Renko gets painted - last full week on the hardstand

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hey there what's left of bengal stu here today's video is about painting renko and is proudly sponsored by [Music] all right uh yes i missed last week's video it's been a huge fortnight so time to bring you guys up to speed when the underside of the hull was sandblasted there were sections where the boat was sitting on its pads like it is now those weren't sandblasted and as a result all the epoxy's fallen off there so easily so i'm going to get the little turku wheel with the tungsten tips rough all this up and start getting some epoxy primer back on those six spots and the new bits of steel that i've put in here for example [Music] see here it's now roughed up enough with a profile for the epoxy to stick properly this time do that everywhere rinse repeat first thing i do to get ready to paint is start masking up all the uprights on the stainless just going to put masking tape around we're painting here paint around a line leave this all polished stainless above [Music] the first couple of coats put on the outside of the boat were a high build epoxy primer once that was on and dried started sanding it back ready to put the top coat on also sanded the old urethane top coat so the new one keyed in properly with it given it's been on too long to form a chemical bond okay primer is pretty much on this is the paint i'm using for the deck and the inside of the ball walks it's a light gray i had been told that anything with a component of black will get warm but i've also been told that the beiges and the alternatives look really dirty really quickly so this is what we're going with i can see already stirring it's incredibly thick and really tough so really good for you know dropping tools working et cetera you can see how thick it is stirring it i'm just stirring the face before i stir the hardener otherwise when we pour out four liters or whatever we won't get a proper mix of the constituents but the other paint i used the primer you know you'd get little uh you know vortices or whatever in it this is too thick to even do that you know very good deck anyway gonna get in start getting this on you can see how thick it is when you pull the stirrer out the drips don't even find a level again they just sit on the surface hopefully the sugarcane burn off doesn't send any ash this way sometimes bits of black ash fall when they do these burn offs because i'm about to paint it's not a good combination time to put the dark gray on no more blue [Music] this is the door from the side of the wheelhouse and it's actually a slight parallelogram only about three degrees out of square but it's pretty critical for it to close and seal up properly i am making the new frame out of this stainless steel so let's cut this uh say 43 and a half degrees to give us a bevel that gives us an 87 and then the other end we need a bevel that gives us 93. [Music] i am now going to jump into the engine bay and get a few things sorted out another not particularly interesting job i want to do is change all the batteries to be lengthways so no batteries are behind others it also makes it easier to put the house bank 12 volt house bank in parallel these are the starting batteries in series behind there's the 12 volt house blank in parallel down here is the lithium which is 24 volt single unit it's also time to give the detroit a service before we head off so i installed a new oil pump that attaches to the bottom of some so we can get the old oil out [Music] looks like this filter holds about two liters it's amazing [Music] we also have a care package from adrian to install what do we got in here looks like a cummins oh no it's a starter for detroit the uh original starter got stuck on uh a bit of smoke came out i actually left it's been running the entire trip the coast hasn't missed a beat but adrian got this one for me we're going to install this and rebuild the other one as a spare just to be on the safe side so we'll throw this in as well all right squeezed in the engine bay this time with a battery in the gopro nothing better than squeezing back out to grab one uh all right let's take look like three quarter inch nuts on this starter take the positive and negative battery switch is off so we aren't dangling a positive lead around the bilge very unlike me to think ahead so far be getting old it's kind of nice just to be doing a little job like a starter motor it feels quite pleasant after all the massive needle gunning grinding sanding all those really big jobs pretty tiring not the easiest bolt to get to but i've certainly seen worse i'm not jealous of damien's cummins but i am jealous of how much space he's got around it look at him with his big boat in his big wheelhouse i think that's it started it not broke or broke it i think i'm gonna have to angle these oil cooler lines down to get the starter out ah dear oh well another reason to uh do this job now is if you did it in an emergency it could be rough better to find out now than in a four meter c my adjustable flogging spanner it's coming a bit more easily which is something this one down tighten it up that's better well i'm glad we found this out under relatively calm simple conditions another really good reason to install your spares before you need them these two hoses just