Stellaris Cetusian Imperium - Eye for an Eye // EP13

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hi everybody rodman here thank you for tuning in to episode 13 of this intuition imperium which originally stream live on twitch [Music] all right eras is fully charted let's uh create an outpost and research the anomaly so this obviously is going to give me a lot of resources because it's not the nicest intellectual booty precursor empire to to find there's obviously ones that are far far far better and i wish i had those but you don't get to pick them it's all random let's go with better shields i think is there a better scientist to put in uh no oh take it down yeah the 8k is um i think they have two 8k fleets this is a 4k fleet i don't really know what's going on with their fleet power or where their fleets are i don't have that kind of intel i know that you guys wanted to arm privateers so let's actually try to do that right now because i i haven't i've just enough money to do that after selling everything else off so espionage i'm privateers the asset for this will be a junior officer and let's launch it all right pax time active orbital environment jovian pox nuke them orbit them all the armies that i'm currently recruiting rendezvous with magic hippie and the transport fleet nine and we are going to pox the uh parks the moth as fast as we can so the pop orbital environment stands one of the problems i think with pox is um people are not gonna respect that i've poxed others so if i take a look at my like relationship with others they're gonna be like oh you poxed someone that's not good so it might ruin some of my uh my reputation with others but uh i don't care i want to kill them all all [Music] another thing i need to do is to uh to invest in more bureaucratic centers because i am uh i'm so ridiculously over my uh admin capacity so i need to become a a grand bureaucracy i know that sounds strange and let's keep an eye out for that uh mega fleet so i can jump out of here as soon as the mega fleet shows its face we grow ever stronger so there it is arrests so let's uh research station actually let's get a rast three first for the alloys because i really need alloys and then we'll we'll go for a rassi after that let's set up the pla planetary fumigation tent that's yep we are fumigating let me double check joe of pox and joe puck so what this joe pox does is it gives it does moderate damage to enemies or armies rather but very light damage to the planet and no damage to mechanical pox pops basically it plagues them so if we take a look here at their defensive armies i'm basically boxing their armies to death [Music] um so that i can land here and take over oh titanic life on duke prime yes please yes please i'll research that later though can uh purifys join the galactic community no they can't do any diplomacy of any kind ever so by that uh by that um it also means that they can't ever become like the galactic emperor and impose themselves on others any of that stuff [Music] so boxing takes a while because i don't have a huge fleet uh another thing i have to do is research the debris debris to research the debris while no one's looking [Music] their fleets here why are they here i think they're coming after desolate i guess it's just a guess [Music] okay arras is surveyed and all there's not really anything for this scientist to do so i'm going to put them in the holding pattern over xr i really don't have anything better for them to do at the moment [Music] i'm having all of my army's rendezvous and let's make some more armies one two three and one two three so once these armies are done i might be able to invade them as you can see it's it's taken a while to actually box them to death can i get to higma for the bottleneck where is are we committing war crimes today i don't know it's it's actually i i would say pretty hard to yeah i'm not sure that's a good question i am using bio warfare against a purifier so it's we're in weird wishy-washy territory i would say enemy ships have been spotted oh so here's their ak fleet now so i guess they have an ak fleet and they have a 4k fleet and their 4k fleet right now is it god beem duking it out with the um uh duking it out with the sapphire uh shards okay [Music] i'm actually going to change the fleet stance here back to indiscriminate i think doing i think it's going to be better in the long run for me to devastate their planet faster um so that i can invade them militarily then for me to try to plague their troops to death because plaguing their troops to death is really really effective but it takes too long oh i didn't build this mining station let me go do that uh so this this fleet is definitely coming into like cali or mega hoof no doubt oh i can declare them rivals because they're not economically superior to me overwhelming to me because uh i've been hitting them in the um the soft bits and i'm gonna continue hitting them in this outfits until they show up and fight me non-aggressive with you sure yes because i actually want to be your ally at