7 Month Baby Update | Memories for Hunter

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- [Narrator] This video is brought to you by Squarespace. (lively upbeat music) - [Stephen] Wow! Seven months old. How're already half way to you first birthday. (baby sound) ♪ When my heads is full of questions ♪ ♪ And the sky is full of rain ♪ ♪ When I'm worrying about what I can't change ♪ (baby laughing) ♪ I take a look in my reflection ♪ ♪ And try to make a funny face ♪ (baby laughing), (Stephen chuckles) - [Jessica] Hi, we're Stephen and Jess. And back in June, our lives changed forever. As our little girl came into the world. - [Stephen] Words can't describe how magical it has been watching her grow up over the last seven months. And whilst Hunter is still forming memories of her own, we've been capturing all these moments for her to look back on when she's older. To see all her milestones over the first year of her life. - [Jessica] From learning to smile in her first two months to starting to giggle at four months. So, this is little Hunter. She's currently seven months old and she's getting so big. Like when people say don't buy too many little clothes for babies, they definitely right because she's already outgrown basically everything that we got her and she's seven months old and wearing one year old clothing. I recently had the very sad task of putting away all the clothes that don't fit her. Like I think just show you the difference. So these are the little jumpers that she used to wear and I just went and got her new jumpers for next winter. Look at the size difference. She's growing away too fast. - So let's just rewind and take you back to when she was five months old. Because during that time I turned 30 and we decided to go on a big family road trip. This one went on a boat ride for the very first time. So we did a very quick one, a short boat ride. We went and swam with seals And because she loved it so much, a couple of days later, we did an entire full day trip up and broom (camera clicks) with Jess and myself. When we swam with humpback whales. We also swam with whale sharks as well. And honestly, I think this one loved it so much because we love going on road trips. And we weren't sure she would do it but we tried 4,000 kilometers and it just brought a smile to our face because we just know we can keep traveling through road trips. (lively upbeat music) So also on that trip, another little milestone, this one, went on my shoulders for the very (camera clicks) first time and (chuckles) as you can see she loves it so much. (Love and War in Your Twenties song starts), ♪ Your twenties are for spending hours and hours pretending ♪ ♪ We have plans and we have places we should visit ♪ ♪ But everybody knows your twenties are for wasting time ♪ (Love and War in Your Twenties song) (Love and War in Your Twenties stops) (laughs) When you try doing a gag and it turns into another gag. (laughs) (water pouring) (splashing sound) So this one absolutely loves water. In the last update, she was just starting newborn swim school. She is now graduated. So in the coming week she should be ready to go to big girls' swim school. Now the big milestone is in the last update she could barely sit. As you can see now she has pretty much sitting up and (water splashing) honestly it's her favorite thing because now that she can sit up she can have her favorite thing. (baby sound) - [Jessica] She just (chuckles) is showing more and more interest in food. It's daddy's food ready to go. Just one bite dad, please. - Get some teeth first (Jessica chuckles) (lively upbeat music) (beep music) - Dad you want some? You want some? (lively upbeat music) (bell dings) (baby sound) (lively upbeat music) (bell dings) - [Jessica] So just before Hunter turned six months we finally gave her a taste of food. Her first ever food was avocado. And yes, I had an avocado onesie for the occasion. All right, what do you think of this? (chuckles softly) Yeah, and ever since that moment, she has fallen in love. (bright upbeat music) (baby sound) - [Stephen] At this point you're just getting spoiled. (lively upbeat music) Breakfast is served. (lively upbeat music) - [Jessica] Its avocado and toast. (lively upbeat music) I feel like favorite meal of the day is always breakfast. She absolutely loves oatmeal, Weet-Bix, Greek yogurt, blueberries but another big fan pasta, what do you think? So good, hey. The other day we gave her spaghetti and that was like the cutest thing. And then another favorite of hers is Mexican. She's also currently learning how to drink from an open cup and she absolutely loves water. (lively upbeat music) Hunter, do you want a drink? (chuckles) Too cute. Do you love pasta? (lively upbeat music) (baby sound) (Jessica laughs softly) As Hunter hit six months, she went on her first interstate flight. Australia got to a massive milestone with the pandemic. The borders opened after being closed for her entire life which meant Hunter wasn't able to meet her grandparents. The moment the borders opened, we flew straight to Queensland and Hunter got to meet her