Step Dad ABANDONS Amputee SON, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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[Music] make that go make it you did amazing Darren good job you wanted the game Darren good job out there sweetheart thanks Mom congratulations guys now we just gotta make sure we beat him again next week that's right what do you say we go out and celebrate some pizza yeah yes pizza sounds awesome oh I'm sorry my son but you cannot go with him you have to stay here and practice okay but I I just want us again yeah Steve Darren did awesome out there let him go have some fun absolutely not Brenda do you think Messi became the best soccer player in the world by just eating pizza no exactly are you ready Darren you guys can go ahead I'm gonna stay here okay sure okay well I've got some air instruments I'll see you both at home don't work too hard don't worry we won't and I'll see in the field don't take too long okay honey oh what are you okay yeah just plugs a little tight that's all okay well don't push too hard okay okay [Music] [Music] oh great job son great job thanks Dad can we go now I'm starving I'll tell you what just a few more drills and we can go inside in one hour okay that's it I'm so tired you know what son if you want to make millions and millions of dollars playing soccer you have to be the best of the best you gotta be top one percent nobody better than you and you know exactly what you need to do for that you have to suck it up and work really hard at it you can do it I know you can so go for it here we're dead sorry no I apologize my boy knees up give me some knees up go what are you two still doing out here it's past lunchtime we're not even hungry yet are we son uh that's right no no no no no no come inside come on Brenda there is a scout at the next game and he needs to be in tough shape that's it just give me a few more drills and I'll let you go inside for pizza go for it go faster come on honey he's clearly tired maybe you're pushing him too hard no I'm not Brenda okay this is what he takes exactly just trust me okay and please let me work here come on pick up the pace knee up knees up knees up what are you doing pick it up pick it up knees up knees up come on yes faster faster come on harder harder you can do it I said only five more five more five four three two are you okay are you okay what's this oh my God this is not normal he needs to get to the hospital now what are you talking about there is nothing major going on there [Music] fine I keep telling them that isn't he a doc I wish that was the case unfortunately Darren has cellulitis and it's not just affecting his leg but his hand too yeah he was just complaining about his hand sell you what cellulitis it's a bacterial skin infection he'll need to hold off from soccer for a little while just to let his body heal or this can get worse much worse without a doubt eat that honey your body needs to rest no more soccer for a while okay hold on Brenda let's not get ahead of ourselves here okay doctor what were to happen if the infection spreads well he could lose his leg or his hand or both good so the infection could spread he could lose his leg I don't know but it all sounds very unlikely to me Steve I would take this very seriously if I were you I know this is hard I'll give you some time [Music] wait wait wait I have a few more questions don't worry about it my son she has no idea what she's talking about if she did she were the star of the soccer team like you are but she isn't you know doctors say that just care people out of legal liability and all that stuff you know but don't worry about it you can keep training and keep playing are you sure of course I'm sure you know I raise no quitter don't worry about it so I talked to Dr Brandt and she said no more practicing she has no idea what she's talking about Brenda Darren is not gonna quit playing soccer I'm not gonna have arson quit playing soccer just because of some dumb doctor's advice please are you being serious Steve you're being completely unreasonable you sound completely paranoid I'm talking about his future here he's gotta keep training keep playing oh that is not your decision to make you are his stepfather and I'm his mother yes I am his stepfather but I have raised him his whole life and daring this with me with this aren't you son I'll be fine mom honestly it looks worse than it is if it gets worse I'll make sure to let you know promise I ain't love you then raise no wind good for you my son whoa that's a great one you got anything you need I got you right this thick Scout and I think he's taking notice of the Aaron you boy Darren over there yes he is he's incredible isn't he some people say he's the very best player in the league and no wonder I've been training him since he was six years old go there in yes [Music] honey look at him he looks a bit off what are you talking about yes yes I just don't understand how this infection gets so bad what do you mean I try to warn you even she said that this could happen I know that this can be very stressful but we're running out of time if we don't amputate the leg and the fingers then there's a 90 chance this infection could spread even more 90 you mean there is still chances that stop it sweetie how are you feeling all right what were you saying about losing my life nothing nothing's gonna happen to you so don't worry about it stop sugar coating everything [Music] they say they have they have to take it what is gonna be okay yes depressed deep breaths deep breaths in and out and happy now Brenda [Music] this is not an easy time but if we don't amputate this could get worse [Music] I know this sounds scary but with