STEAM DECK Lied to me! Lenovo Legion Go Fixes That

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the seam deck will go down in history as one of the best PC handhelds to have ever existed but in my experience the grade on Deck badge sometimes seems like an outright lie therefore making the console kind of garbage in comparison to this beauty the lovo legion go but the real issue lies even deeper than that gron deck Li now I owned a steam deck for about a year and two months and in that time I poured over hundreds of hours playing some of my favorite games to name a few Elden ring we were all playing it let's be honest also Persona 4 being able to play graphically intensive AAA games that I couldn't play on the switch in a handhold form seemed like a dream to me the perfect use scenario in my opinion was sitting down watching a movie on the couch with my fiance while I ran away from Mr X in Resident Evil 2 that to me I was like yo sign me up dude now most games that I released for home consoles are usually very highly optimized by the developers so they can run super buttery smooth you can just load up a game Press Start and then you're in it now this is a super easy to use experience there were all all probably very familiar with never really having to worry about a game crashing for whatever reason it does happen but not that much on consoles to be honest it seems to be that it's a very unanimous decision by everyone that the steam deck offered a very console like experience to your PC gaming in a handheld form now I'm pretty sure if you're watching this video you're very familiar with the Troubles of PC gaming meaning that before you start playing that game you just downloaded onto your computer you have to spend about an hour or two just changing settings so your computer can run it as best as it can now the steam deck does manage to minimize a lot of these troubles and that is all made possible by the great undeck badge that game developers strive for their games to earth now if you don't know what that means it basically means that the tech Geniuses over at valve see how well optimized a game is to run on the steam deck therefore offering that ease of use that they H to deliver on by giving it that great on Deck badge now some games do have minor issues with like Tech sizes launchers and these games might earn a different badge on that scale of steam de deck ready game now I understand that this badge doesn't guarantee that a game will run way better on my steam deck than it would on my PS5 or Xbox I mean even when I would launch these games that were great on Deck I would still have to go into the settings of the game to better optimize and change a couple of things up so these games ran better on the steam I mean for the most part the great on Deck badge really does deliver until it doesn't game crash after game crash after game Crash it seemed like the great on Deck badge basically just meant unreliable for me now I'm going to be completely honest with you guys these game crashing issues didn't happen all the time it's just it happened so randomly and it just like for no reason guarantee you that if I had these constant issues so so so so so much I would have returned the damn thing and just got my money back for example I would launch a game be 15 minutes into that said game and then all of a sudden crash I would relaunch that game go 45 minutes now and then randomly crash now to top it off I would relaunch that game for a third time 5 minutes in correct the craziest part is that on some days it didn't even happen at all I didn't have that issue now this became such a constant thing that I had to deal with that I for the most part knew that if I wanted to get an hour of gaming out of my steam deck I would at least have to deal with three to five crashes within that hour and I'm not exaggerating I've always considered myself to be a bit of a patient person for the most part but dealing with that was is very annoying especially when I would be playing for example Elden ring we know the bosses are like a huge thing in that and for some reason that day the steam deck Gods decided to grace me with an hour and a half without any issues whatsoever all of a sudden I'm in the middle of a boss fight and then crash since the steam deck is a Linux based system it is running a compatiability tool called proton that allows it to run windows-based games after doing some research as to perhaps why I was experiencing this it seemed to be that the issue might actually lie with proton itself many people weren't actually using the stock version of proton that comes with the steam deck they were using either an unfinished experimental version called proton experimental or they were using a custom version of proton called proton G now I'm telling you 90% of the people that I saw talking about these different versions of proton swore that this fixed a lot of their issues so decided to give it a try now this did seem to lower how often these game crashes were happening but this was definitely on a game by game basic some games ran better on the stock version of proton some ran better on the experimental and some ran better on the proton G but every now and then I found myself switching in between those different versions even for just one game cuz one day it would work and then one day it wouldn't this seems to happen most in my case after the stock version of proton had an update a game that I would be playing a day ago on that stock proton the next day that same game would crash after 10 minutes of playing it on the stock proton updated version at the end of the day it kind of just became of what version of proton will work today it just happened so often and so inconsistently that it became kind of a chore to even want to pick up and play my steam deck that dream of me sitting down watching a movie with my fiance while I play a AAA game on my Steam dek deck became a reality where I would sit down on the couch watch a movie with my fiance and I would try not to Chuck my steam deck across the room because I was so annoyed at it if you're a steam neck owner and some of this sounds