Legion Go vs ROG Ally vs Steamdeck OLED - UPDATED 2024 | Which is right for you?

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cyber dopamine here um it's crazy you know time flies we've got the rag Ally Legion go steam de ol these things are rad and I've put hundreds of hours into each one I know them so well and they've changed there's been updates like crazy and so I thought you know what a lot of the comments people are asking like I play this or I'm a dab with three kids what's the most convenient handheld there's a ton of questions so let me do my best to kind of put it into perspective for you guys as for what you should consider and then whatever one you like the most I've made a separate video on it so which handheld is the most convenient it's quite obvious that the steam deck is extremely convenient this thing is a conso like experience far as with these windows handhelds these are just computers I mean the steam's a computer too but this ain't sugar cating anything okay these things are like are actually like having a gaming PC and so there's maintenance you know youve try to update your driers you've got to fix a lot of problems that come up there's a ton of glitches especially with these touchs screens windows isn't really optimized and user friendly but the steam deck is just like you press the power button you pick up exactly where you were 7 hours ago or the day before in the middle of Skyrim or whatever game you want to play double tap to play your game right I mentioned this before you know windows it's like 7 Taps to play a game a huge part of convenience is like you know you want to know that if you bring this with you to your friend's house and they start talking about football you want to pop this on and not worry about battery just want to play it you know the steam deck wins for that because I'll go into battery in a minute here so which handeld has the best battery well if you're looking up buying the legion go or the rag Ally to play on the go I hate to break it to you but it's going to be a stressful situation it is not going to be an easy peasy let's go have fun playing games situation and what I I mean is like maybe you're in the backseat of a car going from Oregon to California or you're on an airplane that doesn't have an outlet next to you you're only going to get about an hour of solid gaming time especially with these AAA games you the legion go I get about an hour 10 minutes and then the r Ally I'm getting like 50 minutes and for some of you that might be great but the problem is that you know you want to play a game you kind of want to get immersed in the game and you want to get consumed in it Hy pretty like hyperfocus right and so it's actually what I I've mentioned this before when you're playing on a Windows handheld you're kind of like playing in fear so here's Elden ring it's unplugged and it's awesome super smooth experience I cannot complain except for the fact that as I'm playing and I'm jumping on my horse like half of my brain is stressing out that the 20% battery is going to pop up on me and then it does and so it's like you can't really get immersed in the game the steam deeg OLED you know when you turn this thing on you've got a good like 3 hours of play time you don't have to worry and when you put it to pause you know you turn off the game set it to the side you can come back and the battery hasn't trained much like it's just super easy going so if you are someone who wants to play on the go the steam deck by far is the winner now let's talk about the big one which is performance right here's a problem this is what a lot of a lot of you guys are kind of conflicted on it's like I could get a legion go or a r Ally with really good performance but then I don't get that clean user console like experience and I get horrible battery so what should I do well you got to ask yourself what kind of games do you play because the way I see it with the steam deck is this thing is a Honda Civic and what that means is it's a very good reliable car it's not the fastest car are but it can go on the highway just fine um but if you are someone who likes those firsters shooter games you like those like AAA games and maybe you want to hold on to one till Grand Theft Auto 6 and all these future releases you know that's where the the legion go and the rag Ally should um kind of be in your favor the way I see it is the steam deck has the worst performance but it's not bad performance like it just does the job if you're okay with 30 FPS you're you're good to go the legion go is second on the list because the legion go is second on the list reason being it's actually more powerful on paper than the rag Ally just by like you just by Ram but for some reason I'm getting way less frames than the Frog Ally this thing is number one for example on the finals as you can see I've got 90 FPS as an average sometimes are breaking 100 frames per second on the rag Ally which is crazy for a handheld the legion go I'm stuck at around 70 and I never really hit past 100 now let's talk about the best display this is interesting because each device has a strong suit within its display the steam bag OLED has an OLED screen the Rog Ally has variable refresh rate and then this Legion go has a giant high resolution big old screen so you got to pick your demon a lot of this is preference for me personally I go with the legion go screen every single time except for when I'm playing tense firstperson shooter games with my friends or my brothers that's where I choose the Rog Ally because of the variable refresh rate things are much smoother you know but with these RPG games the games where you kind of want to like get consumed in the game you're not like super competitive you just kind of want to get lost the legion go has the best screen for that and the steam OLED is incredible obviously as you know blacks are black colors are quite Vivid it's a very bright screen if you get the game when that supports HDR but here's the thing I don't ever come to the steam deck for the screen