Touring Brupeg

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hey they thanked us through here today's video is about visiting Damien Jessup in Bundaberg on their boat brew peak and just proudly sponsored by moon engine calm it's a pretty miserable morning in Sydney it's been raining nice wet day on the river so perfect day to head north and gear Sydney for those of you who don't know and wondering why I'm filming road trip on this channel project route big is another large steel trawler that's being fixed up by Damien and Jess they've been working on it for about three years now I believe so we're just gonna go up there take a look at their boat get some ideas compare notes and then drive back I'll film a little bit the journey on the way up because you know it's a chance to see a little bit of country Australia and and then we'll have a good look at the boat when we get there [Music] sunset now another I don't know 950 kilometers to go I think so probably won't get there this evening morning in wall canal gonna head off didn't get that far yesterday because I left quite late but should make a fair few you know 30 plunders today glad I didn't sleep in the truck though [Music] for a start this morning it's obviously pretty cold right or ice and one baby start no it's cold [Music] [Music] you cows feeding up along panicking buddy people that's insane no one else to go it's funny I just stopped in here at let's have a look what is it Texas takeaway when I walked dinner walked up to the counter the first thing the guy said was I haven't seen your plane at the engine bay yet so that was pretty funny sort of feel like I'm in the middle of nowhere and found a viewer [Music] I've absolutely no idea where I am now but it's really nice countryside quite relaxing to drive through oops of these cactuses propping up to cacti cactuses die I think Oh like both of it please [Music] [Applause] for those of you who don't watch Project Blue Pig on YouTube shame on you but this is de vino' just diving in chests are the owners of rupak and you guys been working on the boat three years or so I think and doing an amazing job so in this video I'm going to go around have a good look at blue peg with Damian and Jess and I'm just going to pinch all these good ideas so we're new we've got about the engine went down obviously with the boat and although we have a million bits were just yes so the boat was under water for two months and a lot of Veldman in my head rocket covers the Sun with alloy hit panels on slightly Janus islandhoppper alloy and all of them had gone pretty much every piece of aluminum on the boat if it was under water it would had practically disappeared and if it was above water it was seriously degraded like you know in and out of the toilets it was seriously degraded so the old engine there's just nothing like a sable fur was I'd have to buy another engine to be able to rebuild the first one so it wasn't worth touching so here we found a completely then you've got this one year's five grand it's a from Melbourne you know five grand for this sort of sight unseen fingers crossed hope like he was gonna work and it is a truck engine so it does have the compressor on the side here and it's got the exhaust brakes I haven't taken those off yet but it could be hated by the air compressor no other makeup outfit - thinking and I really don't know but that's what my understanding is it's a very high psi low volume gotcha yeah it's like 200 psi but what just about my airbags and yelling brakes F so comments yeah it's a comment a firefight it's an intercooled turbo 350 horsepower engine it's got a lot of talkin things from Emory it's thirteen hundred and fifty Newton meters of torque toes out step a torque evolution it doesn't have a huge rearrange its it idles at six hundred and it's tapped out of eighteen hundred says only you have taught my dreams will we have arranged but that's that's ok cuz me constant reads most the time is probably sitting at 1242 something like that and so one thing I've got to do now is I want to read you the engine mounts yep for my Detroit Diesel yeah so you have obviously the mounting rails and then you made up the yeah so that so what I can surname importance of Bay's everything that we're in the boat with original and the any of these black mounts front back I made those and I've got them slaughtered so that I could adjust the Ethernet slightly or mhm yeah yeah so we can move it forward effect inside the slide and I can twist it so and it was really I didn't realize how valuable that was you know Chuck so we don't even line the shaft you're allowed to have so if you've got a flange that say six inches across you'll have six power of unity what they'll parent sigh okay those your tolerances for it and you know isn't misalignment one gesture into the tip here they come so we've got a 12 inch flange so we can have up to 12 May twelfth our album as one of you wish to me being an injury conditioners in and saying right what would hit much you've got reasonably some of us assumed amounts via might yeah so the engine solid mounted to the boat and which is pretty standard control and both like the slicer and so we looked at solid head wheeler to rubberband see when we first did this and it was going to be about team grant your men waited to do it and my thought back about thinking about now I probably would would do rubber me out if I was doing again I probably would do rubber bands but I would build it myself yes I would because of one of the reasons why they've mounted so expensive there was four mounts in them and they have to be able to take slightly thrust yes yeah why you think about things laterally and I sort of thought well what kind of just put a vertical to stop after I build some sort of vision of me yeah so so if I was doing it again I would double myself and I'd find some sort of truck engine mount or something that's pretty beefy and do it that way and then just yeah I think if anything we said rubber coupler yeah so you have a triangles which you built yourself isn't it yeah and so how did you go about sort of figuring like choosing your muffler muffler and you know I like this sort of stuff did you it's gonna synergy yeah okay I got an eBay and I think it was the biggest muscle boy yeah yeah their paradigm and so I was told when you're sitting up yours to go one third one inch bigger than the outlay to be to vote so we're gonna we're to fight Mitch Elliot yep so theoretically seducing I'll shoot all this to tell you I didn't know that when I build people's writing I thought okay fine mentality apartment but yep so that's a finite results pretty obvious conclusion and then muffler is actually a forage straight through muscle right but I Wellman it into the financial system thinking okay it's going to give me a bit more bit prettier than I probably want and you always have stuff but I thought you know I'm not pulling it so I'm not doing it you know just cruising servicing yeah I got nothing to lose I got mufflers so yeah putting it if it doesn't work I'll take that okay thanks you know nothing if you can wrinkle that you know hey yeah so the I was concerned about noise yeah thought I thought the straight through muffler this is the only solace or in the hospital system yet and I thought the straight through Salter was not going to do anything and I was thinking Jesus but you know I come from a racing background I see everything appointments basically straight through me into a pipe yeah it's gonna be on my bloody aircraft but it honestly 95 CNN the noise is the engine and it you can stand beside these also you can have the killer 88 that's something I'm actually really starting to realize in doing my the weddings or strikes was comparison and also people don't have any exhaust but as you say 95 GM is direct mechanical noise from the engine inside the actual engine bay yeah yeah you really huge honestly don't even fact like you could go with them after and you probably didn't notice oh yeah always on the exhaust there is none yeah we tried to record the Egypt noise from the muffler here via remote microphone right inside and never picked anything up gotta get this is where you've got your wonderful multiple hot-swap yeah filtering system which anything enough to do upgrades with some stage so Damien's got his fuel filters set up in parallel so you can switch themself a block you can switch open another one close the other one clean them y'all talking on the way which is a great system and people often under after why we've got one filter after the next you know surely ii thought that's not doing anything but they're actually staying in size to the first filter is 10 micron the second filter is 2 micron so they're progressively getting smaller as the as the fuel goes through is closer and then you have a scroll and focus on the engine just here which i think is about ten white prop something like that anyway so very legally that should never be doing anything here everything should be dug down the back because these are easily serviceable filters whereas this one it's you know you screw on or a place so