Christmas in South Africa | Flying the Nest Christmas Special 2022

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this Christmas special is brought to you by Squarespace Hunter what day is it Christmas Eve evely what we're not not ready yet he's not ready yet yes he has one more day doesn't he yeah yes and then tonight he goes flying oh I just said they're coming to me that's right and what's he gonna bring us presence is he gonna bring mommy present yes and daddy yes and what about Hunter Hunter you want a purple bike tell me about that yeah [Laughter] we have a problem [Music] should we put up a Christmas tree and what should we put on the Christmas tree hi and they drink cool a sprinkles what's on Daddy's head let's put up the tree yeah thanks Auntie Nikki for Lending us to spare Christmas decorations so we can do this today wow can I have those yes oh thank you I feel like this year it's gonna be extra special this is the third time we're doing Christmas with Hunter and I think this is the year it finally clicks a little bit now it's fluffy fluffy oh [Music] drank it here also how much should we put on the top of the tree [Music] in a one-horse open sleigh or the Merry Christmas from Sunny South Africa well uh before this year's Christmas special begins we should probably catch you all up on what's been going on as the last time you guys saw us we were in Japan so since then we've done a couple of trips most notably I fly in the nest Expeditions in Finland where we spend two weeks traveling with 40 incredible people through one of our favorite spots and yes don't worry our Vlog will be coming on that in the new year since then we've escaped the freezing cold and we flew down to my home country of South Africa for a good little family Escape no well uh you guys know us we might have used a phone to capture some memories here we met up with my cousins who you probably haven't seen in the Vlog unless he's really been here for a while back in 2015 we flew down to Cape Town for their wedding and in 2017 they flew degrees for hours this is our cousins Kaylee Ricky and little Ella or as Hunter refers to her my Ella AKA my cousin Ella and they have been Inseparable since their first meeting and are officially bbfls they go on swings together trampolines together more trampolines together motorbikes together Beach day together you guys get the point everything together and honestly for the two weeks we've been here we've completely switched off and we pinky promise we haven't been up to no good [Music] [Laughter] look how big the spell is getting can actually see this are you okay look at this thing 28 weeks tomorrow you say hi I love you [Music] huh what baby for your hands they're gonna poke you back put your hands on huh what was that um [Music] my bear the best bit ever yes [Music] it's really sweet this year I feel like Hunter understands the whole idea of giving and receiving so we're actually talking to the shops and we let Hunter have full rain at like the discount shop of our presents that she can get everyone and she chose out everyone's presence this year so sweet I think everyone's Gonna Love what they're getting what do you think Hunter yes we can hear um sweetie um Ella Ella that's right are we gonna decorate them for her first year we're trying to introduce the concept of it feels good to give of course Hunter is two years old so who did he buy a remote control car for these presents might have Hunter's interests in mind but you know what we gotta start somewhere and that is fine we fully don't expect it to grasp that but at least it's fun [Music] oh [Music] yeah I'm gonna grab your foot everything [Music] can you smell it have never made dough before and I'm scared I'm hoping this is gonna work this year we are hosting Christmas Eve and then Steven's family is hosting Christmas Day and then when we checked into our Airbnb we saw they had a Pizza Oven outside also lover we're just assuming this is a pizza oven so I thought why not everyone come around we could all make pizzas together and then instead of buying the dough or the base is already done I decided to buy the flour and I'm going to try and make my own pizza dough what do we think I should have learned from Nana already right we didn't make pizza no we didn't same same how much is this going to make I bought two bags maybe I should get a big bowl is this already a mistake mix dry ingredients together give it to like activate in water 600 mL of water but my cups only have 150 ml cups we have to do math but I feel like everyone's laughing at me right now also everyone's due to come around in like an hour and a half so this is a good time to start doing this and one minute let me just check if like the weather is perfect for an outdoor pizza oven let's see if it's perfect outdoor weather right now nope it is raining now I need help you need to give me two more cups of water okay what am I doing [Music] you want to make some you get to roll it out when it's all ready can't believe snow in the house all right should we see how much dough we've actually made it's gonna make slime this is number one that's a lot of dough there's another one ready and now what roll it into things look I've done all the toppings it's not good no I think the best bit is over here I've got my fruit salad go look show them they're gonna be impressed guys be impressed please [Music] the rain has stopped which means I think we should fire up this jacuzzi that we have here at our Airbnb what [Music] sliding up [Music] sunburns your cheeks like the red with desire Hunter is it warm or cold chestnuts [Music] [Music] give me Christmas [Music] and we need to