I never have don't think I ever will um even on the big old gate like I get the hype around in OLED but when I come from the legion go I'm actually quite bummed and so I go into the steam deck just for that convenience sometimes I'm you know I don't feel like keeping it in the charger all the time and I know that if I put the device to sleep it's going to wake back up but the screen has never been like a strong suit so I guess the simplest way to put it is like if you want to get immersed in your game you want to get lost in the world luian go if you like to play games because you're competitive you like those fastpac games rag Ally the variable refresh rate and if you like retro games and and then you like to dabble in the AAA games here and there I would say the steam de Go lit okay the next thing I wanted to talk about is durability right that's huge these are handhelds you want them to last and um there's been some interesting stories with these devices now the steam deck OLED I haven't messed it up but I messed up my last steam deck by dropping it off the side of my bed I broke the right bumper and the back buttons are a little Wiggly if you shake them if I had to pick one that was the least durable I would say it's going to be the legion go and the reason being is because these controllers are detachable which means there's a lot room for wobbliness over time the screen is also Giant and so it's prone and more prominent to screen damage scratches and things like that I've taken this thing everywhere I don't use a case for it I haven't come across anything yet but I can see myself coming across problems in the future if I keep treating it the way I do other than that it's a very sturdy device if you shake it there's a lot of moving things okay and that's why I'm a little Fragile with it second place is the steam deck OLED now I'm not saying that this thing is not durable it's always dependent on circumstance and physics of the fall but I did see the most wear and tear on my original steam deck that I had for a year and this device right here I haven't seen any wear and tear I've taken it on flights I've been all you know been it's been through it so far nothing but number one on the dur durability test by far is I've mentioned this many times is the legion go this thing is built like a tank listen I'm not going to ask you all to subscribe you don't have to if you don't want to um just tell me what I can do to make my videos better this stuff is my I'm obsessed and I want to really like grow this so please tell me what I can do better okay now let's go to the next topic it is able to withstand damages I've dropped this maybe four or five times like I mentioned before my friend James threw it off a roof I I have been through hell and back with this thing I'm serious ring scratching into it dropping it I don't use a case for it when I travel which I do quite often which is probably why I love handhelds I don't have to worry about this stin at all and every time I turn it on even after all these scratches DS and problems it's still ready to present itself really well now I just want to talk about portability cuz again these are handhelds as far as form factor goes it's quite obvious that the leion go is a big giant Beast of a machine in comparison to the other two and it's quite problematic because you got to put it in the case and the case is huge it takes up like 40 50% of your backpack so I don't recommend if you travel a lot I mean the legion go is a great experience but you know the steam deck is a little bit smaller and a tad bit more sturdy and the case is smaller as well and then you you won't have to worry so much about bringing a charger you're not stressing all the time with battery with this it's like you have to pack up put it in the case bring some headphones cuz the audio is really bad and bring a charger as well and so that takes up a lot of your backpack and it's like a lot of responsibility whereas a steam deck you can feel comfortable in just putting it inside the case and go on about your day or you can tuck in the charger on the backside and so really it's just one giant piece that you're worried about the Rog Ally is the smallest and fittest of the three but again you're going to have to bring the charger however I do think that this is the easiest one to just grab throw in your bag throw in the charger I'm pulling it out it's a piece of cake you know and you can hold it super sturdy you don't have to worry about being in a safe environment with it like this thing you can just kind of grab it play it charge it but audio speakers go a long way in playing your games you need good speakers bad speakers kill destroy the experience number three on the list is the Legion go these speakers as I've mentioned before they sound like a tamagachi which really sucks cuz it's the most immersive handheld so I end up putting on headphones most of the time I'll deal with the audio and hope my brain gets used to it after coming back from these two devices but like it is not good okay number two in line is the steam deck ol these speakers are amazing okay they do the job really well there's not too many loads there's not too much lows what can you expect the mids and the highs are good they're clean they can present to you what is shown on the screen very well but number one on the list with the best audio are these freaking is the rag Ally this thing like I've mentioned before finds a way to go around your ears almost like a set of headphones and what's even crazier is like when it comes to like sound staging so like if there's a bad guy over here running through the walls you can hear him you know ex you can like hear him exactly and you can accurately aim down your sides and shoot through that wall and chances are you're going to hit the person just because the aerial the sound Sage is so good which is so crazy they're Extremely Loud these speakers rank up I never have it at full volume the lows are heavier than the steam deck ol the mids are very clean and precise and the highs