some point in the future um my economy is not great at the moment but i will float it for a bit just buying community or consumer goods and reinforce for some reason another they're throwing us okay and it's dead do i have enough uh of the rare resources to boost my fleets um no no i just sold it all but but even then i probably wouldn't um this stuff i'll keep an eye on it if i'm going to go battle with them i'm going to want to activate reactive armor uh focusing crystals bottle uh ammunition and the shields where's the one for shields flossom salvaged i don't have the one for shields i don't know why shields are missing but whatever oh i want to activate as many as i can you know if i am gonna go toe to toe with them first show [Music] how is the pirates going is that just happened uh let me check on that uh sabotage [Music] arming preveteers is still no like one insight where it's not going well even with that asset back that assets [Music] commercial packed with you didn't i already have a commercial packed [Music] with the thoroughbytes who built the uh commercial form i guess i have other planets that don't have branch offices yet so yeah sure you're the most powerful um empire in the galaxy at the moment so yeah why not have you invest in my economy that sounds fine [Music] [Music] a station is under attack where okay so they are taking desolate that's what i thought and then these guys are probably gonna get um they're going to cowley so they're probably going to try to march all the way down to tannering to mess with me over there mindsettle thank you for the reset you would try to peace soon um yeah the problem is they're just not going to want white peace anytime soon i don't uh can't really piece them if they don't agree to it so i think my best approach if they're in the south here is to actually um as soon as them thermal goes down to march all around their northern territory and just to start capturing all of it basically eye for an eye we grow ever stronger you know they they honestly will do a lot of damage to me but i'll do a lot of damage to them and then i feel like i can put the pieces back together faster than they can i'm better at it than they are they're they're terrible administrators and i'm going to use that uh at my you know use their disadvantage to my advantage because i know how to uh piece a broken empire together i've already done it once right oh eight case here eight case here uh you know what gamble i'm gonna land my army and back up my navy so they have an ak here actually they have uh yeah an 8k here they have an 8k here 16k and then they have a 3k over here they have a 20k fleet wrt has reached enemy shores that's crazy so here's my landing party in order to invade them i don't know if it's gonna work but if it does that'd be hilarious and research gene clinics would help me repopulate faster maybe gene clinics yeah where's the beard gone uh in the sink it's it's it's gone it's very sad i believe in you guys i think we'll win this maybe just barely i don't know there's there's some there's a chance that it happens uh you guys enter orbit here at tau ceti and there is a let's add another gun battery their 8k is actually um they're coming for me i'm going to try to stay on my ground it's uh it's probably not a great idea we invaded uh let me update my goal do as much damage to thamlar as possible we just took their homeworld [Music] ha fam alright well mr homeworld i get to blow you up blow you up so much bye bye 300 years of infrastructure blown up in an afternoon your existence has been deleted thank you try again uh this starbase is stopping me from leaving which is kind of obnoxious [Music] all right here we go bastion is firing let's go this is big red for danger oh my god let me slow down time this is a huge fight there's no way i'm not going to be limping away from this one but hopefully i win it i think i will this is one of their ak fleets that are fighting it don't feel so good but i should have let the bastion tank some more oh god my fleets are getting smoked but they're getting smoked too this is going to be very pyric uh best case scenario it's a pyrrhic victory worst case scenario it's still a perfect defeat [Music] i need to learn how to get exotic gases [Music] uh i have a pause for just a second so i can look around and make sure i'm not ignoring uh important stuff elsewhere so they have another ak fleet that is just ripping up my territory in the in the south even more border guard but i have no ability to devote that because they have such mega fleets it's ridiculous um deku you're gonna need [Music] doing a little bit of um infrastructure tending to so that i can focus more on the the war i like how cheese prime was also like an ocean world because and themlar are in ocean world that's hilarious i don't even need a terraformer all right back to the big battle thorough bite and something else just formed a defensive pact uh you will you defensive pack me once i'm not at war almost nearly accepted that will be uh really strong they share a border so sort