close our eyes Okay and then we need to say the magic words close your eyes huh [Music] raisins wow is what Hunter can give one to Ella and one's for Hunter [Music] that's for you social elf dancing [Music] is this a cookie making kit we're gonna make cookies who eats cookies and milk on Christmas [Music] should we make a cookie for Hunter and for Ella and four and four [Music] thumbs up [Music] oh good job are we eating Santa's cookie stuff [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] everyone has our doubts we've realized it's not a pizza oven it's a surprise so we put the girls pizzas on there and um as the tester if the test doesn't walk we're calling Domino's on Christmas Eve I think they turned out quite good [Music] along the way [Music] all right you guys are probably wondering Stephen you have an oven in your Airbnb why don't you use the oven very good question as you can see none of the lights are in the house none of the electricity is on the house in South Africa at the moment where we're spending Christmas they do a thing called load shedding which I think is the only South Africans will get what this is the country is just not running very well with their power so uh they just switch it off and uh we're currently in a load shedding period for the next two hours that's why we're ordering pizza it was shame someone prepared earlier I think I can see you I had to have proof that I had one success tonight yeah the hot tub the boys plus Hunter yeah we can't see anything other than we've got those five here to make it colder yeah so hot that's good that means it's too hot right yeah is it hot or is it cold [Music] it's good today [Music] foreign What's missing what do we need to put in the cup well are you gonna help me pour it [Music] ready where's that bowl she's doing a taste test dad all right so do you know what we have to do now okay it's Christmas Eve you've put out Santa's cookie that you beautifully decorated you've put out Santa's milk did you need a sip of the milk just to taste test make sure it's good good idea taste test [Music] is it a thumbs up we're a thumbs down thumbs up good so now that we've put out the cookie we put out the milk now what do we need to do there's one final thing we need to do before Santa comes down that chimney we have to go to sleep can we do that no oh why it was awake and where does Santa come and do me you want to wait for Santa to come down the chimney wait can you hear that listen oh [Music] who was that is Santa flying in the sky right now not yet but go look outside the window is it night time good luck night time what does that mean he's flying with his reindeers Hunter look are you Santa yet no not yet all right should we get ready to go to bed no thank you one taste Santa he does like to share but he also really loves cookies there we go and one more sip of the drink double taste test [Music] thumbs down oh dear all right can you go to Teddy and go give me a kiss and say night night [Music] foreign merry Christmas everybody we just want to say a massive thank you to Squarespace our longtime friends and partners of the channel for supporting us so if you are new around here Squarespace is the amazing all-in-one platform where you can easily put together a website or blog over the Christmas season it is so nice just to put all our photographs of our memories of our time together as a family on a website our blog flying the is built on Squarespace and if you're thinking of having a spot to put all your family memories or creating a website for your business have an exclusive discount code below gets you 10 off your first order plus it's a free trial so you can just jump in there have a play around and see how you go now let's head back to this holiday special Hunter do you think he came [Music] yes are you sure should we go have a look let's have a look hmm [Music] foreign foreign [Music] cookies huh [Music] we ate them [Music] tree presents Frozen so close in shock Hunter do you know what this means it's Christmas what how did he get inside [Music] yeah and he bought us all because what yes do not open one and then we'll make some breakfast [Music] wait what do you want to choose first do you want to do presents first or do you want to do yummy breakfast food first of course Ian choose one so go pick out one Elsa Anna are they those these are my reindeer you want to put them on your reindeer that's exactly what you've been asking for yo what are the upset on the Band-Aid Rudolph figures poor reindeer feeling so much better now idea you play with your Band-Aids yes and mummy make you yummy yummy food okay it's always taking over the fridge look we've made the most ultimate dough ever I have plans for it I'm gonna make Christmas bread [Music] a big white beard yes all right let's do it ready [Music] big white beard and now what does he need right here nose nose he's his nose right there do you want to help me yes Santa's hat that's right now so he's gonna have a strawberry [Music] this is his nose let me fix his little beard up for you now do you want to eat him yeah okay good idea do you want to show Grandma and Grandpa what you made time to eat it yes I'll help you check this obvious oh wow isn't that lovely tonight [Music] daddy daddy you'll have one okay Daddy have a person this one it's for you to see who this one's for this one is for that one is for you and I won for daddy do you remember when you went to the shops and you picked daddy out of present this is what you chose do you want to give it to Daddy this is a present oh thank you they open the dishes yeah let's have a look at what you bought him so did you go to the shops and