Steel Trawler Restoration beginning to end

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hey there dan gastro here today's video is a summary of the full restoration of renko and is proudly sponsored by marine [Music] this whole series was about answering the question is it a bad idea to buy an old steel boat and i think by the end of it we get the answer but before then let's go back to the beginning in order to answer this question i bought myself a copy of metal boat maintenance and repair by scott fratcher and i thought we'd just read through the whole thing rescue a steel boat sweat equity goes a long way with steel boats sweat equity means you bought a boat sheep and you put in your labour to end up with a boat worth more than you paid for it having completely swallowed that absolute rubbish i went down to sydney bought myself an old steel boat and brought it back up to the hawkesbury so here it is currently on pedley's mooring in all its rusty glory well welcome board i'll tell you what i do know about the boat before we go and have a look around so it's a nine metre vessel that was originally made of steel now it's made out of rust uh it's called julie ii t double o so that's a good clue to the fact that we'll be doing a video on whether it's bad luck or not to change the name of a boat it's got a 471 detroit diesel gm motor in it which is a two-stroke diesel so i'll talk about how they work down the track as well wheel house is pretty straightforward combined gear selector throttle which is you know kind of nice and easy dials of which none of them work but i have actually seen the taco working and i have seen i think oil pressure and and temperature working so something's just happened they've lost an earth or something uh fuel gauge was never working volt meter was working and switch panel came with a sonar radar and gps i think the gps has lost its uh card for the maps it gives a good position speed direction that kind of stuff but no charts and a working vhf radio and a stereo here under the helm there's a fuse panel so i'll go through nothing's labeled there so i'll try and figure out what everything is start mapping all the electric start labeling it nothing to really write home about but a little sink here with a tap here don't know what that's connected to because we don't have a freshwater tank here as far as i know here's a little gas stove and the gas bottles outside where it should be and then below here is just a little volt fridge no anchor winch or anything like that so i'll probably look at adding something like that pretty soon the other thing i do is i'm going to cut some doors in these ball walks there's no doors at all so nothing for the transom nothing for the side so it's actually quite a hard boat to get in and out of so i'm definitely going to just cut through hinge one door hinge another looks like the boat used to have a dry exhaust going straight up now it's got a wet exhaust going out through the transom the engine it's uh general motors diesel i think the stern gland here is leaking so it probably won't be a hard fix but the bilge pump and the floats which have both died so in order to allow myself to sleep well tonight i am going to rush up to the workshop grab a new float switch grab a new bilge pump and install that now so you can see here the leaks definitely coming from the steering gland i'm going to tighten these three volts a little bit simply and slow that leak but it's something i'll look at in more detail once we're on the hard stand you know it's kind of weird when i bought a dirt cheap steel boat i kind of thought it'd be perfect but it's not looking like it is here on the back of the wheelhouse you can see they've installed some sort of seagull toilet so i think i'll get the pressure washer out and start cleaning this up so here and over here were two toe posts on the boat or an a-frame something along those lines i think the previous owner cut these off and left the plates on so i'm going to get an angle grinder through the weld down at a bit of an angle and see if we can pry both these plates off the deck with the starboard side i originally started trying to cut down at an angle here just through the weld and it didn't seem to be working i didn't really know how it was fully attached so in the end i cut a square pulled the center section out here it is you can see it's about 10 mil thick and then we were able to get a bar and because i'd already done some cuts in these welds i was able to break these bits off reasonably well except for this bit which i need to cut again over here on the port side though this time i'm just going to sort of have faith there is nothing under here at all in the way and i'm just going to keep cutting through this world until i can get a cold chisel underneath it and just lift the whole plate off in one piece [Music] [Music] over here i think there was some sort of stainless fitting coming through the deck which has obviously reacted badly with the mild steel so i'm going to cut this out and weld a new plate in you can see hopefully it's actually gone through here too which is where the uh the engine cover is so we'll have to have a look at how well we can repair that as well so this video kicks off with me taking the boat upstream towards the marina and finally seeing what it looks like under the water line unfortunately it also happens to be during a bit of a record-breaking heat wave so it was one of those days it's 35 today it's going to be scorching hot standing on asheville hard stand under steel boat not steel though [Music] [Music] so about the worst of it is that the anodes have been eaten away completely and there's a hole through the keel where the anode strap is closest to the mild steel about the only thing probably be worse than the anodes being completely gone is being not gone at all because they weren't well connected to the hull so that's something if they did their job uh the hull itself doesn't look too bad there's a few dodgy spots but by and large it actually looks alright which is good [Music] didn't even have to undo the last bolt it's so corroded the flange at the top so you can see the flange for this rudder post and the shaft here is really eating away the middle of the hull around it doesn't look too bad which is good i'm gonna have a go at using electrolysis to clean this up so we'll do those a separate bid but for now i'm gonna duck down to the local oyster farm and have a chat to them and see about finding a space to put this for a month or so had a few beers with the guys that's where all businesses done and sounds like we've got a place we can put the boat which is great so this is the space that rob has said i can use to work on the boat we'll have to get it up here on a really high tide about a 2.1 next week which is about as high as it gets so that should be good and then we can just drive a crane down here and uh lift it out put it on after pops and push on so everything else is organized now my only real last concern now is the depth of water here but we'll find out in two days time i think it's 0.6 at the moment so hard to judge but i'd say it's probably going to take like a 0.9 or something to cover here so we're only having a bit over a meter of water sitting here by the water now waiting for dave to wake me up good chance to uh contemplate my poor life decisions but eyes you are already [Music] so now we have the bit i'm most nervous about getting into that really shallow section to get this lifted out [Music] that went a lot better than i thought it would we're right up to the sea wall and the water's not enough to stop at the seawall so it's all right cranes here don't know where the drivers [Music] thank you [Music] all right now the boat's safely on its new hard stand i need to make some my own props for the boat so that i can give those ones back to femix marina i may as well use this original base from