Steam Deck Quickie: Adding Non-Steam Game START IN and TARGET is broken ... Why and how to fix!

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[Music] foreign [Music] hi everybody Shane R Monroe here so a new update to steam broke something pretty bad it's it's sort of the core of all of my tutorials and so I'm going to show you how to fix this so we're going to just show you like we're going to install the Ubisoft connect uh third-party digital Locker so typically speaking you would go down and you'd hit browse and you would select the installer exe notice something funny here this target has double quotes but this one doesn't because there's no spaces in the path this will actually run as is but later on in the tutorials you're going to be asked to change the path to the actual Ubisoft connect launcher itself and that's when it's going to put a space inside the path and it's going to break everything so let's look real quick on how that works so I'm going to run the installer once to create the proton prefix here in compat data and don't worry about the shaders we're not worried about that yet uh and then so I'm just going to go to the point to where it installs and I have the login screen we really don't need to go any further than that just want to make sure that the app is installed okay so now we're going to go into the proton prefix and we're going to find the actual exe that runs the digital Locker which is Ubisoft connect a scroll through here it doesn't always order it right so there's Ubisoft connect we're going to right click it and copy location this is what I show you on all of my tutorials but unfortunately in their Infinite Wisdom they broke this so now I say to go ahead and set the target to this exe paste it in here and hit open well notice how first off there's now no quotes at the beginning or the end of the Target and the start end is completely wrong you should be starting in the same folder that the exe is in so in order to fix this and I'm hoping that this isn't going to stay a problem forever add double quotes to the front and back of that line copy the whole line down and put it in starts in now remove the exe right we only want the path not the exe so the exe is the Target and the path is where the exe is and now you'll notice if we run it everything works exactly as it should I may update all the tutorials I don't know yet I'm hoping this is a temporary thing thanks for watching like subscribe blah blah blah I hope this helps you out and I apologize for any inconvenience thank you
Channel: MonroeWorld
Views: 15,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: j5flKpTP-tg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 40sec (160 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 17 2023
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