pick this out for Daddy yes who did you buy a present for episode this year we wanted to let Hunter join in on the gift giving I mean like we're saying she's two so we'll see what it's like I'm gonna send her into the shops with her cousin yes and um so know what she bought Hunter what did you get Daddy I don't say because you won't really tell you yeah let's have a look can you help me what is this daddy is it Lego yes did you get this for Daddy yeah I was thinking can I have a big squeeze you got it from the toy shop yes who is it and people Seafood it's a robot this is so cool thank you so much do you want to open it and build it I would love to build it with you um is that the one you chose me yes oh thank you oh show me what you got me is there two is there one I meant to open first Hunter gave me a clue about mine she goes mummy I got you flounder and now I see it's Pandora honey did you give me jewelry yes oh there's lots one's a free gift one's a free gift one's a promotional flounder and then one's the actual gifts so I open this one I don't know so she may have had a little help with Daddy on this one fishy it is [Laughter] [Music] a Pandora thing oh oh that's so pretty honey did you choose this for me the necklace is what she chose for you but flounder's the thing she's totally into more so she just found all the necklace she chose the necklace so who's flounder then well we need to get something with the fruit do you want flounder I think you love flounder so what about you have flounder and you can put it on your bracelet and I will wear this special necklace that you choose for me that is so cute Hunter our fishy it is a little mushy I've been her hearing about flounder this whole time and out all makes sense and there's the little necklace Hunter this is so beautiful can I ever be cuddling a kiss flounder fishing I love all her present to you it became the present to her that's gonna be the theme of the day foreign [Music] Do you want to build Daddy's Lego set to be honest I'm pretty impressed by Hunter's very first Christmas present look let's build this five I've had 84 Lego pieces this is our first proper Lego set that isn't true blue I'm pretty happy because this is just gonna be the start of something fun you're happy too do you know there's like over 500 pieces in this Lego are you just chilling children I haven't built like a proper Lego set in so long can you put this on yeah for Daddy please like that for me please so well I've been on the very important mission of Lego Judy Jess's I don't know what Jess has been doing let's have a look I think tasks to to salads for our Christmas lunch that we're having today I've done a Greek pasta salad a mango avocado salad fruit salad and I'm gonna take out of the oven let's see how it's going I've attempted to use all that dough from yesterday to make like focaccia bread let's see oh my gosh let's check it out oh Steve come on whoa that come on let me stab it I've never really made bread before so I can't tell when it's cooked so I'm guessing it's like a cake where you feeling gooey comes out clean but don't deceive don't be deceived I feel like 10 more minutes luckily there's no load shedding today which means we have power all day [Music] how quiet should I talk everyone's asleep we put Hunter down she needed a nap that was like a big morning for her and Dan Stevens parents are asleep but we thought while we wait before we go to our Christmas afternoon brunchy lunchy thingy yes I got another was jig I feel like only people that have been following us for at least the last two Christmases might know what this is I've been talking too much to family can you hear it in my voice I'm like losing my voice because I've been talking so much but basically it was jig is the type of Jigsaw we're meant to bring this to the brunch lunch dinner but we decided test it if it's good we were taste testing it it's really good she kind of made like a Focaccia out of it so essentially you're doing a blind puzzle so you think you're doing this you're not actually doing this you're doing what the characters are looking at oh it's better example so this is like what you would buy but you're not doing that you're doing this so you can see that he's got a red sweater on so you can have a camera idea and they're so fun so we always buy the Christmas version so this tea we are going to be puzzling what Santa mother Christmas and the reindeers are looking at so we're going to start this and yes it is very tricky I feel undefeated little Hunter woke up though she had a very good nap so we've realized that um who gives you a puzzle a thousand piece puzzle with one free a thousand piece puzzle we didn't know this so we currently have 2 000 pieces all mixed together two completely different puzzles foreign I was like Steve why have I found like six corner pieces oh wait there's eight corner pieces yes because there's two puzzles Steven thinks we can do it I've already given her all right let's get ready puzzle on reading the colors getting all the edges and then and from there we went to my aunt and uncle's place for Christmas brunch lunch where we had delicious food amazing company took in the beautiful views of South Africa oh and if you're wondering everybody loved Hunter's personal Christmas presents [Music] [Laughter] so from our little family of three we wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 397,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest
Id: 5M88WVk4ZNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 41sec (1901 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 31 2022
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