the aqua prop so i'll need to cut that off later but i'm going to do both cuts at an angle now then i'll set the saw square again so i can cut these off [Music] because i need to tie the two sloping stands together with a chain to tension them i've ground a curve onto a d-shackle and then i'm going to weld that onto the stand all right so they're fitting really well i'll go over and give you a closer look and then we'll tighten up the turnbuckle so sitting nicely and then the angled head here nice for the hull what i was also told is because of the way the hole shapes it actually bias them slightly inwards so that they're heading towards the section of the hull that's actually getting tighter instead of having them going outwards where they could slip forward like that [Music] last week we looked at how stuck this rudder post is now because at an absolute minimum i'm going to be replacing the rudder post maybe even the whole tube as a few people suggested just cut it out start again which is on the cards but before i you know go to that extreme i am going to cut this rudder post lower which will allow me to get the yoke off which will then allow me to put a bit of a collar around here and we'll get our atf and acetone mix in here there we go sleeve on hose clamp tight around it and plenty of space here now to fill with oil acetone and let it gravity feed down all right time to mix up the holy trinity of atf coopers and acetone then we'll pour it into that sleeve all right it's pretty full i'm just going to let that sit for a day or two to get around this problem not having 15 amp power yet i went down to bunnings and bought one of these little ten out welders i don't think it's gonna be great for doing big jobs but it's certainly gonna be handy for doing bits and pieces the other thing about this is it's nice and small so it can fit in your handbag in case you break a nail obviously i'm gonna have to cut the stuck welding right off before it's ready to hammer in but other than that good to go okay no here just above the bright orange rusty hull is the propeller shaft not a lot of space between the stuffing box and the flange that attaches the prop shaft to the gearbox but these here are the bolts i'm going to get off first so this is all the space i'm definitely going to get between the gearbox and the end of the prop shaft because this flange is now hard against the stuffing box so that's all i'm going to get so i'll take this screw out first and unfortunately the face spanner i've got is at home i'm thinking an air chisel into one of these holes is my best bet [Music] if i have to get a new nut you know so be it [Music] that was surprisingly easy too i'm going to take a little break from that prop shaft i think to get the flange off what i'm going to do is put a spacer between the flange and the gearbox to lock it then get some long bolts and go through both flanges tighten the nuts and try and pull it off that way in the meantime i decided just to get on with cutting the rest of the strip off the chin of the boat but that didn't go so well either oops i was cutting more of this plate off quite thin but i think the cut this way went a bit too far and that's actually diesel running out now from this starboard fuel tank the upside to this little disaster is that the fuel light came on my truck today and i don't have any money to buy diesel so i'm just going to put it straight in the truck [Music] on the bright side though with this leaking fuel i did hit on another technique that works pretty well and is reasonably quick which is doing shallower cuts with the angle grinder and then getting in behind the strip with the air chisel so that meant that i didn't have to cut as deep and risk cutting through the hole and i could still get it off pretty quickly without putting too much effort so i'm pretty happy with this technique and i now have all of the rubbing strip off below the doublers the only remaining bit is the little bit on the bow forward of the doubles all right next thing to do is just take the awning off so we can get the crane in [Music] rob's on his way down now with the crane my only real fear is that it gets hung up on the mounting bolts somehow we end up lifting the boat off the stand so that's what i'll be keeping an eye out for the most and then we'll settle on the ground on some blocks [Music] so [Music] [Music] what do you reckon ed pretty manky so lots of slime bit of oily water and coolant down the lowest point so we'll jump in we'll have a look my biggest concern initially was actually this section where the salt water was just dripping down onto the metal for probably decades so i'm going to get my ultrasonic thickness tester and measure what shape the hull's in here hopefully it's not too too bad [Music] as a bit of a quick tip while we're doing this often if i don't have one of those sort of plastic bailers i'll get an old milk bottle or a juice bottle like this two liter one and just cut the base at a bit of an angle then you've got the handle here leave the lid on and actually make really good boilers what i like about them with tinnies in particular is because it's quite a soft plastic it'll sort of shape itself around the hull that you're scooping and you can get quite a lot of water out with one of these what i'll do too is leave a tiny lip on the bottom here so you can kind of scoop in with it not have it run out so much so we'll go use this to get the last bit out so a bit of cheap effective recycling [Music] while i was waiting for it to dry i moved on to getting the flange off the end of the prop shaft so i can remove it and to do that i started by just spraying it with a bit of penetrating oil then i put a puller on it and loaded that up with the impact gun so i had a bit of tension on it then start to heat it as it was cooling then i gave it a couple of smacks with the hammer and it popped forward a fair bit so i think we're home and hosed well i'm glad that coupling came off i needed a win today first thing this morning i went to finish the door and the welder had died so i drove an hour or so at the coast to drop that offer to repair guy who wasn't there anyway cheers we have a bundy to celebrate project brew pig i'm going to put the puller on the stuffing box it's either going to pull the stuffing box out or more likely push the prop shaft out but we want to do both so either way to win all right i think i might work on getting the prop shaft all the way out because i think that's going to make it freeze to get the stuffing box out anyway that wasn't hard [Music] and we cleared the ground the day's picking up so you can see here this nut's been welded around here so we're going to do some grinding here get that off then pull the prop off with a puller this is a good idea to buy an old steel boat sure sure not actually sure this is budged a millimeter yet i should have marked it feels like it's really coming now uh [Music] all right this is what we're left with this here is supposed to be the stuffing that compresses and uh stops the leak but it's obviously just old and hardened [Music] yeah just winds in until you've got a bite on it [Music] and then pull on the t-piece all right [Music] looks like it's all out now [Music] this is as low as i can get to the deck unfortunately so now just a bit of grinding to get this flush [Music] i think i'm going to cut this whole section out which is 600 mil long and i'm going to cut it out to the exact height of the bit of plate i've got to go in [Music] i finally got my little stack of discs for doing the repairs turned out they're already here that actually just gone to the workshop rather than to the island what i'm going to do is put them in from the outside just put my magnets across here to hold them position then weld them out on the inside first then i can come outside grind any sputter off and weld the outside the advantage to doing the inside first is