they were bit of a pain here to keep stop all those for a team to keep the oh sure yeah these are the inspection hatches to two of Damien's fuel tanks so similar actually similar sized hatches to my fuel tanks but so much room I'm jealous Damien it's my true to walk around the engine bay and up here is top of the rudder post in the steering year so it's got two rims basically just to give it more force on that rudder right okay so I think these have been running we'll have a look at the size of the rider on the top when we go down the bottom it's huge so you installed all these sensors yes so these this is our water temp up here we've got two got one up in the engine and then one down on the bottom of the keel cooling because we can see how efficient air system is that they're all the readout gauges as well this is an exhaust probe that we put in for egt exhaust gas team so this is really important for us because we run the boat on waste cooking oil and we need to know exactly load the engines under and this in also in the engine exhaust Tim really gives us an idea of that so having this probe tells us what's that of loads the motors under because if we start to under load the motor so when we don't have enough you know strain on the engine etc we actually have to switch back to diesel because I can cause damage by using the vidual so this is a really critical gauge for us and we do have Spears at this one so that you know if anything does happen we can swap it out really quickly so that we never put the motor at risk it's interesting get a lot to learn about running on busy or showed up at my car yeah yeah no worries so Damian I'll go do my electrics next it's my big challenge so show me what you got so this this is their main starting battery we will be putting a second one in but for now it's just a single top of 200m power battery we use readout from all of our gauges so when we power up you can sort of see the gauges doing their thing one of the things I really like about these gauges in particular so if you look at the Volt cage if the voltage drops whatever reason I will do that so let you know what what gauges having a fault and it'll also be so you can set it here put the fuse back in you can see jump back up yeah very nice gauges got gauge envy now be pretty cool so now I'm pretty stayed with those so yes so that's all about our sort of engine room controls and then around this side you can sort of see we've got you know we've blue sea so there's a blue sea box we use these just because they're so easy to wire up with your negatives at the top and you fuse positives at the bottom so you got your 12 volt feed down here and then you come up negative up the top and then we just shuffle over our gauge in as well our gauges are handy for so many things yeah people recommend running their mark on your bilge pump so you just know how long it's been running for just wherever you got power you can just start measuring yes pretty cool in here just don't leave the key on I've realised because yes so yeah yeah so it's pretty simple all the way wall wiring and everything is contained behind here the only thing I would suggest is make sure you get yourself some decent resin infused heat shrink connectors because this this is an area of the boat that's open to atmosphere so yeah we've got four engine bits that come into this room so there's nothing to stop a year coming into covering India so yeah we always sort of consider this room to be exterior and that way if we think of it that way we've water oh yeah we were accordingly and paint accordingly and you know a way to think about it just a mindset of like that yeah and so you were showing me before the readout gauges are actually digital and yesterday over here so we haven't finished this moment yet but this little box thing so this little box here we've basically got one like copper conductors coming down into this box and then this is this converts the feed from the boats gauge it would fit before the boost gauge and the exhaust gas team so if you ever look under the you see a little green plug just down the back there that's the food for the egt games the exhaust gas team and this black line here is a just a rubber pipe that's a boost gauge pipe so they don't have a negative or a positive pressure comes into this box and converts it into digital and then heads off from there up to the gauges you guys do it'll run after that yeah and one thing was really awesome is because we're running two gauges off a single sender read up with fantastic in terms of what tech support actually helped us understand how to do that that's something that I really like about it was you know if you buy a gauge just off the shelf at a car shop or something and you don't really know much about it and you've got you and you want to do something weird with it like extend the wiring loom or add additional gauges or whatever it may be it's a bit hard to understand how to do it but these guys because they design the gauge they know exactly the implications so it was it was brilliant being able to for them and figure out how to deal with it nice so and then once you come from your fuse box here Sao Paulo Paulo basic legal is there's promise patriots that it comes down through our payment rates here and then through our conduit flexi conduit going forward yeah and we use pull it out so you can so you can sort of see there's two cables a gray and a white that gray the ground gray one is an eighteen conductor can conduit and then the white one over the backs just there positive and negative so that allows us to keep a lot of a lot of cabling very very tidy in sort of signatu cable probably easier to see there so this one here has 18 1 millimeter conductors inside it and then when they come out they split out into these boxes so these are connector panels these are a resin and fused heat shrink terminals these things are brilliant that they're one of the best things you can put on a boat that's the alternative is a non heat shrink jobbing and the only reason we've used these is because it couldn't get heat shrink ones for that size so when you do it if you heat shrink you crimp it all up and then fill the end up with liquid electrical tape and you shouldn't have any drummers with corrosion around there and then this all heads up through here to your wheelhouse yes so from from this box we've got a three inch stainless mandrel bent exhaust pipe that we welded in to basically take all the piping up into the wheelhouse we use stainless rather than like plastic or anything like there is because if this room floods we don't want any any possibility that this can break and then let water into the room next door so everything's double continuous welded this is welded around here double continuous around here this will have a waterproof front on it we've got you know waterproof Glens for the cabling so yeah there's basically this this room theoretically should be able to fill up and wish and we won't theory we have water go into the next or in the next round nice while we this is the old freezer room that Damien is going to convert two more accommodation and on whatever tree bloody or something put their foot mansburg yes yeah they are quite comfortable yeah a lot of companies sell just bolt on yeah you know I was gonna make a mount that goes on their wall and then also maybe a drop-down stainless thing from here depending on the mode you're in when you when you get in you can kind of put your foot and then hook yourself up like you're getting in yeah yeah yeah sorry we're just getting comfy and fitness wheel has chairs are we pressed so don't you see you got these from super cheap yeah these these races were just basically on special I sort of - or yeah yeah yeah then like everything you look at the price of marine stuff yeah like through the roof I wanted to UM I did want to have something with armrests yep and anyway this is actually quite a nice to see you I built that that high on purpose so yeah I'm gonna in here I'm gonna put another table this is now the way yeah I mean on this side of this one I'll do so both of them will have yeah other citrus oh yeah but useful ones rather than yeah so this'll be a little tank wall with cupholders and things and we can look it up and it storage holds then after my yeah so this isn't your wheelhouse this is a bridge yeah it's quite a good view round so oh and having windows yes and there's 15 windows around you know so it's kinda like being in an airport control carry it is yeah yeah view everywhere so um the only I suppose the only negative that in terms of vision up here is that because we've got the big rear roof so the re-roofs eight and a half meters by 5 meters yeah and because we've got that we literally can't see down the sides of the boat right ok see I can't see the quarters now that right where they can take over the back of the boat right so the plane for that is just camera cameras yeah why not on the solids that we'll have through if we're gonna have to facing forward into facing bet so we got a seat right down both sigh elbow and then we'll also have one right on