of in yeah they share a border and um they're very powerful so i'll want that if i can nothing left to do but enjoy my coffee i'm definitely gonna win this because my bastion's not very damaged but my shifts and fleets are toast and i so do not have the alloys to put it back together all right with you guys i'm gonna agree to that and with you guys i'm gonna agree that i need allies right now they wish to speak with us another commercial pact with you oh perfect yes that is the people that i want to become in defensive packs all right so one of their fleets are gone sure and sure everybody can guarantee my independence i'm the guaranteed independent underdog so if the them are ever declare war on me again everybody declares war on demlar it kind of works for me get up oh yes oh yes they are i just destroyed 40 of their entire galactic fleet oh yeah i'm so broken but it was worth it oh it was worth it uh where's my where's my scientist debris please [Music] yeah what's up uh what about a piece okay still status quo i have to disavow the agent i don't have another choice holding my ground was the right call [Music] very happy i did it [Music] well my economy is um not great right now and i don't really i'm not really gonna be able to put my fleets back together all that quickly unfortunately as a result of my weakened economy now and people are already revoking to guarantee independence thanks for nothing all right so these fleets are repaired it's about uh 3k ish combined a little higher um [Music] i don't really know what they're doing right now they have so they split their ak flea up into two 4k fleets and then they have this separate fleet that is uh probably coming for a rass which is a 2.5 k fleet that uh i really don't want to lose a ras because it's kind of a golden golden system but i don't have anyone nearby able to help um i think my best approach now is to just [Music] roll all of my exorcist resources into rebuilding my fleet and um and just doing as much damage as i can to do a white piece we did just get robotic workers that's cool uh let's get more money station output and a non-aggressive pack with uh i do border you so yes let's agree to that so that you can't backstab me anytime soon because at this point i'm not really using my influence to annex territories so i can use my influence to make sure that my allies or my neighbors don't backstab me that that's definitely a benefit [Music] all right where these guys look like they're headed more east so i'm going to try to fix my border with my broken fleets and yes if you want to guarantee my independence that's fine [Music] and you're becoming more xenophilic so yeah you'll like me even more perfect [Music] let's see form federation form defensive pack negative 36 that's doable it's doable to fix hey snoop happy new year to you too i should fix my border now oh i'm trying to from enemy rex seized and we just got shields awesome i uh reverse engineered that from the battle let's get maybe uv lasers next or yeah probably uv lasers the most bang for my buck see if i can't replace viper though nope i can't there's not a better one [Music] wow them has so much crime there's like nothing i can do about it i you know what i could do is um put a precinct house in and employ people as uh as as police officers i guess what's the themlare i'm still there i'm sure they're overwhelming yeah because they lost an 8k fleet but i lost enough that i don't i can't rival them not even close what just passed former galactic council uh bummer well it's not gonna be me on the in the galactic community i'm dead last having to deal with them as a neighbor oh weird they uh they didn't go towards arrest they're going south to morty and night knave uh if we if we did white peace yeah let me let me see about that not that we'll agree to it anytime soon i don't know if we keep the thermal in white peace but my fleets right now wouldn't really be able to recapture them effectively without basically annihilating themselves just because themill's guarded enough that um i would need more ships to do it i've been rolling out the ships as much as i can but you know it takes a minute to uh to replace all that i've lost [Music] alloys are expensive man where are these ships being manufactured anyway at setus yeah okay [Music] all right so costa lite is uh oh no they built a stupid stupid outpost there they wish to speak with us no so connie and castellani so these guys these guys and who's the last that is going to be or whatever out here they're going to be the galactic council that's good because i'm starting to build up a bit of a relationship with these up here even though they're my relationship with them is dropping a lot they still like me a defensive pack with them would be very hard to do though because they have a lot of defensive packs i guess hostile fleets ah yeah yeah i'm getting bored of gordo blossom salvaged let's try to go to repo first it looks like their fleets are backing up i don't know where they're going so i'm gonna take try to take advantage as much as i can