How do you play this one? - You know, I don't know yet, I'm excited and I've heard good things so we'll work it out. All right, who's gonna win, you or me? We'll say it here and then we'll come back and see who wins. - Okay, I'm gonna win. - Okay one, two, three. - Me. - Me. (upbeat music) - I win, woo. - Still don't fully know how to play this game yet but. - No you do, you won. - I won, woo, we'll se you guys in the morning we're gonna keep playing this. ♪Find a little spot in the shade ♪ ♪Pink lemonade ♪ ♪ Pink lemonade ♪ ♪Everything is going my way ♪ ♪Pink lemonade ♪ ♪ Pink lemonade ♪ ♪I take a sip and I'm in heaven ♪ ♪The dopamine is drippin' on my brain ♪ ♪Imagination's at 11 ♪ ♪Reality is gonna fade away ♪ ♪I might go to Monte Carlo ♪ ♪I might spend a million bucks ♪ ♪Floating♪ - Showing Hunter her first vineyard. I was telling her soon she might like eating grapes, hey. - How's she doing this morning? - So good, see how much she's drooling? That's why I think teething has started. Are you teething bubba? - It's too soon for you to be teething. - And she started to hold the hair. - Oh no - We've gotten our own baby going. Hey, it's a vineyard bubba. So soon, these are all gonna be very green coveting grapes, the people are gonna collect them and then they're gonna stomp on them and they're gonna make wine. - I suppose some buds are coming out, I suppose. - Yeah it's just starting 'cause spring has just sprung. This is the first week of spring here in Australia, very exciting. Also, now that it's not raining anymore, you can actually see where we stayed. So it's a place called The Colony and I bet you, like deeper into this month when this is all full and all green, this will be extra beautiful. - Oh, I'm sure. - Hunter still wants food. Not time yet. - I mean, it's not time by the way, what have I ordered? - Oh my gosh, so this is meant to be an Epic hash Brown and. - It looks like Mac and cheese. - It does, it looks like. - Mac and cheese. - It looks. - And then you've gone to the healthy. - I went for some avila but this is such a beautiful spot to have breakfast. We are looking out over the vineyard and enjoying a little second Father's Day brekkie. - And we realized this one. - Is just over three months, we brought the little card for her, got the cutest little photo for it. So we were just showing Hunter where we got legally married. So if you wondering why we had two weddings, so we first got married in Greece but it was very complicated and pricey if you wanted to make it legal, so we thought, you know what? Let's just get married in Greece and when we get home, we can make it like legal. So here we had like a little tiny reception legal wedding and it was so nice. You can actually come here and there's like a little pizza place, so you can bring your picnic blankets. So that's what we did, we brought our picnic blankets down, ordered pizza and like celebrated and yeah. I can't wait to bring her here in the summer time and have picnics down here. - I can't wait to bring her to Greece to where we got married, that'll be fun. Also, I know it's Father's Day but you have a little bit of an activity that happens every week. - And I packed for it. So swimming lessons. (laughs) ♪It's not in me ♪ ♪This is you so get easy ♪ ♪ Walking away and going home ♪ ♪ To my life so comfortable ♪ ♪ There is something so different ♪ ♪ I'll come if you can crush it ♪ ♪ Right into my show ♪ (indistinct chatter) - Hi, hi, hi. - Thank you so much for the amazing Father's Day. - Did you have a good Father's Day? - Yes I loved it, thank you. (laughs) - I hope you guys enjoyed this little vlog, if you're new around here, bubbles. If you're new around here, hit subscribe and we'll see you guys next week. - Bye. (upbeat music)
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 437,473
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, fathers day, family vlog, family, new dad, cute baby, The colony swan river, swan river, Australia vlog, Perth Vlog, Wife surprises Husband, husband surprises wife, baby vlog
Id: UqVyq1oTPNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 29sec (1229 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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