Mima, her grand dada and her auntie Eliza and uncle Jake for the very first time. - We just wanted to say a massive thank you to our good friends over at Squarespace for their amazing support of our channel over the year. So if you are new around here, Squarespace is the amazing all in one platform where you can easily put together a website or domain. So whether you're like us and want a digital place to store all your photos, we have taken little thousands of photos of Hunter over the last seven months, you can easily do this. Thanks to Squarespace's award winning website designs plus 24 seven customer support, which helps you get online quicker and easier. So if you wanna create a personal blog or a website for your business, make sure you head to squarespace.com/flyingthenest for your free trial. Plus, when you're ready to sign up, make sure you head to our URL in the description below to get 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain. Now let's head back to the video - Probably for us the most exciting thing that she started doing when she hit six months old, she started saying mum and dad. (baby sound) - Mum. Mum. - And now I know, I don't think she actually realized that she was actually saying mum and dad but she can say the word. So she would just sit there and go mum, mum, mum, mum, and dad, dad, dad, dad. Yes (chuckles) you can. It's her favorite words whenever we say it and it is so cute. 'Cause you can kind of hear her little voice coming through, can't you? And by now you'll also probably see that she loves saying the word, yeah. Yeah? - Yeah. - So you guys all probably know by now how much little Hunter loves her sleep. And over the last month she's actually started to roll over and sleep on her tummy. It is so cute. She's currently having a nap right now. And there she's sleeping on a little tummy. So cute. It is definitely her favorite position to sleep now. Like the moment we put her down for bed, she rolls straight over. (wind whooshing) - [Stephen] Good morning tummy sleeper? How're you doing? Hi. - So I think this little one is going to be mobile very soon. The last time we did a little update, we were getting excited that she could what? Lift up her neck? Now she's almost crawling. So she started by crawling backwards. Then she started crawling in a circle. Okay. Ready Hunter? (lively upbeat music) You go get it. (lively upbeat music) How're you gonna get there? (lively upbeat music) (chuckles) Come on. Getting closer. (lively upbeat music) (rustling sound) (chuckles) Good girl. And only this week she started to crawl forward. And now when I say crawl, it's more like doing the worm. And she will only do it over one thing. She has a new love, move over Fred, move over Benjamin. She's obsessed with the TV remote control (chuckles) (lively upbeat music) Oh no. What (chuckles) are you gonna do about it baba? What are you gonna do about it? (lively upbeat music) (Stephen chuckles) - [Stephen] That was too easy. (Jessica chuckles) - Go get it. (lively upbeat music) Oh so close. (chuckles) She is using her knees Steve. - [Stephen] Look at that. - Too cute, for little, (lively upbeat music) Come get it. (baby sound) You are so close. Come on get up. (lively upbeat music) Go. (baby sound) (lively upbeat music) You got it. (Stephen chuckles) - [Stephen] Point of view you're got the remote (Stephen laughs) (lively upbeat music) - You wanna cuddle? Oh you wanna cuddle. (kisses) Cuddle? Ah cuddle, cuddle, cuddle. Oh, you're so sweet. Hunter started to become so cuddly. And before she would never cuddle us. (baby sound) Hi, have you become a little cuddle monster? Oh cuddles, cuddle monster. - [Stephen] Oh, and another huge thing. Hunter had her very first Christmas and don't worry. We did a whole video on that if you haven't checked it out. - And probably one of the biggest changes with Hunter that you probably all noticed, is her hair. Yep. It has grown so fast and it is no longer a brunette color. It is now full-on blonde, (click sound), (bell dings) so long and curly like her dad. (Stephen chuckles) (Hunter laughs) (lively upbeat music) - You ready baby? Hi five. Yay (claps) high five. (lively upbeat music) (baby sound) (baby laughing) ♪ I am just staring at the clouds ♪ (baby laughing) (baby sound) ♪ In just a minute long ♪ (baby laughing) ♪ So you have ♪ Oh,(Jessica chuckles) you got curly hair. - So mum would've loved if your hair was like this. Oh, you will make mum so happy. Yeah? What do you think? (baby sound) (Stephen laughing)
Channel: Flying The Nest
Views: 99,301
Rating: 4.9707971 out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, daily travel vlog, flying the nest, baby update, 2 months postpartum, 2 month update, 2 months old, 2 month old baby update, 2 month baby update, 2 month old baby, two months old, baby development, newborn routine, lifestyle vlogs, postpartum belly, 7 month old, 7 month baby, 7 month baby development, 6 month old, 6 month old baby, baby milestones
Id: tavVrV1daCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 25 2021
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