that you're doing your grinding on the outside rather than the inside so it makes things a bit cleaner step one though before welding this kind of thing in is to try and psych the boat out makes the job go much smoother all right what i'm going to do now is pop one of our little discs in and just use these magnets to hold in place here it comes getting exciting [Applause] so luke's about to head off sandblast hole actually looks pretty good a few little spots but to be honest with you nothing you couldn't see before because the areas that are pitted are the areas where the paint wasn't wherever the paint was the steel's in great condition before the sun set that same day i got a coat of epoxy primer on so that i didn't have any flash rust overnight then the next day i got stuck into opening the detroit and seeing what we're up against [Music] chunky yeah i think this is all going gonna come apart i'd be surprised if those rings weren't seized on that one [Music] oh dear [Music] yeah i don't know why we've got so much water in yeah it's interesting isn't it well it wouldn't get in through here you wouldn't think it would go through the gasket yeah it's got got the breather but that's too much for going through the breather isn't it well yeah but i mean get the rocker assemblies off to get to these bolts so undo these and we'll get it apart wound all the rockers off the push rods now i'm just undoing these bolts for the governor then i think we might be down to the main head bolts after that okay undid two bolts to the bottom here four down here and then there's a fork here that goes up to the governor actuates it in some way i don't really know how it works but it's now out of the way [Music] um it's not looking good is it oh before i forget this little engine disaster is going to cost quite a bit of cash so i've put the land rover on that are you if you want to buy it go for it all right let's get this little hatch off let us spray a little shifty bastard into it see if it helps [Music] when i put a bit of tension on the gearbox pulling it with the truck the whole block slides forward so i've tied it off to a pile there see how that goes my money is on it's still moving forward falling off the blocks knocking the stand holding the boat and the whole lot falling over put 10 on it that went about as well as could be expected but boat didn't fall over gearbox is no further out i'm starting to come with the opinion that corrosion is not your friend back from the hardware store now with a longer straighted crowbar so i can try a particular technique that i learned during my apprenticeship doing this uh reminds me when i was at my mate's house the other night for dinner and his daughter told me this joke she's got to be i don't know 10 maybe less and uh she said oh why'd the chicken cross the road to visit the crap mechanic i was like oh yeah and she said uh knock knock who's there it's the chicken oh yeah that was good [Music] [Music] [Music] a bit of surface rust and the crankshaft [Music] and i'm gonna cruise up my boat today just got back from bundaberg and you know easing into things have a little look at the other fishing fleet as we go past mostly uh prawn and squid trawling around here [Music] got quite a few odd jobs to do today and what i really like to do just as a bit of a morale boost is get the prop shaft and the rudder back in i feel like that'll be another bit of a milestone to feel like we're actually getting somewhere what do you think ed you're keen [Music] so [Music] let's get some work done nice low tide at the moment [Music] here i've got the heat exchanger and the old wet exhaust sitting on these rubbing strikes and my ballast weight on the end this has been sitting like this the whole time i was up in bundaberg seeing damien and jess so i'm going to get that off now put it onto some saw horses cut the ends and start oiling it ready to go back on the boat you can see what a great lump of a pong box this boat had a huge amount of internal space gone it's not very often i am lost for words and i definitely am today you know uh oh i'm gonna burst in tears if i talk about it it's terrible but this morning i cancelled the ad to sell the car and it's all because of you guys you know from people who donated on paypal to became patrons on patreon who bought a t-shirt you know even down to just words of encouragement saying look hang in there don't sell your car you know find another way and you guys found another way i didn't so i can't thank you enough i'm keeping the car i'm really happy about it and uh let's push on before i start crying thank you to start painting the anti-fowl on i've put some masking tape just say you know five mil maybe less above the end of the polyurethane then i'm doing one more coat of the barrier coat then when that gets to the kind of thumb print dry that dave is talking about we'll come over and do our anti-fowl over the top same day it's now been several hours since vic and i put this coating on none of it's coming off onto my hand anymore it's actually probably a little bit too dry to even leave a thumb print but it's only been a few hours so let's get in and put this antifoul on it's funny there's something about fresh antifoul that always pleases people who live on the water you know you just see it and go right there's another year done i'm actually more excited about getting this antifoul on than i was about the blue top sides the antefellow i'm using is the altex number five plus which should be quite good in this area we do get a lot of barnacle growth around here so i think this will do the trick i got it in black it is quite common to actually do like a lower coat of blue or something so that you know when you've worn through your top coats of antifoul but it was easy just one big drum [Music] [Music] [Music] all right first coat's done now it's starting to get dark i'm going home i'll see you in the morning back in today cleaning out the engine bay now the engines off at cda getting fixed i may as well just start getting it ready so that by time it returns it's ready just to be dropped back in save any further issues with how to store it and where to store it so i'm just going to run the cylinder home through the stern tube see if we can clean that up enough to get the stuffing box in [Music] it's already quite a bit better all right now i'll just give that a clean out with a bit of acetone we'll put some phosphoric acid in there again and then we'll eventually once the vase painted we'll get the prop shaft back in do the packing all that kind of stuff here i've bought two sticks of timber to replace the rubbing strips on the gunnels the original ones are a little bit rotten on the ends and have you know various bits of rotten along them and are covered in paint and would take quite a lot of work to get fixed up turns out these sticks are reasonably straight grain hardwood can't remember exactly what's called sorry i should have remembered i'll find out uh they flex reasonably well and they were only fifty dollars each i mean i'd probably go through fifty dollars worth of sanding just trying to fix those up just gonna use a tap and die to clean all these threads out get the paint out then we'll start marking them up can you drop down a bit i've got a duck off to the airport this morning cause i'm heading up to brisbane for the sanctuary cove boat show but i'll quickly show you where we got to yesterday before we decided to eat oysters and do nothing got the new rubbing strip bolted on my plan here is because i think there's the potential to walk along here i'm actually going to have the non-slip deck paint come all the way around here so we'll be taping that up i'm also going to put a bead of sickaflex along here my plan is to oil these rather than paint them because i think a little bit of natural timber you know it sort of looks nice on a steel boat breaks it up a little bit heading up