Stellaris 3.6 is Perfectly Balanced With No Issues Whatsoever (Space Dragon Edition)

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I think oh oh oh yeah my dragon can actually do its mouth beam and the other one is running away that's great there we go Solaris ladies and gentlemen is perfectly balanced with no problems whatsoever and my dragon is taking The Shard down like no tomorrow all right welcome everybody it's time for Slaughter 3.6 oh boy is this exciting and we're going to you know dive into it a little bit and see if there's anything hilariously broken about it this time around maybe there is maybe there isn't but anyway this is the insatiable Hive Consciousness which is a hive mind that we're going to be playing as today and we're going to be playing as the cordyceps drones yes cordyceps drones as well as here be dragons we'll get into a little bit more detail about why we are going to do this in the very near future but uh let's put it this way um I think there is some stuff here that may or may not be broken let's dive into a game see what we can get and see how much fun we can have we're gonna have some fun but we're gonna be playing around with here be dragons which is one of the origins that had came with the um Aquatics update there he is and basically what we get is we get a dragon in our solar system that will be defending us whatever happens in uh what happens basically which is really cool anyway we also have some amoeba yeah we spawn off with some amoeba because we are in fact the wonderful world of cordyceps drones which means that we get three reanimated amoeba right at the start of the game and also whenever we kill an uh an organic space fauna they will automatically be reanimated and they will join our site then in addition to that a defeated organic leviathans can sometimes be resurrected not bad not bad this is a hand not a spaceship Stellaris is not even remotely balanced no it most definitely is not but what we've got cooked up today is actually rather hilarious it's also alien spacecraft we got ourselves a rubricator cool all right let's get this rubric crater up and running let's get this research log and then swiftly we're going to ignore the entire event chain that's attached to it and just colonize The Relic world that spawns from it all right here's the event we were talking about so uh let's let's ignore this we got a hungry Dragon uh we want to set aside some space for it in a secluded area it will cost us 75 influences that's why I was saving up influence actually and uh yes that's exactly what we wanted because now what happens is it will eat a reasonable amount of food from the blockers if it's landed there already there it is so it now is feeding Dragon it gives us plus 10 stability which is a massive amount but it does give us a bunch of extra influence but also 15 food costs which is not insignificant I spy with my little eye a ruined Interstellar assembly let's take a oh it's ruined all right I'll give it that depth Turf that's a good that's good yes that is a really important one so for this particular build we definitely want to get the hangar Bay why do you want to get the hangar Bay well if we get Hangar Bay we can build some very very special platforms okay there's geothermally fracking so the next thing what we're going to do here is we're going to turn this off and uh we are going to turn these modules in to hanger stations for a variety of reasons so we're just going to put these in here we'll auto complete this yes it's it hurts my eyes as well so what I'm after at the moment is the second tier build a shipyard over here and you my dear are going to get the gun batteries as well as a Comm Jammer worship has been restored okay okay that's a nice model okay bio interface run Diagnostics War form s857.1 what a chat what a chat this is something cheap especially minerals are always good oh I've been ignoring all of this stuff that's not good oh no that's not good at all oh boy okay yeah we need some pop jobs yeah that's definitely not good at all all right cool it's time to start adding defense uh platforms too our stuff we want to have about 10 to 12 of these to do display so let's get the Dark Wanderer in here okay cool all right and now we're just gonna go ahead and attack the space dragon so what's happening right now so what is what is uh unyielding no no no that's fine I don't need to go for on yielding at all um so what is happening right now basically a bunch of our platforms are engaging the dragon that lives in our solar system so the dragon that lives in our let's actually do a safety safe the Dragon lives in our solar system has been living in here for quite some time and it's protecting us however we've built all of these platforms because the dragon actually has more value to us dead than it is alive so we're attacking it right now with strikecraft strikecraft it has no point defense it cannot kill the strikecraft basically also because of the targeting computer it is attached to the Sky Dragon uh it will not necessarily attack the station all that much which means that uh we can go ahead and kill the space Dragon relatively quickly probably overscoped our platforms a little bit but I wanted to do it relatively safe for this one so this is a leviathan and it's the year 37 so we've killed it in year 37. there it is and now becomes now gets the most important part because we are cordyceptic drones we can bring defeat it um leviathans back to life which means we're going to go ahead and send in the necro drones we also primordial Dragon Slayers which gives us a bonus which is amazing so there's the reanimate Sky Dragon event chain so we're gonna go ahead now and get a scientist on this Sky Dragon immediately okay so