familiar to you please let me know in the comment section down below what you did to fix it or if this even happened to you or honestly like am I just crazy like was my steam deck the worst steam deck to have ever been released like let me know down in the comment section Below guys needless to say the last few months that I own my steam deck I didn't even touch it so I decided to just kind of sell it not because I hated the console I love it I I still love the steam deck but I think I just hated proton now when the steam deck worked it was perfect I love the down console I took it everywhere with me I would take I would drop off my fiance at work and I would take the console I know I wasn't going to play but hey maybe I got traffic and I would put a little couple minutes in there don't game and drive I didn't do that it's just an example right but all these perfect moments were always kind of followed by an imminent game crash now the steam deck end of success not only sparked a lot of interest in US gaming it also really got the interest of other laptop manufacturers to kind of take their spin into it you know then in November Lenovo decides to bring out their Lenovo Legion go now was it ripping a page out of Nintendo's handbook I mean yeah after the influx of all the YouTube reviews of this handheld PC started flooding my homepage on YouTube I was like okay let's let's look into it a little bit further let's see what's up you know now originally I wasn't planning on buying the Lenovo Legion go first of all to me the price point seemed a little bit too steep you know I got my steam deck for about like 5 something so I didn't want to kind of dish out that extra money and pay a whole like $800 after tax I was like you know what I'm kind of cool there one morning out of curiosity I looked it up on best by and I found a couple that were very nearby then I also saw that there was a couple in the open box category and there was one about 20 minutes away from me and it was like at a $200 off MSRP as you can see you probably know the rest of that story what happened like I mentioned before my gripe with gron deck isn't because of the steam deck it was definitely because of proton being that the legion go is a Windows based handheld PC in theory this should kind of not give me any of the problems that I had dealing with the steam deck and proton now one of the games that I kept having this crashing issue was definitely Red Dead Redemption 2 so I downloaded it on the legion go and let me tell you something I played it for 5 hours straight without any issues yeah if I wanted to have a similar experience like that on my steam deck I would have had to donated a couple of my organs in order to at least get like two and a half hours of my game running like that without any crashes due to freaking proton I mean I think we kind of have a clear winner I can end the video right now if I want to right there has been only one time one time with one game where I've had one issue and that was Dragon Age Inquisition now the issue wasn't with the game itself it was more an issue with the EA launcher I hadn't downloaded it yet and I had it signed into to my account so once I downloaded it and did everything that I had to do I was able to run the game smoothly no problems also in comparison the legion go just feels like a way more premium product to the steam de even though it does have the whole switch gimmick with the detachable not joycons I love it and and trust me you will find yourself using that gimmick because the console itself is freaking heavy guys it's almost like 2 lbs or something like that in my life the legion go has become more than just a handheld PC I actually like to take off the the ual controllers and just use the console itself as a tablet I don't own a tablet so it was kind of like two brids one stone so I will actually play YouTube videos while I'm cooking or I'm just cleaning or doing some random menial task around the house now the Lenovo Legion go is nowhere near being a perfect handheld PC there's definitely a lot of things that it can improve on and honestly I cannot wait for these improvements to be made throughout firmware updates now obviously one of the biggest gripes that I have with a handheld PC market right now is literally back battery life but that's kind of an issue all across every company but this will come in due time as technology gets better and we're able to put bigger batteries into these handheld PCS regardless the Lenovo Legion go fixed a problem that the steam deck could literally never fix and that is to deliver on the gr on Deck promise now if this is your first time on this channel I want to say thank you for sticking to this part of the video it really means the world to me this is actually my first type of gaming slte video I have ever made definitely expect videos similar to this since this year I actually decided to Pivot my channel to do more videos along this line instead of what I was doing uh with my channel before which is a little bit more photo/video oriented content so stick around with that said make sure to subscribe like and comment on the video down below I don't know maybe tell me what I did wrong with my steam deck or what I could have done to help proton run the best it could or just give me some video ideas what other gaming related stuff I can do that you would like to see from me again thank you for watching today's video I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Kevo Salinas
Views: 8,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: msi claw, msi handheld, msi handheld pc, lenovo legion go review, lenovo legion go accessories, steam deck oled, steam deck vs rog ally, great on steam deck, best games on steam deck, steam deck review, legion go, legion go setup, rog ally, steam deck accessories, handheld pc, best handheld pc, best handheld console, legion go handheld, wulff den handheld, msi claw handheld, rog ally review, nintendo switch 2, nintendo switch, steam deck vs lenovo legion go, steam games
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 12 2024
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