to hornsby now just to buy a few things for the boat it's funny you watch any lean every corner you'd be a good surf already oh left hand up lean the other way clean nice work ed what are you doing mate no look at you look at the stadium oh you're dreaming don't get too close oh you're an idiot you my friend are a world-class idiot don't look so pleased with yourself despite eddie being there to boost my morale that day it's certainly uh fair to say there were times when motivation was low still on the bright side it's not a bad day for the middle of winter can't complain i can really i can complain from a country but i won't all right so here i've welded that tab steel across the hole and we just drill through the whole thing all right they're both out finally 63 mil holes for the raymarine transducers done it's times like this it's kind of nice to think back to what this was originally which was that huge uh sort of pod for an old-school transducer that was here which was a nightmare to cut off so from the pod being cut off to sand blast into epoxy to the new hull cut i know it doesn't look like much but it was a lot of work and it's kind of nice to remind yourself in some ways [Music] all right this box contains the real vision raymarine transducers that i need for this boat here they are i've gone the plastic ones they come in different materials but because it's a steel hull i've got the plastic so it's not a dissimilar metal problem modern plastics though are incredibly strong unfortunately cheap plastic gives good plastic a bad name probably the most important thing is to make sure you got the right transducer so starboard side all these double checks telling you this way goes forward this way should be towards your keel and starboard side so you basically got three things to help you make sure you're in the right place and you have it in the right orientation same on the little anti-rotation bolt all right just going to do a bead around the bottom of the flange here and then it looks like it talks about coming up the thread so we're going to be winding the thread through you know around the sticker flex and using the sick flex as a kind of sealant and a bit of a loctite i guess so i'll do that with two hands and then we'll push this up in there there's a little cap over the anti-rotation bolt so i'll just pop that off another job i have to do before the boat goes back in the water is get the anodes on it i've already got a couple on the rudder i'm going to try a few different ways of attaching them to the keel see which way it goes best here what i've done is drilled a hole through and taken some of the paint off the steel here so it's still pretty clean steel then what i'm going to do is fill the hole and put some of this carbon grease which is a conductive grease behind the strap bolt it up tight and see how that goes next time i do a boat and yes there probably will be next time believe it or not i uh definitely gonna mount it higher on the stands [Music] there isn't that much left to do on the boat now to get it floating again i'm really keen to get on the mooring uh a few people commented they said it was a bad idea to get on the mooring rather than finishing on the hard stand um but i disagree you know i think it's going to be much nicer to work there contrary to what people might think i've actually thought about it i've got a plan i've got everything i need you know it's not just a spur of the moment decision without anything to back it up so to that end i spoke to the crane company today it'll make you laugh if it doesn't make you cry but turns out that since i pulled the boat out of the water all the cranes now have been chipped and they're not allowed to come across the bridge to the south or to the north of this town so there's actually no way for a crane of that size to get to this boat anymore awesome hey turns out all i can really do is get two small frana cranes that can cross the bridges one to lift the front one to lift the back and then somehow coordinate it means it's gonna have to go into the wall pretty close to the wall parallel to the wall won't be able to reach out very far is what it is anyway so all i've got to do now is pick a date based on the tides give them a heads up and i'll lock that in [Music] this bearing was a little bit loose like not enough to fall out but just a little bit loose so i smeared some sticker flex around the outside of it and then just slid it up and then we'll let that set [Music] there we go that's past that was just knocking the edge of the top bearing well looks of it this is moving pretty easily which is good but it means i'm going to need to chalk it up with something so it doesn't drop down while i run upstairs i think that's a good height because it's lower than it needs to be but we can always lift it up from inside we can't drop it down with this in the way so we'll leave it there jump inside and put the yoke back on just rotating this runner post until the key here is on the port side and then we put our yoke on we'll have the key there on the port side too i can't tell you how much better that steering feels now than when the original seized rudder and everything was in it's awesome certainly [Music] all right we've hit a little snag i've put a bit of lubricant on this but it's getting really tight in this bearing and i think the reason is you can feel here where the shaft's worn presumably the bearing's been machined for this slightly narrower section and it gets you know a millimeter or so thicker here which i think is more than enough to bind it up really tightly in the bearing just back now from boc picking up some dry ice pellets so we'll give that a shot on the prop shaft there we go [Applause] just got it suspended off the rudder post and it's full kind of top bottom sides so we'll let that sit for a while and see if we can get it in it's probably not the done thing but i really can't resist let's go to the shallows where there's nothing probably get in trouble for that one i never mind [Music] [Applause] let's get a lump everything [Music] so [Applause] [Music] all right feels pretty good and that's out of the water the water will lubricate the bottom bearing a little bit while i think of it i sold the old honda off the green machine and bought this little six horsepower tattoo four-stroke to put on the inflatable boat so i'll pull the inflatable out now and see if i can assemble that [Music] i'm going to tie the painter on now and something i do with these more permanent lines is do your usual sort of bow line on them then once you've done your bow line normally you can actually come through the back just come through the eye again and then you get a kind of a double like this that's how i like to leave them if they're permanent i guess this is the official launching not very ceremonious but i think we should call this red dwarf [Applause] sorry dudes clearly upset the pelicans [Applause] i think it's fair to say this is the fastest it'll ever go oh my team great rural of the seas and oceans to whom all ships and we who venture upon your vast domain are required to pay homage implore you in your graciousness to take upon your records and recollection this worthy vessel hereafter for all time known as renko our chosen libation for neptune poseidon whatever west west this time it says half a bottle but that's a waste no drink it drink it freddy drink it grab it i got all this lettering from boat names australia it's also where i got the information on the boat renaming ceremony from so i'll put a link to that in the description pete gave me a hand this morning we've cleaned the back deck up and uh pete's taken off these two little lugs that were in the corners nice little trip hazards now we're just going to keep cleaning it find as many of these holes in the deck and just patch them just patch them so i can go away for a month [Music] we can always put a