the rear roof looking back so I can see pretty much the transom and then every year now it's yeah because you have enough cameras that you just drive wearing VR goggles yeah and one of the things so ruby has a huge amount of tech on it and it will get more and more as we go when we go into the ice we have to be able to look for ice floes so so groupings design is to basically go into the Antarctic and through the Northwest Passage so that's why everything around the boat is built for and one of the one of the things that we need particularly in the Northwest Passage more so than then Antarctic is we need to be able to look for ice floes where we've got you might have CEOs just sheets of ice they might be a crack and and that's what we need to be able to push through that crack to to go forward but if it stops and a hundred metres and we can't see that will be just shunting straight into ice and not be able to go so we have to know if there's a long ice lead so for us we're going to be putting a floor camera and free memory there the top of the radar mast looking forward so that we can actually see that the real definition of ice and actually see and write with the infra area you get a sense of the gap yeah good idea so there's that that site as well but also drones so for us drones are really important to be able to get us you know sort of 200-300 meters or so and then actually get a real good visual as to where where the ice is sitting and what sort of the bays we need to go on and you know because sometimes you might be traveling down a fjord and one side is jam-packed and other side there's a very narrow lead up the shore or something so we needed to you get high enough you can't see it yeah yeah it's funny I was talking to Damian saying how the Raymarine sat never putting in is compatible with certain drones so you can get your drone footage on the Sat Nav and you can send the drone to a waypoint and how it's you know good for like spotting tuna and fish and all this kind of stuff and I was like no I need to squat yes in the eye yeah yeah yes to different destinations yeah yeah yeah so this obviously is all pretty new like it looks brand new it's something new yeah like yeah it was just gutted and this when we bought at this this was just a rusty room there was 13 windows in it women bought it probably six of them had rusted out on the bottoms of the cells they actually they had the symbols of your boat they had the rubber yeah we called the around ago yeah and they'd been leaking yeah and they put about 15 tubes of but they just encapsulated seawater and it rusted through the steel so we had to chop the bottoms of the windows often replace them all right and also because similarly because this had been underwater the original sets mil windows had an element you bury frames and there's frames and all corroded so pretty much every window in one way or another was buggered we needed that they didn't either pull it out the folks rust and replace the seals or we needed to you know get new framing cetera so that was the reason why we decided to just knock the whole on out and reap on them already do it yeah yeah no it looks awesome now so I guess all that aluminum on the boat was some actors nectar and oh oh your anti-aids are all intact weren't they yes interesting anodes are intact because the windows weren't yeah right yeah yeah so they went for so the aluminium went before the zinc yeah engine and windows went before the anodes yeah all right so we have a look at your - yeah so you're going a PC setup so you got two computer screens yeah and that's to give you redundancy mostly yeah so basically its cost so um I would rather spend less on the PCs themselves and more on the navigation system young rather than head like a proprietary multifunction unit or something like there where I've kind of locked into a system and I'm locked into these screens and sure yeah yeah so you can have so you could be running see map did you say yes will you see map and then all of that radar gear and everything will be compatible with PC as well so we can overlay a OES radar navigation seem epic cetera yeah everything on it and then you can have so you'll have redundancy and there's two pcs but you'll be able to use them together like one screens see that one screens you know radar whatever oh yeah yeah and if one goes down you can see everything on either screen yes I'm not a hundred essential sit up I don't know a lot about this sort of stuff here but the plane is with everything on Group E we have to have a minimum to two layers of redundancy so if something dies we have to have a backup system none of that is set in stone because we're not a boat that's in survey but it's just the more the fact we don't want to die so yeah we go if we have if we have two systems we've got more chance of getting back so the plane is basically two redundant hard drives running like two independent pcs and then yeah we'll have our two screens the screens are pretty robust they don't really enough one dies we can easily make it back without without a screen but yeah so that'll be they'll be hooked out the PCs will probably be under the seats over here in the middle somewhere so that we can do what everyone need to do to it yeah and then everything else is motor mean most of the stuff on this boat is custom-built and and it's not because we want to do that it's just because either you you either come why half the stuff we need or if you came by it it's it's astronomically expensive if you know like we looked at electronic throttle for this and it was $9,000 and so for us that's just it's just not possible to do that you know so we had to come up with a solution to that and it was build our own I was quite impressed with your design yeah have you got a video on that one no I haven't yet I haven't it's something that I'm definitely gonna be doing soon so um yeah engine used engine and gearbox used to be Morse controlled and we've got too many curves and bends and it's too far to the engine so we have to make it ellic try so rather than spend a lot of money for an off-the-shelf proprietary thing that has no redundancy built in for a less than 500 bucks we built our own conversion and it's some that has multiple independent power supplies multiple throttle position sensors multiple servos down at the engineer and every single thing is not a dependent system self one any one part of it brakes there's automatically a second system that is up and running to keep it keep us all functional it's nice yeah so it's a pretty cool system I'm pretty tough with it you know it's sceptical then you describe it to me in the car yesterday I'm like all right I'm sold yeah yeah we're not first started doing it I was like this is built at a radio-controlled car parts come on who's gonna believe me yeah yeah so this is our instrument pedal which it's nowhere near finished yet but we've got readout gauges here engine rpm and this is our depth and speed we're gonna add a few more we've got runner position there'll be oil pressure going in here as well as oil pressure for the engine and all pressure for the gearbox as well as temperature for the oil as well so there's quite a few more gauges that we need to start stacking in but the plan is with brew Pig is to keep this dish as clear as possible so that we no switches there we know anything on this - it's literally just going to be a flat bench and then above the seats we spin around so you got your two seats here and then on the roof we're going to be having all that nice a bit like a plane so yeah the goal is when you're sitting in the driver's seat here in the helm you can reach anything you can turn all your nerve lights on and off you can switch between Raiders you can flick between system one and system two on the throttle on the gearbox or you know everything is controlled from here which is nice typically given your own autopilot most of the time when you get cruising you don't need to actually reach the wheel you don't reach everything else and and one of the other things is we didn't set the seat up to be real comfortable to steer we set the seat up to be really comfortable to have a great view you you and then if you're in a marine or something and you actually need to be concentrating and steering me you just stand like today Nick steer wheel you got your throttle right beside you because a lot of time you're ducking from your port starboard windows ducking out yeah yeah yeah yeah you don't be seated so yeah so we kind of realized early on that it was it's not it's not like a car where you're sitting in the chair to drive yeah you're very much sitting in the chair to get a view and then if you want to drive you you're up standing here concentrating and yet it's on ya know that makes a lot of sense and I really like the idea of the you know which is yeah definitely and it also clears up the wheelhouse as well like yeah you know if you if you get in a circuit well we do I put all my switches and you start running into real estate real fast on a day you don't have a lot of room to work with you know even even in a boat this big