i am bullish right now yeah that's true um connie just opened their borders to me so i'm going to return the favor oh i'm already open um let's yeah let's change the policies so i can't be at war to change it but i could go back to like cooperative and start building up allies as soon as i'm not at war but uh temlar is not even close to being more exhausted so i'm gonna be at war for quite some time [Music] they wish to speak with us sure you can have an it's too embassy i can't ask them to like join the the current war that'd be helpful hey easy a i'm glad you're here to catch a stream and welcome so my my fleet oh can they go missing yeah let's have them go missing and get out of them [Music] we cannot fight this foe what where uh exarch oh shucks get out get out [Music] so as long as they don't see their big fleets coming in i'm going to try to fix some of the border board here uh recapping repo cali and ultra stuff and then uh try to get down here to recapture um some of this stuff hey randall thor thanks for giving out a sub i'm gonna try to recapture your territory as soon as i'm able which i don't know how likely that is but do my best um [Music] did they take back their homeworld um they took back the solar system but not the planet so the planet is mine their solar system is theirs [Music] the thing is i am purging them so like even if they take it back they're going to inherit something that is pretty crummy so uh you know i've done considerable damage regardless of how this shakes out [Music] now i'm trying to fix the porticoer [Music] uh they're sending a tiny little fleet that's not going to do anything not to skyro at least maybe to cheese but [Music] i'd be right so let's do fix the border door with them [Music] they keep chasing my my civilian ships here [Music] so [Music] all right they do have a 4k fleet at them that uh puts skyra gray storms at risk i think that's where this guy is going so my um border gore fixers [Music] are kind of neat to hear but i'm going to have everyone here back up away so that i don't lose it so as soon as i get all just all i'll i'll try to turn around but it's probably going to be too late because i'm just going to arrive too slow uh wow i i'd love to be able to purchase my own let me see if i can't afford that um one of my own is on the the slave market yeah okay i can i can buy them bye to tannering okay anytime that my species is on the slave organic slave market i'll i'll try to purchase why do they have so much less war exhaustion because they are uh because they're fantastic purifiers they have a a huge advantage to not care if they're at war for a long period of time due to their fanatical purifying um civics and the fact that they're uh you know militaristic xenophobes they like being at war it's what's normal to them so all right so there the starbase i don't think it's gonna hold up and i'm not gonna get there in time um the thing is i have to i have to go back because as soon as skyward drops they're going to be coming for settis i don't see that they're going to be like oh now that we have our own planet back and and they don't even have an army to invade the planet so it's not like i'm going to lose the planet or anything like that they're just i'm just gonna lose the solar system the the outpost the starbase i would love to fix this southern problem here let me see if i can't just have these guys disappear and go m.i.a for a bit i'd love to fix this border board down here but i just uh i'm not i don't have the capacity for that not even close um i just don't know how they're bankrolling this they they have a pretty strong economy behind their um their their war party and uh it's i just can't keep up because i've been terror bombed so much that i i'm just not making the alloys i need to uh to return the punch let's see about trying to make some more alloys though get some more uh alloy manufactories roll some more ships out the ai cheats that's the bankroll yeah because i'm um i'm on a slightly harder difficulty they do cheat i already know that yep and they're probably going to be terror bombing their own planet that's hilarious [Music] yep that's what they're doing all enjoy vomit as much as you want it's i've only recently come to own it what are these guys doing these guys are doubling back i guess they didn't want to get over brenda which i guess needs a name too doesn't it macky what else needs names zafa needs a name but i can't name it anymore because it got captured a rash needs a name but it's kind of unique pandel needs a name so pandel your name is or another randalthorn that's not gonna be i'm gonna reroll that randall thor because otherwise you're named after everything so there it is maya halna or v because i don't know how to paste there we go is that it yep that's it okay you like the baby face they wish to speak with us so we got uh the gene clinics oh definitely get galactic administration for another civic slot and the better uh capital complex that gonna be very helpful so if i attack them from small street and i don't have them