second layer in a couple of days time once that bottom layer is set i think you need to actually that'll that'll stay waterproof for four weeks for sure oh sorry it's now sunday uh heading up to see leon again to do some more work on the electrics friday's launch got canned due to the weather we had really just two days of solid rain and the crane company wasn't keen to do it fair enough so i think we're gonna go for monday so today hopefully is our officially our last of day working on the boat before it gets launched now i think they're saying tomorrow morning the morning tides are lower than the evening tides but they're all pretty high at the moment i know i can get off on the evening king tide but there's a small chance if they launch it early in the morning tomorrow which i think is the plan that we might get off on the morning high so i'll just see where it's at now so we're actually just past the high which is good so if we got the peak then tonight's tide is 1.7 then tomorrow at 10 40 we've got a 1.5 this is leon who helped me do the board and uh we're just having a look at it now i might actually liam was just about to explain to me how a few things go so i figured we might as well do that together so what do we got all right so for the moment the main thing we wanted to get going today was solar and builds just so that way you can leave the boat while you're away not be too concerned about it yeah that really is yeah the goal for sure so the way we've got these laid out is starting battery on the left so that's 24 volt yep parallel switch between that and the house battery which is on the right yep and then this will be a 12 volt supply so each battery bank will go to those three yep the parallel is only in sort of emergency i guess because you've got the auto switching really charge both batteries yep yep banks so as soon as either solar is providing charge or your engine's running providing charge yep this will kick in and feed power across this so they're parallel whilst ever there's a charge voltage on either side yep we've also got feeding from that starting side down to the redarc dc to dc converter so that will feed back up into your 12-volt system so perfect plenty of current supply on that being 50 amp that'll recharge your 12-volt pretty well even when you're using the winch heavily should probably not keep it at all now i'm just going to start trying to sort out some hoses for the bilge pump while i wait for leon to get back from joker and then we'll finish the electrics i've mounted two bilge pumps to a piece of polyboard they're wires then just grouped with some cable ties into the three for each build pump one is 12 volt one is 24 volt so they're going to run off the two separate house banks i really like this build from a hose because i think it's just all cast from the same material but they've cast a kind of a spiral reinforcement through it so it doesn't you know pinch off easily and stop water flowing but the inside is completely smooth so it lets the water flow really freely as well so let's figure out how much we need of this and cut it and get it pending any last minute phone calls today is the day for launching they're supposed to be here about half an hour or something i'm just packing up a few last things and i'm going to get some fenders out the tide is out as you can see so they're going to be dropping it on the mud on some timber so they can pull the slings out then i'm gonna have to tie it against the seawall so it doesn't topple over and just put some fenders out so it doesn't rub against the seawall and wait for the tide to come up when it comes up it's only gonna be a 1.5 predicted which is not a lot so we'll see a little bit worried about that to be honest with you but is what it is [Music] good news is they're here bad news is they can only drop it in with the bow facing towards the camera here which means i would need to pull the bow out over that lump of eddy island uh and we've only got 1.5 meter and now we might have to pull it from the stern rather the bow feeling less confident now could be sitting here for a month this right everything went really smoothly with the cranes the guys were very professional did an awesome job very very happy you know it was the weather that delayed the launch it's not their fault the real trouble with this delay is that i only had a 1.5 meter tide i brought it in on almost a 2 meter tide which is as high as the tide get here so when almost half a meter less i think it probably wasn't quite at the top of the two meter tie when i brought it in but definitely definitely at least a foot lower than it was when i came in anyway i've set myself up a little waiting station so i can wait here in my chair see what happens the cavalry's on the way though pete bentley's gone back to his place to get some winching rigging gear rick my mate with the chief is coming around unfortunately the chief's getting fixed at the moment finally so he's just coming around a tiny to help out and then dave howell's coming round with del star to do the kind of main tow so if we get it right on the peak who knows i think we'll get it out with enough determination but uh it's certainly about a foot lower tide than i would hope for it's gone tight that means it must actually be uh floating a little bit i'll loosen that off so it can come up right what i'd really love to do is put a rope on the bow and pull the bow straight out and try and swing the boat around i don't know it's really shallow here just off eddie island and i i don't know if it's going to work i'm really load to try and pull it out stern first because i've got the whole flat keel the rudder in the mud it's an enormous amount of force so i don't know we'll try both i think i'll definitely try bow first if that doesn't work i'll try stern gently if that doesn't work it's going to be here for a month yes it's definitely looking a lot more level than it was before so we know the water's starting to support the hull to some degree and we're not at the top of the tide yet so he's pete's back with a bit of rigging gear we're going to just experiment i'll show you there's some piles off here which if we get down low around the concrete we might be able to lift off obviously we'll just keep a really good eye if they start showing any signs of moving we'll just abandon that plan but uh you know it's something we can winch off that is a snatch right so that's designed to have stretch and then this one right winch extension strap yeah so they are different straps so we could actually do a like a snatch trap to halley's troll and get into gunners and then um as crazy as it sounds [Music] all this is doing is pulling it over what is it another one pete's on turf for judy we've got the uh starboard quarter tied off the land rover the channel is very very narrow it's really the width of the boat anytime we went slightly out of the channel the rudder would dig into the bank and we were just going nowhere until we then reset all the turfer got it out winched the boat back into the channel got it going again so it was a really tedious process of us all waiting up to our waste in you know really muddy water lots of oyster cuts on our feet uh you know roofing on the lever for the turfer just getting it getting it getting it and eventually at the end when del star was able to pull it and it started moving i thought ah we've made it you know and and that was the moment but that was literally two hours of struggling racing against the tide dropping in so i left the camera running but it's you know the battery went flat long before it was a full battery but it went flat long before the process was over because it was such a long process it's just really hard to describe and all i can say is how thankful i am to the people who came to help today pete bringing his gear rick and rob came down to help and it was awesome having a couple of other deck hands