we've only got a little panel you know to work with so it's it's difficult to try and get everything in you might have 50 switches you know yeah um so yeah so up here we can just keep extending you know there's there's no real limitation yes Damien's under the floor the wheelhouse now and the electrical panel here is very similar to the first panel I'll be putting in and I'd get back to my boat so it's pretty it's pretty simple we've got our batteries over here we've got four to 12 volt 200m power batteries so they're hooked up is essentially to 24 volt banks so all that we've got 24 volt 400m power or 200 m power usable because these are a GM's all the power flows in through this book feet here and goes down through 125 mm fuse and the power actually splits off into this terminal in this terminal which are linked so we got 24 in here 24 in there when we put our inverter and we'll run a separate fuse in here which will be maybe like a I don't know three four five hundred and fuse depending on what the inverter needs and then so all of our 24 volt load for the boat goes through this 125 amp fuse and the inverter will come off here our main power feed basically runs up into a main on/off switch which we can then and then our positive even though this is a black cable ignore that that's just heat shrink this is a positive cable that comes down to a positive busbar that we can in start taking 24 volt load off we have our solar so this is our on/off switch for our solar and our for Vectron charge controllers so these these vector ons I've been absolutely stoked with these these have been absolutely brilliant the way that they they work they're structured so that we have eight solar panels so two panels per and vector on the reason we've done that is so that we have the highest efficiency system for shading so if one panel is shaded we don't lose much efficiency because it's just one charge controller that's affected the flip side is we also have massive redundancy so it's very very difficult for us to lose our solar charge ability because if a controller dies we've only lost 25 percent of our controllers for panel dies we've only lost again 25 percent of our solar and we can always start Ridgid rewiring panels if we really desperately need to so these all feed down into a single positive buffer which then that positive is comes up into our solar on/off switch into our main on/off switch and then from the into into our positive buffer the reason we've got to sit up like this is it means if we turn this one switch off everything goes off so no solar no anything so the entire boat can be isolated with one switch and also likewise we can isolate all of our solar with this one switch but still maintain battery power so it's gives us a bit of flexibility into how we can troubleshoot and how we can sort of isolate things on the boat later on everything then feeds through so from 24 volts here we go down into a logo a golf cart 12 volt 2/3 24 volt to 12 volt DC DC converter and this has a maximum capacity of 30 amps so they're 30 amps comes up into a blue seas box and that feeds everything DC on the boat so everything that we're running DC is pretty much low stuff it's it's lights USB charge ports there's nothing that's really quite draw so one 30 amp controller is more than enough to do everything that we need from the earth they basically hit off and go to various things so we've got lights and freezer room we've got all of the lighting up in the front of the boat engine room lounge etc we also have another one that we haven't hooked up yet which is a six twenty four to six volt 10 amp converter and this is for all of our throttle systems so this is one of the independent power supplies for our throttle system so there will be another one sitting right beside and then these two will hit off three fuses and up to our our system up at the top so that we can start to set up our throttle so that's coming up in a video shortly right yeah I'm looking forward to your throttle lat yeah and your video this week's on your solar setup yeah so this week we're basically showing so we've got two solar videos out so the first one is is house it sorry it's not how to see this board up it's how to see the panel's up habit all the wiring and make sure that side of it spot-on and then the second side is how to do this board how to make sure that your charge controllers are working how to set up all of your wiring diffusers your switches that sort of thing I've done quite a few both solar systems now and I'm not trained or qualified in it it's just trial and error what works and what doesn't and it's that's real practical yeah sort of trial by error stuff in in what what really works I've tried a stack out there from pen in different charge controllers and and things like that and I have to say the first thing that we've got now is hands down probably the most effective system that I've ever created and it's a it's a brilliant system I can't find it I can't fault it I can't find anything to fault on it at the moment you'll get that video up before I have to do my and wide sure hope so okay perfect amazing perfect so they all of the charge controller cabling basically runs up through these flexi conduits and then we've got solid conduit that runs all the way down through the lounge wall saloon and then basically up along here and then we've got household DC breakers in here so these are just placeholders at the moment we're yet to put the proper breakers and but we can flick those and turn the solar panels off so this is just the positives coming in being fused and then positives going out through these breakers and it's just a way for us to be able to control the panel so if we want to isolate the panels we can turn them off here the controllers are still running if we want to turn the controllers off we can flick that main switch in the electrics box and then the the entire renewable system is isolated that switch also does our wind turbines as well so when we hook the wind turbines up they'll be feeding through that main switch as well so we can kill all renewables with that switch yeah and then from there they basically run through through this bulkhead to a sealed box through a couple of cable Glens and up onto a box that we have on the roof and this box is just a small box sort of glued onto the roof there and the panel mounts over top so the box is protected from anything hitting it above it doesn't really get any rain on it because the the panel right above it and then all of the wiring and everything from via splits out to all of the different pin so these are yourselves yes so we've got we got about 1.9 kilowatts of solar up here there's seven petals to form eight and that's because one panel got flung off and eighty knots of wind and landed 250 meters away in about 90 pieces so here we're trying to track down and Russ might be replacement the same size but yeah the cells are pretty set up so they set up in pairs so we've got as I say we've got seven cells we've got three piers of two so one here one here and then these two here and then there's going to be another two down the back and the reason we've done that is for shading so for example the exhaust here they're shading their panel right there so these two here are going to be lower efficiency so the reason we have them isolated is because these won't be getting affected at all by the exhaust those ones are so if we had them all hooked up in series every panel would be getting affected because of that one shading spot it's interesting to think of that like the fact that if they're in series that one cell down really affects your whole array then yeah so it's really important particularly on boats one of us one of the best things that I could suggest about is if you're setting up the solar system is try and have an individual panels as opposed to plugging them all together and having one big long string particularly on yachts where you have like masts and booms and a lots of shading teacher dry exhaust yep that's a nice car so quiet yeah right yeah so this is Damien's anchor winch which is hydraulic think your last video wasn't it I'm getting this all yeah hydraulics plumbed in yeah and a lot of people have said for me maybe I should consider going hydraulic for the winch and I can really see the advantages of it I did look it up and there's pto hydraulic winch you can get for the detroit diesels i think they're about 1,500 us plus an adapter plate but the ability then to run maybe some salvage gear on the back deck run your anchor winch of the front it's actually pretty tempting and this is just your up down control damien and you're still working on our punching mechanism for here you're gonna make yourself but yeah so the country making it was just basically a bulk with a big flat plate and that acts like a brake and games up against that deputy there yep nice this is something else I've got a look at because at the moment my bow roller was actually right on top of the bog so whether I cut through and have a bit more salt water coming on the boat or whether I have it still angled up is yet to be