The PS5 Pro Just Leaked...

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well ladies and gentlemen it looks like we will indeed have a PlayStation 5 Pro system to look forward to for Holiday 2024 now this seems to be a followup for a couple of stories one was Tom Henderson last year telling us about a PlayStation 5 revision which we do have and we call it basically the PS5 slim and then the PlayStation portal which sounded ridiculous but yeah that also exists it's it's a controller with a screen but still the idea of having a what was basically as a handheld that just streams from the PS5 was weird but then the PS5 Pro was the last piece of the puzzle and it seems like it's coming in to focus more and more now to the point where we even have an idea as to how Sony is putting it together and what they're planning here and in fact looking over it this might be a bigger jump than what we saw from the PS4 base to the PS4 Pro but let's let's go over that here so if you guys enjoy this video make sure hit the like button and subscribe if you're new now we're this is over on Insider gaming and I know many people out there are wondering what we need a PS5 Pro for technically we don't need a PS5 Pro but it has it will have been four years since the PS5 came out and technically that's a year longer than what Sony did from the PS4 to the PS4 Pro I understand that was more or less in response to the 4K surge that seemed to happen but this would just be an Enthusiast product that Sony would put on the market and uh really it you wouldn't need to buy it if you're fine with your PS5 currently but I do think some of the information here is fairly compelling and again might give us an idea as to where Sony's going towards for Next Generation anyway it's titled over in Insider gaming what are the PlayStation 5 Pro specs I will leave a link down below to this article if you want to go through it a bit more uh on your time uh but this details many of the features that Sony is planning it doesn't necessarily go into like the granular details for the specifications like the the CPU with maybe it's clock speed GPU with those sorts of elements the even technically storage size because you you feel like that might become kind of important are we getting two terabytes out of this thing because we kind of figure some of the file sizes may go up if they're uh if they're targeting uh maybe higher resolutions and and higher uh higher quality assets that sort of stuff but nonetheless we can we can take a look at what we have here now it does mention that we're still looking at holiday 2024 that was the plan from Tom Henderson mentioning last year but I I assume now that we're in uh Midway through March that Sony at least has a better idea as to when they're releasing it and keep in mind GDC is next week and they I guess Sony figures well people have had development kits for these things since last year more people got them at the beginning of this year and now more going out they're going to all talk about it the developers so information is getting out there one way or the other this appears to be information by the way that was added through a presentation leak from Moors law is dead and now being being added to the developer portal backend so it it seems like this is a thing that is legitimate and happening here pretty soon now we can take a look at some of the specifications that are outlined here from uh from Tom Henderson and I think a lot of this information is taken from some of the documentation as well as some other sourcing but 45% faster than the PS5 just in kind of like raw rendering but then you have two to three times in terms of rate tracing four times better in some cases which the PS5 the Xbox series while they do rate tracing they're not great at it necessarily it's just kind of a feature they they mention and in some quality modes you'll get it but it definitely hurts performance quite significantly in most cases they do mention 33.5 teraflops we've talked about Tera flops many many times now it's kind of lost its ability to really tell us what a system is capable of uh so that's grain of salt with with that one in general but it becomes more interesting when you get in to PlayStation spectral super resolution upscaling this is their upscaling and anti-aliasing solution that would be seemingly like proprietary for Sony and their PlayStation brand and this I think is going to be the people say what the secret sauce or what whatever I think this is going to be the way that Sony it going forward is going to work to Target just just these higher resolutions that yes will include 8K finally it's on your box for PS5 now by the way but will finally include 8K without having to charge thousands of dollars for a box it's kind of I guess you could say sort of a shortcut or a method for them to get there but if the quality is good enough it probably won't be something that puts many people off anyway they won't really notice some of the differences that you have to zoom in a th% to really see anyway we do have a custom machine learning architecture and an AI accelerator it's supporting 300 tops that's the the measurement of tops is it it's basically how many computations can your AI accelerator your chip can do in in a second and it's what also not necessarily the greatest determining Factor when it comes to how capable the chip is since most of the tests have specific uh equations and stuff in mind but I I do think in this case what we're looking at here is sort of a helper for upscaling these different images and some have wondered if this AI accelerator would work in other facets for just artificial intelligence in general the only reason I I don't necessarily think that is because the base PS5 