TIMELAPSE 5min. Metal House | Costs, Pros-Cons, The Container House Killer?

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we have heard it all you cannot build  your own house you have no experience   you need to get along hire professionals wait  for them well we're here to prove that wrong in this video we show you all you need to  know to build the structure of a house in   less than five minutes how much it costed  us and why we chose lights steel framing   instead of a container or regular wood  framing there is no time to waste let's go we made nine concrete footings  marked their position with lines re-used wood pallets to make the forms bought one still centimeter  rebars for the footing cages mixed the concrete by hand one part of cement  two parts of sand three parts of gravel water poured the concrete and embedded an anchor  bolt in each footing right after pouring concrete we built a raised steel platform as a floor which  made the whole building self-supporting in case   that we want to move it in the future first we  built the two side beams that are composed of   two joists and two tracks screwed together every  twenty centimeters then slid eleven joists   through a track that will go in the middle and screwed  all the joists to the side beams using L angles with the platform perfectly squared we bolted it to  the footings using a pressure washer and two nuts   we sheathed it with eighteen millimeters thick  tongue and groove OSB you can use three quarter   of an inch plywood we glued underneath  and also screw every fourty centimeters we built all the walls on the floor and stood them up from the platform secured it to the beams   underneath going through the subfloor and  braced them to make them perfectly vertical the house will have a loft area with  a bed that will be resting on the   rear wall and interior partitioning  wall, we built the main door header   the interior wall and the loft structure  and sheathed it up with 12 millimeter OSB   you can use half an inch plywood took  us only two days to complete this part   we started by making a template with the  roof angle made the first truss as an   example and took the dimensions to  start making the other 10 in chain   installed the ones on top of the loft area  first and then we moved from the center   of the house to the front total time for  this part was only two days and a half total time for the whole build 10 days  many of you have asked why we went with   light steel framing instead of a container or  a regular wood framing house, versus container   we find many advantages it is cheaper per square meter, lighter, you can have 100% custom dimensions   custom height pitch roof easier transportation etc  versus wood framing steel is lighter and stronger   about the same price or even cheaper perfectly  straight also it does not rotten, material costs   for this project up to this stage foundation  material sand gravel cement and rebars 70 euros   85 us dollars all steel and OSB delivered to  us 1.700EUR around 2.000USD dollars screws   screw bits drill bits and all other miscellaneous  around 50EUR 60USD dollars total cost for this   structure 1820EUR around 2150USD dollars  we will continue sharing costs of each part of the   project in future videos hope this video inspires  someone to start building the life they dream   don't measure yourself by what people think  you can do step outside of your comfort zone   discover what you're capable of by yourself take  risks and we will be standing right by your side
Channel: Modern House Cabin
Views: 802,363
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Keywords: modernhousecabin, modern, house, cabin, timelapse, housebuild, couplebuildhouse, timelapse house build, offgrid, offthegrid, tinyhouse, tinyhome, diyhouse, diyhome, buildingacabin, lifeinthemountain, portugal, diycabinbuild, container house, container house alternative, light steel structure, metal building, architecture, cabinbuild, house build under 5000$, alternative life, Housebuildbeginner, tinyhouseunder10000$, cabinunder5000$, how to build house no experience
Id: e17R_OuDxcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 18sec (438 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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