set to um fleet stance aggressive i might be able to attack this fleet without having to attack the star base because the star base is going to super mess me up the tao city star base that's there [Music] there's a full out gang war on them because of all the crime but i can't do anything about that um ahoy there enemy ships have been spotted oh no they have another 4k fleet rolling up on me my hulna thank byron thank you for giving a a sub out to my honor and templar thanks for the follow [Music] i'll try to continually earn it [Music] man i am getting backed into a corner here with not being able to replace my fleet nearly as fast as they can [Music] the status quo the war exhaustion we're not quite there yet [Music] so i'm going to park my fleets at small street i'm going to try to reinforce them as much as i can without selling too many of my artifacts so that i can investigate the secrets of the uh erasia eventually intellectual booty but i am out of food let me get some food uv lasers just got researched which is going to be useful i think advanced comet rolls will be the next thing i go for [Music] by the way you think if i white peace i know the planet stays in my system yeah i think you're right i think uh owning planets trump's owning solar system but uh i don't know it's been a while so i could be misremembering [Music] all right so i think they're terror oh no i don't know what they're doing i thought they were gonna bomb cheese prime but uh i think they're just gonna recap shake and bake oh come on they have another 4k fleet up here yeah uh [Music] i think they're yeah okay yep i was about to say i think they're terror-bombing skyward gray storm until there's nothing left uh so now i have i'm more exhausted i'm gonna ask if they want a status quo but they're not going to accept it there's no reason for them to accept it [Music] what's weird is i've been reinforcing my fleet this whole time and my fleets are like no bigger i don't know where the ships are going but they're not going into the fleets oh i didn't mean to do that [Music] ships where are you rolling out we're building them at the kakada but they're just not i don't know whatever i'll dry dock it uh set us and and uh oh they'll catch up [Music] all right so now they're terror bombing them which is hilarious please do because ninety percent of the people who live there are your people [Music] for whatever reason they're leaving cheese prime alone i don't know why but okay [Music] and this fleet is uh definitely coming to me no doubt they're going to go small street and border gore me up some more as soon as the stupid war is over i'm gonna definitely make a point of making as many allies as i can uh the army privateers if you were wondering uh fell through i think it failed [Music] because the asset was like exposed or whatever [Music] you think it's not worth their time yeah maybe [Music] who knows their ai is sometimes weird [Music] intellectual booty all right let's do [Music] gas extraction wells because erasia or ras has a bunch of exotic gases that i could extract oh they just straight up invaded cheese prime that's why they're not nuking it to death they decided to capture it and now i'm going to retrofit the fleet as fast as i can which isn't going to do much because oh i keep doing that which isn't going to do much considering they have such a death stack comparatively but i don't know we'll try because combined we're about the same strength as they are uh are we upgrading to okay we are upgrading to uv which is good i'd like to start incorporating the plasma throwers but um they don't do i it would be really expensive for me to do that right now [Music] a bunch of my founder species are on the slate i know they already purchased oh they're going to deck you that's going to be annoying upgrade faster so i can roll out problem is this shipyard only has one yeah i'm just gonna i'm just gonna go now leverage privateering short minor research sanctions sure repeal opposed [Music] they wish to speak with us migration treaty nope and still no status quo [Music] no don't upgrade move oh my god zach dyer what are you doing all right so they recaptured them after bombing in a while so they have now pretty much everything they started with but i've totally demolished the infrastructure so even though i didn't get to keep it um it's not much to keep parties because of the the just the damage that i did while i uh while i owned it so a little bit over the last laugh a little bit all right zach dyer catch up [Music] now i have only about a 5k fleet and all their fleets are 5k so this is real sketch to try to fight them fleet engaged but i really don't have another choice soon i'll be able to do status quo but if i do status quo there's a lot of border gore up the north here [Music] so all eyes on this battle here and let me continue to roll ships out to uh to replace losses so [Music] reinforce i'm definitely doing i mean these battles are going my way for the most part but like because we're pretty much technologically sure guarantee my opinion