they brought their little boat their little pup putt down we tried with that then troy and dave howell came down with dullstar and they eventually helped us towards the mooring my stepson sam came down gave us you know a hand where he could and some moral support it was just like without everyone being there i i wouldn't have got the boat floating you know so big thanks to all of you yeah ease it up are you a good siri yeah i reckon we're good i think it's just our way on i'll help just go in neutral neutral stay neutral oh okay on dave anything you want to say at this uh momentous moment stew thank you for that the big rush to launch franco on that terrible tide was because i was flying out to the us the following day to see steve and alex from acorn to arabella scott from bus grease monkey and doug from sv seeker when i got back to sydney first job was to start installing the raymarine sat nav into renko i was thinking maybe over here would be good in the sense that you're between two windows a little bit so you're not losing as much visibility but it actually looks really odd so i'm thinking up high all right is it going to work for us oh that's exciting okay english real english yes here's the map of dengaron so the dial up here i didn't realize the time because i was kind of turning the edge but the center actually is a you know a dial you can turn in and out for different uh settings these are the maps i downloaded in a very similar way to when we installed the raymarine on dell star 2. cool happy with that so sitting in 2.4 meters it's pretty shallow here not tidal shallow but just not uh you know not super deep either the next job was to get the detroit diesel fired up before it went back into the boat and that's when a friend introduced me to adrian and i met him for the first time by the time adrian had run the rack and said all the injector heights etc it wasn't blowing a whisper smoke he really uh worked his magic on that engine but sadly not for the last time in we actually had to re-jig it with a chain so that the gearbox dropped down a little bit we were just a couple of centimeters short of fitting it in horizontal um a little out and a little four so there we go it's in finally well ah not granny over so now what i'm gonna do is just lift the front of the engine up and get the last two shims in then we're kind of good to go to start doing the fine alignment [Music] [Applause] first job of the day was to safely take their gantry crane down and then get on and start restoring the shutoff solenoid this is the muffler really tall and thin you can see here and being a two-stroke diesel you can go straight through [Music] all right made it all the way to the end and because i presume this end's going to be the hottest being closest i'll just wrap back so we've got triple coating at this end all right just going to give this one a quick check flush it out actually there you go a bit cleaner they're all flowing nicely [Music] okay just measured the pipe length i need i'll cut that on deck and then we'll come and install i'll wind these jack screws in until they're lightly contacting the base of the engine mounts and then we'll just give them all four of them on this side number of turns say like a quarter turn in to start with [Applause] [Music] even with our better engine alignment i could definitely still see a vibration where the gearbox was actually flexing on the mounting plate on the back of the engine and you know obviously that's not ideal it'll fatigue and cause all sorts of issues down the track as a result i gave my mate mick at coast marina call and he said yeah bring it round we'll check it out for you next up i had to fabricate an aluminium frame to be the new awning over the back deck the idea with this frame is it's sized exactly to take six solar cells so it's going to be our shelter from the sun and rain and electricity generation you got a license for that thing 40 41. what is the evinrude how many horsepower 150 150 should have gone the 175. [Laughter] um that is about there yeah all [Music] it is amazingly strong adhesive though beautiful afternoon sun shining off the water you feel safe under their pedals feeling very safe under there peggy was just noticing the sea chicken ada catfish was a catfish with the barbs yeah i wonder if just swallow spines and all who knows so far so good yeah eddie what happened last time you sat on a boat like that do you remember he's driving in you getting dry [Music] [Laughter] you're doing well just in case there was a big gust of wind you know the last few days i've had this tied off with rope so it can't flip up but what i'm gonna do now is put a final set of guy wires down to the top of the ball walks here [Music] that's annoying all right feels pretty strong and stable now i can hang off it so that's a good start so time to stick a flex between them going this way so they don't drip and work out a ridge cap for going longitudinal [Music] in the end i think the awning worked out really well it's been on the boat i know i guess a good 18 months now beat up and down the coast in pretty rough weather so it's really secure it doesn't move at all turns out the stays aren't just strong enough to hold a mast and sails up they're also strong enough to hold an awning up who would have thunk it despite the joy of the new awning though i had a little bit of an accident not long after this put my hands on the railing of that boat to give it a push but because it was a really rough day i had my hands on his railing and then but i'd gone under the bow railing of renko stupid and then so when the railing of renko came down it hit the tops of my hands but the bottoms of my hands were on the other railing and the two right my hands were like that and the two railings essentially scissored through both my hands i put my workbench in the autoclave this morning so it should be good to go this was a blister actually i didn't know this but apparently when you have brakes it's quite common to have a blister near a break just give it a bit of saline to clean it off you can see there they've pretty much opened it up the length of that bone but it's healing pretty well i think these are dissolvable stitches so uh i think they'll come out on their own this is paul i did a terrible job of introducing him last time sorry paul's been in a couple of other videos you'll probably remember him from such cinematic greats as anchoring a small boat and mounting an outboard or whatever so he's going to be my hands for today thank you paul you are welcome here's today's little disaster australian trees particularly black butts shocker for dropping branches [Music] went through and you only break one rafter none of the structures moved oh that rafters you can see the bird's mouth and that raft is lifted up [Music] all right there we go a little bit of stick along the top just to hold it in place that way i can sort of finish it when paul's not here i'm going to get a little bottle jack i'm going to push the bottle jack against here bring the bottom in and then weld it out during the week maybe get the far side one so this is the clearance we need see how this comes up and ends up inside the diameter of the drum i am tempted to actually cut it right off and then i can cut the top off in the workshop all that kind of thing we're going to take the winch off the bulkhead again so we can weld round pretty happy where it is and it'll let us get the needle gun in here and we'll get rid of all this rust no assistant today so i'm going to have a go cutting it myself um i think it'll be fine it's still sore can't bend it much but it's been a month so you know give it a whirl so i'll weld it on first then we'll put primer on it otherwise it's just going to burn off again with the post off obviously i couldn't easily put it back on the mooring so big thanks to dave for letting me put it on his uh wharf overnight interestingly