Steel Framing - Did You Know?

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[Music] when you think of using steel in construction you usually think of commercial structures like this that you see on the side of the road but more and more builders are taking a serious look at using steel to frame homes and did you know that about 70% of all the steel that goes into a home like this is recycled that's the equivalent of about five to six salvaged cars well today I'm at tri steel structures in Denton Texas and we're gonna show you how they make steel framing for homes building a steel framed home is much like putting together a giant erector set and joining me today is David Brown who's president of tri steel structures David why would I want to build a steel frame home over a woodland sure some of the benefits are inherent in the material still will not rot warp crack split or creep some of the benefits are to you as the consumer and high wind areas in earthquake areas fire it's non combustible which results in insurance discounts and finally termites it's obviously a termite proof material how does the process start we're going to receive the material like this in 20 30 and 40 foot lengths from our suppliers we're going to then credit cope it market and Anglet according to the engineering specs that have come out of our try steel corporate engineering office so you can take any set of plans and make it into a steel frame bill that's exactly right about thirty percent of our business is custom we take a set of wood prints and we design it to Steve I notice when I look at a typical steel stud and then the gauge of metal that it's made out of this is pretty flimsy in it's just a flat state but when you roll it into this shape it's very strong one of the beauties and benefits of steel is the flexibility and the strength to weight characteristics of the material now I never have to worry about this rusting it's galvanized protected David is it hard to get a clean cut in the steel not at all Steve we've got a couple of cutting options number one we have a commercial industrial chop saw uses a standard fourteen inch blade to make our cuts typically we'll make our straight cuts with that machine we also have something kind of neat which is a plasma cutting torch now it uses a combination of air and electricity to make it very clean and precise cut that's how you get all the notches so accurate so that when it shows up in the field you don't ought to worry about this stuff putting together that's exactly right our goal is to make it easy as possible in the field every part will be placed in a bundle that bundle will be numbered you'll receive a bundle list so when actually erecting the frame on the job site you go to the appropriate bundle pull out the appropriate members match your drawings find the distances and make your connections so all these are pre-cut so I don't do any notching cutting or anything like that so you're actually speaking everything is pre-cut in pre label so as an owner builder I might be able to try this myself this is perfect for the owner builder if you're interested in framing a home yourself saving some money our product is perfect for that application Steve let me give you an example of what we mean about parts not pieces here's an exterior wall stud pre-labeled pre-cut place the stud in its proper location clamp it down just like vice grips it's exactly right and you're ready to make your connection no sawing no cutting that's exactly right now I notice here that you're using screws not nails and they have a little drill bit on the end of them they're self drilling members so you don't have to pre-drill for your connections I got to try one that's a clutch that automatically stops it's exactly right it's like a giant erector set just like I said concept steel homes look the same as any other home in the neighborhood in fact it's impossible to tell the difference and in America we build over 50 thousand of these each year framing with steel offers some distinct advantages because steel is lightweight and strong it gives you a lot of design flexibility you can span long distances without having to worry about interior supports and you can finish it out in a variety of ways for example over here we have a big cathedral ceiling that's finished out in drywall or we can finish these beams out and wood veneer as you can see the final products look great steel homes stand up well against storms their fire resistant and they can't be devoured by termites [Music] you
Channel: Your New House
Views: 471,890
Rating: 4.9109097 out of 5
Keywords: Your New House, yournewhouse, Michael Holigan, Home improvement, remodeling, home builder, home building, homebuilding, home buying, YNH, Steve Easley, construction science, Did You Know, How it’s made, science of building, factory tours, product testing, home product testing, laboratory test, steel framing, should i buy a steel framed house
Id: dWSmgwPuyE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 25sec (265 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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