we've reanimated the Sky Dragon which is great our enemy shall burn and uh yeah the Sky Dragon is now with us and uh it has a fleet power of 93 000. yeah we have a Skydragon of 93 000 um Fleet power in the year 2243 mind you if you play your cards right you can do this 10 years earlier and I thought that really matters within the grand scheme of things um because it's still a 100 000 Fleet power Sky Dragon like this is ridiculous yeah it's um it's it's definitely very balanced here um let's uh let's put our Sky Dragon to the test shall we oh you're you're pathetic to us now oh that's uh that's the good stuff right there um we would like to subjugate you please uh I will propose subjugation oh they will they will we don't even need to go to war they see us and they're into like yeah um no we're not doing this I would like you to turn into a prospectorium and just like that I now have a prospectorium um and I didn't even need to go to war uh this is one of those scenarios of um uh fly around and have a massive stick now the great thing with about this thing is is that sure it has a little bit of upkeep but it's only like seven energy 170 160 food but that's totally worth it because it also has jumped right for God it's 22.44 and I've got 100k with a jump drive attached to it so yeah that is problematic I would say hahaha let's see if we can go ahead and kill these uh space pirates The Mercenaries I should probably have a signed ship on standby nearby really anyway our space dragon is just taking out the Marauders like they're not even there which is just fun how are you breaking my game the game designer for path for Solaris is in the chat everybody it's Alfred strike he's a he's a he's a total bro and uh you know my rotten Soldier he's a cool dude and yes I've broken your game uh actually it was not me who broke your game it was the WSC Community uh who did it and then I found this on Reddit and I thought that was a lot of fun oh look at that some xenos are hanging out on the other side of this thing who knew who knew maybe I'll be able to join the galactic community at some point wouldn't that be exciting I've been hold up on this side of the Galaxy all by myself since forever I think I walked into the galactic Community this is mine now yeah no kidding all right terraforming that's exactly what I wanted pie aliens gave us a close shave eh well they're gonna be oh oh they've made us our enemies oh boy well they're gonna be super surprised when a goddamn space Dragon just kicks in the door where are your homeworlds I I need to devour you alive ah the rubricator it's about time that we found it oh The Shard is in there they unlocked A Shard now this is the question this is the question am I sending my space Dragon to get a second space dragon all right the pole is out are we going to get another space Dragon uh is the question so the poll is in we've got 79 votes in right now and it's 96 yes another zombie I can already see where this is going risking yours or you just want to prove a point that it can be done at this point fam I am proving a point I'm gonna double my fleet power let's see if we can do it how how balanced and uh how balanced is Stellaris we are about to find out 94 of you voted on yes the yes another another zombie I've made a safety safe there it goes so we got The Shard versus uh the Grand Dragon so let's see who is going to kill whom first I think oh oh oh yeah my dragon can actually do its mouth beam and the other one is running away that's great there we go Solaris ladies and gentlemen is perfectly balanced with no problems whatsoever and my dragon is taking The Shard down like no tomorrow I love it I absolutely love it this is the dumbest thing that I've been put in I would like to find the outer space dragon as well then while we are at it oh God it's almost dead that's amazing we're killing the shards so quickly now you know what's also funny though because of the cordyceptic bonus we actually all space fauna Weaponry goes up by 50 as well as its attack speed which basically doubles its Firepower because of the traits that we have so yeah that's not overpowered at all so uh yeah are you ready for Dragon Force because this uh this guy is uh send in the necro drones I love it I love it oh no we're gonna get this all right this stream has now turned into Pokemon we are going to catch them all did we actually get the rubricator that is actually a really good question we got the we got the freaking rubricator for killing The Shard now I've got two dragons oh no okay we need to find some more aliens because now we're going to play uh Pokemon yeah we need to find um we definitely need to find the other oh we got the curator order tell us some of the Mysteries there's a void spawn within this galaxy where is this void spawn exactly ladies and gentlemen I would like to know where this void spawn is please and uh there is The Shard oh it's only at 93 000 flip oh and it's got jump drive as well contact Leviathan Leviathan Leviathan spotted where is it I don't care Leviathan spotted what is it there is leviathan we spotted it where is it I need to know where is it I need I need it there it is it's a specter oh look it's a leviathan we don't care about and what that right there is the enigmatic Fortress that is disappointing that is not what we were after but that right there is what I was after that right there is a void spawn that right there is coming home and unlike the British unlike the football cup for Britain this year word is going to go ahead and throw two whole things at it yeah coordination centers are really good and in this big game I'll be able to get two oh lord it's a void spawn what will we do oh it's just an Abomination oh it's just it's just a baby indeed