you can see a couple of tinnies there renko is about twice the length of your average 29 meters compared to say a 4.5 meter tinny so it gives you an idea how small it really is as a boat edit you ready get your tail out of the water ed [Laughter] sort yourself out huh turn around can't face backwards all right little post don't fall off until i get back you're not gonna let me get away are you stop ignoring me all right hang on let's get you some seed then [Music] come on shadow [Music] you are hungry this morning what's daisy doing oh yeah here she comes there you go eat some seed share it with daisy don't make a mess here have it down here if you're going to do that there you go you're going the wrong way daisy you're going the wrong way do you make me laugh adrian's here at the moment squeezed into the engine bay adrian and uh we're just trying to figure out whether maybe we've got too much oil in the sump here there's a lot of oil around the liner it's quite wet around the liner okay this shouldn't be shouldn't be it's always a little bit but not it's more of a dry dry oily mist right yep okay well that one's been firing down beside the piston see that see the soot yeah right on the outside yeah you see that soot though right oh yeah yeah right no that's stuck not right that piston there looks it's not too oily around the sides of it oh yeah right okay [Music] very different isn't it yeah that one's which is what i would be looking for you know yeah engine with 20 hours on it yeah so sadly the 471 had to come out again this time heading up to adrian shop adrian did his apprenticeship on detroit diesel knows them inside out so although it was sort of a hassle to be taken out again it was nice to know it was going up to someone who was an expert in these particular motors so the engine's currently done 125 hours so it's due for a service anyway so i thought i may as well drive it up to him kind of reminded me the old dad joke about the guy at the lights and he looks over and sees one of those turf trucks with all the rolls of lawn on the truck and he says to his mate because that's what i'm going to do when i'm rich he goes what's that i'm going to send my law enough to be mowed kind of how i felt you know driving the detroit up for a service anyway it's there now and i'm heading up on wednesday to start working on it with him anyway trip went well got it up there it was really nice just knowing now it's there at adrian's you know place just need to grab some tools drive up there and know that by the time it comes back it's going to be 100 you can go back in this boat and i'm going to have 100 confidence in it so that's kind of great yeah i'm looking forward to that [Music] so the cam's pretty got some gnarly marks in it yeah with their rollers yeah it's not nice but when i look down from the side here there's a huge gap i can fit my little screwdriver just about in okay see the gap there yeah yeah yeah these should only have five thou clearance should we need to rock this rocker five there so somewhat what will be causing excessive wear it'll be running on the camshaft doing that the whole time oh okay that's that there is just ridiculous the amount of yeah gotcha so the cam's constantly trying to try and uh well going around it'll be scuffing this cam up causing the excessive wear on the load so you can see there's a dark line starting to appear where they're starting that the rings are starting to stick yeah starting to fire down the hole sits across there like that and then wind him over just yeah there we go like magic lifting him up you'll feel them usually grab the side of the block yeah if it has caught yeah especially but in the 92s and the 53s very critical that that bolt doesn't hang through because there's actually o-rings around the liner so you'll actually smash the o-ring glands [Music] there we go are they're center punched the caps [Applause] what's that to do to retain the cap they've locked it which is probably when they've done that created a void so there'll be now it won't it won't be ceiling yeah right so you reckon that's where most of our oil is coming from yep so this punch has been done center punch yeah and that's push and this is why this is is that contacting well i'd say at some point it's been contact and they've cleaned it back so it doesn't right both spots above where the center punch is all right so whenever it's been center punched just blown it out a bit and it's [Applause] well if we just get a couple in i'll just give you a couple and then i can get on with that to help marinize this engine a bit more adrian sourced a deep-bellied cast sump pan and made up a deeper pickup for it to go down to the bottom of it which will help it keep in oil when the boat's rocking and rolling at sea here's a new pickup right in the bottom of the pan there's quite a belly to the cover that goes on here so it should still pick up oil nicely it's not too close to the bottom and sucking on or anything like that so yeah all right so we're going to go for 1470 okay get them right up there we could go higher if we wanted to but once again this is something we could adjust right yeah like we see what it does yeah and it'll shoot here it's a little probably a little bit wants to jump to life a little bit easier too when it's burning up a bit higher so yeah it's a little bit more crisp like a little bit step on it yeah so yeah so 15's will slide in nice 17 shouldn't go so slight amount of drag and then it should stop on the 17. so that's gives you a good 16th hour really at the end of the day if you were to grab a 16 power feeler gauge should feel really nice okay that's so that's timing tool goes in the little hole beside the injector so you'll actually see the oil push out push out make sure there's no oil left in there so we've had all these off and apart so they're actually it's sitting higher than one quite well yeah that's quite high and we'll get that squirt a little bit of water just on the seal of the jab skull you reckon or once it starts running i'll hang the hose might just poke the hose yeah so it sort of splashes around it yep effort [Laughter] no [Music] with the detroit 471 reconditioned by adrian and back in the boat it was time to head off took quite a nice send-off from a few of the local musicians before we got too far up the coast adrian met us in newcastle and helped me install the raymarine autopilot we drove up to newcastle on the wheel which was fine but we've got a long way to go and it was so much better having this autopilot installed made life much easier and safer after replenishing our supply of exploding dinosaurs we headed all the way up the coast towards bundaberg where damien and jess from project brewpeg are we headed there to do some work on the boat but before we pulled it out damian gave me a hand aligning the raymarine radar if i go to him now do a context menu do more you could say track with camera and the camera will point straight in the whole time it's pretty cool it is pretty cool right so that's the name of the boat yeah right so basically it's the camera pointing as we go past it the camera should continue to track it so it's pulling out ais starter as well yep so it's ais plus infrared watch radar wow that's amazing it's pretty cool it's really cool yeah yeah i think that's actually a night a really nice night vision mode is yeah camera infrared camera and radar together 750 feet you'd never think that was 750 feet i would have thought they'd be like 300 to 200 yeah right so we can also go to this and then uh [Music] bring our range down a little bit [Music] right so the camera is spinning around catching it see the exhaust that's awesome yes the camera will just drag it constantly [Music] it's pretty funny to check the bearing alignment of the radar i changed to a chart view then zoomed right in and added a layer that superimposed the radar over the top of the chart okay