decided yeah I've got a few photos of designs where it does actually go right over the top because I've got less free board than you so I think I'll actually get a lot of yeah water through if I do this but it is interesting to see how this done on this boat because it's definitely a design I can copy if you've got decent scuppers I don't think you need to be too concerned about water severe rushing yeah yeah work boats are generally pretty wet that's it so when Damien was talking about being okay having you know water coming over the bow because you've got your scuppers I actually currently don't have anything to deflect the water out these forward scuppers so it would literally water would roll all the way to the aft deck for me so that's something worth thinking about even if it was half as high even for me just just something that hopefully people don't trip over but just to have that water going straight overboard because there's not a lot of room between the outside of the cabin here in the bowl work outside that needs make this really cool hinge so door open and then swing this way there's nowhere near enough room to have a full swinging door and Dan was saying that you know the sliding doors often leak so we found up this route cool inge the door is still going to be this is a mock-up door making an aluminium frame on to it'll be an element your door frame with hello dogs and stainless yes stainless latch isn't even there not with such a great mechanism for having that limited space that's very cool I'm impressed I haven't done anything with my hatch since I first cut it out it's still just a single piece of steel a lot of people were saying cut it in half is too big and I think I will Damien's got a bifold sore and I fold sorry just a you know a split door here and he's made his own hinges on it so it goes flush against the outside the hinges here just this sort of teardrop or a foil the most type shape Damien made them himself I'm gonna copy his design so I'm too lazy to think myself and I'm even too lazy to make them so I think you're drawing them up and seeing if I can just get them laser-cut but they just work really well so I think I'm gonna cut my my door in half and have these hinges so I can hold me outside on both sides all right we've had a good look inside the boat with Damon now we're gonna have a look at the outside with Jess so crash bulky yeah damn not wanna go actually cut the floor out inside and we thought it was okay but it's um yeah when we close up these and it's a few pinholes open up against one of the jaws before we go in the water yeah and so you're crushed bulkhead comes to this where's your welt one you've got a bulkhead down this way is it oh that's right it's right on this lot pretty much on there yeah yeah and then it's purely just to absorb damage without yeah so we can rupture the hull with a direct frontal impact and the boat still is completely intact yeah and there's a pipe that you can actually open from the covered in yeah right so minute and no water comes out yeah yeah that's a nice sir yeah really good and your anodes are current I was actually gonna weld my anodes on as well let's change the you know change em yeah yeah we'd really like to assist with what probably won't have time before we go in the water that's right but when we haul out a New Zealand yeah gotcha yeah it's a big job day yes granny more like 16 yeah right and you were saying this that there's a radius they do like a meter and a half or something so you're right yeah so meter and a half and as long as you got so as long as they're more than three make less than three meters apart yeah I've never heard that I'd heard a certain and volume but it's interesting to hear their radius to get information but I really thrown in talks about the guys and I love to outsource thank you yeah excellent work and the thing I fell in love with this with the boat yes good bail alone yes it's interesting isn't it yeah it's not really big and wide it's quite it cuts through waves really well but it's yes and it's interesting like the way you see ships with their bulbus bow to get I think they get the the waves out of phase to cancel each other out it's actually got that almost like a hint of that starting ship bow as well yeah yeah and you guys add herbs yeah the reinforcing for the anti-gay yeah yeah there's some jobs that are really fun and it was one of them yup hi and yeah lots of welding at this great fun to be taller than my boat that's for sure yeah I'm not good with Heights it either sir yeah yeah you being on the Hudson you really get to the heights it's yeah and mines actually sitting very low so working on the keels a real look on your back so the right side yeah the sandblaster can guard could you could have got a really low for me what happens when you do it yourself yeah so these patches what was the story behind these yes it's the UM video we all right George thanks yeah but it can ultimately it can go to be thoughtfully yeah but the idea is that we've got we've got two tanks at the front here that's vigil oil storage the next to water yep yep and the two at the back of diesel and a diesel tank and the engine bay as well oh that's a good separation engines well we go to the to the to the ice I don't think I have that the water tents I think we have them is diesel right well we need it yes not raised Leon yeah right okay yeah and did you cut these open yeah yeah and that was just to get in and do the time yeah yeah right so no inspection hatches you can fit through for these tanks no right well you can actually but we needed to get really good actually because we only did quite a bit of work on you blasted in there did you yeah yeah that was fun yeah everything taking dancers blast to be metal yeah yeah welded up ready to go that's always a nice moment yeah when they cut it out you know yeah popped really loud yeah all right and of course when they pass always I'm a bit of tension yeah going back in it was really tough to there's a lot of things in there too I think I watch the video with your dogs in your ladies and then this is the start of your kilcullen yeah so this is another difference with our two both and that I currently have a heat exchanger and they me ingests have keel cooling so fresh cooling water from the engine just gets popped straight through all these pipes and then they act as the radiator in the seawater which is a pretty bulletproof no salt water no openings yeah pull out for the ice yeah so great in the tropics and the reef but you'd be worried when ice is running down the side of the boat yes so we have three systems on this so this is this is generator yep okay so separate circuit of the sequences have generator further down the back we've got gearbox locally yep and then on the other side of the boat we've got stack load upon its main engine pulling so the gearbox oil goes is it a heat exchanger gearbox water water yes sorry sorry I'm sorry generator water yeah yeah and gearbox oil so the oil actually goes through the pipes and oil oil called yeah yeah yeah yeah right so rather than a freshwater heat exchanger for the oil yeah originally the gearbox comes with a fresh like an engine coolant fresh water yep but yeah I mean you've got fun middle and it's easy to corrode you've got air pumps and all that sort of stuff but with this system there's there's no pumps there's nothing there's nothing to corrode it's that wall succe Melanie yeah really thick wall yeah you can lately you kept like this and weed and it'll still call these do cool it's almost impossible to break it I am I've got water in my gearbox oil yeah and I'm actually thinking it's potentially a hole in the heat exchanger right for the gearbox oil yeah it's almost tempting just to run those pipes through the hole or serve the law and just do a single like keel cooling for the yeah Hugh box all just obviously top the oil level up to match yeah over the capacitor cycles yeah it's such a simple system here bulletproof like um I don't know of any I can't think of any commercial boats I can think of one commercial mode out of dozens they've um we'd exhaust everyone yeah everything's got pure rolling yeah yeah everything is basically a keel kozlov yeah yeah no these very tempting I guess I always sort of had a a feeling that it was exposed and vulnerable in some way but when you're saying six mil thick steel and well there's it's like this skims so you've got your bearing to put and content repeat son she laid over on the side and these took the entire weight the weight of the boat yeah so the other thing is as a diver like often I go on dives and they'll hang decompression tanks from the bottom of the boat right actually gives you place into even even when you're doing a decompression type starting to hold on so you know look I've actually thought about putting some railings all right about the diving yeah right so why don't have those railings also be yeah you're cooling you know I've seen a few different ways of doing careful Isabella I'm literally seeing heels being used as called yeah Bill's a yacht it was out here a while okay we're