do not pierce your ears and they fill in the gaps that are necessary for a good gaming experience now let's talk about the best controls um I won't dive deep into this because they're just buttons which for some of you it's a huge thing but here's what I'll tell you the Roy Ali controls there are too many buttons that you never use that are actually quite annoying and if you shake the device you can hear them you always end up accidentally clicking them and they're very unnecessary because they're not programmed and if you want to program these buttons to do something you're going to have to go inside the game go inside Legion space configure things and then like I don't I don't know it's just a hassle I've never messed with them then you've got the rag Ally which does not have a trackpad which is extremely necessary if you like to spend time on Windows maybe you like dragging mods from one file to another or you're kind of like doing things aside from gaming you need a good trackpad cuz it makes your software experience much easier this lacks that but here's what this rag Ally makes up in controls and to me that is latency and that is latency if you play firstperson shooter games you're going to be the most impressed with these controllers okay because like I've mentioned this before here's a slow-mo of the finals obviously there's latency on a handh help what can you expect but it's far less in the Lo R Ally and Legion far less in the legion go and seam de OLED then you have gyro you aim down your sights and you can tilt it it's very accurate you can set the sensitivity to super high that's a very convenient thing and it doesn't have like basically it doesn't have it Blow Weare there's not unnecessary buttons that are just in the way like for example M1 and M2 I don't need more I never used all four on the steam deck and I never touched the legion go once the steam decks controllers are great especially if you like to play balers gate they're very satisfying track pads they vibrate when you move them and they click it's super I love it I love the joysticks they're very stiff which for me is good um the r Aly is very loose leing go is very loose and the for you know you know what I'm just I'm not going to keep going on about controls but now which handheld is the most future prooof we've got some big titles coming up and you sure want that confidence knowing you can play those games when they get released I don't blame you um some of you might look as far as Grand Theft Auto 6 well if I'm confident about one device that could actually handle these upcoming games really well it is the Rog Ally because what it really boils down to is performance and this this thing like I've said is so good at performing at its finest it just man I hit frame rates that my gaming PC 5 years ago couldn't hit I mean it's just crazy now of course this is a Windows device and it's not valve which means Jesus they're coming out with their new handheld their new rag Ally at the end of this year lovo Legion they're going to be they're probably working on something new already but the problem you're going to get with these is that you will lose Support over time whereas the next steam deck is confirmed for another like two or 3 years or something so you know valve is working hard to keep this thing up to date with software updates and fixing problems like the Linux anti-che things like that you know now this is just like the big question I'm going to narrow down what should I get it really depends on the game you play so if you like to play first person shooter games finals Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 I don't know any High tense quick game where accuracy matters you know I'm picking the rag Ally 10 times over that variable refresh rate smooth as butter responsive quick gyro low latency this thing is just perfect for those first person games and then I'll plug it into a computer and use my mouse and keyboard and they wait see it feels perfect if you're in RPG games Elden ring Skyrim balers gate maybe um you know Dragon Dogma 2 Red Dead Redemption 2 100% I recommend you get the leion go the reason being is that that screen just kind of puts you in that world and if you put on headphones I mean you're there you're in the Wild West in St Dene you know it's a cool feeling I remember playing cyber Punk with this thing and I literally got chills the Ambiance of the city I mean I I couldn't believe I was experiencing this kind of immersion on a handheld and same goes with the r Alli and steam deck they don't lack immersion this just does it a little bit better maybe you're a retro gamer okay so maybe like retro games and you like to dabble into first person or and maybe you like to dabble into CL like good game you know and maybe you like to dabble into you know you like to step your feet into some AAA games you know then I tell you to get the steam deck because from an allaround perspective the steam just seems to be the most convenient the most reliable it's never going to disappoint you unless it comes down to Performance with future releases it just does the job maybe you can't play Modern Warfare 2 on multiplayer I get it but chances are you're not buying a steam deck for that so the steam deck is just like the best Retro Gaming slash like I play everything kind of thing
Channel: Cyber Dopamine
Views: 42,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, steam deck oled, rog ally vs legion go, lenovo legion go, legion go vs rog ally, legion go, steam deck oled review, rog ally, pc gaming, steam deck oled vs legion go, lenovo legion go vs asus rog ally, rog ally vs steam deck oled, legion go vs steam deck, asus rog ally review, lenovo legion go review, asus rog ally, handheld gaming, rog ally vs steam deck, steam deck oled vs rog ally, steam deck review, steam deck oled vs ally, rog ally vs, MSI claw
Id: eWo4J0Pupxg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 48sec (1068 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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