Protontricks for Steam Deck EXPLAINED | Needed for Non-Steam Games #steamdeck

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[Music] Hello everybody welcome back to the channel before we get started I'd like to say thank you to all my subscribers we are very close to the 1000 Mark so if you haven't subscribed and you like this kind of stuff emulation gaming handheld especially the steam deck this is basically all we do so please subscribe and without further Ado let's get started okay so let's talk about proton tricks Photon tricks so if you don't know what proton tricks is go into your discover store and here type proton tricks okay so this is the program it's got this wine glass so if you haven't downloaded it download it first you're probably gonna need it so okay I'm not going to launch it yet so let's say I've got a non-steam game that I want to add to my steam Library so I go to my Steam and I add a game at a non-steam game browse and then let's say I want to add Hogwarts Legacy so I've got Hogwarts legacy.exe I'm gonna add it add selected program see this is the official steam one that I've purchased this is a non-steam one so let's say I want to play this non-steam one for some reason okay um well if you normally just play it it doesn't work right you need to go into its properties and then compatibility we're going to use proton experimental and we're going to run it and it says it has an error it has a we need visual C plus plus runtime okay so what this means is that it doesn't have this dependency so what does what dependency do we need so if you're not sure go into search for your game and then go to this debuts and then it says yeah okay VC 2019 read this sometimes it's 2015 sometimes it's 2022 so now it says 2019 I think we need this one so that's where proton tricks comes in so let's go to proton tricks let's open it okay so the first you're greeted with this page and it shows you all the games the Steam games these are the Steam games and these are the non-steam games that we've installed so for the non-steam games you see I've got hogwartslegacy.exe see this number well this is a folder number so it tells us which folder so we can locate this so it's three four six one seven something like that so go into our home and then go in and hit like there's a hidden folder so if you don't know what hidden folders is go here and then show hidden folders are hidden files and then you can see it so we've got a DOT Steam and then Steam steam apps and then see this folder here compact data this is this folder stores all the games in our steam Library uh the steam ones and the non-steam ones so for the Hogwarts Legacy it's in this starchy called three four six one seven so let's find this okay here this one three four six one seven so in this directory we call this a prefix directory so this is basically a Windows environment where it's running so Hogwarts Legacy runs all the files on this environment and this environment is very bare burned so that's why it doesn't have that visual C plus plus runtime that it needs to run the game so we need to install it here this is where this is the directory we need to install here and so that's why proton tricks when we select this we go inside this folder and we install the dependencies into this folder and this number if it's a non-steam it changes every time you add a new steam game so it says CS3 for 617 right so let's say I say I don't do anything right now let's say I delete this game I remove it okay and then I added the same game so add a non-steam game browse then I'm gonna add the same game so it's the same thing right but it's in a different folder this time so take note of that because it's not always the same number so I'm still going to ex proton experimental all right so now I'm going to run proton tricks again it's not going to be that three four six one seven um let us see does it even have it here uh maybe I need to run it first yeah maybe it's not okay I just maybe just run it play it one time first maybe it needs that okay so it's still the same error we need the visual C plus plus and then we open proton tricks and let's see if it's okay it's here it's three zero zero four one seven this time here okay so yeah that's so you know that it changes for non-steam game for Steam games they always use the same steam ID so but for non-steam games it doesn't have a steam ID so it just assigns one every single time so now we're going into this folder in photon tricks so everything we do now it's in this contained environment this Windows environment that we've created so we've got to select a default wine prefix okay and then we're going to install a Windows dll or component so we're going to install that visual C plus plus runtime okay so here are all the available dependencies we could choose from so we're going to choose that VC run 2019 this is the this is the visual C that we needed 2019 okay so press ok and it looks like it's doing nothing just wait for it don't panic I always panic and nothing happens but yeah just let it do its thing okay I don't know what this means but just press ok yeah I don't know what this means either just okay okay now this I know we're gonna agree and then I'm going to install it this is installing the visual C plus plus 2015 to 2019. this is the x86 version okay let's just install it successful I think we have to install one more the x64 version it'll do it automatically don't worry see this is the x64 version of the same thing yeah I'm agreeing install okay successful okay wait for it it's not finished be patient here okay don't know what this means but press ok ok now this comes back up I'm going to click on install a Windows dll or component again just to make sure I've installed it correctly uh if it's installed correctly it has a check mark so let's say okay so we have a check mark uh we shall see okay yeah the VC run 2019 yeah we've got to check them out so it means it's installed so great let's just cancel all of this and let's try to run the game again okay so we got past the visual C but now it says Windows 10 or later is required to run the game so this means that that environment that Windows environment that we had this one it's not running on windows 10. so how do we change that so proton tricks helps again so we go to proton trucks again and then we select our game Hogwarts legacy.exe double click it just wait for it to load okay so okay we've got to select the default wine prefix again but this time we're not going to install a Windows dll or component we're going to run Wine config this is the one run Wine config press ok so we get this wine configuration and on the first tab applications at the very bottom that has a Windows version It's currently set at windows 7. so that's why we're not we're getting that error so let's change it to Windows 10 click apply okay and then we're done we can cancel out of this all right let's run the game does it work I think so yeah I think we got it so there you have it so you know now that proton tricks actually helps you manage your contained Windows environment for running those non-steam games those that's why this program is so useful so I hope this video really helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe and I'll see you guys in the next one see you later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 19,308
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, protontricks
Id: Kwo-Lld8Jl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 44sec (584 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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