going ahead actually hit three kills it I've made a long thank you and your head to sort of build skills yeah yeah yeah and they were hollow full of water well what are they actual calling so they serve two doses once again that's pretty cool so that's something definitely to think about yeah now this reminds me yes tell me about oh god I love this oh my gosh it's taking a while to figure it out yeah but yeah they're planners you hate that motor on diesel right gotta get to temperature yeah and once it's in position spits out of it and we do expect it we are you're not okay it's just veggie oil so it's giving dried out is you're getting purified it's going through a filter so getting the water out of the oil yeah yep I mean it's yeah I think well and we missed or some like in debunk stuff through the day yeah yeah so that's about all that so that the process is basically raw veggie oil comes in from a certain chip shop or something like that we put biocide in it neutralize anything that's in there kill any bugs in what sort of stuff then we put it through a vacuum think that dries it so the because we pull a vacuum on it the water steams out of it it can't physically stay in suspension and we try hey yeah we try to hit you they work so well because we've got to have it on board it do it while you're going yet yeah there's no point having a onshore facility and then going right well that's gone now what yeah yeah so yeah so we put it through a vacuum tank that then takes the water out of the oil and then from there we push it through with compressed air we push it through a one micron filter right and so that's in the vacuum tank gets pulled through a 10 micron filter yep and then delivers content sorry verses spiced enough yeah yeah so yeah through he's like going to 11 it's one louder yes it's three down to a 1 micron poker at that at the end of it and they say G gets pumped into the diesel thing yeah and then when you go to use the oil you've got to heat it up to 76 degrees Celsius or more and then push it into your engine just there's normal fuel at that stage and then that's all the way so you heats like a start and then but you have to heat your pipes and everything don't you yeah yeah oh and when you did your tanks you coated them because of the veggie oil as well tella paint yeah right so it's a little bit of prep to get it it's not it's not necessarily an easy thing yeah yeah yeah when you come to Sydney all right a lot is in you use more than a lot because of you know we're we going right just the distances yeah those two do you burn per litre similar comparable to diesel all right it's there's a four percent difference in energy content so you're gonna talk us anymore yeah yeah saying yeah for something that's ninety percent cheaper exactly yeah yeah exactly yeah yeah that's a thing when you come to Sydney my stepson runs a fishing believe it's an experiment yes not completed track motors that have converted to life in Germany it's really it's really sustained across for all okay yes it's not that unusual but it is for both right okay so it's an experiment and yes we have a go destroy a motor but we further its with the shots but it sounds like you've done your homework yeah between the heating and Damien we talked earlier in the engine bay about some making sure the motors the loads not too light on them the engine so this your diesel is this you have any vigil you don't yeah yeah it's some Italy gone off so we're not going to use it okay actually met the oil going off flow so you have to use it within a certain time if you bring it on board and treat it if you'd make it to such you know yeah you've definitely got to burn it yeah and my favorite touches on like a steel tank yep its oxidizing which is why you did the coating yeah yeah so to make it last but yeah it doesn't last forever you can't you can keep it but you've got to be very specific about what you do to it so you got to have it in basically no UV there's got to be cold it's kind of like think about olive oil and a bottle and mike epps regenerating at all and just how do you stop it from going gross you give them the fridge and you put it in a dark room yeah yeah cool pantry yeah yeah well at least your tanks no UV and being in contact with the sea water it's yeah to some degree yeah yeah and just and just a second extracts and some we won't be using v2 oil down no Antarctica yeah yeah so we'll use that as far down as we can go for the with us yeah it's right okay so um basically soap is added to stop the Sun from waxing right so so we get low sulfur diesel cuz we're in a hot climate yes and they don't want the smell yeah itself is crap for the environment yeah and but down there you need - aqua diesel because your fuel will turn solid video yeah I remember when I was doing one of my marine courses for something there was a guy who was in the Merchant Navy and he'd talk about times they'd get the oxy torch and just run it along the fuel lines to get the diesel to be liquid again where she was probably Bunker oil yeah in the tankers it was just it's such a thick oil anyway there we go solid yeah and they literally had to melt it all first why the motors I'm gonna get it going it's a whole new way of thinking about engines for me yes it's all about how liquid that yeah yeah yeah I think about really differently now yeah yeah you just don't think it's getting your job to turn the key yeah yeah yeah let's go and deal is you know kind of toughest yeah it's it's yeah yeah all right so let's go around the back [Music] what's the back bit cold again rebound River that's it yeah [Music] that's a problem so what's going on here business is happening another thing I loved about the boat don't know miss thing is it's amazing so the nozzles done nice Cruiser boats take it off but we're good and why do they take it off just because it's great right so just I see yeah we want a particular value price the spinny Bell the pointy bound yeah so protection and but also get extra better talk at that you know when we knew it like the white folks want me I'm pushing through I say you're protecting it and giving you this rust you know yeah well we've all be out of pushed oh we will be out of plush toys yes yeah yeah yeah we can it sounds wrong but we can push growling this is a family friendly show yes we hold it onto that and at the moment we've got that we're redoing a rudder shaft right yeah I've just got my new one made up and quite excited for you saying this one yeah yeah I can't wait oh that's right and you had the alignment thinking that's right yeah was out of alignment yeah yes he just burning through bearings right very well did you figure that out that was really good I was a good catch then yeah yeah I'm glad we took it off and I loved it yeah right yeah and so you just putting this back on like yeah just give me you're making a new one made up you didn't you I made up on you I'll get that one machine machine just skimmed a little bit there's only there's only about 40 pair we're on it so I'll just skip sucks teeth away and get another oversized bearing matron Yeah right yeah and I wanted to put wings on two on the rudder itself oh oh you try and get some steering this is what you adage yeah yes so you brought a blade itself and then we added these wings so you can sort of see it to the rudder is sitting basically honors on the back of the back edge of the rudder but these wings here will go horizontal and it helpful actually lift the rudder on and off with a four clip so there's a big one at the bottom and a good one at the top and what they do is the top ones allow us to put the rudder easily on and off with a forklift but they when we've got the rudder turned 45 degrees or whatever it may be you don't get tip vortex so it means the the flow of water doesn't try and rush underneath that rudder it hits the wing and then gets directed to the back of the boat rather than you know underneath the rudder where you lose some of that efficiency so it gives you a lot more load low speeds dear I've got to say on a lot of these things I look at and I go I should add that but I'm really tempted to go a year without these things a year without the nozzle you without it without the wings so they've got some sense of the difference it makes otherwise I probably because I've only driven the boat really two days before it went on the hardest and not long at all so I don't really have a memory of how well it turned and how much thrust there was so be great to live for a little while and then do some of these upgrades on a subsequent pull out and then and then just see how much difference it makes you may not even need it no but I've interesting to see an interesting experiment yeah most private rollers don't use nozzles yes if they do have them they normally take them off because it takes a lot it adds up just to feel burnt right okay fair enough but maybe the wings on the rudder would be interesting definitely the wings they add no resistance really yeah and yeah they basically give you low downs because this does is a handful to do tight maneuvering yeah sure it's amazing I didn't