all right cool um science going oh how fast are we going to be able to kill this void spawn I think is the big question we have the shards and we have the Sky Dragon oh okay yeah it's Alpha it's oh it's doing a lot of alpha damage ah yes the void spawn has been defeated uh send it to necro drones yes send in the necro drones indeed uh we got some stuff to bring back with us I need that orbital we have so much energy we have so many there she is ladies and gentlemen boys and girls it hungers hey would you like 144k void Dragon or avoid avoid spawn to go with 105 114 000 Fleet power other stuff that we already have because I like to all right it's time for us to roll over the to roll over everything oh and of course my I have my my vassals jumping all the drums of War say it ain't so it's over here in the corner I don't care thanks for cutting up those Empires for me so I can turn them into my vasels later on the Dozer Marauders Come Through the Wormhole um yeah that's the con um that is a potential problem like it's not a big problem don't get me wrong like that's not overstate this it's still an issue that they're taking my goddamn territory uh why does Stellaris do this why do you do this to me game there is not enough hate in this universe to describe the anguish that is currently going through my body okay all right I see how it is we had a good run let's let's just say that okay um so all my good stuff is on the other side of the Galaxy right now dealing with dealing with these guys how [ __ ] how fast can I come back home I'm just gonna come back with one with one with one Fleet The Shard can take care of the rest that's fine uh organic architecture all that stuff is all the good stuff I just got Auto cannons it doesn't really matter yeah definitely be too busy with freaking buzzword standardization they are actually at my Capital oh yeah definitely ragul at like a 50 Devastation oh and of course there's a freaking storm going on here because um are those the chosen oh yes it shows the con is here like the con is physically here in this system and they're just constant constantly going through my stuff how long until you are home three years okay can I speed up this process ever so slightly sometimes this game I swear to God I swear to God this game is is like the number one reason why I've got like high blood pressure or something along those lines Jesus Christ sometimes he says Oh The Horde is splintered okay cool yeah um welcome to the Balkans um I am I am appalled hahaha I am appalled by all the garbage that's going on here what is actually happening even like do I even have a place where I can build ships yes I do uh cancel all these Cruisers I need construction ships I need them yes regardless it's now 2310 we're 100 years into the game I still have a 135 000 Fleet power uh there's something I probably will want to do before we uh end the stream today uh which means it's a light a light bout of rebuilding I could I'm just gonna go ahead and settle the status quo here with these dudes and uh what I'm gonna do is I'm going to bring all my do Bros back home and what I'm going to do is I'm going to do some much needed rebuilding they even took they they bombed two of my planets into the ground two of my population centers have been removed from the game by the con and I still have an economy like this all right we've got just to count everything up here 131 from our space dragon from our from our initial dragon in this cluster of garbage that's going on we had 131 from The Shard and then 171 from the void spawn this Fallen Empire is space all of it like clearly this is my my territory it will also be the last thing we're going to be doing in the Stream today if it works I'll be very excited if not well then the chickens are away from home the chickens are away so what does that mean we're just gonna go after their stuff oh if it can get the station if we can get this station to be on our side what on Earth is my void spawn doing okay okay okay okay I think we may actually be in a good place here okay there comes the void there comes the void spawn 85k it's doing a little dance little little voice band dance that's cool are they coming back no they're not coming back are these guys coming around Civics good points good points sir no no no no no no no no no no no okay I don't think anything died horosgar the endless Flame has perished in battle well it was it was in the end I think it was a um a foolish should never a foolish Endeavor indeed however we have proven that uh with enough cordyceps you can easily take over an entire galaxy with quite a lot of ease and I think it's important to know that um uh first of all the dragon lives on in our hearts but just that as soon as you have the one dragon and then you find another dragon and then you find the void void void thing uh and then if you find another dragon and if you find the matriarch and then a whole slew of other things this gets out of control really really quickly so yeah um with that we're going to go ahead and wrap this up because this is completely and firmly broken
Channel: ASpec
Views: 45,441
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ASpec, A_Spec, Stellaris, stellaris, Stellaris Gameplay, stellaris let's play, stellaris orion update, stellaris gameplay, aspec, Here Be Dragons, Stellaris Here be Dragons, Here be Dragons Build Stellaris, Cordyceps Hive Stellaris, Civic, Hivemind, Stellaris Hivemind, Funny, Broken, Perfectly Balanced, Stellaris 3.6 is Perfectly Balanced With No Issues Whatsoever (Space Dragon Edition)
Id: hBFGUMu5cbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 38sec (1358 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2022
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