would not have access to that and I think that is a very important thing to remember that Sony didn't necessarily have people uh developing for the PS4 Pro and if we're going to be going off of that logic here the games have to work across the board so you probably wouldn't have any kind of advanced AI for example in these different games that would leverage this chip not that it's necessarily impossible to imagine that some of these developers might uh try to push the boundaries a bit and maybe use that chip for other things outside of upscaling but I kind of feel like Sony is looking at it as we're going to have this specific chip that's also going to play into what they have labeled pssr PlayStation spectral super resolution and have this system that I'll talk about the price in a minute but coming in at a more attainable price point for 8K resolution as opposed to what you'd have to build when it comes to just a a PC uh that would probably be the big selling point for them and it does make me wonder about the PlayStation 6 because I do still believe that AI is going to come into play for both Microsoft and Sony Next Generation in a more meaningful way than just upscaling the images that sort of thing but the fact that we're already starting to see something like an AI Accel Ator chip in a PS5 Pro that we kind of see where their mindset is and it does make me think that we're going to see that entire door get kicked completely open for Next Generation now I mentioned that I do believe this could be a bigger jump from the PS4 and PS4 Pro and the reason I say that is because of sort of the method that they're outlining here where rate tracing would become much more meaningful and I think something that would just be by default for this system you would have 4K maybe even 60 frames per second as as crazy as that sounds and you would have a chip that would basically be there to work in tandem for this big super resolution that I Sony be working with AMD for this as well and I think that would play into AMD side when they're working on things like rdna A4 that once again would go into the Next Generation device from Sony so there there's a lot in play here but I I really look at the PS5 now as for most people just good enough I will tell you though there are some games recently that I've played where I'm like oh okay this is uh it feels like the PS5 is already getting its limits pushed here and I'm thinking of like rebirth where there's just not a great way to play that game the like the performance mode is blurry the graphics mode feels slow because it's like this underwater feeling 30 frames per second but if you could get that graphic mode at 4K 60 frames per second and maybe even with something like rate tracing yeah for the enthusiasts out there they probably would upgrade but both systems should play the same games across the board so that's one of the reasons I don't mind the PS5 Pro being a thing because it's really just another option and I know people say we we need more games to play on this system but like the hardware division the software division they're not necessarily holding one or the other back at this point so that it seems like a whole other end of Sony to really be yelling at for that this would just be Sony doing what Sony does creating Hardware to help sell other parts of their company which would also include TVs as they are pushing out 8K sets you feel like you need something that's like their Flagship device I don't know like a PS5 Pro to make these 8K sets more relevant so it's I think it's going to be very interesting to see how they approach the marketing around this device especially because I think this thing's $600 and that I I I wonder if it's going to come with a disc drive that's a whole other thing too but I don't think this is going to be cheap and part of that might be Sony realizes you could just buy the PS5 base that's fine it's again there are many people out there that's good enough and even if it's to maybe 5 to 10% of the user base that wants this thing based on how the PS4 Pro sold I think Sony's good with that and this again would just work for their overall R&D going towards the PlayStation 6 and I think think that's going to be a very interesting thing to see but the PS5 Pro uh yeah it seems legit I will tell you it does sound like the developer portal stuff has been updated and I that seems to be something that's also being mentioned even outside of Insider gaming at this point so I I think we're I think we're heading towards a holiday season with new hardware from Sony meaningful Hardware from Sony not a PlayStation portal or some new headphones or something no no whole new system that should be pushing the boundaries quite a bit here and I'm actually excited to see what we have especially when it comes to the tear down for it how does Sony approach the engineering side of thing for let's me a pretty powerful box and one that I'm sure is going to generate quite a bit of heat and suck up quite a bit of energy but let me know what you guys think about all this down below let me know if you're interested in a PS5 Pro or if it's something you're kind of passing on because hey you're just fine with your current system thanks guys for watching and I'll see you next time for
Channel: Spawn Wave
Views: 103,122
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sony, ps5, ps5 pro, playstation, playstation 5 pro, video games, video game news, leak, ps5 pro leak, sony leak, 8k, ray tracing, 8k resolution, ps5 pro specs, ps5 ai, sony ai, upscaling, ps5 pro 2024
Id: Jxno0xtHx9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 16sec (676 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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