advancements in modern day medicine most people go on to live fairly normal lives my whole leg and hand no if we amputate now it'll be from the knee down and a couple of fingers but if we wait any longer there's no way for us to know everything's gonna be gonna be adults I don't want you to be doing this to him I don't maybe you two can go in the hallway and talk I can feel Darren in on the details [Music] okay the doctor says there is 10 chance infection doesn't spread which truly means there is only 50 percent chance because you know how doctors are they're alarmists they love making a mountain out of a mall Hill don't worry about it the boy is gonna be just fine no he's not and if he was then why did he faint and if you wouldn't have pressured him in the first place to turn so hard we wouldn't even be having this discussion don't try to blame this on me okay number one I have dedicated years of my life to him train him to help him to get him exactly where he's at to get him as good as he is and if they cut off his leg what happened huh nothing he's not gonna play soccer anymore and I get nothing out of this whole thing what is that supposed to mean it's unbelievable what is that supposed to mean that I haven't been putting in all this time for nothing Brenda what do you think Darren is my ticket out [Music] what do you want me to do so close for the rest of my life heck no Darren is my ticket out the way he plays soccer as good as he is with the track is on he's gonna be making millions of dollars per year and if I become his manager I'll be making 10 percent so I would have to work for the rest of my life neither will you think about that hmm this is not just affecting your life okay it's affecting my life as well this is what this is all about you care more about making money than my son's life you're unbelievable I'm unbelievable but you have to make a decision if you decide to go for this it's going to be entirely on you because I'm out of here I'm done okay so you decide what is it gonna be Brenda I always believe that if people aren't there for you and your bad times don't let them be there for you and your good types please don't try crawling back into our lives when you regret this don't worry [Music] won't you'll be the one Crawling Back To Me [Music] are you okay I'll staring he just went back to sleep [Music] before he did he said that he would be okay to move forward if you are [Music] hey sweetheart I made your favorite thanks but I'm not hungry are you sure I can make something else it's not that it's just I don't have an appetite because of your surgery or what happened with Dad come on honey you know you can talk to me it's a little bit of everything but to be honest I miss soccer the most like I always dreamed of being on the cover of magazines getting sponsored by Adidas and plain like Missy and Ronaldo but now it's that's all gone I can't imagine how hard this is while I do have a little something that might make you feel a little better just wanted to send you this video and tell you how much we missed you the team's not the same without you we even won our last match in your honor hopefully you come out to a game soon we'd love to see you sending you lots of love Darren take care man they all miss you you know that's not a bad idea what do you say we go to a game one of these days it'd be too hard to see everyone play well I just sit on the sidelines well who said anything about sitting on the sidelines what am I supposed to do hop on one leg no by next week you'll have your prosthetic and I'm sure there'll be some adjustments but I bet you'll still be better than half those guys out there and who knows with a little practice maybe even the best again serious you really think I could play again well there's only one way to find out foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right guys we're tied two to two next goal wins what do we do coach we do what we practiced you get there in the ball let him work his magic all right here we go one two three Victory all right let's see you do it again [Music] it's so funny I am so proud of you I love you so much I love you too thank you so much for believing in me hey Darren you got a second I'm a rep over there at Adidas and uh register story wow watching him play out there was a truly inspired I gotta say I'm impressed how would you feel about us sponsoring you you're you're joking right not at all that that'd be a dream come true you know we actually got a magazine cover coming up I think you'd be perfect here's my car give me a call let me set something out really just happened yeah yeah dude you got it bro good job my son what are you doing here I just came here to talk to my boy if that's all right with you of course you're the Talk of the Town my son that's quite awesome and it seems like all of these top brand deals are starting to roll in just like we have talked about always what do you want Steve Steve that's another way to talk to your father but anyway I was wondering if if I could be your manager because you're now back on track playing so well just like you always have so definitely you need somebody like me on your side you're serious no no I'm I'm good and as the saying goes people aren't there for you in your bad times don't let them be there for you in your good times besides I've already got the best manager in the entire world my mom hey what do you say we go get some pizza yeah I'd love that [Music] laughs [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann Studios
Views: 8,003,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: j5dgHicCqJo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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