because we're pretty much technologically um matched the battles are pretty matched yeah keep guaranteeing my independence it's fine they do have a lot more ships to lose this is not a this is not like the kind of war i can win but at least because i'm i'm um [Music] at least because i'm i'm winning the space battles it doesn't i know it's not really um exhausting them just just yet but it's it helps it's better than the universe that's for sure uh all right let's keep rolling the ships out another thing i could do is set us i can uh roll another shipyard that would help they wish to speak with us new tradition let's go pursuit of profit and so whatever fleets oh no they still have a fleet in the south oh god [Music] this is such a mess keep looking for small victories exactly what i'm trying to do the status quo uh the war will end pretty soon one way or another whether i'm more exhausted and give up or uh yeah [Music] and given the strength disparity between me and them i'm i'm doing ridiculously well oh if they turn back to small streets and i repair and replace ships i might be able to hit this fleet too and knock them out at small street or at byron whichever they attack to that would be really really good i'm also going to start researching the drones um drone study [Music] because i think the mining benefits from drone study is going to be good over the gas extraction wells because i don't have any ability to utilize gas extraction wells right now and i'll do the titanic life study at deku as well unless you guys are oh you know what you're death bombing deku so don't bother because deku is probably going to become a tomb world before i can uh defend it so stop just being realistic here right i am definitely under admin cap because i gave up all that stuff up there all right come on fleets repair fast [Music] this calm music does not reflect the intensity of this situation even a little bit i've also uh totally wrecked the global price of alloys because i keep buying it like crazy larger than life picks thanks for the follow by the way you're welcome we grow ever stronger [Music] all right repair repair done let's go save or try to save deku from terra bomb death [Music] while this researcher researches the regenerative hall and railgun stuff engaged give them a broadside priority um stay alive and end the war i think as soon as this war is over i'm gonna be able to get enough defensive packs that a war that if them large declares war on me again as long as my allies my defensive packed allies aren't uh zero zero ones i'll be okay if i get a defensive pact with uthaboulon and castellini or whatever they're called uh they wish i don't think semlar is going to be able to like crush me quite the way they have been [Music] sure more commercial packs sure i never play with mods with stellars i've never played any mod ever it's always been vanilla with dlcs [Music] i haven't really felt the need to add mods to be honest as soon as this war is over another thing they can do is start to terraform things like uh maya halda [Music] so that i can inhabit it maybe maybe if i can get a desolate back i can do that at desolate as well but that's kind of a long shot oh god and they have a fleet in my way oh come on now all right you guys are hopping together yeah you're hopping together good well there's two 4k fleets in my way so time to fight the first one and hope that there's my ships left for the second one they wish to speak with us uh i was on the slave market but they someone bought me i don't understand why anyone would buy me because unless they have ocean worlds my own population cannot live on anything but like an ocean world so the fact that people are buying my slaves on the slave market like confuse me a lot because my species is completely worthless unless you are also ocean world maybe they are i don't know so here's the battle of small street definitely i'm gonna win the question is with how many losses uh uh oh themilar just built a gateway at dragonmark 1 system for real holy crap yeah and then castellini built the black crown in their home world thank you for tuning in to the centucian imperium which originally streamed live on twitch january 1st if you have any feedback or questions for me let me know in the comments below if you would like to catch a live stream of mine has my stream schedule and countdown timers to upcoming streams discord has a method to sign up for events and notifications and the link can be found in the description or at thank you so very much for watching and a special thank you to all of my twitch subscribers patreon patrons and viewers like you that support the channel i'll catch you next episode or an upcoming stream farewell friends
Channel: Rhadamant
Views: 1,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stellaris, Aquatics, Tutorial, How To, 4X, Let's Play, Sponsored
Id: yF6fLzWNwzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 12sec (3132 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 15 2022
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