so now we've got both of them and we are aiming pretty much at the start and one aren't we happy with that one yeah and so let's have a look it's a little so yeah so when i look down the center of the boat through here our heading line was right through the radar target right so we know that the radar's not it's perfectly aligned to the boat's heading right and i think it's really just compensating for if you're installed on its bracket just not straight yeah right really what it comes down to with the alignment confirmed we took a moment just to relax and enjoy the sunshine for a change yeah all right we're getting into the timeout there's definitely a bit of water now she's right let's go little waves never i mean that's how you do it that is pretty good that is pretty good i like four strokes they're just quieter two strokes are better say that time for a trick shot how many nautical miles nobody's like oh that was disappointing how many nautical miles have you done in your comments that's not really important i didn't even touch it last full standing trick shot off the buffer here into there all right or that one oh i parked it [Laughter] why is pool easier on a boat than on land it's more fun on a boat you don't even need alcohol to be an awesome player three two one go once we were on the stand in bundaberg next to brewpig it was time to start replacing all the rusty steel in renko so this is as open as it's going to be going back together from now on taymin's here going to give me a hand we'll just uh get this longitudinal tacked in and then i can sort of fiddle doing the ribs tomorrow all right yeah good [Music] here i weld it out quickly before the sun sets cut the second plate now not quite the same fitment i had on the first one can't all be geniuses but definitely enough to do a bit of a stitch weld and build it up and then by the time we do a double continuous weld watertight where i want to join these two plates the sponson here this one's low this one's high so it's worth putting the dog on here the wedge here because you're kind of getting them to do this which should bring them both into an equilibrium tack it out we'll be good to go you can hopefully see there it's brought them level with each other but we brought this one down a bit this one up a little bit tack that and then we're in good shape next up we cut out the hatch between the cabin and the engine bay atom cut with the plasma cutter on the cabin side and i caught all the sparks and slag using a metal fire bucket on the engine bay side all right there is the hatch plasma cut out all right there's the funnel no door aid box separate water yet may add something that comes across put the funnel on top this actually has a mounting flange to go on a surface so the door-o-box could have air coming at the front air down but it'll do for now i can always put a cover over it spin it backwards it's got a little locking screw like that so plenty of options for keeping the water out it's going to be nice to have a little bit of direct fresh air down below it's under the awning so it won't get rained down at least the hatch down to the cabin is just at your feet when you're at the wheel i always keep it closed at sea so a9 falls down there and b you do tend to sort of stand here it's a very narrow wheel house so you sort of look out have one foot on it one foot off being stainless it is a little bit slippery when it's wet so if it's wet outside and you walk in with wet feet so i'm just going to quickly put some non-slip tape on it and then we'll open it up and head down put pretty much the whole roll of tape on the hatch that'll do for now one day i may sandblast it and paint it with some sort of textured paint instead but cabins below a little ladder down the shelves we did a week or so ago put new timber around here have the hatch in with new glass and my lovely mood lighting on the detroit the last big job before painting was to fabricate and install some new handrails and some new larger cleats on the ball walks you can see how thick it is when you pull the stirrer out the drips don't even find a level again they just sit on the surface hopefully the sugarcane burn off doesn't send any ash this way sometimes bits of black ash fall when they do these burn offs because i'm about to paint it's not a good combination time to put the dark grey on no more blue [Music] the time then came to lift the engine hatch and the drawers up onto the deck so we could put the table top in place [Music] [Music] we're on the go your way we're on the [Music] yeah just need to get a little bit of room on there yeah [Music] hey hey [Music] with the last round of restorations complete all the new paint on dry new antifoul it was time to launch again and head north up to the reef and finally enjoy the fruits of all this hard labour [Music] [Music] [Music] well here it is pretty finished well it's finished as boats ever are but nice to see it all painted up and floating in some beautiful clear water finally got my second antenna up too you can see here how much more clearly you can see the shallow sections of reef when the sun's high overhead they really stick out quite clearly it was also very nice to have the ladder to get up and down that was definitely a worthwhile addition doing the metal detecting here wasn't particularly about finding things of any historical value or monetary value but it was a good chance to sort of test mucking around with some of the techniques and some of the gear this is the inside of the old front loading washing machine that i kept on board for pretty much this purpose [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] last sunset on lady musgrove off in the morning [Music] into gladstone to get uh water and food well thanks for watching sorry it's been a long time since i've done a video of now working back in i.t for a large part of the week and obviously getting home all sorts of other stuff happening as well do appreciate everyone's support though during this project i would probably say it's more of a cautionary tale than a video designed to inspire because if i'm honest it would be much better off just to buy a boat it doesn't provide videos and entertainment but financially speaking um you know doing a boat like this you end up with a boat that's not worth anywhere near as much as you put into it that's been my experience i think you're much better off buying a boat that's in much better condition to begin with i've got a video on my sort of 10 tips of things i learned doing this project so i'll put a link to that video as well but i think number one really is don't buy a cheap boat and then spend money on it save your money and buy a boat that is in reasonably good condition and i know that sounds like a bit of a cop out but there's good reason for it uh if i sold renko today for example i wouldn't be able to sell it for as much as i still even i want it you know let alone the money i've put into it and the two years i've put into it so financially it makes no sense whatsoever if you then with a person to buy that boat you would get a great deal so what i'm saying is don't be me be that guy who buys the boat from me who's already put the money in and knows you can't get that money back if you look around you will find some good boats like that i think if you start from scratch like i did renko like a boat in really bad condition i think you're better off building all right well take care and i'll catch [Music] oh you're all here eat out of the package on the floor okay daisy there you go daisy you're useless [Music] why have you started making that noise daddy
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 486,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 2lI7u6DIN5g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 16sec (5536 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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