go up to the remote oil filter here all right now we can get the starter out this beast out of the way oh that ain't like lucky i'm so big and muscly all right hopefully this will mate with the ring gear all right not give us too much hassle looking forward to getting home [Music] after the cruising you know i'm looking forward to that too and i'll do some cruising vids not so much tourist vids as technical vids for seamanship type stuff which hopefully some of you enjoy i know it's not everyone's cup of tea and then when we get back got a whole lot of uh pure mechanical vids planned i'm looking forward to making some outboards some diesel so damian how would you get to your starter if you had to change it i just stroll casually into my large it's a glacial glacial um engine room pull up a seat but you've got to reach all the way across to get to it this engine room's actually the same size as raincoats just cummins don't make so much of a wasted space you know renko's actually very average length for a 30-foot bow while i'm waiting for the dew to dry so i can do another coat of paint i'm going to work on the drawers they're essentially bottle openers with some additional storage i am moving the railings because we're having two face one way one face the other which meant the railings were staggered so i'm moving them to all being a line then i'm gonna use a bit of this box stainless to make a rail that links the three of them together then that railing is then getting bolted to the top of the engine hatch and the table is going on top of the drawers [Music] some imaginary loctite on and then tighten them up [Music] [Music] all right 14 25 to off plan now is we are going to drill some holes in the top let's go say here two per box i guess and that's going to allow us to bolt these down onto these boxes i'm going lazy i hate drilling steel and cutting it for that matter welding it's fun though so i was originally gonna drill a hole so i get a socket and then bolt through the bottom side then i thought why not just put a rivet nut in at least then you're just using a normal metal you know drill bit rather than a hole saw easier and then i thought you know what it doesn't matter the nut can actually be on the outside doesn't have to be rebated the gap won't matter so i'm just gonna weld some stainless nuts on and use that no drilling or cutting at all okay next job is to drill four holes in the engine hatch that i'm gonna use to bolt the drawers on now i've got the holes drilled in the hatch i'm drilling down through those into the stainless tube to make sure they all line up perfectly do this one first so it can't move do the rest [Music] i'm not going to tighten it too much because if i do it'll rock up i'll get them all started i'll get them even until we've got a slight flex in that box and that'll hold everything rock solid time came then to cut the table top to size and also to do a test start on the detroit before being dropped back into the water i have the lid off the sea strainer and the seacock closed so i'm going to put the hose poke it in the sea strainer and then try and get it down the intake hose it'll fill the sea strainer because the sea cock's closed and then just overflow into the bilge take the strainer out to so we can get the hose in all right cable tied on here let's go turn the tap on if we just poke the hose up the raw water intake most of it would have just flowed straight back out again [Music] now all right that seemed to work all right not getting a taco though low voltage detected bank one 10.5 volts what's that bank not sure um what's going on battery-wise let's check all these batteries with the batteries i realized i'd turned my solar off to do a particular task and never turned it back on again so that was nice and simple after that i moved on to repairing the swim ladder which is something i've broken quite a while ago the fun job after that was wet sanding the old antifoul off how much you can actually leave on boats are a lot of fun everyone should have a boat this is a part of boats you don't see the moment you buy it it's the moment you uh it's just fun fun fun non-stop you're evil look at you giggling it's just this is great i've enjoyed every minute of seeing this guy do his boat yeah rightly so enjoy t-minus two days now and four coats of andy failed to get on got the old anti-fowl sander yesterday just gonna mask up the water line start painting still early coffee first sun's coming up then we'll get into it here are the doors they've had their last coat of paint now time to put the new rubbers in windows have been cleaned the glass has been cleaned down here is the platform the fridge goes on still a bit of masking tape around the bottom i welded some feet on instead of having the stays holding it damian and i found this propeller at the scrap yard for like 150 bucks or something crazy bigger than my prop i think the same shaft size it's much easier to have this cut down than it is to build that one up but as damian pointed out we don't have a huge amount of clearance here but it is tempting for me i don't know an option would be to come down here and then i could actually put like a little bit of a skeg like an outboard type skeg so move the strengthening from here to the underside the other thing is it could come right to the back there's a bit of a weak point