realize how little clearance you had between the prop and the nozzle too yeah we have no time you wanted to tie the spot so in this case there's only like maybe four mil yeah between the tip and that's that you know theoretically should be all the way around so it takes a weaver to work to build one of these models you go to be incredibly precise you roll it and be really precise with you know where that blade is sitting we have been the one with a Shack built through here yeah we've it hard to see bit but just in here the tip the leading edge of this blade tip is curved forward slightly because a shark went through got cut in half still the engine and being the prop so enjoyed the shot came out well it's not like a jellyfish you have with two sharks so we're actually gonna put and the ice we're gonna put bars on the front of the nose on the front of the nozzle you kill you alright going that way that makes any smell coming yeah yeah yeah save them burn up any penguins yeah in the muck yeah that's interesting yeah of course I just keeping that angle for it everything just in your flesh mm-hmm that makes sense and I've got to say you know once again if something comes from other kind of diving sintra a lot of dive boats will have a cage around the prop so the divers down yeah you know hit them yeah normally were divers in the water props off but you know it never hurts to have that easy enough to yeah yeah I like it I do you do yeah because you know the dive pet boys gonna be just at the back yes yes I suppose occasionally the motor you're doing a board off the back yeah and I so I'm definitely gonna do it took so tell them definitely getting rid of the weddings all of us - yeah I'm thinking yeah the only thing I don't have the moment is a door in there in the transfer in the back at the moment thinking about it I also have visions of the back being a storage work area thing but I think that's I think it's too big a compromise to lose that mmm stern access Nietzsche you swim board exactly yeah so are you gonna do a timber one or I think that's probably aluminium right okay oh I can really hurt you in it because that's it you know you can go for a dive on a nice day some of the swell picks up and getting on a boat the bit of swells a challenge I'm not sure yeah I think so the elements obviously not heavy no it's more just rounded corners is it everything surrounded here yes I mean I would have thought LF you really mean you repeat lessons in timber like a hardwoods I think would be have more weight to it yeah maybe so as long as it didn't have sharp edges so he could be yeah I like the idea of any minimum I think it's been a lift work to maintain it yeah yeah yeah totally which I'm all for yellow maintenance in this is this is my near future my wonderful new hull paint yeah yeah I realized I was telling Damien before I left I'd put one of those disks in my hull the metal disks I made and I realized I only welded the outside of one of them so now I'm gonna have to go and weld the inside and burn all my wonderful and he fell and everything off in one spot so yeah tÊa's before bedtime although jess was saying that she spoke to someone at the boat yard and said painting a boat and then cutting grinding welding is just a normal part of it don't sweat it yeah it happens all the time even to the commercial guys so we'll live one of Damien's inventions like I'm hard and I can't walk very well and um we love we used to love going for walks in the morning with the dog and they said let's just do it and because we're gonna be going some pretty interesting places he wants me to be my well enough to go with him so this could be mish pulling Damien pushing maybe yeah it's right to be oh it's easy easy pushing and day mr. young months when he he walked me and it's easy enough to push and running so you and we must get tidy big wheels that we leave at about five psi so it's awesome on sand it doesn't sink into the sand and stuff you can drive over anything yeah that's three inches wide so they're really fair so this is the prototype the the test run but it's working pretty well it's good then we'll sort of fine-tune as we go along and I said today I said oh it doesn't have flames down the side is it yet what you're thinking of putting the motor on this thing on you yeah I was thinking of going ridiculous and putting two three kilowatt hub motors into it so that it so that we can get to Luna Krispies yeah we could do really for you wouldn't I think you were saying really bars yeah I think I think they're not doing wheelies is the thing you try to a chain doing wheelies I think is standard yeah it's how can we obtain non wheelie yeah so it's very comfortable you recline in it and it's okay it's actually really big when you look at it like that yeah you needed the wood for the instability it does put a person pretty well though but I guess I mean when you that wheel sits like that normally yeah so it's quite sort of snug yeah yeah and I can 100% show you I have no intention to drink lots of you and get Damon to push me around the car although there are no guarantees all right so you're calling so your other side you said was gearbox and generator yesso generator fresh water cooling and gearbox oil cooling yep this is main engine fresh water cooling so we don't have like like a normally a boat will have ever has raw what a call and we'll have a sea water pump and like a heat exchanger this is the equivalent of the heat exchanger yeah and we don't have a sea water pump we have only fresh water cooling air engine there's no sea when he knew it I'm so just the standard belt driven pump on the front of the engine pushes water down into these pipes and it does a big sort of loop circuit and then comes back out from from the circuit and backed into this one and then goes up into the engine so this this is probably overkill for what we need yeah we've definitely be overkill for what you're doing but a smaller version was a version of you and the beauty of this is again like you can you can completely encapsulate this and we'd and yeah and it's still transfers the heat you know um it's very very hard to break it this there's next to no moving parts yeah on its it yeah and you don't have any thin metals that can corrode out actually just squatting down here is the first time I've seen just how much this front end protection yeah you know is angled and how yeah yeah it's pretty bulletproof so you've got twin so it comes out into two that comes out and out in one and then splits into two yep and then hits heads down there is a joint here so they're down to this one there's all the way to the back of the boat guys up to the side down this one here goes down hits that wall wall completely push back down that one across and then back up and in noise so it's doing a big zigzag circle the whole way around done what a few metres of run before it goes back in and this is designed so this this cooling system is designed to have a 400 horsepower engine at full throttle yep consistently to toe in home water at about three knots in warm water yeah so if you're if you're falling you're only doing sort of three knots or so to three knots yeah but you've got your engine absolutely flat out most of time is just hauling the weight yeah so it's designed to basically keep the engine cool at that sort of strain level exchanges are always a weak part of the system I'd like tank anyway Mike my opinion is that they are a weak part of the system because you've got really thin wall middle yes because you need the thin will meet all two transfers for that so you've only got a very small system to get hot at one in and cover the other so they have to be super efficient and they do that with like thin wall middle which is then susceptible to corrosion because it's think it's normally things like copper or aluminium yeah stuff that gets corroded pretty fast you know um so yeah so I don't know Mike my wife thoughts are always towards how do you build something petty over engineering yeah and therefore put more piping in build a thick wall you know it may not be as efficient as a thin wall pipe yeah just put more piping yeah just like more yeah yeah no that's you've really just seeing how robust it is yeah and how you know one less pump no salt water going through like it's and again you know 60 tonne for all of laid on this when the settlement yeah and there's no dramas they left these in and out of the water and they get squashed with straps and the straps from the trouble lift or whatever yeah yeah and as you say whenever you see all the commercial guys doing it yeah you kind of go yeah it works it works yeah and it works reliably yeah yeah when you're voting as you say you're made head like [Music] 340 days in a year and yeah yeah so this there's two main types of kill cooling that people use so there's this type which you've got pipes raised off the hole yep and then you've got another one where they get like a c-section and they'll weld it to the hole oh okay yeah the trouble with the c-section and a lot of the commercial boats here are converting from that to that to this yeah the