Steam Deck Emulation with Gyro Controls! TRY THIS! SteamDeckGyroDSU #steamdeck

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[Music] hello everyone welcome to the channel today let's take a look at steam deck gyro controls with emulation it used to just work but now it doesn't so I'm doing this video I assume you already have UD deck installed if you don't know how to install UD um I have a video you can uh go to the link in the description all right so make sure you have UDC open and all right let's go down here there's something called gyroscope so enable your steam deck gyos script in emulation more info and you need a pseudo password if you don't have a pseudo password go to the start button or applications and then k for console all right and then oh sorry about that mov the camera all right so um press p a SS swd all right and then you can enter your password uh I already have mine done so I'm just going to quit out of this okay so once you've done this and then put your password in here and then install Steam deck gyro DSU then the console will come up should that get the latest release do its thing and then press any key to exit if it's the first time you're doing it um you need to restart your steam deck because um it needs to start the service so the service starts when the system boots all right so okay okay so I've already done it so yeah I don't really need to restart all right and then let's test it out so you go to Yuzu the switch emulator all right want to update to the main line all right let's update it update for the latest version okay it's downloading all right and then we go to emulation configure controls all right and then make sure let me expand it all right see here motion make sure it's ticked configure and then we can test it all right and it should successfully receive data from the server right if you get like you can't connect to the server either you need to restart your steam deck or you need to reinstall that um gyro DSU from muud all right so okay okay and then normally it just works but now it doesn't all right so let's just go to gaming mode Let's go to gaming mode it doesn't work off the bat right now so we have to do something else all right I'll show you um in the past I think it was like Steam OS 3.4.8 it just works and I haven't played steam um like switch games on my steam deck for a while so I didn't notice this but someone messaged in the comment section saying that it didn't work that's why I looked into it yeah you need to do something else all right so let me just boot up my steam deck all right I'm currently on let me see okay settings all right system okay I'm currently on 3.5.1 you can see here I'm on the stable oh no I'm on Steam deck beta all right beta Channel I'm on 3.5.1 just if you're wondering all right so let's test out Super Mario Odyssey on the USU emulator this is a switch game we can test out the gyos all right just wait for it to boot up okay the game's booting up okay okay okay resume and I don't think it works all right yeah see like I'm moving and it doesn't work all right so what you do I've got the keyboard and mouse connected because I'm on a dock so I'm just going to go and open the settings so see here emulation configure all right and then controls you can see motion you can see motion like it's still like it says it works see it successfully received data normally it just works but now it doesn't so what you need to do all right let's put out this first thing you need to do go to your controller settings controller settings all right so I'm with um game pad with joystick trackpad all right so I'm going to edit the layout and then I'm going to go to the left hand side gyro and see the gyro Behavior it's it's none I'm going to set it to directional pad and then just either one of these just click here and then I'm going to go to the top action sets and then cleared from parent all right cleared from parent all right and that's it that's it for here and let's see okay okay yeah still doesn't work oh actually it does oh yeah now it just works oh it works well that's pretty cool let me see other settings uh configure okay controls all right so yeah make sure you have this like the motion shake it like make sure it's seem you hook uh this one make sure it has this that that makes it work all right so you have to make sure that the settings this like you click on it and you shake yeah and then it works all right so yeah pretty cool so let me test it out again yeah it works so yeah that's all right that's uh for for Yuzu all right let's do one more since pretty early in the in this uh in the video Let's do um you want to do Citrix not not Citrix Citra or do you want to do do breath of the Wild on uh seu all right let's do seu I think more people play seu I guess not sure they all work the same you just have to set it just have to set it all right so let's low breath of the wild okay so it's loading the shaders okay so I think we're almost there yep almost there so let me start the game okay okay so let me see yeah see here I can't move the gyro all right okay so do the same thing go to your controller settings and then edit layouts go to the gyro gyro Behavior go to directional pad and then here any one of these action sets cleared from parent okay let's back out of it okay yes see now now see now it works yeah it works okay so good all right so that's how you do it so you want to do Citra as well all right let's try Citra let's try Citra okay let's quit out this Citra I got uh ocarine of Time 3D all right let's try Citra I think it's the same thing they just all work this way now so I'm just doing all in one video all right so this Citra okay so I'm just going to load up the game okay this a brand new game pretty sure okay see I'm moving and that doesn't work all right yeah not not working so go to controller settings same thing I think you get the hang of it now edit layout go to gyro gyro Behavior directional pad and then here add a Command action sets cleared from parent okay yeah see now now it works yeah good all right so I hope this video helped you out if it did please leave a like And subscribe to the channel and I'll see you guys in the next one later
Channel: Grown Up Gaming
Views: 8,753
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: steam deck, gyro, gyro controls, emudeck, yuzu, emulator, emulation, citra, cemu, gyroscope, steam deck emulation
Id: q-ehLPk9HXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 41sec (581 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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