here where it's got no support so if i took it out from here and had it come it could actually come right to here which is sort of tempting one of those tricky jobs that just had to be done was putting all the new rubbers into the window to replace the old seals the seals i bought in sydney i thought were a better quality of seal but these will get us home i may replace them again down the track all the new window seals are in now got to clean the windows still front deck uh still finishing a little bit of paint around the winch but getting there roofs looking pretty good too one of the local guys here in the yard dale his uh stepson is iglesia lent us the tool for putting the locking strip in so i think i'll donate the leftover rubber and locking strip to him because i'm moving the fridge from here to over here i need to redo the wiring i've decided i'm going to put an anderson plug on the high side of the deck with some waterproofing so that i can easily unplug it because i may want to take it ashore i may want to put it in the land rover i figure it keeps it very versatile this is the plug that it comes with just cut the end off i'm going to put the anderson plug on here finally being convinced i'm better off putting a little bit of dielectric grease in before crimping i'm going to use this factory anderson lead to extend it so i'm going to pop the pins out that way i can feed it down through the conduit put the plug back on the other end the time then came to lift the engine hatch and the drawers up onto the deck so we can put the table top in place [Music] i'm going to let the thing down tightly oh yeah oh yeah just be careful yeah i just need to get a little bit of room on there yeah [Music] hey [Music] we can oh yeah the hard way unfortunately let's just drop to the ground uh hang on hey let me spin it first because it goes if we drop it to the ground we can drop this down yeah and then we can pin it up and swing it around all right if we know where it won't take as much just what we might have there we'll [Music] and the eyes didn't pull out [Music] look at that done just like a bought one thank you this is the box stainless steel i'm going to be using at the bottom of the door and this is the trimming made out of a sort of recycled poly board that won't rot and doesn't need painting so i'm pretty pleased about that i am going to drill a pilot hole through the board into the steel so they're lined up perfectly then we're going to use one of damien's special little uh drill tap combos this is quite thick wall steel once we've got this drill and tap i'm going to weld it on and then we can screw the sort of outside trimming onto the steel here are the new door tracks still going to figure out some sort of sliding mechanism thinking like a thin strip of uh high density polyethylene teflon something like that even bronze but they're there they're working they're back in after all the painting was finished i had to run the polishing disc back over the stainless to get all the paint off that had dripped been on my hands et cetera here's the coomer mounted on the back rail you can also drop the legs down pull this down as a quick release take it off the hook and pop it on the bench but i think it's got a pretty good spot for it got the overg bottle melts on the transom there very nice looking forward to firing that up next job let's go change out that blown ankle light for an led replacement finally the afternoon got pretty windy so apologies for the wind noise in the mic the flathead bolts holding the old fitting in place were corroded bent etcetera so i used my favorite uh flathead screwdriver which is the angle grinder to get those undone that's not normally needed best screwdriver it's not awesome but we do have one bolt into our new ankle light it's feeling pretty solid the reason i'm not super fast is one of my plans when i get back is to make a whole new aluminium mast for renko this has crimp connectors with heat shrink and then self amalgamating tape over the top also here i've drilled and tapped two holes for a pad eye which gives us quite windy now as you can probably hear so let's put a flag up for my flags i've just got the pulley on the mast cleat on the wheelhouse here and then a line with two sister clips they can either attach to each other or you have them on your flags as well these clips just slot in through each other like that do that on both ends then we've just got to pull the right end up if the mast was a little bit taller relative to stage thing could work well [Music] better than nothing so here we go here's the finished product a few little jobs to go though before we launch got to put prop speed on anti-foul on the transducers sonar transducers a little bit electrical but definitely getting there well thanks for watching we launch on wednesday now so a few days to go until we're back in the water but it gives me a chance to finish up these last few jobs get red dwarf back together etc after that we're heading further north up towards the great barrier reef so i'll catch you then see ya [Music] you
Channel: Dangar Marine
Views: 106,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KmDLmnH5UNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 22sec (1462 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 03 2021
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