trouble of the c-section is because it's got hot and cold yeah quite close together and burns the paint off the inside of hull really see often in trusting your hull out okay because it you've got that constant twisting okay we're doing this it's a wee bit harder than auntie fell this way because you're good horse you know get your ID in yeah yeah but efficiency and longevity it's significantly better okay that's good to know and you've got a bun here for the build I cried the bomb of the key oh that's the lowest point and yet built right analysis of vodka just behind their engine bay buzzes yes there's a bulkhead here which is the freezer room yep and there's a bulkhead here which is under the engine and then the engine has plates that weld it underneath it about here you sort of see the world yeah randomly steering up and then in here is column whoo um and he is full of cement and then this is just the lowest part with with the um because I don't have that I don't have a bummer drain for my now obviously when I was doing the hole I was like I should put one in and I was kind of it my coming from a tinny background and my thinking small boat does anyone ever do this that all the commercial boats have this have this year because I've spent a lot of time getting water like if I dig Ruiz and gurney the engine bay yeah I've then got to pump all that water out so that's if you can't solve me now just throw a stainless yeah nipple in there and a bung into it well the welds good yeah don't you so my advice would be if you're gonna put one end don't do a half inch but yeah yeah you know like scale it up appropriately yeah and when you put the bug in does it have a locking mechanism to make sure it doesn't more itself out and I just just tuck it up it means a couple of schools of thought so you so you put your pipe sealant on the liquid gel right yep screw it in that stuff sits pretty well then you've got your any free company freeze any fellow top yes they do have a layer that's sort of gonna hold it I'll lock it in there yeah although in saying that if you really if you really worry you can always just tap a tech on it on the top of it or something so that you can just knock it off I'm gonna buy it oh yeah yeah that's all of this for us is gonna be cut off when we go to the ice yes I'm so we're going to be moving to what's called a sea chest yeah yeah so basically internal cooling it's similar to this but it's all inside the boat yeah so yeah um yeah cuz we have to protect from ice so everything has to go yeah we've got plenty of room in the engineer oh yeah oh when you cut it off just post it to me as long as the boat no put Linux Chris post bag yeah you oh yeah it's Australian place really yeah yeah alright we can't finish the tool without a little people see a loop here look at the accommodation so so this is this is our kitchen get on the boat at this point is about four meters wide this be no three-and-a-half meters Wow side to side so it goes to the full what wants the full width of the boat and then over here we've put in this is basically just a temporary kitchen setup so that we can figure out what works yeah live on the boat and actually use it and find out what we like yes so we're gonna we're gonna be leaving the cooktop here we're gonna we've got a little oven down you're gonna get rid of and we're gonna move it over to this part so this is a little breakfast bake thing that we made we're gonna put an oven underneath it and then box us all in with cupboards and and so on fridge will stay where it is so the kitchen itself pretty functional it works works really well we've been really happy with it probably not going to do too many more changes to it now it's just a case of cleaning it up and actually making everything you know stainless peaches and yeah Rhino off so the Flies like the prototype years and then yeah I think the fourth version that we we started off with like you kitchens yeah yeah and we had weird two benches and you know stopped here trying all sorts of different stuff in fact we actually found we had the kitchen Beach that came down here and then flies welcome to Australia yeah they kept me to camp down here and then across the in here and then sort of came back up here and we found with the u-shape you couldn't access the corners awry you couldn't reach really you only had a small area to work with so when we cut it out we thought we'd lose heaps of space but by cutting it out we gained a huge game that's interesting yeah yeah and then we can also have like we've got you know drawers over here I've got a you know washing machine in inter and like we just couldn't do that before because it's just just the layered and worker so having the two separate benches has been a godsend mmm that's good to know yeah be an easy mistake to make thinking you've got more absolutely yeah you think more bench space therefore it's gonna be better yeah it's actually come here here the other way yeah so then we've got our accommodation so this is one of our spear Kevin's it's in a bit of a pigsty at the moment but we've got basically a see berth up the top here and then another single bead down the bottom by am considering with this one I've even shortening it up towards the Phaeton more putting it putting another one of these so you can go so you see with it yeah yeah but they're really great they're really comfy this is the first of two layers of insulation no group here because we're going to the ice we need to have 120 mils of insulation on all external walls so this is 60 mil we're gonna add another 60 mil coming down so the room will close in a wee bit yeah but you know when it's minus 40 degrees outside no one really cares about being a little bit compact and then we've got and then this is our room in here so again a bit of a pigsty but this is a again this was a temporary bed that we just kind of knocked together to see what we like in terms of layout so yeah it's the full width of the room and then basically tapers off and yeah so now we're really happy with us we're gonna sort of sort out a like a proper one we'll go through and insulate this room well we'll just move out of this room pretty much and then go through and finish it but we do have a policy of kind of knock up something temporary and then live with it for a bit and see if we like it before we go and build something permanent and then yeah we'll do floor-to-ceiling cupboards sort of behind me and on that side we'll do a little bit of a wardrobe sort of I'm listening that come with me show you where we've got this I just made a little temporary stainless wardrobe we're gonna put a proper one in here as well and then change the durian so that the doors more functional and works better but yeah so this is yeah we've had a few different layers you save the beads sort of tucked into this corner over here and having this way we end up with a lot more flat usable space yeah nice yeah yep now I like your system of living with the temporary version for a while that makes sense to me when I started designing doing the preliminary design for my electrics a couple of people will jump on and said what about battery monitoring and I definitely have something organised for that I've been talking to someone about a particular unit and Damien's got his unit here in the galley and I think it's a really good idea like I think my default choice would we now put it in the wheelhouse as an instrument but I can see where when you're a taint go for a while and there's no real reason to go in the wheelhouse particular on this boat this is where you need to be monitoring how much electricity you've got this is where a lot of your high current draw devices are and everything so I think having this prominently displayed in a living space is a really good way to go I'm impressed with that well that wraps up our tour of Bru peg it's great this boat yard here they've got these big studios for filming in they may also use them for sandblasting or something I don't know I'll be in Bundaberg for another couple of days so we'll probably film a second video maybe we'll have a Q&A session so we'll get that up maybe during the week but when I get back obviously just straight into my boat pretty motivated now having seen all the great work Damian Jessup done particularly some of the ideas for the electrics the keel cooling the hinges for the doors all that kind of stuff so it's given me a lot of inspiration for getting back into those jobs at home I can't thank Damian ingest enough hosting while I'm here show me the boat and looking after me I can't recommend enough you check out their channel which is project brew peg they've got almost 100 videos and all the work they've done so far on the boat and there's loads of details and those to run check it out alright we'll take care I'll catch soon see ya [Music]
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 510,660
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brupeg, bundaberg, steel trawler, brupeg tour, trawler tour
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 09 2019
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